From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect finmap ssralg ssrnum ssrint rat.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets.
Add Search Blacklist "__canonical__".
Add Search Blacklist "__functions_".
Add Search Blacklist "_factory_".
Add Search Blacklist "_mixin_".
# Theory of functions
This file provides a theory of functions $f : A\to B$ whose domain $A$
and codomain $B$ are represented by sets.
set_fun A B f == f : aT -> rT is a function with domain
A : set aT and codomain B : set rT
set_surj A B f == f is surjective
set inj A B f == f is injective
set_bij A B f == f is bijective
{fun A >-> B} == type of functions f : aT -> rT from A : set aT
to B : set rT.
funS f is a proof of set_fun A B f
{oinv aT >-> rT} == type of functions with a partial inverse
{oinvfun A >-> B} == combination of {fun A >-> B} and
{oinv aT >-> rT}
{inv aT >-> rT} == type of functions with an inverse
f ^-1 == inverse of f : {inv aT >-> rT}
{invfun A >-> B} == combination of {fun A >-> B} and {inv aT >-> rT}
{surj A >-> B} == type of surjective functions
{surjfun A >-> B} == combination of {fun A >-> B} and {surj A >-> B}
{splitsurj A >-> B} == type of surjective functions with an inverse
{splitsurjfun A >-> B} == combination of {fun A >-> B} and
{splitsurj A >-> B}
{inj A >-> rT} == type of injective functions
{injfun A >-> B} == combination of {fun A >-> B} and {inj A >-> rT}
{splitinj A >-> B} == type of injective functions with an inverse
{splitinjfun A >-> B} == combination of {fun A >-> B} and
{splitinj A >-> B}
{bij A >-> B} == combination of {injfun A >-> B} and
{surjfun A >-> B}
{splitbij A >-> B} == combination of {splitinj A >-> B} and
{splitsurj A >-> B}
'inj_ f == proof of {in A &, injective f} where f has type
{splitinj A >-> _}
funin A f == alias for f : aT -> rT, with A : set aT
[fun f in A] == the function f from the set A to the set f @` A
'split_ d f == partial injection from aT : Type to rt : Type;
f : aT -> rT, d : rT -> aT
split := 'split_point
@to_setT T == function that associates to x : T a dependent
pair of x with a proof that x belongs to setT
(i.e., the type set_type [set: T])
incl AB == identity function from T to T, where AB is a
proof of A `<=` B, with A, B : set T
inclT A := incl (@subsetT _ _)
eqincl AB == identity function from T to T, where AB is a
proof of A = B, with A, B : set T
mkfun fAB == builds a function {fun A >-> B} given a function
f : aT -> rT and a proof fAB that
{homo f : x / A x >-> B x}
@set_val T A == injection from set_type A to T, where A has
type set T
@ssquash T == function of type
{splitsurj [set: T] >-> [set: $| T |]}
@finset_val T X == function that turns an element x : X
(with X : {fset T}) into a dependent pair of x
with a proof that x belongs to X
(i.e., the type set_type [set` X])
@val_finset T X == function of type [set` X] -> X with X : {fset T}
that cancels finset_val
glue XY AB f g == function that behaves as f over X, as g over Y
XY is a proof that sets X and Y are disjoint,
AB is a proof that sets A and B are disjoint,
A and B are intended to be the ranges of f and g
'pinv_ d A f == inverse of the function [fun f in A] over
f @` A, function d outside of f @` A
pinv := notation for 'pinv_point
## Function restriction
patch d A f == "partial function" that behaves as the function
f over the set A and as the function d otherwise
restrict D f := patch (fun=> point) D f
f \_ D := restrict D f
sigL A f == "left restriction"; given a set A : set U and a
function f : U -> V, returns the corresponding
function of type set_type A -> V
sigR A f == "right restriction"; given a set B : set V and a
function f : {fun [set: U] >-> B}, returns the
corresponding function of type U -> set_type B
sigLR A B f == the function of type set_type A -> set_type B
corresponding to f : {fun A >-> B}
valL_ v == function cancelled by sigL A, with A : set U and
v : V
valR f == the function of type U -> V corresponding to
f : U -> set_type B, with B : set V
valR_fun == the function of type {fun [set: U] >-> B}
corresponding to f : U -> set_type B, with
B : set V
valLR v f == the function of type U -> V corresponding to
f : set_type A -> set_type B (where v : V),
i.e., 'valL_ v \o valR_fun
valLfun_ v A B f := [fun of valL_ f] with f : {fun [set: A] >-> B}
valL := 'valL_ point
valLRfun v := 'valLfun_ v \o valR_fun
Section function_space == canonical ringType and lmodType
structures for functions whose range is
a ringType, comRingType, or lmodType.
fctE == multi-rule for fct
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Reserved Notation "f \_ D" (
at level 10).
Reserved Notation "'{' 'fun' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'fun' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'oinv' T '>->' U '}'"
format "'{' 'oinv' T '>->' U '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'inv' T '>->' U '}'"
format "'{' 'inv' T '>->' U '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'oinvfun' T '>->' U '}'"
format "'{' 'oinvfun' T '>->' U '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'invfun' T '>->' U '}'"
format "'{' 'invfun' T '>->' U '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'inj' A '>->' T '}'"
format "'{' 'inj' A '>->' T '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'splitinj' A '>->' T '}'"
format "'{' 'splitinj' A '>->' T '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'surj' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'surj' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'splitsurj' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'splitsurj' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'injfun' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'injfun' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'surjfun' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'surjfun' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'splitinjfun' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'splitinjfun' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'splitsurjfun' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'splitsurjfun' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'bij' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'bij' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "'{' 'splitbij' A '>->' B '}'"
format "'{' 'splitbij' A '>->' B '}'").
Reserved Notation "[ 'fun' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'fun' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'oinv' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'oinv' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'inv' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'inv' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'oinv' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'oinv' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'inv' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'inv' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'inj' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'inj' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'splitinj' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'splitinj' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'surj' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'surj' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'splitsurj' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'splitsurj' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'injfun' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'injfun' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'surjfun' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'surjfun' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'splitinjfun' 'of' f ]"
format "[ 'splitinjfun' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'splitsurjfun' 'of' f ]"
format "[ 'splitsurjfun' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'bij' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'bij' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'splitbij' 'of' f ]" (format "[ 'splitbij' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "''oinv_' f" (at level 8, f at level 2, format "''oinv_' f").
Reserved Notation "''funS_' f" (at level 8, f at level 2, format "''funS_' f").
Reserved Notation "''mem_fun_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''mem_fun_' f").
Reserved Notation "''oinvK_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''oinvK_' f").
Reserved Notation "''oinvS_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''oinvS_' f").
Reserved Notation "''oinvP_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''oinvP_' f").
Reserved Notation "''oinvT_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''oinvT_' f").
Reserved Notation "''invK_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''invK_' f").
Reserved Notation "''invS_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''invS_' f").
Reserved Notation "''funoK_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''funoK_' f").
Reserved Notation "''inj_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''inj_' f").
Reserved Notation "''funK_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''funK_' f").
Reserved Notation "''totalfun_' A"
at level 8, A at level 2, format "''totalfun_' A").
Reserved Notation "''surj_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''surj_' f").
Reserved Notation "''split_' a"
at level 8, a at level 2, format "''split_' a").
Reserved Notation "''bijTT_' f"
at level 8, f at level 2, format "''bijTT_' f").
Reserved Notation "''bij_' f" (at level 8, f at level 2, format "''bij_' f").
Reserved Notation "''valL_' v" (at level 8, v at level 2, format "''valL_' v").
Reserved Notation "''valLfun_' v"
at level 8, v at level 2, format "''valLfun_' v").
Reserved Notation "''pinv_' dflt"
at level 8, dflt at level 2, format "''pinv_' dflt").
Reserved Notation "''pPbij_' dflt"
at level 8, dflt at level 2, format "''pPbij_' dflt").
Reserved Notation "''pPinj_' dflt"
at level 8, dflt at level 2, format "''pPinj_' dflt").
Reserved Notation "''injpPfun_' dflt"
at level 8, dflt at level 2, format "''injpPfun_' dflt").
Reserved Notation "''funpPinj_' dflt"
at level 8, dflt at level 2, format "''funpPinj_' dflt").
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Section MainProperties.
Context {aT rT} (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : aT -> rT).
Definition set_fun := {homo f : x / A x >-> B x}.
Definition set_surj := B `<=` f @` A.
Definition set_inj := {in A &, injective f}.
Definition set_bij := [/\ set_fun, set_inj & set_surj].
End MainProperties.
HB.mixin Record isFun {aT rT} (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : aT -> rT)
{ funS : set_fun A B f }.
HB.structure Definition Fun {aT rT} (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
{ f of isFun _ _ A B f }.
Notation "{ 'fun' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: form_scope.
Notation "[ 'fun' 'of' f ]" := [the {fun _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.mixin Record OInv {aT rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
:= { oinv : rT -> option aT }.
HB.structure Definition OInversible aT rT := {f of OInv aT rT f}.
Notation "{ 'oinv' aT >-> rT }" := (
type aT rT)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'oinv' 'of' f ]" := [the {oinv _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] :
Definition phant_oinv aT rT (
f : {oinv aT >-> rT})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @oinv _ _ f.
Notation "''oinv_' f" := (
@phant_oinv _ _ _ (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
HB.structure Definition OInvFun aT rT A B :=
{f of OInv aT rT f & isFun aT rT A B f}.
Notation "{ 'oinvfun' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'oinvfun' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {oinvfun _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.mixin Record OInv_Inv {aT rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of OInv _ _ f := {
inv : rT -> aT;
oliftV : olift inv = 'oinv_f
HB.factory Record Inv {aT rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
:= { inv : rT -> aT }. Context {aT rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of Inv _ _ f.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build _ _ f (
olift inv).
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_Inv.Build _ _ f erefl.
HB.structure Definition Inversible aT rT := {f of Inv aT rT f}.
Notation "{ 'inv' aT >-> rT }" := (
type aT rT)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'inv' 'of' f ]" := [the {inv _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
Definition phant_inv aT rT (
f : {inv aT >-> rT})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f :=
@inv _ _ f.
Notation "f ^-1" := (
@inv _ _ f%FUN) (
only printing)
: fun_scope.
Notation "f ^-1" := (
@inv _ _ f%function) (
only printing)
: function_scope.
Notation "f ^-1" := (
@phant_inv _ _ _ (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: fun_scope.
Notation "f ^-1" :=
@phant_inv _ _ _ (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: function_scope.
HB.structure Definition InvFun aT rT A B :=
{f of Inv aT rT f & isFun aT rT A B f}.
Notation "{ 'invfun' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'invfun' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {invfun _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.mixin Record OInv_CanV {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}
f : aT -> rT)
of OInv _ _ f := {
oinvS : {homo 'oinv_f : x / B x >-> (
some @` A)
oinvK : {in B, ocancel 'oinv_f f};
HB.factory Record OCanV {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
:= {
oinv; oinvS : {homo oinv : x / B x >-> (
some @` A)
oinvK : {in B, ocancel oinv f};
}. Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of OCanV _ _ A B f.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build _ _ f oinv.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_CanV.Build _ _ A B f oinvS oinvK.
HB.structure Definition Surject {aT rT A B} := {f of @OCanV aT rT A B f}.
Notation "{ 'surj' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'surj' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {surj _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition SurjFun aT rT A B :=
{f of @Surject aT rT A B f & @Fun _ _ A B f}.
Notation "{ 'surjfun' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'surjfun' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {surjfun _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition SplitSurj aT rT A B :=
{f of @Surject aT rT A B f & @Inv _ _ f}.
Notation "{ 'splitsurj' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'splitsurj' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {splitsurj _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition SplitSurjFun aT rT A B :=
{f of @SplitSurj aT rT A B f & @Fun _ _ A B f}.
Notation "{ 'splitsurjfun' A >-> B }" :=
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'splitsurjfun' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {splitsurjfun _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.mixin Record OInv_Can aT rT (
A : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
of OInv _ _ f :=
{ funoK : {in A, pcancel f 'oinv_f} }.
HB.structure Definition Inject aT rT A :=
{f of OInv aT rT f & OInv_Can aT rT A f}.
Notation "{ 'inj' A >-> rT }" := (
type _ rT A)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'inj' 'of' f ]" := [the {inj _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition InjFun {aT rT} (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
{ f of @Fun _ _ A B f & @Inject _ _ A f }.
Notation "{ 'injfun' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'injfun' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {injfun _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition SplitInj aT rT (
A : set aT)
{f of @Inv aT rT f & @Inject aT rT A f}.
