Library mathcomp.analysis.constructive_ereal

(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C.              
 Copyright (c) - 2015--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute                
 Copyright (c) - 2015--2018 - Inria                                   
 Copyright (c) - 2016--2018 - Polytechnique                           
 -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

TODO: merge this with table.v in real-closed (c.f. ) and incorporate it into mathcomp proper where it could then be used for bounds of intervals
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap.
Require Import boolp mathcomp_extra classical_sets functions reals signed.
Require Import topology.

Extended real numbers
Given a type R for numbers, \bar R is the type R extended with symbols -oo and +oo (notation scope: %E), suitable to represent extended real numbers. When R is a numDomainType, \bar R is equipped with a canonical porderType and operations for addition/opposite. When R is a realDomainType, \bar R is equipped with a Canonical orderType.
Naming convention: in definition/lemma identifiers, "e" stands for an extended number and "y" and "Ny" for +oo ad -oo respectively.
\bar R == coproduct of R and {+oo, -oo}; notation for extended (R:Type) r%:E == injects real numbers into \bar R +%E, -%E, *%E == addition/opposite/multiplication for extended reals `| x |%E == the absolute value of x x ^+ n == iterated multiplication x *+ n == iterated addition +%dE, (x *+ n)%dE == dual addition/dual iterated addition for extended reals (-oo + +oo = +oo instead of -oo) Import DualAddTheory for related lemmas x +? y == the addition of the extended real numbers x and and y is defined, i.e., it is neither +oo - oo nor -oo + oo x *? y == the multiplication of the extended real numbers x and y is not of the form 0 * +oo or 0 * -oo (_ <= _)%E, (_ < _)%E, == comparison relations for extended reals (_ >= _)%E, (_ > _)%E (\sum(i in A) f i)%E == bigop-like notation in scope %E maxe x y, mine x y == notation for the maximum/minimum of two extended real numbers
Signed extended real numbers: {posnum \bar R} == interface type for elements in \bar R that are positive, c.f., signed.v, notation in scope %E {nonneg \bar R} == interface types for elements in \bar R that are non-negative, c.f. signed.v, notation in scope %E x%:pos == explicitly casts x to {posnum \bar R}, in scope %E x%:nng == explicitly casts x to {nonneg \bar R}, in scope %E
Topology of extended real numbers: contract == order-preserving bijective function from extended real numbers to [-1; 1] expand == function from real numbers to extended real numbers that cancels contract in [-1; 1]

Set Implicit Arguments.

Reserved Notation "x %:E" (at level 2, format "x %:E").
Reserved Notation "x +? y" (at level 50, format "x +? y").
Reserved Notation "x *? y" (at level 50, format "x *? y").
Reserved Notation "'\bar' x" (at level 2, format "'\bar' x").
Reserved Notation "{ 'posnum' '\bar' R }" (at level 0,
  format "{ 'posnum' '\bar' R }").
Reserved Notation "{ 'nonneg' '\bar' R }" (at level 0,
  format "{ 'nonneg' '\bar' R }").

Declare Scope ereal_dual_scope.
Declare Scope ereal_scope.

Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Variant extended (R : Type) := EFin of R | EPInf | ENInf.
Arguments EFin {R}.

Lemma EFin_inj T : injective (@EFin T).

Definition dual_extended := extended.

Notations in ereal_dual_scope should be kept *before* the corresponding notation in ereal_scope, otherwise when none of the scope is open (lte x y) would be displayed as (x < y)%dE, instead of (x < y)%E, for instance.
Notation "+oo" := (@EPInf _ : dual_extended _) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "+oo" := (@EPInf _) : ereal_scope.
Notation "-oo" := (@ENInf _ : dual_extended _) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "-oo" := (@ENInf _) : ereal_scope.
Notation "r %:E" := (@EFin _ r%R).
Notation "'\bar' R" := (extended R) : type_scope.
Notation "0" := (0%R%:E : dual_extended _) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "0" := (0%R%:E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "1" := (1%R%:E : dual_extended _) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "1" := (1%R%:E) : ereal_scope.

Bind Scope ereal_dual_scope with dual_extended.
Bind Scope ereal_scope with extended.
Delimit Scope ereal_dual_scope with dE.
Delimit Scope ereal_scope with E.

Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

Definition er_map T T' (f : T T') (x : \bar T) : \bar T' :=
  match x with
  | r%:E(f r)%:E
  | +oo+oo
  | -oo-oo

Definition fine {R : zmodType} x : R := if x is EFin v then v else 0.

Section EqEReal.
Variable (R : eqType).

Definition eq_ereal (x y : \bar R) :=
  match x, y with
    | x%:E, y%:Ex == y
    | +oo, +ootrue
    | -oo, -ootrue
    | _, _false

Lemma ereal_eqP : Equality.axiom eq_ereal.

Definition ereal_eqMixin := Equality.Mixin ereal_eqP.
Canonical ereal_eqType := Equality.Pack ereal_eqMixin.

Lemma eqe (r1 r2 : R) : (r1%:E == r2%:E) = (r1 == r2).

End EqEReal.

Section ERealChoice.
Variable (R : choiceType).

Definition code (x : \bar R) :=
  match x with
  | r%:EGenTree.Node 0 [:: GenTree.Leaf r]
  | +ooGenTree.Node 1 [::]
  | -ooGenTree.Node 2 [::]

Definition decode (x : GenTree.tree R) : option (\bar R) :=
  match x with
  | GenTree.Node 0 [:: GenTree.Leaf r]Some r%:E
  | GenTree.Node 1 [::]Some +oo
  | GenTree.Node 2 [::]Some -oo
  | _None

Lemma codeK : pcancel code decode.

Definition ereal_choiceMixin := PcanChoiceMixin codeK.
Canonical ereal_choiceType := ChoiceType (extended R) ereal_choiceMixin.

End ERealChoice.

Section ERealCount.
Variable (R : countType).

Definition ereal_countMixin := PcanCountMixin (@codeK R).
Canonical ereal_countType := CountType (extended R) ereal_countMixin.

End ERealCount.

Section ERealOrder.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types x y : \bar R.

Definition le_ereal x1 x2 :=
  match x1, x2 with
  | -oo, r%:E | r%:E, +oor \is Num.real
  | r1%:E, r2%:Er1 r2
  | -oo, _ | _, +ootrue
  | +oo, _ | _, -oofalse

Definition lt_ereal x1 x2 :=
  match x1, x2 with
  | -oo, r%:E | r%:E, +oor \is Num.real
  | r1%:E, r2%:Er1 < r2
  | -oo, -oo | +oo, +oofalse
  | +oo, _ | _ , -oofalse
  | -oo, _true

Lemma lt_def_ereal x y : lt_ereal x y = (y != x) && le_ereal x y.

Lemma le_refl_ereal : reflexive le_ereal.

Lemma le_anti_ereal : ssrbool.antisymmetric le_ereal.

Lemma le_trans_ereal : ssrbool.transitive le_ereal.

Fact ereal_display : unit.

Definition ereal_porderMixin :=
  LePOrderMixin lt_def_ereal le_refl_ereal le_anti_ereal le_trans_ereal.

Canonical ereal_porderType :=
  POrderType ereal_display (extended R) ereal_porderMixin.

Lemma leEereal x y : (x y)%O = le_ereal x y.
Lemma ltEereal x y : (x < y)%O = lt_ereal x y.

End ERealOrder.

Notation lee := (@Order.le ereal_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'lee' R" :=
  (@Order.le ereal_display R) (at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing).
Notation lte := ( ereal_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'lte' R" :=
  ( ereal_display R) (at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing).
Notation gee := ( ereal_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'gee' R" :=
  ( ereal_display R) (at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing).
Notation gte := ( ereal_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'gte' R" :=
  ( ereal_display R) (at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing).

Notation "x <= y" := (lee x y) (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (lee x y) (only printing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lte x y) (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lte x y) (only printing) : ereal_scope.

Notation "x <= y <= z" := ((lee x y) && (lee y z)) (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x <= y <= z" := ((lee x y) && (lee y z)) (only printing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := ((lte x y) && (lee y z)) (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := ((lte x y) && (lee y z)) (only printing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := ((lee x y) && (lte y z)) (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := ((lee x y) && (lte y z)) (only printing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := ((lte x y) && (lte y z)) (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := ((lte x y) && (lte y z)) (only printing) : ereal_scope.

Notation "x <= y" := (lee (x%dE : dual_extended _) (y%dE : dual_extended _)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (lee (x : extended _) (y : extended _)) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lte (x%dE : dual_extended _) (y%dE : dual_extended _)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lte (x : extended _) (y : extended _)) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y x) (only parsing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y x) (only parsing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : ereal_scope.

