Library mathcomp.analysis.posnum

(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C.              *)
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat eqtype choice order ssralg ssrnum.
Require Import boolp nngnum.

This file develops tools to make the manipulation of positive numbers easier, thanks to canonical structures.
!! x == triggers pretyping to fill the holes of the term x. The main use case is to trigger typeclass inference in the body of a ssreflect have := !! body. Credits: Enrico Tassi. {posnum R} == interface type for elements in R that are positive; R must have a numDomainType structure. Allows to solve automatically goals of the form x > 0 if x is canonically a {posnum R}. {posnum R} is canonically stable by addition, multiplication, inverse, min and sqrt All positive natural numbers ((n.+1)%:R) are also canonically in {posnum R} PosNum xgt0 == packs the proof xgt0 : x > 0, for x : R, to build a {posnum R}. x%:pos == explicitly casts x to {posnum R}, triggers the inference of a {posnum R} structure for x. x%:num == explicit cast from {posnum R} to R. posreal == notation for {posnum R}, where R is the type of real numbers. 2 == notation for 2%:R. [gt0 of x] == infers a {posnum R} structure for x and outputs the proof that x is positive.

Reserved Notation "'{posnum' R }" (at level 0, format "'{posnum' R }").
Reserved Notation "x %:pos" (at level 2, left associativity, format "x %:pos").
Reserved Notation "x %:num" (at level 2, left associativity, format "x %:num").
Reserved Notation "[gt0 'of' x ]" (format "[gt0 'of' x ]").

Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Order.TTheory Order.Syntax GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Enrico's trick for tc resolution in have
Notation "!! x" := (ltac:(refine x)) (at level 100, only parsing).
infer class to help typeclass inference on the fly
Class infer (P : Prop) := Infer : P.
Hint Extern 0 (infer _) ⇒ (exact) : typeclass_instances.
Lemma inferP (P : Prop) : P infer P.

Lemma splitr (R : numFieldType) (x : R) : x = x / 2%:R + x / 2%:R.

Record posnum_of (R : numDomainType) (phR : phant R) := PosNumDef {
  num_of_pos : R;
  posnum_gt0 :> num_of_pos > 0
Hint Resolve posnum_gt0 : core.
Hint Extern 0 ((0 < _)%R = true) ⇒ exact: posnum_gt0 : core.
Notation "'{posnum' R }" := (posnum_of (@Phant R)).
Definition PosNum (R : numDomainType) x x_gt0 : {posnum R} :=
  @PosNumDef _ (Phant R) x x_gt0.

Notation numpos R := (@num_of_pos _ (Phant R)).
Notation "x %:num" := (num_of_pos x) : ring_scope.
Definition pos_of_num (R : numDomainType) (x : {posnum R})
   (phx : phantom R x%:num) := x.
Notation "x %:pos" := (pos_of_num (Phantom _ x)) : ring_scope.
Notation "2" := 2%:R : ring_scope.

Section Order.
Variable (R : numDomainType).

Canonical posnum_subType := [subType for @num_of_pos R (Phant R)].
Definition posnum_eqMixin := [eqMixin of {posnum R} by <:].
Canonical posnum_eqType := EqType {posnum R} posnum_eqMixin.
Definition posnum_choiceMixin := [choiceMixin of {posnum R} by <:].
Canonical posnum_choiceType := ChoiceType {posnum R} posnum_choiceMixin.
Definition posnum_porderMixin := [porderMixin of {posnum R} by <:].
Canonical posnum_porderType := POrderType ring_display {posnum R} posnum_porderMixin.

Lemma posnum_le_total : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of {posnum R}].

Canonical posnum_latticeType := LatticeType {posnum R} posnum_le_total.
Canonical posnum_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType {posnum R} posnum_le_total.
Canonical posnum_orderType := OrderType {posnum R} posnum_le_total.

End Order.

Section PosNum.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types (x y : {posnum R}) (a b : R).

Definition posnum_gt0_def x (phx : phantom R x%:num) := posnum_gt0 x.

Lemma posnum_ge0 x : x%:num 0 :> R.
Lemma posnum_eq0 x : (x%:num == 0 :> R) = false.
Lemma posnum_neq0 x : (x%:num != 0 :> R).

Canonical posnum_nngnum x := Nonneg.NngNum x%:num (posnum_ge0 x).

Lemma posnum_eq : {mono numpos R : x y / x == y}.
Lemma posnum_le : {mono numpos R : x y / x y}.
Lemma posnum_lt : {mono numpos R : x y / x < y}.

Lemma posnum_min : {morph numpos R : x y / Order.min x y}.

Lemma posnum_max : {morph numpos R : x y / Order.max x y}.

Lemma posnum_real x : x%:num \is Num.real.
Hint Resolve posnum_real : core.

Canonical addr_posnum x y := PosNum (addr_gt0 x y).
Canonical mulr_posnum x y := PosNum (mulr_gt0 x y).

Lemma muln_pos_posnum x n : 0 < x%:num *+ n.+1.
Canonical mulrn_posnum x n := PosNum (muln_pos_posnum x n).

Lemma inv_pos_gt0 x : 0 < x%:num^-1.
Canonical invr_posnum x := PosNum (inv_pos_gt0 x).

Lemma one_pos_gt0 : 0 < 1 :> R.
Canonical oner_posnum := PosNum one_pos_gt0.

Lemma posnum_le0 x : (x%:num 0 :> R) = false.

Lemma posnum_lt0 x : (x%:num < 0 :> R) = false.

Lemma pos_lt_maxl a x y : Num.max x%:num y%:num < a = (x%:num < a) && (y%:num < a).

Lemma pos_lt_minr (a : R) x y : a < Num.min x%:num y%:num = (a < x%:num) && (a < y%:num).

Lemma min_pos_gt0 x y : 0 < Num.min x%:num y%:num.
Canonical minr_posnum x y := PosNum (@min_pos_gt0 x y).

Lemma max_pos_gt0 x y : 0 < Num.max x%:num y%:num.
Canonical maxr_posnum x y := PosNum (@max_pos_gt0 x y).

End PosNum.
Hint Extern 0 ((0 _)%R = true) ⇒ solve [apply: posnum_ge0] : core.
Hint Extern 0 ((_ != 0)%R = true) ⇒ solve [apply: posnum_neq0] : core.

Lemma sqrt_pos_gt0 (R : rcfType) (x : {posnum R}) : 0 < Num.sqrt (x%:num).
Canonical sqrt_posnum (R : rcfType) (x : {posnum R}) := PosNum (sqrt_pos_gt0 x).

CoInductive posnum_spec (R : numDomainType) (x : R) :
  R bool bool bool Type :=
| IsPosnum (p : {posnum R}) : posnum_spec x (p%:num) false true true.

Lemma posnumP (R : numDomainType) (x : R) : 0 < x
  posnum_spec x x (x == 0) (0 x) (0 < x).

Hint Resolve posnum_gt0 : core.
Hint Resolve posnum_ge0 : core.
Hint Resolve posnum_neq0 : core.
Notation "[gt0 'of' x ]" := (posnum_gt0_def (Phantom _ x)).