Module mathcomp.analysis.topology_theory.subspace_topology
From HB Require Import structures.From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra all_classical.
From mathcomp Require Import topology_structure uniform_structure compact .
From mathcomp Require Import pseudometric_structure connected weak_topology.
From mathcomp Require Import product_topology.
# Subspaces of topological spaces
subspace A == for (A : set T), this is a copy of T with a
topology that ignores points outside A
incl_subspace x == with x of type subspace A with (A : set T),
inclusion of subspace A into T
nbhs_subspace x == filter associated with x : subspace A
subspace_ent A == subspace entourages
subspace_ball A == balls of the pseudometric subspace structure
continuousFunType A B == type of continuous function from set A to set B
with domain subspace A
The HB structure is ContinuousFun.
Reserved Notation "{ 'within' A , 'continuous' f }"
(at level 70, A at level 69, format "{ 'within' A , 'continuous' f }").
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Definition subspace {T : Type} (A : set T) := T.
Arguments subspace {T} _ : simpl never.
Definition incl_subspace {T A} (x : subspace A) : T := x.
Section Subspace.
Context {T : topologicalType} (A : set T).
Definition nbhs_subspace (x : subspace A) : set_system (subspace A) :=
if x \in A then within A (nbhs x) else globally [set x].
Variant nbhs_subspace_spec x : Prop -> Prop -> bool -> set_system T -> Type :=
| WithinSubspace :
A x -> nbhs_subspace_spec x True False true (within A (nbhs x))
| WithoutSubspace :
~ A x -> nbhs_subspace_spec x False True false (globally [set x]).
Lemma nbhs_subspaceP_subproof x :
nbhs_subspace_spec x (A x) (~ A x) (x \in A) (nbhs_subspace x).
Lemma nbhs_subspace_in (x : T) : A x -> within A (nbhs x) = nbhs_subspace x.
Lemma nbhs_subspace_out (x : T) : ~ A x -> globally [set x] = nbhs_subspace x.
Lemma nbhs_subspace_filter (x : subspace A) : ProperFilter (nbhs_subspace x).
case: nbhs_subspaceP_subproof => ?; last exact: globally_properfilter.
by apply: within_nbhs_proper; apply: subset_closure.
by apply: within_nbhs_proper; apply: subset_closure.
HB.instance Definition _ := Choice.copy (subspace A) _.
HB.instance Definition _ := hasNbhs.Build (subspace A) nbhs_subspace.
Lemma nbhs_subspaceP (x : subspace A) :
nbhs_subspace_spec x (A x) (~ A x) (x \in A) (nbhs x).
Lemma nbhs_subspace_singleton (p : subspace A) B : nbhs p B -> B p.
Lemma nbhs_subspace_nbhs (p : subspace A) B : nbhs p B -> nbhs p (nbhs^~ B).
case: nbhs_subspaceP => [|] Ap.
by move=> /nbhs_interior; apply: filterS => y A0y Ay; case: nbhs_subspaceP.
by move=> E x ->; case: nbhs_subspaceP.
by move=> /nbhs_interior; apply: filterS => y A0y Ay; case: nbhs_subspaceP.
by move=> E x ->; case: nbhs_subspaceP.
HB.instance Definition _ := Nbhs_isNbhsTopological.Build (subspace A)
nbhs_subspace_filter nbhs_subspace_singleton nbhs_subspace_nbhs.
Lemma subspace_cvgP (F : set_system T) (x : T) : Filter F -> A x ->
(F --> (x : subspace A)) <-> (F --> within A (nbhs x)).
Lemma subspace_continuousP {S : topologicalType} (f : T -> S) :
continuous (f : subspace A -> S) <->
(forall x, A x -> f @ within A (nbhs x) --> f x) .
split => [ctsf x Ax W /=|wA x].
by rewrite nbhs_simpl //= nbhs_subspace_in //=; apply: ctsf.
rewrite /continuous_at; case: _ / (nbhs_subspaceP x) => Ax.
exact: (cvg_trans _ (wA _ Ax)).
by move=> ? /nbhs_singleton //= ?; rewrite nbhs_simpl => ? ->.
by rewrite nbhs_simpl //= nbhs_subspace_in //=; apply: ctsf.
rewrite /continuous_at; case: _ / (nbhs_subspaceP x) => Ax.
exact: (cvg_trans _ (wA _ Ax)).
by move=> ? /nbhs_singleton //= ?; rewrite nbhs_simpl => ? ->.
Lemma subspace_eq_continuous {S : topologicalType} (f g : subspace A -> S) :
{in A, f =1 g} -> continuous f -> continuous g.
rewrite ?subspace_continuousP => feq L x Ax; rewrite -(feq x) ?inE //.
by apply: cvg_trans _ (L x Ax); apply: fmap_within_eq=> ? ?; rewrite feq.
by apply: cvg_trans _ (L x Ax); apply: fmap_within_eq=> ? ?; rewrite feq.
Lemma continuous_subspace_in {U : topologicalType} (f : subspace A -> U) :
continuous f = {in A, continuous f}.
rewrite propeqE in_setP subspace_continuousP /continuous_at //=; split.
by move=> Q x Ax; case: (nbhs_subspaceP x) => //=; exact: Q.
by move=> + x Ax => /(_ x Ax); case: (nbhs_subspaceP x) => //=; exact: Q.
by move=> Q x Ax; case: (nbhs_subspaceP x) => //=; exact: Q.
by move=> + x Ax => /(_ x Ax); case: (nbhs_subspaceP x) => //=; exact: Q.
