Library Combi.Combi.bintree: Binary Trees
Binary Trees
- bintree == the type of binary trees this is canonically a countType
- BinLeaf == the leaf for binary trees
- BinNode left right == the binary tree with subtrees left right
- size_tree t == the number of node of the tree t
- enum_bintreesz n == the list of a trees of size n
- bintreesz n == the Sigma type for trees of size n. This is canonically a finType with enumeration enum_bintreesz n
- Catalan_bin n == Catalan number defined using the binary tree recursion: C_0 = 1 and C_{n+1} = sum__(i+j = n) C_i C_j. We show that they count the number of binary trees of size n. The binomial formula will be proved using Dyck word.
- left_branch t == the sequence of the right subtrees of the nodes starting for the root of t and going only left
- from_left s == the tree whose left branch is s
- cat_left t1 t2 == the tree whose left branch is the concatenation of
the left branches of t1 and t2
- rightcomb n == the right comb binary tree of size n as a bintree
- leftcomb n == the left comb binary tree of size n as a bintree
- flip t == the left/right mirror of t
- rightcombsz n == the right comb binary tree of size n as a bintreesz n
- leftcombsz n == the left comb binary tree of size n as a bintreesz n
- flipsz t == the left/right mirror of t as a bintreesz n
- rotations t == the list of right rotations of the tree t
- t1 <=T t2 == t1 is smaller than t2 in the Tamari order
- right_sizes t == the sequence in infix order reading of the node of t of the the sizes of the right subtrees
- from_vct vct == recovers the tree t from its right sizes vector.
- v \is a TamariVector == v is the right sizes vector of some tree t. The characterization of a Tamari vector of size n is that for all i < n then v_i + 1 < n and for all j such that i < j <= v_i + i then v_j + j <= v_i + i.
- vctleq v1 v2 = v1 <=V v2 == v1 and v2 are of the same lenght and v1 is smaller than v2 componentwise (ie. for all i then v1_i <= v2_i
- vctmin v1 v2 == the componentwise min of v1 and v2
- t1 \/T t2 == the meet of t1 and t2 in the Tamari lattice.
- t1 /\T t2 == the join of t1 and t2 in the Tamari lattice.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import tools combclass ordtype.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.Theory.
Reserved Notation "x '<=T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x '<T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x '/\T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x '\/T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import tools combclass ordtype.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.Theory.
Reserved Notation "x '<=T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x '<T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x '/\T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
Reserved Notation "x '\/T' y" (at level 70, y at next level).
Inductive bintree : predArgType :=
| BinLeaf : bintree
| BinNode : bintree -> bintree -> bintree.
Fixpoint eq_bintree (b1 b2 : bintree) : bool :=
match b1, b2 with
| BinLeaf, BinLeaf => true
| BinNode l1 r1, BinNode l2 r2 => eq_bintree l1 l2 && eq_bintree r1 r2
| _, _ => false
Lemma eq_bintreeP : Equality.axiom eq_bintree.
Fixpoint tree_encode (t : bintree) : GenTree.tree unit :=
match t with
| BinLeaf => GenTree.Leaf tt
| BinNode tl tr => GenTree.Node 2 [:: tree_encode tl; tree_encode tr]
Fixpoint tree_decode (gt : GenTree.tree unit) :=
match gt with
| GenTree.Leaf tt => BinLeaf
| GenTree.Node 2 [:: tl; tr] => BinNode (tree_decode tl) (tree_decode tr)
| _ => BinLeaf
| BinLeaf : bintree
| BinNode : bintree -> bintree -> bintree.
Fixpoint eq_bintree (b1 b2 : bintree) : bool :=
match b1, b2 with
| BinLeaf, BinLeaf => true
| BinNode l1 r1, BinNode l2 r2 => eq_bintree l1 l2 && eq_bintree r1 r2
| _, _ => false
Lemma eq_bintreeP : Equality.axiom eq_bintree.
Fixpoint tree_encode (t : bintree) : GenTree.tree unit :=
match t with
| BinLeaf => GenTree.Leaf tt
| BinNode tl tr => GenTree.Node 2 [:: tree_encode tl; tree_encode tr]
Fixpoint tree_decode (gt : GenTree.tree unit) :=
match gt with
| GenTree.Leaf tt => BinLeaf
| GenTree.Node 2 [:: tl; tr] => BinNode (tree_decode tl) (tree_decode tr)
| _ => BinLeaf
unused case
Lemma tree_encodeK : cancel tree_encode tree_decode.
Fixpoint size_tree t :=
match t with
| BinLeaf => 0
| BinNode l r => 1 + (size_tree l) + (size_tree r)
Lemma LeafP t : reflect (t = BinLeaf) (size_tree t == 0).
Lemma size_tree_eq0 t : (size_tree t == 0) = (t == BinLeaf).
Section Size.
Variable (n : nat).
Structure bintreesz : predArgType :=
BinTreeSZ {trval :> bintree; _ : size_tree trval == n}.
Lemma bintreeszP (t : bintreesz) : size_tree t = n.
End Size.
Lemma tree_encodeK : cancel tree_encode tree_decode.
Fixpoint size_tree t :=
match t with
| BinLeaf => 0
| BinNode l r => 1 + (size_tree l) + (size_tree r)
Lemma LeafP t : reflect (t = BinLeaf) (size_tree t == 0).
Lemma size_tree_eq0 t : (size_tree t == 0) = (t == BinLeaf).