Notation "x <= y <= z" := ((x y) && (y z)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x <= y <= z" := ((x y) && (y z)) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := ((x < y) && (y z)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := ((x < y) && (y z)) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := ((x y) && (y < z)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := ((x y) && (y < z)) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := ((x < y) && (y < z)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := ((x < y) && (y < z)) : ereal_scope.

Notation "x <= y :> T" := ((x : T) (y : T)) (only parsing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x < y :> T" := ((x : T) < (y : T)) (only parsing) : ereal_scope.

Section ERealOrder_numDomainType.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types x y : \bar R.

Lemma lee_fin (r s : R) : (r%:E s%:E) = (r s)%R.

Lemma lte_fin (r s : R) : (r%:E < s%:E) = (r < s)%R.

Lemma lee01 : 0 1 :> \bar R.

Lemma lte01 : 0 < 1 :> \bar R.

Lemma leeNy_eq x : (x -oo) = (x == -oo).

Lemma leye_eq x : (+oo x) = (x == +oo).

Lemma lt0y : (0 : \bar R) < +oo.

Lemma ltNy0 : -oo < (0 : \bar R).

Lemma le0y : (0 : \bar R) +oo.

Lemma leNy0 : -oo (0 : \bar R).

Lemma ereal_comparable x y : (0%E >=< x)%O (0%E >=< y)%O (x >=< y)%O.

End ERealOrder_numDomainType.

#[global] Hint Resolve lee01 lte01 : core.

Section ERealOrder_realDomainType.
Context {R : realDomainType}.
Implicit Types (x y : \bar R) (r : R).

Lemma ltey r : r%:E < +oo.

Lemma ltNye r : -oo < r%:E.

Lemma leey x : x +oo.

Lemma leNye x : -oo x.

Lemma gee0P x : 0 x x = +oo exists2 r, (r 0)%R & x = r%:E.

Lemma le_total_ereal : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of \bar R].

Canonical ereal_latticeType := LatticeType (extended R) le_total_ereal.
Canonical ereal_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType (extended R) le_total_ereal.
Canonical ereal_orderType := OrderType (extended R) le_total_ereal.

End ERealOrder_realDomainType.

Section ERealArith.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types x y z : \bar R.

Definition adde_subdef x y :=
  match x, y with
  | x%:E , y%:E(x + y)%:E
  | -oo, _-oo
  | _ , -oo-oo
  | +oo, _+oo
  | _ , +oo+oo

Definition adde := nosimpl adde_subdef.

Definition dual_adde_subdef x y :=
  match x, y with
  | x%:E , y%:E ⇒ (x + y)%R%:E
  | +oo, _+oo
  | _ , +oo+oo
  | -oo, _-oo
  | _ , -oo-oo

Definition dual_adde := nosimpl dual_adde_subdef.

Definition oppe x :=
  match x with
  | r%:E(- r)%:E
  | -oo+oo
  | +oo-oo

Definition mule_subdef x y :=
  match x, y with
  | x%:E , y%:E(x × y)%:E
  | -oo, y | y, -ooif y == 0 then 0 else if 0 < y then -oo else +oo
  | +oo, y | y, +ooif y == 0 then 0 else if 0 < y then +oo else -oo

Definition mule := nosimpl mule_subdef.

Definition abse x := if x is r%:E then `|r|%:E else +oo.

Definition expe x n := iterop n mule x 1.

Definition enatmul x n := iterop n adde x 0.

Definition ednatmul x n := iterop n dual_adde x 0.

End ERealArith.

Notation "+%dE" := dual_adde.
Notation "+%E" := adde.
Notation "-%E" := oppe.
Notation "x + y" := (dual_adde x%dE y%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x + y" := (adde x y) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x - y" := (dual_adde x%dE (oppe y%dE)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x - y" := (adde x (oppe y)) : ereal_scope.
Notation "- x" := (oppe (x%dE : dual_extended _)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "- x" := (oppe x) : ereal_scope.
Notation "*%E" := mule.
Notation "x * y" := (mule (x%dE : dual_extended _) (y%dE : dual_extended _)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x * y" := (mule x y) : ereal_scope.
Notation "`| x |" := (abse (x%dE : dual_extended _)) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "`| x |" := (abse x) : ereal_scope.
Arguments abse {R}.
Notation "x ^+ n" := (expe x%dE n) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x ^+ n" := (expe x n) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x *+ n" := (ednatmul x%dE n) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x *+ n" := (enatmul x n) : ereal_scope.

Notation "\- f" := (fun x- f x)%dE : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\- f" := (fun x- f x)%E : ereal_scope.
Notation "f \+ g" := (fun xf x + g x)%dE : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "f \+ g" := (fun xf x + g x)%E : ereal_scope.
Notation "f \* g" := (fun xf x × g x)%dE : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "f \* g" := (fun xf x × g x)%E : ereal_scope.
Notation "f \- g" := (fun xf x - g x)%dE : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "f \- g" := (fun xf x - g x)%E : ereal_scope.

Notation "\sum_ ( i <- r | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i <- r | P%B) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i <- r | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i <- r | P%B) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i <- r ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i <- r) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i <- r ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i <- r) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i < n | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(m i < n | P%B) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i < n | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(m i < n | P%B) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i < n ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(m i < n) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( m <= i < n ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(m i < n) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i | P%B) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i | P%B) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ i F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_i F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ i F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_i F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i : t | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i : t | P%B) F%dE) (only parsing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i : t | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i : t | P%B) F%E) (only parsing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i : t ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i : t) F%dE) (only parsing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i : t ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i : t) F%E) (only parsing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i < n | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i < n | P%B) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i < n | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i < n | P%B) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i < n ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i < n) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i < n ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i < n) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i 'in' A | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i in A | P%B) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i 'in' A | P ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i in A | P%B) F%E) : ereal_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i 'in' A ) F" :=
  (\big[+%dE/0%:E]_(i in A) F%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "\sum_ ( i 'in' A ) F" :=
  (\big[+%E/0%:E]_(i in A) F%E) : ereal_scope.

Section ERealOrderTheory.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types x y z : \bar R.

Lemma lee0N1 : 0 (-1)%:E :> \bar R = false.

Lemma lte0N1 : 0 < (-1)%:E :> \bar R = false.

Lemma le0R x : 0 x (0 fine x)%R.

Lemma lt0R x : 0 < x < +oo (0 < fine x)%R.

Lemma lee_tofin (r0 r1 : R) : (r0 r1)%R r0%:E r1%:E.

Lemma lte_tofin (r0 r1 : R) : (r0 < r1)%R r0%:E < r1%:E.

Lemma enatmul_pinfty n : +oo *+ n.+1 = +oo :> \bar R.

Lemma enatmul_ninfty n : -oo *+ n.+1 = -oo :> \bar R.

Lemma EFin_natmul (r : R) n : (r *+ n.+1)%:E = r%:E *+ n.+1.

Lemma mule2n x : x *+ 2 = x + x.

Lemma expe2 x : x ^+ 2 = x × x.

End ERealOrderTheory.

Section finNumPred.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Type (x : \bar R).

Definition fin_num := [qualify a x : \bar R | (x != -oo) && (x != +oo)].
Fact fin_num_key : pred_key fin_num.
Canonical fin_num_keyd := KeyedQualifier fin_num_key.

Lemma fin_numE x : (x \is a fin_num) = (x != -oo) && (x != +oo).

Lemma fin_numP x : reflect ((x != -oo) (x != +oo)) (x \is a fin_num).

Lemma fin_numEn x : (x \isn't a fin_num) = (x == -oo) || (x == +oo).

Lemma fin_numPn x : reflect (x = -oo x = +oo) (x \isn't a fin_num).

End finNumPred.

Section ERealArithTh_numDomainType.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types (x y z : \bar R) (r : R).

Lemma fine_eq0 x : x \is a fin_num (fine x == 0%R) = (x == 0).

Lemma EFinN r : (- r)%:E = (- r%:E).

Lemma fineN x : fine (- x) = (- fine x)%R.

Lemma EFinD r r' : (r + r')%:E = r%:E + r'%:E.

Lemma EFinB r r' : (r - r')%:E = r%:E - r'%:E.

Lemma EFinM r r' : (r × r')%:E = r%:E × r'%:E.

Lemma sumEFin I s P (F : I R) :
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) (F i)%:E = (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i)%:E.

Definition adde_def x y :=
  ~~ ((x == +oo) && (y == -oo)) && ~~ ((x == -oo) && (y == +oo)).

Lemma adde_defC x y : x +? y = y +? x.

Lemma adde_defNN x y : - x +? - y = x +? y.

Lemma adde_defEninfty x : (x +? -oo) = (x != +oo).

Lemma ge0_adde_def : {in [pred x | x 0] &, x y, x +? y}.

Lemma addeC : commutative (S := \bar R) +%E.

Lemma adde0 : right_id (0 : \bar R) +%E.

Lemma add0e : left_id (0 : \bar R) +%E.

