Library mathcomp.analysis.trigo

(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C.              *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum matrix.
From mathcomp Require Import interval rat.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import mathcomp_extra.
Require Import reals ereal nsatz_realtype signed topology normedtype landau.
Require Import sequences derive realfun exp.

Theory of trigonometric functions This file provides the definitions of basic trigonometric functions and develops their theories. periodic f T == f is a periodic function of period T alternating f T == f is an alternating function of period T sin_coeff x == the sequence of coefficients of sin x sin x == the sine function, i.e., lim (series (sin_coeff x)) sin_coeff' x == the sequence of odd coefficients of sin x cos_coeff x == the sequence of coefficients of cos x cos x == the cosine function, i.e., lim (series (cos_coeff x)) cos_coeff' x == the sequence of even coefficients of cos x pi == pi tan x == the tangent function acos x == the arccos function asin x == the arcsin function atan x == the arctangent function Acknowledgments: the proof of cos 2 < 0 is inspired from HOL-light, some proofs of trigonometric relations are taken from

Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.

Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.

NB: backport to mathcomp in progress
Lemma sqrtrV (R : rcfType) (x : R) : 0 x Num.sqrt (x^-1) = (Num.sqrt x)^-1.

Lemma eqr_div (R : numFieldType) (x y z t : R):
  y != 0 t != 0 (x / y == z / t) = (x × t == z × y).

Lemma big_nat_mul (R : zmodType) (f : R ^nat) (n k : nat) :
  \sum_(0 i < n × k) f i =
  \sum_(0 i < n) \sum_(i × k j < i.+1 × k) f j.
/NB: backport to mathcomp in progress

Lemma cvg_series_cvg_series_group (R : realFieldType) (f : R ^nat) k :
  cvg (series f) (0 < k)%N
  [series \sum_(n × k i < n.+1 × k) f i]_n --> lim (series f).

Lemma lt_sum_lim_series (R : realFieldType) (f : R ^nat) n : cvg (series f)
  ( d, 0 < f (n + d.*2)%N + f (n + d.*2.+1)%N)
  \sum_(0 i < n) f i < lim (series f).

Section periodic.
Variables U V : zmodType.
Implicit Type f : U V.

Definition periodic f (T : U) := u, f (u + T) = f u.

Lemma periodicn f (T : U) : periodic f T n a, f (a + T *+ n) = f a.
End periodic.

Section alternating.
Variables (U : zmodType) (V : ringType).
Implicit Type f : U V.

Definition alternating f (T : U) := x, f (x + T) = - f x.

Lemma alternatingn f (T : U) : alternating f T
   n a, f (a + T *+ n) = (- 1) ^+ n × f a.

End alternating.

Section CosSin.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types x y : R.

Definition sin_coeff x :=
  [sequence (odd n)%:R × (-1) ^+ n.-1./2 × x ^+ n / n`!%:R]_n.

Lemma sin_coeffE x : sin_coeff x =
  (fun n ⇒ (fun n(odd n)%:R × (-1) ^+ n.-1./2 × (n`!%:R)^-1) n × x ^+ n).

Lemma sin_coeff_even n x : sin_coeff x n.*2 = 0.

Lemma is_cvg_series_sin_coeff x : cvg (series (sin_coeff x)).

Definition sin x : R := lim (series (sin_coeff x)).

Lemma sinE : sin = fun x
  lim (pseries (fun n(odd n)%:R × (-1) ^+ n.-1./2 × (n`!%:R)^-1) x).

Definition sin_coeff' x (n : nat) := (-1)^n × x ^+ n.*2.+1 / n.*2.+1`!%:R.

Lemma sin_coeff'E x n : sin_coeff' x n = sin_coeff x n.*2.+1.

Lemma cvg_sin_coeff' x : series (sin_coeff' x) --> sin x.

Lemma diffs_sin :
  pseries_diffs (fun n(odd n)%:R × (-1) ^+ n.-1./2 × (n`!%:R)^-1) =
   (fun n(~~(odd n))%:R × (-1) ^+ n./2 × (n`!%:R)^-1 : R).

Lemma series_sin_coeff0 n : series (sin_coeff 0) n.+1 = 0.

Lemma sin0 : sin 0 = 0.