Section Size.
Variable (n : nat).
Structure bintreesz : predArgType :=
BinTreeSZ {trval :> bintree; _ : size_tree trval == n}.
Lemma bintreeszP (t : bintreesz) : size_tree t = n.
End Size.
Catalan numbers
Fixpoint Catalan n :=
if n is n'.+1 then
sumn [Catalan i * Catalan (n - i) | i <- iota 0 n.+1]
else 1.
Fixpoint Catalan_bin_leq n :=
if n is n.+1 then
let cr := Catalan_bin_leq n in
let new := sumn [seq nth 0 cr i * nth 0 cr (n - i) | i <- iota 0 n.+1]
in rcons cr new
else [:: 1].
Definition Catalan_bin n := last 0 (Catalan_bin_leq n).
if n is n.+1 then
let cr := Catalan_bin_leq n in
let new := sumn [seq nth 0 cr i * nth 0 cr (n - i) | i <- iota 0 n.+1]
in rcons cr new
else [:: 1].
Definition Catalan_bin n := last 0 (Catalan_bin_leq n).
A seq of size n.+1 whose i-th element contains the list of all binary trees
of size i
Fixpoint enum_bintreesz_leq n :=
if n is n'.+1 then
let rec := enum_bintreesz_leq n' in
let listn :=
flatten [seq [seq BinNode tl tr |
tl <- nth [::] rec i,
tr <- nth [::] rec (n' - i)] | i <- iota 0 n'.+1]
in rcons rec listn
else [:: [:: BinLeaf]].
Definition enum_bintreesz n := last [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq n).
if n is n'.+1 then
let rec := enum_bintreesz_leq n' in
let listn :=
flatten [seq [seq BinNode tl tr |
tl <- nth [::] rec i,
tr <- nth [::] rec (n' - i)] | i <- iota 0 n'.+1]
in rcons rec listn
else [:: [:: BinLeaf]].
Definition enum_bintreesz n := last [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq n).
Some tests :
Goal [seq Catalan_bin n | n <- iota 0 10] =
[:: 1; 1; 2; 5; 14; 42; 132; 429; 1430; 4862].
Goal [seq size (enum_bintreesz n) | n <- iota 0 10] =
[:: 1; 1; 2; 5; 14; 42; 132; 429; 1430; 4862].
Lemma size_Catalan_bin_leq n : size (Catalan_bin_leq n) = n.+1.
Lemma size_enum_bintreesz n : size (enum_bintreesz_leq n) = n.+1.
Lemma size_enum_bintreeszE n : size (enum_bintreesz n) = Catalan_bin n.
Lemma Catalan_bin_leqE i m :
i <= m -> nth 0 (Catalan_bin_leq m) i = Catalan_bin i.
Lemma enum_bintreesz_leq_leqE i n m :
i <= n <= m ->
nth [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq n) i = nth [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq m) i.
Lemma enum_bintreesz_leqE n m :
n <= m -> enum_bintreesz n = nth [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq m) n.
Lemma Catalan_bin0 : Catalan_bin 0 = 1.
Lemma enum_bintreesz0 : enum_bintreesz 0 = [:: BinLeaf].
Lemma Catalan_binS n :
Catalan_bin n.+1 = \sum_(0 <= i < n.+1) Catalan_bin i * Catalan_bin (n - i).
Lemma enum_bintreeszE n :
enum_bintreesz n.+1 =
flatten [seq [seq BinNode tl tr |
tl <- enum_bintreesz i,
tr <- enum_bintreesz (n - i)] | i <- iota 0 n.+1].
Lemma size_mem_enum_bintreeszP n t :
t \in enum_bintreesz n -> size_tree t = n.
Lemma enum_bintreeszP n :
all (fun t => size_tree t == n) (enum_bintreesz n).
Lemma enum_bintreesz_uniq n : uniq (enum_bintreesz n).
Lemma mem_enum_bintreesz n t :
size_tree t == n -> t \in enum_bintreesz n.
Lemma enum_bintreesz_countE n t :
size_tree t == n -> count_mem t (enum_bintreesz n) = 1.
Theorem card_bintreesz n : #|bintreesz n| = Catalan_bin n.
[:: 1; 1; 2; 5; 14; 42; 132; 429; 1430; 4862].
Goal [seq size (enum_bintreesz n) | n <- iota 0 10] =
[:: 1; 1; 2; 5; 14; 42; 132; 429; 1430; 4862].
Lemma size_Catalan_bin_leq n : size (Catalan_bin_leq n) = n.+1.
Lemma size_enum_bintreesz n : size (enum_bintreesz_leq n) = n.+1.
Lemma size_enum_bintreeszE n : size (enum_bintreesz n) = Catalan_bin n.
Lemma Catalan_bin_leqE i m :
i <= m -> nth 0 (Catalan_bin_leq m) i = Catalan_bin i.
Lemma enum_bintreesz_leq_leqE i n m :
i <= n <= m ->
nth [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq n) i = nth [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq m) i.
Lemma enum_bintreesz_leqE n m :
n <= m -> enum_bintreesz n = nth [::] (enum_bintreesz_leq m) n.
Lemma Catalan_bin0 : Catalan_bin 0 = 1.
Lemma enum_bintreesz0 : enum_bintreesz 0 = [:: BinLeaf].
