Library mathcomp.analysis.sequences
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum matrix.
From mathcomp Require Import interval rat.
Require Import boolp reals ereal mathcomp_extra classical_sets signed functions.
Require Import topology normedtype landau.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum matrix.
From mathcomp Require Import interval rat.
Require Import boolp reals ereal mathcomp_extra classical_sets signed functions.
Require Import topology normedtype landau.
Definitions and lemmas about sequences
The purpose of this file is to gather generic definitions and lemmas about
\sum<range> F i == lim (fun n => (\sum<range>) F i)) where
<range> can be (i <oo), (i <oo | P i),
(m <= i <oo), or (m <= i <oo | P i)
Sections sequences_R* contain properties of sequences of real numbers.
For example:
squeeze == squeeze lemma
cvgNpinfty u == (- u --> +oo) = (u --> -oo).
nonincreasing_cvg_ge u == if u is nonincreasing and convergent then
forall n, lim u <= u n
nondecreasing_cvg_le u == if u is nondecreasing and convergent then
forall n, lim u >= u n
nondecreasing_cvg u == if u is nondecreasing and bounded then u
is convergent and its limit is sup u_n
nonincreasing_cvg u == if u is nonincreasing u and bound by below
then u is convergent
adjacent == adjacent sequences lemma
cesaro == Cesaro's lemma
Section sequences_ereal contain properties of sequences of extended real
Naming convention: lemmas about series of non-negative extended numbers
use the string "nneseries" as part of their identifier
About sequences of real numbers:
[sequence u_n]_n == the sequence of general element u_n R ^nat == notation for the type of sequences, i.e., functions of type nat -> R seqDU F == sequence F_0, F_1 \ F_0, F_2 \ (F_0 U F_1),... seqD F == the sequence F_0, F_1 \ F_0, F_2 \ F_1,... series u == the sequence of partial sums of u telescope u := [sequence u n.+1 - u n]_n harmonic == harmonic sequence arithmetic == arithmetic sequence geometric == geometric sequence also arithmetic_mean, harmonic_mean, root_mean_square [series u_n]_n == the series of general element u_n [normed S] == transforms a series S = [series u_n]_n in its normed series [series `|u_n| ]_n] (useful to represent absolute and normed convergence: cvg [norm S_n]) exp_coeff n == the sequence of coefficients of the real exponential expR x == the exponential function defined on a realType is_cvg_series_exp_coeff == convergence of \sum_n^+oo x^n / n!About sequences of extended real numbers:
eseries, etelescope, etc.Limit superior and inferior:
sdrop u n := {u_k | k >= n} sups u := [sequence sup (sdrop u n) ]_n infs u := [sequence inf (sdrop u n) ]_n lim{inf,sup} == limit inferior/superior for realType esups u := [sequence ereal_sup (sdrop u n) ]_n einfs u := [sequence ereal_inf (sdrop u n) ]_n elim{inf,sup} == limit inferior/superior for \bar RSet Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Reserved Notation "R ^nat" (at level 0).
Reserved Notation "a `^ x" (at level 11).
Reserved Notation "[ 'sequence' E ]_ n"
(at level 0, E at level 200, n name, format "[ 'sequence' E ]_ n").
Reserved Notation "[ 'series' E ]_ n"
(at level 0, E at level 0, n name, format "[ 'series' E ]_ n").
Reserved Notation "[ 'normed' E ]" (at level 0, format "[ 'normed' E ]").
Reserved Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( m <= i <oo | P ) F"
(at level 36, F at level 36, op, idx at level 10, m, i at level 50,
format "'[' \big [ op / idx ]_ ( m <= i <oo | P ) F ']'").
Reserved Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( m <= i <oo ) F"
(at level 36, F at level 36, op, idx at level 10, i, m at level 50,
format "'[' \big [ op / idx ]_ ( m <= i <oo ) '/ ' F ']'").
Reserved Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( i <oo | P ) F"
(at level 36, F at level 36, op, idx at level 10, i at level 50,
format "'[' \big [ op / idx ]_ ( i <oo | P ) '/ ' F ']'").
Reserved Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( i <oo ) F"
(at level 36, F at level 36, op, idx at level 10, i at level 50,
format "'[' \big [ op / idx ]_ ( i <oo ) F ']'").
Reserved Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i '<oo' | P ) F"
(at level 41, F at level 41, i, m at level 50,
format "'[' \sum_ ( m <= i <oo | P ) '/ ' F ']'").
Reserved Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i '<oo' ) F"
(at level 41, F at level 41, i, m at level 50,
format "'[' \sum_ ( m <= i <oo ) '/ ' F ']'").
Reserved Notation "\sum_ ( i '<oo' | P ) F"
(at level 41, F at level 41, i at level 50,
format "'[' \sum_ ( i <oo | P ) '/ ' F ']'").
Reserved Notation "\sum_ ( i '<oo' ) F"
(at level 41, F at level 41, i at level 50,
format "'[' \sum_ ( i <oo ) '/ ' F ']'").
Definition sequence R := nat → R.
Definition mk_sequence R f : sequence R := f.
Arguments mk_sequence R f /.
Notation "[ 'sequence' E ]_ n" := (mk_sequence (fun n ⇒ E%E)) : ereal_scope.
Notation "[ 'sequence' E ]_ n" := (mk_sequence (fun n ⇒ E)) : ring_scope.
Notation "R ^nat" := (sequence R) : type_scope.
Notation "'nondecreasing_seq' f" := ({homo f : n m / (n ≤ m)%nat >-> (n ≤ m)%O})
(at level 10).
Notation "'nonincreasing_seq' f" := ({homo f : n m / (n ≤ m)%nat >-> (n ≥ m)%O})
(at level 10).
Notation "'increasing_seq' f" := ({mono f : n m / (n ≤ m)%nat >-> (n ≤ m)%O})
(at level 10).
Notation "'decreasing_seq' f" := ({mono f : n m / (n ≤ m)%nat >-> (n ≥ m)%O})
(at level 10).
TODO: the "strict" versions with mono instead of homo should also have notations
Lemma nondecreasing_opp (T : numDomainType) (u_ : T ^nat) :
nondecreasing_seq (- u_) = nonincreasing_seq u_.
Lemma nonincreasing_opp (T : numDomainType) (u_ : T ^nat) :
nonincreasing_seq (- u_) = nondecreasing_seq u_.
Lemma decreasing_opp (T : numDomainType) (u_ : T ^nat) :
decreasing_seq (- u_) = increasing_seq u_.
Lemma increasing_opp (T : numDomainType) (u_ : T ^nat) :
increasing_seq (- u_) = decreasing_seq u_.
Lemma nondecreasing_seqP (d : unit) (T : porderType d) (u_ : T ^nat) :
(∀ n, u_ n ≤ u_ n.+1)%O ↔ nondecreasing_seq u_.
Lemma nonincreasing_seqP (d : unit) (T : porderType d) (u_ : T ^nat) :
(∀ n, u_ n ≥ u_ n.+1)%O ↔ nonincreasing_seq u_.
Lemma increasing_seqP (d : unit) (T : porderType d) (u_ : T ^nat) :
(∀ n, u_ n < u_ n.+1)%O ↔ increasing_seq u_.
Lemma decreasing_seqP (d : unit) (T : porderType d) (u_ : T ^nat) :
(∀ n, u_ n > u_ n.+1)%O ↔ decreasing_seq u_.
