Module mathcomp.classical.contra
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.From mathcomp Require Import boolp.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
# Contraposition
This file provides tactics to reason by contraposition and contradiction.
## Tactics
assume_not == add a goal negation assumption. The tactic also works for
goals in Type, simplifies the added assumption, and
exposes its top-level constructive content.
absurd_not == proof by contradiction. Same as assume_not, but the goal is
erased and replaced by False.
Caveat: absurd_not cannot be used as a move/ view because
its conclusion is indeterminate. The more general notP can
be used instead.
contra == proof by contraposition. Change a goal of the form
assumption -> conclusion to ~ conclusion -> ~ assumption.
As with assume_not, contra allows both assumption and
conclusion to be in Type, simplifies the negation of both
assumption and conclusion, and exposes the constructive
contents of the negated conclusion.
The contra tactic also supports a limited form of the ':'
discharge pseudo tactical, whereby contra: <d-items> means
move: <d-items>; contra.
The only <d-items> allowed are one term, possibly preceded
by a clear switch.
absurd == proof by contradiction. The defective form of the tactic
simply replaces the entire goal with False (just as the Ltac
exfalso), leaving the user to derive a contradiction from
the assumptions.
The ':' form absurd: <d-items> replaces the goal with the
negation of the (single) <d-item> (as with contra:, a clear
switch is also allowed.
Finally the Ltac absurd term form is also supported.
Hiding module for the internal definitions and lemmas used by the tactics
defined here.
Module Internals.
A wrapper for view lemmas with an indeterminate conclusion (of the form
forall ... T ..., pattern -> T), and for which the intended view pattern
may fail to match some assumptions. This wrapper ensures that such views
are only used in the forward direction (as in move/), and only with the
appropriate move_viewP hint, preventing its application to an arbitrary
assumption A by the instatiation to A -> T' of its indeterminate
conclusion T. This is similar to the implies wrapper, except move_viewP
is *NOT* declared as a coercion---it must be used explicitly to apply the
view manually to an assumption (as in, move_viewP my_view some_assumption).
Variant move_view S T := MoveView of S -> T.
Definition move_viewP {S T} mv : S -> T := let: MoveView v := mv in v.
Hint View for move/ move_viewP|2.
## Type-level equivalence
Variant equivT S T := EquivT of S -> T & T -> S.
Definition equivT_refl S : equivT S S := EquivT id id.
Definition equivT_transl {S T U} : equivT S T -> equivT S U -> equivT T U :=
fun (st : equivT S T) (su : equivT S U) =>
let: EquivT S_T T_S := st in
let: EquivT S_U U_S := su in
EquivT (S_U \o T_S) (S_T \o U_S).
Definition equivT_sym {S T} : equivT S T -> equivT T S :=
equivT_transl^~ (equivT_refl S).
Definition equivT_trans {S T U} : equivT S T -> equivT T U -> equivT S U :=
equivT_transl \o equivT_sym.
Definition equivT_transr {S T U} eqST : equivT U S -> equivT U T :=
equivT_trans^~ eqST.
Definition equivT_Prop (P Q : Prop) : (equivT P Q) <-> (equivT P Q).
split; destruct 1; split; assumption. Defined.
Definition equivT_LR {S T} (eq : equivT S T) : S -> T :=let: EquivT S_T _ := eq in S_T.
Definition equivT_RL {S T} (eq : equivT S T) : T -> S :=
let: EquivT _ T_S := eq in T_S.
Hint View for move/ equivT_LR|2 equivT_RL|2.
Hint View for apply/ equivT_RL|2 equivT_LR|2.
A generic Forall "constructor" for the Gallina forall quantifier, i.e.,
\Forall x, P := Forall (fun x => P) := forall x, P.
The main use of Forall is to apply congruence to a forall equality:
congr1 Forall : forall P Q, P = Q -> Forall P = Forall Q.
in particular in a classical setting with function extensionality, where
we can have (forall x, P x = Q x) -> (forall x, P x) = (forall x, Q x).
We use a forallSort structure to factor the ad hoc PTS product formation
rules; forallSort is keyed on the type of the entire forall expression, or
(up to subsumption) the type of the forall body---this is always a sort.
This implementation has two important limitations:
1. It cannot handle the SProp sort and its typing rules. However, its
main application is extensionality, which is not compatible with
SProp because an (A : SProp) -> B "function" is not a generic
(A : Type) -> B function as SProp is not included in Type.
2. The Forall constructor can't be inserted by a straightforward
unfold (as in, rewrite -[forall x, _]/(Forall _)) because of the
way Coq unification handles Type constraints. The ForallI tactic
mitigates this issue, but there are additional issues with its
implementation---see below.
Structure forallSort A :=
ForallSort {forall_sort :> Type; _ : (A -> forall_sort) -> forall_sort}.
Notation mkForallSort A S := (@ForallSort A S (fun T => forall x, T x)).
Polymorphic Definition TypeForall (S := Type) (A : S) := mkForallSort A S.
