Library mathcomp.analysis.posnum
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum.
Require Export signed.
Require Import boolp nngnum.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum.
Require Export signed.
Require Import boolp nngnum.
This file develops tools to make the manipulation of positive numbers
easier, thanks to canonical structures.
!! x == triggers pretyping to fill the holes of the term x. The
main use case is to trigger typeclass inference in the
body of a ssreflect have := !! body.
Credits: Enrico Tassi.
{posnum R} == interface type for elements in R that are positive; R
must have a numDomainType structure.
Allows to solve automatically goals of the form x > 0 if
x is canonically a {posnum R}. {posnum R} is canonically
stable by addition, multiplication, inverse, min and sqrt
All positive natural numbers ((n.+1)%:R) are also
canonically in {posnum R}
PosNum xgt0 == packs the proof xgt0 : x > 0, for x : R, to build a
{posnum R}.
x%:pos == explicitly casts x to {posnum R}, triggers the inference
of a {posnum R} structure for x.
x%:num == explicit cast from {posnum R} to R.
posreal == notation for {posnum R}, where R is the type of real
2 == notation for 2%:R.
[gt0 of x] == infers a {posnum R} structure for x and outputs the proof
that x is positive.