Library mathcomp.analysis.charge
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2022 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap fingroup perm rat.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import boolp classical_sets cardinality.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import mathcomp_extra functions fsbigop.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import set_interval.
From HB Require Import structures.
Require Import reals ereal signed topology numfun normedtype sequences.
Require Import esum measure realfun lebesgue_measure lebesgue_integral.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap fingroup perm rat.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import boolp classical_sets cardinality.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import mathcomp_extra functions fsbigop.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import set_interval.
From HB Require Import structures.
Require Import reals ereal signed topology numfun normedtype sequences.
Require Import esum measure realfun lebesgue_measure lebesgue_integral.
NB: See for an introduction to HB concepts and commands.
This file contains a formalization of charges (a.k.a. signed measures) and
their theory (Hahn decomposition theorem, etc.).
Mathematical structures
additive_charge T R == type of additive charges over T a semiring of sets The HB class is AdditiveCharge. {additive_charge set T -> \bar R} == notation for additive_charge T R charge T R == type of charges over T a semiring of sets The HB class is Charge. {charge set T -> \bar R} == notation for charge T R measure_of_charge nu nu0 == measure corresponding to the charge nu, nu0 is a proof that nu is non-negativeInstances of mathematical structures
crestr nu mD == restriction of the charge nu to the domain D where mD is a proof that D is measurable crestr0 nu mD == csrestr nu mD that returns 0 for non-measurable sets czero == zero charge cscale r nu == charge nu scaled by a factor r : RTheory
positive_set nu P == P is a positive set with nu a charge negative_set nu N == N is a negative set with nu a charge hahn_decomposition nu P N == the full set can be decomposed in P and N, a positive set and a negative set for the charge nu jordan_pos nu nuPN == the charge obtained by restricting the charge nu to the positive set P of the Hahn decomposition nuPN: hahn_decomposition nu P N jordan_neg nu nuPN == the charge obtained by restricting the charge nu to the positive set N of the Hahn decomposition nuPN: hahn_decomposition nu P N 'd nu '/d mu == Radon-Nikodym derivative of nu w.r.t. mu (the scope is charge_scope)Reserved Notation "{ 'additive_charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }"
(at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'additive_charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }").
Reserved Notation "{ 'charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }"
(at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }").
Reserved Notation "'d nu '/d mu" (at level 10, nu, mu at next level,
format "''d' nu ''/d' mu").
Declare Scope charge_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldTopology.Exports.
NB: in the next releases of Coq, dependent_choice will be
generalized from Set to Type making the following lemma redundant
Section dependent_choice_Type.
Context X (R : X → X → Prop).
Lemma dependent_choice_Type : (∀ x, {y | R x y}) →
∀ x0, {f | f 0 = x0 ∧ ∀ n, R (f n) (f n.+1)}.
End dependent_choice_Type.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
HB.structure Definition AdditiveCharge d (T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
(R : numFieldType) := { mu of isAdditiveCharge d T R mu & FinNumFun d mu }.
Notation "{ 'additive_charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" :=
(additive_charge T R) : ring_scope.
#[export] Hint Resolve charge_semi_additive : core.
HB.structure Definition Charge d (T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (R : numFieldType)
:= { mu of isCharge d T R mu & AdditiveCharge d mu }.
Notation "{ 'charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" := (charge T R) : ring_scope.
Section charge_lemmas.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : numFieldType).
Implicit Type nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma charge0 nu : nu set0 = 0.
Hint Resolve charge0 : core.
Lemma charge_semi_additiveW nu :
nu set0 = 0 → semi_additive nu → semi_additive2 nu.
Lemma charge_semi_additive2E nu : semi_additive2 nu = additive2 nu.
Lemma charge_semi_additive2 nu : semi_additive2 nu.
Hint Resolve charge_semi_additive2 : core.
Lemma chargeU nu : additive2 nu.
Lemma chargeDI nu (A B : set T) : measurable A → measurable B →
nu A = nu (A `\` B) + nu (A `&` B).
Lemma charge_partition nu S P N :
measurable S → measurable P → measurable N →
P `|` N = [set: T] → P `&` N = set0 → nu S = nu (S `&` P) + nu (S `&` N).
End charge_lemmas.
#[export] Hint Resolve charge0 : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve charge_semi_additive2 : core.
Definition measure_of_charge d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(nu : set T → \bar R) of (∀ E, 0 ≤ nu E) := nu.
Section measure_of_charge.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (nupos : ∀ E, 0 ≤ nu E).
Let mu0 : mu set0 = 0.
Let mu_ge0 S : 0 ≤ mu S.
Let mu_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mu.
End measure_of_charge.
Arguments measure_of_charge {d T R}.
Section charge_lemmas_realFieldType.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Implicit Type nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma chargeD nu (A B : set T) : measurable A → measurable B →
nu (A `\` B) = nu A - nu (A `&` B).