TODO (maybe): variants for near \oo ??
Lemma lef_at (aT : Type) d (T : porderType d) (f : (aT → T)^nat) x :
nondecreasing_seq f → {homo (f^~ x) : n m / (n ≤ m)%N >-> (n ≤ m)%O}.
Lemma nondecreasing_seqD T (d : unit) (R : numDomainType) (f g : (T → R)^nat) :
(∀ x, nondecreasing_seq (f ^~ x)) →
(∀ x, nondecreasing_seq (g ^~ x)) →
(∀ x, nondecreasing_seq ((f \+ g) ^~ x)).
Sequences of sets
Section seqDU.
Variables (T : Type).
Implicit Types F : (set T)^nat.
Definition seqDU F n := F n `\` \big[setU/set0]_(k < n) F k.
Lemma trivIset_seqDU F : trivIset setT (seqDU F).
Lemma bigsetU_seqDU F n :
\big[setU/set0]_(k < n) F k = \big[setU/set0]_(k < n) seqDU F k.
Lemma seqDU_bigcup_eq F : \bigcup_k F k = \bigcup_k seqDU F k.
End seqDU.
#[global] Hint Resolve trivIset_seqDU : core.
Section seqD.
Variable T : Type.
Implicit Types F : (set T) ^nat.
Definition seqD F := fun n ⇒ if n isn't n'.+1 then F O else F n `\` F n'.
Lemma seqDUE F : nondecreasing_seq F → seqDU F = seqD F.
Lemma trivIset_seqD F : nondecreasing_seq F → trivIset setT (seqD F).
Lemma bigsetU_seqD F n :
\big[setU/set0]_(i < n) F i = \big[setU/set0]_(i < n) seqD F i.
Lemma setU_seqD F : nondecreasing_seq F →
∀ n, F n.+1 = F n `|` seqD F n.+1.
Lemma eq_bigsetU_seqD F n : nondecreasing_seq F →
F n = \big[setU/set0]_(i < n.+1) seqD F i.
Lemma eq_bigcup_seqD F : \bigcup_n F n = \bigcup_n seqD F n.
Lemma eq_bigcup_seqD_bigsetU F :
\bigcup_n (seqD (fun n ⇒ \big[setU/set0]_(i < n.+1) F i) n) = \bigcup_n F n.
End seqD.
Convergence of patched sequences
TODO: generalizations to numDomainType
Section NatShift.
Variables (N : nat) (V : topologicalType).
Implicit Types (f : nat → V) (u : V ^nat) (l : V).
Lemma cvg_restrict f u_ l :
([sequence if (n ≤ N)%N then f n else u_ n]_n @ \oo --> l) =
(u_ @ \oo --> l).
Lemma is_cvg_restrict f u_ :
cvg ([sequence if (n ≤ N)%nat then f n else u_ n]_n @ \oo) =
cvg (u_ @ \oo).
Lemma cvg_centern u_ l : ([sequence u_ (n - N)%N]_n --> l) = (u_ --> l).
Lemma cvg_shiftn u_ l : ([sequence u_ (n + N)%N]_n --> l) = (u_ --> l).
End NatShift.
Variables (V : topologicalType).
Lemma cvg_shiftS u_ (l : V) : ([sequence u_ n.+1]_n --> l) = (u_ --> l).
End sequences_patched.
Section sequences_R_lemmas_realFieldType.
Variable R : realFieldType.
Implicit Types u v : R ^nat.
Lemma squeeze T (f g h : T → R) (a : filter_on T) :
(\∀ x \near a, f x ≤ g x ≤ h x) → ∀ (l : R),
f @ a --> l → h @ a --> l → g @ a --> l.
Lemma cvgPpinfty (u_ : R ^nat) :
u_ --> +oo ↔ ∀ A, \∀ n \near \oo, A ≤ u_ n.
Lemma cvgNpinfty u_ : (- u_ --> +oo) = (u_ --> -oo).
Lemma cvgNninfty u_ : (- u_ --> -oo) = (u_ --> +oo).
Lemma cvgPninfty (u_ : R ^nat) :
u_ --> -oo ↔ ∀ A, \∀ n \near \oo, A ≥ u_ n.
Lemma ger_cvg_pinfty u_ v_ : (\∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ v_ n) →
u_ --> +oo → v_ --> +oo.
Lemma ler_cvg_ninfty v_ u_ : (\∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ v_ n) →
v_ --> -oo → u_ --> -oo.
Lemma lim_ge x u : cvg u → (\∀ n \near \oo, x ≤ u n) → x ≤ lim u.
Lemma lim_le x u : cvg u → (\∀ n \near \oo, x ≥ u n) → x ≥ lim u.
Lemma lt_lim u (M : R) : nondecreasing_seq u → cvg u → M < lim u →
\∀ n \near \oo, M ≤ u n.
Lemma ler_lim u_ v_ : cvg u_ → cvg v_ →
(\∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ v_ n) → lim u_ ≤ lim v_.
Lemma nonincreasing_cvg_ge u_ : nonincreasing_seq u_ → cvg u_ →
∀ n, lim u_ ≤ u_ n.
Lemma nondecreasing_cvg_le u_ : nondecreasing_seq u_ → cvg u_ →
∀ n, u_ n ≤ lim u_.
Lemma cvg_has_ub u_ : cvg u_ → has_ubound [set `|u_ n| | n in setT].
Lemma cvg_has_sup u_ : cvg u_ → has_sup (u_ @` setT).
Lemma cvg_has_inf u_ : cvg u_ → has_inf (u_ @` setT).
End sequences_R_lemmas_realFieldType.
Section partial_sum.
Variables (V : zmodType) (u_ : V ^nat).
Definition series : V ^nat := [sequence \sum_(0 ≤ k < n) u_ k]_n.
Definition telescope : V ^nat := [sequence u_ n.+1 - u_ n]_n.
Lemma seriesEnat : series = [sequence \sum_(0 ≤ k < n) u_ k]_n.
Lemma seriesEord : series = [sequence \sum_(k < n) u_ k]_n.
Lemma seriesSr n : series n.+1 = series n + u_ n.
Lemma seriesS n : series n.+1 = u_ n + series n.
Lemma seriesSB (n : nat) : series n.+1 - series n = u_ n.
Lemma series_addn m n : series (n + m)%N = series m + \sum_(m ≤ k < n + m) u_ k.
Lemma sub_series_geq m n : (m ≤ n)%N →
series n - series m = \sum_(m ≤ k < n) u_ k.
Lemma sub_series m n :
series n - series m = if (m ≤ n)%N then \sum_(m ≤ k < n) u_ k
else - \sum_(n ≤ k < m) u_ k.
Lemma sub_double_series n : series n.*2 - series n = \sum_(n ≤ k < n.*2) u_ k.
End partial_sum.
Arguments series {V} u_ n : simpl never.
Arguments telescope {V} u_ n : simpl never.
Notation "[ 'series' E ]_ n" := (series [sequence E]_n) : ring_scope.
Lemma seriesN (V : zmodType) (f : V ^nat) : series (- f) = - series f.
Lemma seriesD (V : zmodType) (f g : V ^nat) : series (f + g) = series f + series g.
Lemma seriesZ (R : ringType) (V : lmodType R) (f : V ^nat) k :
series (k *: f) = k *: series f.
Section partial_sum_numFieldType.
Variables V : numFieldType.
