Mathematical Components: Installation

The Mathematical Components libraries are provided as separate packages:

The installation of Mathematical Components is best done using opam, a package manager for OCaml, the programming language with which Coq is implemented.

The relevant packages can be found in the Coq package index; their name is usually prefixed with coq-mathcomp-.

Install the Base Mathematical Components Libraries

Installation using the opam package manager

  • Using opam, the installation of the base Mathematical Components library is as simple as this:
opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq-mathcomp-ssreflect
  • Other base mathematical components libraries can then be installed similarly using opam install:
    • coq-mathcomp-algebra,
    • coq-mathcomp-field,
    • coq-mathcomp-solvable,
    • coq-mathcomp-fingroup,
    • coq-mathcomp-character.

Installation using the Coq platform

  • The Coq platform is a distribution of Coq together with a selection of libraries including most Mathematical Components libraries. It supports Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Other installation instructions and details

  • You can find more detailed installation instructions in (from the official distribution), this includes:
    • various ways of installing using opam
    • installation from the source files (using make)
    • installation using nix
  • Installation instructions in Japanese, 日本語
    • see「パッケージからの設定」for installation using opam
  • Advanced: Installation Instructions for Windows 11 using cygwin-opam or WSL
    • It is possible to install the Mathematical Components libraries on Windows 11 using cygwin together with the binary distribution of Coq or together with opam for Windows, or with Windows Subsystem for Linux, as explained for example here.

Install Other Mathematical Components Libraries

There are several libraries that build on top of the base Mathematical Components libraries, e.g.:


  1. Finite sets, finite maps, multisets and generic sets
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-finmap
  2. Multinomials for the Mathematical Components library
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-multinomials
  3. Theorems for Real Closed Fields
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-real-closed
  4. A layer for classical reasoning (developed along MathComp Analysis)
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-classical
  5. MathComp Analysis
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-analysis


  1. The Four Color theorem
    • Available as the opam package coq-fourcolor
  2. The Odd Order theorem
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-odd-order
  3. Abel-Ruffini theorem
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-abel
  4. A formal proof of the irrationality of zeta(3), the Apéry constant
    • Available as the opam package coq-mathcomp-apery

More libraries:

  • See the Mathematical Components' github.
  • coq-community also features a number of libraries using Mathematical Components.