Notation "{ 'splitinj' A >-> rT }" := (
type _ rT A)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'splitinj' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {splitinj _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition SplitInjFun aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
{f of @SplitInj _ rT A f & @isFun _ _ A B f}.
Notation "{ 'splitinjfun' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'splitinjfun' 'of' f ]" :=
[the {splitinjfun _ >-> _} of f : _ -> _] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition Bij {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} :=
{f of @InjFun _ _ A B f & @SurjFun _ _ A B f}.
Notation "{ 'bij' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'bij' 'of' f ]" := [the {bij _ >-> _} of f] : form_scope.
HB.structure Definition SplitBij {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} :=
{f of @SplitInjFun _ _ A B f & @SplitSurjFun _ _ A B f}.
Notation "{ 'splitbij' A >-> B }" := (
type _ _ A B)
: type_scope.
Notation "[ 'splitbij' 'of' f ]" := [the {splitbij _ >-> _} of f] : form_scope.
Module ShortFunSyntax.
Notation "A ~> B" := {fun A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "aT <=> rT" := {oinv aT >-> rT} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A <~ B" := {oinvfun A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "aT <<=> rT" := {inv aT >-> rT} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A <<~ B" := {invfun A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A =>> B" := {surj A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A ~>> B" := {surjfun A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A ==>> B" := {splitsurj A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A ~~>> B" := {splitsurjfun A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A >=> rT" := {inj A >-> rT} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A >~> B" := {injfun A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A >>=> rT" := {splitinj A >-> rT} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A >>~> B" := {splitinjfun A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A <~> B" := {bij A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
Notation "A <<~> B" := {splitbij A >-> B} (
at level 70)
: type_scope.
End ShortFunSyntax.
## Theory
Definition phant_funS aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f : {fun A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @funS _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'funS_ f" := (
phant_funS (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
at level 8, f at level 2)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
set_fun _ _ _)
=> solve [apply: funS] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
prop_in1 _ _)
=> solve [apply: funS] : core.
Definition fun_image_sub aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : {fun A >-> B})
2 (
@funS _ _ _ _ f).
Arguments fun_image_sub {aT rT A B}.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ @` _ `<=` _)
=> solve [apply: fun_image_sub] : core.
Definition mem_fun aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : {fun A >-> B})
2 (
@funS _ _ _ _ f).
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
prop_in1 _ _)
=> solve [apply: mem_fun] : core.
Definition phant_mem_fun aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f : {fun A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := homo_setP.
2 (
@funS _ _ _ _ f).
Notation "'mem_fun_ f" := (
phant_mem_fun (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
at level 8, f at level 2)
: form_scope.
Lemma some_inv {aT rT} (
f : {inv aT >-> rT})
x : Some (
f^-1 x)
= 'oinv_f x.
by rewrite -oliftV. Qed.
Definition phant_oinvK aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f : {surj A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @oinvK _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'oinvK_ f" := (
phant_oinvK (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve oinvK : core.
Definition phant_oinvS aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f : {surj A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @oinvS _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'oinvS_ f" := (
phant_oinvS (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve oinvS : core.
Variant oinv_spec {aT} {rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : {surj A >-> B})
y :
rT -> option aT -> Type :=
OInvSpec (
x : aT)
of A x & f x = y : oinv_spec f y (
f x) (
Some x).
Lemma oinvP aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : {surj A >-> B})
y :
B y -> oinv_spec f y y (
'oinv_f y).
move=> By; have :='oinvK_f (
mem_set By).
by have /cid2 [x Ax <-] := 'oinvS_f By => <-; constructor.
Definition phant_oinvP aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f : {surj A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @oinvP _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'oinvP_ f" := (
phant_oinvP (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve oinvP : core.
Lemma oinvT {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {surj A >-> B}} x :
B x -> 'oinv_f x.
by move=> /'oinvS_f [a Aa <-]. Qed.
Definition phant_oinvT aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f : {surj A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @oinvT _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'oinvT_ f" := (
phant_oinvT (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve oinvT : core.
Lemma invK {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {splitsurj A >-> B}} :
{in B, cancel f^-1 f}.
Definition phant_invK aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f : {splitsurj A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @invK _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'invK_ f" := (
phant_invK (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve invK : core.
Lemma invS {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {splitsurj A >-> B}} :
{homo f^-1 : x / B x >-> A x}.
by move=> x /'oinvS_f/= [a Aa]; rewrite -some_inv => -[<-]. Qed.
Definition phant_invS aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
{f : {splitsurjfun A >-> B}} of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @invS _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'invS_ f" := (
phant_invS (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve invS : core.
Definition phant_funoK aT rT (
A : set aT) (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @funoK _ _ _ f.
Notation "'funoK_ f" := (
phant_funoK (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve funoK : core.
Definition inj {aT rT : nonPropType} {A : set aT} {f : {inj A >-> rT}} :
{in A &, injective f} := pcan_in_inj funoK.
Definition phant_inj aT rT (
A : set aT) (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @inj _ _ _ f.
Notation "'inj_ f" := (
phant_inj (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
Definition inj_hint {aT rT} {A : set aT} {f : {inj A >-> rT}} :
{in A &, injective f} := inj.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 {in _ &, injective _} => solve [apply: inj_hint] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
set_inj _ _)
=> solve [apply: inj_hint] : core.
Lemma injT {aT rT} {f : {inj [set: aT] >-> rT}} : injective f.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
injective _)
=> solve [apply: injT] : core.
Lemma funK {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} {s : {splitinj A >-> rT}} :
{in A, cancel s s^-1}.
Definition phant_funK aT rT (
A : set aT) (
f : {splitinj A >-> rT})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @funK _ _ _ f.
Notation "'funK_ f" := (
phant_funK (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve funK : core.
Structure Equality
Lemma funP {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f g : {fun A >-> B})
f = g <-> f =1 g.
Preliminary Builders
HB.factory Record Inv_Can {aT rT} {A : set aT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of Inv _ _ f :=
{ funK : {in A, cancel f f^-1} }. Context {aT rT} A (
f : aT -> rT)
of @Inv_Can _ _ A f.
Local Lemma funoK: {in A, pcancel f 'oinv_f}.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_Can.Build _ _ A f funoK.
HB.factory Record Inv_CanV {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of Inv aT rT f := {
invS : {homo f^-1 : x / B x >-> A x};
invK : {in B, cancel f^-1 f};
}. Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of Inv_CanV _ _ A B f.
#[local] Lemma oinvK : {in B, ocancel 'oinv_f f}.
by move=> x Bx; rewrite -some_inv/= invK. Qed.
#[local] Lemma oinvS : {homo 'oinv_f : x / B x >-> (
some @` A)
by move=> x /invS Af'x; exists (
f^-1 x)
; rewrite // -some_inv. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_CanV.Build _ _ _ _ f oinvS oinvK.
Trivial instances
Section OInverse.
Context {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}.
HB.instance Definition _ {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} :=
OInv.Build _ _ 'oinv_f (
omap f).
Lemma oinvV {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} : 'oinv_(
= omap f.
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surj A >-> B})
isFun.Build rT (
option aT)
B (
some @` A)
'oinv_f oinvS.
Lemma surjoinv_inj_subproof (
f : {surj A >-> B})
: OInv_Can _ _ B 'oinv_f.
HB.instance Definition _ f := surjoinv_inj_subproof f.
Lemma injoinv_surj_subproof (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
OInv_CanV _ _ B (
some @` A)
split=> [_|_ /set_mem] [a Aa <-]/=; last by rewrite funoK ?inE.
by exists (
f a)
=> //; apply: funS.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= injoinv_surj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ {f : {bij A >-> B}} := InjFun.on 'oinv_f.
End OInverse.
Section Inverse.
Context {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inv aT >-> rT})
:= Inv.Build rT aT f^-1 f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inv aT >-> rT})
:= Inversible.copy inv f^-1.
Lemma invV (
f : {inv aT >-> rT})
: f^-1^-1 = f
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj A >-> B})
isFun.Build rT aT B A f^-1 invS.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj A >-> B})
:= Fun.copy inv f^-1.
HB.instance Definition _ {f : {splitsurj A >-> B}} :=
Inv_Can.Build _ _ _ f^-1 'invK_f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinjfun A >-> B})
Inv_CanV.Build _ _ _ _ f^-1 funS funK.
HB.instance Definition _ {f : {splitbij A >-> B}} := InjFun.on f^-1.
End Inverse.
Section Some.
Context {T} {A : set T}.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build _ _ (
@Some T)
Lemma oinv_some : 'oinv_(
@Some T)
= id
by []. Qed.
Lemma some_can_subproof : @OInv_Can _ _ A (
@Some T)
by split. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := some_can_subproof.
Lemma some_canV_subproof : OInv_CanV _ _ A (
some @` A) (
@Some T).
by split=> [x|x /set_mem] [a Aa <-]//=; exists a. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := some_canV_subproof.
Lemma some_fun_subproof : isFun _ _ A (
some @` A) (
@Some T).
by split=> x; exists x. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := some_fun_subproof.
End Some.
Section OApply.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {b0 : rT}.
Local Notation oapp f := (
oapp f b0).
HB.instance Definition _ {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} :=
Inv.Build _ _ (
oapp f)
Lemma inv_oapp {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} : (
oapp f)
^-1 = 'oinv_f.
by []. Qed.
Lemma oinv_oapp {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} : 'oinv_(
oapp f)
= olift 'oinv_f.
by rewrite -inv_oapp. Qed.
Lemma inv_oappV {f : {inv aT >-> rT}} : olift f^-1 = (
oapp f)
Lemma oapp_can_subproof (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
: Inv_Can _ _ (
some @` A) (
oapp f).
by split=> x /set_mem[a Aa <-]/=; rewrite inv_oapp funoK ?inE. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ f := oapp_can_subproof f.
Lemma oapp_surj_subproof (
f : {surj A >-> B})
: Inv_CanV _ _ (
some @` A)
B (
oapp f).
by split=> [b|b /set_mem] Bb/=; rewrite inv_oapp; case: oinvP => // x; exists x.
HB.instance Definition _ f := oapp_surj_subproof f.
Lemma oapp_fun_subproof (
f : {fun A >-> B})
: isFun _ _ (
some @` A)
B (
oapp f).
by split=> x [a Aa <-] /=; apply: funS. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ f := oapp_fun_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
oapp f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
oapp f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
oapp f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
oapp f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitbij A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
oapp f).
End OApply.
Section OBind.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set (
option rT)
Local Notation b f := (
oapp f None).
Local Notation orT := (
option rT).
HB.instance Definition _ {f : {oinv aT >-> orT}} :=
Inv.Build _ _ (
obind f)
Lemma inv_obind {f : {oinv aT >-> orT}} : (
obind f)
^-1 = 'oinv_f.
by []. Qed.
Lemma oinv_obind {f : {oinv aT >-> orT}} : 'oinv_(
obind f)
= olift 'oinv_f.
by []. Qed.
Lemma inv_obindV {f : {inv aT >-> orT}} : (
obind f)
^-1 = olift f^-1.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {fun A >-> B})
:= Fun.copy (
obind f) (
b f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inj A >-> orT})
:= Inject.copy (
obind f) (
b f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
obind f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surj A >-> B})
:= Surject.copy (
obind f) (
b f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
obind f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
obind f).
End OBind.
Section Composition.
Context {aT rT sT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {C : set sT}.
Local Lemma comp_fun_subproof (
f : {fun A >-> B}) (
g : {fun B >-> C})
isFun _ _ A C (
g \o f).
by split => x /'funS_f; apply: funS. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ f g := comp_fun_subproof f g.
Section OInv.
Context {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} {g : {oinv rT >-> sT}}.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build _ _ (
g \o f) (
obind 'oinv_f \o 'oinv_g).
Lemma oinv_comp : 'oinv_(
g \o f)
= (
obind 'oinv_f)
\o 'oinv_g.
by []. Qed.
End OInv.
Section OInv.
Context {f : {inv aT >-> rT}} {g : {inv rT >-> sT}}.
Lemma some_comp_inv : olift (
f^-1 \o g^-1)
= 'oinv_(
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_Inv.Build aT sT (
g \o f)
Lemma inv_comp : (
g \o f)
^-1 = f^-1 \o g^-1
by []. Qed.
End OInv.
Lemma comp_can_subproof (
f : {injfun A >-> B}) (
g : {inj B >-> sT})
OInv_Can aT sT A (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ f g := comp_can_subproof f g.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B}) (
g : {injfun B >-> C})
Inject.on (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinjfun A >-> B})
g : {splitinj B >-> sT})
:= Inject.on (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinjfun A >-> B})
g : {splitinjfun B >-> C})
:= Inject.on (
g \o f).
