Library mathcomp.analysis.forms

From mathcomp
Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg fingroup zmodp poly ssrnum.
From mathcomp
Require Import matrix mxalgebra vector falgebra ssrnum algC algnum.
From mathcomp
Require Import fieldext.
From mathcomp Require Import vector.

From mathcomp Require classfun.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Reserved Notation "'[ u , v ]"
  (at level 2, format "'[hv' ''[' u , '/ ' v ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "'[ u , v ]_ M"
         (at level 2, format "'[hv' ''[' u , '/ ' v ]_ M ']'").
Reserved Notation "'[ u ]_ M" (at level 2, format "''[' u ]_ M").
Reserved Notation "'[ u ]" (at level 2, format "''[' u ]").
Reserved Notation "u '``_' i"
    (at level 3, i at level 2, left associativity, format "u '``_' i").
Reserved Notation "A ^_|_" (at level 8, format "A ^_|_").
Reserved Notation "A _|_ B" (at level 69, format "A _|_ B").
Reserved Notation "eps_theta .-sesqui" (at level 2, format "eps_theta .-sesqui").

Notation "u '``_' i" := (u ( (Zp_zmodType O)) i) : ring_scope.
Notation "''e_' i" := (delta_mx 0 i)
 (format "''e_' i", at level 3) : ring_scope.

Structure revop X Y Z (f : Y X Z) := RevOp {
  fun_of_revop :> X Y Z;
  _ : x, f x =1 fun_of_revop^~ x

Lemma eq_map_mx (R S : ringType) m n (M : 'M[R]_(m,n))
      (g f : R S) : f =1 g M ^ f = M ^ g.

Lemma map_mx_id (R : ringType) m n (M : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : M ^ id = M.

Lemma eq_map_mx_id (R : ringType) m n (M : 'M[R]_(m,n)) (f : R R) :
  f =1 id M ^ f = M.

Module Bilinear.

Section ClassDef.

Variables (R : ringType) (U U' : lmodType R) (V : zmodType) (s s' : R V V).
Implicit Type phUU'V : phant (U U' V).

Definition axiom (f : U U' V) (s_law : s) (eqs : s = s_law)
                                    (s'_law : s') (eqs' : s' = s'_law) :=
  (( u', GRing.Linear.axiom (f^~ u') eqs)
  × ( u, GRing.Linear.axiom (f u) eqs'))%type.

Record class_of (f : U U' V) : Prop := Class {
  basel : u', GRing.Linear.class_of s (f^~ u');
  baser : u, GRing.Linear.class_of s' (f u)

Lemma class_of_axiom f s_law s'_law Ds Ds' :
   @axiom f s_law Ds s'_law Ds' class_of f.

Structure map phUU'V := Pack {apply; _ : class_of apply}.

Definition class (phUU'V : _) (cF : map phUU'V) :=
   let: Pack _ c as cF' := cF return class_of cF' in c.

Canonical additiver phU'V phUU'V (u : U) cF := GRing.Additive.Pack phU'V
  (baser (@class phUU'V cF) u).
Canonical linearr phU'V phUU'V (u : U) cF := GRing.Linear.Pack phU'V
  (baser (@class phUU'V cF) u).

Fact applyr_key : unit. Proof. exact. Qed.
Definition applyr_head t (f : U U' V) u v := let: tt := t in f v u.
Notation applyr := (@applyr_head tt).

Canonical additivel phUV phUU'V (u' : U') (cF : map _) :=
  @GRing.Additive.Pack _ _ phUV (applyr cF u') (basel (@class phUU'V cF) u').
Canonical linearl phUV phUU'V (u' : U') (cF : map _) :=
  @GRing.Linear.Pack _ _ _ _ phUV (applyr cF u') (basel (@class phUU'V cF) u').

Definition pack (phUV : phant (U V)) (phU'V : phant (U' V))
           (revf : U' U V) (rf : revop revf) f (g : U U' V) of (g = fun_of_revop rf) :=
  fun (bFl : U' s phUV) flc of ( u', revf u' = bFl u') &
      ( u', phant_id (GRing.Linear.class (bFl u')) (flc u')) ⇒
  fun (bFr : U s' phU'V) frc of ( u, g u = bFr u) &
      ( u, phant_id (GRing.Linear.class (bFr u)) (frc u)) ⇒
  @Pack (Phant _) f (Class flc frc).

