Library mathcomp.analysis.boolp

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From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype choice.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Declare Scope box_scope.
Declare Scope quant_scope.

Axiom functional_extensionality_dep :
        (A : Type) (B : A Type) (f g : x : A, B x),
       ( x : A, f x = g x) f = g.
Axiom propositional_extensionality :
        P Q : Prop, P Q P = Q.

Axiom constructive_indefinite_description :
   (A : Type) (P : A Prop),
  ( x : A, P x) {x : A | P x}.
Notation cid := constructive_indefinite_description.

Record mextentionality := {
  _ : (P Q : Prop), (P Q) (P = Q);
  _ : {T U : Type} (f g : T U),
        ( x, f x = g x) f = g;

Fact extentionality : mextentionality.

Lemma propext (P Q : Prop) : (P Q) (P = Q).

Lemma funext {T U : Type} (f g : T U) : (f =1 g) f = g.

Lemma propeqE (P Q : Prop) : (P = Q) = (P Q).

Lemma funeqE {T U : Type} (f g : T U) : (f = g) = (f =1 g).

Lemma funeq2E {T U V : Type} (f g : T U V) : (f = g) = (f =2 g).

Lemma funeq3E {T U V W : Type} (f g : T U V W) :
  (f = g) = ( x y z, f x y z = g x y z).

Lemma predeqE {T} (P Q : T Prop) : (P = Q) = ( x, P x Q x).

Lemma predeqP {T} (A B : T Prop) : (A = B) ( x, A x B x).

Lemma predeq2E {T U} (P Q : T U Prop) :
   (P = Q) = ( x y, P x y Q x y).

Lemma predeq3E {T U V} (P Q : T U V Prop) :
   (P = Q) = ( x y z, P x y z Q x y z).

Lemma propT (P : Prop) : P P = True.

Lemma Prop_irrelevance (P : Prop) (x y : P) : x = y.

Record mclassic := {
  _ : (P : Prop), {P} + {¬P};
  _ : T, Choice.mixin_of T

Lemma choice X Y (P : X Y Prop) :
  ( x, y, P x y) {f & x, P x (f x)}.

Diaconescu Theorem
Theorem EM P : P ¬ P.

Lemma pselect (P : Prop): {P} + {¬P}.

Lemma classic : mclassic.

Lemma gen_choiceMixin {T : Type} : Choice.mixin_of T.

Lemma pdegen (P : Prop): P = True P = False.

Lemma lem (P : Prop): P ¬P.

Lemma trueE : true = True :> Prop.

Lemma falseE : false = False :> Prop.

Lemma propF (P : Prop) : ¬ P P = False.

Lemma eq_fun T rT (U V : T rT) :
  ( x : T, U x = V x) (fun xU x) = (fun xV x).

Lemma eq_fun2 T1 T2 rT (U V : T1 T2 rT) :
  ( x y, U x y = V x y) (fun x yU x y) = (fun x yV x y).

Lemma eq_fun3 T1 T2 T3 rT (U V : T1 T2 T3 rT) :
  ( x y z, U x y z = V x y z)
  (fun x y zU x y z) = (fun x y zV x y z).

Lemma eq_forall T (U V : T Prop) :
  ( x : T, U x = V x) ( x, U x) = ( x, V x).

Lemma eq_forall2 T S (U V : x : T, S x Prop) :
  ( x y, U x y = V x y) ( x y, U x y) = ( x y, V x y).

Lemma eq_forall3 T S R (U V : (x : T) (y : S x), R x y Prop) :
  ( x y z, U x y z = V x y z)
  ( x y z, U x y z) = ( x y z, V x y z).

Lemma eq_exists T (U V : T Prop) :
  ( x : T, U x = V x) ( x, U x) = ( x, V x).

Lemma eq_exists2 T S (U V : x : T, S x Prop) :
  ( x y, U x y = V x y) ( x y, U x y) = ( x y, V x y).

Lemma eq_exists3 T S R (U V : (x : T) (y : S x), R x y Prop) :
  ( x y z, U x y z = V x y z)
  ( x y z, U x y z) = ( x y z, V x y z).

Lemma eq_exist T (P : T Prop) (s t : T) (p : P s) (q : P t) :
  s = t exist P s p = exist P t q.

Lemma forall_swap T S (U : (x : T) (y : S), Prop) :
   ( x y, U x y) = ( y x, U x y).

Lemma exists_swap T S (U : (x : T) (y : S), Prop) :
   ( x y, U x y) = ( y x, U x y).

Lemma reflect_eq (P : Prop) (b : bool) : reflect P b P = b.

