Library Combi.Basic.congr: Rewriting rule and congruencies of words
Equivalence and congruence closure of a rewriting rule on words
- congruence_rel r == the relation r on seq T is a congruence
- congruence_rule == the rule rule on seq T is a congruence rule
- gencongr_hom == the word congrugence generated by a rule
- genclass_hom == the class for gencongr_multhom
- gencongr_multhom == the word congrugence generated by a rule
- genclass_multhom == the class for gencongr_multhom
- gencongrP : gencongr is the smallest transitive congruence relation contaning rule.
- gencongr_unique : gencongr is uniquely characterized by the property above
- gencongr_ind : induction principle on classes for gencongr, any property preserved along the rewriting rule holds for classes.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import Recdef.
Require Import permcomp permuted multinomial vectNK.
Set Implicit Arguments.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import Recdef.
Require Import permcomp permuted multinomial vectNK.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Transitive closure of a rule with finite classes
Since we only need to contruct it and not to compute with it, we use a simple but extremely inefficient algorithm
Section Transitive.
Variable T : eqType.
Variable rule : T -> seq T.
Variable invar : pred T.
Hypothesis Hinvar : forall x, invar x -> all invar (rule x).
Section FullKnown.
Variable full : seq T.
Hypothesis Hfull : forall x, invar x -> x \in full.
Theorem full_bound :
forall s : seq T, all invar s -> uniq s -> size s <= size full.
End FullKnown.
Variable bound : nat.
Hypothesis Hbound: forall s : seq T, all invar s -> uniq s -> size s <= bound.
Lemma invar_undupE s : all invar (undup s) = all invar s.
Definition step s := undup (s ++ flatten (map rule s)).
Lemma step_mem s x y : y \in rule x -> x \in s -> y \in step s.
Lemma uniq_step s : uniq (step s).
Lemma undup_step s : undup (step s) = step s.
Lemma invar_step s : all invar s -> all invar (step s).
Lemma subset_step s : {subset s <= step s}.
Lemma subset_undup_step s : {subset undup s <= step s}.
Variable T : eqType.
Variable rule : T -> seq T.
Variable invar : pred T.
Hypothesis Hinvar : forall x, invar x -> all invar (rule x).
Section FullKnown.
Variable full : seq T.
Hypothesis Hfull : forall x, invar x -> x \in full.
Theorem full_bound :
forall s : seq T, all invar s -> uniq s -> size s <= size full.
End FullKnown.
Variable bound : nat.
Hypothesis Hbound: forall s : seq T, all invar s -> uniq s -> size s <= bound.
Lemma invar_undupE s : all invar (undup s) = all invar s.
Definition step s := undup (s ++ flatten (map rule s)).
Lemma step_mem s x y : y \in rule x -> x \in s -> y \in step s.
Lemma uniq_step s : uniq (step s).
Lemma undup_step s : undup (step s) = step s.
Lemma invar_step s : all invar s -> all invar (step s).
Lemma subset_step s : {subset s <= step s}.
Lemma subset_undup_step s : {subset undup s <= step s}.
This is a very unefficient transitive closure algorithm
Function trans
(s : seq T) {measure (fun s => bound - size (undup s))} : seq T :=
let us := undup s in
if all invar us then
let news := step s in
if size news > size us then trans news
else us
else us.
Lemma subset_s_trans_s s : {subset s <= trans s}.
Variant rewrite_path x y : Prop :=
Rew : forall l, path (fun t => [mem (rule t)]) x l ->
y = last x l -> rewrite_path x y.
Arguments Rew {x y} (l).
Lemma invar_rewrite_path x y : invar x -> rewrite_path x y -> invar y.
Lemma step_closed x s y :
undup s =i step s -> x \in s -> rewrite_path x y -> y \in s.
Lemma transP y l :
all invar l ->
reflect (exists x, x \in l /\ rewrite_path x y) (y \in trans l).
Lemma rewrite_path_trans x y z :
rewrite_path x y -> rewrite_path y z -> rewrite_path x z.