Lemma nbhs_subspace_interior (x : T) :
A^° x -> nbhs x = (nbhs (x : subspace A)).
Lemma nbhs_subspace_ex (U : set T) (x : T) : A x ->
nbhs (x : subspace A) U <->
exists2 V, nbhs (x : T) V & U `&` A = V `&` A.
Lemma incl_subspace_continuous : continuous incl_subspace.
Section SubspaceOpen.
Lemma open_subspace1out (x : subspace A) : ~ A x -> open [set x].
Lemma open_subspace_out (U : set (subspace A)) : U `<=` ~` A -> open U.
move=> Usub; rewrite (_ : U = \bigcup_(i in U) [set i]).
by apply: bigcup_open => ? ?; apply: open_subspace1out; exact: Usub.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split => x; [move=> ?; exists x|case=> i ? ->].
by apply: bigcup_open => ? ?; apply: open_subspace1out; exact: Usub.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split => x; [move=> ?; exists x|case=> i ? ->].
Lemma open_subspaceT : open (A : set (subspace A)).
Lemma open_subspaceIT (U : set (subspace A)) : open (U `&` A) = open U.
Lemma open_subspaceTI (U : set (subspace A)) :
open (A `&` U : set (subspace A)) = open U.
Lemma closed_subspaceT : closed (A : set (subspace A)).
Lemma open_subspaceP (U : set T) :
open (U : set (subspace A)) <->
exists V, open (V : set T) /\ V `&` A = U `&` A.
split; first last.
case=> V [oV UV]; rewrite -open_subspaceIT -UV.
move=> x //= []; case: nbhs_subspaceP; rewrite //= withinE.
move=> ? ? _; exists V; last by rewrite -setIA setIid.
by move: oV; rewrite openE /interior; apply.
rewrite -open_subspaceIT => oUA.
have oxF : forall x : T, (U `&` A) x ->
exists V, (open_nbhs (x : T) V) /\ (V `&` A `<=` U `&` A).
move=> x /[dup] UAx /= [??]; move: (oUA _ UAx);
case: nbhs_subspaceP => // ?.
rewrite withinE /= => [[V nbhsV UV]]; rewrite -setIA setIid in UV.
exists V^°; split; first rewrite open_nbhsE; first split => //.
- exact: open_interior.
- exact: nbhs_interior.
- by rewrite UV=> t [/interior_subset] ??; split.
pose f (x : T) :=
if pselect ((U `&` A) x) is left e then projT1 (cid (oxF x e)) else set0.
set V := \bigcup_(x in (U `&` A)) (f x); exists V; split.
apply: bigcup_open => i UAi; rewrite /f; case: pselect => // ?; case: (cid _).
by move=> //= W; rewrite open_nbhsE=> -[[]].
rewrite eqEsubset /V /f; split.
move=> t [[u]] UAu /=; case: pselect => //= ?.
by case: (cid _) => //= W [] _ + ? ?; apply; split.
move=> t UAt; split => //; last by case: UAt.
exists t => //; case: pselect => //= [[? ?]].
by case: (cid _) => //= W [] [] _.
case=> V [oV UV]; rewrite -open_subspaceIT -UV.
move=> x //= []; case: nbhs_subspaceP; rewrite //= withinE.
move=> ? ? _; exists V; last by rewrite -setIA setIid.
by move: oV; rewrite openE /interior; apply.
rewrite -open_subspaceIT => oUA.
have oxF : forall x : T, (U `&` A) x ->
exists V, (open_nbhs (x : T) V) /\ (V `&` A `<=` U `&` A).
move=> x /[dup] UAx /= [??]; move: (oUA _ UAx);
case: nbhs_subspaceP => // ?.
rewrite withinE /= => [[V nbhsV UV]]; rewrite -setIA setIid in UV.
exists V^°; split; first rewrite open_nbhsE; first split => //.
- exact: open_interior.
- exact: nbhs_interior.
- by rewrite UV=> t [/interior_subset] ??; split.
pose f (x : T) :=
if pselect ((U `&` A) x) is left e then projT1 (cid (oxF x e)) else set0.
set V := \bigcup_(x in (U `&` A)) (f x); exists V; split.
apply: bigcup_open => i UAi; rewrite /f; case: pselect => // ?; case: (cid _).
by move=> //= W; rewrite open_nbhsE=> -[[]].
rewrite eqEsubset /V /f; split.
move=> t [[u]] UAu /=; case: pselect => //= ?.
by case: (cid _) => //= W [] _ + ? ?; apply; split.
move=> t UAt; split => //; last by case: UAt.
exists t => //; case: pselect => //= [[? ?]].
by case: (cid _) => //= W [] [] _.
Lemma closed_subspaceP (U : set T) :
closed (U : set (subspace A)) <->
exists V, closed (V : set T) /\ V `&` A = U `&` A.
Lemma open_subspaceW (U : set T) :
open (U : set T) -> open (U : set (subspace A)).
Lemma closed_subspaceW (U : set T) :
closed (U : set T) -> closed (U : set (subspace A)).
Lemma open_setIS (U : set (subspace A)) : open A ->
open (U `&` A : set T) = open U.
Lemma open_setSI (U : set (subspace A)) : open A -> open (A `&` U) = open U.
Lemma closed_setIS (U : set (subspace A)) : closed A ->
closed (U `&` A : set T) = closed U.
