Library mathcomp.ssreflect.generic_quotient
(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria.
Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat choice.
From mathcomp Require Import seq fintype.
Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat choice.
From mathcomp Require Import seq fintype.
Quotient Types
NB: See for an introduction to HB concepts and commands.
Provided a base type T, this files defines an interface for quotients Q
of the type T with explicit functions for canonical surjection (\pi
: T -> Q) and for choosing a representative (repr : Q -> T). It then
provides a helper to quotient T by a decidable equivalence relation (e
: rel T) if T is a choiceType (or encodable as a choiceType modulo e).
Reference: Cyril Cohen, Pragmatic Quotient Types in Coq, ITP 2013
Generic Quotienting ***
quotType T == the type of quotient types based on T The HB class is called Quotient. The quotType interface supports these operations (in quotient_scope): \pi_Q x == the class in Q of the element x of T \pi x == the class of x where Q is inferred from the context repr c == canonical representative in T of the class c x = y % [mod Q] := \pi_Q x = \pi_Q y <-> x and y are equal modulo Q x <> y % [mod Q] := \pi_Q x <> \pi_Q y x == y % [mod Q] := \pi_Q x == \pi_Q y x != y % [mod Q] := \pi_Q x != \pi_Q y The quotient_scope is delimited by %qT, The most useful lemmas are piE and reprK. List of factories: isQuotient.Build T Q (reprK : cancel repr pi) == builds the quotient whose canonical surjection function is (pi : T -> Q) and whose representative selection function is reprMorphisms ***
One may declare existing functions and predicates as liftings of some morphisms for a quotient. PiMorph1 pi_f == where pi_f : {morph \pi : x / f x >-> fq x} declares fq : Q -> Q as the lifting of f : T -> T PiMorph2 pi_g == idem with pi_g : {morph \pi : x y / g x y >-> gq x y} PiMono1 pi_p == idem with pi_p : {mono \pi : x / p x >-> pq x} PiMono2 pi_r == idem with pi_r : {morph \pi : x y / r x y >-> rq x y} PiMorph11 pi_f == idem with pi_f : {morph \pi : x / f x >-> fq x} where fq : Q -> Q' and f : T -> T'. PiMorph eq == Most general declaration of compatibility, /!\ use with caution /!\ One can use the following helpers to build the liftings which may or may not satisfy the above properties (but if they do not, it is probably not a good idea to define them): lift_op1 Q f := lifts f : T -> T lift_op2 Q g := lifts g : T -> T -> T lift_fun1 Q p := lifts p : T -> R lift_fun2 Q r := lifts r : T -> T -> R lift_op11 Q Q' f := lifts f : T -> T' There is also the special case of constants and embedding functions that one may define and declare as compatible with Q using: lift_cst Q x := lifts x : T to Q PiConst c := declare the result c of the previous construction as compatible with Q lift_embed Q e := lifts e : R -> T to R -> Q PiEmbed f := declare the result f of the previous construction as compatible with QQuotients that have an eqType structure ***
Having a canonical (eqQuotType e) structure enables piE to replace terms of the form (x == y) by terms of the form (e x' y') if x and y are canonical surjections of some x' and y'. eqQuotType e == the type of quotients types on T which mirror the equivalence relation (e : rel T) the HB class is called EqQuotient. The most useful property is that an eqQuotType is an eqType. List of factories: isEqQuotient.Build T e Q m == builds an (eqQuotType e) structure on Q from the morphism property m where m : {mono \pi : x y / e x y >-> x == y}Equivalence and quotient by an equivalence ***
EquivRel r er es et == builds an equiv_rel structure based on the reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity property of a boolean relation. {eq_quot e} == builds the quotType of T by equiv where e : rel T is an equiv_rel and T is a choiceType or a (choiceTypeMod e) it is canonically an eqType, a choiceType, a quotType and an eqQuotType x = y % [mod_eq e] := x = y % [mod {eq_quot e} ] <-> x and y are equal modulo e ...Set Implicit Arguments.
Declare Scope quotient_scope.
Reserved Notation "\pi_ Q" (at level 0, format "\pi_ Q").
Reserved Notation "\pi" (at level 0, format "\pi").