Definition asbool (P : Prop) :=
  if pselect P then true else false.

Notation "`[< P >]" := (asbool P) : bool_scope.

Lemma asboolE (P : Prop) : `[<P>] = P :> Prop.

Lemma asboolP (P : Prop) : reflect P `[<P>].

Lemma asboolb (b : bool) : `[< b >] = b.

Lemma asboolPn (P : Prop) : reflect (¬ P) (~~ `[<P>]).

Lemma asboolW (P : Prop) : `[<P>] P.

Shall this be a coercion ?
Lemma asboolT (P : Prop) : P `[<P>].

Lemma asboolF (P : Prop) : ¬ P `[<P>] = false.

Definition equality_mixin_of_Type (T : Type) : Equality.mixin_of T :=
  EqMixin (fun x y : TasboolP (x = y)).

Definition choice_of_Type (T : Type) : choiceType :=
  Choice.Pack (Choice.Class (equality_mixin_of_Type T) gen_choiceMixin).

Lemma is_true_inj : injective is_true.

Lemma not_True : (¬ True) = False.
Lemma not_False : (¬ False) = True.

Lemma asbool_equiv_eq {P Q : Prop} : (P Q) `[<P>] = `[<Q>].

Lemma asbool_equiv_eqP {P Q : Prop} b : reflect Q b (P Q) `[<P>] = b.

Lemma asbool_equiv {P Q : Prop} : (P Q) (`[<P>] `[<Q>]).

Lemma asbool_eq_equiv {P Q : Prop} : `[<P>] = `[<Q>] (P Q).

Lemma and_asboolP (P Q : Prop) : reflect (P Q) (`[< P >] && `[< Q >]).

Lemma and3_asboolP (P Q R : Prop) :
  reflect [/\ P, Q & R] [&& `[< P >], `[< Q >] & `[< R >]].

Lemma or_asboolP (P Q : Prop) : reflect (P Q) (`[< P >] || `[< Q >]).

Lemma or3_asboolP (P Q R : Prop) :
  reflect [\/ P, Q | R] [|| `[< P >], `[< Q >] | `[< R >]].

Lemma asbool_neg {P : Prop} : `[<¬ P>] = ~~ `[<P>].

Lemma asbool_or {P Q : Prop} : `[<P Q>] = `[<P>] || `[<Q>].

Lemma asbool_and {P Q : Prop} : `[<P Q>] = `[<P>] && `[<Q>].

Lemma imply_asboolP {P Q : Prop} : reflect (P Q) (`[<P>] ==> `[<Q>]).

Lemma asbool_imply {P Q : Prop} : `[<P Q>] = `[<P>] ==> `[<Q>].

Lemma imply_asboolPn (P Q : Prop) : reflect (P ¬ Q) (~~ `[<P Q>]).

Lemma forall_asboolP {T : Type} (P : T Prop) :
  reflect ( x, `[<P x>]) (`[< x, P x>]).

Lemma exists_asboolP {T : Type} (P : T Prop) :
  reflect ( x, `[<P x>]) (`[< x, P x>]).

Lemma contra_notP (Q P : Prop) : (¬ Q P) ¬ P Q.

Lemma contraPP (Q P : Prop) : (¬ Q ¬ P) P Q.

Lemma contrapT P : ¬ ¬ P P.

Lemma wlog_neg P : (¬ P P) P.

Lemma notT (P : Prop) : P = False ¬ P.

Lemma notTE (P : Prop) : (¬ P) P = False.
Lemma notFE (P : Prop) : (¬ P) = False P.

Lemma notK : involutive not.

Lemma not_inj : injective not.
Lemma notLR P Q : (P = ¬ Q) (¬ P) = Q.

Lemma notRL P Q : (¬ P) = Q P = ¬ Q.

Lemma iff_notr (P Q : Prop) : (P ¬ Q) (¬ P Q).

Lemma iff_not2 (P Q : Prop) : (¬ P ¬ Q) (P Q).

assia : let's see if we need the simplpred machinery. In any case, we sould first try definitions + appropriate Arguments setting to see whether these can replace the canonical structures machinery.

Definition predp T := T Prop.

Identity Coercion fun_of_pred : predp >-> Funclass.

Definition relp T := T predp T.

Identity Coercion fun_of_rel : rel >-> Funclass.