End Composition.
Section Composition.
Context {aT rT sT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {C : set sT}.
Lemma comp_surj_subproof (
f : {surj A >-> B}) (
g : {surj B >-> C})
OInv_CanV _ _ A C (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ f g := comp_surj_subproof f g.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj A >-> B}) (
g : {splitsurj B >-> C})
Surject.on (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B}) (
g : {surjfun B >-> C})
Surject.on (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurjfun A >-> B})
g : {splitsurjfun B >-> C})
:= Surject.on (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B}) (
g : {bij B >-> C})
Surject.on (
g \o f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitbij A >-> B}) (
g : {splitbij B >-> C})
Surject.on (
g \o f).
End Composition.
Section totalfun.
Context {aT rT : Type}.
Definition totalfun_ (
A : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
:= f.
Context {A : set aT}.
Local Notation totalfun := (
totalfun_ A).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : aT -> rT)
isFun.Build _ _ A setT (
totalfun f) (
fun _ _ => I).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
:= Inject.on (
totalfun f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinj A >-> rT})
:= SplitInj.on (
totalfun f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surj A >-> [set: rT]})
Surject.on (
totalfun f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj A >-> [set: rT]})
SplitSurj.on (
totalfun f).
End totalfun.
Notation "''totalfun_' A" := (
totalfun_ A)
: form_scope.
Notation totalfun := (
totalfun_ setT).
Section Olift.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}.
Definition _ {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} := OInversible.on (
olift f).
Lemma oinv_olift {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} : 'oinv_(
olift f)
= obind 'oinv_f.
by []. Qed.
Definition _ (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
Inject.copy (
olift f) (
olift (
'totalfun_A f)).
Definition _ (
f : {surj A >-> B})
:= Surject.on (
olift f).
Definition _ (
f : {fun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
olift f).
Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
olift f).
Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
olift f).
Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
olift f).
Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
olift f).
End Olift.
Section Map.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}.
Local Notation m f := (
obind (
olift f)).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {fun A >-> B})
:= Fun.copy (
omap f) (
m f).
HB.instance Definition _ {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} :=
Inv.Build _ _ (
omap f) (
obind 'oinv_f).
Lemma inv_omap {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} : (
omap f)
^-1 = obind 'oinv_f.
by []. Qed.
Lemma oinv_omap {f : {oinv aT >-> rT}} : 'oinv_(
omap f)
= olift (
obind 'oinv_f).
by []. Qed.
Lemma omapV {f : {inv aT >-> rT}} : omap f^-1 = (
omap f)
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
omap f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
:= Inject.copy (
omap f) (
m f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
omap f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surj A >-> B})
:= Surject.copy (
omap f) (
m f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
omap f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
omap f).
End Map.
HB.factory Record CanV {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
{ inv; invS : {homo inv : x / B x >-> A x}; invK : {in B, cancel inv f}; }. Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of CanV _ _ A B f.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build _ _ f inv.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv_CanV.Build _ _ _ _ f invS invK.
HB.factory Record OInv_Can2 {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
@OInv _ _ f :=
funS : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x};
oinvS : {homo 'oinv_f : x / B x >-> (
some @` A)
funoK : {in A, pcancel f 'oinv_f};
oinvK : {in B, ocancel 'oinv_f f};
}. Context {aT rT} A B (
f : aT -> rT)
of OInv_Can2 _ _ A B f.
HB.instance Definition _ := isFun.Build aT rT _ _ f funS.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_Can.Build aT rT _ f funoK.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_CanV.Build aT rT _ _ f oinvS oinvK.
HB.factory Record OCan2 {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
{ oinv; funS : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x};
oinvS : {homo oinv : x / B x >-> (
some @` A)
funoK : {in A, pcancel f oinv};
oinvK : {in B, ocancel oinv f};
}. Context {aT rT} A B (
f : aT -> rT)
of OCan2 _ _ A B f.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build aT rT f oinv.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_Can2.Build aT rT _ _ f funS oinvS funoK oinvK.
HB.factory Record Can {aT rT} {A : set aT} (
f : aT -> rT)
{ inv; funK : {in A, cancel f inv} }. Context {aT rT} A (
f : aT -> rT)
of @Can _ _ A f.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build _ _ f inv.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv_Can.Build _ _ _ f funK.
HB.factory Record Inv_Can2 {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
Inv _ _ f :=
{ funS : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x};
invS : {homo f^-1 : x / B x >-> A x};
funK : {in A, cancel f f^-1};
invK : {in B, cancel f^-1 f};
}. Context {aT rT} A B (
f : aT -> rT)
of Inv_Can2 _ _ A B f.
HB.instance Definition _ := isFun.Build aT rT A B f funS.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv_Can.Build aT rT A f funK.
HB.instance Definition _ := @Inv_CanV.
Build aT rT A B f invS invK.
HB.factory Record Can2 {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
{ inv; funS : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x};
invS : {homo inv : x / B x >-> A x};
funK : {in A, cancel f inv};
invK : {in B, cancel inv f};
}. Context {aT rT} A B (
f : aT -> rT)
of Can2 _ _ A B f.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build aT rT f inv.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv_Can2.Build aT rT A B f funS invS funK invK.
HB.factory Record SplitInjFun_CanV {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
@SplitInjFun _ _ A B f :=
{ invS : {homo f^-1 : x / B x >-> A x}; injV : {in B &, injective f^-1} }. Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
of SplitInjFun_CanV _ _ A B f.
Let mem_inv := homo_setP.
2 invS.
Local Lemma invK : {in B, cancel f^-1 f}.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv_CanV.Build aT rT A B f invS invK.
HB.factory Record BijTT {aT rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
:= { bij : bijective f }. Context {aT rT} f of BijTT aT rT f.
Local Lemma exg : {g | cancel f g /\ cancel g f}.
by apply: cid; case: bij => g; exists g. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := Can2.Build aT rT setT setT f
fun x y => y) (
fun x y => y)
in1W (
projT2 exg).
1) (
in1W (
projT2 exg).
Fun in
Section surj_oinv.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : aT -> rT} (
fsurj : set_surj A B f).
Let surjective_oinv (
y : rT)
if pselect (
B y)
is left By then some (
projT1 (
cid2 (
fsurj By)))
else None.
Lemma surjective_oinvK : {in B, ocancel surjective_oinv f}.
by rewrite /surjective_oinv => x /set_mem ?; case: pselect => // ?; case: cid2.
Lemma surjective_oinvS : set_fun B (
some @` A)
move=> y By /=; rewrite /surjective_oinv; case: pselect => // By'.
by case: cid2 => //= x Ax fxy; exists x.
End surj_oinv.
Coercion surjective_ocanV {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : aT -> rT}
fS : set_surj A B f)
OCanV.Build aT rT A B f (
surjective_oinvS fS) (
surjective_oinvK fS).
Section Psurj.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : aT -> rT} (
fsurj : set_surj A B f).
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ : OCanV _ _ A B f := fsurj.
Definition surjection_of_surj := [surj of f].
Lemma Psurj : {s : {surj A >-> B} | f = s}
End Psurj.
Coercion surjection_of_surj : set_surj >-> Surject.type.
Lemma oinv_surj {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : aT -> rT}
fS : set_surj A B f)
y :
'oinv_fS y = if pselect (
B y)
is left By then some (
projT1 (
cid2 (
fS y By)))
else None.
by []. Qed.
Lemma surj {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {surj A >-> B}} : set_surj A B f.
by move=> b /'oinvP_f[x Ax _]; exists x. Qed.
Definition phant_surj aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : {surj A >-> B})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @surj _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "'surj_ f" := (
phant_surj (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
set_surj _ _ _)
=> solve [apply: surj] : core.
Section funin_surj.
Context {aT rT : Type}.
Definition funin (
A : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
:= f.
Context {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT).
Lemma set_fun_image : set_fun A (
f @` A)
exact/image_subP. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Build _ _ _ _ (
funin A f)
HB.instance Definition _ : OCanV _ _ A (
f @` A) (
funin A f)
fun _ => id)
: set_surj A (
f @` A)
End funin_surj.
Notation "[ 'fun' f 'in' A ]" := (
funin A f)
at level 0, f at next level,
format "[ 'fun' f 'in' A ]")
: function_scope.
#[global] Hint Resolve set_fun_image : core.
Partial injection
Section split.
Context {aT rT} (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT).
Definition split_ (
dflt : rT -> aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
:= f.
Context (
dflt : rT -> aT).
Local Notation split := (
split_ dflt).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {fun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
split f).
Section oinv.
Context (
f : {oinv aT >-> rT}).
Let g y := odflt (
dflt y) (
'oinv_f y).
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build _ _ (
split f)
Lemma splitV : (
split f)
^-1 = g
by []. Qed.
End oinv.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
split f).
Lemma splitis_inj_subproof (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
: Inv_Can _ _ A (
split f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := splitis_inj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= Inject.on (
split f).
Lemma splitid (
f : {splitinjfun A >-> B})
: (
split f)
^-1 = f^-1.
Lemma splitsurj_subproof (
f : {surj A >-> B})
: Inv_CanV _ _ A B (
split f).
by split=> [+|+ /set_mem] => b Bb; rewrite splitV; case: oinvP. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ f := splitsurj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
:= Surject.on (
split f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B})
:= Surject.on (
split f).
End split.
Notation "''split_' a" := (
split_ a)
: form_scope.
Notation split := 'split_point.
More Builders
HB.factory Record Inj {aT rT} (
A : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
{ inj : {in A &, injective f} }. Context {aT rT} A (
f : aT -> rT)
of Inj _ _ A f.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInversible.copy f [fun f in A].
Lemma funoK : {in A, pcancel f 'oinv_f}.
move=> x /set_mem Ax; rewrite oinv_surj.
case: pselect => //=; last by case; exists x.
by move=> ?; case: cid2 => //= y Ay /inj; rewrite !inE => ->.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_Can.Build _ _ _ f funoK.
HB.factory Record SurjFun_Inj {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
@SurjFun _ _ A B f := { inj : {in A &, injective f} }. Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
@SurjFun_Inj _ _ A B f.
Let g := f.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inj.Build _ _ A g inj.
Let fcan : OInv_Can aT rT A f.
split=> x /set_mem Ax; apply: 'inj_(
omap g)
; rewrite ?mem_fun ?inE//=.
by rewrite /g -oinvV/= funoK// ?mem_fun ?inE.
HB.instance Definition _ := fcan.
HB.factory Record SplitSurjFun_Inj {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
@SplitSurjFun _ _ A B f :=
{ inj : {in A &, injective f} }. Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : aT -> rT)
@SplitSurjFun_Inj _ _ A B f.
Local Lemma funK : {in A, cancel f f^-1%FUN}.
by move=> x Ax; apply: inj; rewrite ?invK ?mem_fun. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv_Can.Build aT rT _ f funK.
Section Inverses.
Context aT rT {A : set aT} {B : set rT}.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
SurjFun_Inj.Build _ _ _ _ [fun f in A] 'inj_f.
End Inverses.
## Simple Factories
Section Pinj.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {f : aT -> rT} (
finj : {in A &, injective f}).
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Inj.Build _ _ _ f finj.
Lemma Pinj : {i : {inj A >-> rT} | f = i}
End Pinj.
Section Pfun.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : aT -> rT}
ffun : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x}).
Let g : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := isFun.Build _ _ _ _ g ffun.
Lemma Pfun : {i : {fun A >-> B} | f = i}
End Pfun.
Section injPfun.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {inj A >-> rT}}
ffun : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x}).
Let g : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Inject.on g.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := isFun.Build _ _ A B g ffun.
Lemma injPfun : {i : {injfun A >-> B} | f = i :> (
_ -> _)
End injPfun.
Section funPinj.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {fun A >-> B}}
finj : {in A &, injective f}).
Let g : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Fun.on g.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Inj.Build _ _ _ g finj.
Lemma funPinj : {i : {injfun A >-> B} | f = i}.
End funPinj.
Section funPsurj.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {fun A >-> B}}
fsurj : set_surj A B f).
Let g : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Fun.on g.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ : OCanV _ _ A B g := fsurj.
Lemma funPsurj : {s : {surjfun A >-> B} | f = s}.
End funPsurj.
Section surjPfun.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {surj A >-> B}}
ffun : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x}).
Let g : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Surject.on g.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := isFun.Build _ _ A B g ffun.
