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(* Copyright (c) - 2015--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute                *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2015--2018 - Inria                                   *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2016--2018 - Polytechnique                           *)

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Notation "[ predI _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ predU _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ predD _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ predC _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ preim _ of _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
New coercion path [GRing.subring_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi; GRing.semiring_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subring_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed. New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi; GRing.semiring_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.sdivr_closed_div; GRing.divr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.sdivr_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.subalg_closedBM; GRing.subring_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subalg_closedZ; GRing.submod_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.divring_closed_div; GRing.sdivr_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.divring_closedBM; GRing.subring_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.divalg_closedBdiv; GRing.divring_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.divalg_closedZ; GRing.subalg_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.Pred.subring_smul; GRing.Pred.smul_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul is ambiguous with existing [GRing.Pred.subring_semi; GRing.Pred.semiring_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [Empty.mixin; Empty.eqMixin] : Empty.class_of >-> Equality.mixin_of is ambiguous with existing [Empty.base; Finite.base; Choice.base] : Empty.class_of >-> Equality.mixin_of. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [Empty.mixin; Empty.choiceMixin] : Empty.class_of >-> Choice.mixin_of is ambiguous with existing [Empty.base; Finite.base; Choice.mixin] : Empty.class_of >-> Choice.mixin_of. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [Empty.mixin; Empty.countMixin] : Empty.class_of >-> Countable.mixin_of is ambiguous with existing [Empty.base; Finite.mixin; Finite.mixin_base] : Empty.class_of >-> Countable.mixin_of. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
Notation "_ \* _" was already used in scope ring_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "\- _" was already used in scope ring_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Require Import xfinmap ereal reals discrete. Require Import topology realseq realsum. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Unset SsrOldRewriteGoalsOrder. Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. Local Open Scope ring_scope. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Local Notation simpm := Monoid.simpm. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Reserved Notation "\dlet_ ( i <- d ) E" (at level 36, E at level 36, i, d at level 50, format "'[' \dlet_ ( i <- d ) '/ ' E ']'"). Reserved Notation "\dlim_ ( n ) E" (at level 36, E at level 36, n at level 50, format "'[' \dlim_ ( n ) '/ ' E ']'"). Reserved Notation "\P_[ mu ] E" (at level 2, format "\P_[ mu ] E"). Reserved Notation "\P_[ mu , A ] E" (at level 2, format "\P_[ mu , A ] E"). Reserved Notation "\E?_[ mu ] f" (at level 2, format "\E?_[ mu ] f"). Reserved Notation "\E_[ mu ] f" (at level 2, format "\E_[ mu ] f"). Reserved Notation "\E_[ mu , A ] f" (at level 2, format "\E_[ mu , A ] f"). Local Notation "\`| f |" := (fun x => `|f x|) (at level 2). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Distribution. Variables (R : realType) (T : choiceType). Structure distr := Distr { mu :> T -> R; _ : forall x, 0 <= mu x; _ : summable mu; _ : psum mu <= 1 }. Definition distr_of of phant R & phant T := distr. End Distribution. Notation "{ 'distr' T / R }" := (distr_of (Phant R) (Phant T)) (at level 0, T at level 2, format "{ 'distr' T / R }") : type_scope. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DistrCoreTh. Context {R : realType} (T : choiceType) (mu : {distr T / R}). Lemma ge0_mu : forall x, 0 <= mu x. Proof. by case: mu. Qed. Lemma le1_mu : psum mu <= 1. Proof. by case: mu. Qed. Lemma summable_mu : summable mu. Proof. by case: mu. Qed. End DistrCoreTh. #[global] Hint Resolve ge0_mu le1_mu summable_mu : core. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Clamp. Context {R : realType}. Definition clamp (x : R) := Num.max (Num.min x 1) 0. Lemma ge0_clamp x : 0 <= clamp x. Proof. by rewrite le_maxr lexx orbT. Qed. Lemma le1_clamp x : clamp x <= 1. Proof. by rewrite le_maxl le_minl lexx ler01 orbT. Qed. Definition cp01_clamp := (ge0_clamp, le1_clamp). Lemma clamp_in01 x : 0 <= x <= 1 -> clamp x = x. Proof. by case/andP=> ge0_x le1_x; rewrite /clamp min_l ?max_l. Qed. Lemma clamp_id x : clamp (clamp x) = clamp x. Proof. by rewrite clamp_in01 // !cp01_clamp. Qed. Lemma clamp0 : clamp 0 = 0. Proof. by rewrite clamp_in01 // lexx ler01. Qed. Lemma clamp1 : clamp 1 = 1. Proof. by rewrite clamp_in01 // lexx ler01. Qed. End Clamp. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section StdDefs. Context {R : realType} (T : choiceType). Implicit Types (mu : {distr T / R}) (A B E : pred T) (f : T -> R). Definition dinsupp mu := fun x => mu x != 0 :> R. Lemma in_dinsupp x (mu : {distr T / R}) : (x \in dinsupp mu) = (mu x != 0). Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma dinsuppP mu x : reflect (mu x <> 0) (x \in dinsupp mu). Proof. by apply: (iffP idP) => /eqP. Qed. Lemma dinsuppPn mu x : reflect (mu x = 0) (x \notin dinsupp mu). Proof. by rewrite -topredE /dinsupp /= negbK; apply/eqP. Qed. Definition pr mu E := psum (fun x => (E x)%:R * mu x). Definition prc mu E A := pr mu [predI E & A] / pr mu A. Definition esp mu f := sum (fun x => f x * mu x). Definition espc mu f A := sum (fun x => f x * prc mu (pred1 x) A). Definition has_esp mu f := summable (fun x => f x * mu x). End StdDefs. Notation "\P_[ mu ] E" := (pr mu E). Notation "\P_[ mu , A ] E" := (prc mu E A). Notation "\E_[ mu ] f" := (esp mu f). Notation "\E_[ mu , A ] f" := (espc mu f A). Notation "\E?_[ mu ] f" := (has_esp mu f). Notation dweight mu := (\P_[mu] predT). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DistrTheory. Context {R : realType} {T : choiceType} (mu : T -> R). Definition isdistr := (forall x, 0 <= mu x) /\ (forall J, uniq J -> \sum_(j <- J) mu j <= 1). Hypothesis isd : isdistr. Local Lemma isd1 : forall x, 0 <= mu x. Proof. by case: isd. Qed. Local Lemma isd2 : summable mu. Proof. case: isd=> _ h; apply/summable_seqP; exists 1=> //. move=> s /h /(le_trans _); apply; rewrite le_eqVlt; apply/orP. by left; apply/eqP/eq_bigr=> i _; rewrite ger0_norm ?isd1. Qed. Local Lemma isd3 : psum mu <= 1. Proof. rewrite psumE; [apply/isd1 | apply/isd2 | apply/sup_le_ub]. by exists 0, fset0; rewrite big_fset0. apply/ubP=> y [x ->]; rewrite big_fset_seq /=. by case: isd => _; apply; case: x => x /= /canonical_uniq. Qed. Definition mkdistr := @Distr R T mu isd1 isd2 isd3. Lemma mkdistrE : mkdistr =1 mu. Proof. by []. Qed. Definition ispredistr {T : choiceType} (mu : T -> R) := [/\ forall x, 0 <= mu x & summable mu]. End DistrTheory. Lemma isdistr_finP {R : realType} {I : finType} (mu : I -> R) : (isdistr mu) <-> (forall x, 0 <= mu x) /\ (\sum_j mu j <= 1). Proof. split=> -[ ge0_mu le1]; split=> //. + by apply/le1; rewrite /index_enum -enumT enum_uniq. + move=> J uqJ; rewrite big_uniq 1?(le_trans _ le1) //=. by rewrite [X in _<=X](bigID (mem J)) /= ler_addl sumr_ge0. Qed. Lemma le1_mu1 {R : realType} {T : choiceType} (mu : {distr T / R}) x : mu x <= 1. Proof. apply/(@le_trans _ _ (psum mu)) => //; rewrite -[mu x]ger0_norm //. by apply/ger1_psum. Qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DistrD. Context {R : realType} {T : choiceType} (mu : T -> R). Definition mnull := fun x : T => (0 : R). Lemma isd_mnull : isdistr mnull. Proof. by split=> // J _; rewrite big1 ?ler01. Qed. Definition dnull := locked (mkdistr isd_mnull). Lemma dnullE x : dnull x = 0. Proof. by unlock dnull. Qed. Definition mkdistrd : {distr T / R} := if @idP `[< isdistr mu >] is ReflectT Px then mkdistr (asboolW Px) else dnull. End DistrD. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Lemma lef_dnull {R : realType} {T : choiceType} (mu : {distr T / R}) : dnull <=1 mu. Proof. by move=> x; rewrite dnullE ge0_mu. Qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Restr. Context {R : realType} {T : choiceType} (p : pred T). Definition mrestr (mu : {distr T / R}) := fun x => if p x then mu x else 0. Lemma isd_mrestr (mu : {distr T / R}) : isdistr (mrestr mu). Proof. split=> [x|J]; first by rewrite /mrestr; case: ifP. move=> eqJ; apply/(@le_trans _ _ (\sum_(j <- J) `|mu j|)). + apply/ler_sum=> i _; rewrite /mrestr; case: ifPn=> _. by apply/ler_norm. by apply/normr_ge0. + by apply/(le_trans _ (le1_mu mu))/gerfinseq_psum. Qed. Definition drestr (mu : {distr T / R}) := locked (mkdistr (isd_mrestr mu)). Lemma drestrE (mu : {distr T / R}) x : drestr mu x = if p x then mu x else 0. Proof. by unlock drestr. Qed. End Restr. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section RestrTheory. Context {R : realType} {T : choiceType}. Lemma drestrD (mu : {distr T / R}) (p : pred T) x : mu x = drestr p mu x + drestr (predC p) mu x. Proof. by rewrite !drestrE !inE; case: ifPn; rewrite /= (addr0, add0r). Qed. Lemma dinsupp_restr (mu : {distr T / R}) (p : pred T) x : (x \in dinsupp (drestr p mu)) = (x \in dinsupp mu) && p x. Proof. apply/dinsuppP/idP. - by rewrite drestrE; case: ifP=> // _ /dinsuppP ->. - by case/andP; rewrite drestrE => /dinsuppP ? ->. Qed. End RestrTheory. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DRat. Context {R : realType} (T : choiceType). Local Notation distr := {distr T / R}. Implicit Types (s : seq T). Definition mrat (s : seq T) : T -> R := fun x : T => (count (pred1 x) s)%:R / (size s)%:R. Lemma ge0_mrat s : forall x, 0 <= mrat s x. Proof. by move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 ?invr_ge0 // ler0n. Qed. Local Lemma has_sup_mrat s J : uniq J -> \sum_(i <- J) mrat s i <= 1. Proof. move=> uqJ; rewrite -mulr_suml /= -natr_sum; case: (size s =P 0%N). by move=> ->; rewrite invr0 mulr0 ler01. move=> /eqP nz_s; rewrite ler_pdivr_mulr ?ltr0n ?lt0n // mul1r. rewrite ler_nat (bigID (mem s)) /= [X in (_+X)%N]big1 ?addn0. by move=> i /count_memPn. have ->: (size s = \sum_(i <- undup s) count_mem i s)%N. rewrite -sum1_size -big_undup_iterop_count; apply: eq_bigr => i _. by rewrite Monoid.iteropE iter_addn addn0 mul1n. rewrite [X in (_<=X)%N](bigID (mem J)) /= -ltnS -addSn. rewrite ltn_addr //= ltnS -big_filter -[X in (_<=X)%N]big_filter. rewrite leq_eqVlt; apply/orP; left; apply/eqP/perm_big. apply/uniq_perm; rewrite ?filter_uniq ?undup_uniq //. by move=> x; rewrite !mem_filter mem_undup andbC. Qed. Local Lemma mrat_sup s : (0 < size s)%N -> \sum_(i <- undup s) mrat s i = 1. Proof. move=> gt0_s; rewrite -mulr_suml -natr_sum. apply/(mulIf (x := (size s)%:R)); first by rewrite pnatr_eq0 -lt0n. rewrite mul1r -mulrA mulVf ?mulr1 ?pnatr_eq0 -?lt0n //; congr (_%:R). rewrite -sum1_size -[in RHS]big_undup_iterop_count/=; apply: eq_bigr => i _. by rewrite Monoid.iteropE iter_addn addn0 mul1n. Qed. Local Lemma summable_mrat s: summable (mrat s). Proof. apply/summable_seqP; exists 1=> // J uqJ; rewrite (eq_bigr (mrat s)). by move=> j _; rewrite ger0_norm ?ge0_mrat. by apply/has_sup_mrat. Qed. Lemma isd_mrat s : isdistr (mrat s). Proof. by split; [apply/ge0_mrat | apply/has_sup_mrat]. Qed. Definition drat s := locked (mkdistr (isd_mrat s)). Lemma drat1E s x : drat s x = (count_mem x s)%:R / (size s)%:R. Proof. by unlock drat; rewrite mkdistrE. Qed. Definition dunit x := locked (drat [:: x]). Definition duni s := locked (drat (undup s)). Lemma dunit1E x y : (dunit x) y = (x == y)%:R. Proof. by unlock dunit; rewrite drat1E /= !(simpm, invr1). Qed. Lemma duni1E s x : (duni s) x = (x \in s)%:R / (size (undup s))%:R. Proof. by unlock duni; rewrite drat1E count_uniq_mem ?(mem_undup, undup_uniq). Qed. Lemma in_dunit t t' : t' \in dinsupp (dunit t) -> t' = t :> T. Proof. by rewrite in_dinsupp dunit1E pnatr_eq0 eqb0 negbK => /eqP. Qed. End DRat. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Flip. Context {R : realType}. Definition mflip (xt : R) := fun b => if b then clamp xt else 1 - clamp xt. Lemma isd_mflip xt : isdistr (mflip xt). Proof. apply/isdistr_finP; split=> [b|]. + by case: b; rewrite ?subr_ge0 cp01_clamp. + by rewrite /index_enum !unlock /= addr0 addrCA subrr addr0. Qed. Definition dflip (xt : R) := locked (mkdistr (isd_mflip xt)). Lemma dflip1E xt : dflip xt =1 mflip xt. Proof. by unlock dflip; apply/mkdistrE. Qed. End Flip. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Std. Context {R : realType}. Local Notation distr T := {distr T / R}. Implicit Types (T U : choiceType). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Bind. Context {T U : choiceType} (f : T -> distr U) (mu : distr T). Definition mlet := fun y : U => psum (fun x => mu x * f x y). Lemma isd_mlet : isdistr mlet. Proof. split=> [x|J uqJ]; first by apply/ge0_psum. rewrite /mlet psum_bigop; first by move=> y x; rewrite mulr_ge0. move=> u; apply/(le_summable (F2 := mu)) => //. by move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 //= ler_pimulr ?le1_mu1. apply/(le_trans _ (le1_mu mu))/le_psum => //. move=> x; rewrite sumr_ge0 /= => [y _|]; first by rewrite mulr_ge0. rewrite -mulr_sumr ler_pimulr //; apply/(le_trans _ (le1_mu (f x))). have := summable_mu (f x) => /gerfinseq_psum => /(_ _ uqJ). by apply/(le_trans _)/ler_sum=> y _; apply/ler_norm. Qed. Definition dlet := locked (mkdistr isd_mlet). Lemma dletE y : dlet y = psum (fun x => mu x * f x y). Proof. by unlock dlet. Qed. End Bind. Notation "\dlet_ ( i <- d ) E" := (dlet (fun i => E) d). Definition dlift {A : choiceType} (f : A -> {distr A / R}) := fun d => \dlet_(x <- d) f x. Definition diter {A : choiceType} n (f : A -> {distr A / R}) := fun a => (iter n (dlift f) (dunit a)). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section BindTheory. Variables (T U : choiceType). Implicit Types (f g : T -> distr U) (mu nu : distr T). Lemma dlet_null f : dlet f dnull =1 dnull. Proof. move=> x; rewrite dletE dnullE /= /mlet psum_eq0 //. by move=> y; rewrite dnullE mul0r. Qed. Lemma dlet_unit f v : \dlet_(y <- dunit v) f y =1 f v. Proof. move=> y; rewrite dletE (psum_finseq (r := [:: v])) //. move=> x; rewrite !inE dunit1E mulf_eq0 => /norP[]. by rewrite pnatr_eq0 eqb0 negbK => /eqP->. by rewrite big_seq1 dunit1E eqxx mul1r ger0_norm. Qed. Lemma dlet_dunit_id mu : \dlet_(t <- mu) (dunit t) =1 mu. Proof. move=> x; rewrite dletE (psum_finseq (r := [:: x])) //. move=> y; rewrite !inE dunit1E mulf_eq0 pnatr_eq0. by case/norP; rewrite eqb0 negbK. by rewrite big_seq1 dunit1E eqxx mulr1 ger0_norm. Qed. Lemma eq_in_dlet f g mu nu : {in dinsupp mu, f =2 g} -> mu =1 nu -> dlet f mu =1 dlet g nu. Proof. move=> eq_f eq_mu; unlock dlet=> y /=; apply/eq_psum=> x. rewrite -eq_mu; case/boolP: (x \in dinsupp mu) => [/eq_f ->//|]. by move/dinsuppPn=> ->; rewrite !mul0r. Qed. Lemma summable_mu_wgtd (f : T -> R) mu : (forall x, 0 <= f x <= 1) -> summable (fun x => mu x * f x). Proof. move=> in01_f; apply/summableMr=> //. exists 1 => x; case/andP: (in01_f x) => ge0_fx le1_fx. by rewrite ger0_norm. Qed. Lemma summable_mlet f mu y : summable (fun x : T => mu x * (f x) y). Proof. by apply/summable_mu_wgtd=> x; rewrite ge0_mu le1_mu1. Qed. Lemma le_in_dlet f g mu : {in dinsupp mu, f <=2 g} -> dlet f mu <=1 dlet g mu. Proof. (* summable -> refactor *) move=> le_f; unlock dlet=> y /=; apply/le_psum/summable_mlet. move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 //=; case: (mu x =P 0). by move=> ->; rewrite !mul0r. by move/dinsuppPn/le_f/(_ y) => h; rewrite ler_pmul. Qed. Lemma le_mu_dlet f mu nu : mu <=1 nu -> dlet f mu <=1 dlet f nu. Proof. move=> le_mu x; unlock dlet; rewrite /= /mlet. apply/le_psum/summable_mlet => y; rewrite mulr_ge0 //=. case: (mu y =P 0) => [->|]; first by rewrite mul0r mulr_ge0. by move=>/dinsuppPn=> h; rewrite ler_pmul. Qed. Lemma le_dlet f g mu nu : mu <=1 nu -> {in dinsupp mu, forall x, f x <=1 g x} -> \dlet_(x <- mu) f x <=1 \dlet_(x <- nu) g x. Proof. move=> le_mu le_fg x. by apply/(le_trans (le_in_dlet le_fg _))/le_mu_dlet. Qed. Lemma dletC (mu : {distr T / R}) (nu : {distr U / R}) y : (\dlet_(_ <- mu) nu) y = (dweight mu) * (nu y). Proof. rewrite dletE /pr [_ * nu y]mulrC -psumZ //=; apply/eq_psum. by move=> /= x; rewrite mul1r mulrC. Qed. Lemma dinsupp_dlet f mu y : y \in dinsupp (\dlet_(x <- mu) f x) -> exists2 x, x \in dinsupp mu & f x y != 0. Proof. move/dinsuppP; rewrite dletE => /neq0_psum [x /eqP]; rewrite mulf_eq0. by case/norP=> /eqP/dinsuppPn mux nz_fxy; exists x. Qed. Lemma dlet_dinsupp f mu x y : x \in dinsupp mu -> f x y != 0 -> y \in dinsupp (dlet f mu). Proof. move=> /dinsuppP /eqP mux nz_fxy; apply/dinsuppP; rewrite dletE. move/eq0_psum => /(_ (summable_mlet _ _ _) x) => /eqP. by rewrite mulf_eq0 (negbTE mux) (negbTE nz_fxy). Qed. Lemma dlet_eq0 (f : T -> U) mu y : {in dinsupp mu, forall x, f x != y} -> (\dlet_(x <- mu) dunit (f x)) y = 0. Proof. move=> h; unlock dlet => /=; apply/psum_eq0 => x. case/boolP: (x \in dinsupp mu) => [|/dinsuppPn->]; last by rewrite mul0r. by move/h; rewrite dunit1E => /negbTE ->; rewrite mulr0. Qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Lemma eq0_dlet (mu : {distr T / R}) (F : T -> {distr U / R}) y : (\dlet_(x <- mu) F x) y = 0 -> forall x, x \in dinsupp mu -> F x y = 0. Proof. unlock dlet; rewrite /= /mlet => /eq0_psum h x /dinsuppP /eqP mu_x. have {}/h: summable (fun x => mu x * F x y). apply/(le_summable (F2 := mu)) => // z. by rewrite mulr_ge0 //= ler_pimulr // le1_mu1. by move/(_ x)/eqP; rewrite mulf_eq0 (negbTE mu_x) /= => /eqP. Qed. End BindTheory. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DLetDLet. Context {T U V : choiceType} (f1 : T -> distr U) (f2 : U -> distr V). Lemma dlet_dlet (mu : {distr T / R}) : \dlet_(x <- \dlet_(y <- mu) f1 y) f2 x =1 \dlet_(y <- mu) (\dlet_(x <- f1 y) f2 x). Proof. move=> z; unlock dlet => /=; rewrite /mlet /=. pose S y x := mu x * (f1 x y * f2 y z). rewrite (eq_psum (F2 := fun y => psum (S^~ y))) => [x|]. by rewrite -psumZ //; apply/eq_psum => y /=. rewrite interchange_psum. + by move=> x; apply/summableZ/summable_mlet. + rewrite {}/S; apply/(le_summable (F2 := mu)) => //. move=> x; rewrite ge0_psum /= psumZ ?ler_pimulr //. apply/(le_trans _ (le1_mu (f1 x)))/le_psum => //. by move=> y; rewrite mulr_ge0 //= ler_pimulr ?le1_mu1. apply/eq_psum=> y /=; rewrite -psumZr //. by apply/eq_psum=> x /=; rewrite {}/S mulrA. Qed. End DLetDLet. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DLetAlg. Context {T U : choiceType} (mu mu1 mu2 : {distr T / R}). Lemma dlet_additive (f : T -> {distr U / R}) z : (forall x, mu x = mu1 x + mu2 x) -> (\dlet_(x <- mu) f x) z = (\dlet_(x <- mu1) f x) z + (\dlet_(x <- mu2) f x) z. Proof. move=> muD; rewrite !dletE -psumD /=. by move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0. by move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0. by apply/summable_mlet. by apply/summable_mlet. by apply/eq_psum=> x /=; rewrite -mulrDl -muD. Qed. End DLetAlg. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Definition mlim T (f : nat -> distr T) : T -> R := fun x => fine (nlim (fun n => f n x)). Lemma isd_mlim T (f : nat -> distr T) : isdistr (mlim f). Proof. split=> [x|J]; rewrite /mlim. case: nlimP=> // l cvSl; apply/fine_ge0/(ncvg_geC _ cvSl). by move=> n; apply/ge0_mu. move=> uqJ; pose F j := if `[< iscvg (fun n => f n j) >] then fun n => f n j else 0%:S. apply/(@le_trans _ _ (\sum_(j <- J) (fine (nlim (F j) (*: R*))))). apply/ler_sum=> j _; rewrite /F; case/boolP: `[< _ >] => //. move/asboolPn=> h; rewrite nlimC; case: nlimP=> //. by case=> // l cf; case: h; exists l. rewrite -lee_fin -nlim_sumR => [i _|]. rewrite /F; case/boolP: `[< _ >] => [/asboolP //|]. by move=> _; apply/iscvgC. rewrite leNgt; apply/negP; pose s n := \sum_(j <- J) F j n. move/ncvg_gt=> -/(_ s (nlim_ncvg _)) []. suff: iscvg s by case=> l cs; exists l%:E. apply/iscvg_sum=> j _; rewrite /F; case/boolP: `[< _ >]. by move/asboolP. by move=> _; apply/iscvgC. move=> K /(_ _ (leqnn K)) /=; apply/negP; rewrite -leNgt. apply/(@le_trans _ _ (\sum_(j <- J) f K j)); last first. have /(gerfinseq_psum uqJ) := summable_mu (f K). move/le_trans=> -/(_ _ (le1_mu (f K)))=> h. by apply/(le_trans _ h)/ler_sum=> i _; apply/ler_norm. apply/ler_sum=> j _; rewrite /F; case/boolP: `[< _ >]; [done|]. by move=> _; apply/ge0_mu. Qed. Definition dlim T (f : nat -> distr T) := locked (mkdistr (isd_mlim f)). Notation "\dlim_ ( n ) E" := (dlim (fun n => E)). Lemma dlimE T (f : nat -> distr T) x : (\dlim_(n) f n) x = fine (nlim (fun n => f n x)). Proof. by unlock dlim. Qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DLimTheory. Variables (T U : choiceType). Implicit Types (f g : nat -> distr T) (h : T -> {distr U / R}). Implicit Types (mu : {distr T / R}). Lemma dlimC mu : \dlim_(n) mu =1 mu. Proof. by move=> x; rewrite !dlimE; rewrite nlimC. Qed. Lemma eq_dlim f g : f =2 g -> dlim f =1 dlim g. Proof. move=> eq_f; unlock dlim=> x /=; rewrite /mlim; congr (_ _). by apply/eq_nlim => n; rewrite eq_f. Qed. Lemma eq_from_dlim K f g : (forall n, (K <= n)%N -> f n =1 g n) -> dlim f =1 dlim g. Proof. move=> eq_fg x; rewrite !dlimE; congr (_ _). by apply/(eq_from_nlim (K := K)); move=> n /eq_fg /(_ x). Qed. Definition dlim_bump (mu : nat -> {distr T / R}) : dlim (fun n => mu n.