Notation xpredp0 := (fun _False).
Notation xpredpT := (fun _True).
Notation xpredpI := (fun (p1 p2 : predp _) xp1 x p2 x).
Notation xpredpU := (fun (p1 p2 : predp _) xp1 x p2 x).
Notation xpredpC := (fun (p : predp _) x¬ p x).
Notation xpredpD := (fun (p1 p2 : predp _) x¬ p2 x p1 x).
Notation xpreimp := (fun f (p : predp _) xp (f x)).
Notation xrelpU := (fun (r1 r2 : relp _) x yr1 x y r2 x y).

Definition pred0p (T : Type) (P : predp T) : bool := `[<P =1 xpredp0>].

Lemma pred0pP (T : Type) (P : predp T) : reflect (P =1 xpredp0) (pred0p P).

Module BoolQuant.

Inductive box := Box of bool.

Bind Scope box_scope with box.
Delimit Scope box_scope with P.

Definition idbox {T : Type} (B : box) := fun (x : T) ⇒ B.

Definition unbox {T : Type} (B : T box) : bool :=
  asbool ( x : T, let: Box b := B x in b).

Notation "F ^*" := (Box F) (at level 2).
Notation "F ^~" := (~~ F) (at level 2).

Section Definitions.

Variable T : Type.
Implicit Types (B : box) (x y : T).

Definition quant0p Bp := pred0p (fun x : Tlet: F^* := Bp x x in F).
The first redundant argument protects the notation from Coq's K-term display kludge; the second protects it from simpl and /=.
Definition ex B x y := B.
Binding the predicate value rather than projecting it prevents spurious unfolding of the boolean connectives by unification.
Definition all B x y := let: F^* := B in F^~^*.
Definition all_in C B x y := let: F^* := B in (C ==> F)^~^*.
Definition ex_in C B x y := let: F^* := B in (C && F)^*.

End Definitions.

Notation "`[ x | B ]" := (quant0p (fun xB x)) (at level 0, x ident).
Notation "`[ x : T | B ]" := (quant0p (fun x : TB x)) (at level 0, x ident).

Module Exports.

Delimit Scope quant_scope with Q. (* Bogus, only used to declare scope. *)
Bind Scope quant_scope with box.

Notation ", F" := F^* (at level 200, format ", '/ ' F") : quant_scope.

Notation "`[ 'forall' x B ]" := `[x | all B]
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format "`[ '[hv' 'forall' x B ] ']'") : bool_scope.

Notation "`[ 'forall' x : T B ]" := `[x : T | all B]
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'forall' ( x | C ) B ]" := `[x | all_in C B]
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format "`[ '[hv' '[' 'forall' ( x '/ ' | C ) ']' B ] ']'") : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'forall' ( x : T | C ) B ]" := `[x : T | all_in C B]
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'forall' x 'in' A B ]" := `[x | all_in (x \in A) B]
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format "`[ '[hv' '[' 'forall' x '/ ' 'in' A ']' B ] ']'") : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'forall' x : T 'in' A B ]" := `[x : T | all_in (x \in A) B]
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.
Notation ", 'forall' x B" := `[x | all B]^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format ", '/ ' 'forall' x B") : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'forall' x : T B" := `[x : T | all B]^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'forall' ( x | C ) B" := `[x | all_in C B]^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format ", '/ ' '[' 'forall' ( x '/ ' | C ) ']' B") : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'forall' ( x : T | C ) B" := `[x : T | all_in C B]^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'forall' x 'in' A B" := `[x | all_in (x \in A) B]^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format ", '/ ' '[' 'forall' x '/ ' 'in' A ']' B") : bool_scope.
Notation ", 'forall' x : T 'in' A B" := `[x : T | all_in (x \in A) B]^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.

Notation "`[ 'exists' x B ]" := `[x | ex B]^~
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format "`[ '[hv' 'exists' x B ] ']'") : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'exists' x : T B ]" := `[x : T | ex B]^~
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'exists' ( x | C ) B ]" := `[x | ex_in C B]^~
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format "`[ '[hv' '[' 'exists' ( x '/ ' | C ) ']' B ] ']'") : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'exists' ( x : T | C ) B ]" := `[x : T | ex_in C B]^~
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'exists' x 'in' A B ]" := `[x | ex_in (x \in A) B]^~
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format "`[ '[hv' '[' 'exists' x '/ ' 'in' A ']' B ] ']'") : bool_scope.
Notation "`[ 'exists' x : T 'in' A B ]" := `[x : T | ex_in (x \in A) B]^~
  (at level 0, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.
Notation ", 'exists' x B" := `[x | ex B]^~^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format ", '/ ' 'exists' x B") : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'exists' x : T B" := `[x : T | ex B]^~^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'exists' ( x | C ) B" := `[x | ex_in C B]^~^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format ", '/ ' '[' 'exists' ( x '/ ' | C ) ']' B") : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'exists' ( x : T | C ) B" := `[x : T | ex_in C B]^~^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : quant_scope.
Notation ", 'exists' x 'in' A B" := `[x | ex_in (x \in A) B]^~^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200,
   format ", '/ ' '[' 'exists' x '/ ' 'in' A ']' B") : bool_scope.
Notation ", 'exists' x : T 'in' A B" := `[x : T | ex_in (x \in A) B]^~^*
  (at level 200, x at level 99, B at level 200, only parsing) : bool_scope.

