Library mathcomp.analysis.lebesgue_stieltjes_measure
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap fingroup perm rat.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import functions fsbigop cardinality.
Require Import reals ereal signed topology numfun normedtype sequences esum.
Require Import real_interval measure realfun.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap fingroup perm rat.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets.
From mathcomp.classical Require Import functions fsbigop cardinality.
Require Import reals ereal signed topology numfun normedtype sequences esum.
Require Import real_interval measure realfun.
Lebesgue Stieltjes Measure
This file contains a formalization of the Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure using
the Measure Extension theorem from measure.v.
- Achim Klenke, Probability Theory 2nd edition, 2014 right_continuous f == the function f is right-continuous cumulative R == type of non-decreasing, right-continuous functions (with R : numFieldType) The HB class is Cumulative. instance: idfun ocitv_type R == alias for R : realType ocitv == set of open-closed intervals ]x, y] where x and y are real numbers R.-ocitv == display for ocitv_type R R.-ocitv.-measurable == semiring of sets of open-closed intervals wlength f A := f b - f a with the hull of the set of real numbers A being delimited by a and b
Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldTopology.Exports.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Reserved Notation "R .-ocitv" (at level 1, format "R .-ocitv").
Reserved Notation "R .-ocitv.-measurable"
(at level 2, format "R .-ocitv.-measurable").
TODO: move?
Notation right_continuous f :=
(∀ x, f%function @ at_right x --> f%function x).
Lemma right_continuousW (R : numFieldType) (f : R → R) :
continuous f → right_continuous f.
HB.structure Definition Cumulative (R : numFieldType) :=
{ f of isCumulative R f }.
Arguments cumulative_is_nondecreasing {R} _.
Arguments cumulative_is_right_continuous {R} _.
Lemma nondecreasing_right_continuousP (R : numFieldType) (a : R) (e : R)
(f : cumulative R) :
e > 0 → ∃ d : {posnum R}, f (a + d%:num) ≤ f a + e.
Section id_is_cumulative.
Variable R : realType.
Let id_nd : {homo @idfun R : x y / x ≤ y}.
Let id_rc : right_continuous (@idfun R).
End id_is_cumulative.
(∀ x, f%function @ at_right x --> f%function x).
Lemma right_continuousW (R : numFieldType) (f : R → R) :
continuous f → right_continuous f.
HB.structure Definition Cumulative (R : numFieldType) :=
{ f of isCumulative R f }.
Arguments cumulative_is_nondecreasing {R} _.
Arguments cumulative_is_right_continuous {R} _.
Lemma nondecreasing_right_continuousP (R : numFieldType) (a : R) (e : R)
(f : cumulative R) :
e > 0 → ∃ d : {posnum R}, f (a + d%:num) ≤ f a + e.
Section id_is_cumulative.
Variable R : realType.
Let id_nd : {homo @idfun R : x y / x ≤ y}.
Let id_rc : right_continuous (@idfun R).
End id_is_cumulative.
/TODO: move?
Section itv_semiRingOfSets.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (I J K : set R).
Definition ocitv_type : Type := R.
Definition ocitv := [set `]x.1, x.2]%classic | x in [set: R × R]].
Lemma is_ocitv a b : ocitv `]a, b]%classic.
Hint Extern 0 (ocitv _) ⇒ solve [apply: is_ocitv] : core.
Lemma ocitv0 : ocitv set0.
Hint Resolve ocitv0 : core.
Lemma ocitvP X : ocitv X ↔ X = set0 ∨ exists2 x, x.1 < x.2 & X = `]x.1, x.2]%classic.
Lemma ocitvD : semi_setD_closed ocitv.
Lemma ocitvI : setI_closed ocitv.
Definition ocitv_display : Type → measure_display.
End itv_semiRingOfSets.
Notation "R .-ocitv" := (ocitv_display R) : measure_display_scope.
Notation "R .-ocitv.-measurable" := (measurable : set (set (ocitv_type R))) :
Local Open Scope measure_display_scope.
Section wlength.
Context {R : realType}.
Variable (f : R → R).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Implicit Types i j : interval R.
Let g : \bar R → \bar R := er_map f.
Definition wlength (A : set (ocitv_type R)) : \bar R :=
let i := Rhull A in g i.2 - g i.1.
Lemma wlength0 : wlength (set0 : set R) = 0.
Lemma wlength_singleton (r : R) : wlength `[r, r] = 0.
Lemma wlength_setT : wlength setT = +oo%E :> \bar R.
