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(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2015--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2015--2018 - Inria *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2016--2018 - Polytechnique *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.Notation "[ predI _ & _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ predU _ & _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ predD _ & _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ predC _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ preim _ of _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]New coercion path [GRing.subring_closedM;
GRing.smulr_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi;
GRing.semiring_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subring_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed.
New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi;
GRing.semiring_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.sdivr_closed_div;
GRing.divr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.sdivr_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.subalg_closedBM;
GRing.subring_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subalg_closedZ; GRing.submod_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.divring_closed_div;
GRing.sdivr_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.divring_closedBM; GRing.subring_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.divalg_closedBdiv;
GRing.divring_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.divalg_closedZ; GRing.subalg_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.Pred.subring_smul;
GRing.Pred.smul_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.Pred.subring_semi; GRing.Pred.semiring_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul.
Require Import mathcomp.bigenough.bigenough.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import mathcomp_extra.
Require Import xfinmap ereal reals discrete topology.
Set Implicit Arguments .
Unset Strict Implicit .
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive .
Unset SsrOldRewriteGoalsOrder .
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory BigEnough.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Notation "f '<=1' g" := (forall x , f x <= g x)
(at level 70 , no associativity ).
Notation "f '<=2' g" := (forall x y , f x y <= g x y)
(at level 70 , no associativity ).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section FFTheory .
Context {R : realDomainType} (T : Type ).
Implicit Types (f g h : T -> R).
Lemma leff f : f <=1 f.
Proof . by []. Qed .
Lemma lef_trans g f h : f <=1 g -> g <=1 h -> f <=1 h.
Proof . by move => h1 h2 x; apply /(le_trans (h1 x)). Qed .
End FFTheory .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section Nbh .
Context {R : realType}.
Inductive nbh : \bar R -> predArgType :=
| NFin (c e : R) of (0 < e) : nbh c%:E
| NPInf (M : R) : nbh +oo
| NNInf (M : R) : nbh -oo.
Coercion pred_of_nbh l (v : nbh l) :=
match v with
| @NFin l e _ => [pred x : R | `|x - l| < e]
| @NPInf M => [pred x : R | x > M]
| @NNInf M => [pred x : R | x < M]
end .
End Nbh .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section NbhElim .
Context {R : realType}.
Lemma nbh_finW c (P : forall x , nbh x -> Prop ) :
(forall e (h : 0 < e), P _ (@NFin R c e h))
-> forall (v : nbh c%:E), P _ v.
Proof .
move => ih; move : {-2 }c%:E (erefl c%:E).
by move => e eE v; case : v eE => // c' e' h [->].
Qed .
Lemma nbh_pinfW (P : forall x , nbh x -> Prop ) :
(forall M , P _ (@NPInf R M)) -> forall (v : nbh +oo), P _ v.
Proof .
move => ih; move : {-2 }+oo%E (erefl (@EPInf R)).
by move => e eE v; case : v eE => // c' e' h [->].
Qed .
Lemma nbh_ninfW (P : forall x , nbh x -> Prop ) :
(forall M , P _ (@NNInf R M)) -> forall (v : nbh -oo), P _ v.
Proof .
move => ih ; move : {-2 }-oo%E (erefl (@ENInf R)).
by move => e eE v; case : v eE => // c' e' h [->].
Qed .
End NbhElim .
Arguments nbh_finW : clear implicits .
Arguments nbh_pinfW : clear implicits .
Arguments nbh_ninfW : clear implicits .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Definition eclamp {R : realType} (e : R) :=
if e <= 0 then 1 else e.
Lemma gt0_clamp {R : realType} (e : R) : 0 < eclamp e.
Proof . by rewrite /eclamp; case : (lerP e 0 ) => h //; apply /ltr01. Qed .
Lemma eclamp_id {R : realType} (e : R) : 0 < e -> eclamp e = e.
Proof . by rewrite ltNge /eclamp => /negbTE ->. Qed .
Definition B1 {R : realType} (x : R) :=
@NFin R x 1 ltr01.