Lemma closed_setSI (U : set (subspace A)) :
closed A -> closed (A `&` U) = closed U.
Lemma closure_subspaceW (U : set T) :
U `<=` A -> closure (U : set (subspace A)) = closure (U : set T) `&` A.
have /closed_subspaceP := (@closed_closure _ (U : set (subspace A))).
move=> [V] [clV VAclUA].
move=> /[dup] /(@closure_subset [the topologicalType of subspace _]).
have /closure_id <- := closed_subspaceT => /setIidr <-; rewrite setIC.
move=> UsubA; rewrite eqEsubset; split.
apply: setSI; rewrite closureE; apply: smallest_sub (@subset_closure _ U).
by apply: closed_subspaceW; exact: closed_closure.
rewrite -VAclUA; apply: setSI; rewrite closureE //=; apply: smallest_sub => //.
apply: subset_trans (@subIsetl _ V A); rewrite VAclUA subsetI; split => //.
exact: (@subset_closure _ (U : set (subspace A))).
move=> [V] [clV VAclUA].
move=> /[dup] /(@closure_subset [the topologicalType of subspace _]).
have /closure_id <- := closed_subspaceT => /setIidr <-; rewrite setIC.
move=> UsubA; rewrite eqEsubset; split.
apply: setSI; rewrite closureE; apply: smallest_sub (@subset_closure _ U).
by apply: closed_subspaceW; exact: closed_closure.
rewrite -VAclUA; apply: setSI; rewrite closureE //=; apply: smallest_sub => //.
apply: subset_trans (@subIsetl _ V A); rewrite VAclUA subsetI; split => //.
exact: (@subset_closure _ (U : set (subspace A))).
End SubspaceOpen.
Lemma compact_subspaceIP (U : set T) :
compact (U `&` A : set (subspace A)) <-> compact (U `&` A : set T).
rewrite ?compact_ultra /=.
split=> + F UF FUA => /(_ F UF FUA) [x] [[Ux Ax] Fp].
exists x; split=> //; move/subspace_cvgP: Fp => /(_ Ax) Fx.
by apply: cvg_trans; [exact: Fx | exact: cvg_within].
exists x; split=> //; apply/subspace_cvgP => //.
rewrite withinE => W/= -[V nbhsV WV]; apply: filterS (V `&` (U `&` A)) _ _ _.
by rewrite setIC -setIA [A `&` _]setIC -WV=>?[]?[].
by apply: filterI; rewrite nbhs_simpl //; exact: Fp.
split=> + F UF FUA => /(_ F UF FUA) [x] [[Ux Ax] Fp].
exists x; split=> //; move/subspace_cvgP: Fp => /(_ Ax) Fx.
by apply: cvg_trans; [exact: Fx | exact: cvg_within].
exists x; split=> //; apply/subspace_cvgP => //.
rewrite withinE => W/= -[V nbhsV WV]; apply: filterS (V `&` (U `&` A)) _ _ _.
by rewrite setIC -setIA [A `&` _]setIC -WV=>?[]?[].
by apply: filterI; rewrite nbhs_simpl //; exact: Fp.
Lemma clopen_connectedP : connected A <->
(forall U, @clopen (subspace A) U ->
U `<=` A -> U !=set0 -> U = A).
move=> + U [/open_subspaceP oU /closed_subspaceP cU] UA U0; apply => //.
- case: oU => V [oV VAUA]; exists V; rewrite // setIC VAUA.
- case: cU => V [cV VAUA]; exists V => //; rewrite setIC VAUA.
move=> clpnA U Un0 [V oV UVA] [W cW UWA]; apply: clpnA => //; first split.
- by apply/open_subspaceP; exists V; rewrite setIC UVA setIAC setIid.
- by apply/closed_subspaceP; exists W; rewrite setIC UWA setIAC setIid.
- by rewrite UWA; exact: subIsetl.
move=> + U [/open_subspaceP oU /closed_subspaceP cU] UA U0; apply => //.
- case: oU => V [oV VAUA]; exists V; rewrite // setIC VAUA.
- case: cU => V [cV VAUA]; exists V => //; rewrite setIC VAUA.
move=> clpnA U Un0 [V oV UVA] [W cW UWA]; apply: clpnA => //; first split.
- by apply/open_subspaceP; exists V; rewrite setIC UVA setIAC setIid.
- by apply/closed_subspaceP; exists W; rewrite setIC UWA setIAC setIid.
- by rewrite UWA; exact: subIsetl.
End Subspace.
HB.instance Definition _ {T : ptopologicalType} (A : set T) :=
isPointed.Build (subspace A) point.
Global Instance subspace_filter {T : topologicalType}
(A : set T) (x : subspace A) :
Filter (nbhs_subspace x) := nbhs_subspace_filter x.
Global Instance subspace_proper_filter {T : topologicalType}
(A : set T) (x : subspace A) :
ProperFilter (nbhs_subspace x) := nbhs_subspace_filter x.
Notation "{ 'within' A , 'continuous' f }" :=
(continuous (f : subspace A -> _)) : classical_set_scope.
Arguments nbhs_subspaceP {T} A x.
Section SubspaceRelative.
Context {T : topologicalType}.
Implicit Types (U : topologicalType) (A B : set T).
Lemma nbhs_subspace_subset A B (x : T) :
A `<=` B -> nbhs (x : subspace B) `<=` nbhs (x : subspace A).
rewrite /= => AB; case: (nbhs_subspaceP A); case: (nbhs_subspaceP B).