Lemma Catalan_binS n :
Catalan_bin n.+1 = \sum_(0 <= i < n.+1) Catalan_bin i * Catalan_bin (n - i).
Lemma enum_bintreeszE n :
enum_bintreesz n.+1 =
flatten [seq [seq BinNode tl tr |
tl <- enum_bintreesz i,
tr <- enum_bintreesz (n - i)] | i <- iota 0 n.+1].
Lemma size_mem_enum_bintreeszP n t :
t \in enum_bintreesz n -> size_tree t = n.
Lemma enum_bintreeszP n :
all (fun t => size_tree t == n) (enum_bintreesz n).
Lemma enum_bintreesz_uniq n : uniq (enum_bintreesz n).
Lemma mem_enum_bintreesz n t :
size_tree t == n -> t \in enum_bintreesz n.
Lemma enum_bintreesz_countE n t :
size_tree t == n -> count_mem t (enum_bintreesz n) = 1.
Theorem card_bintreesz n : #|bintreesz n| = Catalan_bin n.
Fixpoint left_branch t :=
if t is BinNode l r then r :: left_branch l else [::].
Fixpoint from_left l :=
if l is l0 :: l then BinNode (from_left l) l0 else BinLeaf.
Definition cat_left t1 t2 := from_left (left_branch t1 ++ left_branch t2).
Lemma left_branchK : cancel left_branch from_left.
Lemma from_leftK : cancel from_left left_branch.
Lemma cat_left0t t : cat_left BinLeaf t = t.
Lemma cat_leftt0 t : cat_left t BinLeaf = t.
Lemma cat_left_Node l r :
cat_left (BinNode BinLeaf r) l = BinNode l r.
Lemma cat_leftA t u v :
cat_left (cat_left t u) v = cat_left t (cat_left u v).
Lemma size_from_left s :
size_tree (from_left s) = sumn [seq (size_tree t).+1 | t <- s].
Lemma size_cat_left t u :
size_tree (cat_left t u) = size_tree t + size_tree u.
Lemma from_left_cat s1 s2 :
from_left (s1 ++ s2) = cat_left (from_left s1) (from_left s2).
Lemma size_left_branch t :
all (fun l => size_tree l < size_tree t) (left_branch t).
if t is BinNode l r then r :: left_branch l else [::].
Fixpoint from_left l :=
if l is l0 :: l then BinNode (from_left l) l0 else BinLeaf.
Definition cat_left t1 t2 := from_left (left_branch t1 ++ left_branch t2).
Lemma left_branchK : cancel left_branch from_left.
Lemma from_leftK : cancel from_left left_branch.
Lemma cat_left0t t : cat_left BinLeaf t = t.
Lemma cat_leftt0 t : cat_left t BinLeaf = t.
Lemma cat_left_Node l r :
cat_left (BinNode BinLeaf r) l = BinNode l r.
Lemma cat_leftA t u v :
cat_left (cat_left t u) v = cat_left t (cat_left u v).
Lemma size_from_left s :
size_tree (from_left s) = sumn [seq (size_tree t).+1 | t <- s].
Lemma size_cat_left t u :
size_tree (cat_left t u) = size_tree t + size_tree u.
Lemma from_left_cat s1 s2 :
from_left (s1 ++ s2) = cat_left (from_left s1) (from_left s2).
Lemma size_left_branch t :
all (fun l => size_tree l < size_tree t) (left_branch t).
Fixpoint rightcomb n :=
if n is n'.+1 then
BinNode BinLeaf (rightcomb n')
else BinLeaf.
Fixpoint leftcomb n :=
if n is n'.+1 then
BinNode (leftcomb n') BinLeaf
else BinLeaf.
Fixpoint flip t :=
if t is BinNode l r then
BinNode (flip r) (flip l)
else BinLeaf.
Section SizeN.
Variable (n : nat).
Fact size_rightcomb : size_tree (rightcomb n) == n.
Canonical rightcombsz := BinTreeSZ size_rightcomb.
Lemma size_leftcomb : size_tree (leftcomb n) == n.
Canonical leftcombsz := BinTreeSZ size_leftcomb.
Lemma size_flip t : size_tree (flip t) = size_tree t.
Lemma flipK : involutive flip.
Lemma flip_rightcomb : flip (rightcomb n) = leftcomb n.
Lemma flip_leftcomb : flip (leftcomb n) = rightcomb n.
Fact flipsz_subproof (t : bintreesz n) : size_tree (flip t) == n.
Canonical flipsz t := BinTreeSZ (flipsz_subproof t).
Lemma flipszK : involutive flipsz.
Lemma flipsz_rightcomb : flipsz rightcombsz = leftcombsz.
Lemma flipsz_leftcomb : flipsz leftcombsz = rightcombsz.
End SizeN.
if n is n'.+1 then
BinNode BinLeaf (rightcomb n')
else BinLeaf.
Fixpoint leftcomb n :=
if n is n'.+1 then
BinNode (leftcomb n') BinLeaf
else BinLeaf.
Fixpoint flip t :=
if t is BinNode l r then
BinNode (flip r) (flip l)
else BinLeaf.
Section SizeN.
Variable (n : nat).
Fact size_rightcomb : size_tree (rightcomb n) == n.
Canonical rightcombsz := BinTreeSZ size_rightcomb.
Lemma size_leftcomb : size_tree (leftcomb n) == n.
Canonical leftcombsz := BinTreeSZ size_leftcomb.
