Module mathcomp.analysis.realfun

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum finmap.
From mathcomp Require Import matrix interval zmodp vector fieldext falgebra.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality.
Require Import ereal reals signed topology prodnormedzmodule normedtype derive.
Require Import sequences real_interval.
From HB Require Import structures.

# Real-valued functions over reals This file provides properties of standard real-valued functions over real numbers (e.g., the continuity of the inverse of a continuous function). ``` nondecreasing_fun f == the function f is non-decreasing nonincreasing_fun f == the function f is non-increasing increasing_fun f == the function f is (strictly) increasing decreasing_fun f == the function f is (strictly) decreasing derivable_oo_continuous_bnd f x y == f is derivable on `]x, y[ and continuous up to the boundary ``` * Limit superior and inferior for functions: lime_sup f a/lime_inf f a == limit sup/inferior of the extended real- valued function f at point a

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldTopology.Exports.

Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.

Notation "'nondecreasing_fun' f" := ({homo f : n m / (n <= m)%O >-> (n <= m)%O})
  (at level 10).
Notation "'nonincreasing_fun' f" := ({homo f : n m / (n <= m)%O >-> (n >= m)%O})
  (at level 10).
Notation "'increasing_fun' f" := ({mono f : n m / (n <= m)%O >-> (n <= m)%O})
  (at level 10).
Notation "'decreasing_fun' f" := ({mono f : n m / (n <= m)%O >-> (n >= m)%O})
  (at level 10).

Section fun_cvg .

Section fun_cvg_realFieldType .
Context {R : realFieldType}.

Lemma cvg_addrl ( M : R) : M + r @[r --> +oo] --> +oo.
move=> P [r [rreal rP]]; exists (r - M); split.
  by rewrite realB// num_real.
by move=> m; rewrite ltr_subl_addl => /rP.

Lemma cvg_addrr ( M : R) : (r + M) @[r --> +oo] --> +oo.
by under [X in X @ _]funext => n do rewrite addrC; exact: cvg_addrl. Qed.

Lemma cvg_centerr ( M : R) ( T : topologicalType) ( f : R -> T) ( l : T) :
  (f (n - M) @[n --> +oo] --> l) = (f r @[r --> +oo] --> l).
rewrite propeqE; split; last by apply: cvg_comp; exact: cvg_addrr.
gen have cD : f l / f r @[r --> +oo] --> l -> f (n + M) @[n --> +oo] --> l.
   by apply: cvg_comp; exact: cvg_addrr.
move=> /cD /=.
by under [X in X @ _ --> l]funext => n do rewrite addrK.

Lemma cvg_shiftr ( M : R) ( T : topologicalType) ( f : R -> T) ( l : T) :
  (f (n + M) @[n --> +oo]--> l) = (f r @[r --> +oo] --> l).
rewrite propeqE; split; last by apply: cvg_comp; exact: cvg_addrr.
rewrite -[X in X -> _](cvg_centerr M); apply: cvg_trans => /=.
apply: near_eq_cvg; near do rewrite subrK; exists M.
by rewrite num_real.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma cvg_at_right_left_dnbhs ( f : R -> R) ( p : R) ( l : R) :
  f x @[x --> p^'+] --> l -> f x @[x --> p^'-] --> l ->
  f x @[x --> p^'] --> l.
move=> /cvgrPdist_le fppl /cvgrPdist_le fpnl; apply/cvgrPdist_le => e e0.
have {fppl}[a /= a0 fppl] := fppl _ e0; have {fpnl}[b /= b0 fpnl] := fpnl _ e0.
near=> t.
have : t != p by near: t; exact: nbhs_dnbhs_neq.
rewrite neq_lt => /orP[tp|pt].
- apply: fpnl => //=; near: t.
  exists (b / 2) => //=; first by rewrite divr_gt0.
  move=> z/= + _ => /lt_le_trans; apply.
  by rewrite ler_pdivr_mulr// ler_pmulr// ler1n.
- apply: fppl =>//=; near: t.
  exists (a / 2) => //=; first by rewrite divr_gt0.
  move=> z/= + _ => /lt_le_trans; apply.
  by rewrite ler_pdivr_mulr// ler_pmulr// ler1n.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

End fun_cvg_realFieldType.

Section cvgr_fun_cvg_seq .
Context {R : realType}.

Lemma cvg_at_rightP ( f : R -> R) ( p l : R) :
  f x @[x --> p^'+] --> l <->
  (forall u : R^nat, (forall n, u n > p) /\ (u --> p) ->
    f (u n) @[n --> \oo] --> l).
split=> [/cvgrPdist_le fpl u [up /cvgrPdist_lt ucvg]|pfl].
  apply/cvgrPdist_le => e e0.
  have [r /= r0 {}fpl] := fpl _ e0; have [s /= s0 {}ucvg] := ucvg _ r0.
  near=> t; apply: fpl => //=; apply: ucvg => /=.
  by near: t; exists s.
apply: contrapT => fpl; move: pfl; apply/existsNP.
suff: exists2 x : R ^nat,
    (forall k, x k > p) /\ x --> p & ~ f (x n) @[n --> \oo] --> l.
  by move=> [x_] h; exists x_; exact/not_implyP.
have [e He] : exists e : {posnum R}, forall d : {posnum R},
    exists xn : R, [/\ xn > p, `|xn - p| < d%:num & `|f xn - l| >= e%:num].
  apply: contrapT; apply: contra_not fpl => /forallNP h.
  apply/cvgrPdist_le => e e0; have /existsNP[d] := h (PosNum e0).
  move/forallNP => {}h; near=> t.
  have /not_and3P[abs|abs|/negP] := h t.
  - by exfalso; apply: abs; near: t; exact: nbhs_right_gt.
  - exfalso; apply: abs.
    by near: t; by exists d%:num => //= z/=; rewrite distrC.
  - by rewrite -ltNge distrC => /ltW.
have invn n : 0 < n.+1%:R^-1 :> R by rewrite invr_gt0.
exists (fun n => sval (cid (He (PosNum (invn n))))).
  split => [k|]; first by rewrite /sval/=; case: cid => x [].
  apply/cvgrPdist_lt => r r0; near=> t.
  rewrite /sval/=; case: cid => x [px xpt _].
  rewrite distrC (lt_le_trans xpt)// -(@invrK _ r) lef_pinv ?posrE ?invr_gt0//.
  near: t; exists `|ceil (r^-1)|%N => // s /=.
  rewrite -ltnS -(@ltr_nat R) => /ltW; apply: le_trans.
  by rewrite natr_absz gtr0_norm ?ceil_gt0 ?invr_gt0// ceil_ge.
move=> /cvgrPdist_lt/(_ e%:num (ltac:(by [])))[] n _ /(_ _ (leqnn _)).
rewrite /sval/=; case: cid => // x [px xpn].
by rewrite leNgt distrC => /negP.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma cvg_at_leftP ( f : R -> R) ( p l : R) :
  f x @[x --> p^'-] --> l <->
  (forall u : R^nat, (forall n, u n < p) /\ (u --> p) ->
    f (u n) @[n --> \oo] --> l).
apply: (iff_trans (cvg_at_leftNP f p l)).
apply: (iff_trans (cvg_at_rightP _ _ _)).
split=> [pfl u [pu up]|pfl u [pu up]].
  rewrite -(opprK u); apply: pfl.
  by split; [move=> k; rewrite ltr_oppr opprK//|exact/cvgNP].
apply: pfl.
by split; [move=> k; rewrite ltr_oppl//|apply/cvgNP => /=; rewrite opprK].

End cvgr_fun_cvg_seq.

Section cvge_fun_cvg_seq .
Context {R : realType}.