Definition B {R : realType} (x e : R) :=
@NFin R x (eclamp e) (gt0_clamp e).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma separable_le {R : realType} (l1 l2 : \bar R) :
(l1 < l2)%E -> exists (v1 : nbh l1) (v2 : nbh l2),
forall x y , x \in v1 -> y \in v2 -> x < y.
Proof .
case : l1 l2 => [l1||] [l2||] //= lt_l12; last first .
+ exists (NNInf 0 ), (NPInf 1 ) => x y; rewrite !inE => lt1 lt2.
by apply /(lt_trans lt1)/(lt_trans ltr01).
+ exists (NNInf (l2-1 )), (B1 l2) => x y; rewrite !inE.
rewrite ltr_norml [-1 < _]ltr_subr_addl.
by move => lt1 /andP[lt2 _]; apply /(lt_trans lt1).
+ exists (B1 l1 ), (NPInf (l1+1 )) => x y; rewrite !inE.
rewrite ltr_norml ltr_subl_addr [1 +_]addrC => /andP[_].
by move => lt1 lt2; apply /(lt_trans lt1).
pose e := l2 - l1; exists (B l1 (e/2 %:R)), (B l2 (e/2 %:R)).
have gt0_e: 0 < e by rewrite subr_gt0.
move => x y; rewrite !inE/= /eclamp pmulr_rle0 // invr_le0.
rewrite lern0 /= !ltr_distl => /andP[_ lt1] /andP[lt2 _].
apply /(lt_trans lt1)/(le_lt_trans _ lt2).
rewrite ler_subr_addl addrCA -mulrDl -mulr2n -mulr_natr.
by rewrite mulfK ?pnatr_eq0 //= /e addrCA subrr addr0.
Qed .
Lemma separable {R : realType} (l1 l2 : \bar R) :
l1 != l2 -> exists (v1 : nbh l1) (v2 : nbh l2),
forall x , x \notin [predI v1 & v2].
Proof .
wlog : l1 l2 / (l1 < l2)%E => [wlog ne_l12|le_l12 _].
case /boolP: (l1 < l2)%E => [/wlog /(_ ne_l12)//|].
rewrite -leNgt le_eqVlt eq_sym (negbTE ne_l12) /=.
case /wlog => [|x [y h]]; first by rewrite eq_sym.
by exists y , x=> z; rewrite inE andbC /= (h z).
case /separable_le: le_l12 => [v1] [v2] h; exists v1 , v2.
move => x; apply /negP; rewrite inE/= => /andP[] xv1 xv2.
by have := h _ _ xv1 xv2; rewrite ltxx.
Qed .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section SequenceLim .
Variable (R : realType).
Implicit Types (u v : nat -> R).
Definition ncvg u l :=
forall v : nbh l, exists K , forall n , (K <= n)%N -> u n \in v.
Definition iscvg (u : nat -> R) := exists l , ncvg u l%:E.
Definition nbounded u :=
exists v : nbh 0 %:E, forall n , u n \in v.
Lemma nboundedP u :
reflect (exists2 M, 0 < M & forall n , `|u n| < M) `[< nbounded u >].
Proof .
apply : (iffP idP) => [/asboolP[]|]; first elim /nbh_finW.
move => M /= gt0_M cv; exists M => [|n] //.
by have := cv n; rewrite inE subr0.
case => M _ cv; apply /asboolP; exists (B 0 M ) => n; rewrite inE subr0.
by rewrite eclamp_id // (@le_lt_trans _ _ `|u 0 %N|).
Qed .
End SequenceLim .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Notation "c %:S" := (fun _ : nat => c) (at level 2 , format "c %:S" ).
Section SeqLimTh .
Variable (R : realType).
Implicit Types (u v : nat -> R) (c : R) (l : \bar R).
Lemma ncvg_uniq u l1 l2 : ncvg u l1 -> ncvg u l2 -> l1 = l2.
Proof .
move => cv1 cv2; apply /eqP; case : (l1 =P l2) => // /eqP.
case /separable=> [n1] [n2] h; move : (cv1 n1) (cv2 n2).
case => [K1 c1] [K2 c2]; pose K := maxn K1 K2.
move /(_ (u K)): h; rewrite !inE/= !(c1, c2) //.
by apply /leq_maxl. by apply /leq_maxr.
Qed .