Canonical TypeForall.
Canonical PropForall A := mkForallSort A Prop.
Canonical SetForall (A : Set) := mkForallSort A Set.
Definition Forall {A} {S : forallSort A} :=
let: ForallSort _ F := S return (A -> S) -> S in F.
Notation "\Forall x .. z , T" :=
(Forall (fun x => .. (Forall (fun z => T)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, z binder, T at level 200,
format "'[hv' '\Forall' '[' x .. z , ']' '/ ' T ']'") : type_scope.
Tactic Notation "ForallI" ssrpatternarg(pat) :=
let F := fresh "F" in ssrmatching.ssrpattern pat => F;
case: F / (@erefl _ F : Forall _ = _).
Tactic Notation "ForallI" := ForallI (forall x, _).
We define specialized copies of the wrapped structure of ssrfun for Prop
and Type, as we need more than two alternative rules (indeed, 3 for Prop
and 4 for Type). We need separate copies for Prop and Type as universe
polymorphism cannot instantiate Type with Prop.
Structure wrappedProp := WrapProp {unwrap_Prop :> Prop}.
Definition wrap4Prop := WrapProp.
Definition wrap3Prop := wrap4Prop.
Definition wrap2Prop := wrap3Prop.
Canonical wrap1Prop P := wrap2Prop P.
Polymorphic Structure wrappedType@{i} := WrapType {unwrap_Type :> Type@{i}}.
Polymorphic Definition wrap4Type@{i} := WrapType@{i}.
Polymorphic Definition wrap3Type@{i} := wrap4Type@{i}.
Polymorphic Definition wrap2Type@{i} := wrap3Type@{i}.
Polymorphic Definition wrap1Type@{i} (T : Type@{i}) := wrap2Type T.
Canonical wrap1Type.
Lemma generic_forall_extensionality {A} {S : forallSort A} {P Q : A -> S} :
P =1 Q -> Forall P = Forall Q.
A set of tools (tactics, views, and rewrite rules) to facilitate the
handling of classical negation. The core functionality of these tools is
implemented by three sets of canonical structures that provide for the
simplification of negation statements (e.g., using de Morgan laws), the
conversion from constructive statements in Type to purely logical ones in
Prop (equivalently, expansion rules for the statement inhabited T), and
conversely extraction of constructive contents from logical statements.
Except for bool predicates and operators, all definitions are treated
transparently when matching statements for either simplification or
conversion; this is achieved by using the wrapper telescope pattern, first
delegating the matching of specific logical connectives, predicates, or
type constructors to an auxiliary structure that *FAILS* to match unknown
operators, thus triggers the expansion of defined constants. If this
ultimately fails then the wrapper is expanded, and the primary structure
instance for the expanded wrapper provides an alternative default rule:
not simplifying ~ P, not expanding inhabited T, or not extracting any
contents from a proposition P, respectively.
Additional rules, for intermediate wrapper instances, are used to handle
forall statements (for which canonical instances are not yet supported),
as well as addiitonal simplifications, such as inhabited P = P :> Prop.
Finally various tertiary structures are used to match deeper patterns,
such as bounded forall statements of the form forall x, P x -> Q x, or
inequalites x != y (i.e., is_true (~~ (x == y))). As mentioned above,
tertiary rules for bool subexpressions do not try to expand definitions,
as this would lead to the undesirable expansion of some standard
definitions. This is simply achieved by *NOT* using the wrapper telescope
pattern, and just having a default instance alongside those for specific
predicates and connectives.
The negatedProp structure provides simplification of the Prop negation
(~ _) for standard connectives and predicates. The instances below cover
the pervasive and ssrbool Prop connectives, decidable equality, as well as
bool propositions (i.e., the is_true predicate), together with a few bool
connectives and predicates: negation ~~, equality ==, and nat <= and <.
Others can be added (e.g., Order.le/lt) by declaring appropriate instances
of bool_negation and bool_affirmation, while other Prop connectives and
predicates can be added by declaring instances of proper_negatedProp.
The implementation follows the wrapper telescope pattern outlined above:
negatedProp instances match on the wrappedProp wrapper to try three
generic matching rules, in succession:
- Rule 1: match a specific connective or predicate with an instance of the
properNegatedProp secondary structure, expanding definitions
if needed, but failing if no proper match is found.
- Rule 2: match a forall statement (including (T : Type) -> P statements).
- Rule 3: match any Prop but return the trivial simplification.
The simplified proposition is returned as a projection parameter nP rather
than a Structure member, so that applying the corresponding views or
rewrite rules doesn't expose the inferred structures; properNegatedProp
does similarly. Also, negatedProp similarly returns a 'trivial' bool flag
that is set when Rule 3 is used, but this is actually used in the reverse
direction: views notP and rewrite rule notE force trivial := false, thus
excluding trivial instances.
Structure negatedProp (trivial : bool) nP :=
NegatedProp {negated_Prop :> wrappedProp; _ : (~ negated_Prop) = nP}.