Lemma size_flip t : size_tree (flip t) = size_tree t.
Lemma flipK : involutive flip.
Lemma flip_rightcomb : flip (rightcomb n) = leftcomb n.
Lemma flip_leftcomb : flip (leftcomb n) = rightcomb n.
Fact flipsz_subproof (t : bintreesz n) : size_tree (flip t) == n.
Canonical flipsz t := BinTreeSZ (flipsz_subproof t).
Lemma flipszK : involutive flipsz.
Lemma flipsz_rightcomb : flipsz rightcombsz = leftcombsz.
Lemma flipsz_leftcomb : flipsz leftcombsz = rightcombsz.
End SizeN.
Fixpoint rotations t :=
if t is BinNode l r then
let rec := [seq BinNode lrot r | lrot <- rotations l] ++
[seq BinNode l rrot | rrot <- rotations r]
in if l is BinNode ll lr then
BinNode ll (BinNode lr r) :: rec
else rec
else [::].
Lemma rotations_left_sub l1 l2 r :
l1 \in rotations l2 -> BinNode l1 r \in rotations (BinNode l2 r).
Lemma rotations_right_sub l r1 r2 :
r1 \in rotations r2 -> BinNode l r1 \in rotations (BinNode l r2).
Lemma rotationP t1 t2 :
(exists a b c,
[\/ [/\ t1 = BinNode (BinNode a b) c & t2 = BinNode a (BinNode b c)],
[/\ t1 = BinNode a c, t2 = BinNode b c & b \in rotations a] |
[/\ t1 = BinNode a b, t2 = BinNode a c & c \in rotations b]])
(t2 \in rotations t1).
Lemma size_rotations t t' :
t' \in rotations t -> size_tree t' = size_tree t.
Lemma rotations_flip_impl t1 t2:
(t1 \in rotations t2) -> (flip t2 \in rotations (flip t1)).
Lemma rotations_flip t1 t2:
(t1 \in rotations t2) = (flip t2 \in rotations (flip t1)).
Lemma catleft_rotations t t1 t2 :
t1 \in rotations t2 -> (cat_left t t1) \in rotations (cat_left t t2).
Lemma rightcomb_rotations n : rotations (rightcomb n) = [::].
Lemma rightcomb_rotationsE t :
(rotations t == [::]) = (t == rightcomb (size_tree t)).
Lemma leftcomb_rotations t : leftcomb (size_tree t) \notin rotations t.
if t is BinNode l r then
let rec := [seq BinNode lrot r | lrot <- rotations l] ++
[seq BinNode l rrot | rrot <- rotations r]
in if l is BinNode ll lr then
BinNode ll (BinNode lr r) :: rec
else rec
else [::].
Lemma rotations_left_sub l1 l2 r :
l1 \in rotations l2 -> BinNode l1 r \in rotations (BinNode l2 r).
Lemma rotations_right_sub l r1 r2 :
r1 \in rotations r2 -> BinNode l r1 \in rotations (BinNode l r2).
Lemma rotationP t1 t2 :
(exists a b c,
[\/ [/\ t1 = BinNode (BinNode a b) c & t2 = BinNode a (BinNode b c)],
[/\ t1 = BinNode a c, t2 = BinNode b c & b \in rotations a] |
[/\ t1 = BinNode a b, t2 = BinNode a c & c \in rotations b]])
(t2 \in rotations t1).
Lemma size_rotations t t' :
t' \in rotations t -> size_tree t' = size_tree t.
Lemma rotations_flip_impl t1 t2:
(t1 \in rotations t2) -> (flip t2 \in rotations (flip t1)).
Lemma rotations_flip t1 t2:
(t1 \in rotations t2) = (flip t2 \in rotations (flip t1)).
Lemma catleft_rotations t t1 t2 :
t1 \in rotations t2 -> (cat_left t t1) \in rotations (cat_left t t2).
Lemma rightcomb_rotations n : rotations (rightcomb n) = [::].
Lemma rightcomb_rotationsE t :
(rotations t == [::]) = (t == rightcomb (size_tree t)).
Lemma leftcomb_rotations t : leftcomb (size_tree t) \notin rotations t.
Fixpoint right_sizes t :=
if t is BinNode l r then
right_sizes l ++ size_tree r :: right_sizes r
else [::].
Fixpoint is_Tamari v :=
if v is v0 :: v' then
[&& v0 <= size v',
is_Tamari v' &
all (fun i => nth 0 v' i + i < v0) (iota 0 v0)]
else true.
Definition TamariVector := [qualify a v : seq nat | is_Tamari v].
Lemma sumn_right_sizes_gt t t' :
t' \in rotations t -> sumn (right_sizes t) < sumn (right_sizes t').
Lemma rotations_neq t t' : t' \in rotations t -> t != t'.
Lemma size_right_sizes t : size (right_sizes t) = size_tree t.
Lemma right_sizes_left_comb n :
right_sizes (leftcomb n) = nseq n 0.
Lemma right_sizes_from_left s :
right_sizes (from_left s) =
flatten [seq size_tree t :: right_sizes t | t <- rev s].
Lemma right_sizes_cat_left t1 t2 :
right_sizes (cat_left t1 t2) = right_sizes t2 ++ right_sizes t1.
Lemma Tamari_consP v0 v :
[/\ v0 <= size v,
v \is a TamariVector &
forall i, i < v0 -> nth 0 v i + i < v0]
(v0 :: v \is a TamariVector).