- by move=> ? ?; apply: within_subset => //=; exact: (nbhs_filter x).
- by move=> ? /AB.
- by move=> Bx ? W /nbhs_singleton /(_ Bx) ? ? ->.
- by move=> ? ?.
- by move=> ? ?; apply: within_subset => //=; exact: (nbhs_filter x).
- by move=> ? /AB.
- by move=> Bx ? W /nbhs_singleton /(_ Bx) ? ? ->.
- by move=> ? ?.
Lemma continuous_subspaceW {U} A B (f : T -> U) :
A `<=` B ->
{within B, continuous f} -> {within A, continuous f}.
Lemma nbhs_subspaceT (x : T) : nbhs (x : subspace setT) = nbhs x.
Lemma continuous_subspaceT_for {U} A (f : T -> U) (x : T) :
A x -> {for x, continuous f} -> {for x, continuous (f : subspace A -> U)}.
rewrite /continuous_at /prop_for => inA ctsf.
have [_|//] := nbhs_subspaceP A x.
apply: (cvg_trans _ ctsf); apply: cvg_fmap2; apply: cvg_within.
have [_|//] := nbhs_subspaceP A x.
apply: (cvg_trans _ ctsf); apply: cvg_fmap2; apply: cvg_within.
Lemma continuous_in_subspaceT {U} A (f : T -> U) :
{in A, continuous f} -> {within A, continuous f}.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in ?in_setP => ctsf t At.
by apply: continuous_subspaceT_for => //=; apply: ctsf.
by apply: continuous_subspaceT_for => //=; apply: ctsf.
Lemma continuous_subspaceT {U} A (f : T -> U) :
continuous f -> {within A, continuous f}.
Lemma continuous_open_subspace {U} A (f : T -> U) :
open A -> {within A, continuous f} = {in A, continuous f}.
rewrite openE continuous_subspace_in /= => oA; rewrite propeqE ?in_setP.
by split => + x /[dup] Ax /oA Aox => /(_ _ Ax);
rewrite /continuous_at -(nbhs_subspace_interior Aox).
by split => + x /[dup] Ax /oA Aox => /(_ _ Ax);
rewrite /continuous_at -(nbhs_subspace_interior Aox).
Lemma continuous_inP {U} A (f : T -> U) : open A ->
{in A, continuous f} <-> forall X, open X -> open (A `&` f @^-1` X).
move=> oA; rewrite -continuous_open_subspace// continuousP.
by under eq_forall do rewrite -open_setSI//.
by under eq_forall do rewrite -open_setSI//.
Lemma withinU_continuous {U} A B (f : T -> U) : closed A -> closed B ->
{within A, continuous f} -> {within B, continuous f} ->
{within A `|` B, continuous f}.
move=> ? ? ctsA ctsB; apply/continuous_closedP => W oW.
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsA => V1 [? V1W].
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsB => V2 [? V2W].
apply/closed_subspaceP; exists ((V1 `&` A) `|` (V2 `&` B)); split.
by apply: closedU; exact: closedI.
rewrite [RHS]setIUr -V2W -V1W eqEsubset; split=> ?.
by case=> [[][]] ? ? [] ?; [left | left | right | right]; split.
by case=> [][] ? ?; split=> []; [left; split | left | right; split | right].
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsA => V1 [? V1W].
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsB => V2 [? V2W].
apply/closed_subspaceP; exists ((V1 `&` A) `|` (V2 `&` B)); split.
by apply: closedU; exact: closedI.
rewrite [RHS]setIUr -V2W -V1W eqEsubset; split=> ?.
by case=> [[][]] ? ? [] ?; [left | left | right | right]; split.
by case=> [][] ? ?; split=> []; [left; split | left | right; split | right].
Lemma subspaceT_continuous {U} A (B : set U) (f : {fun A >-> B}) :
{within A, continuous f} -> continuous (f : subspace A -> subspace B).
move=> /continuousP ctsf; apply/continuousP => O /open_subspaceP [V [oV VBOB]].
rewrite -open_subspaceIT; apply/open_subspaceP.
case/open_subspaceP: (ctsf _ oV) => W [oW fVA]; exists W; split => //.
rewrite fVA -setIA setIid eqEsubset; split => x [fVx Ax]; split => //.
- by have /[!VBOB]-[] : (V `&` B) (f x) by split => //; exact: funS.
- by have /[!esym VBOB]-[] : (O `&` B) (f x) by split => //; exact: funS.
rewrite -open_subspaceIT; apply/open_subspaceP.
case/open_subspaceP: (ctsf _ oV) => W [oW fVA]; exists W; split => //.
rewrite fVA -setIA setIid eqEsubset; split => x [fVx Ax]; split => //.
- by have /[!VBOB]-[] : (V `&` B) (f x) by split => //; exact: funS.
- by have /[!esym VBOB]-[] : (O `&` B) (f x) by split => //; exact: funS.
Lemma continuous_subspace0 {U} (f : T -> U) : {within set0, continuous f}.
Lemma continuous_subspace1 {U} (a : T) (f : T -> U) :
{within [set a], continuous f}.
move=> x Q /=.
case: (nbhs_subspaceP [set a] x); last by move=> _ /nbhs_singleton /= ? ? ->.
by move=> -> /nbhs_singleton ?; apply: nearW => ? ->.
case: (nbhs_subspaceP [set a] x); last by move=> _ /nbhs_singleton /= ? ? ->.
by move=> -> /nbhs_singleton ?; apply: nearW => ? ->.