Structure properNegatedProp nP := ProperNegatedProp {
proper_negated_Prop :> Prop; _ : (~ proper_negated_Prop) = nP}.
Local Notation nProp t nP P := (unwrap_Prop (@negated_Prop t nP P)).
Local Notation nPred t nP P x := (nProp t (nP x) (P x)).
Local Notation pnProp nP P := (@proper_negated_Prop nP P).
User views and rewrite rules. The plain versions (notP, notE and notI) do
not match trivial instances; lax_XXX versions allow them. In addition,
the negation introduction rewrite rule notI does not match forall or ->
statements---lax_notI must be used for these.
Lemma lax_notE {t nP} P : (~ nProp t nP P) = nP. Proof. by case: P.Lemma lax_notP {t nP P} : ~ nProp t nP P -> nP. Proof. by rewrite lax_notE.Definition lax_notI {t nP} P : nProp t nP P = (~ nP) := canRL notK (lax_notE P).
Definition notE {nP} P : (~ nProp false nP P) = nP := lax_notE P.
Definition notP {nP P} := MoveView (@lax_notP false nP P).
Fact proper_nPropP nP P : (~ pnProp nP P) = nP. Proof. by case: P.Definition notI {nP} P : pnProp nP P = ~ nP := canRL notK (proper_nPropP P).
Rule 1: proper negation simplification, delegated to properNegatedProp.
Canonical proper_nProp nP P :=@NegatedProp false nP (wrap1Prop (pnProp nP P)) (proper_nPropP P).
Rule 2: forall_nProp is defined below as it uses exists_nProp.
Rule 3: trivial negation.
Canonical trivial_nProp P := @NegatedProp true (~ P) (wrap3Prop P) erefl.properNegatedProp instances.
Canonical True_nProp := @ProperNegatedProp False True notB.1.
Canonical False_nProp := @ProperNegatedProp True False notB.2.
Canonical not_nProp P := @ProperNegatedProp P (~ P) (notK P).
Fact and_nPropP P tQ nQ Q : (~ (P /\ nProp tQ nQ Q)) = (P -> nQ).
Canonical and_nProp P tQ nQ Q :=ProperNegatedProp (@and_nPropP P tQ nQ Q).
Fact and3_nPropP P Q tR nR R : (~ [/\ P, Q & nProp tR nR R]) = (P -> Q -> nR).
Canonical and3_nProp P Q tR nR R :=ProperNegatedProp (@and3_nPropP P Q tR nR R).
Fact and4_nPropP P Q R tS nS S :
(~ [/\ P, Q, R & nProp tS nS S]) = (P -> Q -> R -> nS).
Canonical and4_nProp P Q R tS nS S :=ProperNegatedProp (@and4_nPropP P Q R tS nS S).
Fact and5_nPropP P Q R S tT nT T :
(~ [/\ P, Q, R, S & nProp tT nT T]) = (P -> Q -> R -> S -> nT).
Canonical and5_nProp P Q R S tT nT T :=ProperNegatedProp (@and5_nPropP P Q R S tT nT T).
Fact or_nPropP tP nP P tQ nQ Q :
(~ (nProp tP nP P \/ nProp tQ nQ Q)) = (nP /\ nQ).
Canonical or_nProp tP nP P tQ nQ Q :=ProperNegatedProp (@or_nPropP tP nP P tQ nQ Q).
Fact or3_nPropP tP nP P tQ nQ Q tR nR R :
(~ [\/ nProp tP nP P, nProp tQ nQ Q | nProp tR nR R]) = [/\ nP, nQ & nR].
Canonical or3_nProp tP nP P tQ nQ Q tR nR R :=ProperNegatedProp (@or3_nPropP tP nP P tQ nQ Q tR nR R).
Fact or4_nPropP tP nP P tQ nQ Q tR nR R tS nS S :
(~ [\/ nProp tP nP P, nProp tQ nQ Q, nProp tR nR R | nProp tS nS S])
= [/\ nP, nQ, nR & nS].
Canonical or4_nProp tP nP P tQ nQ Q tR nR R tS nS S :=ProperNegatedProp (@or4_nPropP tP nP P tQ nQ Q tR nR R tS nS S).
The andRHS tertiary structure used to simplify (~ (P -> False)) to P,
both here for the imply_nProp instance and for bounded_forall_nProp below.
Because the andRHS instances match the Prop RETURNED by negatedProp they
do not need to expand definitions, hence do not need to use the wrapper
telescope pattern.
Notation and_def binary P Q PQ := (PQ = if binary then P /\ Q else Q)%type.
Structure andRHS binary P Q PQ :=
AndRHS {and_RHS :> Prop; _ : (P /\ and_RHS) = PQ; _ : and_def binary P Q PQ}.
Canonical unary_and_rhs P := @AndRHS false P P P True (andB.1.2 P) erefl.
Canonical binary_and_rhs P Q := @AndRHS true P Q (P /\ Q) Q erefl erefl.