Lemma addeA : associative (S := \bar R) +%E.

Canonical adde_monoid := Monoid.Law addeA add0e adde0.
Canonical adde_comoid := Monoid.ComLaw addeC.

Lemma addeAC : @right_commutative (\bar R) _ +%E.

Lemma addeCA : @left_commutative (\bar R) _ +%E.

Lemma addeACA : @interchange (\bar R) +%E +%E.

Lemma adde_gt0 x y : 0 < x 0 < y 0 < x + y.

Lemma padde_eq0 x y : 0 x 0 y (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).

Lemma nadde_eq0 x y : x 0 y 0 (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).

Lemma realDe x y : (0%E >=< x)%O (0%E >=< y)%O (0%E >=< x + y)%O.

Lemma oppe0 : - 0 = 0 :> \bar R.

Lemma oppeK : involutive (A := \bar R) -%E.

Lemma oppe_eq0 x : (- x == 0)%E = (x == 0)%E.

Lemma oppeD x y : y \is a fin_num - (x + y) = - x - y.

Lemma sube0 x : x - 0 = x.

Lemma sub0e x : 0 - x = - x.

Lemma muleC x y : x × y = y × x.

Lemma onee_neq0 : 1 != 0 :> \bar R.
Lemma onee_eq0 : 1 == 0 :> \bar R = false.

Lemma mule1 x : x × 1 = x.

Lemma mul1e x : 1 × x = x.

Lemma mule0 x : x × 0 = 0.

Lemma mul0e x : 0 × x = 0.

Canonical mule_mulmonoid := @Monoid.MulLaw _ _ mule mul0e mule0.

Definition mule_def x y :=
  ~~ (((x == 0) && (`| y | == +oo)) || ((y == 0) && (`| x | == +oo))).

Lemma mule_defC x y : x *? y = y *? x.

Lemma mule_def_fin x y : x \is a fin_num y \is a fin_num x *? y.

Lemma mule_def_neq0_infty x y : x != 0 y \isn't a fin_num x *? y.

Lemma mule_def_infty_neq0 x y : x \isn't a fin_num y!= 0 x *? y.

Lemma neq0_mule_def x y : x × y != 0 x *? y.

Lemma ltpinfty_adde_def : {in [pred x | x < +oo] &, x y, x +? y}.

Lemma ltninfty_adde_def : {in [pred x | -oo < x] &, x y, x +? y}.

Lemma abse_eq0 x : (`|x| == 0) = (x == 0).

Lemma abse0 : `|0| = 0 :> \bar R.

Lemma abse1 : `|1| = 1 :> \bar R.

Lemma abseN x : `|- x| = `|x|.

Lemma eqe_opp x y : (- x == - y) = (x == y).

Lemma eqe_oppP x y : (- x = - y) (x = y).

Lemma eqe_oppLR x y : (- x == y) = (x == - y).

Lemma eqe_oppLRP x y : (- x = y) (x = - y).

Lemma fin_numN x : (- x \is a fin_num) = (x \is a fin_num).

Lemma oppeB x y : y \is a fin_num - (x - y) = - x + y.

Lemma fin_numD x y :
  (x + y \is a fin_num) = (x \is a fin_num) && (y \is a fin_num).

Lemma sum_fin_num (T : Type) (s : seq T) (P : pred T) (f : T \bar R) :
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \is a fin_num =
  all [pred x | x \is a fin_num] [seq f i | i <- s & P i].

Lemma sum_fin_numP (T : eqType) (s : seq T) (P : pred T) (f : T \bar R) :
  reflect ( i, i \in s P i f i \is a fin_num)
          (\sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \is a fin_num).

Lemma fin_numB x y :
  (x - y \is a fin_num) = (x \is a fin_num) && (y \is a fin_num).

Lemma fin_numM x y : x \is a fin_num y \is a fin_num
  x × y \is a fin_num.

Lemma fineD : {in @fin_num R &, {morph fine : x y / x + y >-> (x + y)%R}}.

Lemma fineB : {in @fin_num R &, {morph fine : x y / x - y >-> (x - y)%R}}.

Lemma fineM : {in @fin_num R &, {morph fine : x y / x × y >-> (x × y)%R}}.

Lemma fin_num_adde_def x y : y \is a fin_num x +? y.

Lemma fineK x : x \is a fin_num (fine x)%:E = x.

Lemma telescope_sume n m (f : nat \bar R) :
  ( i, (n i m)%N f i \is a fin_num) (n m)%N
  \sum_(n k < m) (f k.+1 - f k) = f m - f n.

Lemma addeK x y : x \is a fin_num y + x - x = y.

Lemma subeK x y : y \is a fin_num x - y + y = x.

Lemma subee x : x \is a fin_num x - x = 0.

Lemma sube_eq x y z : x \is a fin_num (y +? z)
  (x - z == y) = (x == y + z).

Lemma adde_eq_ninfty x y : (x + y == -oo) = ((x == -oo) || (y == -oo)).

Lemma addye x : x != -oo +oo + x = +oo.

Lemma addey x : x != -oo x + +oo = +oo.

Lemma adde_Neq_pinfty x y : x != -oo y != -oo
  (x + y != +oo) = (x != +oo) && (y != +oo).

Lemma adde_Neq_ninfty x y : x != +oo y != +oo
  (x + y != -oo) = (x != -oo) && (y != -oo).

Lemma adde_ss_eq0 x y : (0 x) && (0 y) || (x 0) && (y 0)
  x + y == 0 = (x == 0) && (y == 0).

Lemma esum_ninftyP (T : eqType) (s : seq T) (P : pred T) (f : T \bar R) :
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i = -oo i, [/\ i \in s, P i & f i = -oo].

Lemma esum_ninfty (I : finType) (f : I \bar R) (P : {pred I}) :
  (\sum_(i | P i) f i == -oo) = [ i in P, f i == -oo].

Lemma esum_pinftyP (T : eqType) (s : seq T) (P : pred T) (f : T \bar R) :
  ( i, P i f i != -oo)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i = +oo i, [/\ i \in s, P i & f i = +oo].

Lemma esum_pinfty (I : finType) (P : {pred I}) (f : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i f i != -oo)
  (\sum_(i | P i) f i == +oo) = [ i in P, f i == +oo].

Lemma adde_ge0 x y : 0 x 0 y 0 x + y.

Lemma adde_le0 x y : x 0 y 0 x + y 0.

Lemma oppe_gt0 x : (0 < - x) = (x < 0).

Lemma oppe_lt0 x : (- x < 0) = (0 < x).

Lemma oppe_ge0 x : (0 - x) = (x 0).

Lemma oppe_le0 x : (- x 0) = (0 x).

Lemma sume_ge0 T (f : T \bar R) (P : pred T) :
  ( t, P t 0 f t) l, 0 \sum_(i <- l | P i) f i.

Lemma sume_le0 T (f : T \bar R) (P : pred T) :
  ( t, P t f t 0) l, \sum_(i <- l | P i) f i 0.

Lemma mulNyy : -oo × +oo = -oo :> \bar R.

Lemma mulyNy : +oo × -oo = -oo :> \bar R.

Lemma mulyy : +oo × +oo = +oo :> \bar R.

Lemma mulNyNy : -oo × -oo = +oo :> \bar R.

Lemma real_mulry r : r \is Num.real r%:E × +oo = ( r)%:E × +oo.

Lemma real_mulyr r : r \is Num.real +oo × r%:E = ( r)%:E × +oo.

Lemma real_mulrNy r : r \is Num.real r%:E × -oo = ( r)%:E × -oo.

Lemma real_mulNyr r : r \is Num.real -oo × r%:E = ( r)%:E × -oo.

Definition real_mulr_infty := (real_mulry, real_mulyr, real_mulrNy, real_mulNyr).

Lemma mulN1e x : - 1%E × x = - x.

Lemma muleN1 x : x × - 1%E = - x.

Lemma mule_neq0 x y : x != 0 y != 0 x × y != 0.

Lemma mule_eq0 x y : (x × y == 0) = (x == 0) || (y == 0).

Lemma mule_ge0 x y : 0 x 0 y 0 x × y.

Lemma mule_gt0 x y : 0 < x 0 < y 0 < x × y.

Lemma mule_le0 x y : x 0 y 0 0 x × y.

Lemma mule_le0_ge0 x y : x 0 0 y x × y 0.

Lemma mule_ge0_le0 x y : 0 x y 0 x × y 0.

Lemma mule_lt0_lt0 x y : x < 0 y < 0 0 < x × y.

Lemma mule_gt0_lt0 x y : 0 < x y < 0 x × y < 0.

Lemma mule_lt0_gt0 x y : x < 0 0 < y x × y < 0.

Lemma gte_opp x : 0 < x - x < x.

Lemma realMe x y : (0%E >=< x)%O (0%E >=< y)%O (0%E >=< x × y)%O.

Lemma abse_ge0 x : 0 `|x|.