End SubspaceRelative.
Section SubspaceUniform.
Local Open Scope relation_scope.
Context {X : uniformType} (A : set X).
Definition subspace_ent :=
filter_from (@entourage X)
(fun E => [set xy | (xy.1 = xy.2) \/ (A xy.1 /\ A xy.2 /\ E xy)]).
Let Filter_subspace_ent : Filter subspace_ent.
apply: filter_from_filter; first by (exists setT; exact: filterT).
move=> P Q entP entQ; exists (P `&` Q); first exact: filterI.
move=> [x y] /=; case; first (by move=> ->; split=> /=; left).
by move=> [Ax [Ay [Pxy Qxy]]]; split=> /=; right.
move=> P Q entP entQ; exists (P `&` Q); first exact: filterI.
move=> [x y] /=; case; first (by move=> ->; split=> /=; left).
by move=> [Ax [Ay [Pxy Qxy]]]; split=> /=; right.
Let subspace_uniform_entourage_diagonal :
forall X : set (subspace A * subspace A),
subspace_ent X -> diagonal `<=` X.
Let subspace_uniform_entourage_inv : forall A : set (subspace A * subspace A),
subspace_ent A -> subspace_ent A^-1.
move=> ?; case=> V ? Vsub; exists V^-1; first exact: entourage_inv.
move=> [x y] /= G; apply: Vsub; case: G; first by (move=> <-; left).
by move=> [? [? Vxy]]; right; repeat split.
move=> [x y] /= G; apply: Vsub; case: G; first by (move=> <-; left).
by move=> [? [? Vxy]]; right; repeat split.
Let subspace_uniform_entourage_split_ex :
forall A : set (subspace A * subspace A),
subspace_ent A -> exists2 B, subspace_ent B & B \; B `<=` A.
move=> ?; case=> E entE Esub.
exists [set xy | xy.1 = xy.2 \/ A xy.1 /\ A xy.2 /\ split_ent E xy].
by exists (split_ent E).
move=> [x y] [z /= Ez zE] /=; case: Ez; case: zE.
- by move=> -> ->; apply: Esub; left.
- move=> [ ? []] ? G xy; subst; apply: Esub; right; repeat split => //=.
by apply: entourage_split => //=; first exact: G; exact: entourage_refl.
- move=> -> [ ? []] ? G; apply: Esub; right; repeat split => //=.
by apply: entourage_split => //=; first exact: G; exact: entourage_refl.
- move=> []? []? ?[]?[]??; apply: Esub; right; repeat split => //=.
by apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists z.
exists [set xy | xy.1 = xy.2 \/ A xy.1 /\ A xy.2 /\ split_ent E xy].
by exists (split_ent E).
move=> [x y] [z /= Ez zE] /=; case: Ez; case: zE.
- by move=> -> ->; apply: Esub; left.
- move=> [ ? []] ? G xy; subst; apply: Esub; right; repeat split => //=.
by apply: entourage_split => //=; first exact: G; exact: entourage_refl.
- move=> -> [ ? []] ? G; apply: Esub; right; repeat split => //=.
by apply: entourage_split => //=; first exact: G; exact: entourage_refl.
- move=> []? []? ?[]?[]??; apply: Esub; right; repeat split => //=.
by apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists z.
Let subspace_uniform_nbhsE : @nbhs _ (subspace A) = nbhs_ subspace_ent.
pose EA := [set xy | xy.1 = xy.2 \/ A xy.1 /\ A xy.2].
have entEA : subspace_ent EA.
exists setT; first exact: filterT.
by move=> [??] /= [ ->|[?] [?]];[left|right].
rewrite funeq2E=> x U.
case: (@nbhs_subspaceP X A x); rewrite propeqE; split => //=.
- rewrite withinE; case=> V /[dup] nbhsV => [/nbhsP [E entE Esub] UV].
exists [set xy | xy.1 = xy.2 \/ A xy.1 /\ A xy.2 /\ E xy].
by exists E => //= [[? ?]] /= [->| [? []]//]; exact: entourage_refl.
move=> y /= /xsectionP/= -[<-{y}|].
suff : (U `&` A) x by case.
by rewrite UV; split => //; exact: (@nbhs_singleton X).
case=> _ [Ay Ey]; suff : (U `&` A) y by case.
by rewrite UV; split => //; exact/Esub/xsectionP.
- move=> [] W [E eentE subW] subU //=.
near=> w; apply/subU/xsectionP/subW; right; repeat split => //=.
exact: (near (withinT _ (@nbhs_filter X _))).
by near: w; apply/nbhsP; exists E => // y /xsectionP.
- move=> //= Ux; exists EA => //.
by move=> y /xsectionP => -[|[]] //= <-; exact: Ux.
- rewrite //= => [[W [W' entW' subW] subU]] ? ->.
by apply/subU/xsectionP/subW; left.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
have entEA : subspace_ent EA.
exists setT; first exact: filterT.
by move=> [??] /= [ ->|[?] [?]];[left|right].
rewrite funeq2E=> x U.
case: (@nbhs_subspaceP X A x); rewrite propeqE; split => //=.
- rewrite withinE; case=> V /[dup] nbhsV => [/nbhsP [E entE Esub] UV].
exists [set xy | xy.1 = xy.2 \/ A xy.1 /\ A xy.2 /\ E xy].
by exists E => //= [[? ?]] /= [->| [? []]//]; exact: entourage_refl.
move=> y /= /xsectionP/= -[<-{y}|].
suff : (U `&` A) x by case.
by rewrite UV; split => //; exact: (@nbhs_singleton X).
case=> _ [Ay Ey]; suff : (U `&` A) y by case.
by rewrite UV; split => //; exact/Esub/xsectionP.
