Library mathcomp.ssreflect.ssrnotations

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 Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B.                                  *)

  • Reserved notation for various arithmetic and algebraic operations: e. [a1, ..., a_n] evaluation (e.g., polynomials). e`_i indexing (number list, integer pi-part). x^-1 inverse (group, field). x *+ n, x *- n integer multiplier (modules and rings). x ^+ n, x ^- n integer exponent (groups and rings). x *: A, A :* x external product (scaling/module product in rings, left/right cosets in groups). A :&: B intersection (of sets, groups, subspaces, ...). A :|: B, a |: B union, union with a singleton (of sets). A :\: B, A :\ b relative complement (of sets, subspaces, ...). <<A>>, < [a]> generated group/subspace, generated cycle/line. 'C[x], 'C_A[x] point centralisers (in groups and F-algebras). 'C(A), 'C_B(A) centralisers (in groups and matrix and F_algebras). 'Z(A) centers (in groups and matrix and F-algebras). m %/ d, m %% d Euclidean division and remainder (nat, polynomials). d %| m Euclidean divisibility (nat, polynomial). m = n % [mod d] equality mod d (also defined for <>, ==, and !=). e^`(n) nth formal derivative (groups, polynomials). e^`() simple formal derivative (polynomials only). `|x| norm, absolute value, distance (rings, int, nat). x <= y ?= iff C x is less than y, and equal iff C holds (nat, rings). x <= y :> T, etc cast comparison (rings, all comparison operators). [rec a1, ..., an] standard shorthand for hidden recursor (see prime.v). The interpretation of these notations is not defined here, but the declarations help maintain consistency across the library.
Reserved notation for evaluation
Reserved Notation "e .[ x ]"
  (at level 2, left associativity, format "e .[ x ]").

Reserved Notation "e .[ x1 , x2 , .. , xn ]" (at level 2, left associativity,
  format "e '[ ' .[ x1 , '/' x2 , '/' .. , '/' xn ] ']'").

Reserved notation for subscripting and superscripting
Reserved Notation "s `_ i" (at level 3, i at level 2, left associativity,
  format "s `_ i").
Reserved Notation "x ^-1" (at level 3, left associativity, format "x ^-1").

Reserved notation for integer multipliers and exponents
Reserved Notation "x *+ n" (at level 40, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "x *- n" (at level 40, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "x ^+ n" (at level 29, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "x ^- n" (at level 29, left associativity).

Reserved notation for external multiplication.
Reserved Notation "x *: A" (at level 40).
Reserved Notation "A :* x" (at level 40).

Reserved notation for set-theoretic operations.
Reserved Notation "A :&: B" (at level 48, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "A :|: B" (at level 52, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "a |: A" (at level 52, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "A :\: B" (at level 50, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "A :\ b" (at level 50, left associativity).

Reserved notation for generated structures
Reserved Notation "<< A >>" (at level 0, format "<< A >>").
Reserved Notation "<[ a ] >" (at level 0, format "<[ a ] >").

Reserved notation for the order of an element (group, polynomial, etc)
Reserved Notation "#[ x ]" (at level 0, format "#[ x ]").

Reserved notation for centralisers and centers.
Reserved Notation "''C' [ x ]" (at level 8, format "''C' [ x ]").
Reserved Notation "''C_' A [ x ]"
  (at level 8, A at level 2, format "''C_' A [ x ]").
Reserved Notation "''C' ( A )" (at level 8, format "''C' ( A )").
Reserved Notation "''C_' B ( A )"
  (at level 8, B at level 2, format "''C_' B ( A )").
Reserved Notation "''Z' ( A )" (at level 8, format "''Z' ( A )").
Compatibility with group action centraliser notation.
Reserved Notation "''C_' ( A ) [ x ]" (at level 8).
Reserved Notation "''C_' ( B ) ( A )" (at level 8).

Reserved notation for Euclidean division and divisibility.
Reserved Notation "m %/ d" (at level 40, no associativity).
Reserved Notation "m %% d" (at level 40, no associativity).
Reserved Notation "m %| d" (at level 70, no associativity).
Reserved Notation "m = n %[mod d ]" (at level 70, n at next level,
  format "'[hv ' m '/' = n '/' %[mod d ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "m == n %[mod d ]" (at level 70, n at next level,
  format "'[hv ' m '/' == n '/' %[mod d ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "m <> n %[mod d ]" (at level 70, n at next level,
  format "'[hv ' m '/' <> n '/' %[mod d ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "m != n %[mod d ]" (at level 70, n at next level,
  format "'[hv ' m '/' != n '/' %[mod d ] ']'").

Reserved notation for derivatives.
Reserved Notation "a ^` ()" (at level 8, format "a ^` ()").
Reserved Notation "a ^` ( n )" (at level 8, format "a ^` ( n )").

Reserved notation for absolute value.
Reserved Notation "`| x |" (at level 0, x at level 99, format "`| x |").

Reserved notation for conditional comparison
Reserved Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' c" (at level 70, y, c at next level,
  format "x '[hv' <= y '/' ?= 'iff' c ']'").

Reserved notation for cast comparison.
Reserved Notation "x <= y :> T" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x >= y :> T" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x < y :> T" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x > y :> T" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' c :> T" (at level 70, y, c at next level,
  format "x '[hv' <= y '/' ?= 'iff' c :> T ']'").

Reserved notation for dot product.
Reserved Notation "'[ u , v ]"
  (at level 2, format "'[hv' ''[' u , '/ ' v ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "'[ u ]" (at level 2, format "''[' u ]").