Lemma gee0_abs x : 0 x `|x| = x.

Lemma gte0_abs x : 0 < x `|x| = x.

Lemma lee0_abs x : x 0 `|x| = - x.

Lemma lte0_abs x : x < 0 `|x| = - x.

End ERealArithTh_numDomainType.
Notation "x +? y" := (adde_def x%dE y%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x +? y" := (adde_def x y) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x *? y" := (mule_def x%dE y%dE) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x *? y" := (mule_def x y) : ereal_scope.

Notation maxe := (@Order.max ereal_display _).
Notation "@ 'maxe' R" := (@Order.max ereal_display R)
  (at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.

Notation mine := (@Order.min ereal_display _).
Notation "@ 'mine' R" := (@Order.min ereal_display R)
  (at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.

Module DualAddTheoryNumDomain.

Section DualERealArithTh_numDomainType.

Local Open Scope ereal_dual_scope.

Context {R : numDomainType}.

Implicit Types x y z : \bar R.

Lemma dual_addeE x y : (x + y)%dE = - ((- x) + (- y))%E.

Lemma dual_sumeE I (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  (\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i)%dE = - (\sum_(i <- r | P i) (- F i)%E)%E.

Lemma dual_addeE_def x y : x +? y (x + y)%dE = (x + y)%E.

Lemma dEFinD (r r' : R) : (r + r')%R%:E = r%:E + r'%:E.

Lemma dEFinB (r r' : R) : (r - r')%R%:E = r%:E - r'%:E.

Lemma dsumEFin I r P (F : I R) :
  \sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i)%:E = (\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i)%R%:E.

Lemma daddeC : commutative (S := \bar R) +%dE.

Lemma dadde0 : right_id (0 : \bar R) +%dE.

Lemma dadd0e : left_id (0 : \bar R) +%dE.

Lemma daddeA : associative (S := \bar R) +%dE.

Canonical dadde_monoid := Monoid.Law daddeA dadd0e dadde0.
Canonical dadde_comoid := Monoid.ComLaw daddeC.

Lemma daddeAC : right_commutative (S := \bar R) +%dE.

Lemma daddeCA : left_commutative (S := \bar R) +%dE.

Lemma daddeACA : @interchange (\bar R) +%dE +%dE.

Lemma realDed x y : (0%E >=< x)%O (0%E >=< y)%O (0%E >=< x + y)%O.

Lemma doppeD x y : y \is a fin_num - (x + y) = - x - y.

Lemma dsube0 x : x - 0 = x.

Lemma dsub0e x : 0 - x = - x.

Lemma doppeB x y : y \is a fin_num - (x - y) = - x + y.

Lemma dfin_numD x y :
  (x + y \is a fin_num) = (x \is a fin_num) && (y \is a fin_num).

Lemma dfineD :
  {in (@fin_num R) &, {morph fine : x y / x + y >-> (x + y)%R}}.

Lemma dfineB : {in @fin_num R &, {morph fine : x y / x - y >-> (x - y)%R}}.

Lemma daddeK x y : x \is a fin_num y + x - x = y.

Lemma dsubeK x y : y \is a fin_num x - y + y = x.

Lemma dsubee x : x \is a fin_num x - x = 0.

Lemma dsube_eq x y z : x \is a fin_num (y +? z)
  (x - z == y) = (x == y + z).

Lemma dadde_eq_pinfty x y : (x + y == +oo) = ((x == +oo) || (y == +oo)).

Lemma daddooe x : x != -oo +oo + x = +oo.

Lemma daddeoo x : x != -oo x + +oo = +oo.

Lemma dadde_Neq_pinfty x y : x != -oo y != -oo
  (x + y != +oo) = (x != +oo) && (y != +oo).

Lemma dadde_Neq_ninfty x y : x != +oo y != +oo
  (x + y != -oo) = (x != -oo) && (y != -oo).

Lemma ndadde_eq0 x y : x 0 y 0 x + y == 0 = (x == 0) && (y == 0).

Lemma pdadde_eq0 x y : 0 x 0 y x + y == 0 = (x == 0) && (y == 0).

Lemma dadde_ss_eq0 x y : (0 x) && (0 y) || (x 0) && (y 0)
  x + y == 0 = (x == 0) && (y == 0).

Lemma desum_pinftyP (T : eqType) (s : seq T) (P : pred T) (f : T \bar R) :
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i = +oo i, [/\ i \in s, P i & f i = +oo].

Lemma desum_pinfty (I : finType) (f : I \bar R) (P : {pred I}) :
  (\sum_(i | P i) f i == +oo) = [ i in P, f i == +oo].

Lemma desum_ninftyP
    (T : eqType) (s : seq T) (P : pred T) (f : T \bar R) :
  ( i, P i f i != +oo)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i = -oo i, [/\ i \in s, P i & f i = -oo].

Lemma desum_ninfty (I : finType) (f : I \bar R) (P : {pred I}) :
  ( i, f i != +oo)
  (\sum_(i | P i) f i == -oo) = [ i in P, f i == -oo].

Lemma dadde_ge0 x y : 0 x 0 y 0 x + y.

Lemma dadde_le0 x y : x 0 y 0 x + y 0.

Lemma dsume_ge0 T (f : T \bar R) (P : pred T) :
  ( n, P n 0 f n) l, 0 \sum_(i <- l | P i) f i.

Lemma dsume_le0 T (f : T \bar R) (P : pred T) :
  ( n, P n f n 0) l, \sum_(i <- l | P i) f i 0.

Lemma gte_dopp (r : \bar R) : (0 < r)%E (- r < r)%E.

Lemma ednatmul_pinfty n : +oo *+ n.+1 = +oo :> \bar R.

Lemma ednatmul_ninfty n : -oo *+ n.+1 = -oo :> \bar R.

Lemma EFin_dnatmul (r : R) n : (r *+ n.+1)%:E = r%:E *+ n.+1.

Lemma ednatmulE x n : x *+ n = (x *+ n)%E.

Lemma dmule2n x : x *+ 2 = x + x.

End DualERealArithTh_numDomainType.

End DualAddTheoryNumDomain.

Section ERealArithTh_realDomainType.
Context {R : realDomainType}.
Implicit Types (x y z u a b : \bar R) (r : R).

Lemma fin_numElt x : (x \is a fin_num) = (-oo < x < +oo).

Lemma fin_numPlt x : reflect (-oo < x < +oo) (x \is a fin_num).

Lemma lte_pinfty_eq x : (x < +oo) = (x \is a fin_num) || (x == -oo).

Lemma ge0_fin_numE x : 0 x (x \is a fin_num) = (x < +oo).

Lemma eq_pinftyP x : x = +oo ( A, (0 < A)%R A%:E x).

Lemma seq_psume_eq0 (I : choiceType) (r : seq I)
    (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) : ( i, P i 0 F i)%E
  (\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i == 0)%E = all (fun iP i ==> (F i == 0%E)) r.

Lemma lte_add_pinfty x y : x < +oo y < +oo x + y < +oo.

Lemma lte_sum_pinfty I (s : seq I) (P : pred I) (f : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i f i < +oo) \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i < +oo.

Lemma sube_gt0 x y : (0 < y - x) = (x < y).

Lemma sube_le0 x y : (y - x 0) = (y x).

Lemma suber_ge0 y x : y \is a fin_num (0 x - y) = (y x).

Lemma subre_ge0 x y : y \is a fin_num (0 y - x) = (x y).

Lemma lte_oppl x y : (- x < y) = (- y < x).

Lemma lte_oppr x y : (x < - y) = (y < - x).

Lemma lee_oppr x y : (x - y) = (y - x).

Lemma lee_oppl x y : (- x y) = (- y x).

Lemma muleN x y : x × - y = - (x × y).

Lemma mulNe x y : - x × y = - (x × y).

Lemma muleNN x y : - x × - y = x × y.

Lemma mulry r : r%:E × +oo%E = ( r)%:E × +oo%E.

Lemma mulyr r : +oo%E × r%:E = ( r)%:E × +oo%E.

Lemma mulrNy r : r%:E × -oo%E = ( r)%:E × -oo%E.

Lemma mulNyr r : -oo%E × r%:E = ( r)%:E × -oo%E.

Definition mulr_infty := (mulry, mulyr, mulrNy, mulNyr).

Lemma lte_mul_pinfty x y : 0 x x \is a fin_num y < +oo x × y < +oo.

Lemma mule_ge0_gt0 x y : 0 x 0 y (0 < x × y) = (0 < x) && (0 < y).

Lemma gt0_mulye x : (0 < x +oo × x = +oo)%E.

Lemma lt0_mulye x : (x < 0 +oo × x = -oo)%E.

Lemma gt0_mulNye x : (0 < x -oo × x = -oo)%E.

Lemma lt0_mulNye x : (x < 0 -oo × x = +oo)%E.