Reserved Notation "{pi_ Q a }"
(at level 0, Q at next level, format "{pi_ Q a }").
Reserved Notation "{pi a }" (at level 0, format "{pi a }").
Reserved Notation "x == y %[mod_eq e ]" (at level 70, y at next level,
no associativity, format "'[hv ' x '/' == y '/' %[mod_eq e ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "x = y %[mod_eq e ]" (at level 70, y at next level,
no associativity, format "'[hv ' x '/' = y '/' %[mod_eq e ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "x != y %[mod_eq e ]" (at level 70, y at next level,
no associativity, format "'[hv ' x '/' != y '/' %[mod_eq e ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "x <> y %[mod_eq e ]" (at level 70, y at next level,
no associativity, format "'[hv ' x '/' <> y '/' %[mod_eq e ] ']'").
Reserved Notation "{eq_quot e }"
(at level 0, e at level 0, format "{eq_quot e }").
Delimit Scope quotient_scope with qT.
Local Open Scope quotient_scope.
Definition of the quotient interface.
HB.structure Definition Quotient T := { qT of isQuotient T qT }.
Arguments repr_of [T qT] : rename.
Section QuotientDef.
Variable T : Type.
Variable qT : quotType T.
Definition pi_phant of phant qT := @quot_pi_subdef _ qT.
Local Notation "\pi" := (pi_phant (Phant qT)).
Lemma repr_ofK : cancel (@repr_of _ _) \pi.
End QuotientDef.
Arguments repr_ofK {T qT}.
Protecting some symbols.
Fancy Notations
Notation "\pi_ Q" := (@pi _ _ (Phant Q)) : quotient_scope.
Notation "\pi" := (@pi _ _ (Phant _)) (only parsing) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x == y %[mod Q ]" := (\pi_Q x == \pi_Q y) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x = y %[mod Q ]" := (\pi_Q x = \pi_Q y) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x != y %[mod Q ]" := (\pi_Q x != \pi_Q y) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x <> y %[mod Q ]" := (\pi_Q x ≠ \pi_Q y) : quotient_scope.
Local Notation "\mpi" := (@mpi _ _ (Phant _)).
Canonical mpi_unlock := Unlockable mpi.unlock.
Canonical pi_unlock := Unlockable pi.unlock.
Canonical repr_unlock := Unlockable repr.unlock.
#[deprecated(since="mathcomp 2.0.0", note="Use Quotient.clone instead.")]
Notation "[ 'quotType' 'of' Q ]" := (Quotient.clone _ Q%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'quotType' 'of' Q ]") : form_scope.
Arguments repr {T qT} x.
Exporting the theory
Section QuotTypeTheory.
Variable T : Type.
Variable qT : quotType T.
Lemma reprK : cancel repr \pi_qT.
Variant pi_spec (x : T) : T → Type :=
PiSpec y of x = y %[mod qT] : pi_spec x y.
Lemma piP (x : T) : pi_spec x (repr (\pi_qT x)).
Lemma mpiE : \mpi =1 \pi_qT.
Lemma quotW P : (∀ y : T, P (\pi_qT y)) → ∀ x : qT, P x.
Lemma quotP P : (∀ y : T, repr (\pi_qT y) = y → P (\pi_qT y))
→ ∀ x : qT, P x.
End QuotTypeTheory.
Arguments reprK {T qT} x.
About morphisms
This was pi_morph T (x : T) := PiMorph { pi_op : T; _ : x = pi_op }.
Structure equal_to T (x : T) := EqualTo {
equal_val : T;
_ : x = equal_val
Lemma equal_toE (T : Type) (x : T) (m : equal_to x) : equal_val m = x.
Notation piE := (@equal_toE _ _).
Canonical equal_to_pi T (qT : quotType T) (x : T) :=
@EqualTo _ (\pi_qT x) (\pi x) (erefl _).
Arguments EqualTo {T x equal_val}.
Section Morphism.
Variables T U : Type.
Variable (qT : quotType T).
Variable (qU : quotType U).
Variable (f : T → T) (g : T → T → T) (p : T → U) (r : T → T → U).
