Library mathcomp.algebra.zmodp

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From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool choice eqtype ssrnat seq div.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype bigop finset prime fingroup.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg finalg countalg.

Definition of the additive group and ring Zp, represented as 'I_p
Definitions: From fintype.v: 'I_p == the subtype of integers less than p, taken here as the type of the integers mod p. This file: inZp == the natural projection from nat into the integers mod p, represented as 'I_p. Here p is implicit, but MUST be of the form n.+1. The operations: Zp0 == the identity element for addition Zp1 == the identity element for multiplication, and a generator of additive group Zp_opp == inverse function for addition Zp_add == addition Zp_mul == multiplication Zp_inv == inverse function for multiplication Note that while 'I_n.+1 has canonical finZmodType and finGroupType structures, only 'I_n.+2 has a canonical ring structure (it has, in fact, a canonical finComUnitRing structure), and hence an associated multiplicative unit finGroupType. To mitigate the issues caused by the trivial "ring" (which is, indeed is NOT a ring in the ssralg/finalg formalization), we define additional notation: 'Z_p == the type of integers mod (max p 2); this is always a proper ring, by constructions. Note that 'Z_p is provably equal to 'I_p if p > 1, and convertible to 'I_p if p is of the form n.+2. Zp p == the subgroup of integers mod (max p 1) in 'Z_p; this is thus all of 'Z_p if p > 1, and else the trivial group. units_Zp p == the group of all units of 'Z_p -- i.e., the group of (multiplicative) automorphisms of Zp p. We show that Zp and units_Zp are abelian, and compute their orders. We use a similar technique to represent the prime fields: 'F_p == the finite field of integers mod the first prime divisor of maxn p 2. This is provably equal to 'Z_p and 'I_p if p is provably prime, and indeed convertible to the above if p is a concrete prime such as 2, 5 or 23. Note finally that due to the canonical structures it is possible to use 0%R instead of Zp0, and 1%R instead of Zp1 (for the latter, p must be of the form n.+2, and 1%R : nat will simplify to 1%N).

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Section ZpDef.

Mod p arithmetic on the finite set {0, 1, 2, ..., p - 1}

Variable p' : nat.

Implicit Types x y z : 'I_p.

Standard injection; val (inZp i) = i %% p
Definition inZp i := Ordinal (ltn_pmod i (ltn0Sn p')).
Lemma modZp x : x %% p = x.
Lemma valZpK x : inZp x = x.

Definition Zp0 : 'I_p := ord0.
Definition Zp1 := inZp 1.
Definition Zp_opp x := inZp (p - x).
Definition Zp_add x y := inZp (x + y).
Definition Zp_mul x y := inZp (x × y).
Definition Zp_inv x := if coprime p x then inZp (egcdn x p).1 else x.

Additive group structure.
Ring operations

Lemma Zp_mul1z : left_id Zp1 Zp_mul.

Lemma Zp_mulC : commutative Zp_mul.

Lemma Zp_mulz1 : right_id Zp1 Zp_mul.

Lemma Zp_mulA : associative Zp_mul.

Lemma Zp_mul_addr : right_distributive Zp_mul Zp_add.

Lemma Zp_mul_addl : left_distributive Zp_mul Zp_add.

Lemma Zp_mulVz x : coprime p x Zp_mul (Zp_inv x) x = Zp1.

Lemma Zp_mulzV x : coprime p x Zp_mul x (Zp_inv x) = Zp1.

Lemma Zp_intro_unit x y : Zp_mul y x = Zp1 coprime p x.

Lemma Zp_inv_out x : ~~ coprime p x Zp_inv x = x.

Lemma Zp_mulrn x n : x *+ n = inZp (x × n).

Import GroupScope.

Lemma Zp_mulgC : @commutative 'I_p _ mulg.

Lemma Zp_abelian : abelian [set: 'I_p].

Lemma Zp_expg x n : x ^+ n = inZp (x × n).

Lemma Zp1_expgz x : Zp1 ^+ x = x.