End charge_lemmas_realFieldType.
Definition crestr d (T : measurableType d) (R : numDomainType) (D : set T)
(f : set T → \bar R) of measurable D := fun X ⇒ f (X `&` D).
Section charge_restriction.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : numFieldType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (D : set T) (mD : measurable D).
Let crestr_finite_measure_function U : measurable U → restr U \is a fin_num.
Let crestr_semi_additive : semi_additive restr.
Let crestr_semi_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive restr.
End charge_restriction.
Definition crestr0 d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType) (D : set T)
(f : set T → \bar R) (mD : measurable D) :=
fun X ⇒ if X \in measurable then crestr f mD X else 0.
Section charge_restriction0.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (D : set T) (mD : measurable D).
Let crestr0_fin_num_fun : fin_num_fun restr.
Let crestr0_additive : semi_additive restr.
Let crestr0_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive restr.
End charge_restriction0.
Section charge_zero.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Definition czero (A : set T) : \bar R := 0.
Let czero0 : czero set0 = 0.
Let czero_finite_measure_function B : measurable B → czero B \is a fin_num.
Let czero_semi_additive : semi_additive czero.
Let czero_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive czero.
End charge_zero.
Arguments czero {d T R}.
Section charge_scale.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Variables (r : R) (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}).
Definition cscale (A : set T) : \bar R := r%:E × nu A.
Let cscale0 : cscale set0 = 0.
Let cscale_finite_measure_function U : measurable U → cscale U \is a fin_num.
Let cscale_semi_additive : semi_additive cscale.
Let cscale_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive cscale.
End charge_scale.
Section positive_negative_set.
Context d (R : numDomainType) (T : measurableType d).
Implicit Types nu : set T → \bar R.
Definition positive_set nu (P : set T) :=
measurable P ∧ ∀ A, measurable A → A `<=` P → nu A ≥ 0.
Definition negative_set nu (N : set T) :=
measurable N ∧ ∀ A, measurable A → A `<=` N → nu A ≤ 0.
End positive_negative_set.
Section positive_negative_set_lemmas.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : numFieldType).
Implicit Types nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma negative_set_charge_le0 nu N : negative_set nu N → nu N ≤ 0.
Lemma negative_set0 nu : negative_set nu set0.
Lemma positive_negative0 nu P N : positive_set nu P → negative_set nu N →
∀ S, measurable S → nu (S `&` P `&` N) = 0.
End positive_negative_set_lemmas.
Section positive_negative_set_realFieldType.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Implicit Types nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma bigcup_negative_set nu (F : (set T)^nat) :
(∀ i, negative_set nu (F i)) →
negative_set nu (\bigcup_i F i).
Lemma negative_setU nu N M :
negative_set nu N → negative_set nu M → negative_set nu (N `|` M).
End positive_negative_set_realFieldType.
Section hahn_decomposition_lemma.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (D : set T).
Let elt_prop (x : set T × \bar R) := [/\ measurable x.1,
x.1 `<=` D, 0 ≤ x.2 & nu x.1 ≥ mine (x.2 × 2^-1%:E) 1].
Let elt_type := {x : set T × \bar R × set T | elt_prop x.1}.
Let A_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.1.
Let g_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.2.
Let U_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).2.
Let mA_ x : measurable (A_ x).
Let A_D x : A_ x `<=` D.
Let g_ge0 x : 0 ≤ g_ x.
Let nuA_g_ x : nu (A_ x) ≥ mine (g_ x × 2^-1%:E) 1.
Let nuA_ge0 x : 0 ≤ nu (A_ x).
Let subDD A := [set nu E | E in [set E | measurable E ∧ E `<=` D `\` A] ].
Let d_ A := ereal_sup (subDD A).
Let d_ge0 X : 0 ≤ d_ X.
Let elt_rel i j :=
[/\ g_ j = d_ (U_ i), A_ j `<=` D `\` U_ i & U_ j = U_ i `|` A_ j ].
Let next_elt A :
{ B | [/\ measurable B, B `<=` D `\` A & nu B ≥ mine (d_ A × 2^-1%:E) 1] }.
Context X (R : X → X → Prop).
Lemma dependent_choice_Type : (∀ x, {y | R x y}) →
∀ x0, {f | f 0 = x0 ∧ ∀ n, R (f n) (f n.+1)}.
End dependent_choice_Type.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
HB.structure Definition AdditiveCharge d (T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
(R : numFieldType) := { mu of isAdditiveCharge d T R mu & FinNumFun d mu }.
Notation "{ 'additive_charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" :=
(additive_charge T R) : ring_scope.
#[export] Hint Resolve charge_semi_additive : core.
HB.structure Definition Charge d (T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (R : numFieldType)
:= { mu of isCharge d T R mu & AdditiveCharge d mu }.