Lemma rewrite_path_sym x y :
(forall x y, x \in rule y -> y \in rule x) ->
rewrite_path x y -> rewrite_path y x.
End Transitive.
(s : seq T) {measure (fun s => bound - size (undup s))} : seq T :=
let us := undup s in
if all invar us then
let news := step s in
if size news > size us then trans news
else us
else us.
Lemma subset_s_trans_s s : {subset s <= trans s}.
Variant rewrite_path x y : Prop :=
Rew : forall l, path (fun t => [mem (rule t)]) x l ->
y = last x l -> rewrite_path x y.
Arguments Rew {x y} (l).
Lemma invar_rewrite_path x y : invar x -> rewrite_path x y -> invar y.
Lemma step_closed x s y :
undup s =i step s -> x \in s -> rewrite_path x y -> y \in s.
Lemma transP y l :
all invar l ->
reflect (exists x, x \in l /\ rewrite_path x y) (y \in trans l).
Lemma rewrite_path_trans x y z :
rewrite_path x y -> rewrite_path y z -> rewrite_path x z.
Lemma rewrite_path_sym x y :
(forall x y, x \in rule y -> y \in rule x) ->
rewrite_path x y -> rewrite_path y x.
End Transitive.
Section Depend.
Variable T : eqType.
Variable rule : T -> seq T.
Record invariant_context :=
InvariantContext {
invar : T -> pred T;
Hinvar_refl : forall x, invar x x;
Hinvar_all : forall x0 x, invar x0 x -> all (invar x0) (rule x);
bound : T -> nat;
Hbound: forall x s, all (invar x) s -> uniq s -> size s <= bound x
Variable inv : invariant_context.
Hypothesis Hsym : forall x y, x \in rule y -> y \in rule x.
Definition rclass x := trans (@Hinvar_all inv x) (@Hbound inv x) [:: x].
Definition rtrans : rel T := fun x y => y \in rclass x.
Lemma rtransP x y : reflect (rewrite_path rule y x) (rtrans y x).
Theorem equiv_rtrans : equivalence_rel rtrans.
Lemma rtrans_ind (P : T -> Prop) x :
P x -> (forall y z, P y -> z \in rule y -> P z) ->
forall t, rtrans x t -> P t.
Lemma rule_rtrans x y : y \in rule x -> rtrans x y.
Lemma rewrite_path_min (r : rel T) :
equivalence_rel r -> (forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, rewrite_path rule x y -> r x y.
Lemma rtrans_min (r : rel T) :
equivalence_rel r -> (forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, rtrans x y -> r x y.
End Depend.
Definition congruence_rel (T : eqType) (r : rel (seq T)) :=
forall a b1 c b2, r b1 b2 -> r (a ++ b1 ++ c) (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Definition congruence_rule (T : eqType) (rule : seq T -> seq (seq T)) :=
congruence_rel (fun a b => a \in rule b).
Variable T : eqType.
Variable rule : T -> seq T.
Record invariant_context :=
InvariantContext {
invar : T -> pred T;
Hinvar_refl : forall x, invar x x;
Hinvar_all : forall x0 x, invar x0 x -> all (invar x0) (rule x);
bound : T -> nat;
Hbound: forall x s, all (invar x) s -> uniq s -> size s <= bound x
Variable inv : invariant_context.
Hypothesis Hsym : forall x y, x \in rule y -> y \in rule x.
Definition rclass x := trans (@Hinvar_all inv x) (@Hbound inv x) [:: x].
Definition rtrans : rel T := fun x y => y \in rclass x.
Lemma rtransP x y : reflect (rewrite_path rule y x) (rtrans y x).
Theorem equiv_rtrans : equivalence_rel rtrans.
Lemma rtrans_ind (P : T -> Prop) x :
P x -> (forall y z, P y -> z \in rule y -> P z) ->
forall t, rtrans x t -> P t.
Lemma rule_rtrans x y : y \in rule x -> rtrans x y.
Lemma rewrite_path_min (r : rel T) :
equivalence_rel r -> (forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, rewrite_path rule x y -> r x y.
Lemma rtrans_min (r : rel T) :
equivalence_rel r -> (forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, rtrans x y -> r x y.