Lemma Zp_cycle : setT = <[Zp1]>.

Lemma order_Zp1 : #[Zp1] = p.

End ZpDef.

Arguments Zp0 {p'}.
Arguments Zp1 {p'}.
Arguments inZp {p'} i.
Arguments valZpK {p'} x.

We redefine fintype.ord1 to specialize it with 0 instead of ord0 since 'I_n is now canonically a zmodType
Lemma ord1 : all_equal_to (0 : 'I_1).

Lemma lshift0 m n : lshift m (0 : 'I_n.+1) = (0 : 'I_(n + m).+1).

Lemma rshift1 n : @rshift 1 n =1 lift (0 : 'I_n.+1).

Lemma split1 n i :
  split (i : 'I_(1 + n)) = oapp (@inr _ _) (inl _ 0) (unlift 0 i).

Lemma big_ord1 R idx (op : R idx) F :
  \big[op/idx]_(i < 1) F i = F 0.

Lemma big_ord1_cond R idx (op : R idx) P F :
  \big[op/idx]_(i < 1 | P i) F i = if P 0 then F 0 else idx.

Section ZpRing.

Variable p' : nat.

Lemma Zp_nontrivial : Zp1 != 0 :> 'I_p.

Lemma Zp_nat n : n%:R = inZp n :> 'I_p.

Lemma natr_Zp (x : 'I_p) : x%:R = x.

Lemma natr_negZp (x : 'I_p) : (- x)%:R = - x.

Import GroupScope.

Lemma unit_Zp_mulgC : @commutative {unit 'I_p} _ mulg.

Lemma unit_Zp_expg (u : {unit 'I_p}) n :
  val (u ^+ n) = inZp (val u ^ n) :> 'I_p.

End ZpRing.

Definition Zp_trunc p := p.-2.

Notation "''Z_' p" := 'I_(Zp_trunc p).+2
  (at level 8, p at level 2, format "''Z_' p") : type_scope.
Notation "''F_' p" := 'Z_(pdiv p)
  (at level 8, p at level 2, format "''F_' p") : type_scope.

Arguments natr_Zp {p'} x.

Section Groups.

Variable p : nat.

Definition Zp := if p > 1 then [set: 'Z_p] else 1%g.
Definition units_Zp := [set: {unit 'Z_p}].

Lemma Zp_cast : p > 1 (Zp_trunc p).+2 = p.

Lemma val_Zp_nat (p_gt1 : p > 1) n : (n%:R : 'Z_p) = (n %% p)%N :> nat.

Lemma Zp_nat_mod (p_gt1 : p > 1)m : (m %% p)%:R = m%:R :> 'Z_p.

Lemma char_Zp : p > 1 p%:R = 0 :> 'Z_p.

Lemma unitZpE x : p > 1 ((x%:R : 'Z_p) \is a GRing.unit) = coprime p x.

Lemma Zp_group_set : group_set Zp.
FIX ME : is this ok something similar is done in fingroup
Field structure for primes.

Section PrimeField.

Open Scope ring_scope.

Variable p : nat.

Section F_prime.

Hypothesis p_pr : prime p.

Lemma Fp_Zcast : (Zp_trunc (pdiv p)).+2 = (Zp_trunc p).+2.

Lemma Fp_cast : (Zp_trunc (pdiv p)).+2 = p.

Lemma card_Fp : #|'F_p| = p.

Lemma val_Fp_nat n : (n%:R : 'F_p) = (n %% p)%N :> nat.

Lemma Fp_nat_mod m : (m %% p)%:R = m%:R :> 'F_p.

Lemma char_Fp : p \in [char 'F_p].

Lemma char_Fp_0 : p%:R = 0 :> 'F_p.

Lemma unitFpE x : ((x%:R : 'F_p) \is a GRing.unit) = coprime p x.

End F_prime.

Lemma Fp_fieldMixin : GRing.ComUnitRing_isField 'F_p.

End PrimeField.