Lemma surjPfun : {s : {surjfun A >-> B} | f = s :> (
_ -> _)
End surjPfun.
Section Psplitinj.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {f : aT -> rT} {g} (
funK : {in A, cancel f g}).
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Can.Build _ _ A f funK.
Lemma Psplitinj : {i : {splitinj A >-> rT} | f = i}.
End Psplitinj.
Section funPsplitinj.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {fun A >-> B}}.
Context {g} (
funK : {in A, cancel f g}).
Let f' : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Fun.on f'.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Can.Build _ _ A f' funK.
Lemma funPsplitinj : {i : {splitinjfun A >-> B} | f = i}.
End funPsplitinj.
Lemma PsplitinjT {aT rT} {f : aT -> rT} {g} : cancel f g ->
{i : {splitinj [set: aT] >-> rT} | f = i}.
by move/in1W/Psplitinj. Qed.
Section funPsplitsurj.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {fun A >-> B}}.
Context {g : {fun B >-> A}} (
funK : {in B, cancel g f}).
Let f' : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := Fun.on f'.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := CanV.Build _ _ A B f' funS funK.
Lemma funPsplitsurj : {s : {splitsurjfun A >-> B} | f = s :> (
_ -> _)
End funPsplitsurj.
Lemma PsplitsurjT {aT rT} {f : aT -> rT} {g} : cancel g f ->
{s : {splitsurjfun [set: aT] >-> [set: rT]} | f = s}.
## Instances
The identity is a split bijection
HB.instance Definition _ T A := @Can2.
Build T T A A idfun idfun
fun x y => y) (
fun x y => y) (
fun _ _ => erefl) (
fun _ _ => erefl).
Iteration preserves Fun, Injectivity, and Surjectivity
Section iter_inv.
Context {aT} {A : set aT}.
Local Lemma iter_fun_subproof n (
f : {fun A >-> A})
: isFun _ _ A A (
iter n f).
split => x; elim: n => // n /[apply] ?; apply/(
fun_image_sub f).
by exists (
iter n f x).
HB.instance Definition _ n f := iter_fun_subproof n f.
Section OInv.
Context {f : {oinv aT >-> aT}}.
HB.instance Definition _ n := OInv.Build _ _ (
iter n f)
iter n (
obind 'oinv_f)
\o some).
Lemma oinv_iter n : 'oinv_(
iter n f)
= iter n (
obind 'oinv_f)
\o some.
by []. Qed.
End OInv.
Section OInv.
Context {f : {inv aT >-> aT}}.
Lemma some_iter_inv n : olift (
iter n f^-1)
= 'oinv_(
iter n f).
HB.instance Definition _ n := OInv_Inv.Build _ _ (
iter n f) (
some_iter_inv n).
Lemma inv_iter n : (
iter n f)
^-1 = iter n f^-1
by []. Qed.
End OInv.
Lemma iter_can_subproof n (
f : {injfun A >-> A})
: OInv_Can aT aT A (
iter n f).
HB.instance Definition _ f g := iter_can_subproof f g.
HB.instance Definition _ n (
f : {injfun A >-> A})
:= Inject.on (
iter n f).
HB.instance Definition _ n (
f : {splitinjfun A >-> A})
:= Inject.on (
iter n f).
End iter_inv.
Section iter_surj.
Context {aT} {A : set aT}.
Lemma iter_surj_subproof n (
f : {surj A >-> A})
: OInv_CanV _ _ A A (
iter n f).
split; first exact: funS.
elim: n=> // n IH; rewrite oinv_iter iterfSr iterfS.
apply: (
@ocan_in_comp _ _ _ (
mem A))
=> //; last exact: oinvK.
elim: n {IH} => // n IH x Ax; move: (
IH _ Ax)
; rewrite pred_oapp_set ?inE.
case=> y Ay /= ynf; case: (
@oinvS _ _ _ _ f _ Ay)
=> z ? zfinv; exists z => //.
by rewrite zfinv /= -ynf.
HB.instance Definition _ n f := iter_surj_subproof n f.
HB.instance Definition _ n (
f : {splitsurj A >-> A})
:= Surject.on (
iter n f).
HB.instance Definition _ n (
f : {surjfun A >-> A})
:= Surject.on (
iter n f).
HB.instance Definition _ n (
f : {splitsurjfun A >-> A})
Surject.on (
iter n f).
HB.instance Definition _ n (
f : {bij A >-> A})
:= Surject.on (
iter n f).
HB.instance Definition _ n (
f : {splitbij A >-> A})
:= Surject.on (
iter n f).
End iter_surj.
Section Unbind.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
dflt : aT -> rT).
Definition unbind (
f : aT -> option rT)
x := odflt (
dflt x) (
f x).
Lemma unbind_fun_subproof (
f : {fun A >-> some @` B})
: isFun _ _ A B (
unbind f).
by rewrite /unbind; split=> x /'funS_f [y Bu <-]. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ f := unbind_fun_subproof f.
Section Oinv.
Context (
f : {oinv aT >-> option rT}).
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build _ _ (
unbind f) (
'oinv_f \o some).
Lemma oinv_unbind : 'oinv_(
unbind f)
= 'oinv_f \o some
by []. Qed.
End Oinv.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun A >-> some @` B})
:= Fun.on (
unbind f).
Section Inv.
Context (
f : {inv aT >-> option rT}).
Lemma inv_unbind_subproof : olift (
f^-1 \o some)
= 'oinv_(
unbind f).
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv_Inv.Build _ _ (
unbind f)
Lemma inv_unbind : (
unbind f)
^-1 = f^-1 \o some
by []. Qed.
End Inv.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {invfun A >-> some @` B})
:= Fun.on (
unbind f).
Lemma unbind_inj_subproof (
f : {injfun A >-> some @` B})
@OInv_Can _ _ A (
unbind f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := unbind_inj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinjfun A >-> some @` B})
Inject.on (
unbind f).
Lemma unbind_surj_subproof (
f : {surj A >-> some @` B})
@OInv_CanV _ _ A B (
unbind f).
split=> [b|b /set_mem] Bb; rewrite oinv_unbind /unbind/=.
by case: oinvP => [|a]; [exists b | exists a].
by case: oinvP => [|a Aa /= ->]; first by exists b.
HB.instance Definition _ f := unbind_surj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> some @` B})
Surject.on (
unbind f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj A >-> some @` B})
Surject.on (
unbind f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurjfun A >-> some @` B})
Surject.on (
unbind f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> some @` B})
:= Surject.on (
unbind f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitbij A >-> some @` B})
:= Bij.on (
unbind f).
End Unbind.
Section Odflt.
Context {T} {A : set T} (
x : T).
Lemma odflt_unbind : odflt x = unbind (
fun=> x)
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build _ _ (
odflt x)
HB.instance Definition _ := SplitBij.copy (
odflt x)
[the {bij some @` A >-> A} of unbind (
fun=> x)
End Odflt.
Section SubType.
Context {T : Type} {P : pred T} (
sT : subType P) (
x0 : sT).
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build sT T val insub.
Lemma oinv_val : 'oinv_val = insub
by []. Qed.
Lemma val_bij_subproof : OInv_Can2 sT T setT [set` P] val.
HB.instance Definition _ := val_bij_subproof.
HB.instance Definition _ := Bij.copy insub 'oinv_val.
HB.instance Definition _ := SplitBij.copy (
insubd x0)
odflt x0 \o 'split_(
fun=> val x0)
Lemma inv_insubd : (
insubd x0)
^-1 = val
by []. Qed.
End SubType.
To setT
Definition to_setT {T} (
x : T)
: [set: T] :=
@SigSub _ _ _ x (
mem_set I : x \in setT).
HB.instance Definition _ T := Can.Build T [set: T] setT to_setT
fun _ _ => erefl)
: {in setT, cancel to_setT val}).
HB.instance Definition _ T := isFun.Build T _ setT setT to_setT (
fun _ _ => I).
HB.instance Definition _ T :=
SplitInjFun_CanV.Build T _ _ _ to_setT (
fun x y => I)
Definition setTbij {T} := [splitbij of @to_setT T].
Lemma inv_to_setT T : (
@to_setT T)
^-1 = val
by []. Qed.
Section subfun.
Context {T} {A B : set T}.
Definition subfun (
AB : A `<=` B) (
a : A)
: B :=
SigSub (
mem_set (
AB _ (
set_valP a))).
Lemma subfun_inj {AB : A `<=` B} : injective (
subfun AB).
HB.instance Definition _ (
AB : A `<=` B)
SurjFun.copy (
subfun AB)
[fun subfun AB in setT].
HB.instance Definition _ (
AB : A `<=` B)
SurjFun_Inj.Build A B setT (
subfun AB @` setT) (
subfun AB) (
in2W subfun_inj).
End subfun.
Section subfun_eq.
Context {T} {A B : set T}.
Lemma subfun_imageT (
AB : A `<=` B) (
BA : B `<=` A)
: subfun AB @` setT = setT.
by apply/seteqP; split=> x //= _; exists (
subfun BA x)
=> //; exact/val_inj.
Lemma subfun_inv_subproof (
AB : A = B)
olift (
subfun (
subsetCW AB))
= 'oinv_(
subfun (
subsetW AB)).
set g := subfun _; set f := subfun _; apply/funext => x /=.
apply: 'inj_(
oapp f x)
=> //=.
- by rewrite inE/=; eexists.
- by rewrite inE/=; apply: 'oinvS_f; exists (
g x)
=> //; apply/val_inj.
rewrite oinvK ?inE//=; first exact/val_inj.
by exists (
g x)
=> //; apply/val_inj.
HB.instance Definition _ (
AB : A = B)
OInv_Inv.Build A B (
subfun (
subsetW AB)) (
subfun_inv_subproof AB).
End subfun_eq.
Section seteqfun.
Context {T : Type}.
Definition seteqfun {A B : set T} (
AB : A = B)
:= subfun (
subsetW AB).
Context {A B : set T} (
AB : A = B).
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build A B (
seteqfun AB) (
seteqfun (
esym AB)).
Lemma seteqfun_can2_subproof : Inv_Can2 A B setT setT (
seteqfun AB).
by split; rewrite /seteqfun//; move=> x _; apply/val_inj. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := seteqfun_can2_subproof.
End seteqfun.
Section incl.
Context {T} {A B : set T}.
Definition incl (
AB : A `<=` B)
:= @id T.
HB.instance Definition _ (
AB : A `<=` B)
:= Inv.Build _ _ (
incl AB)
HB.instance Definition _ (
AB : A `<=` B)
:= isFun.Build _ _ A B (
incl AB)
HB.instance Definition _ (
AB : A `<=` B)
Inv_Can.Build _ _ A (
incl AB) (
fun _ _ => erefl).
Definition eqincl (
AB : A = B)
:= incl (
subsetW AB).
HB.instance Definition _ AB := Inversible.on (
eqincl AB).
Lemma eqincl_surj AB : Inv_Can2 _ _ A B (
eqincl AB).
by split=> // x; rewrite /eqincl /incl/= /(_^-1)/inv/= AB. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ AB := eqincl_surj AB.
End incl.
Notation inclT A := (
incl (
@subsetT _ _)).
Ad hoc function
Section mkfun.
Context {aT} {rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}.
Notation isfun f := {homo f : x / A x >-> B x}.
Definition mkfun f (
fAB : isfun f)
:= f.
HB.instance Definition _ f fAB := @isFun.
Build _ _ A B (
@mkfun f fAB)
Definition mkfun_fun f fAB := [fun of @mkfun f fAB].
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
fAB := Inject.on (
@mkfun f fAB).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinj A >-> rT})
fAB :=
SplitInj.on (
@mkfun f fAB).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surj A >-> B})
fAB :=
Surject.on (
@mkfun f fAB).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj A >-> B})
fAB :=
SplitSurj.on (
@mkfun f fAB).
End mkfun.
Section set_val.
Context {T} {A : set T}.
Definition set_val : A -> T := eqincl (
set_mem_set A)
\o val.
HB.instance Definition _ := Bij.on set_val.
Lemma oinv_set_val : 'oinv_set_val = insub
by []. Qed.
Lemma set_valE : set_val = val
by []. Qed.
End set_val.
Hint Extern 0 (
is_true (
set_val _ \in _))
=> solve [apply: valP] : core.
HB.instance Definition _ T := CanV.Build T $|T| setT setT squash (
fun _ _ => I)
in1W unsquashK).
HB.instance Definition _ T := SplitInj.copy (
@unsquash T)
Definition ssquash {T} := [splitsurj of @squash T].
pickle and unpickle
HB.instance Definition _ (
T : countType)
Inj.Build _ _ setT (
pickle T) (
in2W (
pcan_inj choice.pickleK)).