(* (* Support for right-to-left rewriting with the generic linearZ rule. *)
 Notation mapUV := (map (Phant (U -> U' -> V))). 
 Definition map_class := mapUV. 
 Definition map_at (a : R) := mapUV. 
 Structure map_for a s_a := MapFor {map_for_map : mapUV; _ : s a = s_a}. 
 Definition unify_map_at a (f : map_at a) := MapFor f (erefl (s a)). 
 Structure wrapped := Wrap {unwrap : mapUV}. 
 Definition wrap (f : map_class) := Wrap f. *)

End ClassDef.

Module Exports.
Delimit Scope linear_ring_scope with linR.
Notation bilinear_for s s' f := (axiom f (erefl s) (erefl s')).
Notation bilinear f := (bilinear_for *:%R *:%R f).
Notation biscalar f := (bilinear_for *%R *%R f).
Notation bilmorphism_for s s' f := (class_of s s' f).
Notation bilmorphism f := (bilmorphism_for *:%R *:%R f).
Coercion class_of_axiom : axiom >-> bilmorphism_for.
Coercion baser : bilmorphism_for >-> Funclass.
Coercion apply : map >-> Funclass.
Notation "{ 'bilinear' fUV | s & s' }" := (map s s' (Phant fUV))
  (at level 0, format "{ 'bilinear' fUV | s & s' }") : ring_scope.
Notation "{ 'bilinear' fUV | s }" := (map s.1 s.2 (Phant fUV))
  (at level 0, format "{ 'bilinear' fUV | s }") : ring_scope.
Notation "{ 'bilinear' fUV }" := {bilinear fUV | *:%R & *:%R}
  (at level 0, format "{ 'bilinear' fUV }") : ring_scope.
Notation "{ 'biscalar' U }" := {bilinear U U _ | *%R & *%R}
  (at level 0, format "{ 'biscalar' U }") : ring_scope.
Notation "[ 'bilinear' 'of' f 'as' g ]" :=
  (@pack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f g erefl _ _
         (fun erefl) (fun idfun) _ _ (fun erefl) (fun idfun)).
Notation "[ 'bilinear' 'of' f ]" := [bilinear of f as f]
  (at level 0, format "[ 'bilinear' 'of' f ]") : form_scope.
Coercion additiver : map >->
Coercion linearr : map >->
Canonical additiver.
Canonical linearr.
Canonical additivel.
Canonical linearl.
Notation applyr := (@applyr_head _ _ _ _ tt).
(* Canonical additive. 
 (* Support for right-to-left rewriting with the generic linearZ rule. *)
 Coercion map_for_map : map_for >-> map. 
 Coercion unify_map_at : map_at >-> map_for. 
 Canonical unify_map_at. 
 Coercion unwrap : wrapped >-> map. 
 Coercion wrap : map_class >-> wrapped. 
 Canonical wrap. *)

End Exports.

End Bilinear.
Include Bilinear.Exports.

Section BilinearTheory.

Variable R : ringType.

Section GenericProperties.

Variables (U U' : lmodType R) (V : zmodType) (s : R V V) (s' : R V V).
Variable f : {bilinear U U' V | s & s'}.

Lemma linear0r z : f z 0 = 0.
Lemma linearNr z : {morph f z : x / - x}.
Lemma linearDr z : {morph f z : x y / x + y}.
Lemma linearBr z : {morph f z : x y / x - y}.
Lemma linearMnr z n : {morph f z : x / x *+ n}.
Lemma linearMNnr z n : {morph f z : x / x *- n}.
Lemma linear_sumr z I r (P : pred I) E :
  f z (\sum_(i <- r | P i) E i) = \sum_(i <- r | P i) f z (E i).

Lemma linearZr_LR z : scalable_for s' (f z).
Lemma linearPr z a : {morph f z : u v / a *: u + v >-> s' a u + v}.

Lemma applyrE x : applyr f x =1 f^~ x.

Lemma linear0l z : f 0 z = 0.
Lemma linearNl z : {morph f^~ z : x / - x}.
Lemma linearDl z : {morph f^~ z : x y / x + y}.
Lemma linearBl z : {morph f^~ z : x y / x - y}.
Lemma linearMnl z n : {morph f^~ z : x / x *+ n}.
Lemma linearMNnl z n : {morph f^~ z : x / x *- n}.
Lemma linear_suml z I r (P : pred I) E :
  f (\sum_(i <- r | P i) E i) z = \sum_(i <- r | P i) f (E i) z.

Lemma linearZl_LR z : scalable_for s (f^~ z).
Lemma linearPl z a : {morph f^~ z : u v / a *: u + v >-> s a u + v}.

End GenericProperties.

Section BidirectionalLinearZ.

Variables (U : lmodType R) (V : zmodType) (s : R V V).
Variables (S : ringType) (h : S V V) (h_law : h).