Implicit Types f g : V ^nat.
Lemma is_cvg_seriesN f : cvg (series (- f)) = cvg (series f).
Lemma lim_seriesN f : cvg (series f) → lim (series (- f)) = - lim (series f).
Lemma is_cvg_seriesZ f k : cvg (series f) → cvg (series (k *: f)).
Lemma lim_seriesZ f k : cvg (series f) →
lim (series (k *: f)) = k *: lim (series f).
Lemma is_cvg_seriesD f g :
cvg (series f) → cvg (series g) → cvg (series (f + g)).
Lemma lim_seriesD f g : cvg (series f) → cvg (series g) →
lim (series (f + g)) = lim (series f) + lim (series g).
Lemma is_cvg_seriesB f g :
cvg (series f) → cvg (series g) → cvg (series (f - g)).
Lemma lim_seriesB f g : cvg (series f) → cvg (series g) →
lim (series (f - g)) = lim (series f) - lim (series g).
End partial_sum_numFieldType.
Lemma lim_series_le (V : realFieldType) (f g : V ^nat) :
cvg (series f) → cvg (series g) → (∀ n, f n ≤ g n) →
lim (series f) ≤ lim (series g).
Lemma telescopeK (V : zmodType) (u_ : V ^nat) :
series (telescope u_) = [sequence u_ n - u_ 0%N]_n.
Lemma seriesK (V : zmodType) : cancel (@series V) telescope.
Lemma eq_sum_telescope (V : zmodType) (u_ : V ^nat) n :
u_ n = u_ 0%N + series (telescope u_) n.
Section series_patched.
Variables (N : nat) (K : numFieldType) (V : normedModType K).
Implicit Types (f : nat → V) (u : V ^nat) (l : V).
Lemma is_cvg_series_restrict u_ :
cvg [sequence \sum_(N ≤ k < n) u_ k]_n = cvg (series u_).
End series_patched.
Section sequences_R_lemmas.
Variable R : realType.
Lemma nondecreasing_cvg (u_ : R ^nat) :
nondecreasing_seq u_ → has_ubound (range u_) →
u_ --> sup (range u_).
Lemma nondecreasing_is_cvg (u_ : R ^nat) :
nondecreasing_seq u_ → has_ubound (range u_) → cvg u_.
Lemma nondecreasing_dvg_lt (u_ : R ^nat) :
nondecreasing_seq u_ → ¬ cvg u_ → u_ --> +oo.
Lemma near_nondecreasing_is_cvg (u_ : R ^nat) (M : R) :
{near \oo, nondecreasing_seq u_} → (\∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ M) →
cvg u_.
Lemma nonincreasing_cvg (u_ : R ^nat) :
nonincreasing_seq u_ → has_lbound (range u_) →
u_ --> inf (u_ @` setT).
Lemma nonincreasing_is_cvg (u_ : R ^nat) :
nonincreasing_seq u_ → has_lbound (range u_) → cvg u_.
Lemma near_nonincreasing_is_cvg (u_ : R ^nat) (m : R) :
{near \oo, nonincreasing_seq u_} → (\∀ n \near \oo, m ≤ u_ n) →
cvg u_.
Lemma adjacent (u_ v_ : R ^nat) : nondecreasing_seq u_ → nonincreasing_seq v_ →
(v_ - u_) --> (0 : R) → [/\ lim v_ = lim u_, cvg u_ & cvg v_].
End sequences_R_lemmas.
Definition harmonic {R : fieldType} : R ^nat := [sequence n.+1%:R^-1]_n.
Arguments harmonic {R} n /.
Lemma harmonic_gt0 {R : numFieldType} i : 0 < harmonic i :> R.
Lemma harmonic_ge0 {R : numFieldType} i : 0 ≤ harmonic i :> R.
Lemma cvg_harmonic {R : archiFieldType} : harmonic --> (0 : R).
Lemma dvg_harmonic (R : numFieldType) : ¬ cvg (series (@harmonic R)).
Definition arithmetic_mean (R : numDomainType) (u_ : R ^nat) : R ^nat :=
[sequence n.+1%:R^-1 × (series u_ n.+1)]_n.
Definition harmonic_mean (R : numDomainType) (u_ : R ^nat) : R ^nat :=
let v := [sequence (u_ n)^-1]_n in
[sequence (n.+1%:R / series v n.+1)]_n.
Definition root_mean_square (R : realType) (u_ : R ^nat) : R ^nat :=
let v_ := [sequence (u_ k)^+2]_k in
[sequence Num.sqrt (n.+1%:R^-1 × series v_ n.+1)]_n.
Section cesaro.
Variable R : archiFieldType.
Theorem cesaro (u_ : R ^nat) (l : R) : u_ --> l → arithmetic_mean u_ --> l.
End cesaro.
Section cesaro_converse.
Variable R : archiFieldType.
Let cesaro_converse_off_by_one (u_ : R ^nat) :
[sequence n.+1%:R^-1 × series u_ n.+1]_ n --> (0 : R) →
[sequence n.+1%:R^-1 × series u_ n]_ n --> (0 : R).
Lemma cesaro_converse (u_ : R ^nat) (l : R) :
telescope u_ =o_\oo harmonic → arithmetic_mean u_ --> l → u_ --> l.
End cesaro_converse.
Section series_convergence.
Lemma cvg_series_cvg_0 (K : numFieldType) (V : normedModType K) (u_ : V ^nat) :
cvg (series u_) → u_ --> (0 : V).
Lemma nondecreasing_series (R : numFieldType) (u_ : R ^nat) :
(∀ n, 0 ≤ u_ n) → nondecreasing_seq (series u_).
Lemma increasing_series (R : numFieldType) (u_ : R ^nat) :
(∀ n, 0 < u_ n) → increasing_seq (series u_).
End series_convergence.
Definition arithmetic (R : zmodType) a z : R ^nat := [sequence a + z *+ n]_n.
Arguments arithmetic {R} a z n /.
Lemma mulrn_arithmetic (R : zmodType) : @GRing.natmul R = arithmetic 0.
Definition geometric (R : fieldType) a z : R ^nat := [sequence a × z ^+ n]_n.
Arguments geometric {R} a z n /.
Lemma exprn_geometric (R : fieldType) : (@GRing.exp R) = geometric 1.
Lemma cvg_arithmetic (R : archiFieldType) a (z : R) :
z > 0 → arithmetic a z --> +oo.
Lemma cvg_expr (R : archiFieldType) (z : R) :
`|z| < 1 → (GRing.exp z : R ^nat) --> (0 : R).
Lemma geometric_seriesE (R : numFieldType) (a z : R) : z != 1 →
series (geometric a z) = [sequence a × (1 - z ^+ n) / (1 - z)]_n.
Lemma cvg_geometric_series (R : archiFieldType) (a z : R) : `|z| < 1 →
series (geometric a z) --> (a × (1 - z)^-1).
Lemma cvg_geometric_series_half (R : archiFieldType) (r : R) n :
series (fun k ⇒ r / (2 ^ (k + n.+1))%:R : R^o) --> (r / 2 ^+ n : R^o).
Arguments cvg_geometric_series_half {R} _ _.
Lemma cvg_geometric (R : archiFieldType) (a z : R) : `|z| < 1 →
geometric a z --> (0 : R).
Lemma is_cvg_geometric_series (R : archiFieldType) (a z : R) : `|z| < 1 →
cvg (series (geometric a z)).