HB.instance Definition _ (
T : countType)
isFun.Build _ _ setT setT (
pickle T) (
fun _ _ => I).
Lemma set0fun_inj {P T} : injective (
@set0fun P T).
by case=> x x0; have := set_mem x0. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ P T :=
Inj.Build (
@set0 T)
P setT set0fun (
in2W set0fun_inj).
HB.instance Definition _ P T :=
isFun.Build _ _ setT setT (
@set0fun P T) (
fun _ _ => I).
HB.instance Definition _ {m n} {eq_mn : m = n} :=
Can2.Build 'I_m 'I_n setT setT (
cast_ord eq_mn)
fun _ _ => I) (
fun _ _ => I)
in1W (
cast_ordK _)) (
in1W (
cast_ordKV _)).
enum_val & enum_rank
HB.instance Definition _ (
T : finType)
Can2.Build T _ setT setT enum_rank (
fun _ _ => I) (
fun _ _ => I)
in1W enum_rankK) (
in1W enum_valK).
HB.instance Definition _ (
T : finType)
Can2.Build _ T setT setT enum_val (
fun _ _ => I) (
fun _ _ => I)
in1W enum_valK) (
in1W enum_rankK).
Finset val
Definition finset_val {T : choiceType} {X : {fset T}} (
x : X)
: [set` X] :=
exist (
fun x => x \in [set` X]) (
val x) (
mem_set (
valP x)).
Definition val_finset {T : choiceType} {X : {fset T}} (
x : [set` X])
: X :=
[` set_mem (
valP x)
Lemma finset_valK {T : choiceType} {X : {fset T}} :
cancel (
@finset_val T X)
by move=> x; apply/val_inj. Qed.
Lemma val_finsetK {T : choiceType} {X : {fset T}} :
cancel (
@val_finset T X)
by move=> x; apply/val_inj. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ {T : choiceType} {X : {fset T}} :=
Can2.Build X _ setT setT finset_val (
fun _ _ => I) (
fun _ _ => I)
in1W finset_valK) (
in1W val_finsetK).
HB.instance Definition _ {T : choiceType} {X : {fset T}} :=
Can2.Build _ X setT setT val_finset (
fun _ _ => I) (
fun _ _ => I)
in1W val_finsetK) (
in1W finset_valK).
'I_n and `I_n
HB.instance Definition _ n := Can2.Build _ _ setT setT (
@ordII n)
fun _ _ => I) (
fun _ _ => I) (
in1W ordIIK) (
in1W IIordK).
HB.instance Definition _ n := SplitBij.copy (
@IIord n) (
## Glueing
Definition glue {T T'} {X Y : set T} {A B : set T'}
of [disjoint X & Y] & [disjoint A & B] :=
fun (
f g : T -> T') (
u : T)
=> if u \in X then f u else g u.
Section Glue12.
Context {T T'} {X Y : set T} {A B : set T'}.
Context {XY : [disjoint X & Y]} {AB : [disjoint A & B]}.
Local Notation gl := (
glue XY AB).
Definition glue1 (
f g : T -> T')
: {in X, gl f g =1 f}.
by move=> x; rewrite /glue => ->. Qed.
Definition glue2 (
f g : T -> T')
: {in Y, gl f g =1 g}.
move=> x /set_mem Yx; rewrite /glue; case: ifPn => // /set_mem Xx.
by move: XY => /disj_setPS/(
_ x (
conj Xx Yx)).
End Glue12.
Section Glue.
Context {T T'} {X Y : set T} {A B : set T'}.
Context {XY : [disjoint X & Y]} {AB : [disjoint A & B]}.
Local Notation gl := (
glue XY AB).
Lemma glue_fun_subproof (
f : {fun X >-> A}) (
g : {fun Y >-> B})
isFun T T' (
X `|` Y) (
A `|` B) (
gl f g).
HB.instance Definition _ f g := glue_fun_subproof f g.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f g : {oinv T >-> T'})
OInv.Build _ _ (
gl f g) (
glue AB (
eqbRL disj_set_some XY)
'oinv_f 'oinv_g).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun X >-> A}) (
g : {oinvfun Y >-> B})
OInversible.on (
gl f g).
Lemma oinv_glue (
f : {oinv T >-> T'}) (
g : {oinv T >-> T'})
gl f g)
= glue AB (
eqbRL disj_set_some XY)
'oinv_f 'oinv_g.
by []. Qed.
Lemma some_inv_glue_subproof (
f g : {inv T >-> T'})
some \o (
glue AB XY f^-1 g^-1)
= 'oinv_(
gl f g).
by apply/funext => y; rewrite oinv_glue /glue /= [LHS]fun_if !some_inv.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f g : {inv T >-> T'})
OInv_Inv.Build T T' (
gl f g) (
some_inv_glue_subproof f g).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {invfun X >-> A}) (
g : {invfun Y >-> B})
Inversible.on (
gl f g).
Lemma inv_glue (
f : {invfun X >-> A}) (
g : {invfun Y >-> B})
gl f g)
^-1 = glue AB XY f^-1 g^-1.
by []. Qed.
Lemma glueo_can_subproof (
f : {injfun X >-> A}) (
g : {injfun Y >-> B})
OInv_Can _ _ (
X `|` Y) (
gl f g).
split=> x; rewrite inE => -[] xP; rewrite oinv_glue.
by rewrite [glue _ _ _ _ x]glue1 ?inE// glue1 ?funoK ?inE//; apply: funS.
by rewrite [glue _ _ _ _ x]glue2 ?inE// glue2 ?funoK ?inE//; apply: funS.
HB.instance Definition _ f g := glueo_can_subproof f g.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinjfun X >-> A})
g : {splitinjfun Y >-> B})
:= Inject.on (
gl f g).
Lemma glue_canv_subproof (
f : {surj X >-> A}) (
g : {surj Y >-> B})
OInv_CanV _ _ (
X `|` Y) (
A `|` B) (
gl f g).
HB.instance Definition _ f g := glue_canv_subproof f g.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun X >-> A}) (
g : {surjfun Y >-> B})
Surject.on (
gl f g).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj X >-> A}) (
g : {splitsurj Y >-> B})
Surject.on (
gl f g).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurjfun X >-> A}) (
g : {splitsurjfun Y >-> B})
Surject.on (
gl f g).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij X >-> A}) (
g : {bij Y >-> B})
Surject.on (
gl f g).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitbij X >-> A}) (
g : {splitbij Y >-> B})
Surject.on (
gl f g).
End Glue.
Z-module addition is a bijection
Section addition.
Context {V : zmodType} (
x : V).
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build V V (
+%R x) (
+%R (
- x)).
Lemma inv_addr : (
+%R x)
^-1 = (
+%R (
- x))
by []. Qed.
Lemma addr_can2_subproof : Inv_Can2 V V setT setT (
+%R x).
by split => // y _; rewrite inv_addr ?GRing.
addKr ?GRing.
addNKr. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := addr_can2_subproof.
End addition.
Z-module opposite is a bijection
Section addition.
Context {V : zmodType} (
x : V).
HB.instance Definition _ := Inv.Build V V (
-%R) (
Lemma inv_oppr : (
^-1 = (
by []. Qed.
Lemma oppr_can2_subproof : Inv_Can2 V V setT setT (
by split => // y _; rewrite inv_oppr ?GRing.
opprK. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := oppr_can2_subproof.
End addition.
Section empty.
Context {T : emptyType} {T' : Type} {X : set T}.
Implicit Type Y : set T'.
HB.instance Definition _ := OInv.Build _ _ (
@any T T') (
fun=> None).
Lemma empty_can_subproof : OInv_Can T T' X any.
HB.instance Definition _ := empty_can_subproof.
Lemma empty_fun_subproof Y : isFun T T' X Y any.
HB.instance Definition _ Y := empty_fun_subproof Y.
Lemma empty_canv_subproof : OInv_CanV T T' X set0 any
by split. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := empty_canv_subproof.
End empty.
## Theory of surjection
Section surj_lemmas.
Variables aT rT : Type.
Implicit Types (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : aT -> rT).
Lemma surj_id A : set_surj A A (
@idfun aT)
Lemma surj_set0 B f : set_surj set0 B f -> B = set0.
by move=> Bf; rewrite predeqE => u; split => // /Bf [t []]. Qed.
Lemma surjE f A B : set_surj A B f = (
B `<=` f @` A)
by []. Qed.
Lemma surj_image_eq B A f : f @` A `<=` B -> set_surj A B f -> f @` A = B.
by move=> fAB; rewrite eqEsubset => BfA. Qed.
Lemma subl_surj A A' B f : A `<=` A' -> set_surj A B f -> set_surj A' B f.
by move=> /(
@image_subset _ _ f)
subset_trans _)
; apply. Qed.
Lemma subr_surj A B B' f : B' `<=` B -> set_surj A B f -> set_surj A B' f.
Lemma can_surj g f (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT)
{in B, cancel g f} -> g @` B `<=` A ->
set_surj A B f.
move=> gK gBA y By; suff : A (
g y)
by exists (
g y)
; rewrite ?gK ?inE.
by have := image_subP.
1 gBA y; apply.
Lemma surj_epi sT A B (
f : aT -> rT) (
g g' : rT -> sT)
set_surj A B f -> {in A, g \o f =1 g' \o f} -> {in B, g =1 g'}.
move=> fS eqfg y /set_mem By; suff: B `<=` [set y | g y = g' y] by exact.
by apply: subset_trans fS _ => _ [a /mem_set Aa <-] /=; rewrite [LHS]eqfg.
Lemma epiP A B (
f : aT -> rT)
: set_surj A B f <->
forall sT (
g g' : rT -> sT)
, {in A, g \o f =1 g' \o f} -> {in B, g =1 g'}.
split=> [*| f_epi y By]; first exact: (
@surj_epi _ A B f).
have -> // := f_epi _ [set f x | x in A] setT; last exact: mem_set.
by move=> x /set_mem xA; apply/propT; exists x.
End surj_lemmas.
Arguments can_surj {aT rT} g [f A B].
Arguments surj_epi {aT rT sT} A {B} f {g}.
Lemma surj_comp T1 T2 T3 (
A : set T1) (
B : set T2) (
C : set T3)
f g:
set_surj A B f -> set_surj B C g -> set_surj A C (
g \o f).
by move=> fS gS; apply: 'surj_(
gS \o fS). Qed.
Lemma image_eq {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
: f @` A = B.
Lemma oinv_image_sub {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}
f : {surj A >-> B})
{C : set rT} :
C `<=` B -> 'oinv_f @` C `<=` some @` (
f @^-1` C).
move=> CB x [/= y Cy <-]; case: 'oinvP_f => [|a Aa fay]; first exact: CB.
by exists a => //; rewrite fay.
Arguments oinv_image_sub {aT rT A B} f {C} _.
Lemma oinv_Iimage_sub {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} (
f : {inj A >-> rT})
{C : set rT} :
C `<=` f @` A -> some @` (
A `&` f @^-1` C)
`<=` 'oinv_f @` C.
by move=> ? _ [a [? ?] <-]; exists (
f a)
=> //; rewrite funoK ?inE. Qed.
Arguments oinv_Iimage_sub {aT rT A} f {C} _.
Lemma oinv_sub_image {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {bij A >-> B}}
{C : set rT} (
CB : C `<=` B)
: 'oinv_f @` C = some @` (
A `&` f @^-1` C).
Arguments oinv_sub_image {aT rT A B} f {C} _.
Lemma preimageEoinv {aT rT} {B : set rT} {f : {bij [set: aT] >-> B}}
{C : set rT} (
CB : C `<=` B)
: some @` (
f @^-1` C)
= 'oinv_f @` C.
Arguments preimageEoinv {aT rT B} f {C} _.
Lemma inv_image_sub {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} {B : set rT}
f : {splitsurj A >-> B})
{C : set rT} :
C `<=` B -> f^-1 @` C `<=` f @^-1` C.
Arguments inv_image_sub {aT rT A B} f {C} _.
Lemma inv_Iimage_sub {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} (
f : {splitinj A >-> rT})
{C : set rT} :
C `<=` f @` A -> A `&` f @^-1` C `<=` f^-1 @` C.
by move=> CB x [Ax Cfx]; exists (
f x)
=> //; rewrite funK// mem_set. Qed.
Arguments inv_Iimage_sub {aT rT A} f {C} _.
Lemma inv_sub_image {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {splitbij A >-> B}}
{C : set rT} (
CB : C `<=` B)
f^-1 @` C = A `&` f @^-1` C.