Lemma mule_eq_pinfty x y : (x × y == +oo) =
  [|| (x > 0) && (y == +oo), (x < 0) && (y == -oo),
     (x == +oo) && (y > 0) | (x == -oo) && (y < 0)].

Lemma mule_eq_ninfty x y : (x × y == -oo) =
  [|| (x > 0) && (y == -oo), (x < 0) && (y == +oo),
     (x == -oo) && (y > 0) | (x == +oo) && (y < 0)].

Lemma lte_opp x y : (- x < - y) = (y < x).

Lemma lte_add a b x y : a < b x < y a + x < b + y.

Lemma lee_addl x y : 0 y x x + y.

Lemma lee_addr x y : 0 y x y + x.

Lemma gee_addl x y : y 0 x + y x.

Lemma gee_addr x y : y 0 y + x x.

Lemma lte_addl y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x y < y + x.

Lemma lte_addr y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x y < x + y.

Lemma gte_subl y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x y - x < y.

Lemma gte_subr y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x - x + y < y.

Lemma lte_add2lE x a b : x \is a fin_num (x + a < x + b) = (a < b).

Lemma lee_add2l x a b : a b x + a x + b.

Lemma lee_add2lE x a b : x \is a fin_num (x + a x + b) = (a b).

Lemma lee_add2r x a b : a b a + x b + x.

Lemma lee_add a b x y : a b x y a + x b + y.

Lemma lte_le_add a b x y : b \is a fin_num a < x b y a + b < x + y.

Lemma lee_lt_add a b x y : a \is a fin_num a x b < y a + b < x + y.

Lemma lee_sub x y z u : x y u z x - z y - u.

Lemma lte_le_sub z u x y : u \is a fin_num
  x < z u y x - y < z - u.

Lemma lte_pmul2r z : z \is a fin_num 0 < z {mono *%E^~ z : x y / x < y}.

Lemma lte_pmul2l z : z \is a fin_num 0 < z {mono *%E z : x y / x < y}.

Lemma lte_nmul2l z : z \is a fin_num z < 0 {mono *%E z : x y /~ x < y}.

Lemma lte_nmul2r z : z \is a fin_num z < 0 {mono *%E^~ z : x y /~ x < y}.

Lemma lee_sum I (f g : I \bar R) s (P : pred I) :
  ( i, P i f i g i)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i) g i.

Lemma lee_sum_nneg_subset I (s : seq I) (P Q : {pred I}) (f : I \bar R) :
  {subset Q P} {in [predD P & Q], i, 0 f i}
  \sum_(i <- s | Q i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i.

Lemma lee_sum_npos_subset I (s : seq I) (P Q : {pred I}) (f : I \bar R) :
  {subset Q P} {in [predD P & Q], i, f i 0}
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \sum_(i <- s | Q i) f i.

Lemma lee_sum_nneg (I : eqType) (s : seq I) (P Q : pred I)
  (f : I \bar R) : ( i, P i ~~ Q i 0 f i)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i && Q i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i.

Lemma lee_sum_npos (I : eqType) (s : seq I) (P Q : pred I)
  (f : I \bar R) : ( i, P i ~~ Q i f i 0)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i && Q i) f i.

Lemma lee_sum_nneg_ord (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) :
  ( n, P n 0 f n)
  {homo (fun n\sum_(i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> i j}.

Lemma lee_sum_npos_ord (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) :
  ( n, P n f n 0)%E
  {homo (fun n\sum_(i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> j i}.

Lemma lee_sum_nneg_natr (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) m :
  ( n, (m n)%N P n 0 f n)
  {homo (fun n\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> i j}.

Lemma lee_sum_npos_natr (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) m :
  ( n, (m n)%N P n f n 0)
  {homo (fun n\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> j i}.

Lemma lee_sum_nneg_natl (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) n :
  ( m, (m < n)%N P m 0 f m)
  {homo (fun m\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> j i}.

Lemma lee_sum_npos_natl (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) n :
  ( m, (m < n)%N P m f m 0)
  {homo (fun m\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> i j}.

Lemma lee_sum_nneg_subfset (T : choiceType) (A B : {fset T}%fset) (P : pred T)
  (f : T \bar R) : {subset A B}
  {in [predD B & A], t, P t 0 f t}
  \sum_(t <- A | P t) f t \sum_(t <- B | P t) f t.

Lemma lee_sum_npos_subfset (T : choiceType) (A B : {fset T}%fset) (P : pred T)
  (f : T \bar R) : {subset A B}
  {in [predD B & A], t, P t f t 0}
  \sum_(t <- B | P t) f t \sum_(t <- A | P t) f t.

Lemma lte_subl_addr x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < z + y).

Lemma lte_subl_addl x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < y + z).

Lemma lte_subr_addr x y z : z \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (x + z < y).

Lemma lte_subr_addl x y z : z \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (z + x < y).

Lemma lte_subel_addr x y z : x \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < z + y).

Lemma lte_subel_addl x y z : x \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < y + z).

Lemma lte_suber_addr x y z : x \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (x + z < y).

Lemma lte_suber_addl x y z : x \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (z + x < y).

Lemma lee_subl_addr x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x z + y).

Lemma lee_subl_addl x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x y + z).

Lemma lee_subr_addr x y z : z \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (x + z y).

Lemma lee_subr_addl x y z : z \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (z + x y).

Lemma lee_subel_addr x y z : z \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x z + y).

Lemma lee_subel_addl x y z : z \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x y + z).

Lemma lee_suber_addr x y z : y \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (x + z y).

Lemma lee_suber_addl x y z : y \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (z + x y).

Lemma pmule_rge0 x y : 0 < x (x × y 0) = (y 0).

Lemma pmule_lge0 x y : 0 < x (y × x 0) = (y 0).

Lemma pmule_rlt0 x y : 0 < x (x × y < 0) = (y < 0).

Lemma pmule_llt0 x y : 0 < x (y × x < 0) = (y < 0).

Lemma pmule_rle0 x y : 0 < x (x × y 0) = (y 0).

Lemma pmule_lle0 x y : 0 < x (y × x 0) = (y 0).

Lemma pmule_rgt0 x y : 0 < x (x × y > 0) = (y > 0).

Lemma pmule_lgt0 x y : 0 < x (y × x > 0) = (y > 0).

Lemma nmule_rge0 x y : x < 0 (x × y 0) = (y 0).

Lemma nmule_lge0 x y : x < 0 (y × x 0) = (y 0).

Lemma nmule_rle0 x y : x < 0 (x × y 0) = (y 0).

Lemma nmule_lle0 x y : x < 0 (y × x 0) = (y 0).

Lemma nmule_rgt0 x y : x < 0 (x × y > 0) = (y < 0).

Lemma nmule_lgt0 x y : x < 0 (y × x > 0) = (y < 0).

Lemma nmule_rlt0 x y : x < 0 (x × y < 0) = (y > 0).

Lemma nmule_llt0 x y : x < 0 (y × x < 0) = (y > 0).

Lemma mule_lt0 x y : (x × y < 0) = [&& x != 0, y != 0 & (x < 0) (+) (y < 0)].

Lemma muleA : associative ( *%E : \bar R \bar R \bar R ).

Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

Canonical mule_monoid := Monoid.Law muleA mul1e mule1.
Canonical mule_comoid := Monoid.ComLaw muleC.

Lemma muleCA : left_commutative ( *%E : \bar R \bar R \bar R ).

Lemma muleAC : right_commutative ( *%E : \bar R \bar R \bar R ).

Lemma muleACA : interchange (@mule R) (@mule R).

Lemma muleDr x y z : x \is a fin_num y +? z x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.

Lemma muleDl x y z : x \is a fin_num y +? z (y + z) × x = y × x + z × x.

Lemma muleBr x y z : x \is a fin_num y +? - z x × (y - z) = x × y - x × z.

Lemma muleBl x y z : x \is a fin_num y +? - z (y - z) × x = y × x - z × x.

Lemma ge0_muleDl x y z : 0 y 0 z (y + z) × x = y × x + z × x.

Lemma ge0_muleDr x y z : 0 y 0 z x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.

Lemma le0_muleDl x y z : y 0 z 0 (y + z) × x = y × x + z × x.

Lemma le0_muleDr x y z : y 0 z 0 x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.

Lemma gee_pmull y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x y 1 y × x x.

Lemma lee_wpmul2r x : 0 x {homo *%E^~ x : y z / y z}.

Lemma lee_wpmul2l x : 0 x {homo *%E x : y z / y z}.

Lemma ge0_sume_distrl (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i 0 F i)
  (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) × x = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (F i × x).

Lemma ge0_sume_distrr (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i 0 F i)
  x × (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (x × F i).

Lemma le0_sume_distrl (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i F i 0)
  (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) × x = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (F i × x).

Lemma le0_sume_distrr (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i F i 0)
  x × (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (x × F i).

