Library Combi.Combi.std: Standard Words, i.e. Permutation as Words

Standard words

That is words wich are permutations of 0, 1, ..., n-1:
  • is_std s == s is a standard word
  • is_std_of_n n s == s is a standard word of size n
  • wordperm p == the standard word associated with a permutation p of 'S_n
Sigma types for standard word
  • stdwordn n == a type for seq nat which standard words size n; it is canonically a finType
Inversions and standardisation of a word over a totally ordered alphabet
  • std s == given a word w over an ordType returns the standard word with the same set of inversion (lemmas stdP and std_eq_invP)
  • versions w i j == i j is an non-inversion of w that is i <= j < size w and w_i <= w_j
  • eq_inv w1 w2 == w1 and w2 have the same versions which is equivalent to the same set of inversions; in particular w1 and w2 have the same size.
  • std_spec s p == p is a standard word with the same versions as s
The main result here is std_eq_invP which says that having the same inversions is the same as having the same standardized.
  • linvseq s t == t is the left inverse of s
  • invseq s t == s and t are inverse on of each other
  • invstd w == the inverse of the standardized of w that is the permutation which sorts w in a stable way.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import perm fingroup.

Require Import tools combclass ordtype permcomp.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Import Order.TTheory.

Open Scope nat_scope.

Standard words and permutations

Section StandardWords.

Implicit Type n : nat.
Definition is_std (s : seq nat) := perm_eq s (iota 0 (size s)).

Lemma perm_std u v : is_std u -> perm_eq v u -> is_std v.

Lemma std_perm u v : is_std u -> is_std v -> size u = size v -> perm_eq v u.

Lemma mem_std p i : is_std p -> (i \in p) = (i < size p).

Lemma std_uniq u : is_std u -> uniq u.

Lemma std_max s0 s : is_std (s0 :: s) -> maxL s0 s = size s.

Lemma is_stdP s : reflect (forall n, n < size s -> n \in s) (is_std s).

Definition wordperm n (p : 'S_n) := [seq (p i : nat) | i : 'I_n].

Open Scope group_scope.

Lemma wordperm_iota n (p : 'S_n) : (wordperm p) =i iota 0 n.

Lemma uniq_wordperm n (p : 'S_n) : uniq (wordperm p).

Lemma wordperm_std n (p : 'S_n) : is_std (wordperm p).

Lemma perm_of_std s : is_std s -> { p : 'S_(size s) | s = wordperm p }.

Lemma is_std_wordpermP s :
  reflect (exists p : 'S_(size s), s = wordperm p) (is_std s).

Lemma wordperm_invP n (p : 'S_n) i (j : 'I_n) :
  nth n (wordperm p) i = j <-> i = (p^-1) j.

End StandardWords.

Standard words as a finType

Section StdCombClass.

Variable n : nat.

Definition is_std_of_n := [pred w | (is_std w) && (size w == n) ].

Structure stdwordn : Set :=
  StdWordN {stdwordnval :> seq nat; _ : is_std_of_n stdwordnval}.

Lemma stdwordnP (s : stdwordn) : is_std (val s).

Lemma size_sdtn (s : stdwordn) : size (val s) = n.

Definition enum_stdwordn := [seq wordperm p | p : 'S_n].

Lemma enum_stdwordnE : enum_stdwordn =i is_std_of_n.

Lemma wordperm_inj : injective (@wordperm n).

Lemma enum_stdwordn_uniq : uniq enum_stdwordn.

Lemma card_stdwordn : #|{:stdwordn}| = n`!.

End StdCombClass.

Standardisation of a word over a totally ordered alphabet

Section Standardisation.

Context {disp : unit} {Alph : orderType disp}.
Implicit Type s u v w : seq Alph.

Fixpoint std_rec n s :=
  if n is n'.+1 then
    let rec := std_rec n' (rembig s) in
    let pos := posbig s in
    take pos rec ++ n' :: drop pos rec
  else [::].
Definition std s := std_rec (size s) s.

Lemma size_std_rec n s : size (std_rec n s) = n.

Lemma size_std s : size (std s) = size s.

Lemma std_is_std s : is_std (std s).

Lemma in_std_ltn_size s i : i \in std s = (i < size s).

Lemma allLtn_std_rec s : allLtn (std s) (size s).

Lemma rembig_ins_std s pos :
  rembig (take pos (std s) ++ size s :: drop pos (std s)) = std s.

Lemma std_rembig s : std (rembig s) = rembig (std s).

Lemma std_posbig s : posbig (std s) = posbig s.

End Standardisation.

Lemma std_std s : is_std s -> std s = s.

Lemma std_stdE (disp : unit) (T : orderType disp)
      (s : seq T) : std (std s) = std s.

Inversion sets and standardization

Section EqInvDef.