Lemma ncvg_eq_from K v u l :
(forall n , (K <= n)%N -> u n = v n) -> ncvg v l -> ncvg u l.
Proof .
move => eq cu nb; case : (cu nb) => Ku {}cu; exists (maxn K Ku ) => n.
by rewrite geq_max => /andP[leK leKu]; rewrite eq // cu.
Qed .
Lemma ncvg_eq v u l : u =1 v -> ncvg v l -> ncvg u l.
Proof . by move => eq; apply : (@ncvg_eq_from 0 ). Qed .
Lemma ncvg_le_from K v u (lv lu : \bar R) :
(forall n , (K <= n)%N -> u n <= v n) -> ncvg v lv -> ncvg u lu -> (lu <= lv)%E.
Proof .
move => le_uv cv cu; rewrite leNgt; apply /negP=> /separable_le.
case => [v1] [v2] h; have [] := (cv v1, cu v2).
case => [K1 vv1] [K2 uv2]; pose_big_enough K'.
have []// := And3 (le_uv K' _) (vv1 K' _) (uv2 K' _). 2 : by close.
by move => le h1 h2; have := h _ _ h1 h2; rewrite ltNge le.
Qed .
Lemma ncvg_le v u (lv lu : \bar R) :
u <=1 v -> ncvg v lv -> ncvg u lu -> (lu <= lv)%E.
Proof . by move => le_uv; apply /(@ncvg_le_from 0 ). Qed .
Lemma ncvg_nbounded u x : ncvg u x%:E -> nbounded u.
Proof . (* FIXME: factor out `sup` of a finite set *)
case /(_ (B x 1 )) => K cu; pose S := [seq `|u n| | n <- iota 0 K].
pose M : R := sup [set x : R | x \in S]; pose e := Num.max (`|x| + 1 ) (M + 1 ).
apply /asboolP/nboundedP; exists e => [|n]; first by rewrite lt_maxr ltr_paddl.
case : (ltnP n K); last first .
move /cu; rewrite inE eclamp_id ?ltr01 // => ltunBx1.
rewrite lt_maxr; apply /orP; left ; rewrite -[u n](addrK x) addrAC.
by apply /(le_lt_trans (ler_norm_add _ _)); rewrite addrC ltr_add2l.
move => lt_nK; have : `|u n| \in S; first by apply /map_f; rewrite mem_iota.
move => un_S; rewrite lt_maxr; apply /orP; right .
case E: {+}K lt_nK => [|k] // lt_nSk; apply /ltr_spaddr; first apply /ltr01.
suff : has_sup (fun x : R => x \in S) by move /sup_upper_bound/ubP => ->.
split ; first by exists `|u 0 %N|; rewrite /S E inE eqxx.
elim : {+}S => [|v s [ux /ubP hux]]; first by exists 0 ; apply /ubP.
exists (Num .max v ux); apply /ubP=> y; rewrite inE => /orP[/eqP->|].
by rewrite le_maxr lexx.
by move /hux=> le_yux; rewrite le_maxr le_yux orbT.
Qed .
Lemma nboundedC c : nbounded c%:S.
Proof .
apply /asboolP/nboundedP; exists (`|c| + 1 ).
by rewrite ltr_spaddr. by move => _; rewrite ltr_addl.
Qed .
Lemma ncvgC c : ncvg c%:S c%:E.
Proof .
elim /nbh_finW => e /= gt0_e; exists 0 %N => n _.
by rewrite inE subrr normr0.
Qed .
Lemma ncvgD u v lu lv : ncvg u lu%:E -> ncvg v lv%:E ->
ncvg (u \+ v) (lu + lv)%:E.
Proof .
move => cu cv; elim /nbh_finW => e /= gt0_e; pose z := e / 2 %:R.
case : (cu (B lu z)) (cv (B lv z)) => [ku {}cu] [kv {}cv].
exists (maxn ku kv ) => n; rewrite geq_max => /andP[leu lev].
rewrite inE opprD addrACA (le_lt_trans (ler_norm_add _ _)) //.
move : (cu _ leu) (cv _ lev); rewrite !inE eclamp_id.
by rewrite mulr_gt0 // invr_gt0 ltr0Sn.
move => cu' cv'; suff ->: e = z + z by rewrite ltr_add.
by rewrite -mulrDl -mulr2n -mulr_natr mulfK ?pnatr_eq0 .
