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Require Import Nsatz.
Notation "[ predI _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ predU _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ predD _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ predC _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ preim _ of _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ ^ _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
New coercion path [GRing.subring_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi; GRing.semiring_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subring_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed. New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi; GRing.semiring_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.sdivr_closed_div; GRing.divr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.sdivr_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.subalg_closedBM; GRing.subring_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.subalg_closedZ; GRing.submod_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.divring_closed_div; GRing.sdivr_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.divring_closedBM; GRing.subring_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.divalg_closedBdiv; GRing.divring_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed is ambiguous with existing [GRing.divalg_closedZ; GRing.subalg_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
New coercion path [GRing.Pred.subring_smul; GRing.Pred.smul_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul is ambiguous with existing [GRing.Pred.subring_semi; GRing.Pred.semiring_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul. [ambiguous-paths,typechecker]
From mathcomp.classical Require Import boolp. Require Import reals ereal. (******************************************************************************) (* nsatz for realType *) (* *) (* This file registers the ring corresponding to the MathComp-Analysis type *) (* realType to the tactic nsatz of Coq. This enables some automation used for *) (* example in the file trigo.v. *) (* *) (* ref: https://coq.inria.fr/refman/addendum/nsatz.html *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory. Local Open Scope ring_scope. Section Nsatz_realType. Variable T : realType. Lemma Nsatz_realType_Setoid_Theory : Setoid.Setoid_Theory T (@eq T). Proof. by constructor => [x //|x y //|x y z ->]. Qed. Definition Nsatz_realType0 := (0%:R : T). Definition Nsatz_realType1 := (1%:R : T). Definition Nsatz_realType_add (x y : T) := (x + y)%R. Definition Nsatz_realType_mul (x y : T) := (x * y)%R. Definition Nsatz_realType_sub (x y : T) := (x - y)%R. Definition Nsatz_realType_opp (x : T) := (- x)%R. #[global] Instance Nsatz_realType_Ring_ops: (@Ncring.Ring_ops T Nsatz_realType0 Nsatz_realType1 Nsatz_realType_add Nsatz_realType_mul Nsatz_realType_sub Nsatz_realType_opp (@eq T)). Defined. #[global] Instance Nsatz_realType_Ring : (Ncring.Ring (Ro:=Nsatz_realType_Ring_ops)). Proof. constructor => //. - exact: Nsatz_realType_Setoid_Theory. - by move=> x y -> x1 y1 ->. - by move=> x y -> x1 y1 ->. - by move=> x y -> x1 y1 ->. - by move=> x y ->. - exact: add0r. - exact: addrC. - exact: addrA. - exact: mul1r. - exact: mulr1. - exact: mulrA. - exact: mulrDl. - move=> x y z; exact: mulrDr. - exact: subrr. Defined. #[global] Instance Nsatz_realType_Cring: (Cring.Cring (Rr:=Nsatz_realType_Ring)). Proof. exact: mulrC. Defined. #[global] Instance Nsatz_realType_Integral_domain : (Integral_domain.Integral_domain (Rcr:=Nsatz_realType_Cring)). Proof. constructor. move=> x y. rewrite -[_ _ Algebra_syntax.zero]/(x * y = 0)%R => /eqP. by rewrite mulf_eq0 => /orP[] /eqP->; [left | right]. rewrite -[_ _ Algebra_syntax.zero]/(1 = 0)%R; apply/eqP. by rewrite (eqr_nat T 1 0). Defined. End Nsatz_realType. Tactic Notation "nsatz" := nsatz_default.