+1) =1 dlim mu. Proof. by move=> x; rewrite !dlimE -[in RHS]nlim_bump. Qed. Definition dlim_lift (mu : nat -> {distr T / R}) p : dlim (fun n => mu (n + p)%N) =1 dlim mu. Proof. by move=> x; rewrite !dlimE (nlim_lift (fun n => (mu n) x)). Qed. Definition dcvg {T : choiceType} (f : nat -> {distr T / R}) := forall x, exists l, ncvg (fun n => f n x) l. Definition ducvg {T : choiceType} (f : nat -> {distr T / R}) := exists l, forall x, ncvg (fun n => f n x) l. CoInductive dlim_spec f (x : T) : R -> Type := | DLimCvg : forall l : R, 0 <= l -> l <= 1 -> ncvg (fun n => f n x) l%:E -> dlim_spec f x l | DLimOut : ~ (exists l : \bar R, ncvg (fun n => f n x) l) -> dlim_spec f x 0. Lemma dlimP f x : dlim_spec f x (dlim f x). Proof. rewrite dlimE; case: nlimP => [l h|?] /=; last by apply/DLimOut. have: (0%:E <= l)%E by apply/ncvg_geC: h => n; apply/ge0_mu. have: (l <= 1%:E)%E by apply/ncvg_leC: h => n; apply/le1_mu1. by case: l h => // l h /= ge0_l ge1_; apply/DLimCvg. Qed. Lemma dcvgP f : dcvg f -> forall x, exists2 l, (0 <= l <= 1) & ncvg (f^~ x) l%:E. Proof. move=> cv_f x; case: (dlimP f x) => [l ge0_l le1_l cv|]. by exists l => //; apply/andP; split. by case; case: (cv_f x). Qed. Lemma dcvg_homo f : (forall n m, (n <= m)%N -> f n <=1 f m) -> dcvg f. Proof. move=> mn_f x; have: forall n m, (n <= m)%N -> f n x <= f m x. by move=> n m /mn_f; apply. case/ncvg_mono_bnd => {mn_f}; first apply/asboolP/nboundedP. exists 2%:R => // n; apply/(@le_lt_trans _ _ 1%:R)/ltr_nat. by rewrite ger0_norm // le1_mu1. by move=> y h; exists y%:E. Qed. Lemma ge0_dlim f : forall x, 0 <= dlim f x. Proof. by move=> x; case: dlimP. Qed. Lemma le1_dlim f : forall x, dlim f x <= 1. Proof. by move=> x; case: dlimP => // _; apply/ler01. Qed. Lemma le_dlim f g : (forall n, f n <=1 g n) -> dcvg g -> dlim f <=1 dlim g. Proof. move=> le dcvg_g x; case: dlimP => [|_]; last by apply/ge0_dlim. move=> l _ _ h; case: dlimP => [l' _ _ h'|]; last by case. by rewrite -lee_fin; apply/(ncvg_le _ h' h). Qed. Lemma leub_dlim f mu : (forall n, f n <=1 mu) -> dlim f <=1 mu. Proof. move=> le x; apply/(@le_trans _ _ ((\dlim_(n) mu) x)). by apply/le_dlim => // y; exists (mu y)%:E; apply/ncvgC. by rewrite dlimE nlimC. Qed. Lemma dlim_ub f k : (forall n m, (n <= m)%N -> f n <=1 f m) -> f k <=1 dlim f. Proof. move=> mn_f x; rewrite dlimE -lee_fin; pose u n := f n x. apply/(ncvg_homo_le (u := u))=> [m n /mn_f|]; first by apply. move/dcvg_homo: mn_f => /dcvgP /(_ x) [l _]. by move=> cv; rewrite (nlimE cv). Qed. Lemma dlet_lim f h : (forall n m, (n <= m)%N -> f n <=1 f m) -> \dlet_(x <- dlim f) h x =1 \dlim_(n) \dlet_(x <- f n) h x. Proof. Admitted. Lemma dlim_let (f : nat -> T -> {distr U / R}) (mu : {distr T / R}) : (forall x n m, (n <= m)%N -> f n x <=1 f m x) -> \dlim_(n) \dlet_(x <- mu) (f n x) =1 \dlet_(x <- mu) \dlim_(n) (f n x). Proof using Type. Admitted. End DLimTheory. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Marginals. Variable (T U : choiceType) (h : T -> U) (mu : distr T). Definition dmargin := \dlet_(x <- mu) (dunit (h x)). Lemma dmarginE : dmargin = \dlet_(y <- mu) (dunit (h y)). Proof. by []. Qed. End Marginals. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section MarginalsTh. Variable (T U V : choiceType). Lemma dmargin_psumE (mu : {distr T / R}) (f : T -> U) y : (dmargin f mu) y = psum (fun x => (f x == y)%:R * mu x). Proof. rewrite dmarginE dletE; apply/eq_psum => x //=. by rewrite mulrC dunit1E. Qed. Lemma dlet_dmargin (mu : {distr T / R}) (f : T -> U) (g : U -> {distr V / R}): \dlet_(u <- dmargin f mu) g u =1 \dlet_(t <- mu) (g (f t)). Proof. move=> x; rewrite dlet_dlet; apply: eq_in_dlet=> //. by move=> y _ z; rewrite dlet_unit. Qed. Lemma dmargin_dlet (mu : {distr T / R}) (f : U -> V) (g : T -> {distr U / R}): dmargin f (\dlet_(t <- mu) g t) =1 \dlet_(t <- mu) (dmargin f (g t)). Proof. by apply/dlet_dlet. Qed. Lemma dmargin_dunit (t : T) (f : T -> U): dmargin f (dunit t) =1 dunit (f t) :> {distr U / R}. Proof. by apply/dlet_unit. Qed. End MarginalsTh. End Std. Notation dfst mu := (dmargin fst mu). Notation dsnd mu := (dmargin snd mu). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Notation "\dlet_ ( i <- d ) E" := (dlet (fun i => E) d). Notation "\dlim_ ( n ) E" := (dlim (fun n => E)). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DSwap. Context {R : realType} {A B : choiceType} (mu : {distr (A * B) / R}). Definition dswap : {distr (B * A) / R} := dmargin (fun xy => (xy.2, xy.1)) mu. End DSwap. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DSwapCoreTheory. Context {R : realType} {A B : choiceType} (mu : {distr (A * B) / R}). Lemma dswapE xy : dswap mu xy = mu (xy.2, xy.1). Proof. rewrite dletE /= (psum_finseq (r := [:: (xy.2, xy.1)])) //. case=> a b; rewrite !inE dunit1E /= mulf_eq0. by case/norP=> _; rewrite pnatr_eq0 eqb0 negbK=> /eqP <-. by case: xy=> x y; rewrite big_seq1 dunit1E /= eqxx mulr1 ger0_norm. Qed. End DSwapCoreTheory. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DSwapTheory. Context {R : realType} {A B : choiceType} (mu : {distr (A * B) / R}). Lemma dswapK : dswap (dswap mu) =1 mu. Proof. by case=> x y; rewrite !dswapE. Qed. Lemma dinsupp_swap xy : (xy.2, xy.1) \in dinsupp mu -> xy \in dinsupp (dswap mu). Proof. by move=> h; apply/dinsuppP; rewrite dswapE; apply/dinsuppPn. Qed. Lemma dfst_dswap : dfst (dswap mu) =1 dsnd mu. Proof. move=> z; rewrite dlet_dlet; apply/eq_in_dlet => // -[x y]. by move=> _ t /=; rewrite dlet_unit /=. Qed. Lemma dsnd_dswap : dsnd (dswap mu) =1 dfst mu. Proof. move=> z; rewrite dlet_dlet; apply/eq_in_dlet => // -[x y]. by move=> _ t /=; rewrite dlet_unit /=. Qed. End DSwapTheory. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DFst. Context {R : realType} {T U : choiceType}. Lemma dfstE (mu : {distr (T * U) / R}) x : dfst mu x = psum (fun y => mu (x, y)). Proof. rewrite dmargin_psumE /=; pose h y : T * U := (x, y). rewrite (reindex_psum (P := [pred z | z.1 == x]) (h := h)) /=. + case=> a b; rewrite !inE/= mulf_eq0 => /norP[]. by rewrite pnatr_eq0 eqb0 negbK. + by exists snd => [z|[z1 z2]]; rewrite !inE //= => /eqP ->. by apply/eq_psum => y; rewrite eqxx mul1r. Qed. Lemma summable_fst (mu : {distr (T * U) / R}) x : summable (fun y => mu (x, y)). Proof. have /summable_seqP /= := summable_mu mu => -[M ge0_M h]. apply/summable_seqP; exists M => // J uqJ; pose X := [seq (x, y) | y <- J]. apply/(le_trans _ (h X _)); last by rewrite map_inj_uniq // => y1 y2 []. by rewrite le_eqVlt big_map eqxx. Qed. End DFst. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section DSnd. Context {R : realType} {T U : choiceType}. Lemma dsndE (mu : {distr (T * U) / R}) y : dsnd mu y = psum (fun x => mu (x, y)). Proof. by rewrite -dfst_dswap dfstE; apply/eq_psum=> x; rewrite dswapE. Qed. Lemma summable_snd (mu : {distr (T * U) / R}) y : summable (fun x => mu (x, y)). Proof. have := summable_fst (dswap mu) y; apply/eq_summable. by move=> x /=; rewrite dswapE. Qed. End DSnd. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section PrCoreTheory. Context {R : realType} {T : choiceType}. Implicit Types (mu : {distr T / R}) (A B E : pred T). Lemma summable_pr E mu : summable (fun x => (E x)%:R * mu x). Proof. apply/(le_summable (F2 := mu)) => [x|]; last by apply/summable_mu. by rewrite mulr_ge0 ?ler0n //= ler_pimull // lern1 leq_b1. Qed. Lemma pr_pred0 mu : \P_[mu] pred0 = 0. Proof. by rewrite /pr psum_eq0 // => x /=; rewrite mul0r. Qed. Lemma pr_pred1 mu x : mu x = \P_[mu] (pred1 x). Proof. rewrite /pr (psum_finseq (r := [:: x])) // => [y|]. by rewrite !inE; case: (y =P x); rewrite ?(mul0r, eqxx). by rewrite big_seq1 /= eqxx mul1r ger0_norm. Qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Lemma pr_exp mu (E : pred T) : \P_[mu] E = \E_[mu] (fun m => (E m)%:R). Proof. by rewrite /pr psum_sum // => x; rewrite mulr_ge0 // ler0n. Qed. Lemma pr_predT mu : \P_[mu] predT = psum mu. Proof. by apply/eq_psum=> x; rewrite mul1r. Qed. Lemma pr_dunit E x : \P_[dunit x] E = (E x)%:R :> R. Proof. rewrite /pr (psum_finseq (r := [:: x])) //. move=> y; rewrite !inE dunit1E [x==_]eq_sym. by case: (y =P x) => //; rewrite mulr0 eqxx. by rewrite big_seq1 dunit1E eqxx mulr1 ger0_norm ?ler0n. Qed. Lemma exp_dunit (f : T -> R) (x : T) : \E_[dunit x] f = f x. Proof. rewrite /esp (sum_seq1 x) => [y|]; rewrite dunit1E. by case: (x == y) => //; rewrite mulr0 eqxx. by rewrite eqxx mulr1. Qed. Lemma exp_cst mu r : \E_[mu] (fun _ => r) = \P_[mu] predT * r. Proof. by rewrite pr_predT psum_sum // [RHS]mulrC -sumZ; apply/eq_sum. Qed. Lemma exp0 mu : \E_[mu] (fun _ => 0) = 0. Proof. by rewrite exp_cst mulr0. Qed. Lemma has_expC mu c : \E?_[mu] (fun _ => c). Proof. by apply/summableMl => //; exists `|c|. Qed. Lemma has_exp0 mu : \E?_[mu] (fun _ => 0). Proof. by apply/(has_expC mu 0). Qed. Lemma has_exp1 mu : \E?_[mu] (fun _ => 1). Proof. by apply/(has_expC mu 1). Qed. Lemma has_expZ mu c F : \E?_[mu] F -> \E?_[mu] (c \*o F). Proof. move=> heF; have: summable (c \*o (F \* mu)) by apply/summableZ. by apply/eq_summable => x /=; rewrite mulrA. Qed. Lemma expZ mu F c : \E_[mu] (c \*o F) = c * \E_[mu] F. Proof. by rewrite -sumZ; apply/eq_sum=> x /=; rewrite mulrA. Qed. Lemma ge0_pr A mu : 0 <= \P_[mu] A. Proof. by apply/ge0_psum. Qed. Lemma ge0_prc A B mu : 0 <= \P_[mu, B] A. Proof. by rewrite /prc mulr_ge0 ?invr_ge0 // ge0_pr. Qed. Lemma eq_in_pr A B mu : {in dinsupp mu, A =i B} -> \P_[mu] A = \P_[mu] B. Proof. move=> eq_AB; apply/eq_psum => x; case/boolP: (x \in dinsupp mu). by move/eq_AB; rewrite -!topredE => /= ->. by move/dinsuppPn=> ->; rewrite !mulr0. Qed. Lemma eq_pr A B mu : A =i B -> \P_[mu] A = \P_[mu] B. Proof. by move=> eq_AB; apply/eq_in_pr=> x _; apply/eq_AB. Qed. Lemma eq_exp mu (f1 f2 : T -> R): {in dinsupp mu, f1 =1 f2} -> \E_[mu] f1 = \E_[mu] f2. Proof. move=> eq_f; apply/eq_sum => x; case/boolP: (x \in dinsupp mu). by move/eq_f=> ->. by move/dinsuppPn=> ->; rewrite !mulr0. Qed. Lemma pr_pred0_eq (mu : {distr T / R}) (E : pred T) : E =1 pred0 -> \P_[mu] E = 0. Proof. by move=> eq; rewrite -(pr_pred0 mu); apply/eq_pr. Qed. End PrCoreTheory. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section PrTheory. Context {R : realType} {T U : choiceType} {I : eqType}. Implicit Types (mu : {distr T / R}) (A B E : pred T). Lemma pr_dlet E f (mu : {distr U / R}) : \P_[dlet f mu] E = \E_[mu] (fun x => \P_[f x] E). Proof. rewrite /esp -psum_sum => [x|]; first by rewrite mulr_ge0 ?ge0_pr. rewrite /pr; unlock dlet => /=; rewrite /mlet /=. pose F x y := (E x)%:R * (mu y * f y x). transitivity (psum (fun x => psum (fun y => F x y))); rewrite {}/F. by apply/eq_psum => x; rewrite -psumZ ?ler0n. rewrite interchange_psum /=; last first. apply/eq_psum=> y /=; rewrite mulrC -psumZ //. by apply/eq_psum=> x /=; rewrite mulrCA. + have := summable_pr E (dlet f mu); apply/eq_summable. by move=> x; rewrite dletE psumZ ?ler0n. + by move=> y; apply/summable_condl/summable_mlet. Qed. Lemma pr_dmargin E f (mu : {distr U / R}) : \P_[dmargin f mu] E = \P_[mu] [pred x | f x \in E]. Proof. by rewrite /dmargin pr_dlet pr_exp; apply/eq_exp=> x _; rewrite pr_dunit. Qed. Lemma eq0_pr A mu : (forall x, x \in dinsupp mu -> x \notin A) -> \P_[mu] A = 0. Proof. move=> h; apply/psum_eq0=> x; apply/eqP. rewrite mulf_eq0 orbC; case/boolP: (mu x == 0) => //=. by move/h; rewrite -topredE /= => /negbTE->. Qed. Lemma eq0_prc A B mu : (forall x, x \in dinsupp mu -> x \in B -> x \notin A) -> \P_[mu, B] A = 0. Proof. move=> h; rewrite /prc eq0_pr ?mul0r // => x /h {h} /orb_idl. by rewrite negb_and /= => <-; rewrite orbAC orbN. Qed. Lemma subset_pr A B mu : {subset B <= A} -> \P_[mu] B <= \P_[mu] A. Proof. move=> le_BA; apply/le_psum; last first. apply/summableMl => //; exists 1=> // x. by rewrite ger0_norm ?(ler0n, lern1) ?leq_b1. move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 ?ler0n ?ler_wpmul2r //. rewrite ler_nat; have := le_BA x; rewrite -!topredE /=. by case: (B x) => // ->. Qed. Lemma le1_pr A mu : \P_[mu] A <= 1. Proof. apply/(@le_trans _ _ \P_[mu] predT). by apply/subset_pr. by rewrite pr_predT le1_mu. Qed. Lemma le_exp mu f1 f2: \E?_[mu] f1 -> \E?_[mu] f2 -> f1 <=1 f2 -> \E_[mu] f1 <= \E_[mu] f2. Proof. move=> sm1 sm2 le_f; apply/le_sum => //. by move=> x; rewrite ler_wpmul2r. Qed. Lemma le_in_pr E1 E2 mu : (forall x, x \in dinsupp mu -> x \in E1 -> x \in E2) -> \P_[mu] E1 <= \P_[mu] E2. Proof. move=> le; rewrite /pr; apply/le_psum; last by apply/summable_pr. move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 ?ler0n //=; case/boolP: (x \in dinsupp mu). move/le; rewrite -!topredE /= => E12; rewrite ler_wpmul2r //. by rewrite ler_nat; case: (E1 x) E12 => // ->. by move/dinsuppPn=> ->; rewrite !mulr0. Qed. Lemma le_mu_pr A mu nu : (forall x, x \in dinsupp nu -> x \in A -> nu x <= mu x) -> \P_[nu] A <= \P_[mu] A. Proof. move=> h; apply/le_psum; last by apply/summable_pr. move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 ?ler0n //=. case/boolP: (x \in dinsupp nu) => [/h {}h|]; last first. by move/dinsuppPn=> ->; rewrite mulr0 mulr_ge0 ?ler0n. by case/boolP: (A x) => [/h|]; rewrite ?(mul0r, mul1r). Qed. Lemma le1_prc A B mu : \P_[mu, B] A <= 1. Proof. have := ge0_pr B mu; rewrite /prc le_eqVlt. case/orP=> [/eqP<-|]; first by rewrite invr0 mulr0 ler01. by move/ler_pdivr_mulr=> ->; rewrite mul1r le_in_pr // => x _ /andP[]. Qed. Lemma prc_sum A mu : 0 < \P_[mu] A -> psum (fun x => \P_[mu, A] (pred1 x)) = 1. Proof. move=> gt0_pE; rewrite psumZr ?(invr_ge0, ge0_pr) //. rewrite (eq_psum (F2 := (fun x => (A x)%:R * mu x))); last first. by rewrite divff // gt_eqF. move=> x /=; rewrite /pr (psum_finseq (r := [:: x])) ?big_seq1 //=. move=> y; rewrite !inE; case: (y == x) => //=. by rewrite mul0r eqxx. by rewrite !inE eqxx -topredE ger0_norm ?mulr_ge0 ?ler0n. Qed. Lemma pr_eq0 mu E : \P_[mu] E = 0 -> forall x, x \in E -> mu x = 0. Proof. move/eq0_psum=> /(_ (summable_pr _ _)) => h x xE; move/(_ x): h. by move: xE; rewrite -topredE /= => ->; rewrite mul1r. Qed. Lemma prID A B mu : \P_[mu] A = \P_[mu] [predI A & B] + \P_[mu] [predI A & predC B]. Proof. rewrite {1}/pr (psumID B); first by apply/summable_pr. congr (_ + _); apply/eq_psum => x; rewrite !inE -!topredE /=; by rewrite mulrA -natrM mulnb andbC. Qed. Lemma pr_or_indep (A B : pred T) (mu : {distr T / R}) : (forall x, x \in A -> x \notin B) -> \P_[mu] [predU A & B] = \P_[mu] A + \P_[mu] B. Proof. move=> dsj; rewrite /pr -psumD; try solve [ by apply/summable_pr | by move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 ?ler0n ]. apply/eq_psum=> x /=; rewrite -mulrDl -!topredE /= -natrD. case/boolP: (A x) => Ax; case/boolP: (B x) => Bx //=. by move/dsj: Ax; rewrite -topredE /= Bx. Qed. Lemma pr_mem_map f mu (r : seq U) : uniq r -> \P_[mu] [pred x | f x \in r] = \sum_(y <- r) \P_[mu] [pred x | f x == y]. Proof. elim: r => [_|y r ih]; first by rewrite big_nil pr_pred0_eq //. case/andP=> yNr /ih {ih}h; rewrite big_cons -h -pr_or_indep. by move=> x; rewrite !inE => /eqP->. by apply/eq_pr. Qed. Lemma pr_mem mu (r : seq T) : uniq r -> \P_[mu] [pred x | x \in r] = \sum_(x <- r) mu x. Proof. elim: r => [_|y r ih]; first by rewrite big_nil pr_pred0_eq //. case/andP=> yNr /ih {ih}h; rewrite big_cons /= pr_pred1. by rewrite -h -pr_or_indep // => x /eqP ->. Qed. Lemma pr_bigor_indep mu (P : I -> pred T) (r : seq I) : uniq r -> (forall p1 p2 x, p1 != p2 -> p1 \in r -> p2 \in r -> x \in P p1 -> x \notin P p2) -> \P_[mu] [pred x | has [pred p | x \in P p] r] = \sum_(p <- r) \P_[mu] (P p). Proof. move=> uq_r dj; pose S x := \big[orb/false]_(p <- r) (x \in P p). rewrite (eq_pr (B := S)) => [x|]; first by rewrite !inE -big_has. rewrite {}/S; elim: r uq_r dj => [_|p r ih /andP[pNr /ih {ih}h]] dj. by rewrite big_nil pr_pred0_eq // => x; rewrite big_nil. rewrite big_cons -h => [p1 p2 x ne_p p1r p2r|]. by apply/dj=> //; rewrite in_cons (p1r, p2r) orbT. rewrite -pr_or_indep => [x xNPp|]. rewrite -topredE /= big_has; apply/hasPn => y y_in_r. apply/(dj p); rewrite ?in_cons ?