Definition normed_series_of (K : numDomainType) (V : normedModType K)
(u_ : V ^nat) of phantom V^nat (series u_) : K ^nat :=
[series `|u_ n|]_n.
Notation "[ 'normed' s_ ]" := (@normed_series_of _ _ _ (Phantom _ s_)) : ring_scope.
Arguments normed_series_of {K V} u_ _ n /.
Lemma ger0_normed {K : numFieldType} (u_ : K ^nat) :
(∀ n, 0 ≤ u_ n) → [normed series u_] = series u_.
Lemma cauchy_seriesP {R : numFieldType} (V : normedModType R) (u_ : V ^nat) :
cauchy (series u_ @ \oo) ↔
∀ e : R, e > 0 →
\∀ n \near (\oo, \oo), `|\sum_(n.1 ≤ k < n.2) u_ k| < e.
Lemma series_le_cvg (R : realType) (u_ v_ : R ^nat) :
(∀ n, 0 ≤ u_ n) → (∀ n, 0 ≤ v_ n) →
(∀ n, u_ n ≤ v_ n) →
cvg (series v_) → cvg (series u_).
Lemma normed_cvg {R : realType} (V : completeNormedModType R) (u_ : V ^nat) :
cvg [normed series u_] → cvg (series u_).
Lemma lim_series_norm {R : realType} (V : completeNormedModType R) (f : V ^nat) :
cvg [normed series f] → `|lim (series f)| ≤ lim [normed series f].
Section series_linear.
Lemma cvg_series_bounded (R : realFieldType) (f : R ^nat) :
cvg (series f) → bounded_fun f.
Lemma cvg_to_0_linear (R : realFieldType) (f : R → R) K k :
0 < k → (∀ r, 0 < `| r | < k → `|f r| ≤ K × `| r |) →
f x @[x --> 0^'] --> 0.
Lemma lim_cvg_to_0_linear (R : realType) (f : nat → R) (g : R → nat → R) k :
0 < k → cvg (series f) →
(∀ r, 0 < `|r| < k → ∀ n, `|g r n| ≤ f n × `| r |) →
lim (series (g x)) @[x --> 0^'] --> 0.
End series_linear.
Section exponential_series.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types x : R.
Definition exp_coeff x := [sequence x ^+ n / n`!%:R]_n.
Lemma exp_coeff_ge0 x n : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ exp x n.
Lemma series_exp_coeff0 n : series (exp 0) n.+1 = 1.
Section exponential_series_cvg.
Variable x : R.
Hypothesis x0 : 0 < x.
Let S0 N n := (N ^ N)%:R × \sum_(N.+1 ≤ i < n) (x / N%:R) ^+ i.
Let is_cvg_S0 N : x < N%:R → cvg (S0 N).
Let S0_ge0 N n : 0 ≤ S0 N n.
Let S0_sup N n : x < N%:R → S0 N n ≤ sup (range (S0 N)).
Let S1 N n := \sum_(N.+1 ≤ i < n) exp x i.
Lemma incr_S1 N : nondecreasing_seq (S1 N).
Let S1_sup N : x < N%:R → ubound (range (S1 N)) (sup (range (S0 N))).
Lemma is_cvg_series_exp_coeff_pos : cvg (series (exp x)).
End exponential_series_cvg.
Lemma normed_series_exp_coeff x : [normed series (exp x)] = series (exp `|x|).
Lemma is_cvg_series_exp_coeff x : cvg (series (exp x)).
Lemma cvg_exp_coeff x : exp x --> (0 : R).
End exponential_series.
Definition expR {R : realType} (x : R) : R := lim (series (exp_coeff x)).
Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( m <= i <oo | P ) F" :=
(lim (fun n ⇒ (\big[ op / idx ]_(m ≤ i < n | P) F))) : big_scope.
Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( m <= i <oo ) F" :=
(lim (fun n ⇒ (\big[ op / idx ]_(m ≤ i < n) F))) : big_scope.
Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( i <oo | P ) F" :=
(lim (fun n ⇒ (\big[ op / idx ]_(i < n | P) F))) : big_scope.
Notation "\big [ op / idx ]_ ( i <oo ) F" :=
(lim (fun n ⇒ (\big[ op / idx ]_(i < n) F))) : big_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i <oo | P ) F" :=
(\big[+%E/0%E]_(m ≤ i <oo | P%B) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i <oo ) F" :=
(\big[+%E/0%E]_(m ≤ i <oo) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i <oo | P ) F" :=
(\big[+%E/0%E]_(0 ≤ i <oo | P%B) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i <oo ) F" :=
(\big[+%E/0%E]_(0 ≤ i <oo) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Section partial_esum.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Variables (R : numDomainType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat).
Definition eseries : (\bar R)^nat := [sequence \sum_(0 ≤ k < n) u_ k]_n.
Definition etelescope : (\bar R)^nat := [sequence u_ n.+1 - u_ n]_n.
Lemma eseriesEnat : eseries = [sequence \sum_(0 ≤ k < n) u_ k]_n.
Lemma eseriesEord : eseries = [sequence \sum_(k < n) u_ k]_n.
Lemma eseriesSr n : eseries n.+1 = eseries n + u_ n.
Lemma eseriesS n : eseries n.+1 = u_ n + eseries n.
Lemma eseriesSB (n : nat) :
eseries n \is a fin_num → eseries n.+1 - eseries n = u_ n.
Lemma eseries_addn m n : eseries (n + m)%N = eseries m + \sum_(m ≤ k < n + m) u_ k.
Lemma sub_eseries_geq m n : (m ≤ n)%N → eseries m \is a fin_num →
eseries n - eseries m = \sum_(m ≤ k < n) u_ k.
Lemma sub_eseries m n : eseries m \is a fin_num → eseries n \is a fin_num →
eseries n - eseries m = if (m ≤ n)%N then \sum_(m ≤ k < n) u_ k
else - \sum_(n ≤ k < m) u_ k.
Lemma sub_double_eseries n : eseries n \is a fin_num →
eseries n.*2 - eseries n = \sum_(n ≤ k < n.*2) u_ k.
End partial_esum.
Arguments eseries {R} u_ n : simpl never.
Arguments etelescope {R} u_ n : simpl never.
Notation "[ 'series' E ]_ n" := (eseries [sequence E%E]_n) : ereal_scope.
Section eseries_ops.
Variable (R : numDomainType).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Lemma eseriesD (f g : (\bar R)^nat) : eseries (f \+ g) = eseries f \+ eseries g.
End eseries_ops.
Section sequences_ereal_realDomainType.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Variable T : realDomainType.
Implicit Types u : (\bar T)^nat.
Lemma ereal_nondecreasing_opp u_ :
nondecreasing_seq (-%E \o u_) = nonincreasing_seq u_.
End sequences_ereal_realDomainType.
Section sequences_ereal.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Lemma ereal_cvg_abs0 (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) :
abse \o f --> 0 → f --> 0.
Lemma ereal_cvg_ge0 (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) (a : \bar R) :
(∀ n, 0 ≤ f n) → f --> a → 0 ≤ a.
Lemma ereal_lim_ge (R : realFieldType) x (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) : cvg u_ →
(\∀ n \near \oo, x ≤ u_ n) → x ≤ lim u_.
Lemma ereal_lim_le (R : realFieldType) x (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) : cvg u_ →
(\∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ x) → lim u_ ≤ x.