Variable (fq : qT → qT) (gq : qT → qT → qT) (pq : qT → U) (rq : qT → qT → U).
Variable (h : T → U) (hq : qT → qU).
Hypothesis pi_f : {morph \pi : x / f x >-> fq x}.
Hypothesis pi_g : {morph \pi : x y / g x y >-> gq x y}.
Hypothesis pi_p : {mono \pi : x / p x >-> pq x}.
Hypothesis pi_r : {mono \pi : x y / r x y >-> rq x y}.
Hypothesis pi_h : ∀ (x : T), \pi_qU (h x) = hq (\pi_qT x).
Variables (a b : T) (x : equal_to (\pi_qT a)) (y : equal_to (\pi_qT b)).
equal_val : T;
_ : x = equal_val
Lemma equal_toE (T : Type) (x : T) (m : equal_to x) : equal_val m = x.
Notation piE := (@equal_toE _ _).
Canonical equal_to_pi T (qT : quotType T) (x : T) :=
@EqualTo _ (\pi_qT x) (\pi x) (erefl _).
Arguments EqualTo {T x equal_val}.
Section Morphism.
Variables T U : Type.
Variable (qT : quotType T).
Variable (qU : quotType U).
Variable (f : T → T) (g : T → T → T) (p : T → U) (r : T → T → U).
Variable (fq : qT → qT) (gq : qT → qT → qT) (pq : qT → U) (rq : qT → qT → U).
Variable (h : T → U) (hq : qT → qU).
Hypothesis pi_f : {morph \pi : x / f x >-> fq x}.
Hypothesis pi_g : {morph \pi : x y / g x y >-> gq x y}.
Hypothesis pi_p : {mono \pi : x / p x >-> pq x}.
Hypothesis pi_r : {mono \pi : x y / r x y >-> rq x y}.
Hypothesis pi_h : ∀ (x : T), \pi_qU (h x) = hq (\pi_qT x).
Variables (a b : T) (x : equal_to (\pi_qT a)) (y : equal_to (\pi_qT b)).
Internal Lemmas : do not use directly
Lemma pi_morph1 : \pi (f a) = fq (equal_val x).
Lemma pi_morph2 : \pi (g a b) = gq (equal_val x) (equal_val y).
Lemma pi_mono1 : p a = pq (equal_val x).
Lemma pi_mono2 : r a b = rq (equal_val x) (equal_val y).
Lemma pi_morph11 : \pi (h a) = hq (equal_val x).
End Morphism.
Arguments pi_morph1 {T qT f fq}.
Arguments pi_morph2 {T qT g gq}.
Arguments pi_mono1 {T U qT p pq}.
Arguments pi_mono2 {T U qT r rq}.
Arguments pi_morph11 {T U qT qU h hq}.
Notation "{pi_ Q a }" := (equal_to (\pi_Q a)) : quotient_scope.
Notation "{pi a }" := (equal_to (\pi a)) : quotient_scope.
Lemma pi_morph2 : \pi (g a b) = gq (equal_val x) (equal_val y).
Lemma pi_mono1 : p a = pq (equal_val x).
Lemma pi_mono2 : r a b = rq (equal_val x) (equal_val y).
Lemma pi_morph11 : \pi (h a) = hq (equal_val x).
End Morphism.
Arguments pi_morph1 {T qT f fq}.
Arguments pi_morph2 {T qT g gq}.
Arguments pi_mono1 {T U qT p pq}.
Arguments pi_mono2 {T U qT r rq}.
Arguments pi_morph11 {T U qT qU h hq}.
Notation "{pi_ Q a }" := (equal_to (\pi_Q a)) : quotient_scope.
Notation "{pi a }" := (equal_to (\pi a)) : quotient_scope.
Declaration of morphisms
Notation PiMorph pi_x := (EqualTo pi_x).
Notation PiMorph1 pi_f :=
(fun a (x : {pi a}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_morph1 pi_f a x)).
Notation PiMorph2 pi_g :=
(fun a b (x : {pi a}) (y : {pi b}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_morph2 pi_g a b x y)).
Notation PiMono1 pi_p :=
(fun a (x : {pi a}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_mono1 pi_p a x)).