Lemma cvge_at_rightP ( f : R -> \bar R) ( p l : R) :
  f x @[x --> p^'+] --> l%:E <->
  (forall u : R^nat, (forall n, u n > p) /\ u --> p ->
    f (u n) @[n --> \oo] --> l%:E).
split=> [/fine_cvgP [ffin_num fpl] u [pu up]|h].
  apply/fine_cvgP; split; last by move/cvg_at_rightP : fpl; exact.
  have [e /= e0 {}ffin_num] := ffin_num.
  move/cvgrPdist_lt : up => /(_ _ e0)[s /= s0 {}up]; near=> t.
  by apply: ffin_num => //=; apply: up => /=; near: t; exists s.
suff H : \forall F \near p^'+, f F \is a fin_num.
  by apply/fine_cvgP; split => //; apply/cvg_at_rightP => u /h /fine_cvgP[].
apply: contrapT => /not_near_at_rightP abs.
have invn n : 0 < n.+1%:R^-1 :> R by rewrite invr_gt0.
pose y_ n := sval (cid2 (abs (PosNum (invn n)))).
have py_ k : p < y_ k by rewrite /y_ /sval/=; case: cid2 => //= x /andP[].
have y_p : y_ --> p.
  apply/cvgrPdist_lt => e e0; near=> t.
  rewrite ltr0_norm// ?subr_lt0// opprB.
  rewrite /y_ /sval/=; case: cid2 => //= x /andP[_ + _].
  rewrite ltr_subl_addr => /lt_le_trans; apply.
  rewrite addrC ler_add2r -(invrK e) lef_pinv// ?posrE ?invr_gt0//.
  near: t.
  exists `|ceil e^-1|%N => // k /= ek.
  rewrite (le_trans (ceil_ge _))// (@le_trans _ _ `|ceil e^-1|%:~R)//.
    by rewrite ger0_norm// ?ceil_ge0// ?invr_ge0// ltW.
  by move: ek;rewrite -(leq_add2r 1) !addn1 -(ltr_nat R) => /ltW.
have /fine_cvgP[[m _ mfy_] /= _] := h _ (conj py_ y_p).
near \oo => n.
have mn : (m <= n)%N by near: n; exists m.
have {mn} := mfy_ _ mn.
rewrite /y_ /sval; case: cid2 => /= x _.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma cvge_at_leftP ( f : R -> \bar R) ( p l : R) :
  f x @[x --> p^'-] --> l%:E <->
  (forall u : R^nat, (forall n, u n < p) /\ u --> p ->
    f (u n) @[n --> \oo] --> l%:E).
apply: (iff_trans (cvg_at_leftNP f p l%:E)).
apply: (iff_trans (cvge_at_rightP _ _ l)); split=> h u [up pu].
- rewrite (_ : u = \- (\- u))%R; last by apply/funext => ?/=; rewrite opprK.
  by apply: h; split; [by move=> n; rewrite ltr_oppl opprK|exact: cvgN].
- by apply: h; split => [n|]; [rewrite ltr_oppl|move/cvgN : pu; rewrite opprK].

End cvge_fun_cvg_seq.

Section fun_cvg_realType .
Context {R : realType}.

Lemma nondecreasing_cvgr ( f : R -> R) :
    nondecreasing_fun f -> has_ubound (range f) ->
  f r @[r --> +oo] --> sup (range f).
move=> ndf ubf; set M := sup (range f).
have supf : has_sup (range f) by split => //; exists (f 0), 0.
apply/cvgrPdist_le => _/posnumP[e].
have [p Mefp] : exists p, M - e%:num <= f p.
  have [_ -[p _] <- /ltW efp] := sup_adherent (gt0 e) supf.
  by exists p; rewrite efp.
near=> n; have pn : p <= n by near: n; apply: nbhs_pinfty_ge; rewrite num_real.
rewrite ler_distlC (le_trans Mefp (ndf _ _ _))//= (@le_trans _ _ M) ?ler_addl//.
by have /ubP := sup_upper_bound supf; apply; exists n.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma nonincreasing_at_right_cvgr ( f : R -> R) a :
    {in `]a, +oo[, nonincreasing_fun f} ->
    has_ubound (f @` `]a, +oo[) ->
  f x @[x --> a ^'+] --> sup (f @` `]a, +oo[).
move=> lef ubf; set M := sup _.
have supf : has_sup [set f x | x in `]a, +oo[].
  split => //; exists (f (a + 1)), (a + 1) => //=.
  by rewrite in_itv/= ltr_addl ltr01.
apply/cvgrPdist_le => _/posnumP[e].
have [p ap Mefp] : exists2 p, a < p & M - e%:num <= f p.
  have [_ -[p ap] <- /ltW efp] := sup_adherent (gt0 e) supf.
  exists p; last by rewrite efp.
  by move: ap; rewrite /= in_itv/= andbT.
near=> n.
rewrite ler_distl; apply/andP; split; last first.
  rewrite -ler_subl_addr (le_trans Mefp)// lef//.
    by rewrite in_itv/= andbT; near: n; exact: nbhs_right_gt.
  by near: n; exact: nbhs_right_le.
have : f n <= M.
  apply: sup_ub => //=; exists n => //; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
  by near: n; apply: nbhs_right_gt.
by apply: le_trans; rewrite ler_subl_addr ler_addl.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma nondecreasing_at_right_cvgr ( f : R -> R) a :
    {in `]a, +oo[, nondecreasing_fun f} ->
    has_lbound (f @` `]a, +oo[) ->
  f x @[x --> a ^'+] --> inf (f @` `]a, +oo[).
move=> nif hlb.
have ndNf : {in `]a, +oo[, nonincreasing_fun (\- f)}.
  by move=> r ra y /nif; rewrite ler_opp2; exact.
have hub : has_ubound [set (\- f) x | x in `]a, +oo[].
  apply/has_ub_lbN; rewrite image_comp/=.
  rewrite [X in has_lbound X](_ : _ = [set f x | x in `]a, +oo[])//.
  by apply: eq_imagel => y _ /=; rewrite opprK.
have /cvgN := nonincreasing_at_right_cvgr ndNf hub.
rewrite opprK [X in _ --> X -> _](_ : _ = inf [set f x | x in `]a, +oo[])//.
by rewrite /inf; congr (- sup _); rewrite image_comp/=; exact: eq_imagel.

End fun_cvg_realType.

Section fun_cvg_ereal .
Context {R : realType}.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

Lemma nondecreasing_cvge ( f : R -> \bar R) :
  nondecreasing_fun f -> f r @[r --> +oo%R] --> ereal_sup (range f).
move=> ndf; set S := range f; set l := ereal_sup S.
have [Spoo|Spoo] := pselect (S +oo).
  have [N Nf] : exists N, forall n, (n >= N)%R -> f n = +oo.
    case: Spoo => N _ uNoo; exists N => n Nn.
    by have := ndf _ _ Nn; rewrite uNoo leye_eq => /eqP.
  have -> : l = +oo by rewrite /l /ereal_sup; exact: supremum_pinfty.
  rewrite -(cvg_shiftr `|N|); apply: cvg_near_cst.
  exists N; split; first by rewrite num_real.
  by move=> x /ltW Nx; rewrite Nf// ler_paddr.
have [lpoo|lpoo] := eqVneq l +oo.
  rewrite lpoo; apply/cvgeyPge => M.
  have /ereal_sup_gt[_ [n _] <- Mun] : M%:E < l by rewrite lpoo// ltry.
  exists n; split; first by rewrite num_real.
  by move=> m /= nm; rewrite (le_trans (ltW Mun))// ndf// ltW.
have [fnoo|fnoo] := pselect (f = cst -oo).
  rewrite /l (_ : S = [set -oo]).
    by rewrite ereal_sup1 fnoo; exact: cvg_cst.
  apply/seteqP; split => [_ [n _] <- /[!fnoo]//|_ ->].
  by rewrite /S fnoo; exists 0%R.
have [/ereal_sup_ninfty lnoo|lnoo] := eqVneq l -oo.
  by exfalso; apply/fnoo/funext => n; rewrite (lnoo (f n))//; exists n.
have l_fin_num : l \is a fin_num by rewrite fin_numE lpoo lnoo.
set A := [set n | f n = -oo]; set B := [set n | f n != -oo].
have f_fin_num n : B n -> f n \is a fin_num.
  move=> Bn; rewrite fin_numE Bn/=.
  by apply: contra_notN Spoo => /eqP unpoo; exists n.
have [x Bx] : B !=set0.
  apply/set0P/negP => /eqP B0; apply/fnoo/funext => n.
  apply/eqP/negPn/negP => unnoo.
  by move/seteqP : B0 => [+ _] => /(_ n); apply.
have xB r : (x <= r)%R -> B r.
  move=> /ndf xr; apply/negP => /eqP urnoo.
  by move: xr; rewrite urnoo leeNy_eq; exact/negP.
rewrite -(@fineK _ l)//; apply/fine_cvgP; split.
  exists x; split; first by rewrite num_real.
  by move=> r A1r; rewrite f_fin_num //; exact/xB/ltW.
set g := fun n => if (n < x)%R then fine (f x) else fine (f n).
have <- : sup (range g) = fine l.
  apply: EFin_inj; rewrite -ereal_sup_EFin//; last 2 first.
    - exists (fine l) => /= _ [m _ <-]; rewrite /g /=.
      have [mx|xm] := ltP m x.
        by rewrite fine_le// ?f_fin_num//; apply: ereal_sup_ub; exists x.
      rewrite fine_le// ?f_fin_num//; first exact/xB.
      by apply: ereal_sup_ub; exists m.
    - by exists (g 0%R), 0%R.
  rewrite fineK//; apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split.
    apply: le_ereal_sup => _ /= [_ [m _] <-] <-.
    rewrite /g; have [_|xm] := ltP m x.
      by rewrite fineK// ?f_fin_num//; exists x.
    by rewrite fineK// ?f_fin_num//; [exists m|exact/xB].
  apply: ub_ereal_sup => /= _ [m _] <-.
  have [mx|xm] := ltP m x.
    rewrite (le_trans (ndf _ _ (ltW mx)))//.
    apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists (fine (f x)); last first.
      by rewrite fineK// f_fin_num.
    by exists m => //; rewrite /g mx.
  apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists (fine (f m)) => //.
    by exists m => //; rewrite /g ltNge xm.
  by rewrite fineK ?f_fin_num//; exact: xB.
suff: g x @[x --> +oo%R] --> sup (range g).
  apply: cvg_trans; apply: near_eq_cvg; near=> n.
  rewrite /g ifF//; apply/negbTE; rewrite -leNgt.
  by near: n; apply: nbhs_pinfty_ge; rewrite num_real.
apply: nondecreasing_cvgr.
- move=> m n mn; rewrite /g /=; have [_|xm] := ltP m x.
  + have [nx|nx] := ltP n x; first by rewrite fine_le// f_fin_num.
    by rewrite fine_le// ?f_fin_num//; [exact: xB|exact: ndf].
  + rewrite ltNge (le_trans xm mn)//= fine_le ?f_fin_num//.
    * exact: xB.
    * by apply: xB; rewrite (le_trans xm).
    * exact/ndf.
- exists (fine l) => /= _ [m _ <-]; rewrite /g /=.
  rewrite -lee_fin (fineK l_fin_num); apply: ereal_sup_ub.
  have [_|xm] := ltP m x; first by rewrite fineK// ?f_fin_num//; eexists.
  by rewrite fineK// ?f_fin_num//; [exists m|exact/xB].
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma nondecreasing_is_cvge ( f : R -> \bar R) :
  nondecreasing_fun f -> (cvg (f r @[r --> +oo]))%R.
by move=> u_nd u_ub; apply: cvgP; exact: nondecreasing_cvge. Qed.