Arguments inv_sub_image {aT rT A B} f {C} _.
Lemma preimageEinv {aT rT} {B : set rT} {f : {splitbij [set: aT] >-> B}}
{C : set rT} (
CB : C `<=` B)
: f @^-1` C = f^-1 @` C.
Arguments preimageEinv {aT rT B} f {C} _.
Lemma reindex_bigcup {aT rT I} (
f : aT -> I) (
P : set aT) (
Q : set I)
F : I -> set rT)
: set_fun P Q f -> set_surj P Q f ->
x in Q)
F x = \bigcup_(
x in P)
F (
f x).
Arguments reindex_bigcup {aT rT I} f P Q.
Lemma reindex_bigcap {aT rT I} (
f : aT -> I) (
P : set aT) (
Q : set I)
F : I -> set rT)
: set_fun P Q f -> set_surj P Q f ->
x in Q)
F x = \bigcap_(
x in P)
F (
f x).
Arguments reindex_bigcap {aT rT I} f P Q.
Lemma bigcap_bigcup T I J (
D : set I) (
E : set J) (
F : I -> J -> set T)
J ->
i in D)
j in E)
F i j =
f in set_fun D E)
i in D)
F i (
f i).
move=> j; apply/seteqP; split=> x.
move=> /(
_ _ _)
/cid2 ff.
have /(
all_sig2_cond j) (
i : I)
: i \in D -> {x0 : J | E x0 & F i x0 x}.
by move=> /set_mem; apply: ff.
by move=> [f /(
_ _ (
mem_set _))
Ef /(
_ _ (
mem_set _))
Ff]; exists f.
by move=> [f fDE fF i Fi]; exists (
f i)
; [apply: fDE|apply: fF].
Lemma trivIset_inj T I (
D : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
forall i, D i -> F i !=set0)
-> trivIset D F -> set_inj D F.
move=> FN0 Ftriv i j; rewrite !inE => Di Dj Fij.
by apply: Ftriv Di (
_; rewrite Fij setIid; apply: FN0.
Section set_bij_lemmas.
Context {aT rT : Type} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : aT -> rT}.
Definition fun_set_bij of set_bij A B f := f.
Context (
fbij : set_bij A B f).
Local Notation g := (
fun_set_bij fbij).
Lemma set_bij_inj : {in A &, injective f}
Lemma set_bij_homo : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x}
Lemma set_bij_sub : f @` A `<=` B
exact/image_subP/set_bij_homo. Qed.
Lemma set_bij_surj : set_surj A B f
HB.instance Definition _ : OCanV _ _ _ _ g := set_bij_surj.
HB.instance Definition _ := isFun.Build _ _ A B g set_bij_homo.
HB.instance Definition _ := SurjFun_Inj.Build _ _ A B g set_bij_inj.
End set_bij_lemmas.
Coercion fun_set_bij : set_bij >-> Funclass.
Coercion set_bij_bijfun aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : aT -> rT)
fS : set_bij A B f)
:= Bij.on (
fun_set_bij fS).
Section Pbij.
Context {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : aT -> rT} (
fbij : set_bij A B f).
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ : @Bij _ _ A B f := fbij.
Definition bij_of_set_bijection := [bij of f].
Lemma Pbij : {s : {bij A >-> B} | f = s}
End Pbij.
Coercion bij_of_set_bijection : set_bij >-> Bij.type.
Lemma bij {aT rT} {A : set aT} {B : set rT} {f : {bij A >-> B}} : set_bij A B f.
split=> //. Qed.
Definition phant_bij aT rT (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : {bij A >-> B})
phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @bij _ _ _ _ f.
Notation "''bij_' f" := (
phant_bij (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
set_bij _ _ _)
=> solve [apply: bij] : core.
Section PbijTT.
Context {aT rT} {f : aT -> rT} (
fbijTT : bijective f).
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := @BijTT.
Build _ _ f fbijTT.
Definition bijection_of_bijective := [splitbij of f].
Lemma PbijTT : {s : {splitbij [set: aT] >-> [set: rT]} | f = s}.
End PbijTT.
Lemma setTT_bijective aT rT (
f : aT -> rT)
set_bij [set: aT] [set: rT] f = bijective f.
apply/propext; split=> [[]|/PbijTT[{}f ->]].
move=> _ fI /(
_ _ I)
_ _)
/cid2-/all_sig2[g _ gK].
by exists g => // x; apply: fI; rewrite ?inE.
by split=> // [x y _ _ /'inj_f//|y _]; exists (
f^-1 y)
=> //; rewrite funK.
Lemma bijTT {aT rT} {f : {bij [set: aT] >-> [set: rT]}} : bijective f.
by rewrite -setTT_bijective. Qed.
Definition phant_bijTT aT rT (
f : {bij [set: aT] >-> [set: rT]})
of phantom (
_ -> _)
f := @bijTT _ _ f.
Notation "''bijTT_' f" := (
phant_bijTT (
Phantom (
_ -> _)
: form_scope.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
bijective _)
=> solve [apply: bijTT] : core.
## Patching and restrictions
Section patch.
Context {aT rT : Type} (
d : aT -> rT) (
A : set aT).
Definition patch (
f : aT -> rT)
u := if u \in A then f u else d u.
Lemma patchT f : {in A, patch f =1 f}
by rewrite /patch => x ->. Qed.
Lemma patchN f : {in [predC A], patch f =1 d}.
by rewrite /patch => x /negPf/= ->. Qed.
Lemma patchC f : {in ~` A, patch f =1 d}.
HB.instance Definition _ f :=
SurjFun.copy (
patch f)
[fun patch f in A].
Section inj.
Context (
f : {inj A >-> rT}).
Let g := patch f.
Lemma patch_inj_subproof : Inj aT rT A g.
by split=> x y xA yA; rewrite /g !patchT//; apply: inj. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := patch_inj_subproof.
HB.instance Definition _ := Inject.copy (
patch f)
[fun g in A].
End inj.
End patch.
Notation restrict := (
patch (
fun=> point)).
Notation "f \_ D" := (
restrict D f)
: fun_scope.
Lemma patchE aT (
rT : pointedType) (
f : aT -> rT) (
B : set aT)
x :
f \_ B)
x = if x \in B then f x else point.
by []. Qed.
Lemma patch_pred {I T} (
D : {pred I}) (
d f : I -> T)
patch d D f = fun i => if D i then f i else d i.
by apply/funext => i; rewrite /patch mem_setE. Qed.
Lemma preimage_restrict (
aT : Type) (
rT : pointedType)
f : aT -> rT) (
D : set aT) (
B : set rT)
f \_ D)
@^-1` B = (
if point \in B then ~` D else set0)
`|` D `&` f @^-1` B.
rewrite /preimage/= /patch; apply/predeqP => x /=; split.
case: ifPn; rewrite ?(
inE, notin_set)
; first by right.
by move=> NDx Bp; rewrite ifT ?inE//=; left.
move=> [|[Dx Bfx]]; last by rewrite ifT ?inE.
by case: ifP; rewrite // inE => Bp NDx; case: ifPn; rewrite // inE.
Lemma comp_patch {aT rT sT : Type} (
g : aT -> rT)
D (
f : aT -> rT) (
h : rT -> sT)
h \o patch g D f = patch (
h \o g)
D (
h \o f).
by apply/funext => x; rewrite /patch/=; case: ifP. Qed.
Lemma patch_setI {aT rT : Type} (
g : aT -> rT)
D D' (
f : aT -> rT)
patch g (
D `&` D')
f = patch g D (
patch g D' f).
apply/funext => x; rewrite /patch/= in_setI.
by case: (
x \in D) (
x \in D')
=> [] [].
Lemma patch_set0 {aT rT : Type} (
g : aT -> rT) (
f : aT -> rT)
patch g set0 f = g.
by apply/funext => x; rewrite /patch in_set0. Qed.
Lemma patch_setT {aT rT : Type} (
g : aT -> rT) (
f : aT -> rT)
patch g setT f = f.
by apply/funext => x; rewrite /patch in_setT. Qed.
Lemma restrict_comp {aT} {rT sT : pointedType} (
h : rT -> sT) (
f : aT -> rT)
D :
h point = point -> (
h \o f)
\_ D = h \o (
f \_ D).
by move=> hp; apply/funext => x; rewrite /patch/=; case: ifP. Qed.
Arguments restrict_comp {aT rT sT} h f D.
Lemma trivIset_restr (
T I : Type) (
D D' : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
trivIset D' (
F \_ D)
= trivIset (
D `&` D')
apply/propext; split=> FDtriv i j.
move=> [Di D'i] [Dj D'j] [x [Fix Fjx]]; apply: FDtriv => //.
by exists x; split => /=; rewrite ?patchT ?in_setE.
move=> D'i D'j [x []]; rewrite /patch.
do 2![case: ifPn => //]; rewrite !in_setE => Di Dj Fix Fjx.
by apply: FDtriv => //; exists x.
## Restriction of domain and codomain
Section RestrictionLeft.
Context {U V : Type} (
v : V)
{A : set U} {B : set V}.
Local Notation restrict := (
patch (
fun=> v)
Definition sigL (
f : U -> V)
: A -> V := f \o set_val.
Lemma sigL_isfun (
f : {fun A >-> B})
: isFun _ _ [set: A] B (
sigL f).
by split=> x _; apply: funS. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {fun A >-> B})
:= sigL_isfun f.
Definition sigLfun (
f : {fun A >-> B})
:= [fun of sigL f].
Definition valL_ (
f : A -> V)
: U -> V := ((
@oapp _ _)
^~ v)
f \o 'oinv_set_val.
Lemma valL_isfun (
f : {fun [set: A] >-> B})
isFun _ _ A B (
valL_ (
f : _ -> _)).
by split=> x Ax; apply: funS. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {fun [set: A] >-> B})
:= valL_isfun f.
Definition valLfun_ (
f : {fun [set: A] >-> B})
:= [fun of valL_ f].
Lemma sigLE (
f : U -> V)
x (
xA : x \in A)
sigL f (
SigSub xA)
= f x.
done. Qed.
Lemma eq_sigLP (
f g : U -> V)
{in A, f =1 g} <-> sigL f = sigL g.
split=> [eq_f_g | Rfg u uA]; first by apply/funext => -[x]; apply: eq_f_g.
by have := congr1 (
@^~ (
exist _ u uA))
Lemma eq_sigLfunP (
f g : {fun A >-> B})
{in A, f =1 g} <-> sigLfun f = sigLfun g.
Lemma sigLK : valL_ \o sigL = restrict.
Lemma valLK : cancel valL_ sigL.
Lemma valLfunK : cancel valLfun_ sigLfun.
by move=> f; apply/funP/funeqP; exact: valLK. Qed.
Lemma sigL_valL : sigL \o valL_ = id.
exact/funext/valLK. Qed.
Lemma sigL_valLfun : sigLfun \o valLfun_ = id.
exact/funext/valLfunK. Qed.
Lemma sigL_restrict : sigL \o restrict = sigL.
rewrite funeq2E => f -[u Au] /=.
by rewrite /sigL /restrict /valL_ /patch /= Au.
Lemma image_sigL : range sigL = setT.
Lemma eq_restrictP (
f g : U -> V)
: {in A, f =1 g} <-> restrict f = restrict g.
End RestrictionLeft.
Arguments sigL {U V} A f u /.
Arguments sigLE {U V} A f x.
Arguments valL_ {U V} v {A} f u /.
Notation "''valL_' v" := (
valL_ v)
: form_scope.
Notation "''valLfun_' v" := (
valLfun_ v)
: form_scope.
Notation valL := (
valL_ point).
Section RestrictionRight.
Context {U V : Type} {A : set V}.
Definition sigR (
f : {fun [set: U] >-> A}) (
u : U)
: A :=
SigSub (
mem_set (
'funS_f I)
: f u \in A).
HB.instance Definition _ f := Fun.copy (
sigR f) (
totalfun _).
Definition valR (
f : U -> A)
:= set_val \o totalfun f.
HB.instance Definition _ f := Fun.on (
valR f).
Definition valR_fun (
f : U -> A)
: {fun [set: U] >-> A} := [fun of valR f].
Lemma sigRK (
f : {fun [set: U] >-> A})
: valR (
sigR f)
= f.
by []. Qed.
Lemma sigR_funK (
f : {fun [set: U] >-> A})
: valR_fun (
sigR f)
= f.
by apply/funP/funeqP; apply: sigRK. Qed.