Definition cos_coeff x :=
  [sequence (~~ odd n)%:R × (-1)^n./2 × x ^+ n / n`!%:R]_n.

Lemma cos_coeff_odd n x : cos_coeff x n.*2.+1 = 0.

Lemma cos_coeff_2_0 : cos_coeff 2 0%N = 1 :> R.

Lemma cos_coeff_2_2 : cos_coeff 2 2%N = - 2%:R :> R.

Lemma cos_coeff_2_4 : cos_coeff 2 4%N = 2%:R / 3%:R :> R.

Lemma cos_coeffE x :
  cos_coeff x = (fun n ⇒ (fun n(~~(odd n))%:R × (-1) ^+ n./2 ×
                                    (n`!%:R)^-1) n × x ^+ n).

Lemma is_cvg_series_cos_coeff x : cvg (series (cos_coeff x)).

Definition cos x : R := lim (series (cos_coeff x)).

Lemma cosE : cos = fun x
  lim (series (fun n
                (fun n(~~(odd n))%:R × (-1)^+ n./2 × (n`!%:R)^-1) n
                × x ^+ n)).

Definition cos_coeff' x (n : nat) := (-1)^n × x ^+ n.*2 / n.*2`!%:R.

Lemma cos_coeff'E x n : cos_coeff' x n = cos_coeff x n.*2.

Lemma cvg_cos_coeff' x : series (cos_coeff' x) --> cos x.

Lemma diffs_cos :
  pseries_diffs (fun n(~~(odd n))%:R × (-1) ^+ n./2 × (n`!%:R)^-1) =
  (fun n- ((odd n)%:R × (-1) ^+ n.-1./2 × (n`!%:R)^-1): R).

Lemma series_cos_coeff0 n : series (cos_coeff 0) n.+1 = 1.

Lemma cos0 : cos 0 = 1.

Global Instance is_derive_sin x : is_derive x 1 sin (cos x).

Lemma derivable_sin x : derivable sin x 1.

Lemma continuous_sin : continuous sin.

Global Instance is_derive_cos x : is_derive x 1 cos (- (sin x)).

Lemma derivable_cos x : derivable cos x 1.

Lemma continuous_cos : continuous cos.

Lemma cos2Dsin2 x : (cos x) ^+ 2 + (sin x) ^+ 2 = 1.

Lemma cos_max x : `| cos x | 1.

Lemma cos_geN1 x : -1 cos x.

Lemma cos_le1 x : cos x 1.

Lemma sin_max x : `| sin x | 1.

Lemma sin_geN1 x : -1 sin x.

Lemma sin_le1 x : sin x 1.

Fact sinD_cosD x y :
  (sin (x + y) - (sin x × cos y + cos x × sin y)) ^+ 2 +
  (cos (x + y) - (cos x × cos y - sin x × sin y)) ^+ 2 = 0.

Lemma sinD x y : sin (x + y) = sin x × cos y + cos x × sin y.

Lemma cosD x y : cos (x + y) = cos x × cos y - sin x × sin y.

Lemma sin2cos2 x : sin x ^+ 2 = 1 - cos x ^+ 2.

Lemma cos2sin2 x : cos x ^+ 2 = 1 - sin x ^+ 2.

Lemma sin_mulr2n x : sin (x *+ 2) = (cos x × sin x) *+ 2.

Lemma cos_mulr2n x : cos (x *+ 2) = cos x ^+2 *+ 2 - 1.

Fact sinN_cosN x :
  (sin (- x) + sin x) ^+ 2 + (cos (- x) - cos x) ^+ 2 = 0.

Lemma sinN x : sin (- x) = - sin x.

Lemma cosN x : cos (- x) = cos x.

Lemma sin_sg x y : sin ( x × y) = x × sin y.

Lemma cos_sg x y : x != 0 cos ( x × y) = cos y.

Lemma cosB x y : cos (x - y) = cos x × cos y + sin x × sin y.

Lemma sinB x y : sin (x - y) = sin x × cos y - cos x × sin y.

Lemma norm_cos_eq1 x : (`|cos x| == 1) = (sin x == 0).

Lemma norm_sin_eq1 x : (`|sin x| == 1) = (cos x == 0).

Lemma cos1sin0 x : `|cos x| = 1 sin x = 0.

Lemma sin1cos0 x : `|sin x| = 1 cos x = 0.