Lemma eq_infty x : ( r, r%:E x) x = +oo.

Lemma eq_ninfty x : ( r, x r%:E) x = -oo.

Lemma lee_opp x y : (- x - y) = (y x).

Lemma lee_abs x : x `|x|.

Lemma abse_id x : `| `|x| | = `|x|.

Lemma lte_absl (x y : \bar R) : (`|x| < y)%E = (- y < x < y)%E.

Lemma fin_num_abs x : (x \is a fin_num) = (`| x | < +oo)%E.

Lemma eqe_absl x y : (`|x| == y) = ((x == y) || (x == - y)) && (0 y).

Lemma lee_abs_add x y : `|x + y| `|x| + `|y|.

Lemma lee_abs_sum (I : Type) (s : seq I) (F : I \bar R) (P : pred I) :
  `|\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i| \sum_(i <- s | P i) `|F i|.

Lemma lee_abs_sub x y : `|x - y| `|x| + `|y|.

Lemma abseM : {morph @abse R : x y / x × y}.

Lemma maxEFin r1 r2 : maxe r1%:E r2%:E = (Num.max r1 r2)%:E.

Lemma minEFin r1 r2 : mine r1%:E r2%:E = (Num.min r1 r2)%:E.

Lemma adde_maxl : left_distributive (@adde R) maxe.

Lemma adde_maxr : right_distributive (@adde R) maxe.

Lemma maxye : left_zero (+oo : \bar R) maxe.

Lemma maxey : right_zero (+oo : \bar R) maxe.

Lemma maxNye : left_id (-oo : \bar R) maxe.

Lemma maxeNy : right_id (-oo : \bar R) maxe.

Lemma minNye : left_zero (-oo : \bar R) mine.

Lemma mineNy : right_zero (-oo : \bar R) mine.

Lemma minye : left_id (+oo : \bar R) mine.

Lemma miney : right_id (+oo : \bar R) mine.

Lemma oppe_max : {morph -%E : x y / maxe x y >-> mine x y : \bar R}.

Lemma oppe_min : {morph -%E : x y / mine x y >-> maxe x y : \bar R}.

Lemma maxeMr z x y : z \is a fin_num 0 < z
  z × maxe x y = maxe (z × x) (z × y).

Lemma maxeMl z x y : z \is a fin_num 0 < z
  maxe x y × z = maxe (x × z) (y × z).

Lemma mineMr z x y : z \is a fin_num 0 < z
  z × mine x y = mine (z × x) (z × y).

Lemma mineMl z x y : z \is a fin_num 0 < z
  mine x y × z = mine (x × z) (y × z).

Lemma lee_pemull x y : 0 y 1 x y x × y.

Lemma lee_nemull x y : y 0 1 x x × y y.

Lemma lee_pemulr x y : 0 y 1 x y y × x.

Lemma lee_nemulr x y : y 0 1 x y × x y.

Lemma mule_natl x n : n%:R%:E × x = x *+ n.

Lemma lte_pmul x1 y1 x2 y2 :
  0 x1 0 x2 x1 < y1 x2 < y2 x1 × x2 < y1 × y2.

Lemma lee_pmul x1 y1 x2 y2 : 0 x1 0 x2 x1 y1 x2 y2
  x1 × x2 y1 × y2.

Lemma lee_pmul2l x : x \is a fin_num 0 < x {mono *%E x : x y / x y}.

Lemma lee_pmul2r x : x \is a fin_num 0 < x {mono *%E^~ x : x y / x y}.

End ERealArithTh_realDomainType.
Arguments lee_sum_nneg_ord {R}.
Arguments lee_sum_npos_ord {R}.
Arguments lee_sum_nneg_natr {R}.
Arguments lee_sum_npos_natr {R}.
Arguments lee_sum_nneg_natl {R}.
Arguments lee_sum_npos_natl {R}.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0 `| _ |)%E) ⇒ solve [apply: abse_ge0] : core.

Module DualAddTheoryRealDomain.

Section DualERealArithTh_realDomainType.

Import DualAddTheoryNumDomain.

Local Open Scope ereal_dual_scope.

Context {R : realDomainType}.
Implicit Types x y z a b : \bar R.

Lemma dsube_lt0 x y : (x - y < 0) = (x < y).

Lemma dsube_ge0 x y : (0 y - x) = (x y).

Lemma dsuber_le0 x y : y \is a fin_num (x - y 0) = (x y).

Lemma dsubre_le0 y x : y \is a fin_num (y - x 0) = (y x).

Lemma lte_dadd a b x y : a < b x < y a + x < b + y.

Lemma lee_daddl x y : 0 y x x + y.

Lemma lee_daddr x y : 0 y x y + x.

Lemma gee_daddl x y : y 0 x + y x.

Lemma gee_daddr x y : y 0 y + x x.

Lemma lte_daddl y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x y < y + x.

Lemma lte_daddr y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x y < x + y.

Lemma gte_dsubl y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x y - x < y.

Lemma gte_dsubr y x : y \is a fin_num 0 < x - x + y < y.

Lemma lte_dadd2lE x a b : x \is a fin_num (x + a < x + b) = (a < b).

Lemma lee_dadd2l x a b : a b x + a x + b.

Lemma lee_dadd2lE x a b : x \is a fin_num (x + a x + b) = (a b).

Lemma lee_dadd2r x a b : a b a + x b + x.

Lemma lee_dadd a b x y : a b x y a + x b + y.

Lemma lte_le_dadd a b x y : b \is a fin_num a < x b y a + b < x + y.

Lemma lee_lt_dadd a b x y : a \is a fin_num a x b < y a + b < x + y.

Lemma lee_dsub x y z t : x y t z x - z y - t.

Lemma lte_le_dsub z u x y : u \is a fin_num x < z u y x - y < z - u.

Lemma lee_dsum I (f g : I \bar R) s (P : pred I) :
  ( i, P i f i g i)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i) g i.

Lemma lee_dsum_nneg_subset I (s : seq I) (P Q : {pred I}) (f : I \bar R) :
  {subset Q P} {in [predD P & Q], i, 0 f i}
  \sum_(i <- s | Q i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i.

Lemma lee_dsum_npos_subset I (s : seq I) (P Q : {pred I}) (f : I \bar R) :
  {subset Q P} {in [predD P & Q], i, f i 0}
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \sum_(i <- s | Q i) f i.

Lemma lee_dsum_nneg (I : eqType) (s : seq I) (P Q : pred I)
  (f : I \bar R) : ( i, P i ~~ Q i 0 f i)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i && Q i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i.

Lemma lee_dsum_npos (I : eqType) (s : seq I) (P Q : pred I)
  (f : I \bar R) : ( i, P i ~~ Q i f i 0)
  \sum_(i <- s | P i) f i \sum_(i <- s | P i && Q i) f i.

Lemma lee_dsum_nneg_ord (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) :
  ( n, P n 0 f n)%E
  {homo (fun n\sum_(i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> i j}.

Lemma lee_dsum_npos_ord (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) :
  ( n, P n f n 0)%E
  {homo (fun n\sum_(i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> j i}.

Lemma lee_dsum_nneg_natr (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) m :
  ( n, (m n)%N P n 0 f n)
  {homo (fun n\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> i j}.

Lemma lee_dsum_npos_natr (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) m :
  ( n, (m n)%N P n f n 0)
  {homo (fun n\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> j i}.

Lemma lee_dsum_nneg_natl (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) n :
  ( m, (m < n)%N P m 0 f m)
  {homo (fun m\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> j i}.

Lemma lee_dsum_npos_natl (f : nat \bar R) (P : pred nat) n :
  ( m, (m < n)%N P m f m 0)
  {homo (fun m\sum_(m i < n | P i) (f i)) : i j / (i j)%N >-> i j}.

Lemma lee_dsum_nneg_subfset (T : choiceType) (A B : {fset T}%fset) (P : pred T)
  (f : T \bar R) : {subset A B}
  {in [predD B & A], t, P t 0 f t}
  \sum_(t <- A | P t) f t \sum_(t <- B | P t) f t.

Lemma lee_dsum_npos_subfset (T : choiceType) (A B : {fset T}%fset) (P : pred T)
  (f : T \bar R) : {subset A B}
  {in [predD B & A], t, P t f t 0}
  \sum_(t <- B | P t) f t \sum_(t <- A | P t) f t.

Lemma lte_dsubl_addr x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < z + y).

Lemma lte_dsubl_addl x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < y + z).

Lemma lte_dsubr_addr x y z : z \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (x + z < y).

Lemma lte_dsubr_addl x y z : z \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (z + x < y).

Lemma lte_dsuber_addr x y z : y \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (x + z < y).

Lemma lte_dsuber_addl x y z : y \is a fin_num (x < y - z) = (z + x < y).

Lemma lte_dsubel_addr x y z : z \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < z + y).

