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(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2015--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2015--2018 - Inria *)
(* Copyright (c) - 2016--2018 - Polytechnique *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.Notation "[ predI _ & _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ predU _ & _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ predD _ & _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ predC _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "[ preim _ of _ ]" was already used in scope
fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing]New coercion path [GRing.subring_closedM;
GRing.smulr_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedN] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.oppr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi;
GRing.semiring_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subring_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed.
New coercion path [GRing.subring_closed_semi;
GRing.semiring_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subring_closedB; GRing.zmod_closedD] : GRing.subring_closed >-> GRing.addr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.sdivr_closed_div;
GRing.divr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.sdivr_closedM; GRing.smulr_closedM] : GRing.sdivr_closed >-> GRing.mulr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.subalg_closedBM;
GRing.subring_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.subalg_closedZ; GRing.submod_closedB] : GRing.subalg_closed >-> GRing.zmod_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.divring_closed_div;
GRing.sdivr_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.divring_closedBM; GRing.subring_closedM] : GRing.divring_closed >-> GRing.smulr_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.divalg_closedBdiv;
GRing.divring_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.divalg_closedZ; GRing.subalg_closedBM] : GRing.divalg_closed >-> GRing.subring_closed.
[ambiguous-paths,typechecker] New coercion path [GRing.Pred.subring_smul;
GRing.Pred.smul_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul is ambiguous with existing
[GRing.Pred.subring_semi; GRing.Pred.semiring_mul] : GRing.Pred.subring >-> GRing.Pred.mul.
From mathcomp Require Export finmap.
Set Implicit Arguments .
Unset Strict Implicit .
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive .
Set Asymmetric Patterns .
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope fset_scope.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma uniq_fset_keys {K : choiceType} (J : {fset K}) : uniq (enum_fset J).K : choiceType J : {fset K}
uniq J
Proof .2
by case : J => J /= /canonical_uniq. Qed .
#[global ] Hint Resolve uniq_fset_keys : core.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma enum_fset0 (T : choiceType) :
enum [finType of fset0] = [::] :> seq (@fset0 T).T : choiceType
enum [finType of fset0] = [::]
Proof .a
by rewrite enumT unlock . Qed .
Lemma enum_fset1 (T : choiceType) (x : T) :
enum [finType of [fset x]] = [:: [`fset11 x]].d x : T
enum [finType of [fset x]] = [:: [` fset11 x]]
Proof .11
apply /perm_small_eq=> //; apply /uniq_perm => //.13 uniq (enum [finType of [fset x]])
by apply /enum_uniq.
case => [y hy]; rewrite mem_seq1 mem_enum /in_mem /=.d x, y : T hy : y \in [fset x]
true = ([` hy] == [` fset11 x])
by rewrite eqE /=; rewrite in_fset1 in hy.
Qed .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section BigFSet .
Variable (R : Type ) (idx : R) (op : Monoid.law idx).
Variable (I : choiceType).
Lemma big_fset0_cond (P : pred _) (F : _ -> R) :
\big[op/idx]_(i : @fset0 I | P i) F i = idx :> R.R : Type idx : R op : Monoid.law idx I : choiceType P : pred fset0 F : fset0 -> R
\big[op/idx]_(i | P i) F i = idx
Proof .29
by apply : big_pred0 => -[j hj]; have := hj; rewrite in_fset0. Qed .
Lemma big_fset0 (F : @fset0 I -> R) :
\big[op/idx]_(i : fset0) F i = idx.2c 2d 2e 2f 31
\big[op/idx]_i F i = idx
Proof .35
by rewrite /index_enum -enumT /= enum_fset0 big_nil. Qed .
Lemma big_fset1 (a : I) (F : [fset a] -> R) :
\big[op/idx]_(i : [fset a]) F i = F (FSetSub (fset11 a)).2c 2d 2e 2f a : I F : [fset a] -> R
\big[op/idx]_i F i = (F.[fset11 a])%fmap
Proof .3b
by rewrite /index_enum -enumT enum_fset1 big_seq1. Qed .
End BigFSet .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section BigFSetCom .
Variable (R : Type ) (idx : R).
Local Notation "1" := idx.
Variable op : Monoid.com_law 1 .
Local Notation "'*%M'" := op (at level 0 ).
Local Notation "x * y" := (op x y).
Lemma big_fset_seq_cond (T : choiceType) (J : {fset T}) P F :
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x : J | P (val x)) F (val x)
= \big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- enum_fset J | P x) F x.2c 2d op : Monoid.com_law 1 d J : {fset T} P : T -> bool F : T -> R
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x | P (val x)) F (val x) =
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- J | P x) F x
Proof .43
case : J=> J c; rewrite -(big_map val) /index_enum.2c 2d 46 d 48 49 J : seq T c : canonical_keys J
\big[*%M/1 ]_(i <- [seq val i
| i <- locked_with index_enum_key
(mkFinSet c)))] |
P i) F i = \big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- mkFinSet c | P x) F x
by rewrite !unlock val_fset_sub_enum ?canonical_uniq .
Qed .
Lemma big_fset_seq (T : choiceType) (J : {fset T}) F :
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x : J) F (val x)
= \big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- enum_fset J) F x.2c 2d 46 d 47 49
\big[*%M/1 ]_x F (val x) = \big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- J) F x
Proof .54
by apply /big_fset_seq_cond. Qed .