Lemma TamariP v :
((forall i, i < size v -> nth 0 v i + i < size v) /\
(forall i j, i < j <= nth 0 v i + i -> nth 0 v j + j <= nth 0 v i + i))
(v \is a TamariVector).
Lemma Tamari_drop n v :
v \is a TamariVector -> drop n v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma Tamari_catr u v :
u ++ v \is a TamariVector -> v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma Tamari_take v0 v :
v0 :: v \is a TamariVector -> take v0 v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma Tamari_cat v1 v2 :
v1 \is a TamariVector ->
v2 \is a TamariVector ->
v1 ++ v2 \is a TamariVector.
Lemma cons_TamariP v : v \is a TamariVector -> size v :: v \is a TamariVector.
Theorem right_sizesP t : right_sizes t \is a TamariVector.
#[local] Hint Resolve right_sizesP : core.
if t is BinNode l r then
right_sizes l ++ size_tree r :: right_sizes r
else [::].
Fixpoint is_Tamari v :=
if v is v0 :: v' then
[&& v0 <= size v',
is_Tamari v' &
all (fun i => nth 0 v' i + i < v0) (iota 0 v0)]
else true.
Definition TamariVector := [qualify a v : seq nat | is_Tamari v].
Lemma sumn_right_sizes_gt t t' :
t' \in rotations t -> sumn (right_sizes t) < sumn (right_sizes t').
Lemma rotations_neq t t' : t' \in rotations t -> t != t'.
Lemma size_right_sizes t : size (right_sizes t) = size_tree t.
Lemma right_sizes_left_comb n :
right_sizes (leftcomb n) = nseq n 0.
Lemma right_sizes_from_left s :
right_sizes (from_left s) =
flatten [seq size_tree t :: right_sizes t | t <- rev s].
Lemma right_sizes_cat_left t1 t2 :
right_sizes (cat_left t1 t2) = right_sizes t2 ++ right_sizes t1.
Lemma Tamari_consP v0 v :
[/\ v0 <= size v,
v \is a TamariVector &
forall i, i < v0 -> nth 0 v i + i < v0]
(v0 :: v \is a TamariVector).
Lemma TamariP v :
((forall i, i < size v -> nth 0 v i + i < size v) /\
(forall i j, i < j <= nth 0 v i + i -> nth 0 v j + j <= nth 0 v i + i))
(v \is a TamariVector).
Lemma Tamari_drop n v :
v \is a TamariVector -> drop n v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma Tamari_catr u v :
u ++ v \is a TamariVector -> v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma Tamari_take v0 v :
v0 :: v \is a TamariVector -> take v0 v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma Tamari_cat v1 v2 :
v1 \is a TamariVector ->
v2 \is a TamariVector ->
v1 ++ v2 \is a TamariVector.
Lemma cons_TamariP v : v \is a TamariVector -> size v :: v \is a TamariVector.
Theorem right_sizesP t : right_sizes t \is a TamariVector.
#[local] Hint Resolve right_sizesP : core.
Fixpoint from_vct_rec fuel lft vct :=
if fuel is fuel.+1 then
if vct is v0 :: vct' then
from_vct_rec fuel
(BinNode lft (from_vct_rec fuel BinLeaf (take v0 vct')))
(drop v0 vct')
else lft
else BinLeaf.
Definition from_vct_acc lft vct := from_vct_rec (size vct).+1 lft vct.
Definition from_vct := from_vct_acc BinLeaf.
Section Tests.
Goal [seq right_sizes t | t <- enum_bintreesz 3] =
[:: [:: 2; 1; 0]; [:: 2; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 1; 0]; [:: 1; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 0; 0]].
Goal [seq right_sizes t | t <- enum_bintreesz 4] =
[:: [:: 3; 2; 1; 0]; [:: 3; 2; 0; 0]; [:: 3; 0; 1; 0]; [:: 3; 1; 0; 0];
[:: 3; 0; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 2; 1; 0]; [:: 0; 2; 0; 0]; [:: 1; 0; 1; 0];
[:: 0; 0; 1; 0]; [:: 2; 1; 0; 0]; [:: 2; 0; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 1; 0; 0];
[:: 1; 0; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 0; 0; 0] ].
Let bla := Eval hnf in nth BinLeaf (enum_bintreesz 5) 21.
Goal right_sizes bla = [:: 0; 0; 2; 1; 0].
Goal [seq right_sizes rot | rot <- rotations bla] =
[:: [:: 0; 3; 2; 1; 0]; [:: 1; 0; 2; 1; 0]].
Goal all
(fun i => all (fun t => t == from_vct (right_sizes t)) (enum_bintreesz i))
(iota 0 7).
Goal all
(fun i => all (fun t => right_sizes t \is a TamariVector) (enum_bintreesz i))
(iota 0 7).
Goal [:: 1; 1; 0] \isn't a TamariVector.
Goal [:: 2; 0; 1; 0] \isn't a TamariVector.
Goal [:: 2; 0; 0; 1; 0] \is a TamariVector.
End Tests.
Lemma from_vct_acc_nil lft : from_vct_acc lft [::] = lft.
Lemma from_vct_fuelE fuel lft vct :
size vct < fuel -> from_vct_rec fuel lft vct = from_vct_acc lft vct.