Notation "{ 'charge' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" := (charge T R) : ring_scope.
Section charge_lemmas.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : numFieldType).
Implicit Type nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma charge0 nu : nu set0 = 0.
Hint Resolve charge0 : core.
Lemma charge_semi_additiveW nu :
nu set0 = 0 → semi_additive nu → semi_additive2 nu.
Lemma charge_semi_additive2E nu : semi_additive2 nu = additive2 nu.
Lemma charge_semi_additive2 nu : semi_additive2 nu.
Hint Resolve charge_semi_additive2 : core.
Lemma chargeU nu : additive2 nu.
Lemma chargeDI nu (A B : set T) : measurable A → measurable B →
nu A = nu (A `\` B) + nu (A `&` B).
Lemma charge_partition nu S P N :
measurable S → measurable P → measurable N →
P `|` N = [set: T] → P `&` N = set0 → nu S = nu (S `&` P) + nu (S `&` N).
End charge_lemmas.
#[export] Hint Resolve charge0 : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve charge_semi_additive2 : core.
Definition measure_of_charge d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(nu : set T → \bar R) of (∀ E, 0 ≤ nu E) := nu.
Section measure_of_charge.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (nupos : ∀ E, 0 ≤ nu E).
Let mu0 : mu set0 = 0.
Let mu_ge0 S : 0 ≤ mu S.
Let mu_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mu.
End measure_of_charge.
Arguments measure_of_charge {d T R}.
Section charge_lemmas_realFieldType.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Implicit Type nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma chargeD nu (A B : set T) : measurable A → measurable B →
nu (A `\` B) = nu A - nu (A `&` B).
End charge_lemmas_realFieldType.
Definition crestr d (T : measurableType d) (R : numDomainType) (D : set T)
(f : set T → \bar R) of measurable D := fun X ⇒ f (X `&` D).
Section charge_restriction.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : numFieldType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (D : set T) (mD : measurable D).
Let crestr_finite_measure_function U : measurable U → restr U \is a fin_num.
Let crestr_semi_additive : semi_additive restr.
Let crestr_semi_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive restr.
End charge_restriction.
Definition crestr0 d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType) (D : set T)
(f : set T → \bar R) (mD : measurable D) :=
fun X ⇒ if X \in measurable then crestr f mD X else 0.
Section charge_restriction0.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (D : set T) (mD : measurable D).
Let crestr0_fin_num_fun : fin_num_fun restr.
Let crestr0_additive : semi_additive restr.
Let crestr0_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive restr.
End charge_restriction0.
Section charge_zero.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Definition czero (A : set T) : \bar R := 0.
Let czero0 : czero set0 = 0.
Let czero_finite_measure_function B : measurable B → czero B \is a fin_num.
Let czero_semi_additive : semi_additive czero.
Let czero_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive czero.
End charge_zero.
Arguments czero {d T R}.
Section charge_scale.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Variables (r : R) (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}).
Definition cscale (A : set T) : \bar R := r%:E × nu A.
Let cscale0 : cscale set0 = 0.
Let cscale_finite_measure_function U : measurable U → cscale U \is a fin_num.
Let cscale_semi_additive : semi_additive cscale.
Let cscale_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive cscale.
End charge_scale.
Section positive_negative_set.
Context d (R : numDomainType) (T : measurableType d).
Implicit Types nu : set T → \bar R.
Definition positive_set nu (P : set T) :=
measurable P ∧ ∀ A, measurable A → A `<=` P → nu A ≥ 0.
Definition negative_set nu (N : set T) :=
measurable N ∧ ∀ A, measurable A → A `<=` N → nu A ≤ 0.
End positive_negative_set.
Section positive_negative_set_lemmas.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : numFieldType).
Implicit Types nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma negative_set_charge_le0 nu N : negative_set nu N → nu N ≤ 0.
Lemma negative_set0 nu : negative_set nu set0.
Lemma positive_negative0 nu P N : positive_set nu P → negative_set nu N →
∀ S, measurable S → nu (S `&` P `&` N) = 0.
End positive_negative_set_lemmas.
Section positive_negative_set_realFieldType.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realFieldType).
Implicit Types nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Lemma bigcup_negative_set nu (F : (set T)^nat) :
(∀ i, negative_set nu (F i)) →
negative_set nu (\bigcup_i F i).
Lemma negative_setU nu N M :
negative_set nu N → negative_set nu M → negative_set nu (N `|` M).
End positive_negative_set_realFieldType.
Section hahn_decomposition_lemma.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) (D : set T).
Let elt_prop (x : set T × \bar R) := [/\ measurable x.1,
x.1 `<=` D, 0 ≤ x.2 & nu x.1 ≥ mine (x.2 × 2^-1%:E) 1].
