
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C.              *)
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat eqtype choice order ssralg ssrnum ssrint.
From mathcomp Require Import interval mathcomp_extra.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import boolp.
Require Import signed.

This file develops tools to make the manipulation of numbers within a known interval easier, thanks to canonical structures. This adds types like {itv R & ` [a, b]}, a notation e%:itv that infers an enclosing interval for expression e according to existing canonical instances and %:inum to cast back from type {itv R & i} to R. For instance, x : {i01 R}, we have (1 - x%:inum)%:itv : {i01 R} automatically inferred.

types for values within known interval

{i01 R} == interface type for elements in R that live in ` [0, 1]; R must have a numDomainType structure. Allows to solve automatically goals of the form x >= 0 and x <= 1 if x is canonically a {i01 R}. {i01 R} is canonically stable by common operations. {itv R & i} == more generic type of values in interval i : interval int R must have a numDomainType structure. This type is shown to be a porderType.

casts from/to values within known interval

x%:itv == explicitly casts x to the most precise known {itv R & i} according to existing canonical instances. x%:i01 == explicitly casts x to {i01 R} according to existing canonical instances. x%:inum == explicit cast from {itv R & i} to R.

sign proofs

[itv of x] == proof that x is in interval inferred by x%:itv [lb of x] == proof that lb < x or lb <= x with lb the lower bound inferred by x%:itv [ub of x] == proof that x < ub or x <= ub with ub the upper bound inferred by x%:itv [lbe of x] == proof that lb <= x [ube of x] == proof that x <= ub


ItvNum xin == builds a {itv R & i} from a proof xin : x \in i where x : R --> A number of canonical instances are provided for common operations, if your favorite operator is missing, look below for examples on how to add the appropriate Canonical. > Canonical instances are also provided according to types, as a fallback when no known operator appears in the expression. Look to itv_top_typ below for an example on how to add your favorite type.

Reserved Notation "{ 'itv' R & i }"
  (at level 0, R at level 200, i at level 200, format "{ 'itv' R & i }").
Reserved Notation "{ 'i01' R }"
  (at level 0, R at level 200, format "{ 'i01' R }").

Reserved Notation "x %:itv" (at level 2, format "x %:itv").
Reserved Notation "x %:i01" (at level 2, format "x %:i01").
Reserved Notation "x %:inum" (at level 2, format "x %:inum").
Reserved Notation "[ 'itv' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'itv' 'of' x ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'lb' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'lb' 'of' x ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'ub' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'ub' 'of' x ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'lbe' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'lbe' 'of' x ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'ube' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'ube' 'of' x ]").

Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.TTheory Order.Syntax.
Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope order_scope.

Definition wider_itv (x y : interval int) := subitv y x.

Module Itv.
Section Itv.
Context (R : numDomainType).

Definition map_itv_bound S T (f : S T) (b : itv_bound S) : itv_bound T :=
  match b with
  | BSide b xBSide b (f x)
  | BInfty bBInfty _ b

Definition map_itv S T (f : S T) (i : interval S) : interval T :=
  let 'Interval l u := i in Interval (map_itv_bound f l) (map_itv_bound f u).

Lemma le_map_itv_bound (x y : itv_bound int) :
  x y
  map_itv_bound (fun xx%:~R : R) x map_itv_bound (fun xx%:~R : R) y.

Lemma subitv_map_itv (x y : interval int) :
  x y
  map_itv (fun xx%:~R : R) x map_itv (fun xx%:~R : R) y.

Definition itv_cond (i : interval int) (x : R) :=
  x \in map_itv (fun xx%:~R : R) i.

Record def (i : interval int) := Def {
  r :> R;
  P : itv_cond i r

End Itv.

Notation spec i x := (itv_cond i%Z%R x).

Record typ := Typ {
  sort : numDomainType;
  sort_itv : interval int;
  allP : x : sort, spec sort_itv x

Definition mk {R} i r P : @def R i :=
  @Def R i r P.

Definition from {R i}
  {x : @def R i} (phx : phantom R x) := x.

Definition fromP {R i}
  {x : @def R i} (phx : phantom R x) := P x.