Lemma from_vct_accE lft v0 vct :
from_vct_acc lft (v0 :: vct) =
from_vct_acc (BinNode lft (from_vct_acc BinLeaf (take v0 vct)))
(drop v0 vct).
Lemma from_vct_cat_leftE lft vct :
from_vct_acc lft vct = cat_left (from_vct_acc BinLeaf vct) lft.
Lemma size_from_vct_acc s :
size_tree (from_vct_acc BinLeaf s) = size s.
Lemma size_from_vct s :
size_tree (from_vct s) = size s.
Theorem right_sizesK : cancel right_sizes from_vct.
Theorem from_vctK : {in TamariVector, cancel from_vct right_sizes}.
Lemma from_vct_cat u v t :
u \is a TamariVector ->
from_vct_acc t (u ++ v) = from_vct_acc (from_vct_acc t u) v.
Lemma from_vct0 n : from_vct (nseq n 0) = leftcomb n.
if fuel is fuel.+1 then
if vct is v0 :: vct' then
from_vct_rec fuel
(BinNode lft (from_vct_rec fuel BinLeaf (take v0 vct')))
(drop v0 vct')
else lft
else BinLeaf.
Definition from_vct_acc lft vct := from_vct_rec (size vct).+1 lft vct.
Definition from_vct := from_vct_acc BinLeaf.
Section Tests.
Goal [seq right_sizes t | t <- enum_bintreesz 3] =
[:: [:: 2; 1; 0]; [:: 2; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 1; 0]; [:: 1; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 0; 0]].
Goal [seq right_sizes t | t <- enum_bintreesz 4] =
[:: [:: 3; 2; 1; 0]; [:: 3; 2; 0; 0]; [:: 3; 0; 1; 0]; [:: 3; 1; 0; 0];
[:: 3; 0; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 2; 1; 0]; [:: 0; 2; 0; 0]; [:: 1; 0; 1; 0];
[:: 0; 0; 1; 0]; [:: 2; 1; 0; 0]; [:: 2; 0; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 1; 0; 0];
[:: 1; 0; 0; 0]; [:: 0; 0; 0; 0] ].
Let bla := Eval hnf in nth BinLeaf (enum_bintreesz 5) 21.
Goal right_sizes bla = [:: 0; 0; 2; 1; 0].
Goal [seq right_sizes rot | rot <- rotations bla] =
[:: [:: 0; 3; 2; 1; 0]; [:: 1; 0; 2; 1; 0]].
Goal all
(fun i => all (fun t => t == from_vct (right_sizes t)) (enum_bintreesz i))
(iota 0 7).
Goal all
(fun i => all (fun t => right_sizes t \is a TamariVector) (enum_bintreesz i))
(iota 0 7).
Goal [:: 1; 1; 0] \isn't a TamariVector.
Goal [:: 2; 0; 1; 0] \isn't a TamariVector.
Goal [:: 2; 0; 0; 1; 0] \is a TamariVector.
End Tests.
Lemma from_vct_acc_nil lft : from_vct_acc lft [::] = lft.
Lemma from_vct_fuelE fuel lft vct :
size vct < fuel -> from_vct_rec fuel lft vct = from_vct_acc lft vct.
Lemma from_vct_accE lft v0 vct :
from_vct_acc lft (v0 :: vct) =
from_vct_acc (BinNode lft (from_vct_acc BinLeaf (take v0 vct)))
(drop v0 vct).
Lemma from_vct_cat_leftE lft vct :
from_vct_acc lft vct = cat_left (from_vct_acc BinLeaf vct) lft.
Lemma size_from_vct_acc s :
size_tree (from_vct_acc BinLeaf s) = size s.
Lemma size_from_vct s :
size_tree (from_vct s) = size s.
Theorem right_sizesK : cancel right_sizes from_vct.
Theorem from_vctK : {in TamariVector, cancel from_vct right_sizes}.
Lemma from_vct_cat u v t :
u \is a TamariVector ->
from_vct_acc t (u ++ v) = from_vct_acc (from_vct_acc t u) v.
Lemma from_vct0 n : from_vct (nseq n 0) = leftcomb n.
Definition vctleq v1 v2 :=
(size v1 == size v2) && (all (fun p => p.1 <= p.2) (zip v1 v2)).
Definition vctmin v1 v2 := [seq minn p.1 p.2 | p <- zip v1 v2].
#[local] Notation "x '<=V' y" := (vctleq x y) (at level 70, y at next level).
Section TestsComp.
Goal all (fun t => all
(vctleq (right_sizes t))
[seq right_sizes rot | rot <- rotations t])
(enum_bintreesz 6).
End TestsComp.
Lemma vctleqP v1 v2 :
reflect (size v1 = size v2 /\ forall i, nth 0 v1 i <= nth 0 v2 i)
(v1 <=V v2).
Lemma vctleq_refl : reflexive vctleq.
Lemma vctleq_trans : transitive vctleq.
Lemma vctleq_anti : antisymmetric vctleq.
Lemma vctleq_sumn_right_sizes t1 t2 :
right_sizes t1 <=V right_sizes t2 ->
sumn (right_sizes t1) <= sumn (right_sizes t2) ?= iff (t1 == t2).
Lemma all_leqzip_refl l : all (fun p => p.1 <= p.2) (zip l l).
Lemma size_vctmin v1 v2 : size (vctmin v1 v2) = minn (size v1) (size v2).
Lemma nth_vctmin v1 v2 i :
nth 0 (vctmin v1 v2) i = minn (nth 0 v1 i) (nth 0 v2 i).