Let elt_type := {x : set T × \bar R × set T | elt_prop x.1}.
Let A_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.1.
Let g_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.2.
Let U_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).2.
Let mA_ x : measurable (A_ x).
Let A_D x : A_ x `<=` D.
Let g_ge0 x : 0 ≤ g_ x.
Let nuA_g_ x : nu (A_ x) ≥ mine (g_ x × 2^-1%:E) 1.
Let nuA_ge0 x : 0 ≤ nu (A_ x).
Let subDD A := [set nu E | E in [set E | measurable E ∧ E `<=` D `\` A] ].
Let d_ A := ereal_sup (subDD A).
Let d_ge0 X : 0 ≤ d_ X.
Let elt_rel i j :=
[/\ g_ j = d_ (U_ i), A_ j `<=` D `\` U_ i & U_ j = U_ i `|` A_ j ].
Let next_elt A :
{ B | [/\ measurable B, B `<=` D `\` A & nu B ≥ mine (d_ A × 2^-1%:E) 1] }.
TODO: generalize?
Let minr_cvg_0_cvg_0 (x : R^nat) : (∀ k, 0 ≤ x k)%R →
(fun n ⇒ minr (x n × 2^-1) 1)%R --> (0:R)%R → x --> (0:R)%R.
Let mine_cvg_0_cvg_fin_num (x : (\bar R)^nat) : (∀ k, 0 ≤ x k) →
(fun n ⇒ mine (x n × (2^-1)%:E) 1) --> 0 →
\∀ n \near \oo, x n \is a fin_num.
Let mine_cvg_minr_cvg (x : (\bar R)^nat) : (∀ k, 0 ≤ x k) →
(fun n ⇒ mine (x n × (2^-1)%:E) 1) --> 0 →
(fun n ⇒ minr ((fine \o x) n / 2) 1%R) --> (0:R)%R.
Let mine_cvg_0_cvg_0 (x : (\bar R)^nat) : (∀ k, 0 ≤ x k) →
(fun n ⇒ mine (x n × (2^-1)%:E) 1) --> 0 → x --> 0.
Lemma hahn_decomposition_lemma : measurable D →
{A | [/\ A `<=` D, negative_set nu A & nu A ≤ nu D]}.
End hahn_decomposition_lemma.
Definition hahn_decomposition d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) P N :=
[/\ positive_set nu P, negative_set nu N, P `|` N = [set: T] & P `&` N = set0].
Section hahn_decomposition_theorem.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variable nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Let elt_prop (x : set T × \bar R) := [/\ x.2 ≤ 0,
negative_set nu x.1 & nu x.1 ≤ maxe (x.2 × 2^-1%:E) (- 1%E) ].
Let elt_type := {AzU : set T × \bar R × set T | elt_prop AzU.1}.
Let A_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.1.
Let z_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.2.
Let U_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).2.
Let mA_ x : measurable (A_ x).
Let negative_set_A_ x : negative_set nu (A_ x).
Let nuA_z_ x : nu (A_ x) ≤ maxe (z_ x × 2^-1%:E) (- 1%E).
Let nuA_le0 x : nu (A_ x) ≤ 0.
Let z_le0 x : z_ x ≤ 0.
Let subC A := [set nu E | E in [set E | measurable E ∧ E `<=` ~` A] ].
Let s_ A := ereal_inf (subC A).
Let s_le0 X : s_ X ≤ 0.
Let elt_rel i j :=
[/\ z_ j = s_ (U_ i), A_ j `<=` ~` U_ i & U_ j = U_ i `|` A_ j].
Let next_elt U : { A | [/\ A `<=` ~` U,
negative_set nu A & nu A ≤ maxe (s_ U × 2^-1%R%:E) (- 1%E)] }.
Theorem Hahn_decomposition : ∃ P N, hahn_decomposition nu P N.
Lemma Hahn_decomposition_uniq P1 N1 P2 N2 :
hahn_decomposition nu P1 N1 → hahn_decomposition nu P2 N2 →
∀ S, measurable S →
nu (S `&` P1) = nu (S `&` P2) ∧ nu (S `&` N1) = nu (S `&` N2).
End hahn_decomposition_theorem.
Section jordan_decomposition.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variable nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Variables (P N : set T) (nuPN : hahn_decomposition nu P N).
Let mP : measurable P.
Let mN : measurable N.
Let cjordan_pos : {charge set T → \bar R} :=
[the charge _ _ of crestr0 nu mP].
Let positive_set_cjordan_pos E : 0 ≤ cjordan_pos E.
Definition jordan_pos := measure_of_charge _ positive_set_cjordan_pos.
Let finite_jordan_pos : fin_num_fun jordan_pos.
Let cjordan_neg : {charge set T → \bar R} :=
[the charge _ _ of cscale (-1) [the charge _ _ of crestr0 nu mN]].