Qed .
Lemma ncvgN u lu : ncvg u lu -> ncvg (- u) (- lu).
Proof .
case : lu => [lu||] cu /=; first last .
+ elim /nbh_pinfW=> M; case : (cu (NNInf (-M))) => K {}cu.
by exists K => n /cu; rewrite !inE ltr_oppr.
+ elim /nbh_ninfW=> M; case : (cu (NPInf (-M))) => K {}cu.
by exists K => n /cu; rewrite !inE ltr_oppl.
elim /nbh_finW => e /= gt0_e; case : (cu (B lu e)).
by move => K {}cu; exists K => n /cu; rewrite !inE -opprD normrN eclamp_id.
Qed .
Lemma ncvgN_fin u lu : ncvg u lu%:E -> ncvg (- u) (- lu)%:E.
Proof . by apply /ncvgN. Qed .
Lemma ncvgB u v lu lv : ncvg u lu%:E -> ncvg v lv%:E ->
ncvg (u \- v) (lu - lv)%:E.
Proof . by move => cu cv; apply /ncvgD/ncvgN_fin. Qed .
Lemma ncvg_abs u lu : ncvg u lu%:E -> ncvg (fun n => `|u n|) `|lu|%:E.
Proof .
move => cu; elim /nbh_finW => e /= gt0_e; case : (cu (B lu e)).
move => K {}cu; exists K => n /cu; rewrite !inE eclamp_id //.
by move /(le_lt_trans (ler_dist_dist _ _)).
Qed .
Lemma ncvg_abs0 u : ncvg (fun n => `|u n|) 0 %:E -> ncvg u 0 %:E.
Proof .
move => cu; elim /nbh_finW => e /= gt0_e; case : (cu (B 0 e)).
by move => K {}cu; exists K => n /cu; rewrite !inE !subr0 eclamp_id // normr_id.
Qed .
Lemma ncvgMl u v : ncvg u 0 %:E -> nbounded v -> ncvg (u \* v) 0 %:E.
move => cu /asboolP/nboundedP [M gt0_M ltM]; elim /nbh_finW => e /= gt0_e.
case : (cu (B 0 (e / (M + 1 )))) => K {}cu; exists K => n le_Kn.
rewrite inE subr0 normrM; apply /(@lt_trans _ _ (e / (M + 1 ) * M)).
apply /ltr_pmul => //; have /cu := le_Kn; rewrite inE subr0 eclamp_id //.
by rewrite mulr_gt0 // invr_gt0 addr_gt0.
rewrite -mulrAC -mulrA gtr_pmulr // ltr_pdivr_mulr ?addr_gt0 //.
by rewrite mul1r ltr_addl.
Qed .
Lemma ncvgMr u v : ncvg v 0 %:E -> nbounded u -> ncvg (u \* v) 0 %:E.
Proof .
move => cv bu; apply /(@ncvg_eq (v \* u)).
by move => x; rewrite /= mulrC.
by apply /ncvgMl.
Qed .
Lemma ncvgM u v lu lv : ncvg u lu%:E -> ncvg v lv%:E ->
ncvg (u \* v) (lu * lv)%:E.
Proof .
move => cu cv; pose a := u \- lu%:S; pose b := v \- lv%:S.
have eq: (u \* v) =1 (lu * lv)%:S \+ ((lu%:S \* b) \+ (a \* v)).
move => n; rewrite {}/a {}/b /= [u n+_]addrC [(_+_)*(v n)]mulrDl.
rewrite !addrA -[LHS]add0r; congr (_ + _); rewrite mulrDr.
by rewrite !(mulrN, mulNr) (addrCA (lu * lv)) subrr addr0 subrr.
apply /(ncvg_eq eq); rewrite -[X in X%:E]addr0; apply /ncvgD.
by apply /ncvgC. rewrite -[X in X%:E]addr0; apply /ncvgD.
+ apply /ncvgMr; first rewrite -[X in X%:E](subrr lv).
by apply /ncvgB/ncvgC. by apply /nboundedC.