Lemma linearZr z c a (h_c := GRing.Scale.op h_law c) (f : GRing.Linear.map_for U s a h_c) u : f z (a *: u) = h_c (GRing.Linear.wrap (f z) u). Proof. by rewrite linearZ_LR; case: f => f /= ->. Qed.

End BidirectionalLinearZ.

End BilinearTheory.

Canonical rev_mulmx (R : ringType) m n p := @RevOp _ _ _ (@mulmxr R m n p)
  (@mulmx R m n p) (fun _ _erefl).

Canonical mulmx_bilinear (R : comRingType) m n p := [bilinear of @mulmx R m n p].

Section classfun. Import mathcomp.character.classfun. Canonical rev_cfdot (gT : finGroupType) (B : {set gT}) := @RevOp _ _ _ (@cfdotr_head gT B tt) (@cfdot gT B) (fun _ _ => erefl). Section Cfdot. Variables (gT : finGroupType) (G : {group gT}). Lemma cfdot_is_linear xi : linear_for (@conjC _ \; *%R) (cfdot xi : 'CF(G) -> algC^o). Proof. move=> /= a phi psi; rewrite cfdotC -cfdotrE linearD linearZ /=. by rewrite ! [' [_, xi] ]cfdotC rmorphD rmorphM !conjCK. Qed. Canonical cfdot_additive xi := Additive (cfdot_is_linear xi). Canonical cfdot_linear xi := Linear (cfdot_is_linear xi). End Cfdot. Canonical cfdot_bilinear (gT : finGroupType) (B : {group gT}) := [bilinear of @cfdot gT B]. End classfun.

Section BilinearForms.

Variables (R : fieldType) (theta : {rmorphism R R}).
Variables (n : nat) (M : 'M[R]_n).
Implicit Types (a b : R) (u v : 'rV[R]_n) (N P Q : 'M[R]_n).

Definition form u v := (u ×m M ×m (v ^t theta)) 0 0.

Lemma form0l u : '[0, u] = 0.

Lemma form0r u : '[u, 0] = 0.

Lemma formDl u v w : '[u + v, w] = '[u, w] + '[v, w].

Lemma formDr u v w : '[u, v + w] = '[u, v] + '[u, w].

Lemma formZr a u v : '[u, a *: v] = theta a × '[u, v].

Lemma formZl a u v : '[a *: u, v] = a × '[u, v].

Lemma formNl u v : '[- u, v] = - '[u, v].

Lemma formNr u v : '[u, - v] = - '[u, v].

Lemma formee i j : '['e_i, 'e_j] = M i j.

Lemma form0_eq0 : M = 0 u v, '[u, v] = 0.

End BilinearForms.

Section Sesquilinear.

Variable R : fieldType.
Variable n : nat.
Implicit Types (a b : R) (u v : 'rV[R]_n) (N P Q : 'M[R]_n).

Section Def.
Variable eps_theta : (bool × {rmorphism R R}).

Definition sesqui :=
  [qualify M : 'M_n | M == ((-1) ^+ eps_theta.1) *: M ^t eps_theta.2].
Fact sesqui_key : pred_key sesqui.
Canonical sesqui_keyed := KeyedQualifier sesqui_key.
End Def.

Variables (eps : bool) (theta : {rmorphism R R}).
Variables (M : 'M[R]_n).

Lemma sesquiE : (M \is (eps,theta).-sesqui) = (M == (-1) ^+ eps *: M ^t theta).

Lemma sesquiP : reflect (M = (-1) ^+ eps *: M ^t theta)
                        (M \is (eps,theta).-sesqui).

Hypothesis (thetaK : involutive theta).
Hypothesis (M_sesqui : M \is (eps, theta).-sesqui).

Lemma trmx_sesqui : M^T = (-1) ^+ eps *: M ^ theta.

Lemma maptrmx_sesqui : M^t theta = (-1) ^+ eps *: M.

Lemma formC u v : '[u, v] = (-1) ^+ eps × theta '[v, u].

Lemma form_eq0C u v : ('[u, v] == 0) = ('[v, u] == 0).

Definition ortho m (B : 'M_(m,n)) := (kermx (M ×m (B ^t theta))).

Lemma normalE u v : (u _|_ v) = ('[u, v] == 0).

Lemma form_eq0P {u v} : reflect ('[u, v] = 0) (u _|_ v).

Lemma normalP p q (A : 'M_(p, n)) (B :'M_(q, n)) :
  reflect ( (u v : 'rV_n), (u A)%MS (v B)%MS u _|_ v)
          (A _|_ B).