Lemma cvgPpinfty_lt (R : realFieldType) (u_ : R ^nat) :
u_ --> +oo%R ↔ ∀ A, \∀ n \near \oo, (A < u_ n)%R.
Lemma dvg_ereal_cvg (R : realFieldType) (u_ : R ^nat) :
u_ --> +oo%R → [sequence (u_ n)%:E]_n --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvg_real (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) a :
{near \oo, ∀ x, f x \is a fin_num} ∧
(fine \o f --> a) ↔ f --> a%:E.
Lemma ereal_nondecreasing_cvg (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
nondecreasing_seq u_ → u_ --> ereal_sup (u_ @` setT).
Lemma ereal_nondecreasing_is_cvg (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R) ^nat) :
nondecreasing_seq u_ → cvg u_.
Lemma ereal_nonincreasing_cvg (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
nonincreasing_seq u_ → u_ --> ereal_inf (u_ @` setT).
Lemma ereal_nonincreasing_is_cvg (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R) ^nat) :
nonincreasing_seq u_ → cvg u_.
NB: see also nondecreasing_series
Lemma ereal_nondecreasing_series (R : realDomainType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
nondecreasing_seq (fun n ⇒ \sum_(0 ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Lemma ereal_series_cond (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) k P :
\sum_(k ≤ i <oo | P i) f i = \sum_(i <oo | (k ≤ i)%N && P i) f i.
Lemma ereal_series (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) k :
\sum_(k ≤ i <oo) f i = \sum_(i <oo | (k ≤ i)%N) f i.
Lemma nneseries_lim_ge (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) k : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
\sum_(0 ≤ i < k | P i) u_ i ≤ \sum_(i <oo | P i) u_ i.
Lemma is_cvg_ereal_nneg_natsum_cond (R : realType) m (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, (m ≤ n)%N → P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(m ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Lemma is_cvg_nneseries_cond (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(0 ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Lemma is_cvg_ereal_nneg_natsum (R : realType) m (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
(∀ n, (m ≤ n)%N → 0 ≤ u_ n) → cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(m ≤ i < n) u_ i).
Lemma is_cvg_nneseries (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(0 ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Arguments is_cvg_nneseries {R}.
Lemma nneseriesrM (R : realType) (f : nat → \bar R) (P : pred nat) x :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ f i)%E →
(\sum_(i <oo | P i) (x%:E × f i) = x%:E × \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i)%E.
Lemma nneseries_lim_ge0 (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) → 0 ≤ \sum_(i <oo | P i) u_ i.
Lemma adde_def_nneseries (R : realType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat)
(P Q : pred nat) :
(∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ f n) → (∀ n, Q n → 0 ≤ g n) →
(\sum_(i <oo | P i) f i) +? (\sum_(i <oo | Q i) g i).
Lemma nneseries_pinfty (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) k : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) → P k →
u_ k = +oo → \sum_(i <oo | P i) u_ i = +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgPpinfty (R : realFieldType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
u_ --> +oo ↔ (∀ A, (0 < A)%R → \∀ n \near \oo, A%:E ≤ u_ n).
Lemma ereal_cvgPninfty (R : realFieldType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
u_ --> -oo ↔ (∀ A, (A < 0)%R → \∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ A%:E).
Lemma ereal_squeeze (R : realType) (f g h : (\bar R)^nat) :
(\∀ x \near \oo, f x ≤ g x ≤ h x) → ∀ (l : \bar R),
f --> l → h --> l → g --> l.
Lemma lee_lim (R : realFieldType) (u_ v_ : (\bar R)^nat) : cvg u_ → cvg v_ →
(\∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ v_ n) → lim u_ ≤ lim v_.
Lemma lee_nneseries (R : realType) (u v : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ u i) → (∀ n, P n → u n ≤ v n) →
\sum_(i <oo | P i) u i ≤ \sum_(i <oo | P i) v i.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_pinfty_fin (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
f --> +oo → g --> b%:E → f \+ g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_ninfty_fin (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
f --> -oo → g --> b%:E → f \+ g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_pinfty_pinfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) :
f --> +oo → g --> +oo → f \+ g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_ninfty_ninfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) :
f --> -oo → g --> -oo → f \+ g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) a b :
a +? b → f --> a → g --> b → f \+ g --> a + b.
Section nneseries_split.
Let lim_shift_cst (R : realFieldType) (u : (\bar R) ^nat) (l : \bar R) :
cvg u → (∀ n, 0 ≤ u n) → -oo < l → lim (fun x ⇒ l + u x) = l + lim u.
Let near_eq_lim (R : realFieldType) (f g : nat → \bar R) :
cvg g → {near \oo, f =1 g} → lim f = lim g.
Lemma nneseries_split (R : realType) (f : nat → \bar R) n :
(∀ k, 0 ≤ f k) →
\sum_(k <oo) f k = \sum_(k < n) f k + \sum_(n ≤ k <oo) f k.
End nneseries_split.
Lemma ereal_cvgB (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) a b :
a +? - b → f --> a → g --> b → f \- g --> a - b.
Lemma ereal_is_cvgD (R : realFieldType) (u v : (\bar R)^nat) :
lim u +? lim v → cvg u → cvg v → cvg (u \+ v).
Lemma ereal_cvg_sub0 (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) (k : \bar R) :
k \is a fin_num → (fun x ⇒ f x - k) --> 0 ↔ f --> k.
Lemma ereal_limD (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) :
cvg f → cvg g → lim f +? lim g →
lim (f \+ g) = lim f + lim g.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_gt0_pinfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(0 < b)%R → f --> +oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_lt0_pinfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(b < 0)%R → f --> +oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_gt0_ninfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(0 < b)%R → f --> -oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_lt0_ninfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(b < 0)%R → f --> -oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM (R : realType) (f g : (\bar R) ^nat) (a b : \bar R) :
a *? b → f --> a → g --> b → f \* g --> a × b.
Lemma ereal_lim_sum (R : realFieldType) (I : Type) (r : seq I)
(f : I → (\bar R)^nat) (l : I → \bar R) (P : pred I) :
(∀ k n, P k → 0 ≤ f k n) →
(∀ k, P k → f k --> l k) →
(fun n ⇒ \sum_(k <- r | P k) f k n) --> \sum_(k <- r | P k) l k.
Lemma nneseriesD (R : realType) (f g : nat → \bar R) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ f i) → (∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ g i) →
\sum_(i <oo | P i) (f i + g i) =
\sum_(i <oo | P i) f i + \sum_(i <oo | P i) g i.
Lemma nneseries0 (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → f i = 0) → \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = 0.
Lemma nneseries_pred0 (R : realFieldType) (P : pred nat) (f : nat → \bar R) :
P =1 xpred0 → \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = 0.
Lemma eq_nneseries (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → f i = g i) → \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = \sum_(i <oo | P i) g i.
Lemma nneseries_sum_nat (R : realType) n (f : nat → nat → \bar R) :
(∀ i j, 0 ≤ f i j) →
\sum_(j <oo) (\sum_(0 ≤ i < n) f i j) =
\sum_(0 ≤ i < n) (\sum_(j <oo) (f i j)).
Lemma nneseries_sum I (r : seq I) (P : {pred I})
[R : realType] [f : I → nat → \bar R] :
(∀ i j, P i → 0 ≤ f i j) →
\sum_(j <oo) \sum_(i <- r | P i) f i j = \sum_(i <- r | P i) \sum_(j <oo) f i j.