(eqxx, y_in_r, orbT) //. by apply/contra: pNr=> /eqP->. by apply/eq_pr=> x; rewrite -!topredE /= big_cons. Qed. Lemma pr_or A B mu : \P_[mu] [predU A & B] = \P_[mu] A + \P_[mu] B - \P_[mu] [predI A & B]. Proof. apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym subr_eq [in X in _==X]addrC; apply/eqP. rewrite (prID _ B) -addrA -pr_or_indep => [x|]. by rewrite !inE => /andP[]. congr (_ + _); apply/eq_pr => x; rewrite !inE -!topredE /=. by apply/orb_id2r => /negbTE ->; rewrite andbT. Qed. Lemma pr_and A B mu : \P_[mu] [predI A & B] = \P_[mu] A + \P_[mu] B - \P_[mu] [predU A & B]. Proof. by rewrite pr_or opprB addrCA subrr addr0. Qed. Lemma ler_pr_or A B mu : \P_[mu] [predU A & B] <= \P_[mu] A + \P_[mu] B. Proof. by rewrite pr_or ler_subl_addr ler_addl ge0_pr. Qed. Lemma ler_pr_and A B mu : \P_[mu] [predI A & B] <= \P_[mu] A + \P_[mu] B. Proof. by rewrite pr_and ler_subl_addr ler_addl ge0_pr. Qed. Lemma pr_predC E mu: \P_[mu](predC E) = \P_[mu] predT - \P_[mu] E. Proof. apply/esym/eqP; rewrite subr_eq -pr_or_indep //. by apply/eqP/eq_pr=> x; rewrite !inE orNb. Qed. Lemma pr_split B A mu : \P_[mu] A = \P_[mu] B * \P_[mu, B] A + \P_[mu] (predC B) * \P_[mu, predC B] A. Proof. suff h A' B': \P_[mu] [predI A' & B'] = \P_[mu] B' * \P_[mu, B'] A'. by rewrite (prID _ B); congr (_ + _); apply/h. rewrite /prc mulrCA; have [] := eqVneq (\P_[mu] B') 0; last first. by move=> nzPB'; rewrite divff // mulr1. move=> zPB'; rewrite zPB' invr0 !mulr0; apply/eq0_pr. move=> x mux; move/pr_eq0: zPB' => /(_ x) h; rewrite !inE. by apply/negP=> /andP[_ /h] /dinsuppP. Qed. Lemma exp_split A f mu : \E?_[mu] f -> \E_[mu] f = \P_[mu] A * \E_[mu, A] f + \P_[mu] (predC A) * \E_[mu, predC A] f. Proof using Type. Admitted. Lemma has_esp_bounded f mu : (exists M, forall x, `|f x| < M) -> \E?_[mu] f. Proof. (* TO BE REMOVED *) case=> M ltM; rewrite /has_esp; apply/summable_seqP. exists (Num.max M 0); first by rewrite le_maxr lexx orbT. move=> J uqJ; apply/(@le_trans _ _ (\sum_(j <- J) M * mu j)). apply/ler_sum=> j _; rewrite normrM [X in _*X]ger0_norm //. by apply/ler_wpmul2r=> //; apply/ltW. case: (ltrP M 0) => [lt0_M|ge0_M]. rewrite ?(ltW lt0_M) // -mulr_sumr. by rewrite nmulr_rle0 //; apply/sumr_ge0. by rewrite -mulr_sumr ler_pimulr // -pr_mem ?le1_pr. Qed. Lemma bounded_has_exp mu F : (exists M, forall x, `|F x| <= M) -> \E?_[mu] F. Proof. by move=> leM; apply/summableMl. Qed. Lemma summable_has_exp mu F : summable F -> \E?_[mu] F. Proof. move=> smF; apply/summableMr => //; exists 1. by move=> x; rewrite ger0_norm // le1_mu1. Qed. Lemma exp_le_bd mu F (M : R) : 0 <= M -> (forall x, `|F x| <= M) -> \E_[mu] F <= M. Proof. move=> ge0M bd; apply/(@le_trans _ _ (\E_[mu] (fun _ => M))). + apply/le_exp. + by apply/bounded_has_exp; exists M. + by apply/has_expC. + by move=> x; apply/(le_trans _ (bd x))/ler_norm. by rewrite exp_cst ler_pimull // le1_pr. Qed. Lemma exp_dlet mu (nu : T -> {distr U / R}) F : (forall eta, \E?_[eta] F) -> \E_[dlet nu mu] F = \E_[mu] (fun x => \E_[nu x] F). Proof using Type*. Admitted. End PrTheory. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Section Jensen. Context {R : realType} {I : finType}. Definition convexon (a b : \bar R) (f : R -> R) := forall x y, (a <= x%:E <= b)%E -> (a <= y%:E <= b)%E -> forall t, 0 <= t <= 1 -> f (t * x + (1 - t) * y) <= t * (f x) + (1 - t) * (f y). Notation convex f := (convexon -oo +oo f). Section Jensen. Context (f : R -> R) (x l : I -> R). Hypothesis cvx_f : convex f. Hypothesis ge0_l : forall x, 0 <= l x. Hypothesis eq1_l : \sum_i (l i) = 1. Lemma Jensen : f (\sum_i (l i * x i)) <= \sum_i (l i * f (x i)). Proof. case: (index_enum I) eq1_l => [|i s]; rewrite ?(big_nil, big_cons). by move/esym/eqP; rewrite oner_eq0. elim: {i} s (l i) (ge0_l i) (x i) => [|j s ih] li ge0_li xi. by rewrite !big_nil !addr0 => ->; rewrite !mul1r. rewrite !big_cons; have := ge0_l j; rewrite le_eqVlt. case/orP => [/eqP<-|gt0_lj]. by rewrite !Monoid.simpm /=; apply/ih. rewrite !addrA => eq1; pose z := (li * xi + l j * x j) / (li + l j). have nz_lij: li + l j != 0 by rewrite gt_eqF ?ltr_paddl. have/ih := eq1 => -/(_ _ z); rewrite [_ * (_ / _)]mulrC. rewrite mulfVK // => {}ih; apply/(le_trans (ih _)). by rewrite addr_ge0 ?ge0_l. rewrite ler_add2r {ih}/z mulrDl ![_*_/_]mulrAC. set c1 : R := _ / _; set c2 : R := _ / _; have eqc2: c2 = 1 - c1. apply/(mulfI nz_lij); rewrite mulrBr mulr1 ![(li + l j)*_]mulrC. by apply/eqP; rewrite !mulfVK // eq_sym subr_eq addrC. set c := (li + l j); pose z := (c * c1 * f xi + c * c2 * f (x j)). apply/(@le_trans _ _ z); last by rewrite /z ![_*(_/_)]mulrC !mulfVK. rewrite {}/z -![c * _ * _]mulrA -mulrDr ler_wpmul2l ?addr_ge0 //. rewrite eqc2 cvx_f // ?leNye ?leey // divr_ge0 ?addr_ge0 //=. by rewrite ler_pdivr_mulr ?mul1r ?ler_addl ?ltr_paddl. Qed. End Jensen. End Jensen. Notation convex f := (convexon \-inf \+inf f). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)