Lemma normalC p q (A : 'M_(p, n)) (B :'M_(q, n)) : (A _|_ B) = (B _|_ A).

Lemma normal_ortho_mx p (A : 'M_(p, n)) : ((A^_|_) _|_ A).

Lemma normal_mx_ortho p (A : 'M_(p, n)) : (A _|_ (A^_|_)).

Lemma rank_normal u : (\rank (u ^_|_) n.-1)%N.

Definition rad := 1%:M^_|_.

Lemma rad_ker : rad = kermx M.

Theorem formDd u v : u _|_ v '[u + v] = '[u] + '[v].

Lemma formZ a u : '[a *: u]= (a × theta a) × '[u].

Lemma formN u : '[- u] = '[u].

Lemma form_sign m u : '[(-1) ^+ m *: u] = '[u].

Lemma formD u v : let d := '[u, v] in
  '[u + v] = '[u] + '[v] + (d + (-1) ^+ eps × theta d).

Lemma formB u v : let d := '[u, v] in
  '[u - v] = '[u] + '[v] - (d + (-1) ^+ eps × theta d).

Lemma formBd u v : u _|_ v '[u - v] = '[u] + '[v].

Lemma formJ u v : ' [u ^ theta, v ^ theta] = (-1) ^+ eps * theta ' [u, v]. Proof. rewrite {1}/form -map_trmx -map_mx_comp (@eq_map_mx _ _ _ _ _ id) ?map_mx_id //. set x := (_ *m _); have -> : x 0 0 = theta ((x^t theta) 0 0) by rewrite !mxE. rewrite !trmx_mul trmxK map_trmx mulmxA !map_mxM. rewrite maptrmx_sesqui -!scalemxAr -scalemxAl mxE rmorphM rmorph_sign. Lemma formJ u : ' [u ^ theta] = (-1) ^+ eps * ' [u]. Proof. rewrite {1}/form -map_trmx -map_mx_comp (@eq_map_mx _ _ _ _ _ id) ?map_mx_id //. set x := (_ *m _); have -> : x 0 0 = theta ((x^t theta) 0 0) by rewrite !mxE. rewrite !trmx_mul trmxK map_trmx mulmxA !map_mxM. rewrite maptrmx_sesqui -!scalemxAr -scalemxAl mxE rmorphM rmorph_sign. rewrite !map_mxM. rewrite -map_mx_comp eq_map_mx_id //. !linearZr_LR /=. linearZ. linearZl. rewrite trmx_sesqui. rewrite mapmx. rewrite map apply/matrixP. rewrite formC. Proof. by rewrite cfdot_conjC geC0_conj // cfnorm_ge0. Qed. Lemma cfCauchySchwarz u v : `|' [u, v]| ^+ 2 <= ' [u] * ' [v] ?= iff ~~ free (u :: v). Proof. rewrite free_cons span_seq1 seq1_free -negb_or negbK orbC. have [-> | nz_v] /= := altP (v =P 0). by apply/lerifP; rewrite !cfdot0r normCK mul0r mulr0. without loss ou: u / ' [u, v] = 0. move=> IHo; pose a := ' [u, v] / ' [v]; pose u1 := u - a *: v. have ou: ' [u1, v] = 0. by rewrite cfdotBl cfdotZl divfK ?cfnorm_eq0 ?subrr. rewrite (canRL (subrK _) (erefl u1)) rpredDr ?rpredZ ?memv_line //. rewrite cfdotDl ou add0r cfdotZl normrM (ger0_norm (cfnorm_ge0 _)). rewrite exprMn mulrA -cfnormZ cfnormDd; last by rewrite cfdotZr ou mulr0. by have:= IHo _ ou; rewrite mulrDl -lerif_subLR subrr ou normCK mul0r. rewrite ou normCK mul0r; split; first by rewrite mulr_ge0 ?cfnorm_ge0. rewrite eq_sym mulf_eq0 orbC cfnorm_eq0 (negPf nz_v) /=. apply/idP/idP=> [|/vlineP[a {2}-> ]#]; last by rewrite cfdotZr ou mulr0. by rewrite cfnorm_eq0 => /eqP->; apply: rpred0. Qed.

End Sesquilinear.

Notation "eps_theta .-sesqui" := (sesqui _ eps_theta) : ring_scope.

Notation symmetric_form := (false, [rmorphism of idfun]).-sesqui.
Notation skew := (true, [rmorphism of idfun]).-sesqui.
Notation hermitian := (false, @conjC _).-sesqui.