Let positive_set_cjordan_neg E : 0 ≤ cjordan_neg E.
Definition jordan_neg := measure_of_charge _ positive_set_cjordan_neg.
Let finite_jordan_neg : fin_num_fun jordan_neg.
Lemma jordan_decomp A : measurable A → nu A = jordan_pos A - jordan_neg A.
Lemma jordan_pos_dominates (mu : {measure set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu → jordan_pos `<< mu.
Lemma jordan_neg_dominates (mu : {measure set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu → jordan_neg `<< mu.
End jordan_decomposition.
(fun n ⇒ minr (x n × 2^-1) 1)%R --> (0:R)%R → x --> (0:R)%R.
Let mine_cvg_0_cvg_fin_num (x : (\bar R)^nat) : (∀ k, 0 ≤ x k) →
(fun n ⇒ mine (x n × (2^-1)%:E) 1) --> 0 →
\∀ n \near \oo, x n \is a fin_num.
Let mine_cvg_minr_cvg (x : (\bar R)^nat) : (∀ k, 0 ≤ x k) →
(fun n ⇒ mine (x n × (2^-1)%:E) 1) --> 0 →
(fun n ⇒ minr ((fine \o x) n / 2) 1%R) --> (0:R)%R.
Let mine_cvg_0_cvg_0 (x : (\bar R)^nat) : (∀ k, 0 ≤ x k) →
(fun n ⇒ mine (x n × (2^-1)%:E) 1) --> 0 → x --> 0.
Lemma hahn_decomposition_lemma : measurable D →
{A | [/\ A `<=` D, negative_set nu A & nu A ≤ nu D]}.
End hahn_decomposition_lemma.
Definition hahn_decomposition d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) P N :=
[/\ positive_set nu P, negative_set nu N, P `|` N = [set: T] & P `&` N = set0].
Section hahn_decomposition_theorem.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variable nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Let elt_prop (x : set T × \bar R) := [/\ x.2 ≤ 0,
negative_set nu x.1 & nu x.1 ≤ maxe (x.2 × 2^-1%:E) (- 1%E) ].
Let elt_type := {AzU : set T × \bar R × set T | elt_prop AzU.1}.
Let A_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.1.
Let z_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).1.2.
Let U_ (x : elt_type) := (proj1_sig x).2.
Let mA_ x : measurable (A_ x).
Let negative_set_A_ x : negative_set nu (A_ x).
Let nuA_z_ x : nu (A_ x) ≤ maxe (z_ x × 2^-1%:E) (- 1%E).
Let nuA_le0 x : nu (A_ x) ≤ 0.
Let z_le0 x : z_ x ≤ 0.
Let subC A := [set nu E | E in [set E | measurable E ∧ E `<=` ~` A] ].
Let s_ A := ereal_inf (subC A).
Let s_le0 X : s_ X ≤ 0.
Let elt_rel i j :=
[/\ z_ j = s_ (U_ i), A_ j `<=` ~` U_ i & U_ j = U_ i `|` A_ j].
Let next_elt U : { A | [/\ A `<=` ~` U,
negative_set nu A & nu A ≤ maxe (s_ U × 2^-1%R%:E) (- 1%E)] }.
Theorem Hahn_decomposition : ∃ P N, hahn_decomposition nu P N.
Lemma Hahn_decomposition_uniq P1 N1 P2 N2 :
hahn_decomposition nu P1 N1 → hahn_decomposition nu P2 N2 →
∀ S, measurable S →
nu (S `&` P1) = nu (S `&` P2) ∧ nu (S `&` N1) = nu (S `&` N2).
End hahn_decomposition_theorem.
Section jordan_decomposition.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variable nu : {charge set T → \bar R}.
Variables (P N : set T) (nuPN : hahn_decomposition nu P N).
Let mP : measurable P.
Let mN : measurable N.
Let cjordan_pos : {charge set T → \bar R} :=
[the charge _ _ of crestr0 nu mP].
Let positive_set_cjordan_pos E : 0 ≤ cjordan_pos E.
Definition jordan_pos := measure_of_charge _ positive_set_cjordan_pos.
Let finite_jordan_pos : fin_num_fun jordan_pos.
Let cjordan_neg : {charge set T → \bar R} :=
[the charge _ _ of cscale (-1) [the charge _ _ of crestr0 nu mN]].
Let positive_set_cjordan_neg E : 0 ≤ cjordan_neg E.
Definition jordan_neg := measure_of_charge _ positive_set_cjordan_neg.
Let finite_jordan_neg : fin_num_fun jordan_neg.
Lemma jordan_decomp A : measurable A → nu A = jordan_pos A - jordan_neg A.
Lemma jordan_pos_dominates (mu : {measure set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu → jordan_pos `<< mu.