Lemma wlength_itv i : wlength [set` i] = if i.2 > i.1 then g i.2 - g i.1 else 0.
Lemma wlength_finite_fin_num i : neitv i → wlength [set` i] < +oo →
((i.1 : \bar R) \is a fin_num) ∧ ((i.2 : \bar R) \is a fin_num).
Lemma finite_wlength_itv i : neitv i → wlength [set` i] < +oo →
wlength [set` i] = (fine (g i.2))%:E - (fine (g i.1))%:E.
Lemma wlength_itv_bnd (a b : R) (x y : bool) : (a ≤ b)%R →
wlength [set` Interval (BSide x a) (BSide y b)] = (f b - f a)%:E.
Lemma wlength_infty_bnd b r :
wlength [set` Interval -oo%O (BSide b r)] = +oo :> \bar R.
Lemma wlength_bnd_infty b r :
wlength [set` Interval (BSide b r) +oo%O] = +oo :> \bar R.
Lemma pinfty_wlength_itv i : wlength [set` i] = +oo →
(∃ s r, i = Interval -oo%O (BSide s r) ∨ i = Interval (BSide s r) +oo%O)
∨ i = `]-oo, +oo[.
Lemma wlength_itv_ge0 (ndf : {homo f : x y / (x ≤ y)%R}) i :
0 ≤ wlength [set` i].
Lemma wlength_Rhull (A : set R) : wlength [set` Rhull A] = wlength A.
Lemma le_wlength_itv (ndf : {homo f : x y / (x ≤ y)%R}) i j :
{subset i ≤ j} → wlength [set` i] ≤ wlength [set` j].
Lemma le_wlength (ndf : {homo f : x y / (x ≤ y)%R}) :
{homo wlength : A B / A `<=` B >-> A ≤ B}.
End wlength.
Section wlength_extension.
Context {R : realType}.
Lemma wlength_semi_additive (f : R → R) : semi_additive (wlength f).
Lemma wlength_ge0 (f : cumulative R) (I : set (ocitv_type R)) :
(0 ≤ wlength f I)%E.
#[local] Hint Extern 0 (0%:E ≤ wlength _ _) ⇒ solve[apply: wlength_ge0] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (measurable _) ⇒ solve [apply: is_ocitv] : core.
Lemma cumulative_content_sub_fsum (f : cumulative R) (D : {fset nat}) a0 b0
(a b : nat → R) : (∀ i, i \in D → a i ≤ b i) →
`]a0, b0] `<=` \big[setU/set0]_(i <- D) `]a i, b i]%classic →
f b0 - f a0 ≤ \sum_(i <- D) (f (b i) - f (a i)).
Lemma wlength_sigma_sub_additive (f : cumulative R) :
sigma_sub_additive (wlength f).
Lemma wlength_sigma_finite (f : R → R) :
sigma_finite [set: (ocitv_type R)] (wlength f).
Definition lebesgue_stieltjes_measure (f : cumulative R) :=
measure_extension [the measure _ _ of wlength f].
TODO: this ought to be turned into a Let but older version of mathcomp/coq
does not seem to allow, try to change asap
Lemma sigmaT_finite_lebesgue_stieltjes_measure (f : cumulative R) :
sigma_finite setT (lebesgue_stieltjes_measure f).
End wlength_extension.
Arguments lebesgue_stieltjes_measure {R}.
Section lebesgue_stieltjes_measure.
Variable R : realType.
Let gitvs := [the measurableType _ of salgebraType (@ocitv R)].
Lemma lebesgue_stieltjes_measure_unique (f : cumulative R)
(mu : {measure set gitvs → \bar R}) :
(∀ X, ocitv X → lebesgue_stieltjes_measure f X = mu X) →
∀ X, measurable X → lebesgue_stieltjes_measure f X = mu X.
End lebesgue_stieltjes_measure.
sigma_finite setT (lebesgue_stieltjes_measure f).
End wlength_extension.
Arguments lebesgue_stieltjes_measure {R}.
Section lebesgue_stieltjes_measure.
Variable R : realType.
Let gitvs := [the measurableType _ of salgebraType (@ocitv R)].
Lemma lebesgue_stieltjes_measure_unique (f : cumulative R)
(mu : {measure set gitvs → \bar R}) :
(∀ X, ocitv X → lebesgue_stieltjes_measure f X = mu X) →
∀ X, measurable X → lebesgue_stieltjes_measure f X = mu X.
End lebesgue_stieltjes_measure.