End Depend.
Definition congruence_rel (T : eqType) (r : rel (seq T)) :=
forall a b1 c b2, r b1 b2 -> r (a ++ b1 ++ c) (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Definition congruence_rule (T : eqType) (rule : seq T -> seq (seq T)) :=
congruence_rel (fun a b => a \in rule b).
Section CongruenceFacts.
Variable Alph : eqType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Variable r : rel word.
Hypothesis Hcongr : congruence_rel r.
Hypothesis Hequiv : equivalence_rel r.
Lemma congr_cons w1 w2 a : r w1 w2 -> r (a :: w1) (a :: w2).
Lemma congr_rcons w1 w2 a : r w1 w2 -> r (rcons w1 a) (rcons w2 a).
Lemma congr_catl u1 u2 v : r u1 u2 -> r (u1 ++ v) (u2 ++ v).
Lemma congr_catr u v1 v2 : r v1 v2 -> r (u ++ v1) (u ++ v2).
Lemma congr_cat u1 u2 v1 v2 : r u1 u2 -> r v1 v2 -> r (u1 ++ v1) (u2 ++ v2).
End CongruenceFacts.
Variable Alph : eqType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Variable r : rel word.
Hypothesis Hcongr : congruence_rel r.
Hypothesis Hequiv : equivalence_rel r.
Lemma congr_cons w1 w2 a : r w1 w2 -> r (a :: w1) (a :: w2).
Lemma congr_rcons w1 w2 a : r w1 w2 -> r (rcons w1 a) (rcons w2 a).
Lemma congr_catl u1 u2 v : r u1 u2 -> r (u1 ++ v) (u2 ++ v).
Lemma congr_catr u v1 v2 : r v1 v2 -> r (u ++ v1) (u ++ v2).
Lemma congr_cat u1 u2 v1 v2 : r u1 u2 -> r v1 v2 -> r (u1 ++ v1) (u2 ++ v2).
End CongruenceFacts.
Section CongruenceClosure.
Variable Alph : eqType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Implicit Types (a b c u v w : word).
Variable rule : word -> seq word.
Hypothesis Hsym : forall u v : word, v \in rule u -> u \in rule v.
Variable inv : invariant_context rule.
Definition congrrule s :=
flatten [seq
[seq (triple.1.1) ++ b1 ++ (triple.2) | b1 <- rule triple.1.2]
| triple <- cut3 s ].
Lemma congrruleP u1 u2 :
reflect (exists a v1 b v2,
[/\ u1 = a ++ v1 ++ b, u2 = a ++ v2 ++ b & v1 \in rule v2])
(u1 \in congrrule u2).
Lemma rule_congrrule u v : v \in rule u -> v \in congrrule u.
Lemma congrrule_is_congr : congruence_rule congrrule.
Hypothesis Hinvar_congr :
forall u a b1 b2 c,
invar inv b1 b2 -> invar inv u (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> invar inv u (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Lemma congrrule_invar u v :
invar inv u v -> all (invar inv u) (congrrule v).
Lemma congrrule_sym u v : v \in congrrule u -> u \in congrrule v.
Definition invcont_congr :=
InvariantContext (Hinvar_refl inv) congrrule_invar (@Hbound _ _ inv).
Definition gencongr := rtrans invcont_congr.
Definition genclass := rclass invcont_congr.
Lemma genclassE u v : (u \in genclass v) = (u \in gencongr v).
Lemma gencongr_equiv : equivalence_rel gencongr.
Lemma gencongr_is_congr : congruence_rel gencongr.
Lemma rule_gencongr u v : v \in rule u -> v \in gencongr u.
Lemma gencongr_min (r : rel word) :
equivalence_rel r -> congruence_rel r ->
(forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, gencongr x y -> r x y.
Theorem gencongr_ind (P : word -> Prop) x :
P x ->
(forall a b1 c b2, P (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> b2 \in rule b1 -> P (a ++ b2 ++ c)) ->
forall y, gencongr x y -> P y.
Lemma gencongr_invar u v : gencongr u v-> invar inv u v.