Lemma nondecreasing_at_right_cvge ( f : R -> \bar R) a :
    {in `]a, +oo[, nondecreasing_fun f} ->
  f x @[x --> a ^'+] --> ereal_inf (f @` `]a, +oo[).
move=> ndf; set S := (X in ereal_inf X); set l := ereal_inf S.
have [Snoo|Snoo] := pselect (S -oo).
  case: (Snoo) => N /=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT => aN fNpoo.
  have Nf n : (a < n <= N)%R -> f n = -oo.
    move=> /andP[an nN]; apply/eqP.
    by rewrite eq_le leNye andbT -fNpoo ndf// in_itv/= an.
  have -> : l = -oo.
    by rewrite /l /ereal_inf /ereal_sup supremum_pinfty//=; exists -oo.
  apply: cvg_near_cst; exists (N - a)%R => /=; first by rewrite subr_gt0.
  move=> y /= + ay.
  rewrite ltr0_norm ?subr_lt0// opprB => ayNa.
  by rewrite Nf// ay/= -(subrK a y) -ler_subr_addr ltW.
have [lnoo|lnoo] := eqVneq l -oo.
  rewrite lnoo; apply/cvgeNyPle => M.
  have : M%:E > l by rewrite lnoo ltNyr.
  move=> /ereal_inf_lt[x [y]].
  rewrite /= in_itv/= andbT => ay <- fyM.
  exists (y - a)%R => /=; first by rewrite subr_gt0.
  move=> z /= + az.
  rewrite ltr0_norm ?subr_lt0// opprB ltr_subl_addr subrK => zy.
  by rewrite (le_trans _ (ltW fyM))// ndf// ?in_itv/= ?andbT// ltW.
have [fpoo|fpoo] := pselect {in `]a, +oo[, forall x, f x = +oo}.
  rewrite /l (_ : S = [set +oo]).
    rewrite ereal_inf1; apply/cvgeyPgey; near=> M.
    near=> x.
    rewrite fpoo ?leey// in_itv/= andbT.
    by near: x; exact: nbhs_right_gt.
  apply/seteqP; split => [_ [n _] <- /[!fpoo]//|_ ->].
  rewrite /S /=; exists (a + 1)%R; first by rewrite in_itv/= andbT ltr_addl.
  by rewrite fpoo// in_itv /= andbT ltr_addl.
have [/ereal_inf_pinfty lpoo|lpoo] := eqVneq l +oo.
  apply/fpoo => n; rewrite in_itv/= andbT => an; rewrite (lpoo (f n))//.
  by exists n => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
have l_fin_num : l \is a fin_num by rewrite fin_numE lpoo lnoo.
set A := [set n | (a < n)%R /\ f n != +oo].
set B := [set n | (a < n)%R /\ f n = +oo].
have f_fin_num n : n \in A -> f n \is a fin_num.
  move=> /[1!inE]-[an fnnoo]; rewrite fin_numE fnnoo andbT.
  apply: contra_notN Snoo => /eqP unpoo.
  by exists n => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
have [x [Ax fxpoo]] : A !=set0.
  apply/set0P/negP => /eqP A0; apply/fpoo => x; rewrite in_itv/= andbT => ax.
  apply/eqP/negPn/negP => unnoo.
  by move/seteqP : A0 => [+ _] => /(_ x); apply; rewrite /A/= ax.
have axA r : (a < r <= x)%R -> r \in A.
  move=> /andP[ar rx]; move: (rx) => /ndf rafx; rewrite /A /= inE; split => //.
  apply/negP => /eqP urnoo.
  move: rafx; rewrite urnoo in_itv/= andbT => /(_ ar).
  by rewrite leye_eq (negbTE fxpoo).
rewrite -(@fineK _ l)//; apply/fine_cvgP; split.
  exists (x - a)%R => /=; first by rewrite subr_gt0.
  move=> z /= + az.
  rewrite ltr0_norm ?subr_lt0// opprB ltr_subl_addr subrK// => zx.
  by rewrite f_fin_num// axA// az/= ltW.
set g := fun n => if (a < n < x)%R then fine (f n) else fine (f x).
have <- : inf [set g x | x in `]a, +oo[] = fine l.
  apply: EFin_inj; rewrite -ereal_inf_EFin//; last 2 first.
    - exists (fine l) => /= _ [m _ <-]; rewrite /g /=.
      case: ifPn => [/andP[am mx]|].
        rewrite fine_le// ?f_fin_num//; first by rewrite axA// am (ltW mx).
        by apply: ereal_inf_lb; exists m => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
      rewrite negb_and -!leNgt => /orP[ma|xm].
        rewrite fine_le// ?f_fin_num ?inE//.
        by apply: ereal_inf_lb; exists x => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
      rewrite fine_le// ?f_fin_num ?inE//.
      by apply: ereal_inf_lb; exists x => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
    - by exists (g (a + 1)%R), (a + 1)%R => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT ltr_addl.
  rewrite fineK//; apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split; last first.
    apply: le_ereal_inf => _ /= [_ [m _] <-] <-.
    rewrite /g; case: ifPn => [/andP[am mx]|].
      rewrite fineK// ?f_fin_num//; last by rewrite axA// am ltW.
      by exists m => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
    rewrite negb_and -!leNgt => /orP[ma|xm].
      rewrite fineK//; first by exists x => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
      by rewrite f_fin_num ?inE.
    exists x => /=; first by rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
    by rewrite fineK// f_fin_num ?inE.
  apply: lb_ereal_inf => /= y [m] /=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT => am <-{y}.
  have [mx|xm] := ltP m x.
    apply: ereal_inf_lb => /=; exists (fine (f m)); last first.
      by rewrite fineK// f_fin_num// axA// am (ltW mx).
    exists m; first by rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
    by rewrite /g am mx.
  rewrite (le_trans _ (ndf _ _ _ xm))//; last by rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
  apply: ereal_inf_lb => /=; exists (fine (f x)); last first.
    by rewrite fineK// f_fin_num ?inE.
  exists x; first by rewrite in_itv andbT.
  by rewrite /g ltxx andbF.
suff: g x @[x --> a^'+] --> inf [set g x | x in `]a, +oo[].
  apply: cvg_trans; apply: near_eq_cvg; near=> n.
  rewrite /g /=; case: ifPn => [//|].
  rewrite negb_and -!leNgt => /orP[na|xn].
    move: na; rewrite leNgt => /negP; apply.
    by near: n; exact: nbhs_right_gt.
  suff nx : (n < x)%R by rewrite ltNge xn in nx.
  near: n; exists ((x - a) / 2)%R; first by rewrite /= divr_gt0// subr_gt0.
  move=> y /= /[swap] ay.
  rewrite ltr0_norm// ?subr_lt0// opprB ltr_subl_addr => /lt_le_trans; apply.
  by rewrite -ler_subr_addr ler_pdivr_mulr// ler_pmulr// ?ler1n// subr_gt0.
apply: nondecreasing_at_right_cvgr.
- move=> m ma n mn /=; rewrite /g /=; case: ifPn => [/andP[am mx]|].
    rewrite (lt_le_trans am mn) /=; have [nx|nn0] := ltP n x.
      rewrite fine_le ?f_fin_num ?ndf//; first by rewrite axA// am (ltW mx).
      by rewrite axA// (ltW nx) andbT (lt_le_trans am).
    rewrite fine_le ?f_fin_num//.
    + by rewrite axA// am (ltW (lt_le_trans mx _)).
    + by rewrite inE.
    + by rewrite ndf// ltW.
  rewrite negb_and -!leNgt => /orP[ma'|xm].
    by rewrite in_itv/= andbT ltNge ma' in ma.
  rewrite in_itv/= andbT in ma.
  by rewrite (lt_le_trans ma mn)/= ltNge (le_trans xm mn).
- exists (fine l) => /= _ [m _ <-]; rewrite /g /=.
  rewrite -lee_fin (fineK l_fin_num); apply: ereal_inf_lb.
  case: ifPn => [/andP[am mn0]|].
    rewrite fineK//; first by exists m => //=; rewrite in_itv/= am.
    by rewrite f_fin_num// axA// am (ltW mn0).
  rewrite negb_and -!leNgt => /orP[ma|xm].
    rewrite fineK//; first by exists x => //=; rewrite in_itv/= Ax.
    by rewrite f_fin_num ?inE.
  by rewrite fineK// ?f_fin_num ?inE//; exists x => //=; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma nondecreasing_at_right_is_cvge ( f : R -> \bar R) a :
    {in `]a, +oo[, nondecreasing_fun f} ->
  cvg (f x @[x --> a ^'+]).
by move=> ndf; apply: cvgP; exact: nondecreasing_at_right_cvge. Qed.