Section ClassificationForm. Variables (F : fieldType) (L : fieldExtType) (theat : 'Aut()) Notation "'' [' u , v ]_ M" := (form M%R u%R v%R) : ring_scope. Notation "'' [' u ]_ M" := (form M%R u%R u%R) : ring_scope. Hypothesis (thetaK : involutive theta). Lemma sesqui_test M : (forall u v, ' [v, u]_M = 0 -> ' [u, v]_M = 0) -> {eps | eps^+2 = 1 & M \is (eps,theta).-sesqui}. Proof. pose [/\ forall u, ' [u] = 0, theta =1 id & eps = -1] \/ ((exists u, ' [u] != 0) /\ (eps = 1)). Proof. move=> M_neq0 form_eq0. have [ ] := boolP [forall i : 'I_n, ' ['e_i] == 0]; last first. rewrite negb_forall => /existsP [i ei_neq0]. right; split; first by exists ('e_i). apply/eqP; contraT suff [f_eq0| ] : (forall u, ' [u] = 0) \/ (exists u, ' [u] != 0). left; split=> //. have [ ] := boolP [forall i : 'I_n, ' ['e_i] == 0]. suff /eqP : eps ^+ 2 = 1. rewrite -subr_eq0 subr_sqr_1 mulf_eq0. move => /orP[ ]; rewrite addr_eq0 ?opprK=> /eqP eps_eq. right; split=> //. have [ ] := boolP [forall i : 'I_n, ' ['e_i] == 0]. have := sesquiC u u. rewrite !linearZ /= - [eps *: _ *m _ ]/(mulmxr _ _) linearZ /= mxE; congr (_ * _). have : u = map_mx theta (map_mx theta u). apply/rowP=> i; rewrite !mxE. rewrite - [in LHS]mulmxA -map_mxM. rewrite !mxE rmorph_sum; apply: eq_bigr => /= i _; rewrite !mxE. rewrite !rmorphM thetaK rmorph_sum. Hypothesis (M_sesqui : M \is (eps, theta).-sesqui). rewrite - [a *: u *m _ ]/(mulmxr _ _). rewrite linearZ. Variables (R : fieldType) (n : nat). Local Notation "A _|_ B" := (A%MS <= kermx B%MS^T)%MS. Lemma normal_sym k m (A : 'M[R]_(k,n)) (B : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : A _|_ B = B _|_ A. Proof. rewrite !(sameP sub_kermxP eqP) -{1} [A]trmxK -trmx_mul. by rewrite -{1}trmx0 (inj_eq (@trmx_inj _ _ _)). Qed. Lemma normalNm k m (A : 'M[R]_(k,n)) (B : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : (- A) _|_ B = A _|_ B. Proof. by rewrite eqmx_opp. Qed. Lemma normalmN k m (A : 'M[R]_(k,n)) (B : 'M[R]_(m,n)) : A _|_ (- B) = A _|_ B. Proof. by rewrite ! [A _|_ _ ]normal_sym normalNm. Qed. Lemma normalDm k m p (A : 'M[R]_(k,n)) (B : 'M[R]_(m,n)) (C : 'M[R]_(p,n)) : (A + B _|_ C) = (A _|_ C) && (B _|_ C). Proof. by rewrite addsmxE !(sameP sub_kermxP eqP) mul_col_mx col_mx_eq0. Qed. Lemma normalmD k m p (A : 'M[R]_(k,n)) (B : 'M[R]_(m,n)) (C : 'M[R]_(p,n)) : (A _|_ B + C) = (A _|_ B) && (A _|_ C). Proof. by rewrite ! [A _|_ _ ]normal_sym normalDm. Qed. Definition dot (u v : 'rV[R]_n) : R := (u *m v^T) 0 0. Notation "'' [' u , v ]" := (dot u v) : ring_scope. Notation "'' [' u ]" := ' [u, u]%MS : ring_scope. Lemma dotmulE (u v : 'rV[R]_n) : ' [u, v] = \sum_k u``_k * v``_k. Proof. by rewrite [LHS]mxE; apply: eq_bigr=> i; rewrite mxE. Qed. Lemma normalvv (u v : 'rV[R]_n) : (u _|_ v) = (' [u, v] == 0). Proof. by rewrite (sameP sub_kermxP eqP) [_ *m _^T]mx11_scalar fmorph_eq0. Qed. End Normal. Local Notation "'' [' u , v ]" := (form u v) : ring_scope. Local Notation "'' [' u ]" := ' [u%R, u%R] : ring_scope. Local Notation "A _|_ B" := (A%MS <= kermx B%MS^T)%MS.