Notation PiMono2 pi_r :=
(fun a b (x : {pi a}) (y : {pi b}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_mono2 pi_r a b x y)).
Notation PiMorph11 pi_f :=
(fun a (x : {pi a}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_morph11 pi_f a x)).
Notation PiMorph1 pi_f :=
(fun a (x : {pi a}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_morph1 pi_f a x)).
Notation PiMorph2 pi_g :=
(fun a b (x : {pi a}) (y : {pi b}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_morph2 pi_g a b x y)).
Notation PiMono1 pi_p :=
(fun a (x : {pi a}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_mono1 pi_p a x)).
Notation PiMono2 pi_r :=
(fun a b (x : {pi a}) (y : {pi b}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_mono2 pi_r a b x y)).
Notation PiMorph11 pi_f :=
(fun a (x : {pi a}) ⇒ EqualTo (pi_morph11 pi_f a x)).
lifting helpers
Notation lift_op1 Q f := (locked (fun x : Q ⇒ \pi_Q (f (repr x)) : Q)).
Notation lift_op2 Q g :=
(locked (fun x y : Q ⇒ \pi_Q (g (repr x) (repr y)) : Q)).
Notation lift_fun1 Q f := (locked (fun x : Q ⇒ f (repr x))).
Notation lift_fun2 Q g := (locked (fun x y : Q ⇒ g (repr x) (repr y))).
Notation lift_op11 Q Q' f := (locked (fun x : Q ⇒ \pi_Q' (f (repr x)) : Q')).
Notation lift_op2 Q g :=
(locked (fun x y : Q ⇒ \pi_Q (g (repr x) (repr y)) : Q)).
Notation lift_fun1 Q f := (locked (fun x : Q ⇒ f (repr x))).
Notation lift_fun2 Q g := (locked (fun x y : Q ⇒ g (repr x) (repr y))).
Notation lift_op11 Q Q' f := (locked (fun x : Q ⇒ \pi_Q' (f (repr x)) : Q')).
constant declaration
embedding declaration, please don't redefine \pi
Notation lift_embed qT e := (locked (fun x ⇒ \pi_qT (e x) : qT)).
Lemma eq_lock T T' e : e =1 (@locked (T → T') (fun x : T ⇒ e x)).
Notation PiEmbed e :=
(fun x ⇒ @EqualTo _ _ (e x) (eq_lock (fun _ ⇒ \pi _) _)).
Lemma eq_lock T T' e : e =1 (@locked (T → T') (fun x : T ⇒ e x)).
Notation PiEmbed e :=
(fun x ⇒ @EqualTo _ _ (e x) (eq_lock (fun _ ⇒ \pi _) _)).
About eqQuotType
HB.structure Definition EqQuotient T eq_quot_op :=
{Q of isEqQuotient T eq_quot_op Q & Quotient T Q & hasDecEq Q}.
Canonical pi_eq_quot_mono T eq_quot_op eqT :=
PiMono2 (@pi_eq_quot T eq_quot_op eqT).
#[deprecated(since="mathcomp 2.0.0", note="Use EqQuotient.clone instead.")]
Notation "[ 'eqQuotType' e 'of' Q ]" := (EqQuotient.clone _ e Q%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'eqQuotType' e 'of' Q ]") : form_scope.
Even if a quotType is a natural subType, we do not make this subType
canonical, to allow the user to define the subtyping he wants. However
one can:
- get the hasDecEq and the hasChoice by subtyping
- get the subType structure and maybe declare it Canonical.
Definition quot_type_subdef T (qT : quotType T) of phant qT : Type := qT.
Notation quot_type_of T Q := (@quot_type_subdef T _ (Phant Q)).
Notation quot_type Q := (quot_type_subdef (Phant Q)).
Module QuotSubType.
Section QuotSubType.
Variable (T : eqType) (qT : quotType T).
Definition Sub x (px : repr (\pi_qT x) == x) := \pi_qT x.
Lemma qreprK x Px : repr (@Sub x Px) = x.
Lemma sortPx (x : qT) : repr (\pi_qT (repr x)) == repr x.
Lemma sort_Sub (x : qT) : x = Sub (sortPx x).
Lemma reprP K (PK : ∀ x Px, K (@Sub x Px)) u : K u.