Lemma lte_dsubel_addl x y z : z \is a fin_num (x - y < z) = (x < y + z).

Lemma lee_dsubl_addr x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x z + y).

Lemma lee_dsubl_addl x y z : y \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x y + z).

Lemma lee_dsubr_addr x y z : z \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (x + z y).

Lemma lee_dsubr_addl x y z : z \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (z + x y).

Lemma lee_dsubel_addr x y z : x \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x z + y).

Lemma lee_dsubel_addl x y z : x \is a fin_num (x - y z) = (x y + z).

Lemma lee_dsuber_addr x y z : x \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (x + z y).

Lemma lee_dsuber_addl x y z : x \is a fin_num (x y - z) = (z + x y).

Lemma dmuleDr x y z : x \is a fin_num y +? z x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.

Lemma dmuleDl x y z : x \is a fin_num y +? z (y + z) × x = y × x + z × x.

Lemma dge0_muleDl x y z : 0 y 0 z (y + z) × x = y × x + z × x.

Lemma dge0_muleDr x y z : 0 y 0 z x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.

Lemma dle0_muleDl x y z : y 0 z 0 (y + z) × x = y × x + z × x.

Lemma dle0_muleDr x y z : y 0 z 0 x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.

Lemma ge0_dsume_distrl (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i 0 F i)
  (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) × x = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (F i × x).

Lemma ge0_dsume_distrr (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i 0 F i)
  x × (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (x × F i).

Lemma le0_dsume_distrl (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i F i 0)
  (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) × x = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (F i × x).

Lemma le0_dsume_distrr (I : Type) (s : seq I) x (P : pred I) (F : I \bar R) :
  ( i, P i F i 0)
  x × (\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i) = \sum_(i <- s | P i) (x × F i).

Lemma lee_abs_dadd x y : `|x + y| `|x| + `|y|.

Lemma lee_abs_dsum (I : Type) (s : seq I) (F : I \bar R) (P : pred I) :
  `|\sum_(i <- s | P i) F i| \sum_(i <- s | P i) `|F i|.

Lemma lee_abs_dsub x y : `|x - y| `|x| + `|y|.

Lemma dadde_minl : left_distributive (@dual_adde R) mine.

Lemma dadde_minr : right_distributive (@dual_adde R) mine.

Lemma dmule_natl x n : n%:R%:E × x = x *+ n.

End DualERealArithTh_realDomainType.
Arguments lee_dsum_nneg_ord {R}.
Arguments lee_dsum_npos_ord {R}.
Arguments lee_dsum_nneg_natr {R}.
Arguments lee_dsum_npos_natr {R}.
Arguments lee_dsum_nneg_natl {R}.
Arguments lee_dsum_npos_natl {R}.

End DualAddTheoryRealDomain.

Lemma lee_opp2 {R : realDomainType} : {mono @oppe R : x y /~ x y}.

Lemma lte_opp2 {R : realDomainType} : {mono @oppe R : x y /~ x < y}.

Section realFieldType_lemmas.
Variable R : realFieldType.
Implicit Types x y : \bar R.
Implicit Types r : R.

Lemma lee_adde x y : ( e : {posnum R}, x y + e%:num%:E) x y.

Lemma lee_paddl y x z : 0 x y z y x + z.

Lemma lte_paddl y x z : 0 x y < z y < x + z.

Lemma lee_paddr y x z : 0 x y z y z + x.

Lemma lte_paddr y x z : 0 x y < z y < z + x.

Lemma lte_spaddr z x y : z \is a fin_num 0 < y z x z < x + y.

Lemma lee_mul01Pr x y : 0 x
  reflect ( r, (0 < r < 1)%R r%:E × x y) (x y).

Lemma lte_pdivr_mull r x y : (0 < r)%R (r^-1%:E × y < x) = (y < r%:E × x).

Lemma lte_pdivr_mulr r x y : (0 < r)%R (y × r^-1%:E < x) = (y < x × r%:E).

Lemma lte_pdivl_mull r y x : (0 < r)%R (x < r^-1%:E × y) = (r%:E × x < y).

Lemma lte_pdivl_mulr r x y : (0 < r)%R (x < y × r^-1%:E) = (x × r%:E < y).

Lemma lte_ndivl_mulr r x y : (r < 0)%R (x < y × r^-1%:E) = (y < x × r%:E).

Lemma lte_ndivl_mull r x y : (r < 0)%R (x < r^-1%:E × y) = (y < r%:E × x).

Lemma lte_ndivr_mull r x y : (r < 0)%R (r^-1%:E × y < x) = (r%:E × x < y).

Lemma lte_ndivr_mulr r x y : (r < 0)%R (y × r^-1%:E < x) = (x × r%:E < y).

Lemma lee_pdivr_mull r x y : (0 < r)%R (r^-1%:E × y x) = (y r%:E × x).

Lemma lee_pdivr_mulr r x y : (0 < r)%R (y × r^-1%:E x) = (y x × r%:E).

Lemma lee_pdivl_mull r y x : (0 < r)%R (x r^-1%:E × y) = (r%:E × x y).

Lemma lee_pdivl_mulr r x y : (0 < r)%R (x y × r^-1%:E) = (x × r%:E y).

Lemma lee_ndivl_mulr r x y : (r < 0)%R (x y × r^-1%:E) = (y x × r%:E).

Lemma lee_ndivl_mull r x y : (r < 0)%R (x r^-1%:E × y) = (y r%:E × x).

Lemma lee_ndivr_mull r x y : (r < 0)%R (r^-1%:E × y x) = (r%:E × x y).

Lemma lee_ndivr_mulr r x y : (r < 0)%R (y × r^-1%:E x) = (x × r%:E y).

End realFieldType_lemmas.

Module DualAddTheoryRealField.

Import DualAddTheoryNumDomain DualAddTheoryRealDomain.

Section DualRealFieldType_lemmas.
Local Open Scope ereal_dual_scope.
Variable R : realFieldType.
Implicit Types x y : \bar R.

Lemma lee_dadde x y : ( e : {posnum R}, x y + e%:num%:E) x y.

Lemma lee_pdaddl y x z : 0 x y z y x + z.

Lemma lte_pdaddl y x z : 0 x y < z y < x + z.

Lemma lee_pdaddr y x z : 0 x y z y z + x.

Lemma lte_pdaddr y x z : 0 x y < z y < z + x.

Lemma lte_spdaddr (r : R) x y : 0 < y r%:E x r%:E < x + y.

End DualRealFieldType_lemmas.

End DualAddTheoryRealField.

Module DualAddTheory.
Export DualAddTheoryNumDomain.
Export DualAddTheoryRealDomain.
Export DualAddTheoryRealField.
End DualAddTheory.

Definition posnume (R : numDomainType) of phant R := {> 0 : \bar R}.
Notation "{ 'posnum' '\bar' R }" := (@posnume _ (Phant R)) : type_scope.
Definition nonnege (R : numDomainType) of phant R := {>= 0 : \bar R}.
Notation "{ 'nonneg' '\bar' R }" := (@nonnege _ (Phant R)) : type_scope.

Notation "x %:pos" := (widen_signed x%:sgn : {posnum \bar _}) (only parsing)
  : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x %:pos" := (widen_signed x%:sgn : {posnum \bar _}) (only parsing)
  : ereal_scope.
Notation "x %:nng" := (widen_signed x%:sgn : {nonneg \bar _}) (only parsing)
  : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x %:nng" := (widen_signed x%:sgn : {nonneg \bar _}) (only parsing)
  : ereal_scope.
Notation "x %:pos" := (@widen_signed ereal_display _ _ _ _
    (@Signed.from _ _ _ _ _ _ (Phantom _ x))
    !=0 (KnownSign.Real (KnownSign.Sign >=0)) _ _)
  (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x %:pos" := (@widen_signed ereal_display _ _ _ _
    (@Signed.from _ _ _ _ _ _ (Phantom _ x))
    !=0 (KnownSign.Real (KnownSign.Sign >=0)) _ _)
  (only printing) : ereal_scope.
Notation "x %:nng" := (@widen_signed ereal_display _ _ _ _
    (@Signed.from _ _ _ _ _ _ (Phantom _ x))
    ?=0 (KnownSign.Real (KnownSign.Sign >=0)) _ _)
  (only printing) : ereal_dual_scope.
Notation "x %:nng" := (@widen_signed ereal_display _ _ _ _
    (@Signed.from _ _ _ _ _ _ (Phantom _ x))
    ?=0 (KnownSign.Real (KnownSign.Sign >=0)) _ _)
  (only printing) : ereal_scope.

#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%E < _)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: gt0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ < 0%E)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: lt0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%E _)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: ge0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ 0%E)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: le0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%E >=< _)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: cmp0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ != 0%E)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: neq0] : core.

Section SignedNumDomainStability.
Context {R : numDomainType}.