Lemma jordan_neg_dominates (mu : {measure set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu → jordan_neg `<< mu.
End jordan_decomposition.
We put definitions and lemmas used only in the proof of the Radon-Nikodym
theorem as Definition's and Lemma's in the following modules. See
for an overview.
Module approxRN.
Section approxRN.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables mu nu : {measure set T → \bar R}.
Definition approxRN := [set g : T → \bar R | [/\
∀ x, 0 ≤ g x, mu.-integrable [set: T] g &
∀ E, measurable E → \int[mu]_(x in E) g x ≤ nu E] ].
Let approxRN_neq0 : approxRN !=set0.
Definition int_approxRN := [set \int[mu]_x g x | g in approxRN].
Definition sup_int_approxRN := ereal_sup int_approxRN.
Lemma sup_int_approxRN_ge0 : 0 ≤ sup_int_approxRN.
End approxRN.
End approxRN.
Module approxRN_seq.
Section approxRN_seq.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variable mu : {measure set T → \bar R}.
Variable nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}.
Import approxRN.
Let approxRN := approxRN mu nu.
Let int_approxRN := int_approxRN mu nu.
Let M := sup_int_approxRN mu nu.
Let int_approxRN_ub : ∃ M, ∀ x, x \in int_approxRN → x ≤ M%:E.
Lemma sup_int_approxRN_lty : M < +oo.
Lemma sup_int_approxRN_fin_num : M \is a fin_num.
Lemma approxRN_seq_ex : { g : (T → \bar R)^nat |
∀ k, g k \in approxRN ∧ \int[mu]_x g k x > M - k.+1%:R^-1%:E }.
Definition approxRN_seq : (T → \bar R)^nat := sval approxRN_seq_ex.
Let g_ := approxRN_seq.
Lemma approxRN_seq_prop : ∀ m,
g_ m \in approxRN ∧ \int[mu]_x (g_ m x) > M - m.+1%:R^-1%:E.
Lemma approxRN_seq_ge0 x n : 0 ≤ g_ n x.
Lemma measurable_approxRN_seq n : measurable_fun setT (g_ n).
Definition max_approxRN_seq n x := \big[maxe/-oo]_(j < n.+1) g_ j x.
Let F_ := max_approxRN_seq.
Lemma measurable_max_approxRN_seq n : measurable_fun [set: T] (F_ n).
Lemma max_approxRN_seq_ge0 n x : 0 ≤ F_ n x.
Lemma max_approxRN_seq_ge n x : F_ n x ≥ g_ n x.
Lemma max_approxRN_seq_nd x : nondecreasing_seq (F_ ^~ x).
Lemma is_cvg_max_approxRN_seq n : cvg (F_ ^~ n).
Lemma is_cvg_int_max_approxRN_seq A :
measurable A → cvg (fun n ⇒ \int[mu]_(x in A) F_ n x).
Definition is_max_approxRN m j :=
[set x | F_ m x = g_ j x ∧ ∀ k, (k < j)%N → g_ k x < g_ j x].
Let E := is_max_approxRN.
Lemma is_max_approxRNE m j : E m j = [set x| F_ m x = g_ j x] `&`
[set x |∀ k, (k < j)%nat → g_ k x < g_ j x].
Lemma trivIset_is_max_approxRN n : trivIset [set: nat] (E n).
Lemma bigsetU_is_max_approxRN m : \big[setU/set0]_(j < m.+1) E m j = [set: T].
Lemma measurable_is_max_approxRN m j : measurable (E m j).
End approxRN_seq.
End approxRN_seq.
Module lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Section lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables mu nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}.
Import approxRN.
Let G := approxRN mu nu.
Let M := sup_int_approxRN mu nu.
Import approxRN_seq.
Let g := approxRN_seq mu nu.
Let F := max_approxRN_seq mu nu.
Definition fRN := fun x ⇒ lim (F ^~ x).
Lemma measurable_fun_fRN : measurable_fun [set: T] fRN.
Lemma fRN_ge0 x : 0 ≤ fRN x.
Let int_fRN_lim A : measurable A →
\int[mu]_(x in A) fRN x = lim (fun n ⇒ \int[mu]_(x in A) F n x).
Let E m j := is_max_approxRN mu nu m j.
Let int_F_nu m A (mA : measurable A) : \int[mu]_(x in A) F m x ≤ nu A.
Let F_G m : F m \in G.
Let M_g_F m : M - m.+1%:R^-1%:E < \int[mu]_x g m x ∧
\int[mu]_x g m x ≤ \int[mu]_x F m x ≤ M.
Lemma int_fRN_lty : \int[mu]_x `|fRN x| < +oo.
Lemma int_fRN_ub A : measurable A → \int[mu]_(x in A) fRN x ≤ nu A.
Lemma int_fRNE : \int[mu]_x fRN x = M.
Section ab_absurdo.