Lemma valRP (
f : U -> A)
x : A (
valR f x)
Lemma valRK : cancel valR_fun sigR.
by move=> f; apply/funext => x; apply/val_inj. Qed.
End RestrictionRight.
Arguments sigR {U V A} f u /.
Section RestrictionLeftInv.
Context {U V : Type} (
v : V)
{A : set U} {B : set V}.
Local Notation rl := (
sigL A).
Local Notation rr := sigR.
Local Notation el := 'valL_v.
Local Notation er := valR.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinv U >-> V})
Build _ _ (
rl f) (
obind insub \o 'oinv_f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
rl f).
Lemma oinv_sigL (
f : {oinv U >-> V})
: 'oinv_(
rl f)
= obind insub \o 'oinv_f.
by []. Qed.
Lemma sigL_inj_subproof (
f : {inj A >-> V})
: @OInv_Can _ _ setT (
rl f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := sigL_inj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
rl f).
Lemma sigL_surj_subproof (
f : {surj A >-> B})
: @OInv_CanV _ _ setT B (
rl f).
split=> [b|b /set_mem] Bb; rewrite ?oinv_sigL/=.
have [x /mem_set Ax <-]/= := 'oinvS_f Bb; exists (
SigSub Ax)
=> //=.
case: insubP => [a Aa/= eqx|]; last by rewrite Ax.
by congr Some; apply/val_inj.
by rewrite /rl/= oapp_comp/= -oinv_val -inv_omap/= invK ?oinvK ?mem_fun ?inE.
HB.instance Definition _ f := sigL_surj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
rl f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
rl f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun [set: V] >-> A})
Build _ _ (
rr f) (
rl 'oinv_f).
Lemma oinv_sigR (
f : {oinvfun [set: V] >-> A})
rr f)
= (
rl 'oinv_f).
by []. Qed.
Lemma sigR_inj_subproof (
f : {injfun [set: V] >-> A})
@OInv_Can _ _ setT (
rr f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := sigR_inj_subproof f.
Lemma sigR_surj_subproof (
f : {surjfun [set: V] >-> A})
@OInv_CanV _ _ setT setT (
rr f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := sigR_surj_subproof f.
Lemma sigR_some_inv (
f : {invfun [set: V] >-> A})
olift (
rl f^-1)
= 'oinv_(
rr f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij [set: V] >-> A})
:= Fun.on (
rr f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {invfun [set: V] >-> A})
Build _ _ (
rr f) (
rl f^-1) (
sigR_some_inv f).
Lemma inv_sigR (
f : {invfun [set: V] >-> A})
: (
rr f)
^-1 = (
rl f^-1).
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinjfun [set: V] >-> A})
:= Inject.on (
rr f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurjfun [set: V] >-> A})
:= Surject.on (
rr f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitbij [set: V] >-> A})
:= Fun.on (
rr f).
Lemma sigL_some_inv (
f : {splitbij A >-> [set: V]})
olift (
rr [fun of f^-1])
= 'oinv_(
rl f).
apply/funext=> x /=; rewrite oinv_sigL /= /sigR/= /olift/=.
case: oinvP => //= u Au _; rewrite insubT ?inE// => memAu.
by congr (
Some _)
; apply/val_inj=> /=; rewrite funK.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitbij A >-> [set: V]})
OInv_Inv.Build _ _ (
rl f) (
sigL_some_inv f).
Lemma inv_sigL (
f : {splitbij A >-> [set: V]})
rl f)
^-1 = (
rr [fun of f^-1]).
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinv A >-> V})
Build _ _ (
el f) (
omap set_val \o 'oinv_f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun [set: A] >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
el f).
Lemma oinv_valL (
f : {oinv A >-> V})
el f)
= omap set_val \o 'oinv_f.
by []. Qed.
Lemma oapp_comp_x {aT rT sT} (
f : aT -> rT) (
g : rT -> sT) (
x : rT)
y :
oapp (
g \o f) (
g x)
y = g (
oapp f x y).
by case: y. Qed.
Lemma valL_inj_subproof (
f : {inj [set: A] >-> V})
: @OInv_Can _ _ A (
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := valL_inj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun [set: A] >-> B})
:= Inject.on (
el f).
Lemma valL_surj_subproof (
f : {surj [set: A] >-> B})
: @OInv_CanV _ _ A B (
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := valL_surj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun [set: A] >-> B})
:= Surject.on (
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij [set: A] >-> B})
:= Surject.on (
el f).
Lemma valL_some_inv (
f : {inv A >-> V})
: olift (
er f^-1)
= 'oinv_(
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inv A >-> V})
OInv_Inv.Build _ _ (
el f) (
valL_some_inv f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {invfun [set: A] >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
el f).
Lemma inv_valL (
f : {inv A >-> V})
: (
el f)
^-1 = er f^-1.
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinj [set: A] >-> V})
:= Inject.on (
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitinjfun [set: A] >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurj [set: A] >-> B})
:= Surject.on (
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitsurjfun [set: A] >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
el f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {splitbij [set: A] >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
el f).
Lemma sigL_injP (
f : U -> V)
injective (
rl f)
<-> {in A &, injective f}.
split=> [f_inj x y Ax Ay|/Pinj[{}f-> //]]; last first.
by move=> eqfxy; suff [->] : SigSub Ax = SigSub Ay by []; apply: f_inj.
Lemma sigL_surjP (
f : U -> V)
set_surj [set: A] B (
rl f)
<-> set_surj A B f.
split=> [fsurj b Bb/=|/Psurj[{}f->]//].
by have [a _ <-] := fsurj _ Bb; exists (
set_val a)
=> //; apply: set_valP.
Lemma sigL_funP (
f : U -> V)
set_fun [set: A] B (
rl f)
<-> set_fun A B f.
split=> [ffun u Au/=|/Pfun[{}f->]//].
exact: (
ffun (
SigSub (
mem_set Au))).
Lemma sigL_bijP (
f : U -> V)
set_bij [set: A] B (
rl f)
<-> set_bij A B f.
split=> [[F /in2TT I S]|/Pbij[{}f->]//].
by split; [exact/sigL_funP|exact/sigL_injP|exact/sigL_surjP].
Lemma valL_injP (
f : A -> V)
: {in A &, injective (
el f)
} <-> injective f.
by rewrite -sigL_injP valLK. Qed.
Lemma valL_surjP (
f : A -> V)
set_surj A B (
el f)
<-> set_surj setT B f.
by rewrite -sigL_surjP valLK. Qed.
Lemma valLfunP (
f : A -> V)
set_fun A B (
el f)
<-> set_fun setT B f.
by rewrite -sigL_funP valLK. Qed.
Lemma valL_bijP (
f : A -> V)
set_bij A B (
el f)
<-> set_bij setT B f.
by rewrite -sigL_bijP valLK. Qed.
End RestrictionLeftInv.
Section ExtentionLeftInv.
Context {U V : Type} {A : set U} {B : set V}.
Local Notation el := 'valL_None.
Local Notation er := valR.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinv V >-> A})
Build _ _ (
er f) (
el 'oinv_f).
Lemma oinv_valR (
f : {oinv V >-> A})
: 'oinv_(
er f)
= (
el 'oinv_f).
by []. Qed.
Lemma valR_inj_subproof (
f : {inj [set: V] >-> A})
@OInv_Can _ _ setT (
er f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := valR_inj_subproof f.
Lemma valR_surj_subproof (
f : {surj [set: V] >-> [set: A]})
@OInv_CanV _ _ setT A (
er f).
split=> [a|a /set_mem] Aa; rewrite ?oinv_valR/= oinv_set_val.
by rewrite insubT ?inE// => memaA /=; case: oinvP => //= x; exists x.
rewrite insubT ?inE// => memaA/=; case: oinvP => //= x _.
by rewrite /er/= /totalfun => ->.
HB.instance Definition _ f := valR_surj_subproof f.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij [set: V] >-> [set: A]})
:= Fun.on (
er f).
End ExtentionLeftInv.
Section Restrictions2.
Context {U V : Type} (
v : V)
{A : set U} {B : set V}.
Local Notation valL := 'valL_v.
Local Notation valLfun := 'valLfun_v.
Definition sigLR := sigR \o (
@sigLfun U V A B).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {fun A >-> B})
Fun.copy (
sigLR f) (
totalfun _).
Definition valLR : (
A -> B)
-> U -> V := valL \o valR_fun.
Definition valLRfun : (
A -> B)
-> {fun A >-> B} := valLfun \o valR_fun.
Lemma valLRE (
f : A -> B)
: valLR f = valL (
valR f)
by []. Qed.
Lemma valLRfunE (
f : A -> B)
: valLRfun f = [fun of valLR f]
by []. Qed.
Lemma sigL2K (
f : {fun A >-> B})
: {in A, valLR (
sigLR f)
=1 f}.
Lemma valLRK : cancel valLRfun sigLR.
Lemma valLRfun_inj : injective valLRfun.
by move=> f g eqefg; rewrite -[LHS]valLRK eqefg valLRK. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinvfun A >-> B})
:= OInversible.on (
sigLR f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {injfun A >-> B})
:= Inject.on (
sigLR f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surjfun A >-> B})
:= Surject.on (
sigLR f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij A >-> B})
:= Fun.on (
sigLR f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {oinv A >-> B})
:= OInvFun.on (
valLR f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {inj [set: A] >-> B})
:= Inject.on (
valLR f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {surj [set: A] >-> [set: B]})
:= Surject.on (
valLR f).
HB.instance Definition _ (
f : {bij [set: A] >-> [set: B]})
:= Fun.on (
valLR f).
Lemma sigLR_injP (
f : {fun A >-> B})
injective (
sigLR f)
<-> {in A &, injective f}.
split=> [f_inj x y Ax Ay|/funPinj[{}f-> //]]; last first.
move=> eqfxy; suff [->] : SigSub Ax = SigSub Ay by [].
by apply: f_inj; apply/val_inj.
Lemma valLR_injP (
f : A -> B)
{in A &, injective (
valLR f)
} <-> injective f.
by rewrite -sigLR_injP valLRK. Qed.
Lemma sigLR_surjP (
f : {fun A >-> B})
set_surj setT setT (
sigLR f)
<-> set_surj A B f.
Lemma valLR_surjP (
f : A -> B)
set_surj A B (
valLR f)
<-> set_surj setT setT f.
by rewrite -sigLR_surjP valLRK. Qed.
Lemma sigLR_bijP (
f : U -> V)
set_bij A B f <->
exists (
fAB : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x})
bijective (
sigLR [fun of mkfun fAB]).
split=> [[F I S]|[fAB]].
exists F; rewrite -setTT_bijective.
by split; [|apply: in2W; apply/sigLR_injP|apply/sigLR_surjP].
rewrite -setTT_bijective /set_bij.
set g := [fun of mkfun fAB] => -[_ /in2TT I S]; pose h : _ -> _ := g.
rewrite -[f]/h {}/h; move: g => g in I S *.
by split; [apply/image_subP|apply/sigLR_injP|apply/sigLR_surjP].
Lemma sigLRfun_bijP f : bijective (
sigLR f)
<-> set_bij A B f.
Lemma valLR_bijP f : set_bij A B (
valLR f)
<-> bijective f.
by rewrite -sigLRfun_bijP valLRK. Qed.
End Restrictions2.
Section set_bij_basic_lemmas.
Context {aT rT : Type}.
Implicit Types (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : aT -> rT).
Lemma eq_set_bijRL A B f g : {in A, f =1 g} -> set_bij A B f -> set_bij A B g.
by move=> /eq_sigLP + /sigL_bijP => -> /sigL_bijP. Qed.
Lemma eq_set_bijLR A B f g : {in A, f =1 g} -> set_bij A B g -> set_bij A B f.
by move=> /eq_sigLP + /sigL_bijP => <- /sigL_bijP. Qed.
Lemma eq_set_bij A B f g : {in A, f =1 g} -> set_bij A B f = set_bij A B g.
Lemma bij_omap A B f :
set_bij (
some @` A) (
some @` B) (
omap f)
<-> set_bij A B f.
split=> [/Pbij[b mapfb]|/Pbij[{}f->//]].
suff -> : f = unbind f (
b \o some)
:> (
_ -> _)
by [].
by apply/funext=> x; rewrite -mapfb.
Lemma bij_olift A B f : set_bij A (
some @` B) (
olift f)
<-> set_bij A B f.
split=> [/Pbij[b liftfb]|/Pbij[{}f->//]].
suff -> : f = unbind f b :> (
_ -> _)
by [].
by apply/funext=> x; rewrite -liftfb.
End set_bij_basic_lemmas.