- move=> [] W [E eentE subW] subU //=.
near=> w; apply/subU/xsectionP/subW; right; repeat split => //=.
exact: (near (withinT _ (@nbhs_filter X _))).
by near: w; apply/nbhsP; exists E => // y /xsectionP.
- move=> //= Ux; exists EA => //.
by move=> y /xsectionP => -[|[]] //= <-; exact: Ux.
- rewrite //= => [[W [W' entW' subW] subU]] ? ->.
by apply/subU/xsectionP/subW; left.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := Nbhs_isUniform_mixin.Build (subspace A)
Filter_subspace_ent subspace_uniform_entourage_diagonal
subspace_uniform_entourage_inv subspace_uniform_entourage_split_ex
End SubspaceUniform.
Section SubspacePseudoMetric.
Context {R : numDomainType} {X : pseudoMetricType R} (A : set X).
Implicit Type e : R.
Definition subspace_ball (x : subspace A) (r : R) :=
if x \in A then A `&` ball (x : X) r else [set x].
Let subspace_pm_ball_center x e : 0 < e -> subspace_ball x e x.
Let subspace_pm_ball_sym x y e :
subspace_ball x e y -> subspace_ball y e x.
Let subspace_pm_ball_triangle x y z e1 e2 :
subspace_ball x e1 y -> subspace_ball y e2 z -> subspace_ball x (e1 + e2) z.
rewrite /subspace_ball; (repeat case: ifP => /asboolP).
- by move=>?? [??] [??]; split => //=; apply: ball_triangle; eauto.
- by move=> ?? [??] ->.
- by move=> + /[swap] => /[swap] => ->.
- by move=> _ _ -> ->.
- by move=>?? [??] [??]; split => //=; apply: ball_triangle; eauto.
- by move=> ?? [??] ->.
- by move=> + /[swap] => /[swap] => ->.
- by move=> _ _ -> ->.
Let subspace_pm_entourageE :
@entourage (subspace A) = entourage_ subspace_ball.
rewrite eqEsubset; split; rewrite /subspace_ball.
move=> U [W + subU]; rewrite -entourage_ballE => [[eps] nneg subW].
exists eps => //; apply: (subset_trans _ subU).
move=> [x y] /=; case: ifP => /asboolP ?.
by move=> [Ay xBy]; right; repeat split => //; exact: subW.
by move=> ->; left.
move=> E [eps nneg subE]; exists [set xy | ball (xy.1 : X) eps xy.2].
by rewrite -entourage_ballE; exists eps.
move=> [x y] /= [->|[]Ax []Ay xBy]; apply: subE => //=.
by case: ifP => /asboolP; split => //; exact: ballxx.
by case: ifP => /asboolP.
move=> U [W + subU]; rewrite -entourage_ballE => [[eps] nneg subW].
exists eps => //; apply: (subset_trans _ subU).
move=> [x y] /=; case: ifP => /asboolP ?.
by move=> [Ay xBy]; right; repeat split => //; exact: subW.
by move=> ->; left.
move=> E [eps nneg subE]; exists [set xy | ball (xy.1 : X) eps xy.2].
by rewrite -entourage_ballE; exists eps.
move=> [x y] /= [->|[]Ax []Ay xBy]; apply: subE => //=.
by case: ifP => /asboolP; split => //; exact: ballxx.
by case: ifP => /asboolP.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
@Uniform_isPseudoMetric.Build R (subspace A) subspace_ball
subspace_pm_ball_center subspace_pm_ball_sym subspace_pm_ball_triangle
Lemma ball_subspace_ball (x : subspace A) r (y : subspace A) :
ball x r y = subspace_ball x r y.
by []. Qed.
End SubspacePseudoMetric.
Section SubspaceWeak.
Context {T : topologicalType} {U : choiceType}.
Variables (f : U -> T).
Lemma weak_subspace_open (A : set (weak_topology f)) :
open A -> open (f @` A : set (subspace (range f))).
case=> B oB <-; apply/open_subspaceP; exists B; split => //; rewrite eqEsubset.
split => z [] /[swap]; first by case=> w _ <- ?; split; exists w.
by case=> w _ <- [v] ? <-.
split => z [] /[swap]; first by case=> w _ <- ?; split; exists w.
by case=> w _ <- [v] ? <-.
End SubspaceWeak.
Lemma continuous_compact {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) A :
{within A, continuous f} -> compact A -> compact (f @` A).
move=> fcont Aco F FF FfA; set G := filter_from F (fun C => A `&` f @^-1` C).
have GF : ProperFilter G.
apply: (filter_from_proper (filter_from_filter _ _)).
- by exists (f @` A).
- by move=> C1 C2 F1 F2; exists (C1 `&` C2); [exact: filterI|move=> ? [? []]].
- by move=> C /(filterI FfA) /filter_ex [_ [[p ? <-]]]; exists p.
move: Aco; rewrite -[A]setIid => /compact_subspaceIP; rewrite setIid.
case /(_ G); first by exists (f @` A) => // ? [].
move=> p [Ap clsGp]; exists (f p); split; first exact/imageP.
move=> B C FB /fcont p_Cf.
have : G (A `&` f @^-1` B) by exists B.
by move=> /clsGp /(_ p_Cf) [q [[]]]; exists (f q).
have GF : ProperFilter G.
apply: (filter_from_proper (filter_from_filter _ _)).