Module Exports.
Notation "{ 'itv' R & i }" := (def R i%Z) : type_scope.
Notation "{ 'i01' R }" := (def R `[Posz 0, Posz 1]) : type_scope.
Notation "x %:itv" := (from (Phantom _ x)) : ring_scope.
Notation "[ 'itv' 'of' x ]" := (fromP (Phantom _ x)) : ring_scope.
Notation inum := r.
Notation "x %:inum" := (r x) : ring_scope.
Arguments r {R i}.
End Exports.
End Itv.
Export Itv.Exports.

Section POrder.
Variables (R : numDomainType) (i : interval int).
Canonical itv_subType := [subType for @Itv.r R i].
Definition itv_eqMixin := [eqMixin of nR by <:].
Canonical itv_eqType := EqType nR itv_eqMixin.
Definition itv_choiceMixin := [choiceMixin of nR by <:].
Canonical itv_choiceType := ChoiceType nR itv_choiceMixin.
Definition itv_porderMixin := [porderMixin of nR by <:].
Canonical itv_porderType := POrderType ring_display nR itv_porderMixin.
End POrder.
TODO: numDomainType on sT ?

Lemma itv_top_typ_subproof (R : numDomainType) (x : R) :
  Itv.spec `]-oo, +oo[ x.

Canonical itv_top_typ (R : numDomainType) := Itv.Typ (@itv_top_typ_subproof R).

Lemma typ_inum_subproof (xt : Itv.typ) (x : Itv.sort xt) :
  Itv.spec (Itv.sort_itv xt) x.

This adds _ <- Itv.r ( typ_inum ) to canonical projections (c.f., Print Canonical Projections Itv.r) meaning that if no other canonical instance (with a registered head symbol) is found, a canonical instance of Itv.typ, like the ones above, will be looked for.
Canonical typ_inum (xt : Itv.typ) (x : Itv.sort xt) := (typ_inum_subproof x).

Notation unify_itv ix iy := (unify wider_itv ix iy).

Section Theory.
Context {R : numDomainType} {i : interval int}.
Implicit Type x : sT.

Lemma itv_intro {x} : x%:inum = x%:inum :> R.

Definition empty_itv := `[Posz 1, Posz 0].

Lemma itv_bottom x : unify_itv empty_itv i False.

Lemma itv_gt0 x : unify_itv `]Posz 0, +oo[ i 0%R < x%:inum :> R.

Lemma itv_le0F x : unify_itv `]Posz 0, +oo[ i x%:inum 0%R :> R = false.

Lemma itv_lt0 x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 0[ i x%:inum < 0%R :> R.

Lemma itv_ge0F x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 0[ i 0%R x%:inum :> R = false.

Lemma itv_ge0 x : unify_itv `[Posz 0, +oo[ i 0%R x%:inum :> R.

Lemma itv_lt0F x : unify_itv `[Posz 0, +oo[ i x%:inum < 0%R :> R = false.

Lemma itv_le0 x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 0] i x%:inum 0%R :> R.

Lemma itv_gt0F x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 0] i 0%R < x%:inum :> R = false.

Lemma lt1 x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 1[ i x%:inum < 1%R :> R.

Lemma ge1F x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 1[ i 1%R x%:inum :> R = false.

Lemma le1 x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 1] i x%:inum 1%R :> R.

Lemma gt1F x : unify_itv `]-oo, Posz 1] i 1%R < x%:inum :> R = false.

Lemma widen_itv_subproof x i' : unify_itv i' i Itv.spec i' x%:inum.

Definition widen_itv x i' (uni : unify_itv i' i) := (widen_itv_subproof x uni).

Lemma widen_itvE x (uni : unify_itv i i) : @widen_itv x i uni = x.

End Theory.

Arguments itv_bottom {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_gt0 {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_le0F {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_lt0 {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_ge0F {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_ge0 {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_lt0F {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_le0 {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments itv_gt0F {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments lt1 {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments ge1F {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments le1 {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments gt1F {R i} _ {_}.
Arguments widen_itv {R i} _ {_ _}.
Arguments widen_itvE {R i} _ {_}.