Lemma vctminC: commutative vctmin.
Lemma vctminPr v1 v2 :
size v1 = size v2 -> vctmin v1 v2 <=V v2.
Lemma vctminPl v1 v2 :
size v1 = size v2 -> vctmin v1 v2 <=V v1.
Lemma vctminP v1 v2 v :
v <=V v1 -> v <=V v2 -> v <=V (vctmin v1 v2).
Lemma vctmin_Tamari v1 v2 :
size v1 = size v2 ->
v1 \is a TamariVector ->
v2 \is a TamariVector ->
vctmin v1 v2 \is a TamariVector.
Lemma rotations_vctleq_impl t1 t2 :
t1 \in rotations t2 -> right_sizes t2 <=V right_sizes t1.
Lemma Tamari_add_head v0 v :
v0 :: v \is a TamariVector ->
v0 < size v ->
(nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma rotations_add_head v0 v t :
v0 :: v \is a TamariVector ->
(nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v \is a TamariVector ->
from_vct_acc t ((nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v) \in
rotations (from_vct_acc t (v0 :: v)).
Lemma Tamari_add_min u v0 v w0 w :
u ++ w0 :: w \is a TamariVector ->
u ++ v0 :: v <=V u ++ w0 :: w ->
v0 < w0 ->
nth 0 v v0 + v0 < w0.
Lemma Tamari_add_bounded u v0 v w0 w :
u ++ v0 :: v \is a TamariVector ->
u ++ w0 :: w \is a TamariVector ->
u ++ v0 :: v <=V u ++ w0 :: w ->
v0 < w0 ->
u ++ (nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v \is a TamariVector.
Lemma rotations_add u v0 v :
u ++ v0 :: v \is a TamariVector ->
u ++ (nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v \is a TamariVector ->
from_vct (u ++ (nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v)
\in rotations (from_vct (u ++ v0 :: v)).
Lemma rotations_add_bounded u v0 v w0 w :
u ++ v0 :: v \is a TamariVector ->
u ++ w0 :: w \is a TamariVector ->
u ++ v0 :: v <=V u ++ w0 :: w ->
v0 < w0 ->
from_vct (u ++ (nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v)
\in rotations (from_vct (u ++ v0 :: v)).
Lemma vctleq_rotation t1 t2 :
right_sizes t1 <=V right_sizes t2 ->
t1 != t2 ->
exists t, t \in rotations t1 /\ right_sizes t <=V right_sizes t2.
Theorem rotations_right_sizesP t1 t2 :
(exists u v0 v,
right_sizes t1 = u ++ v0 :: v /\
right_sizes t2 = u ++ (nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v)
(t2 \in rotations t1).
Lemma vct_succ u v0 v w :
w \is a TamariVector ->
u ++ v0 :: v <=V w ->
w <=V u ++ (nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v ->
w = u ++ v0 :: v \/ w = u ++ (nth 0 v v0 + v0).+1 :: v.
Fact Tamari_display : unit.
Notation "x <=T y" := (@Order.le Tamari_display _ x y).
Notation "x <T y" := ( Tamari_display _ x y).
Notation "x /\T y" := ( Tamari_display _ x y).
Notation "x \/T y" := (@Order.join Tamari_display _ x y).
Module TamariLattice.
Section TamariLattice.
Variable n : nat.
Implicit Type t : bintreesz n.
Definition Tamari := connect (fun t1 t2 : bintreesz n => grel rotations t1 t2).
Lemma Tamari_sumn_right_sizes t1 t2 :
Tamari t1 t2 ->
sumn (right_sizes t1) <= sumn (right_sizes t2) ?= iff (t1 == t2).
Fact Tamari_refl : reflexive Tamari.
Fact Tamari_trans : transitive Tamari.
Fact Tamari_anti : antisymmetric Tamari.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.Le_isPOrder.Build Tamari_display (bintreesz n)
Tamari_refl Tamari_anti Tamari_trans.
Lemma TamariE t1 t2 :
(t1 <=T t2) = connect (fun t t' => grel rotations t t') t1 t2.
Lemma rotations_Tamari t t' : trval t' \in rotations t -> t <T t'.
Lemma Tamari_flip t1 t2 : (flipsz t2 <=T flipsz t1) = (t1 <=T t2).
Theorem Tamari_vctleq t1 t2 :
(right_sizes t1 <=V right_sizes t2) = (t1 <=T t2).
Lemma Tmeet_proof t1 t2 :
size_tree (from_vct (vctmin (right_sizes t1) (right_sizes t2))) == n.
Definition Tmeet t1 t2 := BinTreeSZ (Tmeet_proof t1 t2).
Definition Tjoin t1 t2 := flipsz (Tmeet (flipsz t1) (flipsz t2)).
Lemma TmeetC t1 t2 : Tmeet t1 t2 = Tmeet t2 t1.
Lemma TmeetPr t1 t2 : Tmeet t1 t2 <=T t2.
Fact TmeetP t t1 t2 : (t <=T Tmeet t1 t2) = (t <=T t1) && (t <=T t2).
Fact TjoinP t1 t2 t : (Tjoin t1 t2 <=T t) = (t1 <=T t) && (t2 <=T t).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.POrder_MeetJoin_isLattice.Build Tamari_display
(bintreesz n) TmeetP TjoinP.