Definition versions d (T : inhOrderType d) (w : seq T) : rel nat :=
  fun i j => (i <= j < size w) && (nth inh w i <= nth inh w j)%O.

Definition eq_inv d1 d2 (T1 : inhOrderType d1) (T2 : inhOrderType d2)
           (w1 : seq T1) (w2 : seq T2) :=
  (versions w1) =2 (versions w2).

Variables (disp1 disp2 disp3 : unit).
Variables (S : inhOrderType disp1)
          (T : inhOrderType disp2)
          (U : inhOrderType disp3).

Lemma eq_inv_refl (w : seq T) : eq_inv w w.

Lemma eq_inv_nil : eq_inv (@nil S) (@nil T).

Lemma eq_inv_sym (w1 : seq S) (w2 : seq T) :
  eq_inv w1 w2 -> eq_inv w2 w1.

Lemma eq_inv_trans (w1 : seq S) (w2 : seq T) (w3 : seq U) :
  eq_inv w1 w2 -> eq_inv w2 w3 -> eq_inv w1 w3.

End EqInvDef.

Lemma eq_inv_size d1 d2 (T1 : inhOrderType d1) (T2 : inhOrderType d2)
      (w1 : seq T1) (w2 : seq T2) :
  eq_inv w1 w2 -> size w1 = size w2.

Section EqInvAltDef.

Variables (disp1 disp2 disp3 : unit).
Variables (S : inhOrderType disp1)
          (T : inhOrderType disp2)
          (U : inhOrderType disp3).

Lemma eq_invP (w1 : seq S) (w2 : seq T) :
  (size w1 = size w2 /\
   forall i j, i <= j < size w1 ->
               ((nth inh w1 i <= nth inh w1 j) =
                (nth inh w2 i <= nth inh w2 j))%O)
    <-> (eq_inv w1 w2).

Lemma eq_inv_inversionP (w1 : seq S) (w2 : seq T) :
  (size w1 = size w2 /\
   forall i j, i <= j < size w1 ->
               (nth inh w1 i > nth inh w1 j) =
               (nth inh w2 i > nth inh w2 j))%O
    <-> (eq_inv w1 w2).

Lemma eq_inv_consK (a : S) u (b : T) v :
  eq_inv (a :: u) (b :: v) -> eq_inv u v.

Lemma eq_inv_rconsK (a : S) u (b : T) v :
  eq_inv (rcons u a) (rcons v b) -> eq_inv u v.

End EqInvAltDef.

Lemma eq_inv_allgt_imply
      d1 d2 (S : inhOrderType d1) (T : inhOrderType d2) (a : S) u (b : T) v :
  eq_inv (a :: u) (b :: v) -> (allLtn u a) -> (allLtn v b).

Lemma eq_inv_allgtnX
      d1 d2 (S : inhOrderType d1) (T : inhOrderType d2) (a : S) u (b : T) v :
  eq_inv (a :: u) (b :: v) -> (allLtn u a) = (allLtn v b).

Section EqInvPosRemBig.

Variables (disp1 disp2 : unit).
Variables (S : inhOrderType disp1)
          (T : inhOrderType disp2).

Lemma eq_inv_posbig (u : seq S) (v : seq T) :
  eq_inv u v -> posbig u = posbig v.

Lemma eq_inv_rembig (u : seq S) (v : seq T) :
  eq_inv u v -> eq_inv (rembig u) (rembig v).

Lemma std_eq_inv (u : seq S) (v : seq T) :
  eq_inv u v -> std u = std v.

Lemma eq_inv_std (u : seq T) : eq_inv u (std u).

End EqInvPosRemBig.

Section Spec.

Variables (disp1 disp2 : unit).
Variables (S : inhOrderType disp1)
          (T : inhOrderType disp2).

Variant std_spec (s : seq T) (p : seq nat) : Prop :=
  | StdSpec : is_std p -> eq_inv s p -> std_spec s p.

Lemma std_spec_uniq (u : seq T) p q :
  std_spec u p -> std_spec u q -> p = q.

Lemma std_specP (s : seq T) : std_spec s (std s).

Lemma stdP (s : seq T) p :
  reflect (std_spec s p) (std s == p).

Lemma std_eq_invP (u : seq S) (v : seq T) :
  reflect (eq_inv u v) (std u == std v).

Lemma std_rconsK (u : seq S) (v : seq T) a b :
  std (rcons u a) = std (rcons v b) -> std u = std v.

Lemma eq_inv_catl (u1 v1 : seq S) (u2 v2 : seq T) :
  eq_inv (u1 ++ v1) (u2 ++ v2) -> size u1 = size u2 -> eq_inv u1 u2.

Lemma eq_inv_catr (u1 v1 : seq S) (u2 v2 : seq T) :
  eq_inv (u1 ++ v1) (u2 ++ v2) -> size u1 = size u2 -> eq_inv v1 v2.

End Spec.

Section StdTakeDrop.

