Library mathcomp.ssreflect.ssrbool
Local additions:
[in A] == the applicative counterpart of a collective predicate A:
[in A] x beta-expands to x \in A. This is similar to
mem A, except that mem A x only simplifies to x \in A.
--> These will become part of the core SSReflect library in later Coq
Set Implicit Arguments.
v8.20 additions
The notations below are already defined in Coq.ssr.ssrbool, but we redefine
them in different notation scopes (mostly fun_scope -> function_scope, in
order to replace the former with the latter).
Notation "[ 'pred' : T | E ]" := (SimplPred (fun _ : T ⇒ E%B)) :
Notation "[ 'pred' x | E ]" := (SimplPred (fun x ⇒ E%B)) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'pred' x | E1 & E2 ]" := [pred x | E1 && E2 ] : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'pred' x : T | E ]" :=
(SimplPred (fun x : T ⇒ E%B)) (only parsing) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'pred' x : T | E1 & E2 ]" :=
[pred x : T | E1 && E2 ] (only parsing) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'rel' x y | E ]" := (SimplRel (fun x y ⇒ E%B))
(only parsing) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'rel' x y : T | E ]" :=
(SimplRel (fun x y : T ⇒ E%B)) (only parsing) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'mem' A ]" :=
(pred_of_simpl (simpl_of_mem (mem A))) (only parsing) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'pred' x 'in' A ]" := [pred x | x \in A] : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'pred' x 'in' A | E ]" := [pred x | x \in A & E] : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'pred' x 'in' A | E1 & E2 ]" :=
[pred x | x \in A & E1 && E2 ] : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'rel' x y 'in' A & B | E ]" :=
[rel x y | (x \in A) && (y \in B) && E] : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'rel' x y 'in' A & B ]" :=
[rel x y | (x \in A) && (y \in B)] : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'rel' x y 'in' A | E ]" := [rel x y in A & A | E] : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'rel' x y 'in' A ]" := [rel x y in A & A] : function_scope.
Both bodies and the scope have been changed for the following notations.
Notation "[ 'predI' A & B ]" := (predI [in A] [in B]) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'predU' A & B ]" := (predU [in A] [in B]) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'predD' A & B ]" := (predD [in A] [in B]) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'predC' A ]" := (predC [in A]) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'preim' f 'of' A ]" := (preim f [in A]) : function_scope.
Lemma classic_sigW T (P : T → Prop) :
classically (∃ x, P x) ↔ classically ({x | P x}).
Lemma classic_ex T (P : T → Prop) :
¬ (∀ x, ¬ P x) → classically (∃ x, P x).
Notation "[ 'predU' A & B ]" := (predU [in A] [in B]) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'predD' A & B ]" := (predD [in A] [in B]) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'predC' A ]" := (predC [in A]) : function_scope.
Notation "[ 'preim' f 'of' A ]" := (preim f [in A]) : function_scope.
Lemma classic_sigW T (P : T → Prop) :
classically (∃ x, P x) ↔ classically ({x | P x}).
Lemma classic_ex T (P : T → Prop) :
¬ (∀ x, ¬ P x) → classically (∃ x, P x).
not yet backported
Lemma homo_mono1 [aT rT : Type] [f : aT → rT] [g : rT → aT]
[aP : pred aT] [rP : pred rT] :
cancel g f →
{homo f : x / aP x >-> rP x} →
{homo g : x / rP x >-> aP x} → {mono g : x / rP x >-> aP x}.
Lemma if_and b1 b2 T (x y : T) :
(if b1 && b2 then x else y) = (if b1 then if b2 then x else y else y).
Lemma if_or b1 b2 T (x y : T) :
(if b1 || b2 then x else y) = (if b1 then x else if b2 then x else y).
Lemma if_implyb b1 b2 T (x y : T) :
(if b1 ==> b2 then x else y) = (if b1 then if b2 then x else y else x).
Lemma if_implybC b1 b2 T (x y : T) :
(if b1 ==> b2 then x else y) = (if b2 then x else if b1 then y else x).
Lemma if_add b1 b2 T (x y : T) :
(if b1 (+) b2 then x else y) = (if b1 then if b2 then y else x else if b2 then x else y).
Lemma relpre_trans {T' T : Type} {leT : rel T} {f : T' → T} :
transitive leT → transitive (relpre f leT).