Lemma bij_sub_sym {aT rT} {A C : set aT} {B D : set rT}
f : {bij A >-> B})
: C `<=` A -> D `<=` B ->
set_bij D (
some @` C)
'oinv_f <-> set_bij C D f.
Lemma splitbij_sub_sym {aT rT} {A C : set aT} {B D : set rT}
f : {splitbij A >-> B})
: C `<=` A -> D `<=` B ->
set_bij D C f^-1 <-> set_bij C D f.
by move=> CA DB; rewrite -bij_sub_sym// -oliftV bij_olift. Qed.
Section set_bij_lemmas.
Context {aT rT : Type}.
Implicit Types (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : aT -> rT).
Lemma set_bij00 T U (
f : T -> U)
: set_bij set0 set0 f.
by split=> [_ []//|x y|//]; rewrite inE. Qed.
Hint Resolve set_bij00 : core.
Lemma inj_bij A f : {in A &, injective f} -> set_bij A (
f @` A)
by move=> /Pinj[{}f->]; apply: 'bij_[fun f in A]. Qed.
Lemma bij_subl A B C D (
f : {bij A >-> B})
: C `<=` A -> f @` C = D ->
set_bij C D f.
by move=> /homo_setP CA <-; split=> // x y /CA + /CA +; apply: inj. Qed.
End set_bij_lemmas.
Section set_bij_lemmas.
Context {aT rT : Type}.
Implicit Types (
A : set aT) (
B : set rT) (
f : aT -> rT).
Lemma bij_subr A B C D (
f : {bij A >-> B})
: C = A `&` (
f @^-1` D)
-> D `<=` B ->
set_bij C D f.
Lemma bij_sub A B C D (
f : {bij A >-> B})
: C `<=` A -> D `<=` B ->
{homo f : x / C x >-> D x} ->
{homo 'oinv_f : x / D x >-> (
some @` C)
x} ->
set_bij C D f.
move=> CA DB fCD fDC; apply: bij_subl => //; apply/seteqP; split.
by apply/image_subP.
move=> y /[dup]/[dup] Dy /DB By /fDC [x Cx]/= xfy; exists x => //; move: xfy.
by case: oinvP => // a Aa _ [->].
Lemma splitbij_sub A B C D (
f : {splitbij A >-> B})
: C `<=` A -> D `<=` B ->
{homo f : x / C x >-> D x} ->
{homo f^-1 : x / D x >-> C x} ->
set_bij C D f.
move=> CA DB /(
bij_sub CA DB)
/[swap] fDC; apply=> x Dx.
by rewrite -some_inv/=; exists (
f^-1 x)
=> //; apply: fDC.
Lemma can2_bij A B (
f : {fun A >-> B}) (
g : {fun B >-> A})
{in A, cancel f g} -> {in B, cancel g f} -> set_bij A B f.
by move=> /can_in_inj finj /can_surj gK; split => //; apply: gK. Qed.
Lemma bij_sub_setUrl A B B' f : [disjoint B & B'] ->
set_bij A (
B `|` B')
f -> set_bij (
A `\` f @^-1` B')
B f.
move=> /disj_setPS BB' /Pbij[{}f->]; apply: bij_subr; last exact: subsetUl.
apply/seteqP; split=> x /= [Ax Bfx]; split=> //; first by have [] := 'funS_f Ax.
by move=> B'fx; apply: (
BB' (
f x)).
Lemma bij_sub_setUrr A B B' f : [disjoint B & B'] ->
set_bij A (
B `|` B')
f -> set_bij (
A `\` f @^-1` B)
B' f.
Lemma bij_sub_setUll A A' B f : [disjoint A & A'] ->
set_bij (
A `|` A')
B f -> set_bij A (
B `\` f @` A')
move=> /disj_setPS AA' /Pbij[{}f->].
apply: bij_sub => [|? []//||]; first exact: subsetUl.
move=> x Ax /=; split; first by apply: funS; left.
move=> [y] A'y /inj; rewrite !inE/= =>yx; apply: (
AA' x).
by split=> //; rewrite -yx //; [right|left].
move=> z [Bz /= /not_exists2P /contrapT] A'fxz.
case: oinvP=> // x AA'x fxz; exists x => //.
by have := A'fxz x; rewrite fxz => -[|//]; case: AA'x.
Lemma bij_sub_setUlr A A' B f : [disjoint A & A'] ->
set_bij (
A `|` A')
B f -> set_bij A' (
B `\` f @` A)
End set_bij_lemmas.
Lemma bij_II_D1 T n (
A : set T) (
f : nat -> T)
set_bij `I_n.
+1 A f -> set_bij `I_n (
A `\ f n)
rewrite IIS -image_set1; apply: bij_sub_setUll.
by apply/disj_setPS => i [/= /[swap]->]; rewrite ltnn.
Lemma set_bij_comp T1 T2 T3 (
A : set T1) (
B : set T2) (
C : set T3)
f g :
set_bij A B f -> set_bij B C g -> set_bij A C (
g \o f).
by move=> /Pbij[{}f->] /Pbij[{}g->]; apply: 'bij_(
g \o f). Qed.
Section pointed_inverse.
Context {T U} (
dflt : U -> T) (
A : set T).
Implicit Types (
f : T -> U) (
i : {inj A >-> U}).
Definition pinv_ f := (
'split_dflt [fun f in A])
Local Notation pinv := pinv_.
HB.instance Definition _ f := Inv.Build _ _ (
pinv f)
HB.instance Definition _ f := Fun.on (
pinv f).
HB.instance Definition _ f := SplitInjFun.on (
pinv f).
HB.instance Definition _ i := SplitBij.on (
pinv i).
Lemma pinvK f : {in f @` A, cancel (
pinv f)
Lemma pinvKV f : {in A &, injective f} -> {in A, cancel f (
pinv f)
by move=> /Pinj[{}f->]; apply: funK. Qed.
Lemma injpinv_surj f : {in A &, injective f} ->
set_surj (
f @` A)
A (
pinv f).
by move=> /Pinj[{}f->]; apply: surj. Qed.
Lemma injpinv_image f : {in A &, injective f} ->
pinv f @` (
f @` A)
= A.
by move=> /Pinj[{}f->]; rewrite image_eq. Qed.
Lemma injpinv_bij f : {in A &, injective f} ->
set_bij (
f @` A)
A (
pinv f).
by move=> /Pinj[{}f->]; apply: bij. Qed.
Lemma surjpK B f : set_surj A B f -> {in B, cancel (
pinv f)
by move=> /homo_setP BfA; move=> x /BfA xfA; rewrite pinvK. Qed.
Lemma surjpinv_image_sub B f : set_surj A B f -> pinv f @` B `<=` A.
Lemma surjpinv_inj B f : set_surj A B f -> {in B &, injective (
pinv f)
by move=> /homo_setP/sub_in2; apply. Qed.
Lemma surjpinv_bij B f (
g := pinv f)
: set_surj A B f ->
set_bij B (
g @` B)
Lemma bijpinv_bij B f : set_bij A B f -> set_bij B A (
pinv f).
Section pPbij.
Context {B: set U} {f : T -> U} (
fbij : set_bij A B f).
Lemma pPbij_ : {s : {splitbij A >-> B} | f = s}.
End pPbij.
Section pPinj.
Context {f : T -> U} (
finj : {in A &, injective f}).
Lemma pPinj_ : {i : {splitinj A >-> U} | f = i}.
End pPinj.
Section injpPfun.
Context {B : set U} {f : {inj A >-> U}} (
ffun : {homo f : x / A x >-> B x}).
Let g : _ -> _ := f.
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := SplitInj.copy g (
'split_dflt [fun g in A]).
#[local] HB.instance Definition _ := isFun.Build _ _ _ _ g ffun.
Lemma injpPfun_ : {i : {splitinjfun A >-> B} | f = i :> (
_ -> _)
End injpPfun.
Section funpPinj.
Context {B : set U} {f : {fun A >-> B}} (
finj : {in A &, injective f}).
Lemma funpPinj_ : {i : {splitinjfun A >-> B} | f = i :> (
_ -> _)
End funpPinj.
End pointed_inverse.
Notation "''pinv_' dflt" := (
pinv_ dflt)
: form_scope.
Notation pinv := 'pinv_point.
Notation "''pPbij_' dflt" := (
pPbij_ dflt)
: form_scope.
Notation pPbij := 'pPbij_point.
Notation selfPbij := 'pPbij_id.
Notation "''pPinj_' dflt" := (
pPinj_ dflt)
: form_scope.
Notation pPinj := 'pPinj_point.
Notation "''injpPfun_' dflt" := (
injpPfun_ dflt)
: form_scope.
Notation injpPfun := 'injpPfun_point.
Notation "''funpPinj_' dflt" := (
funpPinj_ dflt)
: form_scope.
Notation funpPinj := 'funpPinj_point.
Section function_space.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory.
Definition cst {T T' : Type} (
x : T')
: T -> T' := fun=> x.
Lemma preimage_cst {aT rT : Type} (
a : aT) (
A : set aT)
@cst rT _ a @^-1` A = if a \in A then setT else set0.
apply/seteqP; rewrite /preimage; split; first by move=> *; rewrite mem_set.
by case: ifPn => [/[!inE] ?//|_]; exact: sub0set.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Definition fct_zmodMixin (
T : Type) (
M : zmodType)
@ZmodMixin (
T -> M)
\0 (
fun f x => - f x) (
fun f g => f \+ g)
_ _ _ _.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Canonical fct_zmodType T (
M : zmodType)
:= ZmodType (
T -> M) (
fct_zmodMixin T M).
Program Definition fct_ringMixin (
T : pointedType) (
M : ringType)
@RingMixin [zmodType of T -> M] (
cst 1) (
fun f g => f \* g)
_ _ _ _ _ _.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Canonical fct_ringType (
T : pointedType) (
M : ringType)
RingType (
T -> M) (
fct_ringMixin T M).
Program Canonical fct_comRingType (
T : pointedType) (
M : comRingType)
ComRingType (
T -> M)
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f g; rewrite funeqE => x/=; rewrite mulrC. Qed.
Program Definition fct_lmodMixin (
U : Type) (
R : ringType) (
V : lmodType R)
:= @LmodMixin R [zmodType of U -> V] (
fun k f => k \*: f)
_ _ _ _.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
Canonical fct_lmodType U (
R : ringType) (
V : lmodType R)
LmodType _ (
U -> V) (
fct_lmodMixin U V).
Lemma fct_sumE (
I T : Type) (
M : zmodType)
r (
P : {pred I}) (
f : I -> T -> M)
x : T)
i <- r | P i)
f i)
x = \sum_(
i <- r | P i)
f i x.
by elim/big_rec2: _ => //= i y ? Pi <-. Qed.
End function_space.
Section function_space_lemmas.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory.
Lemma addrfctE (
T : Type) (
K : zmodType) (
f g : T -> K)
f + g = (
fun x => f x + g x).
by []. Qed.
Lemma sumrfctE (
T : Type) (
K : zmodType) (
s : seq (
T -> K))
f <- s)
f = (
fun x => \sum_(
f <- s)
f x).
by apply/funext => x;elim/big_ind2 : _ => // _ a _ b <- <-. Qed.
Lemma opprfctE (
T : Type) (
K : zmodType) (
f : T -> K)
: - f = (
fun x => - f x).
by []. Qed.
Lemma mulrfctE (
T : pointedType) (
K : ringType) (
f g : T -> K)
f * g = (
fun x => f x * g x).
by []. Qed.
Lemma scalrfctE (
T : pointedType) (
K : ringType) (
L : lmodType K)
k (
f : T -> L)
k *: f = (
fun x : T => k *: f x).
by []. Qed.
Lemma cstE (
T T': Type) (
x : T)
: cst x = fun _: T' => x.
by []. Qed.
Lemma exprfctE (
T : pointedType) (
K : ringType) (
f : T -> K)
n :
f ^+ n = (
fun x => f x ^+ n).
by elim: n => [|n h]; rewrite funeqE=> ?; rewrite ?expr0 ?exprS ?h. Qed.
Lemma compE (
T1 T2 T3 : Type) (
f : T1 -> T2) (
g : T2 -> T3)
g \o f = fun x => g (
f x).
by []. Qed.
Definition fctE :=
cstE, compE, opprfctE, addrfctE, mulrfctE, scalrfctE, exprfctE).
End function_space_lemmas.
Lemma inv_funK T (
R : unitRingType) (
f : T -> R)
: f\^-1\^-1%R = f.
by apply/funeqP => x; rewrite /inv_fun/= GRing.invrK. Qed.