End Exports.

End BoolQuant.
Export BoolQuant.Exports.

Local Open Scope quant_scope.

Section QuantifierCombinators.

Variables (T : Type) (P : pred T) (PP : predp T).
Hypothesis viewP : x, reflect (PP x) (P x).

Lemma existsPP : reflect ( x, PP x) `[ x, P x].

Lemma forallPP : reflect ( x, PP x) `[ x, P x].

End QuantifierCombinators.

Section PredQuantifierCombinators.

Variables (T : Type) (P : pred T).

Lemma existsbP : reflect ( x, P x) `[ x, P x].

Lemma existsbE : `[ x, P x] = `[< x, P x>].

Lemma forallbP : reflect ( x, P x) `[ x, P x].

Lemma forallbE : `[ x, P x] = `[< x, P x>].

End PredQuantifierCombinators.

Lemma existsp_asboolP {T} {P : T Prop} :
  reflect ( x : T, P x) `[ x : T, `[<P x>]].

Lemma forallp_asboolP {T} {P : T Prop} :
  reflect ( x : T, P x) `[ x : T, `[<P x>]].

Lemma forallp_asboolPn {T} {P : T Prop} :
  reflect ( x : T, ¬ P x) (~~ `[< x : T, P x>]).

Lemma existsp_asboolPn {T} {P : T Prop} :
  reflect ( x : T, ¬ P x) (~~ `[< x : T, P x>]).

Lemma asbool_forallNb {T : Type} (P : pred T) :
  `[< x : T, ~~ (P x) >] = ~~ `[< x : T, P x >].

Lemma asbool_existsNb {T : Type} (P : pred T) :
  `[< x : T, ~~ (P x) >] = ~~ `[< x : T, P x >].

Lemma not_implyP (P Q : Prop) : ¬ (P Q) P ¬ Q.

Lemma not_andP (P Q : Prop) : ¬ (P Q) ¬ P ¬ Q.

Lemma not_and3P (P Q R : Prop) : ¬ [/\ P, Q & R] [\/ ¬ P, ¬ Q | ¬ R].

Lemma not_orP (P Q : Prop) : ¬ (P Q) ¬ P ¬ Q.

Lemma not_implyE (P Q : Prop) : (¬ (P Q)) = (P ¬ Q).

Lemma orC (P Q : Prop) : (P Q) = (Q P).

Lemma orA : associative or.

Lemma andC (P Q : Prop) : (P Q) = (Q P).

Lemma andA : associative and.

Lemma forallNE {T} (P : T Prop) : ( x, ¬ P x) = ¬ x, P x.

Lemma existsNE {T} (P : T Prop) : ( x, ¬ P x) = ¬ x, P x.

Lemma existsNP T (P : T Prop) : ( x, ¬ P x) ¬ x, P x.

Lemma not_existsP T (P : T Prop) : ( x, P x) ¬ x, ¬ P x.

Lemma forallNP T (P : T Prop) : ( x, ¬ P x) ¬ x, P x.

Lemma not_forallP T (P : T Prop) : ( x, P x) ¬ x, ¬ P x.

Lemma not_exists2P T (P Q : T Prop) :
  (exists2 x, P x & Q x) ¬ x, ¬ P x ¬ Q x.

Lemma forall2NP T (P Q : T Prop) :
  ( x, ¬ P x ¬ Q x) ¬ (exists2 x, P x & Q x).

Lemma exists2P T (P Q : T Prop) :
  (exists2 x, P x & Q x) x, P x Q x.

Definition xchooseb {T : choiceType} (P : pred T) (h : `[ x, P x]) :=
  xchoose (existsbP P h).

Lemma xchoosebP {T : choiceType} (P : pred T) (h : `[ x, P x]) :
  P (xchooseb h).

FIXME: to be moved
Lemma imsetbP (T : Type) (U : eqType) (f : T U) v :
  reflect ( x, v = f x) (v \in [pred y | `[ x, y == f x]]).