+ apply /ncvgMl; first rewrite -[X in X%:E](subrr lu).
by apply /ncvgB/ncvgC. by apply /(ncvg_nbounded cv).
Qed .
Lemma ncvgZ c u lu : ncvg u lu%:E -> ncvg (c \*o u) (c * lu)%:E.
Proof . by move => cu; apply /ncvgM => //; apply /ncvgC. Qed .
Lemma ncvg_leC c u (lu : \bar R) :
(forall n , u n <= c) -> ncvg u lu -> (lu <= c%:E)%E.
Proof . by move => le cu; apply /(@ncvg_le c%:S u)=> //; apply /ncvgC. Qed .
Lemma ncvg_geC c u (lu : \bar R) :
(forall n , c <= u n) -> ncvg u lu -> (c%:E <= lu)%E.
Proof . by move => le cu; apply /(@ncvg_le u c%:S)=> //; apply /ncvgC. Qed .
Lemma iscvgC c : iscvg c%:S.
Proof . by exists c ; apply /ncvgC. Qed .
Hint Resolve iscvgC : core.
Lemma iscvgD (u v : nat -> R) : iscvg u -> iscvg v -> iscvg (u \+ v).
Proof . by case => [lu cu] [lv cv]; exists (lu + lv); apply /ncvgD. Qed .
Lemma iscvg_sum {I : eqType} (u : I -> nat -> R) r :
(forall i , i \in r -> iscvg (u i)) ->
iscvg (fun n => \sum_(i <- r) u i n).
Proof .
elim : r => [|i r ih] h.
by exists 0 ; apply /(@ncvg_eq 0 %:S)/ncvgC => n; rewrite big_nil.
case : ih => [j jr|c cv]; first by apply /h; rewrite inE jr orbT.
have [l cl]: iscvg (u i) by apply /h; rewrite inE eqxx.
exists (c + l); have := ncvgD cv cl; apply /ncvg_eq.
by move => n; rewrite big_cons addrC.
Qed .
Lemma iscvg_eq (u v : nat -> R) :
u =1 v -> iscvg v -> iscvg u.
Proof . by move => equv [l h]; exists l ; apply /(ncvg_eq equv). Qed .
Lemma ncvg_sub h u lu :
{homo h : x y / (x < y)%N}
-> ncvg u lu -> ncvg (fun n => u (h n)) lu.
Proof .
move => mono_h cvu v; case : (cvu v)=> K {}cvu; exists K .
move => n le_Kn; apply /cvu; apply /(leq_trans le_Kn).
elim : {le_Kn} n => [|n ih] //; apply /(leq_ltn_trans ih).
by rewrite mono_h.
Qed .
Lemma iscvg_sub σ u :
{homo σ : x y / (x < y)%N} -> iscvg u -> iscvg (u \o σ).
Proof . by move => homoσ [l h]; exists l ; apply /ncvg_sub. Qed .
Lemma ncvg_shift k (u : nat -> R) l :
ncvg u l <-> ncvg (fun n => u (n + k)%N) l.
Proof . split => h v; move /(_ v): h => [K h].
+ by exists K => n leKn; apply /h/(leq_trans leKn)/leq_addr.
+ exists (K + k)%N => n leKkn; rewrite -[n](@subnK k).
* by apply /(leq_trans _ leKkn)/leq_addl.
apply /h/(@leq_trans ((K+k) - k))/leq_sub2r => //.
by rewrite addnK.
Qed .
Lemma iscvg_shift k (u : nat -> R) :
iscvg u <-> iscvg (fun n => u (n + k)%N).
Proof . by split => -[l h]; exists l ; apply /(ncvg_shift _ u). Qed .
Lemma ncvg_gt (u : nat -> R) (l1 l2 : \bar R) :
(l1 < l2)%E -> ncvg u l2 ->
exists K , forall n , (K <= n)%N -> (l1 < (u n)%:E)%E.
Proof .
case : l1 l2 => [l1||] [l2||] //=; first last .
+ by move => _ _; exists 0 %N => ? ?; exact : ltNyr.
+ by move => _ _; exists 0 %N => ? ?; exact : ltNyr.