Lemma pinfty_snum_subproof : Signed.spec 0 !=0 >=0 (+oo : \bar R).

Canonical pinfty_snum := (pinfty_snum_subproof).

Lemma ninfty_snum_subproof : Signed.spec 0 !=0 <=0 (-oo : \bar R).

Canonical ninfty_snum := (ninfty_snum_subproof).

Lemma EFin_snum_subproof nz cond (x : {num R & nz & cond}) :
  Signed.spec 0 nz cond x%:num%:E.

Canonical EFin_snum nz cond (x : {num R & nz & cond}) := (EFin_snum_subproof x).

Lemma fine_snum_subproof (xnz : KnownSign.nullity) (xr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr}) :
  Signed.spec 0%R ?=0 xr (fine x%:num).

Canonical fine_snum (xnz : KnownSign.nullity) (xr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr}) := (fine_snum_subproof x).

Lemma oppe_snum_subproof (xnz : KnownSign.nullity) (xr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr}) (r := opp_reality_subdef xnz xr) :
  Signed.spec 0 xnz r (- x%:num).

Canonical oppe_snum (xnz : KnownSign.nullity) (xr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr}) := (oppe_snum_subproof x).

Lemma adde_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : KnownSign.nullity)
    (xr yr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr})
    (y : {compare (0 : \bar R) & ynz & yr})
    (rnz := add_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr)
    (rrl := add_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) :
  Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num + y%:num).

Canonical adde_snum (xnz ynz : KnownSign.nullity)
    (xr yr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr})
    (y : {compare (0 : \bar R) & ynz & yr}) := (adde_snum_subproof x y).

Import DualAddTheory.

Lemma dadde_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : KnownSign.nullity)
    (xr yr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr})
    (y : {compare (0 : \bar R) & ynz & yr})
    (rnz := add_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr)
    (rrl := add_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) :
  Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num + y%:num)%dE.

Canonical dadde_snum (xnz ynz : KnownSign.nullity)
    (xr yr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr})
    (y : {compare (0 : \bar R) & ynz & yr}) := (dadde_snum_subproof x y).

Lemma mule_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : KnownSign.nullity)
    (xr yr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr})
    (y : {compare (0 : \bar R) & ynz & yr})
    (rnz := mul_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr)
    (rrl := mul_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) :
  Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num × y%:num).

Canonical mule_snum (xnz ynz : KnownSign.nullity) (xr yr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr})
    (y : {compare (0 : \bar R) & ynz & yr}) := (mule_snum_subproof x y).

Definition abse_reality_subdef (xnz : KnownSign.nullity)
    (xr : KnownSign.reality) := (if xr is =0 then =0 else >=0)%snum_sign.
Arguments abse_reality_subdef /.

Lemma abse_snum_subproof (xnz : KnownSign.nullity) (xr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr}) (r := abse_reality_subdef xnz xr) :
  Signed.spec 0 xnz r `|x%:num|.

Canonical abse_snum (xnz : KnownSign.nullity) (xr : KnownSign.reality)
    (x : {compare (0 : \bar R) & xnz & xr}) := (abse_snum_subproof x).

End SignedNumDomainStability.

Section MorphNum.
Context {R : numDomainType} {nz : KnownSign.nullity} {cond : KnownSign.reality}.
Implicit Types (a : \bar R).

Lemma num_abse_eq0 a : (`|a|%:nng == 0%:nng) = (a == 0).

End MorphNum.

Section MorphReal.
Context {R : numDomainType} {nz : KnownSign.nullity} {r : KnownSign.real}.
Implicit Type x y : nR.

Lemma num_lee_maxr a x y :
  a maxe x%:num y%:num = (a x%:num) || (a y%:num).

Lemma num_lee_maxl a x y :
  maxe x%:num y%:num a = (x%:num a) && (y%:num a).

Lemma num_lee_minr a x y :
  a mine x%:num y%:num = (a x%:num) && (a y%:num).

Lemma num_lee_minl a x y :
  mine x%:num y%:num a = (x%:num a) || (y%:num a).

Lemma num_lte_maxr a x y :
  a < maxe x%:num y%:num = (a < x%:num) || (a < y%:num).

Lemma num_lte_maxl a x y :
  maxe x%:num y%:num < a = (x%:num < a) && (y%:num < a).

Lemma num_lte_minr a x y :
  a < mine x%:num y%:num = (a < x%:num) && (a < y%:num).

Lemma num_lte_minl a x y :
  mine x%:num y%:num < a = (x%:num < a) || (y%:num < a).

End MorphReal.

Section MorphGe0.
Context {R : numDomainType} {nz : KnownSign.nullity}.
Implicit Type x y : nR.

Lemma num_abse_le a x : 0 a (`|a|%:nng x)%O = (a x%:num).

Lemma num_abse_lt a x : 0 a (`|a|%:nng < x)%O = (a < x%:num).
End MorphGe0.

Variant posnume_spec (R : numDomainType) (x : \bar R) :
  \bar R bool bool bool Type :=
| IsPinftyPosnume :
  posnume_spec x +oo false true true
| IsRealPosnume (p : {posnum R}) :
  posnume_spec x (p%:num%:E) false true true.

Lemma posnumeP (R : numDomainType) (x : \bar R) : 0 < x
  posnume_spec x x (x == 0) (0 x) (0 < x).

Variant nonnege_spec (R : numDomainType) (x : \bar R) :
  \bar R bool Type :=
| IsPinftyNonnege : nonnege_spec x +oo true
| IsRealNonnege (p : {nonneg R}) : nonnege_spec x (p%:num%:E) true.

Lemma nonnegeP (R : numDomainType) (x : \bar R) : 0 x
  nonnege_spec x x (0 x).

Section contract_expand.
Variable R : realFieldType.
Implicit Types (x : \bar R) (r : R).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

Definition contract x : R :=
  match x with
  | r%:Er / (1 + `|r|) | +oo ⇒ 1 | -oo ⇒ -1

Lemma contract_lt1 r : (`|contract r%:E| < 1)%R.

Lemma contract_le1 x : (`|contract x| 1)%R.

Lemma contract0 : contract 0 = 0%R.

Lemma contractN x : contract (- x) = (- contract x)%R.

TODO: not exploited yet: expand is nondecreasing everywhere so it should be possible to use some of the homoRL/homoLR lemma where monoRL/monoLR do not apply
Definition expand r : \bar R :=
  if (r 1)%R then +oo else if (r -1)%R then -oo else (r / (1 - `|r|))%:E.

Lemma expand1 r : (1 r)%R expand r = +oo.

Lemma expandN r : expand (- r)%R = - expand r.

Lemma expandN1 r : (r -1)%R expand r = -oo.

Lemma expand0 : expand 0%R = 0.

Lemma expandK : {in [pred r | `|r| 1]%R, cancel expand contract}.

Lemma le_contract : {mono contract : x y / (x y)%O}.

Definition lt_contract := leW_mono le_contract.
Definition contract_inj := mono_inj lexx le_anti le_contract.

Lemma le_expand_in : {in [pred r | `|r| 1]%R &,
  {mono expand : x y / (x y)%O}}.

Definition lt_expand := leW_mono_in le_expand_in.
Definition expand_inj := mono_inj_in lexx le_anti le_expand_in.

Lemma fine_expand r : (`|r| < 1)%R
  (fine (expand r))%:E = expand r.

Lemma le_expand : {homo expand : x y / (x y)%O}.

Lemma expand_eqoo r : (expand r == +oo) = (1 r)%R.

Lemma expand_eqNoo r : (expand r == -oo) = (r -1)%R.

End contract_expand.

Section ereal_PseudoMetric.
Variable R : realFieldType.
Implicit Types (x y : \bar R) (r : R).

Definition ereal_ball x r y := (`|contract x - contract y| < r)%R.

Lemma ereal_ball_center x r : (0 < r)%R ereal_ball x r x.

Lemma ereal_ball_sym x y r : ereal_ball x r y ereal_ball y r x.

Lemma ereal_ball_triangle x y z r1 r2 :
  ereal_ball x r1 y ereal_ball y r2 z ereal_ball x (r1 + r2) z.

Lemma ereal_ballN x y (e : {posnum R}) :
  ereal_ball (- x) e%:num (- y) ereal_ball x e%:num y.

Lemma ereal_ball_ninfty_oversize (e : {posnum R}) x :
  (2 < e%:num)%R ereal_ball -oo e%:num x.

Lemma contract_ereal_ball_pinfty r (e : {posnum R}) :
  (1 < contract r%:E + e%:num)%R ereal_ball r%:E e%:num +oo.

End ereal_PseudoMetric.

TODO: generalize to numFieldType?
Lemma lt_ereal_nbhs (R : realFieldType) (a b : \bar R) (r : R) :
  a < r%:E r%:E < b
   delta : {posnum R},
     y, (`|y - r| < delta%:num)%R (a < y%:E) && (y%:E < b).