Fact imply_nPropP b P nQ PnQ tR (nR : andRHS b P nQ PnQ) R :
(~ (P -> nProp tR nR R)) = PnQ.
Canonical imply_nProp b P nQ PnQ tR nR R :=ProperNegatedProp (@imply_nPropP b P nQ PnQ tR nR R).
Fact exists_nPropP A tP nP P :
(~ exists x : A, nPred tP nP P x) = (forall x : A, nP x).
eqProp=> [nEP x | AnP [x]]; last by rewrite -/(~ _) lax_notE.
by rewrite -(lax_notE (P x)) => Px; case: nEP; exists x.
Canonical exists_nProp A tP nP P :=by rewrite -(lax_notE (P x)) => Px; case: nEP; exists x.
ProperNegatedProp (@exists_nPropP A tP nP P).
Fact exists2_nPropP A P tQ nQ Q :
(~ exists2 x : A, P x & nPred tQ nQ Q x) = (forall x : A, P x -> nQ x).
Canonical exists2_nProp A P tQ nQ Q :=ProperNegatedProp (@exists2_nPropP A P tQ nQ Q).
Fact inhabited_nPropP T : (~ inhabited T) = (T -> False).
Canonical inhabited_nProp T := ProperNegatedProp (inhabited_nPropP T).
Rule 2: forall negation, including (T : Type) -> P statements.
We use tertiary structures to recognize bounded foralls and simplify,
e.g., ~ forall x, P -> Q to exists2 x, P & ~ Q, or even exists x, P when
Q := False (as above for imply).
As forall_body_nProp and forall_body_proper_nProp are telescopes
over negatedProp and properNegatedProp, respectively, their instances
match instances declared above without the need to expand definitions,
hence do not need to use the wrapper telescope idiom.
Structure negatedForallBody bounded P nQ tR nR := NegatedForallBody {
negated_forall_body :> negatedProp tR nR; _ : and_def bounded P nQ nR}.
Structure properNegatedForallBody b P nQ nR := ProperNegatedForallBody {
proper_negated_forall_body :> properNegatedProp nR; _ : and_def b P nQ nR}.
Notation nBody b P nQ t nR x := (negatedForallBody b (P x) (nQ x) t (nR x)).
The explicit argument to fun_if is a workaround for a bug in the Coq
unification code that prevents default instances from ever matching match
constructs. Furthermore rewriting with ifE would not work here, because
the if_expr definition would be expanded by the eta expansion needed to
match the exists_nProp rule.
Fact forall_nPropP A b P nQ tR nR (R : forall x, nBody b P nQ tR nR x) :
(~ forall x : A, R x) = if b then exists2 x, P x & nQ x else exists x, nQ x.
rewrite exists2E -(fun_if (fun P => exists x, idfun P x)) notI /=; congr not.
apply/generic_forall_extensionality=> x; rewrite if_arg lax_notI.
by case: (R x) => _ <-.
Canonical forall_nProp A b P nQ tR nR (R : forall x, nBody b P nQ tR nR x) :=apply/generic_forall_extensionality=> x; rewrite if_arg lax_notI.
by case: (R x) => _ <-.
@NegatedProp false _ (wrap2Prop (forall x : A, R x)) (forall_nPropP R).
Fact proper_nBodyP b P nQ nR :
properNegatedForallBody b P nQ nR -> and_def b P nQ nR.
by case. Qed.
Canonical proper_nBody b P nQ nR R :=let def_nR := @proper_nBodyP b P nQ nR R in
@NegatedForallBody b P nQ false nR (proper_nProp R) def_nR.
Canonical nonproper_nBody tP nP P :=
@NegatedForallBody false True nP tP nP P erefl.
Fact andRHS_def b P Q PQ : andRHS b P Q PQ -> and_def b P Q PQ.
by case. Qed.
Canonical bounded_nBody b P nQ PnQ tR nR R :=ProperNegatedForallBody (@imply_nProp b P nQ PnQ tR nR R) (andRHS_def nR).
Canonical unbounded_nBody nQ Q :=
@ProperNegatedForallBody false True nQ nQ Q erefl.
The properNegatedProp instance that handles boolean statements. We use
two tertiary structures to handle positive and negative boolean statements
so that the contra tactic below will mostly subsume the collection of
contraXX lemmas in ssrbool and eqtype.
We only match manifest ~~ connectives, the true and false constants, and
the ==, <=%N, and <%N predicates. In particular we do not use de Morgan
laws to push boolean negation into connectives, as we did above for Prop
connectives. It will be up to the user to use rewriting to put the negated
statement in its desired shape.
Structure negatedBool nP :=
NegatedBool {negated_bool :> bool; _ : (~ negated_bool) = nP}.
Structure positedBool P :=
PositedBool {posited_bool :> bool; _ : is_true posited_bool = P}.
Local Fact is_true_nPropP nP (b : negatedBool nP) : (~ b) = nP.
by case: b. Qed.