Variables (disp1 disp2 : unit).
Variables (S : inhOrderType disp1)
          (T : inhOrderType disp2).
Implicit Type u v : seq T.

Lemma std_take_std u v : std (take (size u) (std (u ++ v))) = std u.

Lemma std_drop_std u v : std (drop (size u) (std (u ++ v))) = std v.

End StdTakeDrop.

Section PermEq.

Variable disp : unit.
Variable Alph : orderType disp.
Implicit Type u v : seq Alph.

Theorem perm_stdE u v : perm_eq u v -> std u = std v -> u = v.

End PermEq.

Standardization and elementary transpositions of a word

Section Transp.

Variable disp : unit.
Variable Alph : inhOrderType disp.
Implicit Type u v : seq Alph.

Lemma nth_transp u v a b i :
  i != size u -> i != (size u).+1 ->
  nth inh (u ++ [:: a; b] ++ v) i = nth inh (u ++ [:: b; a] ++ v) i.

Lemma nth_sizeu u v a b :
  nth inh (u ++ [:: a; b] ++ v) (size u) = a.

Lemma nth_sizeu1 u v a b :
  nth inh (u ++ [:: a; b] ++ v) (size u).+1 = b.

Lemma nth_sizeu2 u v a b c :
  nth inh (u ++ [:: a; b; c] ++ v) (size u).+2 = c.

End Transp.

Lemma eq_inv_transp d1 d2 (S : inhOrderType d1) (T : inhOrderType d2)
      (u v : seq S) a b (U V : seq T) A B :
  (a < b)%O -> (A < B)%O -> size u = size U ->
  eq_inv (u ++ [:: a; b] ++ v) (U ++ [:: A; B] ++ V) ->
  eq_inv (u ++ [:: b; a] ++ v) (U ++ [:: B; A] ++ V).

Lemma std_transp d (T : inhOrderType d)
      (u v : seq T) a b
      (U V : seq nat) A B :
  (a < b)%O -> size u = size U ->
  std (u ++ [:: a; b] ++ v) = (U ++ [:: A; B] ++ V) ->
  std (u ++ [:: b; a] ++ v) = (U ++ [:: B; A] ++ V).

Lemma std_cutabc d (T : orderType d) (u v : seq T) a b c :
  exists U V A B C, size u = size U /\
  std (u ++ [:: a; b; c] ++ v) = (U ++ [:: A; B; C] ++ V).

Inverse of a standard word

Lemma perm_size_uniq (T : eqType) (s1 s2 : seq T) :
  uniq s1 -> {subset s1 <= s2} -> size s2 <= size s1 -> perm_eq s1 s2.

Section InvSeq.

Implicit Type n : nat.

Definition linvseq s :=
  [fun t => all (fun i => nth (size s) t (nth (size t) s i) == i)
              (iota 0 (size s))].
Definition invseq s t := linvseq s t && linvseq t s.

Lemma linvseqP s t :
    (forall i, i < size s -> nth (size s) t (nth (size t) s i) = i)
    (linvseq s t).

Lemma invseq_sym s t : invseq s t -> invseq t s.

Lemma size_all_leq n t : (forall i, i < n -> i \in t) -> n <= size t.

Lemma linvseq_ltn_szt s t :
  linvseq s t -> forall i, i < size s -> nth (size t) s i < size t.

Lemma size_leq_invseq s t : linvseq s t -> size s <= size t.

Lemma size_invseq s t : invseq s t -> size s = size t.

Lemma linvseq_subset_iota s t : linvseq s t -> {subset iota 0 (size s) <= t}.

Lemma invseq_is_std s t : invseq s t -> is_std s.

Lemma linvseq_sizeP s t :
  linvseq s t -> size s = size t -> invseq s t.

Lemma invseq_nthE s t :
  invseq s t ->
  forall i j, i < size s -> j < size t ->
              (i = nth (size s) t j <-> nth (size t) s i = j).

inverse of the standardized of w

Definition invstd s := mkseq (fun i => index i s) (size s).

Lemma invseq_invstd s : is_std s -> invseq s (invstd s).

Lemma size_invstd p : size (invstd p) = size p.

Lemma invstd_is_std p : is_std p -> is_std (invstd p).

Lemma invseqE s t1 t2 : invseq s t1 -> invseq s t2 -> t1 = t2.

Lemma invstdK s : is_std s -> invstd (invstd s) = s.

Lemma invstd_inj s t :
  is_std s -> is_std t -> (invstd s) = (invstd t) -> s = t.

End InvSeq.

Section Examples.

Let u := [:: 4; 1; 2; 2; 5; 3].
Let v := [:: 0; 4; 3; 3].

Goal std u = [:: 4; 0; 1; 2; 5; 3].
Goal invstd (std u) = filter (gtn (size u)) (invstd (std (u ++ v))).

End Examples.