HB.instance Definition _ := isSub.Build _ _ (quot_type qT) reprP qreprK.
HB.instance Definition _ := [Equality of quot_type qT by <:].
End QuotSubType.
Module Exports. End Exports.
End QuotSubType.
Export QuotSubType.Exports.
Notation "[ 'Sub' Q 'of' T 'by' %/ ]" :=
(SubType.copy Q%type (quot_type_of T Q%type))
(at level 0, format "[ 'Sub' Q 'of' T 'by' %/ ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'Sub' Q 'by' %/ ]" :=
(SubType.copy Q%type (quot_type Q))
(at level 0, format "[ 'Sub' Q 'by' %/ ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'Equality' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]" :=
(Equality.copy Q%type (quot_type Q))
(at level 0, format "[ 'Equality' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'Choice' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]" := (Choice.copy Q%type (quot_type Q))
(at level 0, format "[ 'Choice' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'Countable' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]" := (Countable.copy Q%type (quot_type Q))
(at level 0, format "[ 'Countable' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'Finite' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]" := (Finite.copy Q%type (quot_type Q))
(at level 0, format "[ 'Finite' 'of' Q 'by' <:%/ ]") : form_scope.
Definition of a (decidable) equivalence relation
Section EquivRel.
Variable T : Type.
Lemma left_trans (e : rel T) :
symmetric e → transitive e → left_transitive e.
Lemma right_trans (e : rel T) :
symmetric e → transitive e → right_transitive e.
Variant equiv_class_of (equiv : rel T) :=
EquivClass of reflexive equiv & symmetric equiv & transitive equiv.
Record equiv_rel := EquivRelPack {
equiv :> rel T;
_ : equiv_class_of equiv
Variable e : equiv_rel.
Definition equiv_class :=
let: EquivRelPack _ ce as e' := e return equiv_class_of e' in ce.
Definition equiv_pack (r : rel T) ce of phant_id ce equiv_class :=
@EquivRelPack r ce.
Lemma equiv_refl x : e x x.
Lemma equiv_sym : symmetric e.
Lemma equiv_trans : transitive e.
Lemma eq_op_trans (T' : eqType) : transitive (@eq_op T').
Lemma equiv_ltrans: left_transitive e.
Lemma equiv_rtrans: right_transitive e.
End EquivRel.
#[global] Hint Resolve equiv_refl : core.
Notation EquivRel r er es et := (@EquivRelPack _ r (EquivClass er es et)).
Notation "[ 'equiv_rel' 'of' e ]" := (@equiv_pack _ _ e _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'equiv_rel' 'of' e ]") : form_scope.
Encoding to another type modulo an equivalence
Section EncodingModuloRel.
Variables (D E : Type) (ED : E → D) (DE : D → E) (e : rel D).
Variant encModRel_class_of (r : rel D) :=
EncModRelClassPack of (∀ x, r x x → r (ED (DE x)) x) & (r =2 e).
Record encModRel := EncModRelPack {
enc_mod_rel :> rel D;
_ : encModRel_class_of enc_mod_rel
Variable r : encModRel.
Definition encModRelClass :=
let: EncModRelPack _ c as r' := r return encModRel_class_of r' in c.
Definition encModRelP (x : D) : r x x → r (ED (DE x)) x.
Definition encModRelE : r =2 e.
Definition encoded_equiv : rel E := [rel x y | r (ED x) (ED y)].
End EncodingModuloRel.
Notation EncModRelClass m :=
(EncModRelClassPack (fun x _ ⇒ m x) (fun _ _ ⇒ erefl _)).
Notation EncModRel r m := (@EncModRelPack _ _ _ _ _ r (EncModRelClass m)).
Section EncodingModuloEquiv.
Variables (D E : Type) (ED : E → D) (DE : D → E) (e : equiv_rel D).
Variable (r : encModRel ED DE e).
Lemma enc_mod_rel_is_equiv : equiv_class_of (enc_mod_rel r).
Definition enc_mod_rel_equiv_rel := EquivRelPack enc_mod_rel_is_equiv.
Definition encModEquivP (x : D) : r (ED (DE x)) x.