Canonical is_true_nProp nP b := ProperNegatedProp (@is_true_nPropP nP b).Local Fact true_negP : (~ true) = False. Proof. by eqProp.Local Fact true_posP : (true : Prop) = True. Proof. by eqProp.Local Fact false_negP : (~ false) = True. Proof. by eqProp.Local Fact false_posP : (false : Prop) = False. Proof. by eqProp.Canonical true_neg := NegatedBool true_negP.
Canonical true_pos := PositedBool true_posP.
Canonical false_neg := NegatedBool false_negP.
Canonical false_pos := PositedBool false_posP.
Local Fact id_negP (b : bool) : (~ b) = ~~ b. Proof. exact/reflect_eq/negP.Canonical id_neg b := NegatedBool (id_negP b).
Canonical id_pos (b : bool) := @PositedBool b b erefl.
Local Fact negb_negP P (b : positedBool P) : (~ ~~ b) = P.
Canonical negb_neg P b := NegatedBool (@negb_negP P b).Local Fact negb_posP nP (b : negatedBool nP) : (~~ b = nP :> Prop).
Canonical negb_pos nP b := PositedBool (@negb_posP nP b).
We use a tertiary structure to handle the negation of nat comparisons, and
simplify ~ m <= n to n < m, and ~ m < n to n <= m. As m < n is merely
notation for m.+1 <= n, we need to dispatch on the left hand side of the
comparison to perform the latter simplification.
Structure negatedLeqLHS n lt_nm :=
NegatedLeqLHS {negated_leq_LHS :> nat; _ : (n < negated_leq_LHS) = lt_nm}.
Canonical neg_ltn_LHS n m := @NegatedLeqLHS n (n <= m) m.+1 erefl.
Canonical neg_leq_LHS n m := @NegatedLeqLHS n (n < m) m erefl.
Local Fact leq_negP n lt_nm (m : negatedLeqLHS n lt_nm) : (~ m <= n) = lt_nm.
Canonical leq_neg n lt_nm m := NegatedBool (@leq_negP n lt_nm m).
We use two tertiary structures to simplify negation of boolean constant
and decidable equalities, simplifying b <> true to ~~ b, b <> false to b,
x <> y to x != y, and ~ x != y to x = y. We do need to use the wrapper
telescope pattern here, as we want to simplify instances of x <> y when y
evaluates to true or false. Since we only need two rules (true/false RHS
or generic eqType RHS) we can use the generic wrapped type from ssrfun.
The actual matching of the true and false RHS is delegated to a fourth
level bool_eq_negation_rhs structure. Finally observe that the ~ x != y to
x = y simplification can be handled by a bool_affirmation instance.
Structure neqRHS nP T x :=
NeqRHS {neq_RHS :> wrapped T; _ : (x <> unwrap neq_RHS) = nP}.
Structure boolNeqRHS nP (x : bool) :=
BoolNeqRHS {bool_neq_RHS; _ : (x <> bool_neq_RHS) = nP}.
Local Fact eq_nPropP nP T x (y : neqRHS nP x) : (x <> unwrap y :> T) = nP.
by case: y. Qed.
Canonical eq_nProp nP T x y := ProperNegatedProp (@eq_nPropP nP T x y).Local Fact bool_neqP nP x y : (x <> @bool_neq_RHS nP x y) = nP.
by case: y. Qed.
Canonical bool_neq nP x y := @NeqRHS nP bool x (wrap _) (@bool_neqP nP x y).Canonical true_neq nP b := BoolNeqRHS (@is_true_nPropP nP b).
Local Fact false_neqP P (b : positedBool P) : (b <> false :> bool) = P.
Canonical false_neq P b := BoolNeqRHS (@false_neqP P b).Local Fact eqType_neqP (T : eqType) (x y : T) : (x <> y) = (x != y).
Canonical eqType_neq (T : eqType) x y :=@NeqRHS (x != y) T x (Wrap y) (eqType_neqP x y).
Local Fact eq_op_posP (T : eqType) x y : (x == y :> T : Prop) = (x = y).
Canonical eq_op_pos T x y := PositedBool (@eq_op_posP T x y).
The witnessedType structure provides conversion between Type and Prop in
goals; the conversion is mostly used in the Type-to-Prop direction, e.g.,
as a preprocessing step preceding proof by contradiction (see absurd_not
below), but the Prop-to-Type direction is required for contraposition.
Thus witnessedType associates to a type T a "witness" proposition P
equivalent to the existence of an x of type T. As in a `{classical_logic}
context inhabited T is such a proposition, witnessedType can be understood
as providing simplification for inhabited T, much like negatedProp
provides simplification for ~ P for standard connectives and predicates.
Similarly to negatedProp, witnessedType returns the witness proposition
via a projection argument P, but does not need to signal "trivial"
instances as the default value for P is nontrivial (namely, inhabited T),
while the "trivial" case where P = T is actually desireable and handled
by an extra top-priority rule.