Context A (mA : measurable A) (h : \int[mu]_(x in A) fRN x < nu A).
Lemma epsRN_ex :
{eps : {posnum R} | \int[mu]_(x in A) (fRN x + eps%:num%:E) < nu A}.
Definition epsRN := sval epsRN_ex.
Definition sigmaRN B := nu B - \int[mu]_(x in B) (fRN x + epsRN%:num%:E).
Let fin_num_int_fRN_eps B : measurable B →
\int[mu]_(x in B) (fRN x + epsRN%:num%:E) \is a fin_num.
Let fin_num_sigmaRN B : measurable B → sigmaRN B \is a fin_num.
Let sigmaRN_semi_additive : semi_additive sigmaRN.
Let sigmaRN_semi_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive sigmaRN.
End ab_absurdo.
End lim_max_approxRN_seq.
End lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Section radon_nikodym_finite.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables mu nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}.
Import approxRN.
Let G := approxRN mu nu.
Let M := sup_int_approxRN mu nu.
Import lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Let f := fRN mu nu.
Let mf := measurable_fun_fRN.
Let f_ge0 := fRN_ge0.
Lemma radon_nikodym_finite : nu `<< mu → ∃ f : T → \bar R,
[/\ ∀ x, f x ≥ 0, mu.-integrable [set: T] f &
∀ E, measurable E → nu E = \int[mu]_(x in E) f x].
End radon_nikodym_finite.
Section radon_nikodym.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Let radon_nikodym_sigma_finite
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
exists2 f : T → \bar R, mu.-integrable [set: T] f &
∀ E, E \in measurable → nu E = integral mu E f.
Let Radon_Nikodym0
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R}) (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
exists2 f : T → \bar R, mu.-integrable [set: T] f &
∀ A, measurable A → nu A = \int[mu]_(x in A) f x.
Definition Radon_Nikodym
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) : T → \bar R :=
match pselect (nu `<< mu) with
| left nu_mu ⇒ sval (cid2 (Radon_Nikodym0 nu_mu))
| right _ ⇒ cst -oo
Theorem Radon_Nikodym_integrable
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
mu.-integrable [set: T] ('d nu '/d mu).
Theorem Radon_Nikodym_integral
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
∀ A, measurable A → nu A = \int[mu]_(x in A) ('d nu '/d mu) x.
End radon_nikodym.
Notation "'d nu '/d mu" := (Radon_Nikodym mu nu) : charge_scope.
Section approxRN.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables mu nu : {measure set T → \bar R}.
Definition approxRN := [set g : T → \bar R | [/\
∀ x, 0 ≤ g x, mu.-integrable [set: T] g &
∀ E, measurable E → \int[mu]_(x in E) g x ≤ nu E] ].
Let approxRN_neq0 : approxRN !=set0.
Definition int_approxRN := [set \int[mu]_x g x | g in approxRN].
Definition sup_int_approxRN := ereal_sup int_approxRN.
Lemma sup_int_approxRN_ge0 : 0 ≤ sup_int_approxRN.
End approxRN.
End approxRN.
Module approxRN_seq.
Section approxRN_seq.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variable mu : {measure set T → \bar R}.
Variable nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}.
Import approxRN.
Let approxRN := approxRN mu nu.
Let int_approxRN := int_approxRN mu nu.
Let M := sup_int_approxRN mu nu.
Let int_approxRN_ub : ∃ M, ∀ x, x \in int_approxRN → x ≤ M%:E.
Lemma sup_int_approxRN_lty : M < +oo.
Lemma sup_int_approxRN_fin_num : M \is a fin_num.
Lemma approxRN_seq_ex : { g : (T → \bar R)^nat |
∀ k, g k \in approxRN ∧ \int[mu]_x g k x > M - k.+1%:R^-1%:E }.
Definition approxRN_seq : (T → \bar R)^nat := sval approxRN_seq_ex.
Let g_ := approxRN_seq.
Lemma approxRN_seq_prop : ∀ m,
g_ m \in approxRN ∧ \int[mu]_x (g_ m x) > M - m.+1%:R^-1%:E.
Lemma approxRN_seq_ge0 x n : 0 ≤ g_ n x.
Lemma measurable_approxRN_seq n : measurable_fun setT (g_ n).
Definition max_approxRN_seq n x := \big[maxe/-oo]_(j < n.+1) g_ j x.
Let F_ := max_approxRN_seq.
Lemma measurable_max_approxRN_seq n : measurable_fun [set: T] (F_ n).
Lemma max_approxRN_seq_ge0 n x : 0 ≤ F_ n x.
Lemma max_approxRN_seq_ge n x : F_ n x ≥ g_ n x.
Lemma max_approxRN_seq_nd x : nondecreasing_seq (F_ ^~ x).