Lemma big_seq_fset_cond (T : choiceType) (s : seq T) P F : uniq s ->
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x : [fset x in s] | P (val x)) F (val x)
= \big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- s | P x) F x.2c 2d 46 d s : seq T 48 49
uniq s ->
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x | P (val x)) F (val x) =
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- s | P x) F x
Proof .5a
move => eq_s; rewrite big_fset_seq_cond; apply /perm_big.2c 2d 46 d 5d 48 49 eq_s : uniq s
perm_eq [fset x | x in s] s
by apply /uniq_perm=> //= x; rewrite in_fset.
Qed .
Lemma big_seq_fset (T : choiceType) (s : seq T) F : uniq s ->
\big[*%M/1 ]_(x : [fset x in s]) F (val x)
= \big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- s) F x.2c 2d 46 d 5d 49
uniq s ->
\big[*%M/1 ]_x F (val x) = \big[*%M/1 ]_(x <- s) F x
Proof .67
by apply /big_seq_fset_cond. Qed .
End BigFSetCom .
Arguments big_fset_seq_cond [R idx op T J] P F.
Arguments big_fset_seq [R idx op T J] F.
Arguments big_seq_fset_cond [R idx op T s] P F _.
Arguments big_seq_fset [R idx op T s] F _.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section BigFSetU .
Context {R : Type } {T : choiceType} (idx : R) (op : Monoid.com_law idx).
Lemma big_fsetU (A B : {fset T}) F : [disjoint A & B] ->
\big[op/idx]_(j : A `|` B) F (val j) =
op (\big[op/idx]_(j : A) F (val j))
(\big[op/idx]_(j : B) F (val j)).2c d 2d op : Monoid.com_law idx A, B : {fset T} 49
[disjoint A & B] ->
\big[op/idx]_j F (val j) =
op (\big[op/idx]_j F (val j))
(\big[op/idx]_j F (val j))
Proof .6d
move => dj_AB; rewrite !big_fset_seq -big_cat; apply /perm_big.2c d 2d 70 71 49 dj_AB : [disjoint A & B]
perm_eq (A `|` B) (A ++ B)
apply /uniq_perm=> //.
+ 7b
rewrite cat_uniq ?uniq_fset_keys !(andbT, andTb); apply /hasPn => x /=.2c d 2d 70 71 49 78 14
x \in B -> x \notin A
by apply /fdisjointP; rewrite fdisjoint_sym.
+ 88
by move => x; rewrite mem_cat in_fsetE.
Qed .
End BigFSetU .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section BigFSetOrder .
Variable (R : realDomainType) (T : choiceType).
Lemma big_fset_subset (I J : {fset T}) (F : T -> R) :
(forall x , 0 <= F x) -> {subset I <= J} ->
\sum_(i : I) F (val i) <= \sum_(j : J) F (val j).R : realDomainType d I, J : {fset T} 49
(forall x : T, 0 <= F x) ->
{subset I <= J} ->
\sum_i F (val i) <= \sum_j F (val j)
Proof .8c
move => ge0_F le_IJ; rewrite !big_fset_seq /=.8f d 90 49 ge0_F : forall x : T, 0 <= F xle_IJ : {subset I <= J}
\sum_(x <- I) F x <= \sum_(x <- J) F x
rewrite [X in _<=X](bigID [pred j : T | j \in I]) /=.96 \sum_(x <- I) F x <=
(\sum_(i <- J | i \in I) F i +
\sum_(i <- J | i \notin I) F i)%R
rewrite ler_paddr ?sumr_ge0 // -[X in _<=X]big_filter.96 \sum_(x <- I) F x <=
\sum_(i <- [seq i <- J | i \in I]) F i
rewrite le_eqVlt; apply /orP; left ; apply /eqP/perm_big.96 perm_eq I [seq i <- J | i \in I]
apply /uniq_perm; rewrite ?filter_uniq //; last move => i.8f d 90 49 97 98 i : T
(i \in I) = (i \in [seq i <- J | i \in I])
rewrite mem_filter; case /boolP: (_ \in _) => //=.a9 i \in I -> true = (i \in J)
by move /le_IJ => ->.
Qed .
Lemma big_nat_mkfset (F : nat -> R) n :
\sum_(0 <= i < n) F i =
\sum_(i : [fset x in (iota 0 n)]) F (val i).8f d F : nat -> R n : nat
\sum_(0 <= i < n) F i = \sum_i F (val i)
Proof .b1
rewrite -(big_map val xpredT) /=; apply /perm_big.b3 perm_eq (index_iota 0 n)
[seq fsval i
| i <- index_enum
[fset x | x in iota 0 n])]
apply /uniq_perm; rewrite ?iota_uniq //.b3 uniq
[seq fsval i
| i <- index_enum
[fset x | x in iota 0 n])]
rewrite map_inj_uniq /=; last apply /val_inj.b3 uniq
(fset_sub_finType [fset x | x in iota 0 n]))
by rewrite /index_enum -enumT enum_uniq.
by move => i; rewrite /index_enum -enumT -enum_fsetE in_fset /index_iota subn0.
Qed .
Lemma big_ord_mkfset (F : nat -> R) n :
\sum_(i < n) F i =
\sum_(i : [fset x in (iota 0 n)]) F (val i).b3 \sum_(i < n) F i = \sum_i F (val i)
Proof .cb
by rewrite -(big_mkord xpredT) big_nat_mkfset. Qed .
End BigFSetOrder .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma enum_fsetT {I : finType} :
perm_eq (enum [fset i | i in I]) (enum I).I : finType
perm_eq (enum [fset i | i in I]) (enum I)
Proof .d0
apply /uniq_perm; rewrite ?enum_uniq //.d2 enum [fset i | i in I] =i enum I
by move => i /=; rewrite !mem_enum in_imfset.
Qed .
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)