Structure witnessedType P := WitnessedType {
witnessed_Type :> wrappedType; _ : inhabited witnessed_Type = P}.
Structure properWitnessedType P := ProperWitnessedType {
proper_witnessed_Type :> Type; _ : inhabited proper_witnessed_Type = P}.
Local Notation wType P T := (unwrap_Type (@witnessed_Type P T)).
Local Notation wTycon P T x := (wType (P x) (T x)).
Lemma witnessedType_intro {P : Prop} T : P -> wType P T.
Local Coercion witnessedType_intro : witnessedType >-> Funclass.Lemma witnessedType_elim {P} T : wType P T -> P.
by case: T => /= T <-. Qed.
Local Notation wTypeP := witnessedType_elim.Local Fact eq_inhabited T (P : Prop) : (T -> P) -> (P -> T) -> inhabited T = P.
by move=> T_P P_T; eqProp=> [[/T_P] | /P_T]. Qed.
Ltac eqInh := apply: eq_inhabited.Rule 1: Prop goals are left as is.
Canonical Prop_wType P :=@WitnessedType P (wrap1Type P) (eq_inhabited (@id P) id).
Rule 2: Specific type constructors (sigs, sums, and pairs) are delegated
to the secondary properWitnessedType structure.
Lemma proper_wTypeP P (T : properWitnessedType P) : inhabited T = P.Proof.
by case: T. Qed.
Canonical proper_wType P T :=@WitnessedType P (wrap2Type _) (@proper_wTypeP P T).
Rule 3: Forall (and -> as a special case).
Local Fact forall_wTypeP A P T :inhabited (forall x : A, wTycon P T x) = (forall x : A, P x) .
Canonical forall_wType A P T :=@WitnessedType _ (wrap3Type _) (@forall_wTypeP A P T).
Rule 4: Default to inhabited if all else fails.
Canonical inhabited_wType T := @WitnessedType (inhabited T) (wrap4Type T) erefl.Specific proper_witnessedType instances.
Local Fact void_wTypeP : inhabited void = False. Proof. by eqInh.Canonical void_wType := ProperWitnessedType void_wTypeP.
Local Fact unit_wTypeP : inhabited unit = True. Proof. by eqInh.Canonical unit_wType := ProperWitnessedType unit_wTypeP.
Local Fact pair_wTypeP P Q S T : inhabited (wType P S * wType Q T) = (P /\ Q).
Canonical pair_wType P Q S T := ProperWitnessedType (@pair_wTypeP P Q S T).Local Fact sum_wTypeP P Q S T : inhabited (wType P S + wType Q T) = (P \/ Q).
Canonical sum_wType P Q S T := ProperWitnessedType (@sum_wTypeP P Q S T).Local Fact sumbool_wTypeP P Q : inhabited ({P} + {Q}) = (P \/ Q).
Canonical sumbool_wType P Q := ProperWitnessedType (@sumbool_wTypeP P Q).Local Fact sumor_wTypeP P Q T : inhabited (wType P T + {Q}) = (P \/ Q).
Canonical sumor_wType P Q T := ProperWitnessedType (@sumor_wTypeP P Q T).Local Fact sig1_wTypeP T P : inhabited {x : T | P x} = (exists x : T, P x).
Canonical sig1_wType T P := ProperWitnessedType (@sig1_wTypeP T P).Local Fact sig2_wTypeP T P Q :
inhabited {x : T | P x & Q x} = exists2 x : T, P x & Q x.
Canonical sig2_wType T P Q := ProperWitnessedType (@sig2_wTypeP T P Q).Local Fact sigT_wTypeP A P T :
inhabited {x : A & wTycon P T x} = (exists x : A, P x).
Canonical sigT_wType A P T := ProperWitnessedType (@sigT_wTypeP A P T).Local Fact sigT2_wTypeP A P Q S T :
inhabited {x : A & wTycon P S x & wTycon Q T x} = (exists2 x : A, P x & Q x).
Canonical sigT2_wType A P Q S T :=ProperWitnessedType (@sigT2_wTypeP A P Q S T).
The witnessProp structure provides for conversion of some Prop
assumptions to Type values with some constructive contents, e.g., convert
a P \/ Q assumption to a {P} + {Q} sumbool value. This is not the same as
the forward direction of witnessedType, because instances here match the
Prop statement: witness_Prop find a T such that P -> T while witnessedType
finds a P such that P -> T (and T -> P for the converse direction).
The implementation follows the wrapper telescope pattern similarly to
negatedProp, with three rules, one for Prop constructors with proper
constructive contents, one for forall propositions (also with proper
constructive contents) and one default rule that just returns P : Prop as
is (thus, with no other contents except the provability of P).
The witnessProp structure also uses projection parameters to return the
inferred Type T together with a bool 'trivial' flag that is set when the
trivial rule is used. Here, however, this flag is used in both directions:
the 'witness' view forces it to false to prevent trivial instances, but
the flag is also used to fine tune the choice of T, selecting between
sum, sumor, and sumbool, between sig and sigT, and sig2 and sigT2. This
relies on the fact that the tactic engine will eagerly iota reduce the
returned type, so that the user will never see the conditionals specified
in the proper_witness_Prop instances.