Lemma sin0cos1 x : sin x = 0 `|cos x| = 1.

Lemma cos_norm x : cos `|x| = cos x.

End CosSin.
Arguments sin {R}.
Arguments cos {R}.

Section Pi.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (x y : R) (n k : nat).

Definition pi : R := get [set x | 0 x 2 cos x = 0] *+ 2.

Lemma pihalfE : pi / 2 = get [set x | 0 x 2 cos x = 0].

Lemma cos2_lt0 : cos 2 < 0 :> R.

Lemma sin2_gt0 x : 0 < x < 2 0 < sin x.

Lemma cos1_gt0 : cos 1 > 0 :> R.

Lemma cos_exists : exists2 pih : R, 1 pih 2 & cos pih = 0.

Lemma cos_02_uniq x y :
  0 x 2 cos x = 0 0 y 2 cos y = 0 x = y.

Lemma pihalf_02_cos_pihalf : 0 pi / 2 2 cos (pi / 2) = 0.

#[deprecated(note="Use pihalf_ge1 and pihalf_lt2 instead")]
Lemma pihalf_02 : 0 < pi / 2 < 2.

Let pihalf_12 : 1 pi / 2 < 2.

Lemma pihalf_ge1 : 1 pi / 2.

Lemma pihalf_lt2 : pi / 2 < 2.

Lemma pi_ge2 : 2 pi.

Lemma pi_gt0 : 0 < pi.

Lemma pi_ge0 : 0 pi.

Lemma sin_gt0_pihalf x : 0 < x < pi / 2 0 < sin x.

Lemma cos_gt0_pihalf x : -(pi / 2) < x < pi / 2 0 < cos x.

Lemma cos_pihalf : cos (pi / 2) = 0.

Lemma sin_pihalf : sin (pi / 2) = 1.

Lemma cos_ge0_pihalf x : -(pi / 2) x pi / 2 0 cos x.

Lemma cospi : cos pi = - 1.

Lemma sinpi : sin pi = 0.

Lemma cos2pi : cos (pi *+ 2) = 1.

Lemma sin2pi : sin (pi *+ 2) = 0.

Lemma sinDpi : alternating sin pi.

Lemma cosDpi : alternating cos pi.

Lemma sinD2pi : periodic sin (pi *+ 2).

Lemma cosD2pi : periodic cos (pi *+ 2).

Lemma cosDpihalf a : cos (a + pi / 2) = - sin a.

Lemma cosBpihalf a : cos (a - pi / 2) = sin a.

Lemma sinDpihalf a : sin (a + pi / 2) = cos a.

Lemma sinBpihalf a : sin (a - pi / 2) = - cos a.

Lemma sin_ge0_pi x : 0 x pi 0 sin x.

Lemma sin_gt0_pi x : 0 < x < pi 0 < sin x.

Lemma ltr_cos : {in `[0, pi] &, {mono cos : x y /~ y < x}}.

Lemma ltr_sin : {in `[ (- (pi/2)), pi/2] &, {mono sin : x y / x < y}}.

Lemma cos_inj : {in `[0,pi] &, injective (@cos R)}.

Lemma sin_inj : {in `[(- (pi/2)), (pi/2)] &, injective sin}.

End Pi.

Arguments pi {R}.

Section Tan.
Variable R : realType.

Definition tan (x : R) := sin x / cos x.

Lemma tan0 : tan 0 = 0 :> R.

Lemma tanpi : tan pi = 0.

Lemma tanN x : tan (- x) = - tan x.

Lemma tanD x y : cos x != 0 cos y != 0
  tan (x + y) = (tan x + tan y) / (1 - tan x × tan y).

Lemma tan_mulr2n x :
  cos x != 0 tan (x *+ 2) = tan x *+ 2 / (1 - tan x ^+ 2).

Lemma cos2_tan2 x : cos x != 0 (cos x) ^- 2 = 1 + (tan x) ^+ 2.

Lemma tan_pihalf : tan (pi / 2) = 0.

Lemma tan_piquarter : tan (pi / 4%:R) = 1.

Lemma tanDpi x : tan (x + pi) = tan x.

Lemma continuous_tan x : cos x != 0 {for x, continuous tan}.

Lemma is_derive_tan x :
  cos x != 0 is_derive x 1 tan ((cos x)^-2).

