Library mathcomp.analysis.nsatz_realtype

Require Import Nsatz.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp.
Require Import reals ereal.

nsatz for realType This file registers the ring corresponding to the MathComp-Analysis type realType to the tactic nsatz of Coq. This enables some automation used for example in the file trigo.v. ref:

Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Section Nsatz_realType.
Variable T : realType.

Lemma Nsatz_realType_Setoid_Theory : Setoid.Setoid_Theory T (@eq T).

Definition Nsatz_realType0 := (0%:R : T).
Definition Nsatz_realType1 := (1%:R : T).
Definition Nsatz_realType_add (x y : T) := (x + y)%R.
Definition Nsatz_realType_mul (x y : T) := (x × y)%R.
Definition Nsatz_realType_sub (x y : T) := (x - y)%R.
Definition Nsatz_realType_opp (x : T) := (- x)%R.

Instance Nsatz_realType_Ring_ops:
   (@Ncring.Ring_ops T Nsatz_realType0 Nsatz_realType1
  Nsatz_realType_opp (@eq T)).

Instance Nsatz_realType_Ring : (Ncring.Ring (Ro:=Nsatz_realType_Ring_ops)).

Instance Nsatz_realType_Cring: (Cring.Cring (Rr:=Nsatz_realType_Ring)).

Instance Nsatz_realType_Integral_domain :
   (Integral_domain.Integral_domain (Rcr:=Nsatz_realType_Cring)).

End Nsatz_realType.

Tactic Notation "nsatz" := nsatz_default.