Lemma is_cvg_max_approxRN_seq n : cvg (F_ ^~ n).
Lemma is_cvg_int_max_approxRN_seq A :
measurable A → cvg (fun n ⇒ \int[mu]_(x in A) F_ n x).
Definition is_max_approxRN m j :=
[set x | F_ m x = g_ j x ∧ ∀ k, (k < j)%N → g_ k x < g_ j x].
Let E := is_max_approxRN.
Lemma is_max_approxRNE m j : E m j = [set x| F_ m x = g_ j x] `&`
[set x |∀ k, (k < j)%nat → g_ k x < g_ j x].
Lemma trivIset_is_max_approxRN n : trivIset [set: nat] (E n).
Lemma bigsetU_is_max_approxRN m : \big[setU/set0]_(j < m.+1) E m j = [set: T].
Lemma measurable_is_max_approxRN m j : measurable (E m j).
End approxRN_seq.
End approxRN_seq.
Module lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Section lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables mu nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}.
Import approxRN.
Let G := approxRN mu nu.
Let M := sup_int_approxRN mu nu.
Import approxRN_seq.
Let g := approxRN_seq mu nu.
Let F := max_approxRN_seq mu nu.
Definition fRN := fun x ⇒ lim (F ^~ x).
Lemma measurable_fun_fRN : measurable_fun [set: T] fRN.
Lemma fRN_ge0 x : 0 ≤ fRN x.
Let int_fRN_lim A : measurable A →
\int[mu]_(x in A) fRN x = lim (fun n ⇒ \int[mu]_(x in A) F n x).
Let E m j := is_max_approxRN mu nu m j.
Let int_F_nu m A (mA : measurable A) : \int[mu]_(x in A) F m x ≤ nu A.
Let F_G m : F m \in G.
Let M_g_F m : M - m.+1%:R^-1%:E < \int[mu]_x g m x ∧
\int[mu]_x g m x ≤ \int[mu]_x F m x ≤ M.
Lemma int_fRN_lty : \int[mu]_x `|fRN x| < +oo.
Lemma int_fRN_ub A : measurable A → \int[mu]_(x in A) fRN x ≤ nu A.
Lemma int_fRNE : \int[mu]_x fRN x = M.
Section ab_absurdo.
Context A (mA : measurable A) (h : \int[mu]_(x in A) fRN x < nu A).
Lemma epsRN_ex :
{eps : {posnum R} | \int[mu]_(x in A) (fRN x + eps%:num%:E) < nu A}.
Definition epsRN := sval epsRN_ex.
Definition sigmaRN B := nu B - \int[mu]_(x in B) (fRN x + epsRN%:num%:E).
Let fin_num_int_fRN_eps B : measurable B →
\int[mu]_(x in B) (fRN x + epsRN%:num%:E) \is a fin_num.
Let fin_num_sigmaRN B : measurable B → sigmaRN B \is a fin_num.
Let sigmaRN_semi_additive : semi_additive sigmaRN.
Let sigmaRN_semi_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive sigmaRN.
End ab_absurdo.
End lim_max_approxRN_seq.
End lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Section radon_nikodym_finite.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables mu nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}.
Import approxRN.
Let G := approxRN mu nu.
Let M := sup_int_approxRN mu nu.
Import lim_max_approxRN_seq.
Let f := fRN mu nu.
Let mf := measurable_fun_fRN.
Let f_ge0 := fRN_ge0.
Lemma radon_nikodym_finite : nu `<< mu → ∃ f : T → \bar R,
[/\ ∀ x, f x ≥ 0, mu.-integrable [set: T] f &
∀ E, measurable E → nu E = \int[mu]_(x in E) f x].
End radon_nikodym_finite.
Section radon_nikodym.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Let radon_nikodym_sigma_finite
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {finite_measure set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
exists2 f : T → \bar R, mu.-integrable [set: T] f &
∀ E, E \in measurable → nu E = integral mu E f.
Let Radon_Nikodym0
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R}) (nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
exists2 f : T → \bar R, mu.-integrable [set: T] f &
∀ A, measurable A → nu A = \int[mu]_(x in A) f x.
Definition Radon_Nikodym
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) : T → \bar R :=
match pselect (nu `<< mu) with
| left nu_mu ⇒ sval (cid2 (Radon_Nikodym0 nu_mu))
| right _ ⇒ cst -oo
Theorem Radon_Nikodym_integrable
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
mu.-integrable [set: T] ('d nu '/d mu).
Theorem Radon_Nikodym_integral
(mu : {sigma_finite_measure set T → \bar R})
(nu : {charge set T → \bar R}) :
nu `<< mu →
∀ A, measurable A → nu A = \int[mu]_(x in A) ('d nu '/d mu) x.
End radon_nikodym.
Notation "'d nu '/d mu" := (Radon_Nikodym mu nu) : charge_scope.