Lemma lte_lim (R : realFieldType) (u : (\bar R)^nat) (M : R) :
nondecreasing_seq u → cvg u → M%:E < lim u →
\∀ n \near \oo, M%:E ≤ u n.
Lemma lim_mkord (R : realFieldType) (P : {pred nat}) (f : (\bar R)^nat) :
lim (fun n ⇒ \sum_(k < n | P k) f k)%E = \sum_(k <oo | P k) f k.
Lemma nneseries_mkcond [R : realFieldType] [P : pred nat] (f : nat → \bar R) :
\sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = \sum_(i <oo) if P i then f i else 0.
End sequences_ereal.
Definition sdrop T (u : T^nat) n := [set u k | k in [set k | k ≥ n]]%N.
Section sdrop.
Variables (d : unit) (R : porderType d).
Implicit Types (u : R^o^nat).
Lemma has_lbound_sdrop u : has_lbound (range u) →
∀ m, has_lbound (sdrop u m).
Lemma has_ubound_sdrop u : has_ubound (range u) →
∀ m, has_ubound (sdrop u m).
End sdrop.
Section sups_infs.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (r : R) (u : R^o^nat).
Definition sups u := [sequence sup (sdrop u n)]_n.
Definition infs u := [sequence inf (sdrop u n)]_n.
Lemma supsN u : sups (-%R \o u) = - infs u.
Lemma infsN u : infs (-%R \o u) = - sups u.
Lemma nonincreasing_sups u : has_ubound (range u) →
nonincreasing_seq (sups u).
Lemma nondecreasing_infs u : has_lbound (range u) →
nondecreasing_seq (infs u).
Lemma is_cvg_sups u : cvg u → cvg (sups u).
Lemma is_cvg_infs u : cvg u → cvg (infs u).
Lemma infs_le_sups u n : cvg u → infs u n ≤ sups u n.
Lemma cvg_sups_inf u : has_ubound (range u) → has_lbound (range u) →
sups u --> inf (range (sups u)).
Lemma cvg_infs_sup u : has_ubound (range u) → has_lbound (range u) →
infs u --> sup (range (infs u)).
Lemma sups_preimage T (D : set T) r (f : (T → R)^nat) n :
(∀ t, D t → has_ubound (range (f ^~ t))) →
D `&` (fun x ⇒ sups (f ^~x) n) @^-1` `]r, +oo[%classic =
D `&` \bigcup_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `]r, +oo[.
Lemma infs_preimage T (D : set T) r (f : (T → R)^nat) n :
(∀ t, D t → has_lbound (range (f ^~ t))) →
D `&` (fun x ⇒ infs (f ^~ x) n) @^-1` `]-oo, r[ =
D `&` \bigcup_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `]-oo, r[.
Lemma bounded_fun_has_lbound_sups u :
bounded_fun u → has_lbound (range (sups u)).
Lemma bounded_fun_has_ubound_infs u :
bounded_fun u → has_ubound (range (infs u)).
End sups_infs.
Section lim_sup_lim_inf.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (r : R) (u v : R^o^nat).
Definition lim_sup u := lim (sups u).
Definition lim_inf u := lim (infs u).
Lemma lim_infN u : cvg u → lim_inf (-%R \o u) = - lim_sup u.
Lemma lim_supE u : bounded_fun u → lim_sup u = inf (range (sups u)).
Lemma lim_infE u : bounded_fun u → lim_inf u = sup (range (infs u)).
Lemma lim_inf_le_lim_sup u : cvg u → lim_inf u ≤ lim_sup u.
Lemma cvg_lim_inf_sup u l : u --> l → (lim_inf u = l) × (lim_sup u = l).
Lemma cvg_lim_infE u : cvg u → lim_inf u = lim u.
Lemma cvg_lim_supE u : cvg u → lim_sup u = lim u.
Lemma cvg_sups u l : u --> l → (sups u) --> (l : R^o).
Lemma cvg_infs u l : u --> l → (infs u) --> (l : R^o).
Lemma le_lim_supD u v :
bounded_fun u → bounded_fun v → lim_sup (u \+ v) ≤ lim_sup u + lim_sup v.
Lemma le_lim_infD u v :
bounded_fun u → bounded_fun v → lim_inf u + lim_inf v ≤ lim_inf (u \+ v).
Lemma lim_supD u v : cvg u → cvg v → lim_sup (u \+ v) = lim_sup u + lim_sup v.
Lemma lim_infD u v : cvg u → cvg v → lim_inf (u \+ v) = lim_inf u + lim_inf v.
End lim_sup_lim_inf.
Section esups_einfs.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (u : (\bar R)^nat).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Definition esups u := [sequence ereal_sup (sdrop u n)]_n.
Definition einfs u := [sequence ereal_inf (sdrop u n)]_n.
Lemma esupsN u : esups (-%E \o u) = -%E \o einfs u.
Lemma einfsN u : einfs (-%E \o u) = -%E \o esups u.
Lemma nonincreasing_esups u : nonincreasing_seq (esups u).
Lemma nondecreasing_einfs u : nondecreasing_seq (einfs u).
Lemma einfs_le_esups u n : einfs u n ≤ esups u n.
Lemma cvg_esups_inf u : esups u --> ereal_inf (range (esups u)).
Lemma is_cvg_esups u : cvg (esups u).
Lemma cvg_einfs_sup u : einfs u --> ereal_sup (range (einfs u)).
Lemma is_cvg_einfs u : cvg (einfs u).
Lemma esups_preimage T (a : \bar R) (f : (T → \bar R)^nat) n :
(fun x ⇒ esups (f^~x) n) @^-1` `]a, +oo[ =
\bigcup_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `]a, +oo[.
Lemma einfs_preimage T (a : \bar R) (f : (T → \bar R)^nat) n :
(fun x ⇒ einfs (f^~x) n) @^-1` `[a, +oo[%classic =
\bigcap_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `[a, +oo[%classic.
End esups_einfs.
Section elim_sup_inf.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (u v : (\bar R)^nat) (l : \bar R).
Definition elim_sup u := lim (esups u).
Definition elim_inf u := lim (einfs u).
Lemma elim_inf_shift u l : l \is a fin_num →
elim_inf (fun x ⇒ l + u x) = l + elim_inf u.
Lemma elim_sup_le_cvg u l : elim_sup u ≤ l → (∀ n, l ≤ u n) → u --> l.
Lemma elim_infN u : elim_inf (-%E \o u) = - elim_sup u.
Lemma elim_supN u : elim_sup (-%E \o u) = - elim_inf u.
Lemma elim_inf_sup u : elim_inf u ≤ elim_sup u.
Lemma cvg_ninfty_elim_inf_sup u : u --> -oo →
(elim_inf u = -oo) × (elim_sup u = -oo).
Lemma cvg_ninfty_einfs u : u --> -oo → einfs u --> -oo.
Lemma cvg_ninfty_esups u : u --> -oo → esups u --> -oo.
Lemma cvg_pinfty_einfs u : u --> +oo → einfs u --> +oo.
Lemma cvg_pinfty_esups u : u --> +oo → esups u --> +oo.
Lemma cvg_esups u l : u --> l → esups u --> l.
Lemma cvg_einfs u l : u --> l → einfs u --> l.