Variant Generated_EquivCongruence (grel : rel word) :=
GenCongr : equivalence_rel grel ->
congruence_rel grel ->
( forall u v, v \in rule u -> grel u v ) ->
( forall r : rel word,
equivalence_rel r -> congruence_rel r ->
(forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, grel x y -> r x y
) -> Generated_EquivCongruence grel.
Theorem gencongrP : Generated_EquivCongruence gencongr.
Lemma gencongr_imply r1 r2 :
Generated_EquivCongruence r1 -> Generated_EquivCongruence r2 ->
forall x y, r1 x y -> r2 x y.
Theorem gencongr_unique grel :
Generated_EquivCongruence grel -> grel =2 gencongr.
Theorem gencongr_generic_ind grel (P : word -> Prop) x :
Generated_EquivCongruence grel ->
P x ->
(forall a b1 c b2, P (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> b2 \in rule b1 -> P (a ++ b2 ++ c)) ->
forall y, grel x y -> P y.
End CongruenceClosure.
Variable Alph : eqType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Implicit Types (a b c u v w : word).
Variable rule : word -> seq word.
Hypothesis Hsym : forall u v : word, v \in rule u -> u \in rule v.
Variable inv : invariant_context rule.
Definition congrrule s :=
flatten [seq
[seq (triple.1.1) ++ b1 ++ (triple.2) | b1 <- rule triple.1.2]
| triple <- cut3 s ].
Lemma congrruleP u1 u2 :
reflect (exists a v1 b v2,
[/\ u1 = a ++ v1 ++ b, u2 = a ++ v2 ++ b & v1 \in rule v2])
(u1 \in congrrule u2).
Lemma rule_congrrule u v : v \in rule u -> v \in congrrule u.
Lemma congrrule_is_congr : congruence_rule congrrule.
Hypothesis Hinvar_congr :
forall u a b1 b2 c,
invar inv b1 b2 -> invar inv u (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> invar inv u (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Lemma congrrule_invar u v :
invar inv u v -> all (invar inv u) (congrrule v).
Lemma congrrule_sym u v : v \in congrrule u -> u \in congrrule v.
Definition invcont_congr :=
InvariantContext (Hinvar_refl inv) congrrule_invar (@Hbound _ _ inv).
Definition gencongr := rtrans invcont_congr.
Definition genclass := rclass invcont_congr.
Lemma genclassE u v : (u \in genclass v) = (u \in gencongr v).
Lemma gencongr_equiv : equivalence_rel gencongr.
Lemma gencongr_is_congr : congruence_rel gencongr.
Lemma rule_gencongr u v : v \in rule u -> v \in gencongr u.
Lemma gencongr_min (r : rel word) :
equivalence_rel r -> congruence_rel r ->
(forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, gencongr x y -> r x y.
Theorem gencongr_ind (P : word -> Prop) x :
P x ->
(forall a b1 c b2, P (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> b2 \in rule b1 -> P (a ++ b2 ++ c)) ->
forall y, gencongr x y -> P y.
Lemma gencongr_invar u v : gencongr u v-> invar inv u v.
Variant Generated_EquivCongruence (grel : rel word) :=
GenCongr : equivalence_rel grel ->
congruence_rel grel ->
( forall u v, v \in rule u -> grel u v ) ->
( forall r : rel word,
equivalence_rel r -> congruence_rel r ->
(forall x y, y \in rule x -> r x y) ->
forall x y, grel x y -> r x y
) -> Generated_EquivCongruence grel.
Theorem gencongrP : Generated_EquivCongruence gencongr.
Lemma gencongr_imply r1 r2 :
Generated_EquivCongruence r1 -> Generated_EquivCongruence r2 ->
forall x y, r1 x y -> r2 x y.
Theorem gencongr_unique grel :
Generated_EquivCongruence grel -> grel =2 gencongr.
Theorem gencongr_generic_ind grel (P : word -> Prop) x :
Generated_EquivCongruence grel ->
P x ->
(forall a b1 c b2, P (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> b2 \in rule b1 -> P (a ++ b2 ++ c)) ->
forall y, grel x y -> P y.