#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%R < _)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: itv_gt0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ < 0%R)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: itv_lt0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%R _)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: itv_ge0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ 0%R)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: itv_le0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ < 1%R)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: lt1] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ 1%R)%O) ⇒ solve [apply: le1] : core.

Notation "x %:i01" := (widen_itv x%:itv : {i01 _}) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x %:i01" := (@widen_itv _ _
    (@Itv.from _ _ _ (Phantom _ x)) `[Posz 0, Posz 1] _)
  (only printing) : ring_scope.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Section NumDomainStability.
Context {R : numDomainType}.

Lemma zero_inum_subproof : Itv.spec `[0, 0] (0 : R).

Canonical zero_inum := zero_inum_subproof.

Lemma one_inum_subproof : Itv.spec `[1, 1] (1 : R).

Canonical one_inum := one_inum_subproof.

Definition opp_itv_bound_subdef (b : itv_bound int) : itv_bound int :=
  match b with
  | BSide b xBSide (~~ b) (intZmod.oppz x)
  | BInfty bBInfty _ (~~ b)
Arguments opp_itv_bound_subdef /.

Lemma opp_itv_ge0_subproof b :
  (BLeft 0%R opp_itv_bound_subdef b)%O = (b BRight 0%R)%O.

Lemma opp_itv_gt0_subproof b :
  (BLeft 0%R < opp_itv_bound_subdef b)%O = (b < BRight 0%R)%O.

Lemma opp_itv_boundr_subproof (x : R) b :
  (BRight (- x)%R Itv.map_itv_bound intr (opp_itv_bound_subdef b))%O
  = (Itv.map_itv_bound intr b BLeft x)%O.

Lemma opp_itv_le0_subproof b :
  (opp_itv_bound_subdef b BRight 0%R)%O = (BLeft 0%R b)%O.

Lemma opp_itv_lt0_subproof b :
  (opp_itv_bound_subdef b < BRight 0%R)%O = (BLeft 0%R < b)%O.

Lemma opp_itv_boundl_subproof (x : R) b :
  (Itv.map_itv_bound intr (opp_itv_bound_subdef b) BLeft (- x)%R)%O
  = (BRight x Itv.map_itv_bound intr b)%O.

Definition opp_itv_subdef (i : interval int) : interval int :=
  let 'Interval l u := i in
  Interval (opp_itv_bound_subdef u) (opp_itv_bound_subdef l).
Arguments opp_itv_subdef /.

Lemma opp_inum_subproof (i : interval int)
    (x : {itv R & i}) (r := opp_itv_subdef i) :
  Itv.spec r (- x%:inum).

Canonical opp_inum (i : interval int) (x : {itv R & i}) := (opp_inum_subproof x).

Definition add_itv_boundl_subdef (b1 b2 : itv_bound int) : itv_bound int :=
  match b1, b2 with
  | BSide b1 x1, BSide b2 x2BSide (b1 && b2) (intZmod.addz x1 x2)
  | _, _BInfty _ true
Arguments add_itv_boundl_subdef /.

Definition add_itv_boundr_subdef (b1 b2 : itv_bound int) : itv_bound int :=
  match b1, b2 with
  | BSide b1 x1, BSide b2 x2BSide (b1 || b2) (intZmod.addz x1 x2)
  | _, _BInfty _ false
Arguments add_itv_boundr_subdef /.

Definition add_itv_subdef (i1 i2 : interval int) : interval int :=
  let 'Interval l1 u1 := i1 in
  let 'Interval l2 u2 := i2 in
  Interval (add_itv_boundl_subdef l1 l2) (add_itv_boundr_subdef u1 u2).
Arguments add_itv_subdef /.

Lemma add_inum_subproof (xi yi : interval int)
    (x : {itv R & xi}) (y : {itv R & yi})
    (r := add_itv_subdef xi yi) :
  Itv.spec r (x%:inum + y%:inum).

Canonical add_inum (xi yi : interval int)
    (x : {itv R & xi}) (y : {itv R & yi}) := (add_inum_subproof x y).

End NumDomainStability.

Section RealDomainStability.
Context {R : realDomainType}.