Lemma cvg_elim_inf_sup u l : u --> l → (elim_inf u = l) × (elim_sup u = l).
Lemma is_cvg_elim_infE u : cvg u → elim_inf u = lim u.
Lemma is_cvg_elim_supE u : cvg u → elim_sup u = lim u.
End elim_sup_inf.
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
nondecreasing_seq (fun n ⇒ \sum_(0 ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Lemma ereal_series_cond (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) k P :
\sum_(k ≤ i <oo | P i) f i = \sum_(i <oo | (k ≤ i)%N && P i) f i.
Lemma ereal_series (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) k :
\sum_(k ≤ i <oo) f i = \sum_(i <oo | (k ≤ i)%N) f i.
Lemma nneseries_lim_ge (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) k : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
\sum_(0 ≤ i < k | P i) u_ i ≤ \sum_(i <oo | P i) u_ i.
Lemma is_cvg_ereal_nneg_natsum_cond (R : realType) m (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, (m ≤ n)%N → P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(m ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Lemma is_cvg_nneseries_cond (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(0 ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Lemma is_cvg_ereal_nneg_natsum (R : realType) m (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
(∀ n, (m ≤ n)%N → 0 ≤ u_ n) → cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(m ≤ i < n) u_ i).
Lemma is_cvg_nneseries (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) →
cvg (fun n ⇒ \sum_(0 ≤ i < n | P i) u_ i).
Arguments is_cvg_nneseries {R}.
Lemma nneseriesrM (R : realType) (f : nat → \bar R) (P : pred nat) x :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ f i)%E →
(\sum_(i <oo | P i) (x%:E × f i) = x%:E × \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i)%E.
Lemma nneseries_lim_ge0 (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) → 0 ≤ \sum_(i <oo | P i) u_ i.
Lemma adde_def_nneseries (R : realType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat)
(P Q : pred nat) :
(∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ f n) → (∀ n, Q n → 0 ≤ g n) →
(\sum_(i <oo | P i) f i) +? (\sum_(i <oo | Q i) g i).
Lemma nneseries_pinfty (R : realType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat)
(P : pred nat) k : (∀ n, P n → 0 ≤ u_ n) → P k →
u_ k = +oo → \sum_(i <oo | P i) u_ i = +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgPpinfty (R : realFieldType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
u_ --> +oo ↔ (∀ A, (0 < A)%R → \∀ n \near \oo, A%:E ≤ u_ n).
Lemma ereal_cvgPninfty (R : realFieldType) (u_ : (\bar R)^nat) :
u_ --> -oo ↔ (∀ A, (A < 0)%R → \∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ A%:E).
Lemma ereal_squeeze (R : realType) (f g h : (\bar R)^nat) :
(\∀ x \near \oo, f x ≤ g x ≤ h x) → ∀ (l : \bar R),
f --> l → h --> l → g --> l.
Lemma lee_lim (R : realFieldType) (u_ v_ : (\bar R)^nat) : cvg u_ → cvg v_ →
(\∀ n \near \oo, u_ n ≤ v_ n) → lim u_ ≤ lim v_.
Lemma lee_nneseries (R : realType) (u v : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ u i) → (∀ n, P n → u n ≤ v n) →
\sum_(i <oo | P i) u i ≤ \sum_(i <oo | P i) v i.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_pinfty_fin (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
f --> +oo → g --> b%:E → f \+ g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_ninfty_fin (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
f --> -oo → g --> b%:E → f \+ g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_pinfty_pinfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) :
f --> +oo → g --> +oo → f \+ g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD_ninfty_ninfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) :
f --> -oo → g --> -oo → f \+ g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgD (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) a b :
a +? b → f --> a → g --> b → f \+ g --> a + b.
Section nneseries_split.
Let lim_shift_cst (R : realFieldType) (u : (\bar R) ^nat) (l : \bar R) :
cvg u → (∀ n, 0 ≤ u n) → -oo < l → lim (fun x ⇒ l + u x) = l + lim u.
Let near_eq_lim (R : realFieldType) (f g : nat → \bar R) :
cvg g → {near \oo, f =1 g} → lim f = lim g.
Lemma nneseries_split (R : realType) (f : nat → \bar R) n :
(∀ k, 0 ≤ f k) →
\sum_(k <oo) f k = \sum_(k < n) f k + \sum_(n ≤ k <oo) f k.
End nneseries_split.
Lemma ereal_cvgB (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) a b :
a +? - b → f --> a → g --> b → f \- g --> a - b.
Lemma ereal_is_cvgD (R : realFieldType) (u v : (\bar R)^nat) :
lim u +? lim v → cvg u → cvg v → cvg (u \+ v).
Lemma ereal_cvg_sub0 (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) (k : \bar R) :
k \is a fin_num → (fun x ⇒ f x - k) --> 0 ↔ f --> k.
Lemma ereal_limD (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) :
cvg f → cvg g → lim f +? lim g →
lim (f \+ g) = lim f + lim g.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_gt0_pinfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(0 < b)%R → f --> +oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_lt0_pinfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(b < 0)%R → f --> +oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_gt0_ninfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(0 < b)%R → f --> -oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> -oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM_lt0_ninfty (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) b :
(b < 0)%R → f --> -oo → g --> b%:E → f \* g --> +oo.
Lemma ereal_cvgM (R : realType) (f g : (\bar R) ^nat) (a b : \bar R) :
a *? b → f --> a → g --> b → f \* g --> a × b.
Lemma ereal_lim_sum (R : realFieldType) (I : Type) (r : seq I)
(f : I → (\bar R)^nat) (l : I → \bar R) (P : pred I) :
(∀ k n, P k → 0 ≤ f k n) →
(∀ k, P k → f k --> l k) →
(fun n ⇒ \sum_(k <- r | P k) f k n) --> \sum_(k <- r | P k) l k.
Lemma nneseriesD (R : realType) (f g : nat → \bar R) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ f i) → (∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ g i) →
\sum_(i <oo | P i) (f i + g i) =
\sum_(i <oo | P i) f i + \sum_(i <oo | P i) g i.
Lemma nneseries0 (R : realFieldType) (f : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → f i = 0) → \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = 0.
Lemma nneseries_pred0 (R : realFieldType) (P : pred nat) (f : nat → \bar R) :
P =1 xpred0 → \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = 0.
Lemma eq_nneseries (R : realFieldType) (f g : (\bar R)^nat) (P : pred nat) :
(∀ i, P i → f i = g i) → \sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = \sum_(i <oo | P i) g i.
Lemma nneseries_sum_nat (R : realType) n (f : nat → nat → \bar R) :
(∀ i j, 0 ≤ f i j) →
\sum_(j <oo) (\sum_(0 ≤ i < n) f i j) =
\sum_(0 ≤ i < n) (\sum_(j <oo) (f i j)).
Lemma nneseries_sum I (r : seq I) (P : {pred I})
[R : realType] [f : I → nat → \bar R] :
(∀ i j, P i → 0 ≤ f i j) →
\sum_(j <oo) \sum_(i <- r | P i) f i j = \sum_(i <- r | P i) \sum_(j <oo) f i j.
Lemma lte_lim (R : realFieldType) (u : (\bar R)^nat) (M : R) :
nondecreasing_seq u → cvg u → M%:E < lim u →
\∀ n \near \oo, M%:E ≤ u n.