+ by move => _ /(_ (NPInf l1)) [K cv]; exists K => n /cv.
move => lt_12; pose e := l2 - l1 => /(_ (B l2 e)).
case => K cv; exists K => n /cv; rewrite !inE eclamp_id ?subr_gt0 //.
rewrite ltr_distl => /andP[] /(le_lt_trans _) h _; apply : h.
by rewrite {cv}/e opprB addrCA subrr addr0.
Qed .
Lemma ncvg_lt (u : nat -> R) (l1 l2 : \bar R) :
(l1 < l2)%E -> ncvg u l1 ->
exists K , forall n , (K <= n)%N -> ((u n)%:E < l2)%E.
Proof .
move => lt_12 cv_u_l1; case : (@ncvg_gt (- u) (-l2) (-l1)).
by rewrite lte_opp2. by apply /ncvgN.
by move => K cv; exists K => n /cv; rewrite (@lte_opp2 _ _ (u n)%:E).
Qed .
Lemma ncvg_homo_lt (u : nat -> R) (l1 l2 : \bar R) :
(forall m n , (m <= n)%N -> u m <= u n)
-> (l1 < l2)%E -> ncvg u l1 -> forall n , ((u n)%:E < l2)%E.
Proof .
move => homo_u lt_12 cvu n; have [K {cvu}cv] := ncvg_lt lt_12 cvu.
case : (leqP n K) => [/homo_u|/ltnW /cv //].
by move /lee_tofin/le_lt_trans; apply ; apply /cv.
Qed .
Lemma ncvg_homo_le (u : nat -> R) (l : \bar R) :
(forall m n , (m <= n)%N -> u m <= u n)
-> ncvg u l -> forall n , ((u n)%:E <= l)%E.
Proof .
move => homo_u cvu n; rewrite leNgt.
by apply /negP => /ncvg_homo_lt /(_ cvu) -/(_ homo_u n); rewrite ltxx.
Qed .
End SeqLimTh .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section LimOp .
Context {R : realType}.
Implicit Types (u v : nat -> R).
Definition nlim u : \bar R :=
if @idP `[< exists l , `[< ncvg u l >] >] is ReflectT Px then
xchoose (asboolP _ Px) else -oo.
Lemma nlim_ncvg u : (exists l , ncvg u l) -> ncvg u (nlim u).
Proof .
case => l cv_u_l; rewrite /nlim; case : {-}_ / idP; last first .
by case ; apply /asboolP; exists l ; apply /asboolP.
by move => p; apply /asboolP/(xchooseP (asboolP _ p)).
Qed .
Lemma nlim_out u : ~ (exists l , ncvg u l) -> nlim u = -oo%E.
Proof .
move => h; rewrite /nlim; case : {-}_ / idP => // p.
by case : h; case /asboolP: p => l /asboolP; exists l .
Qed .
CoInductive nlim_spec (u : nat -> R) : \bar R -> Type :=
| NLimCvg l : ncvg u l -> nlim_spec u l
| NLimOut : ~ (exists l , ncvg u l) -> nlim_spec u -oo.
Lemma nlimP u : nlim_spec u (nlim u).
Proof .
case /boolP: `[< exists l , `[< ncvg u l >] >] => /asboolP/exists_asboolP/asboolP.
by move /nlim_ncvg=> h; apply /NLimCvg.
by move => h; rewrite nlim_out //; apply /NLimOut.
Qed .
Lemma nlimE (u : nat -> R) (l : \bar R) : ncvg u l -> nlim u = l.
Proof .
move => cu; have : (ncvg u (nlim u)).
by apply /nlim_ncvg; exists l . by move /(ncvg_uniq cu) => ->.
Qed .
Lemma nlimC c : nlim c%:S = c%:E :> \bar R.
Proof . by move /nlimE: (@ncvgC R c). Qed .
Lemma nlimD (u v : nat -> R) : iscvg u -> iscvg v ->
nlim (u \+ v) = (nlim u + nlim v)%E.
Proof .
case => [lu cu] [lv cv]; rewrite (nlimE cu) (nlimE cv) /=.
by rewrite (nlimE (ncvgD cu cv)).
Qed .