Definition itv_bound_signl (b : itv_bound int) : KnownSign.sign :=
  let b0 := BLeft 0%Z in
  (if b == b0 then =0 else if (b b0)%O then <=0 else >=0)%snum_sign.

Definition itv_bound_signr (b : itv_bound int) : KnownSign.sign :=
  let b0 := BRight 0%Z in
  (if b == b0 then =0 else if (b b0)%O then <=0 else >=0)%snum_sign.

Definition interval_sign (i : interval int) : option KnownSign.real :=
  let 'Interval l u := i in
  (match itv_bound_signl l, itv_bound_signr u with
   | =0, <=0
   | >=0, =0
   | >=0, <=0None
   | =0, =0Some (KnownSign.Sign =0)
   | <=0, =0
   | <=0, <=0Some (KnownSign.Sign <=0)
   | =0, >=0
   | >=0, >=0Some (KnownSign.Sign >=0)
   | <=0, >=0Some >=<0

Variant interval_sign_spec (l u : itv_bound int) : option KnownSign.real Set :=
  | ISignNone : (u l)%O interval_sign_spec l u None
  | ISignEqZero : l = BLeft 0 u = BRight 0
                  interval_sign_spec l u (Some (KnownSign.Sign =0))
  | ISignNeg : (l < BLeft 0%:Z)%O (u BRight 0%:Z)%O
               interval_sign_spec l u (Some (KnownSign.Sign <=0))
  | ISignPos : (BLeft 0%:Z l)%O (BRight 0%:Z < u)%O
               interval_sign_spec l u (Some (KnownSign.Sign >=0))
  | ISignBoth : (l < BLeft 0%:Z)%O (BRight 0%:Z < u)%O
                interval_sign_spec l u (Some >=<0%snum_sign).

Lemma interval_signP l u :
  interval_sign_spec l u (interval_sign (Interval l u)).

Definition mul_itv_boundl_subdef (b1 b2 : itv_bound int) : itv_bound int :=
  match b1, b2 with
  | BSide true 0%Z, BSide _ _
  | BSide _ _, BSide true 0%ZBSide true 0%Z
  | BSide b1 x1, BSide b2 x2BSide (b1 && b2) (intRing.mulz x1 x2)
  | _, BInfty _
  | BInfty _, _BInfty _ false
Arguments mul_itv_boundl_subdef /.

Definition mul_itv_boundr_subdef (b1 b2 : itv_bound int) : itv_bound int :=
  match b1, b2 with
  | BSide true 0%Z, _
  | _, BSide true 0%ZBSide true 0%Z
  | BSide false 0%Z, _
  | _, BSide false 0%ZBSide false 0%Z
  | BSide b1 x1, BSide b2 x2BSide (b1 || b2) (intRing.mulz x1 x2)
  | _, BInfty _
  | BInfty _, _BInfty _ false
Arguments mul_itv_boundr_subdef /.

Lemma mul_itv_boundl_subproof b1 b2 (x1 x2 : R) :
  (BLeft 0%:Z b1 BLeft 0%:Z b2
   Itv.map_itv_bound intr b1 BLeft x1
   Itv.map_itv_bound intr b2 BLeft x2
   Itv.map_itv_bound intr (mul_itv_boundl_subdef b1 b2) BLeft (x1 × x2))%O.

Lemma mul_itv_boundrC_subproof b1 b2 :
  mul_itv_boundr_subdef b1 b2 = mul_itv_boundr_subdef b2 b1.

Lemma mul_itv_boundr_subproof b1 b2 (x1 x2 : R) :
  (BLeft 0%R BLeft x1 BLeft 0%R BLeft x2
   BRight x1 Itv.map_itv_bound intr b1
   BRight x2 Itv.map_itv_bound intr b2
   BRight (x1 × x2) Itv.map_itv_bound intr (mul_itv_boundr_subdef b1 b2))%O.

Lemma mul_itv_boundr'_subproof b1 b2 (x1 x2 : R) :
  (BLeft 0%:R BLeft x1 BRight 0%:Z b2
   BRight x1 Itv.map_itv_bound intr b1
   BRight x2 Itv.map_itv_bound intr b2
   BRight (x1 × x2) Itv.map_itv_bound intr (mul_itv_boundr_subdef b1 b2))%O.