End CongruenceClosure.
Section InvarContMultHom.
Variable Alph : eqType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Variable rule : word -> seq word.
Hypothesis Hmulthom : forall u : word, all (perm_eq u) (rule u).
Lemma perm_bound (x : word) (s : seq word) :
all (perm_eq x) s -> uniq s -> size s <= (size x)`!.
Lemma perm_invar (x0 x : word) : perm_eq x0 x -> all (perm_eq x0) (rule x).
Definition invcont_perm :=
InvariantContext (@perm_refl _) perm_invar perm_bound.
Hypothesis Hsym : forall u v : word, v \in rule u -> u \in rule v.
Hypothesis Hcongr : congruence_rule rule.
Lemma perm_invar_congr u (a b1 b2 c : word) :
invar invcont_perm b1 b2 ->
invar invcont_perm u (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> invar invcont_perm u (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Definition gencongr_multhom := gencongr perm_invar_congr.
Definition genclass_multhom := genclass perm_invar_congr.
End InvarContMultHom.
Variable Alph : eqType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Variable rule : word -> seq word.
Hypothesis Hmulthom : forall u : word, all (perm_eq u) (rule u).
Lemma perm_bound (x : word) (s : seq word) :
all (perm_eq x) s -> uniq s -> size s <= (size x)`!.
Lemma perm_invar (x0 x : word) : perm_eq x0 x -> all (perm_eq x0) (rule x).
Definition invcont_perm :=
InvariantContext (@perm_refl _) perm_invar perm_bound.
Hypothesis Hsym : forall u v : word, v \in rule u -> u \in rule v.
Hypothesis Hcongr : congruence_rule rule.
Lemma perm_invar_congr u (a b1 b2 c : word) :
invar invcont_perm b1 b2 ->
invar invcont_perm u (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> invar invcont_perm u (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Definition gencongr_multhom := gencongr perm_invar_congr.
Definition genclass_multhom := genclass perm_invar_congr.
End InvarContMultHom.
Section InvarContHom.
Variable Alph : finType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Variable rule : word -> seq word.
Let szinvar (u : word) := [pred v : word | size v == size u].
Hypothesis Hhom : forall u : word, all (szinvar u) (rule u).
Lemma size_bound (x : word) (s : seq word) :
all (szinvar x) s -> uniq s -> size s <= #|Alph|^(size x).
Lemma size_invar (x0 x : word) : szinvar x0 x -> all (szinvar x0) (rule x).
Lemma size_invar_refl (x : word) : szinvar x x.
Definition invcont_size :=
InvariantContext size_invar_refl size_invar size_bound.
Hypothesis Hcongr : congruence_rule rule.
Lemma size_invar_congr u (a b1 b2 c : word) :
invar invcont_size b1 b2 ->
invar invcont_size u (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> invar invcont_size u (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Definition gencongr_hom := gencongr size_invar_congr.
Definition genclass_hom := genclass size_invar_congr.
End InvarContHom.
Variable Alph : finType.
Notation word := (seq Alph).
Variable rule : word -> seq word.
Let szinvar (u : word) := [pred v : word | size v == size u].
Hypothesis Hhom : forall u : word, all (szinvar u) (rule u).
Lemma size_bound (x : word) (s : seq word) :
all (szinvar x) s -> uniq s -> size s <= #|Alph|^(size x).
Lemma size_invar (x0 x : word) : szinvar x0 x -> all (szinvar x0) (rule x).
Lemma size_invar_refl (x : word) : szinvar x x.
Definition invcont_size :=
InvariantContext size_invar_refl size_invar size_bound.
Hypothesis Hcongr : congruence_rule rule.
Lemma size_invar_congr u (a b1 b2 c : word) :
invar invcont_size b1 b2 ->
invar invcont_size u (a ++ b1 ++ c) -> invar invcont_size u (a ++ b2 ++ c).
Definition gencongr_hom := gencongr size_invar_congr.
Definition genclass_hom := genclass size_invar_congr.
End InvarContHom.