- by exists (f @` A).
- by move=> C1 C2 F1 F2; exists (C1 `&` C2); [exact: filterI|move=> ? [? []]].
- by move=> C /(filterI FfA) /filter_ex [_ [[p ? <-]]]; exists p.
move: Aco; rewrite -[A]setIid => /compact_subspaceIP; rewrite setIid.
case /(_ G); first by exists (f @` A) => // ? [].
move=> p [Ap clsGp]; exists (f p); split; first exact/imageP.
move=> B C FB /fcont p_Cf.
have : G (A `&` f @^-1` B) by exists B.
by move=> /clsGp /(_ p_Cf) [q [[]]]; exists (f q).
Lemma connected_continuous_connected (T U : topologicalType)
(A : set T) (f : T -> U) :
connected A -> {within A, continuous f} -> connected (f @` A).
move=> cA cf; apply: contrapT => /connectedPn[E [E0 fAE sE]].
set AfE := fun b =>(A `&` f @^-1` E b) : set (subspace A).
suff sAfE : separated (AfE false) (AfE true).
move: cA; apply/connectedPn; exists AfE; split; last (rewrite /AfE; split).
- move=> b; case: (E0 b) => /= u Ebu.
have [t Et ftu] : (f @` A) u by rewrite fAE; case: b Ebu; [right|left].
by exists t; split => //=; rewrite /preimage ftu.
- by rewrite -setIUr -preimage_setU -fAE; exact/esym/setIidPl/preimage_image.
+ rewrite -{2}(setIid A) ?setIA -(@closure_subspaceW _ A); last by move=> ?[].
by rewrite -/(AfE false) -setIA -/(AfE true); case: sAfE.
+ rewrite -{1}(setIid A) setIC ?setIA -(@closure_subspaceW _ A).
by rewrite -/(AfE true) -setIA -/(AfE false) setIC; case: sAfE.
by move=> ?[].
suff cI0 b : closure (AfE b) `&` AfE (~~ b) = set0.
by rewrite /separated cI0 setIC cI0.
have [fAfE cEIE] :
f @` AfE (~~ b) = E (~~ b) /\ closure (E b) `&` E (~~ b) = set0.
split; last by case: sE => ? ?; case: b => //; rewrite setIC.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => [|u Ebu].
apply: (subset_trans sub_image_setI).
by apply: subIset; right; exact: image_preimage_subset.
have [t [At ftu]] : exists t, A t /\ f t = u.
suff [t At ftu] : (f @` A) u by exists t.
by rewrite fAE; case: b Ebu; [left|right].
by exists t => //; split => //=; rewrite /preimage ftu.
have ? : f @` closure (AfE b) `<=` closure (E b).
have /(@image_subset _ _ f) : closure (AfE b) `<=` f @^-1` closure (E b).
have /closure_id -> : closed (f @^-1` closure (E b) : set (subspace A)).
by apply: closed_comp => //; exact: closed_closure.
apply: closure_subset.
have /(@preimage_subset _ _ f) A0cA0 := @subset_closure _ (E b).
by apply: subset_trans A0cA0; apply: subIset; right.
by move/subset_trans; apply; exact: image_preimage_subset.
apply/eqP/negPn/negP/set0P => -[t [? ?]].
have : f @` closure (AfE b) `&` f @` AfE (~~ b) = set0.
by rewrite fAfE; exact: subsetI_eq0 cEIE.
by rewrite predeqE => /(_ (f t)) [fcAfEb] _; apply: fcAfEb; split; exists t.
set AfE := fun b =>(A `&` f @^-1` E b) : set (subspace A).
suff sAfE : separated (AfE false) (AfE true).
move: cA; apply/connectedPn; exists AfE; split; last (rewrite /AfE; split).
- move=> b; case: (E0 b) => /= u Ebu.
have [t Et ftu] : (f @` A) u by rewrite fAE; case: b Ebu; [right|left].
by exists t; split => //=; rewrite /preimage ftu.
- by rewrite -setIUr -preimage_setU -fAE; exact/esym/setIidPl/preimage_image.
+ rewrite -{2}(setIid A) ?setIA -(@closure_subspaceW _ A); last by move=> ?[].
by rewrite -/(AfE false) -setIA -/(AfE true); case: sAfE.
+ rewrite -{1}(setIid A) setIC ?setIA -(@closure_subspaceW _ A).
by rewrite -/(AfE true) -setIA -/(AfE false) setIC; case: sAfE.
by move=> ?[].
suff cI0 b : closure (AfE b) `&` AfE (~~ b) = set0.
by rewrite /separated cI0 setIC cI0.
have [fAfE cEIE] :
f @` AfE (~~ b) = E (~~ b) /\ closure (E b) `&` E (~~ b) = set0.
split; last by case: sE => ? ?; case: b => //; rewrite setIC.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => [|u Ebu].
apply: (subset_trans sub_image_setI).
by apply: subIset; right; exact: image_preimage_subset.
have [t [At ftu]] : exists t, A t /\ f t = u.
suff [t At ftu] : (f @` A) u by exists t.
by rewrite fAE; case: b Ebu; [left|right].
by exists t => //; split => //=; rewrite /preimage ftu.
have ? : f @` closure (AfE b) `<=` closure (E b).
have /(@image_subset _ _ f) : closure (AfE b) `<=` f @^-1` closure (E b).
have /closure_id -> : closed (f @^-1` closure (E b) : set (subspace A)).
by apply: closed_comp => //; exact: closed_closure.
apply: closure_subset.
have /(@preimage_subset _ _ f) A0cA0 := @subset_closure _ (E b).
by apply: subset_trans A0cA0; apply: subIset; right.
by move/subset_trans; apply; exact: image_preimage_subset.
apply/eqP/negPn/negP/set0P => -[t [? ?]].
have : f @` closure (AfE b) `&` f @` AfE (~~ b) = set0.
by rewrite fAfE; exact: subsetI_eq0 cEIE.
by rewrite predeqE => /(_ (f t)) [fcAfEb] _; apply: fcAfEb; split; exists t.