Lemma lim_mkord (R : realFieldType) (P : {pred nat}) (f : (\bar R)^nat) :
lim (fun n ⇒ \sum_(k < n | P k) f k)%E = \sum_(k <oo | P k) f k.
Lemma nneseries_mkcond [R : realFieldType] [P : pred nat] (f : nat → \bar R) :
\sum_(i <oo | P i) f i = \sum_(i <oo) if P i then f i else 0.
End sequences_ereal.
Definition sdrop T (u : T^nat) n := [set u k | k in [set k | k ≥ n]]%N.
Section sdrop.
Variables (d : unit) (R : porderType d).
Implicit Types (u : R^o^nat).
Lemma has_lbound_sdrop u : has_lbound (range u) →
∀ m, has_lbound (sdrop u m).
Lemma has_ubound_sdrop u : has_ubound (range u) →
∀ m, has_ubound (sdrop u m).
End sdrop.
Section sups_infs.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (r : R) (u : R^o^nat).
Definition sups u := [sequence sup (sdrop u n)]_n.
Definition infs u := [sequence inf (sdrop u n)]_n.
Lemma supsN u : sups (-%R \o u) = - infs u.
Lemma infsN u : infs (-%R \o u) = - sups u.
Lemma nonincreasing_sups u : has_ubound (range u) →
nonincreasing_seq (sups u).
Lemma nondecreasing_infs u : has_lbound (range u) →
nondecreasing_seq (infs u).
Lemma is_cvg_sups u : cvg u → cvg (sups u).
Lemma is_cvg_infs u : cvg u → cvg (infs u).
Lemma infs_le_sups u n : cvg u → infs u n ≤ sups u n.
Lemma cvg_sups_inf u : has_ubound (range u) → has_lbound (range u) →
sups u --> inf (range (sups u)).
Lemma cvg_infs_sup u : has_ubound (range u) → has_lbound (range u) →
infs u --> sup (range (infs u)).
Lemma sups_preimage T (D : set T) r (f : (T → R)^nat) n :
(∀ t, D t → has_ubound (range (f ^~ t))) →
D `&` (fun x ⇒ sups (f ^~x) n) @^-1` `]r, +oo[%classic =
D `&` \bigcup_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `]r, +oo[.
Lemma infs_preimage T (D : set T) r (f : (T → R)^nat) n :
(∀ t, D t → has_lbound (range (f ^~ t))) →
D `&` (fun x ⇒ infs (f ^~ x) n) @^-1` `]-oo, r[ =
D `&` \bigcup_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `]-oo, r[.
Lemma bounded_fun_has_lbound_sups u :
bounded_fun u → has_lbound (range (sups u)).
Lemma bounded_fun_has_ubound_infs u :
bounded_fun u → has_ubound (range (infs u)).
End sups_infs.
Section lim_sup_lim_inf.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (r : R) (u v : R^o^nat).
Definition lim_sup u := lim (sups u).
Definition lim_inf u := lim (infs u).
Lemma lim_infN u : cvg u → lim_inf (-%R \o u) = - lim_sup u.
Lemma lim_supE u : bounded_fun u → lim_sup u = inf (range (sups u)).
Lemma lim_infE u : bounded_fun u → lim_inf u = sup (range (infs u)).
Lemma lim_inf_le_lim_sup u : cvg u → lim_inf u ≤ lim_sup u.
Lemma cvg_lim_inf_sup u l : u --> l → (lim_inf u = l) × (lim_sup u = l).
Lemma cvg_lim_infE u : cvg u → lim_inf u = lim u.
Lemma cvg_lim_supE u : cvg u → lim_sup u = lim u.
Lemma cvg_sups u l : u --> l → (sups u) --> (l : R^o).
Lemma cvg_infs u l : u --> l → (infs u) --> (l : R^o).
Lemma le_lim_supD u v :
bounded_fun u → bounded_fun v → lim_sup (u \+ v) ≤ lim_sup u + lim_sup v.
Lemma le_lim_infD u v :
bounded_fun u → bounded_fun v → lim_inf u + lim_inf v ≤ lim_inf (u \+ v).
Lemma lim_supD u v : cvg u → cvg v → lim_sup (u \+ v) = lim_sup u + lim_sup v.
Lemma lim_infD u v : cvg u → cvg v → lim_inf (u \+ v) = lim_inf u + lim_inf v.
End lim_sup_lim_inf.
Section esups_einfs.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (u : (\bar R)^nat).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Definition esups u := [sequence ereal_sup (sdrop u n)]_n.
Definition einfs u := [sequence ereal_inf (sdrop u n)]_n.
Lemma esupsN u : esups (-%E \o u) = -%E \o einfs u.
Lemma einfsN u : einfs (-%E \o u) = -%E \o esups u.
Lemma nonincreasing_esups u : nonincreasing_seq (esups u).
Lemma nondecreasing_einfs u : nondecreasing_seq (einfs u).
Lemma einfs_le_esups u n : einfs u n ≤ esups u n.
Lemma cvg_esups_inf u : esups u --> ereal_inf (range (esups u)).
Lemma is_cvg_esups u : cvg (esups u).
Lemma cvg_einfs_sup u : einfs u --> ereal_sup (range (einfs u)).
Lemma is_cvg_einfs u : cvg (einfs u).
Lemma esups_preimage T (a : \bar R) (f : (T → \bar R)^nat) n :
(fun x ⇒ esups (f^~x) n) @^-1` `]a, +oo[ =
\bigcup_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `]a, +oo[.
Lemma einfs_preimage T (a : \bar R) (f : (T → \bar R)^nat) n :
(fun x ⇒ einfs (f^~x) n) @^-1` `[a, +oo[%classic =
\bigcap_(k in [set k | n ≤ k]%N) f k @^-1` `[a, +oo[%classic.
End esups_einfs.
Section elim_sup_inf.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (u v : (\bar R)^nat) (l : \bar R).
Definition elim_sup u := lim (esups u).
Definition elim_inf u := lim (einfs u).
Lemma elim_inf_shift u l : l \is a fin_num →
elim_inf (fun x ⇒ l + u x) = l + elim_inf u.
Lemma elim_sup_le_cvg u l : elim_sup u ≤ l → (∀ n, l ≤ u n) → u --> l.
Lemma elim_infN u : elim_inf (-%E \o u) = - elim_sup u.
Lemma elim_supN u : elim_sup (-%E \o u) = - elim_inf u.
Lemma elim_inf_sup u : elim_inf u ≤ elim_sup u.
Lemma cvg_ninfty_elim_inf_sup u : u --> -oo →
(elim_inf u = -oo) × (elim_sup u = -oo).
Lemma cvg_ninfty_einfs u : u --> -oo → einfs u --> -oo.
Lemma cvg_ninfty_esups u : u --> -oo → esups u --> -oo.
Lemma cvg_pinfty_einfs u : u --> +oo → einfs u --> +oo.
Lemma cvg_pinfty_esups u : u --> +oo → esups u --> +oo.
Lemma cvg_esups u l : u --> l → esups u --> l.
Lemma cvg_einfs u l : u --> l → einfs u --> l.
Lemma cvg_elim_inf_sup u l : u --> l → (elim_inf u = l) × (elim_sup u = l).
Lemma is_cvg_elim_infE u : cvg u → elim_inf u = lim u.
Lemma is_cvg_elim_supE u : cvg u → elim_sup u = lim u.
End elim_sup_inf.