However, it would not be possible to construct the specialised types
for trivial witnesses (e.g., {P} + {Q}) using the types returned by
witnessProp instances, since thes are in Type, and the information that
they are actully in Prop has been lost. This is solved by returning an
additional Prop P0 that is a copy of the matched Prop P when
trivial = true. (We put P0 = True when trivial = false, as we only need to
ensure P -> P0.)
Caveat: although P0 should in principle be the last parameter of
witness_Prop, and we use this order for the wProp and wPred projector
local notation, it is important to put P0 _BEFORE_ T, to circumvent an
incompleteness in Coq's implementation of higher-order pattern unification
that would cause the trivial rule to fail for the body of an exists.
In such a case the rule needs to unify (1) ?P0 x ~ ?P and (2) ?T x ~ ?P
for some type A some x : A in the context of ?P, but not ?P0 nor ?T. This
succeeds easily if (1) is performed before (2), setting ?P := ?P0 x and
?T := ?P0, but if (2) is attempted first Coq tries to perform ?P := ?T x,
which fails Type/Prop universe constraints, and then fails outright,
instead of using pattern unification to solve (2) as ?P := ?Q x, ?T := ?Q
for a fresh ?Q : A -> Prop.
Structure witnessProp (trivial : bool) (P0 : Prop) (T : Type) :=
WitnessProp {witness_Prop :> wrappedProp; _ : witness_Prop -> T * P0}.
Structure properWitnessProp T :=
ProperWitnessProp {proper_witness_Prop :> Prop; _ : proper_witness_Prop -> T}.
Local Notation wProp t T P0 P := (unwrap_Prop (@witness_Prop t P0 T P)).
Local Notation wPred t T P0 P x := (wProp t (T x) (P0 x) (P x)).
Local Fact wPropP t T P0 P : wProp t T P0 P -> T * P0. Proof. by case: P.Lemma lax_witness {t T P0 P} : move_view (wProp t T P0 P) T.
Definition witness {T P0 P} := @lax_witness false T P0 P.Rule 1: proper instances (except forall), delegated to an auxiliary
Local Fact proper_wPropP T P : wrap1Prop (@proper_witness_Prop T P) -> T * True.Proof.
by case: P => _ P_T {}/P_T. Qed.
Canonical proper_wProp T P := WitnessProp false (@proper_wPropP T P).Rule 2: forall types (including implication); as only proper instances are
allowed, we set trivial = false for the recursive body instance.
Local Fact forall_wPropP A T P0 P :wrap2Prop (forall x : A, wPred false T P0 P x) -> (forall x, T x) * True.
Canonical forall_wProp A T P0 P := WitnessProp false (@forall_wPropP A T P0 P).Rule 3: trivial (proof) self-witness.
Canonical trivial_wProp P :=WitnessProp true (fun p : wrap3Prop P => (p, p) : P * P).
Specific proper_witnesss_Prop instances.
Canonical inhabited_wProp T := ProperWitnessProp (@inhabited_witness T).
Conjunctions P /\ Q are a little delicate to handle, as we should not
produce a proper instance (and thus fail) if neither P nor Q is proper.
We use a tertiary structure for this : nand_bool b, which has instances
only for booleans b0 such that ~~ (b0 && b). We allow the witness_Prop
instance for P to return an arbitrary 'trivial' flag s, but then force the
'trivial' flag for Q to be an instance of nand_bool s.
Structure nandBool b := NandBool {nand_bool :> bool; _ : ~~ (nand_bool && b)}.
Canonical nand_false_bool b := @NandBool b false isT.
Canonical nand_true_bool := @NandBool false true isT.
Local Fact and_wPropP s S P0 P (t : nandBool s) T Q0 Q :
wProp s S P0 P /\ wProp t T Q0 Q -> S * T.
Canonical and_wProp s S P0 P t T Q0 Q :=ProperWitnessProp (@and_wPropP s S P0 P t T Q0 Q).
Local Fact or_wPropP s S P0 P t T Q0 Q :
wProp s S P0 P \/ wProp t T Q0 Q ->
if t then if s then {P0} + {Q0} : Type else S + {Q0} else S + T : Type.
Canonical or_wProp s S P0 P t T Q0 Q :=ProperWitnessProp (@or_wPropP s S P0 P t T Q0 Q).
Local Fact exists_wPropP A t T P0 P :
(exists x : A, wPred t T P0 P x) -> if t then {x | P0 x} else {x & T x}.
Canonical exists_wProp A t T P0 P :=ProperWitnessProp (@exists_wPropP A t T P0 P).
Local Fact exists2_wPropP A s S P0 P t T Q0 Q (st := if s then t else false) :
(exists2 x : A, wPred s S P0 P x & wPred t T Q0 Q x) ->
if st then {x | P0 x & Q0 x} else {x : A & S x & T x}.