Lemma nonincreasing_at_right_cvge ( f : R -> \bar R) a :
    {in `]a, +oo[, nonincreasing_fun f} ->
  f x @[x --> a ^'+] --> ereal_sup (f @` `]a, +oo[).
move=> nif.
have ndNf : {in `]a, +oo[, {homo (\- f) : n m / (n <= m)%R >-> n <= m}}.
  by move=> r ra y /nif; rewrite leeN2; exact.
have /cvgeN := nondecreasing_at_right_cvge ndNf.
under eq_fun do rewrite oppeK.
set lhs := (X in _ --> X -> _); set rhs := (X in _ -> _ --> X).
suff : lhs = rhs by move=> ->.
rewrite {}/rhs {}/lhs; rewrite /ereal_inf oppeK; congr ereal_sup.
by rewrite image_comp/=; apply: eq_imagel => x _ /=; rewrite oppeK.

Lemma nonincreasing_at_right_is_cvge ( f : R -> \bar R) a :
    {in `]a, +oo[, nonincreasing_fun f} ->
  cvg (f x @[x --> a ^'+]).
by move=> ndf; apply: cvgP; exact: nonincreasing_at_right_cvge. Qed.

End fun_cvg_ereal.

End fun_cvg.

Section lime_sup_inf .
Variable R : realType.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Implicit Types (f g : R -> \bar R) (a r s l : R).

Definition lime_sup f a : \bar R := limf_esup f a^'.

Definition lime_inf f a : \bar R := - lime_sup (\- f) a.

Let sup_ball f a r := ereal_sup [set f x | x in ball a r `\ a].

Let sup_ball_le f a r s : (r <= s)%R -> sup_ball f a r <= sup_ball f a s.
move=> rs; apply: ub_ereal_sup => /= _ /= [t [rt ta] <-].
by apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists t => //; split => //; exact: le_ball rt.

Let sup_ball_is_cvg f a : cvg (sup_ball f a e @[e --> 0^'+]).
apply: nondecreasing_at_right_is_cvge => x.
by rewrite in_itv/= andbT => x0 y /sup_ball_le.

Let inf_ball f a r := - sup_ball (\- f) a r.

Let inf_ballE f a r : inf_ball f a r = ereal_inf [set f x | x in ball a r `\ a].
by rewrite /inf_ball /ereal_inf; congr (- _); rewrite /sup_ball -image_comp.

Let inf_ball_le f a r s : (s <= r)%R -> inf_ball f a r <= inf_ball f a s.
by move=> sr; rewrite /inf_ball lee_oppl oppeK sup_ball_le. Qed.

Let inf_ball_is_cvg f a : cvg (inf_ball f a e @[e --> 0^'+]).
apply: nonincreasing_at_right_is_cvge => //.
by move=> x; rewrite in_itv/= andbT => x0 y /inf_ball_le.

Let le_sup_ball f g a :
  (forall r, (0 < r)%R -> forall y : R, y != a -> ball a r y -> f y <= g y) ->
  \forall r \near 0^'+, sup_ball f a r <= sup_ball g a r.
move=> fg; near=> r; apply: ub_ereal_sup => /= _ [s [pas /= /eqP ps]] <-.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (g s)); first exact: (fg r).
by apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists s => //; split => //; exact/eqP.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma lime_sup_lim f a : lime_sup f a = lim (sup_ball f a e @[e --> 0^'+]).
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split.
  apply: lime_ge => //; near=> e; apply: ereal_inf_lb => /=.
  by exists (ball a e `\ a) => //=; exact: dnbhs_ball.
apply: lb_ereal_inf => /= _ [A [r /= r0 arA] <-].
apply: lime_le => //; near=> e.
apply: le_ereal_sup => _ [s [ase /eqP sa] <- /=].
exists s => //; apply: arA => //=; apply: (lt_le_trans ase).
by near: e; exact: nbhs_right_le.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma lime_inf_lim f a : lime_inf f a = lim (inf_ball f a e @[e --> 0^'+]).
rewrite /lime_inf lime_sup_lim -limeN; last exact: sup_ball_is_cvg.
by rewrite /sup_ball; under eq_fun do rewrite -image_comp.

Lemma lime_supE f a :
  lime_sup f a = ereal_inf [set sup_ball f a e | e in `]0, +oo[ ]%R.
rewrite lime_sup_lim; apply/cvg_lim => //.
apply: nondecreasing_at_right_cvge => //.
by move=> x; rewrite in_itv/= andbT => x0 y; exact: sup_ball_le.

Lemma lime_infE f a :
  lime_inf f a = ereal_sup [set inf_ball f a e | e in `]0, +oo[ ]%R.
by rewrite /lime_inf lime_supE /ereal_inf oppeK image_comp. Qed.

Lemma lime_infN f a : lime_inf (\- f) a = - lime_sup f a.
by rewrite /lime_sup -limf_einfN. Qed.

Lemma lime_supN f a : lime_sup (\- f) a = - lime_inf f a.
by rewrite /lime_inf oppeK. Qed.

Lemma lime_sup_ge0 f a : (forall x, 0 <= f x) -> 0 <= lime_sup f a.
move=> f0; rewrite lime_supE; apply: lb_ereal_inf => /= x [e /=].
rewrite in_itv/= andbT => e0 <-{x}; rewrite -(ereal_sup1 0) ereal_sup_le //=.
exists (f (a + e / 2)%R); last by rewrite ereal_sup1 f0.
exists (a + e / 2)%R => //=; split.
  rewrite /ball/= opprD addrA subrr sub0r normrN gtr0_norm ?divr_gt0//.
  by rewrite ltr_pdivr_mulr// ltr_pmulr// ltr1n.
by apply/eqP; rewrite gt_eqF// ltr_spaddr// divr_gt0.