Local Notation e' := (encoded_equiv r).
Lemma encoded_equivE : e' =2 [rel x y | e (ED x) (ED y)].
Local Notation e'E := encoded_equivE.
Lemma encoded_equiv_is_equiv : equiv_class_of e'.
Canonical encoded_equiv_equiv_rel := EquivRelPack encoded_equiv_is_equiv.
Lemma encoded_equivP x : e' (DE (ED x)) x.
End EncodingModuloEquiv.
Quotient by a equivalence relation
Module EquivQuot.
Section EquivQuot.
Variables (D : Type) (C : choiceType) (CD : C → D) (DC : D → C).
Variables (eD : equiv_rel D) (encD : encModRel CD DC eD).
Notation eC := (encoded_equiv encD).
Definition canon x := choose (eC x) (x).
Record equivQuotient := EquivQuotient {
erepr : C;
_ : (frel canon) erepr erepr
Definition type_of of (phantom (rel _) encD) := equivQuotient.
Lemma canon_id : ∀ x, (invariant canon canon) x.
Definition pi := locked (fun x ⇒ EquivQuotient (canon_id x)).
Lemma ereprK : cancel erepr pi.
Local Notation encDE := (encModRelE encD).
Local Notation encDP := (encModEquivP encD).
Canonical encD_equiv_rel := EquivRelPack (enc_mod_rel_is_equiv encD).
Lemma pi_CD (x y : C) : reflect (pi x = pi y) (eC x y).
Lemma pi_DC (x y : D) :
reflect (pi (DC x) = pi (DC y)) (eD x y).
Lemma equivQTP : cancel (CD \o erepr) (pi \o DC).
Local Notation qT := (type_of (Phantom (rel D) encD)).
HB.instance Definition _ := isQuotient.Build D qT equivQTP.
Lemma eqmodP x y : reflect (x = y %[mod qT]) (eD x y).
HB.instance Definition _ := Choice.copy qT (can_type ereprK).
Lemma eqmodE x y : x == y %[mod qT] = eD x y.
HB.instance Definition _ := isEqQuotient.Build _ eD qT eqmodE.
End EquivQuot.
Module Exports. End Exports.
End EquivQuot.
Export EquivQuot.Exports.
Arguments EquivQuot.ereprK {D C CD DC eD encD}.
Notation "{eq_quot e }" :=
(@EquivQuot.type_of _ _ _ _ _ _ (Phantom (rel _) e)) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x == y %[mod_eq r ]" := (x == y %[mod {eq_quot r}]) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x = y %[mod_eq r ]" := (x = y %[mod {eq_quot r}]) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x != y %[mod_eq r ]" := (x != y %[mod {eq_quot r}]) : quotient_scope.
Notation "x <> y %[mod_eq r ]" := (x ≠ y %[mod {eq_quot r}]) : quotient_scope.
If the type is directly a choiceType, no need to encode
Section DefaultEncodingModuloRel.
Variables (D : choiceType) (r : rel D).
Definition defaultEncModRelClass :=
@EncModRelClassPack D D id id r r (fun _ rxx ⇒ rxx) (fun _ _ ⇒ erefl _).
Canonical defaultEncModRel := EncModRelPack defaultEncModRelClass.
End DefaultEncodingModuloRel.
Recovering a potential countable type structure
Section CountEncodingModuloRel.
Variables (D : Type) (C : countType) (CD : C → D) (DC : D → C).
Variables (eD : equiv_rel D) (encD : encModRel CD DC eD).
Notation eC := (encoded_equiv encD).
End CountEncodingModuloRel.
Section EquivQuotTheory.
Variables (T : choiceType) (e : equiv_rel T) (Q : eqQuotType e).
Lemma eqmodE x y : x == y %[mod_eq e] = e x y.
Lemma eqmodP x y : reflect (x = y %[mod_eq e]) (e x y).
End EquivQuotTheory.
Section EqQuotTheory.
Variables (T : Type) (e : rel T) (Q : eqQuotType e).
Lemma eqquotE x y : x == y %[mod Q] = e x y.
Lemma eqquotP x y : reflect (x = y %[mod Q]) (e x y).
End EqQuotTheory.