Lemma continuous_localP {X Y : topologicalType} (f : X -> Y) :
continuous f <->
forall (x : X), \forall U \near powerset_filter_from (nbhs x),
{within U, continuous f}.
split; first by move=> ? ?; near=> U; apply: continuous_subspaceT=> ?; exact.
move=> + x => /(_ x)/near_powerset_filter_fromP.
case; first by move=> ? ?; exact: continuous_subspaceW.
move=> U nbhsU wctsf; wlog oU : U wctsf nbhsU / open U.
move: nbhsU; rewrite nbhsE => -[] W [oW Wx WU] /(_ W).
by move/(_ (continuous_subspaceW WU wctsf)); apply => //; exists W.
move/nbhs_singleton: nbhsU; move: x; apply/in_setP.
by rewrite -continuous_open_subspace.
Unshelve. end_near. Qed.
move=> + x => /(_ x)/near_powerset_filter_fromP.
case; first by move=> ? ?; exact: continuous_subspaceW.
move=> U nbhsU wctsf; wlog oU : U wctsf nbhsU / open U.
move: nbhsU; rewrite nbhsE => -[] W [oW Wx WU] /(_ W).
by move/(_ (continuous_subspaceW WU wctsf)); apply => //; exists W.
move/nbhs_singleton: nbhsU; move: x; apply/in_setP.
by rewrite -continuous_open_subspace.
Unshelve. end_near. Qed.
Lemma continuous_subspace_setT {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) :
continuous f <-> {within setT, continuous f}.
Section subspace_product.
Context {X Y Z : topologicalType} (A : set X) (B : set Y) .
Lemma nbhs_prodX_subspace_inE x : (A `*` B) x ->
nbhs (x : subspace (A `*` B)) = @nbhs _ (subspace A * subspace B)%type x.
case: x => a b [/= Aa Bb]; rewrite /nbhs/= -nbhs_subspace_in//.
rewrite funeqE => U /=; rewrite propeqE; split; rewrite /nbhs /=.
move=> [[P Q]] /= [nxP nyQ] PQABU; exists (P `&` A, Q `&` B).
by split; apply/nbhs_subspace_ex => //=; [exists P | exists Q];
rewrite // -setIA setIid.
by case=> p q [[/= Pp Ap [Qq Bq]]]; exact: PQABU.
move=> [[P Q]] /= [/(nbhs_subspace_ex _ Aa) [P' P'a PPA]].
move/(nbhs_subspace_ex _ Bb) => [Q' Q'a QQB PQU].
exists (P', Q') => //= -[p q] [P'p Q'q] [Ap Bq]; apply: PQU; split => /=.
by have [] : (P `&` A) p by rewrite PPA.
by have [] : (Q `&` B) q by rewrite QQB.
rewrite funeqE => U /=; rewrite propeqE; split; rewrite /nbhs /=.
move=> [[P Q]] /= [nxP nyQ] PQABU; exists (P `&` A, Q `&` B).
by split; apply/nbhs_subspace_ex => //=; [exists P | exists Q];
rewrite // -setIA setIid.
by case=> p q [[/= Pp Ap [Qq Bq]]]; exact: PQABU.
move=> [[P Q]] /= [/(nbhs_subspace_ex _ Aa) [P' P'a PPA]].
move/(nbhs_subspace_ex _ Bb) => [Q' Q'a QQB PQU].
exists (P', Q') => //= -[p q] [P'p Q'q] [Ap Bq]; apply: PQU; split => /=.
by have [] : (P `&` A) p by rewrite PPA.
by have [] : (Q `&` B) q by rewrite QQB.
Lemma continuous_subspace_prodP (f : X * Y -> Z) :
{in A `*` B, continuous (f : subspace A * subspace B -> Z)} <->
{within A `*` B, continuous f}.
by split; rewrite continuous_subspace_in => + x ABx U nfxU => /(_ x ABx U nfxU);
rewrite nbhs_prodX_subspace_inE//; move/set_mem: ABx.
rewrite nbhs_prodX_subspace_inE//; move/set_mem: ABx.
#[short(type = "continuousFunType")]
HB.structure Definition ContinuousFun {X Y : topologicalType}
(A : set X) (B : set Y) :=
{f of @isFun (subspace A) Y A B f & @Continuous (subspace A) Y f }.
Section continuous_fun_comp.
Context {X Y Z : topologicalType} (A : set X) (B : set Y) (C : set Z).
Context {f : continuousFunType A B} {g : continuousFunType B C}.
Local Lemma continuous_comp_subproof : continuous (g \o f : subspace A -> Z).
HB.instance Definition _ :=
@isContinuous.Build (subspace A) Z (g \o f) continuous_comp_subproof.
End continuous_fun_comp.