Lemma lime_inf_ge0 f a : (forall x, 0 <= f x) -> 0 <= lime_inf f a.
move=> f0; rewrite lime_inf_lim; apply: lime_ge; first exact: inf_ball_is_cvg.
near=> b; rewrite inf_ballE.
by apply: lb_ereal_inf => /= _ [r [abr/= ra]] <-; exact: f0.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma lime_supD f g a : lime_sup f a +? lime_sup g a ->
  lime_sup (f \+ g)%E a <= lime_sup f a + lime_sup g a.
move=> fg; rewrite !lime_sup_lim -limeD//; last first.
  by rewrite -!lime_sup_lim.
apply: lee_lim => //.
- apply: nondecreasing_at_right_is_cvge => x.
  by rewrite in_itv/= andbT => x0 y xy; rewrite lee_add//; exact: sup_ball_le.
- near=> a0; apply: ub_ereal_sup => _ /= [a1 [a1ae a1a]] <-.
  by apply: lee_add; apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists a1.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma lime_sup_le f g a :
  (forall r, (0 < r)%R -> forall y, y != a -> ball a r y -> f y <= g y) ->
  lime_sup f a <= lime_sup g a.
by move=> fg; rewrite !lime_sup_lim; apply: lee_lim => //; exact: le_sup_ball.

Lemma lime_inf_sup f a : lime_inf f a <= lime_sup f a.
rewrite lime_inf_lim lime_sup_lim; apply: lee_lim => //.
near=> r.
rewrite ereal_sup_le//.
have ? : exists2 x, ball a r x /\ x <> a & f x = f (a + r / 2)%R.
  exists (a + r / 2)%R => //; split.
    rewrite /ball/= opprD addrA subrr sub0r normrN gtr0_norm ?divr_gt0//.
    by rewrite ltr_pdivr_mulr// ltr_pmulr// ltr1n.
  by apply/eqP; rewrite gt_eqF// ltr_spaddr// divr_gt0.
by exists (f (a + r / 2)%R) => //=; rewrite inf_ballE ereal_inf_lb.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Local Lemma lim_lime_sup' f a ( l : R) :
  f r @[r --> a] --> l%:E -> lime_sup f a <= l%:E.
move=> fpA; apply/lee_addgt0Pr => e e0; rewrite lime_sup_lim.
apply: lime_le => //.
move/fine_cvg : (fpA) => /cvgrPdist_le fpA1.
move/fcvg_is_fine : (fpA); rewrite near_map => -[d d0] fpA2.
have := fpA1 _ e0 => -[q /= q0] H.
near=> x.
apply: ub_ereal_sup => //= _ [y [pry /= yp <-]].
have ? : f y \is a fin_num.
  apply: fpA2.
  rewrite /ball_ /= (lt_le_trans pry)//.
  by near: x; exact: nbhs_right_le.
rewrite -lee_subel_addl// -(@fineK _ (f y)) // -EFinB lee_fin.
rewrite (le_trans (ler_norm _))// distrC H// /ball_/= ltr_distlC.
move: pry; rewrite /ball/= ltr_distlC => /andP[pay ypa].
have xq : (x <= q)%R by near: x; exact: nbhs_right_le.
apply/andP; split.
  by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ pay)// ler_sub.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans ypa)// ler_add2l.
Unshelve. all: by end_near.

Local Lemma lim_lime_inf' f a ( l : R) :
  f r @[r --> a] --> l%:E -> l%:E <= lime_inf f a.
move=> fpA; apply/lee_subgt0Pr => e e0; rewrite lime_inf_lim.
apply: lime_ge => //.
move/fine_cvg : (fpA) => /cvgrPdist_le fpA1.
move/fcvg_is_fine : (fpA); rewrite near_map => -[d d0] fpA2.
have := fpA1 _ e0 => -[q /= q0] H.
near=> x.
rewrite inf_ballE.
apply: lb_ereal_inf => //= _ [y [pry /= yp <-]].
have ? : f y \is a fin_num.
  apply: fpA2.
  rewrite /ball_ /= (lt_le_trans pry)//.
  by near: x; exact: nbhs_right_le.
rewrite -(@fineK _ (f y)) // -EFinB lee_fin ler_subl_addr -ler_subl_addl.
rewrite (le_trans (ler_norm _))// H// /ball_/= ltr_distlC.
move: pry; rewrite /ball/= ltr_distlC => /andP[pay ypa].
have xq : (x <= q)%R by near: x; exact: nbhs_right_le.
apply/andP; split.
  by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ pay)// ler_sub.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans ypa)// ler_add2l.
Unshelve. all: by end_near.

Lemma lim_lime_inf f a ( l : R) :
  f r @[r --> a] --> l%:E -> lime_inf f a = l%:E.
move=> h; apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le.
by rewrite lim_lime_inf'// andbT (le_trans (lime_inf_sup _ _))// lim_lime_sup'.

Lemma lim_lime_sup f a ( l : R) :
  f r @[r --> a] --> l%:E -> lime_sup f a = l%:E.
move=> h; apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le.
by rewrite lim_lime_sup'//= (le_trans _ (lime_inf_sup _ _))// lim_lime_inf'.

Local Lemma lime_supP f a l :
  lime_sup f a = l%:E -> forall e : {posnum R}, exists d : {posnum R},
  forall x, (ball a d%:num `\ a) x -> f x < l%:E + e%:num%:E.
rewrite lime_supE => fal.
have H ( e : {posnum R}) :
    exists d : {posnum R}, l%:E <= sup_ball f a d%:num < l%:E + e%:num%:E.
  apply: contrapT => /forallNP H.
  have : ereal_inf [set sup_ball f a r | r in `]0%R, +oo[] \is a fin_num.
    by rewrite fal.
  move=> /lb_ereal_inf_adherent-/(_ e%:num ltac:(by []))[y] /=.
  case=> r; rewrite in_itv/= andbT => r0 <-{y}.
  rewrite ltNge => /negP; apply.
  have /negP := H (PosNum r0).
  rewrite negb_and => /orP[|].
    rewrite -ltNge => farl.
    have : ereal_inf [set sup_ball f a r | r in `]0%R, +oo[] < l%:E.
      rewrite (le_lt_trans _ farl)//; apply: ereal_inf_lb => /=; exists r => //.
      by rewrite in_itv/= r0.
    by rewrite fal ltxx.
  by rewrite -leNgt; apply: le_trans; rewrite lee_add2r// fal.
move=> e; have [d /andP[lfp fpe]] := H e.
exists d => r /= [] prd rp.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ fpe)//; apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists r.

Local Lemma lime_infP f a l :
  lime_inf f a = l%:E -> forall e : {posnum R}, exists d : {posnum R},
  forall x, (ball a d%:num `\ a) x -> l%:E - e%:num%:E < f x.
move=> /(congr1 oppe); rewrite -lime_supN => /lime_supP => H e.
have [d {}H] := H e.
by exists d => r /H; rewrite lte_oppl oppeD// EFinN oppeK.