Canonical exists2_wProp A s S P0 P t T Q0 Q :=ProperWitnessProp (@exists2_wPropP A s S P0 P t T Q0 Q).
## User lemmas and tactics for proof by contradiction and contraposition.
Helper lemmas:
- push_goal_copy makes a copy of the goal that can then be matched with
witnessedType and negatedProp instances to generate a contradiction
assuption, without disturbing the original form of the goal.
- assume_not_with turns the copy generated by push_identity into an
equivalent negative assumption, which can then be simplified using the
lax_notP and lax_witness views.
- absurd and absurdW replace the goal with False; absurdW does this under
an assumption, and is used to weaken proof-by-assuming-negation to
- contra_Type converts an arbitrary function goal (with assumption and
conclusion in Type) to an equivalent contrapositive Prop implication.
- contra_notP simplifies a contrapositive ~ Q -> ~ P goal using
negatedProp instances.
Local Fact push_goal_copy {T} : ((T -> T) -> T) -> T. Proof. exact.Local Fact assume_not_with {R P T} : (~ P -> R) -> (wType P T -> R) -> R.
Local Fact absurdW {S T} : (S -> False) -> S -> T. Proof. by [].
Local Fact contra_Type {P Q S T} : (~ Q -> ~ P) -> wType P S -> wType Q T.
Local Fact contra_notP tP tQ (nP nQ : Prop) P Q :
(nP -> nQ) -> (~ nProp tP nP P -> ~ nProp tQ nQ Q).
End Internals.
Import Internals.
Definition notP := @Internals.notP.
Hint View for move/ move_viewP|2.
Hint View for move/ Internals.equivT_LR|2 Internals.equivT_RL|2.
Hint View for apply/ Internals.equivT_RL|2 Internals.equivT_LR|2.
Export (canonicals) Internals.
Lemma and tactic assume_not: add a goal negation assumption. The tactic
also works for goals in Type, simplifies the added assumption, and
exposes its top-level constructive content.
Lemma assume_not {P} : (~ P -> P) -> P. Proof. by rewrite implyNp orB.Ltac assume_not :=
apply: Internals.push_goal_copy; apply: Internals.assume_not_with
=> /Internals.lax_notP-/Internals.lax_witness.
Lemma and tactic absurd_not: proof by contradiction. Same as assume_not,
but the goal is erased and replaced by False.
Caveat: absurd_not cannot be used as a move/ view because its conclusion
is indeterminate. The more general notP defined above can be used instead.
Lemma absurd_not {P} : (~ P -> False) -> P. Proof. by move/Internals.notP.Ltac absurd_not := assume_not; apply: Internals.absurdW.
Tactic contra: proof by contraposition. Assume the negation of the goal
conclusion, and prove the negation of a given assumption. The defective
form contra (which can also be written contrapose) expects the assumption
to be pushed on the goal which thus has the form assumption -> conclusion.
As with assume_not, contra allows both assumption and conclusion to be
in Type, simplifies the negation of both assumption and conclusion, and
exposes the constructive contents of the negated conclusion.
The contra tactic also supports a limited form of the ':' discharge
pseudo tactical, whereby contra: <d-items> means move: <d-items>; contra.
The only <d-items> allowed are one term, possibly preceded by a clear
Ltac contrapose :=
apply: Internals.contra_Type;
apply: Internals.contra_notP => /Internals.lax_witness.
Tactic Notation "contra" := contrapose.
Tactic Notation "contra" ":" constr(H) := move: (H); contra.
Tactic Notation "contra" ":" ident(H) := move: H; contra.
Tactic Notation "contra" ":" "{" hyp_list(Hs) "}" constr(H) :=
contra: (H); clear Hs.
Tactic Notation "contra" ":" "{" hyp_list(Hs) "}" ident(H) :=
contra: H; clear Hs.
Tactic Notation "contra" ":" "{" "-" "}" constr(H) := contra: (H).
Lemma and tactic absurd: proof by contradiction. The defective form of the
lemma simply replaces the entire goal with False (just as the Ltac
exfalso), leaving the user to derive a contradiction from the assumptions.
The ':' form absurd: <d-items> replaces the goal with the negation of the
(single) <d-item> (as with contra:, a clear switch is also allowed.
Finally the Ltac absurd term form is also supported.
Lemma absurd T : False -> T. Proof. by [].Tactic Notation (at level 0) "absurd" := apply absurd.
Tactic Notation (at level 0) "absurd" constr(P) := have []: ~ P.
Tactic Notation "absurd" ":" constr(H) := absurd; contra: (H) => _.
Tactic Notation "absurd" ":" ident(H) := absurd; contra: H => _.
Tactic Notation "absurd" ":" "{" hyp_list(Hs) "}" constr(H) :=
absurd: (H) => _; clear Hs.
Tactic Notation "absurd" ":" "{" hyp_list(Hs) "}" ident(H) :=
absurd: H => _; clear Hs.