Lemma derivable_tan x : cos x != 0 derivable tan x 1.

Lemma ltr_tan : {in `](- (pi/2)), (pi/2)[ &, {mono tan : x y / x < y}}.

Lemma tan_inj : {in `](- (pi/2)), (pi/2)[ &, injective tan}.

End Tan.
Arguments tan {R}.

#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_derive _ _ tan _) ⇒
  (eapply is_derive_tan; first by []) : typeclass_instances.

Section Acos.
Variable R : realType.

Definition acos (x : R) : R := get [set y | 0 y pi cos y = x].

Lemma acos_def x :
  -1 x 1 0 acos x pi cos (acos x) = x.

Lemma acos_ge0 x : -1 x 1 0 acos x.

Lemma acos_lepi x : -1 x 1 acos x pi.

Lemma acosK : {in `[(-1),1], cancel acos cos}.

Lemma acos_gt0 x : -1 x < 1 0 < acos x.

Lemma acos_ltpi x : -1 < x 1 acos x < pi.

Lemma cosK : {in `[0, pi], cancel cos acos}.

Lemma acos1 : acos (1 : R) = 0.

Lemma acos0 : acos (0 : R) = pi / 2%:R.

Lemma acosN a : -1 a 1 acos (- a) = pi - acos a.

Lemma acosN1 : acos (- 1) = (pi : R).

Lemma cosKN a : - pi a 0 acos (cos a) = - a.

Lemma sin_acos x : -1 x 1 sin (acos x) = Num.sqrt (1 - x^+2).

Lemma continuous_acos x : -1 < x < 1 {for x, continuous acos}.

Lemma is_derive1_acos (x : R) :
  -1 < x < 1 is_derive x 1 acos (- (Num.sqrt (1 - x ^+ 2))^-1).

End Acos.

#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_derive _ 1 (@acos _) _) ⇒
  (eapply is_derive1_acos; first by []) : typeclass_instances.

Section Asin.
Variable R : realType.

Definition asin (x : R) : R := get [set y | -(pi / 2) y pi / 2 sin y = x].

Lemma asin_def x :
  -1 x 1 -(pi / 2) asin x pi / 2 sin (asin x) = x.

Lemma asin_geNpi2 x : -1 x 1 -(pi / 2) asin x.

Lemma asin_lepi2 x : -1 x 1 asin x pi / 2.

Lemma asinK : {in `[(-1),1], cancel asin sin}.

Lemma asin_ltpi2 x : -1 x < 1 asin x < pi/2.

Lemma asin_gtNpi2 x : -1 < x 1 - (pi / 2) < asin x.

Lemma sinK : {in `[(- (pi / 2)), pi / 2], cancel sin asin}.

Lemma cos_asin x : -1 x 1 cos (asin x) = Num.sqrt (1 - x^+2).

Lemma continuous_asin x : -1 < x < 1 {for x, continuous asin}.

Lemma is_derive1_asin (x : R) :
  -1 < x < 1 is_derive x 1 asin ((Num.sqrt (1 - x ^+ 2))^-1).

End Asin.

#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_derive _ 1 (@asin _) _) ⇒
  (eapply is_derive1_asin; first by []) : typeclass_instances.

Section Atan.
Variable R : realType.

Definition atan (x : R) : R :=
  get [set y | -(pi / 2) < y < pi / 2 tan y = x].

Lemma atan_def x : -(pi / 2) < atan x < pi / 2 tan (atan x) = x.

Lemma atan_gtNpi2 x : - (pi / 2) < atan x.

Lemma atan_ltpi2 x : atan x < pi / 2.

Lemma atanK : cancel atan tan.

Lemma atan0 : atan 0 = 0 :> R.

Lemma atan1 : atan 1 = pi / 4%:R :> R.

Lemma atanN x : atan (- x) = - atan x.

Lemma tanK : {in `](- (pi / 2)), (pi / 2)[ , cancel tan atan}.

Lemma continuous_atan x : {for x, continuous atan}.

Lemma cos_atan x : cos (atan x) = (Num.sqrt (1 + x ^+ 2)) ^-1.

Global Instance is_derive1_atan (x : R) : is_derive x 1 atan (1 + x ^+ 2)^-1.

End Atan.