Lemma lime_sup_inf_at_right f a l :
  lime_sup f a = l%:E -> lime_inf f a = l%:E -> f x @[x --> a^'+] --> l%:E.
move=> supfpl inffpl; apply/cvge_at_rightP => u [pu up].
have fu : \forall n \near \oo, f (u n) \is a fin_num.
  have [dsup Hdsup] := lime_supP supfpl (PosNum ltr01).
  have [dinf Hdinf] := lime_infP inffpl (PosNum ltr01).
  near=> n; rewrite fin_numE; apply/andP; split.
    apply/eqP => fxnoo.
    suff : (ball a dinf%:num `\ a) (u n) by move=> /Hdinf; rewrite fxnoo.
    split; last by apply/eqP; rewrite gt_eqF.
    by near: n; move/cvgrPdist_lt : up; exact.
  apply/eqP => fxnoo.
  suff : (ball a dsup%:num `\ a) (u n) by move=> /Hdsup; rewrite fxnoo.
  split; last by apply/eqP; rewrite gt_eqF.
  by near: n; move/cvgrPdist_lt : up; exact.
apply/fine_cvgP; split => /=; first exact: fu.
apply/cvgrPdist_le => _/posnumP[e].
have [d1 Hd1] : exists d1 : {posnum R},
    l%:E - e%:num%:E <= ereal_inf [set f x | x in ball a d1%:num `\ a].
  have : l%:E - e%:num%:E < lime_inf f a.
    by rewrite inffpl lte_subl_addr// lte_addl.
  rewrite lime_infE => /ereal_sup_gt[x /= [r]]; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
  move=> r0 <-{x} H; exists (PosNum r0); rewrite ltW//.
  by rewrite -inf_ballE.
have [d2 Hd2] : exists d2 : {posnum R},
    ereal_sup [set f x | x in ball a d2%:num `\ a] <= l%:E + e%:num%:E.
  have : lime_sup f a < l%:E + e%:num%:E by rewrite supfpl lte_addl.
  rewrite lime_supE => /ereal_inf_lt[x /= [r]]; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.
  by move=> r0 <-{x} H; exists (PosNum r0); rewrite ltW.
pose d := minr d1%:num d2%:num.
have d0 : (0 < d)%R by rewrite lt_minr; apply/andP; split => //=.
move/cvgrPdist_lt : up => /(_ _ d0)[m _] {}ucvg.
near=> n.
rewrite /= ler_distlC; apply/andP; split.
  rewrite -lee_fin EFinB (le_trans Hd1)//.
  rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (ereal_inf [set f x | x in ball a d `\ a]))//.
    apply: le_ereal_inf => _/= [r [adr ra] <-]; exists r => //; split => //.
    by rewrite /ball/= (lt_le_trans adr)// /d le_minl lexx.
  apply: ereal_inf_lb => /=; exists (u n).
    split; last by apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym lt_eqF.
    by apply: ucvg => //=; near: n; by exists m.
  by rewrite fineK//; by near: n.
rewrite -lee_fin EFinD (le_trans _ Hd2)//.
rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (ereal_sup [set f x | x in ball a d `\ a]))//; last first.
  apply: le_ereal_sup => z/= [r [adr rp] <-{z}]; exists r => //; split => //.
  by rewrite /ball/= (lt_le_trans adr)// /d le_minl lexx orbT.
apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists (u n).
  split; last by apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym lt_eqF.
  by apply: ucvg => //=; near: n; exists m.
by rewrite fineK//; near: n.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma lime_sup_inf_at_left f a l :
  lime_sup f a = l%:E -> lime_inf f a = l%:E -> f x @[x --> a^'-] --> l%:E.
move=> supfal inffal; apply/cvg_at_leftNP/lime_sup_inf_at_right.
- by rewrite /lime_sup -limf_esup_dnbhsN.
- by rewrite /lime_inf /lime_sup -(limf_esup_dnbhsN (-%E \o f)) limf_esupN oppeK.

End lime_sup_inf.

Section derivable_oo_continuous_bnd .
Context {R : numFieldType} {V : normedModType R}.

Definition derivable_oo_continuous_bnd ( f : R -> V) ( x y : R) :=
  [/\ {in `]x, y[, forall x, derivable f x 1},
      f @ x^'+ --> f x & f @ y^'- --> f y].

Lemma derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within ( f : R -> V) ( x y : R) :
  derivable_oo_continuous_bnd f x y -> {within `[x, y], continuous f}.
move=> [fxy fxr fyl]; apply/subspace_continuousP => z /=.
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[]; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-{z} xy|].
  have := cvg_at_right_within fxr; apply: cvg_trans; apply: cvg_app.
  by apply: within_subset => z/=; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[].
move=> /[swap].
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->{z} xy|zy xz].
  have := cvg_at_left_within fyl; apply: cvg_trans; apply: cvg_app.
  by apply: within_subset => z/=; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[].
apply: cvg_within_filter.
apply/differentiable_continuous; rewrite -derivable1_diffP.
by apply: fxy; rewrite in_itv/= xz zy.

End derivable_oo_continuous_bnd.

Section real_inverse_functions .
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types (a b : R) (f g : R -> R).

This lemma should be used with caution. Generally `{within I, continuous f}` is what one would intend. So having `{in I, continuous f}` as a condition may indicate potential issues at the endpoints of the interval.
Lemma continuous_subspace_itv ( I : interval R) ( f : R -> R) :
  {in I, continuous f} -> {within [set` I], continuous f}.
move=> ctsf; apply: continuous_in_subspaceT => x Ix; apply: ctsf.
by move: Ix; rewrite inE.

Lemma itv_continuous_inj_le f ( I : interval R) :
  (exists x y, [/\ x \in I, y \in I, x < y & f x <= f y]) ->
  {within [set` I], continuous f} -> {in I &, injective f} ->
  {in I &, {mono f : x y / x <= y}}.
gen have fxy : f / {in I &, injective f} ->
    {in I &, forall x y, x < y -> f x != f y}.
  move=> fI x y xI yI xLy; apply/negP => /eqP /fI => /(_ xI yI) xy.
  by move: xLy; rewrite xy ltxx.
gen have main : f / forall c, {within [set` I], continuous f} ->
    {in I &, injective f} ->
    {in I &, forall a b, f a < f b -> a < c -> c < b -> f a < f c /\ f c < f b}.
  move=> c fC fI a b aI bI faLfb aLc cLb.
  have intP := interval_is_interval aI bI.
  have cI : c \in I by rewrite intP// (ltW aLc) ltW.
  have ctsACf : {within `[a, c], continuous f}.
    apply: (continuous_subspaceW _ fC) => x; rewrite /= inE => /itvP axc.
    by rewrite intP// axc/= (le_trans _ (ltW cLb))// axc.
  have ctsCBf : {within `[c, b], continuous f}.
    apply: (continuous_subspaceW _ fC) => x /=; rewrite inE => /itvP axc.
    by rewrite intP// axc andbT (le_trans (ltW aLc)) ?axc.
  have [aLb alb'] : a < b /\ a <= b by rewrite ltW (lt_trans aLc).
  have [faLfc|fcLfa|/eqP faEfc] /= := ltrgtP (f a) (f c).
  - split; rewrite // lt_neqAle fxy // leNgt; apply/negP => fbLfc.
    have := fbLfc; suff /eqP -> : c == b by rewrite ltxx.
    rewrite eq_le (ltW cLb) /=.
    have [d /andP[ad dc] fdEfb] : exists2 d, a <= d <= c & f d = f b.
      have aLc' : a <= c by rewrite ltW.
      apply: IVT => //; last first.
        by case: ltrgtP faLfc; rewrite // (ltW faLfb) // ltW.
    rewrite -(fI _ _ _ _ fdEfb) //.
    move: ad dc; rewrite le_eqVlt =>/predU1P[<-//| /ltW L] dc.
    by rewrite intP// L (le_trans _ (ltW cLb)).
  - have [fbLfc | fcLfb | fbEfc] /= := ltrgtP (f b) (f c).
    + by have := lt_trans fbLfc fcLfa; rewrite ltNge (ltW faLfb).
    + have [d /andP[cLd dLb] /eqP] : exists2 d, c <= d <= b & f d = f a.
        have cLb' : c <= b by rewrite ltW.
        apply: IVT => //; last by case: ltrgtP fcLfb; rewrite // !ltW.
      have /(fxy f fI) : a < d by rewrite (lt_le_trans aLc).
      suff dI' : d \in I by rewrite eq_sym=> /(_ aI dI') => /negbTE ->.
      move: dLb; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->//|/ltW db].
      by rewrite intP// db (le_trans (ltW aLc)).
    + by move: fcLfa; rewrite -fbEfc ltNge (ltW faLfb).
  by move/(fxy _ fI) : aLc=> /(_ aI cI); rewrite faEfc.
move=> [u [v [uI vI ulv +]]] fC fI; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[fufv|fuLfv].
  by move/fI: fufv => /(_ uI vI) uv; move: ulv; rewrite uv ltxx.
have aux a c b : a \in I -> b \in I -> a < c -> c < b ->
   (f a < f c -> f a < f b /\ f c < f b) /\
   (f c < f b -> f a < f b /\ f a < f c).
  move=> aI bI aLc cLb; have aLb := lt_trans aLc cLb.
  have cI : c \in I by rewrite (interval_is_interval aI bI)// (ltW aLc)/= ltW.
  have fanfb : f a != f b by apply: (fxy f fI).
  have decr : f b < f a -> f b < f c /\ f c < f a.
    have ofC : {within [set` I], continuous (-f)}.
      move=> ?; apply: continuous_comp; [exact: fC | exact: continuousN].
    have ofI : {in I &, injective (-f)} by move=>> ? ? /oppr_inj/fI ->.
    rewrite -[X in X < _ -> _](opprK (f b)) ltr_oppl => ofaLofb.
    have := main _ c ofC ofI a b aI bI ofaLofb aLc cLb.
    by (do 2 rewrite ltr_oppl opprK); rewrite and_comm.
  split=> [faLfc|fcLfb].
    suff L : f a < f b by have [] := main f c fC fI a b aI bI L aLc cLb.
    by case: ltgtP decr fanfb => // fbfa []//; case: ltgtP faLfc.
  suff L : f a < f b by have [] := main f c fC fI a b aI bI L aLc cLb.
  by case: ltgtP decr fanfb => // fbfa []//; case: ltgtP fcLfb.
have{main fC} whole a c b := main f c fC fI a b.
have low a c b : f a < f c -> a \in I -> b \in I ->
       a < c -> c < b -> f a < f b /\ f c < f b.
  by move=> L aI bI ac cb; case: (aux a c b aI bI ac cb)=> [/(_ L)].
have high a c b : f c < f b -> a \in I -> b \in I ->
     a < c -> c < b -> f a < f b /\ f a < f c.
  by move=> L aI bI ac cb; case: (aux a c b aI bI ac cb)=> [_ /(_ L)].
apply: le_mono_in => x y xI yI xLy.
have [uLx | xLu | xu] := ltrgtP u x.
- suff fuLfx : f u < f x by have [] := low u x y fuLfx uI yI uLx xLy.
  have [xLv | vLx | -> //] := ltrgtP x v; first by case: (whole u x v).
  by case: (low u v x).
- have fxLfu : f x < f u by have [] := high x u v fuLfv xI vI xLu ulv.
  have [yLu | uLy | -> //] := ltrgtP y u; first by case: (whole x y u).
  by case: (low x u y).
move: xLy; rewrite -xu => uLy.
have [yLv | vLy | -> //] := ltrgtP y v; first by case: (whole u y v).
by case: (low u v y).