Lemma eq_from_nlim K (v u : nat -> R) :
(forall n , (K <= n)%N -> u n = v n) -> nlim u = nlim v.
Proof .
move => eq; have h := ncvg_eq_from eq; case : (nlimP v).
by move => l cv; have cu := h _ cv; rewrite (nlimE cu).
move => Ncv; rewrite nlim_out //; case => l cu.
apply : Ncv; exists l ; apply /(@ncvg_eq_from _ K u) => //.
by move => n /eq /esym.
Qed .
Lemma eq_nlim (v u : nat -> R) : u =1 v -> nlim u = nlim v.
Proof . by move => eq; apply /(@eq_from_nlim 0 ) => n _; apply /eq. Qed .
Lemma nlim_bump (u : nat -> R) : nlim (fun n => u n.+1 ) = nlim u.
Proof .
case : (nlimP u) => [l cu|Ncu].
suff : ncvg (fun n => u n.+1 ) l by move /nlimE.
move => v; case /(_ v): cu => K cu; exists K => n le_Kn.
by apply /cu; apply /(leq_trans le_Kn).
rewrite nlim_out //; case => l cu; apply /Ncu; exists l .
move => v; case /(_ v): cu => K cu; exists K .+1 => n le_Kn.
rewrite -[n]prednK; first by apply /(leq_trans _ le_Kn).
by apply /cu; rewrite -ltnS prednK ?(leq_trans _ le_Kn).
Qed .
Lemma nlim_lift (u : nat -> R) p : nlim (fun n => u (n + p)%N) = nlim u.
Proof .
elim : p => [|p ih]; first by apply /eq_nlim=> k; rewrite addn0.
rewrite -ih -[in RHS]nlim_bump; apply /eq_nlim=> k /=.
by rewrite addSnnS.
Qed .
Lemma nlim_sum {I : eqType} (u : I -> nat -> R) (r : seq I) :
(forall i , i \in r -> iscvg (u i)) ->
nlim (fun n => \sum_(i <- r) (u i) n)
= (\sum_(i <- r) nlim (u i))%E.
Proof .
elim : r => /= [|i r ih] h; first rewrite big_nil.
by rewrite (@eq_nlim 0 %:S) ?nlimC //= => n; rewrite big_nil.
rewrite big_cons -ih -?nlimD .
by move => j jr; apply /h; rewrite inE jr orbT.
by apply /h; rewrite inE eqxx.
by apply /iscvg_sum=> j jr; apply /h; rewrite inE jr orbT.
by apply /eq_nlim=> n /=; rewrite big_cons.
Qed .
Lemma nlim_sumR {I : eqType} (u : I -> nat -> R) (r : seq I) :
(forall i , i \in r -> iscvg (u i)) ->
nlim (fun n => \sum_(i <- r) (u i) n) = (\sum_(i <- r)
(fine (nlim (u i)) : R))%:E.
Proof .
move => h; rewrite nlim_sum //; elim : r h => [|i r ih] h.
by rewrite !big_nil.
rewrite !big_cons; case : (h i); first by rewrite inE eqxx.
move => c /nlimE ->; rewrite ih // => j jr.
by apply /h; rewrite inE jr orbT.
Qed .
Lemma nlim_sup (u : nat -> R) l :
(forall n m , (n <= m)%N -> u n <= u m)
-> ncvg u l%:E
-> sup [set r | exists n , r = u n] = l.
Proof .
move => mn_u cv_ul; set S := (X in sup X); suff : ncvg u (sup S)%:E.
by move /nlimE; move /nlimE: cv_ul => -> [->].
elim /nbh_finW=> /= e gt0_e; have sS: has_sup S.
split ; first exists (u 0 %N).
by exists 0 %N.
exists l ; apply /ubP => _ [n ->].
by rewrite -lee_fin; apply /ncvg_homo_le.
have /sup_adherent := sS => /(_ _ gt0_e) [r] [N ->] lt_uN.
exists N => n le_Nn; rewrite !inE distrC ger0_norm ?subr_ge0 .
by move /ubP : (sup_upper_bound sS) => -> //; exists n .
by rewrite ltr_subl_addr -ltr_subl_addl (lt_le_trans lt_uN) ?mn_u .
Qed .
End LimOp .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)