Definition mul_itv_subdef (i1 i2 : interval int) : interval int :=
  let 'Interval l1 u1 := i1 in
  let 'Interval l2 u2 := i2 in
  let opp := opp_itv_bound_subdef in
  let mull := mul_itv_boundl_subdef in
  let mulr := mul_itv_boundr_subdef in
  match interval_sign i1, interval_sign i2 with
  | None, _ | _, None`[1, 0]
  | some s1, Some s2
    (match s1, s2 with
     | =0, _`[0, 0]
     | _, =0`[0, 0]
     | >=0, >=0Interval (mull l1 l2) (mulr u1 u2)
     | <=0, <=0Interval (mull (opp u1) (opp u2)) (mulr (opp l1) (opp l2))
     | >=0, <=0Interval (opp (mulr u1 (opp l2))) (opp (mull l1 (opp u2)))
     | <=0, >=0Interval (opp (mulr (opp l1) u2)) (opp (mull (opp u1) l2))
     | >=0, >=<0Interval (opp (mulr u1 (opp l2))) (mulr u1 u2)
     | <=0, >=<0Interval (opp (mulr (opp l1) u2)) (mulr (opp l1) (opp l2))
     | >=<0, >=0Interval (opp (mulr (opp l1) u2)) (mulr u1 u2)
     | >=<0, <=0Interval (opp (mulr u1 (opp l2))) (mulr (opp l1) (opp l2))
     | >=<0, >=<0Interval
                       (Order.min (opp (mulr (opp l1) u2))
                          (opp (mulr u1 (opp l2))))
                       (Order.max (mulr (opp l1) (opp l2))
                          (mulr u1 u2))
Arguments mul_itv_subdef /.

Lemma map_itv_bound_min (x y : itv_bound int) :
  Itv.map_itv_bound (fun xx%:~R : R) (Order.min x y)
  = Order.min (Itv.map_itv_bound intr x) (Itv.map_itv_bound intr y).

Lemma map_itv_bound_max (x y : itv_bound int) :
  Itv.map_itv_bound (fun xx%:~R : R) (Order.max x y)
  = Order.max (Itv.map_itv_bound intr x) (Itv.map_itv_bound intr y).

Lemma mul_inum_subproof (xi yi : interval int)
    (x : {itv R & xi}) (y : {itv R & yi})
    (r := mul_itv_subdef xi yi) :
  Itv.spec r (x%:inum × y%:inum).

Canonical mul_inum (xi yi : interval int)
    (x : {itv R & xi}) (y : {itv R & yi}) := (mul_inum_subproof x y).

End RealDomainStability.

Section Morph.
Context {R : numDomainType} {i : interval int}.
Implicit Types x y : nR.

Lemma inum_eq : {mono inum : x y / x == y}.
Lemma inum_le : {mono inum : x y / (x y)%O}.
Lemma inum_lt : {mono inum : x y / (x < y)%O}.

End Morph.

Section Test1.

Variable R : numDomainType.
Variable x : {i01 R}.

Goal 0%:i01 = 1%:i01 :> {i01 R}.

Goal (- x%:inum)%:itv = (- x%:inum)%:itv :> {itv R & `[-1, 0]}.

Goal (1 - x%:inum)%:i01 = x.

End Test1.

Section Test2.

Variable R : realDomainType.
Variable x y : {i01 R}.

Goal (x%:inum × y%:inum)%:i01 = x%:inum%:i01.

End Test2.

Module Test3.
Section Test3.
Variable R : realDomainType.

Definition s_of_pq (p q : {i01 R}) : {i01 R} :=
  (1 - ((1 - p%:inum)%:i01%:inum × (1 - q%:inum)%:i01%:inum))%:i01.

Lemma s_of_p0 (p : {i01 R}) : s_of_pq p 0%:i01 = p.

Canonical onem_itv01 (p : {i01 R}) : {i01 R} := _ _ (onem p%:inum) [itv of 1 - p%:inum].

Definition s_of_pq' (p q : {i01 R}) : {i01 R} :=
  (`1- (`1-(p%:inum) × `1-(q%:inum)))%:i01.

End Test3.
End Test3.