Lemma itv_continuous_inj_ge f ( I : interval R) :
  (exists x y, [/\ x \in I, y \in I, x < y & f y <= f x]) ->
  {within [set` I], continuous f} -> {in I &, injective f} ->
  {in I &, {mono f : x y /~ x <= y}}.
move=> [a [b [aI bI ab fbfa]]] fC fI x y xI yI.
suff : (- f) y <= (- f) x = (y <= x) by rewrite ler_oppl opprK.
apply: itv_continuous_inj_le xI => // [|x1 x1I | x1 x2 x1I x2I].
- by exists a, b; split => //; rewrite ler_oppl opprK.
- by apply/continuousN/fC.
by move/oppr_inj; apply/fI.

Lemma itv_continuous_inj_mono f ( I : interval R) :
    {within [set` I], continuous f} -> {in I &, injective f} -> monotonous I f.
move=> fC fI.
case: (pselect (exists a b, [/\ a \in I , b \in I & a < b])); last first.
  move=> N2I; left => x y xI yI; suff -> : x = y by rewrite ?lexx.
  by apply: contra_notP N2I => /eqP; case: ltgtP; [exists x, y|exists y, x|].
move=> [a [b [aI bI lt_ab]]].
have /orP[faLfb|fbLfa] := le_total (f a) (f b).
  by left; apply: itv_continuous_inj_le => //; exists a, b; rewrite ?faLfb.
by right; apply: itv_continuous_inj_ge => //; exists a, b; rewrite ?fbLfa.

Lemma segment_continuous_inj_le f a b :
    f a <= f b -> {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b] &, injective f} ->
  {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y / x <= y}}.
move=> fafb fct finj; have [//|] := itv_continuous_inj_mono fct finj.
have [aLb|bLa|<-] := ltrgtP a b; first 1 last.
- by move=> _ x ?; rewrite itv_ge// -ltNge.
- by move=> _ x y /itvxxP-> /itvxxP->; rewrite !lexx.
move=> /(_ a b); rewrite !bound_itvE fafb.
by move=> /(_ (ltW aLb) (ltW aLb)); rewrite lt_geF.

Lemma segment_continuous_inj_ge f a b :
    f a >= f b -> {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b] &, injective f} ->
  {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y /~ x <= y}}.
move=> fafb fct finj; have [|//] := itv_continuous_inj_mono fct finj.
have [aLb|bLa|<-] := ltrgtP a b; first 1 last.
- by move=> _ x ?; rewrite itv_ge// -ltNge.
- by move=> _ x y /itvxxP-> /itvxxP->; rewrite !lexx.
move=> /(_ b a); rewrite !bound_itvE fafb.
by move=> /(_ (ltW aLb) (ltW aLb)); rewrite lt_geF.

The condition "f a <= f b" is unnecessary because the last interval condition is vacuously true otherwise.
Lemma segment_can_le a b f g : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} ->
    {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {in `[f a, f b] &, {mono g : x y / x <= y}}.
move=> aLb ctf fK; have [fbLfa | faLfb] := ltrP (f b) (f a).
  by move=> x y; rewrite itv_ge// -ltNge.
have [aab bab] : a \in `[a, b] /\ b \in `[a, b] by rewrite !bound_itvE.
case: ltgtP faLfb => // [faLfb _|-> _ _ _ /itvxxP-> /itvxxP->]; rewrite ?lexx//.
have lt_ab : a < b by case: (ltgtP a b) aLb faLfb => // ->; rewrite ltxx.
have w : exists x y, [/\ x \in `[a, b], y \in `[a, b], x < y & f x <= f y].
  by exists a, b; rewrite !bound_itvE (ltW faLfb).
have fle := itv_continuous_inj_le w ctf (can_in_inj fK).
move=> x y xin yin; have := IVT aLb ctf.
case: (ltrgtP (f a) (f b)) faLfb => // _ _ ivt.
by have [[u uin <-] [v vin <-]] := (ivt _ xin, ivt _ yin); rewrite !fK// !fle.

Section negation_itv .
Local Definition itvN_oppr a b := @GRing.opp R.
Local Lemma itv_oppr_is_fun a b :
  isFun _ _ `[- b, - a]%classic `[a, b]%classic (itvN_oppr a b).
by split=> x /=; rewrite oppr_itvcc. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ a b := itv_oppr_is_fun a b.
End negation_itv.

The condition "f b <= f a" is unnecessary---see seg...increasing above
Lemma segment_can_ge a b f g : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} ->
    {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {in `[f b, f a] &, {mono g : x y /~ x <= y}}.
move=> aLb fC fK x y xfbfa yfbfa; rewrite -ler_opp2.
apply: (@segment_can_le (- b) (- a) (f \o -%R) (- g));
    rewrite /= ?ler_opp2 ?opprK //.
  pose fun_neg : subspace `[-b,-a] -> subspace `[a,b] := itvN_oppr a b.
  move=> z; apply: (@continuous_comp _ _ _ [fun of fun_neg]); last exact: fC.
by move=> z zab; rewrite -[- g]/(@GRing.opp _ \o g)/= fK ?opprK// oppr_itvcc.

Lemma segment_can_mono a b f g : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  monotonous (f @`[a, b]) g.
move=> le_ab fct fK; rewrite /monotonous/=; case: ltrgtP => fab; [left|right..];
  do ?by [apply: segment_can_le|apply: segment_can_ge].
by move=> x y /itvxxP<- /itvxxP<-; rewrite !lexx.

Lemma segment_continuous_surjective a b f : a <= b ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> set_surj `[a, b] (f @`[a, b]) f.
by move=> ? fct y/= /IVT[]// x; exists x. Qed.

Lemma segment_continuous_le_surjective a b f : a <= b -> f a <= f b ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> set_surj `[a, b] `[f a, f b] f.
move=> le_ab f_ab /(segment_continuous_surjective le_ab).
by rewrite (min_idPl _)// (max_idPr _).

Lemma segment_continuous_ge_surjective a b f : a <= b -> f b <= f a ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> set_surj `[a, b] `[f b, f a] f.
move=> le_ab f_ab /(segment_continuous_surjective le_ab).
by rewrite (min_idPr _)// (max_idPl _).

Lemma continuous_inj_image_segment a b f : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b] &, injective f} ->
  f @` `[a, b] = f @`[a, b]%classic.
move=> leab fct finj; apply: mono_surj_image_segment => //.
  exact: itv_continuous_inj_mono.
exact: segment_continuous_surjective.