Lemma flipsz_meet t1 t2 : flipsz (t1 \/T t2) = (flipsz t1 /\T flipsz t2).
Lemma flipsz_join t1 t2 : flipsz (t1 /\T t2) = (flipsz t1 \/T flipsz t2).
Lemma right_sizes_meet t1 t2 :
right_sizes (t1 /\T t2) = vctmin (right_sizes t1) (right_sizes t2).
Fact leftcomb_bottom t : leftcombsz n <=T t.
Fact rightcomb_top t : t <=T rightcombsz n.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasBottom.Build Tamari_display (bintreesz n) leftcomb_bottom.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasTop.Build Tamari_display (bintreesz n) rightcomb_top.
Lemma botETamari : 0%O = leftcombsz n.
Lemma topETamari : 1%O = rightcombsz n.
End TamariLattice.
Module Exports.
Definition TamariE := TamariE.
Definition rotations_Tamari := rotations_Tamari.
Definition Tamari_flip := Tamari_flip.
Definition Tamari_vctleq := Tamari_vctleq.
Definition flipsz_meet := flipsz_meet.
Definition flipsz_join := flipsz_join.
Definition right_sizes_meet := right_sizes_meet.
Definition botETamari := botETamari.
Definition topETamari := topETamari.
End Exports.
End TamariLattice.
Section TamariCover.
Variable n : nat.
Implicit Type t : bintreesz n.
Lemma Tamari_succ t1 t2 t :
trval t2 \in rotations t1 -> t1 <=T t -> t <=T t2 -> t = t1 \/ t = t2.
Lemma covers_Tamari t1 t2 : (trval t2 \in rotations t1) = (covers t1 t2).
End TamariCover.
Section TamariLattice.
Variable n : nat.
Implicit Type t : bintreesz n.
Definition Tamari := connect (fun t1 t2 : bintreesz n => grel rotations t1 t2).
Lemma Tamari_sumn_right_sizes t1 t2 :
Tamari t1 t2 ->
sumn (right_sizes t1) <= sumn (right_sizes t2) ?= iff (t1 == t2).
Fact Tamari_refl : reflexive Tamari.
Fact Tamari_trans : transitive Tamari.
Fact Tamari_anti : antisymmetric Tamari.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.Le_isPOrder.Build Tamari_display (bintreesz n)
Tamari_refl Tamari_anti Tamari_trans.
Lemma TamariE t1 t2 :
(t1 <=T t2) = connect (fun t t' => grel rotations t t') t1 t2.
Lemma rotations_Tamari t t' : trval t' \in rotations t -> t <T t'.
Lemma Tamari_flip t1 t2 : (flipsz t2 <=T flipsz t1) = (t1 <=T t2).
Theorem Tamari_vctleq t1 t2 :
(right_sizes t1 <=V right_sizes t2) = (t1 <=T t2).
Lemma Tmeet_proof t1 t2 :
size_tree (from_vct (vctmin (right_sizes t1) (right_sizes t2))) == n.
Definition Tmeet t1 t2 := BinTreeSZ (Tmeet_proof t1 t2).
Definition Tjoin t1 t2 := flipsz (Tmeet (flipsz t1) (flipsz t2)).
Lemma TmeetC t1 t2 : Tmeet t1 t2 = Tmeet t2 t1.
Lemma TmeetPr t1 t2 : Tmeet t1 t2 <=T t2.
Fact TmeetP t t1 t2 : (t <=T Tmeet t1 t2) = (t <=T t1) && (t <=T t2).
Fact TjoinP t1 t2 t : (Tjoin t1 t2 <=T t) = (t1 <=T t) && (t2 <=T t).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.POrder_MeetJoin_isLattice.Build Tamari_display
(bintreesz n) TmeetP TjoinP.
Lemma flipsz_meet t1 t2 : flipsz (t1 \/T t2) = (flipsz t1 /\T flipsz t2).
Lemma flipsz_join t1 t2 : flipsz (t1 /\T t2) = (flipsz t1 \/T flipsz t2).
Lemma right_sizes_meet t1 t2 :
right_sizes (t1 /\T t2) = vctmin (right_sizes t1) (right_sizes t2).
Fact leftcomb_bottom t : leftcombsz n <=T t.
Fact rightcomb_top t : t <=T rightcombsz n.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasBottom.Build Tamari_display (bintreesz n) leftcomb_bottom.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasTop.Build Tamari_display (bintreesz n) rightcomb_top.
Lemma botETamari : 0%O = leftcombsz n.
Lemma topETamari : 1%O = rightcombsz n.
End TamariLattice.
Module Exports.
Definition TamariE := TamariE.
Definition rotations_Tamari := rotations_Tamari.
Definition Tamari_flip := Tamari_flip.
Definition Tamari_vctleq := Tamari_vctleq.
Definition flipsz_meet := flipsz_meet.
Definition flipsz_join := flipsz_join.
Definition right_sizes_meet := right_sizes_meet.
Definition botETamari := botETamari.
Definition topETamari := topETamari.
End Exports.
End TamariLattice.
Section TamariCover.
Variable n : nat.
Implicit Type t : bintreesz n.
Lemma Tamari_succ t1 t2 t :
trval t2 \in rotations t1 -> t1 <=T t -> t <=T t2 -> t = t1 \/ t = t2.
Lemma covers_Tamari t1 t2 : (trval t2 \in rotations t1) = (covers t1 t2).
End TamariCover.