Lemma continuous_inj_image_segmentP a b f : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b] &, injective f} ->
  forall y, reflect (exists2 x, x \in `[a, b] & f x = y) (y \in f @`[a, b]).
move=> /continuous_inj_image_segment/[apply]/[apply]/predeqP + y => /(_ y) faby.
by apply/(equivP idP); symmetry.

Lemma segment_continuous_can_sym a b f g : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {in f @`[a, b], cancel g f}.
move=> aLb ctf fK; have g_mono := segment_can_mono aLb ctf fK.
have f_mono := itv_continuous_inj_mono ctf (can_in_inj fK).
have f_surj := segment_continuous_surjective aLb ctf.
have fIP := mono_surj_image_segmentP aLb f_mono f_surj.
suff: {in f @`[a, b], {on `[a, b], cancel g & f}}.
  by move=> gK _ /fIP[x xab <-]; rewrite fK.
have: {in f @`[a, b] &, {on `[a, b] &, injective g}}.
  by move=> _ _ /fIP [x xab <-] /fIP[y yab <-]; rewrite !fK// => _ _ ->.
by apply/ssrbool.inj_can_sym_in_on => x xab; rewrite ?fK ?mono_mem_image_segment.

Lemma segment_continuous_le_can_sym a b f g : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {in `[f a, f b], cancel g f}.
move=> aLb fct fK x xfafb; apply: (segment_continuous_can_sym aLb fct fK).
have : f a <= f b by rewrite (itvP xfafb).
by case: ltrgtP xfafb => // ->.

Lemma segment_continuous_ge_can_sym a b f g : a <= b ->
    {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {in `[f b, f a], cancel g f}.
move=> aLb fct fK x xfafb; apply: (segment_continuous_can_sym aLb fct fK).
have : f a >= f b by rewrite (itvP xfafb).
by case: ltrgtP xfafb => // ->.

Lemma segment_inc_surj_continuous a b f :
    {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y / x <= y}} -> set_surj `[a, b] `[f a, f b] f ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f}.
move=> fle f_surj; have [f_inj flt] := (inc_inj_in fle, leW_mono_in fle).
have [aLb|bLa|] := ltgtP a b; first last.
- by move=> ->; rewrite set_itv1; exact: continuous_subspace1.
- rewrite continuous_subspace_in => z /set_mem /=; rewrite in_itv /=.
  by move=> /andP[/le_trans] /[apply]; rewrite leNgt bLa.
have le_ab : a <= b by rewrite ltW.
have [aab bab] : a \in `[a, b] /\ b \in `[a, b] by rewrite !bound_itvE ltW.
have fab : f @` `[a, b] = `[f a, f b]%classic by exact:inc_surj_image_segment.
pose g := pinv `[a, b] f; have fK : {in `[a, b], cancel f g}.
  by rewrite -[mem _]mem_setE; apply: pinvKV; rewrite !mem_setE.
have gK : {in `[f a, f b], cancel g f} by move=> z zab; rewrite pinvK// fab inE.
have gle : {in `[f a, f b] &, {mono g : x y / x <= y}}.
  apply: can_mono_in (fle); first by move=> *; rewrite gK.
  move=> z zfab; have {zfab} : `[f a, f b]%classic z by [].
  by rewrite -fab => -[x xab <-]; rewrite fK.
have glt := leW_mono_in gle.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in => x xab.
have xabcc : x \in `[a, b] by move: xab; rewrite mem_setE.
have fxab : f x \in `[f a, f b] by rewrite in_itv/= !fle.
have := xabcc; rewrite in_itv //= => /andP [ax xb].
apply/cvgrPdist_lt => _ /posnumP[e]; rewrite !near_simpl; near=> y.
rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (e%:num / 2%:R))//; last first.
  by rewrite ltr_pdivr_mulr// ltr_pmulr// ltr1n.
rewrite ler_distlC; near: y.
pose u := minr (f x + e%:num / 2) (f b).
pose l := maxr (f x - e%:num / 2) (f a).
have ufab : u \in `[f a, f b].
  rewrite !in_itv /= le_minl ?le_minr lexx ?fle // le_ab orbT ?andbT.
  by rewrite ler_paddr // fle.
have lfab : l \in `[f a, f b].
  rewrite !in_itv/= le_maxl ?le_maxr lexx ?fle// le_ab orbT ?andbT.
  by rewrite ler_subl_addr ler_paddr// fle // lexx.
have guab : g u \in `[a, b].
  rewrite !in_itv; apply/andP; split; have := ufab; rewrite in_itv => /andP.
    by case; rewrite /= -gle // ?fK // bound_itvE fle.
  by case => _; rewrite /= -gle // ?fK // bound_itvE fle.
have glab : g l \in `[a, b].
  rewrite !in_itv; apply/andP; split; have := lfab; rewrite in_itv /= => /andP.
    by case; rewrite -gle // ?fK // bound_itvE fle.
  by case => _; rewrite -gle // ?fK // bound_itvE fle.
have faltu : f a < u.
  rewrite /u comparable_lt_minr ?real_comparable ?num_real// flt// aLb andbT.
  by rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (f x)) ?fle// ltr_addl.
have lltfb : l < f b.
  rewrite /u comparable_lt_maxl ?real_comparable ?num_real// flt// aLb andbT.
  by rewrite (@lt_le_trans _ _ (f x)) ?fle// ltr_subl_addr ltr_addl.
case: pselect => // _; rewrite near_withinE; near_simpl.
have Fnbhs : Filter (nbhs x) by apply: nbhs_filter.
have := ax; rewrite le_eqVlt => /orP[/eqP|] {}ax.
  near=> y => /[dup] yab; rewrite /= in_itv => /andP[ay yb]; apply/andP; split.
    by rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (f a)) ?fle// ler_subl_addr ax ler_paddr.
  apply: ltW; suff : f y < u by rewrite lt_minr => /andP[->].
  rewrite -?[f y < _]glt// ?fK//; last by rewrite in_itv /= !fle.
  by near: y; near_simpl; apply: open_lt; rewrite /= -flt ?gK// -ax.
have := xb; rewrite le_eqVlt => /orP[/eqP {}xb {ax}|{}xb].
  near=> y => /[dup] yab; rewrite /= in_itv /= => /andP[ay yb].
  apply/andP; split; last by rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (f b)) ?fle// xb ler_paddr.
  apply: ltW; suff : l < f y by rewrite lt_maxl => /andP[->].
  rewrite -?[_ < f y]glt// ?fK//; last by rewrite in_itv /= !fle.
  by near: y; near_simpl; apply: open_gt; rewrite /= -flt// gK// xb.
have xoab : x \in `]a, b[ by rewrite in_itv /=; apply/andP; split.
near=> y; suff: l <= f y <= u.
  by rewrite le_maxl le_minr -!andbA => /and4P[-> _ ->].
have ? : y \in `[a, b] by apply: subset_itv_oo_cc; near: y; apply: near_in_itv.
have fyab : f y \in `[f a, f b] by rewrite in_itv/= !fle// ?ltW.
rewrite -[l <= _]gle -?[_ <= u]gle// ?fK //.
apply: subset_itv_oo_cc; near: y; apply: near_in_itv; rewrite in_itv /=.
rewrite -[x]fK // !glt//= lt_minr lt_maxl ?andbT ltr_subl_addr ltr_spaddr //.
by apply/and3P; split; rewrite // flt.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma segment_dec_surj_continuous a b f :
    {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y /~ x <= y}} ->
    set_surj `[a, b] `[f b, f a] f ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f}.
move=> fge f_surj; suff: {within `[a, b], continuous (- f)}.
  move=> contNf x xab; rewrite -[f]opprK.
apply: segment_inc_surj_continuous.
  by move=> x y xab yab; rewrite ler_opp2 fge.
by move=> y /=; rewrite -oppr_itvcc => /f_surj[x ? /(canLR opprK)<-]; exists x.

Lemma segment_mono_surj_continuous a b f :
    monotonous `[a, b] f -> set_surj `[a, b] (f @`[a, b]) f ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f}.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in => -[fle|fge] f_surj x /set_mem /= xab.
  have leab : a <= b by rewrite (itvP xab).
  have fafb : f a <= f b by rewrite fle // ?bound_itvE.
  by apply: segment_inc_surj_continuous => //; case: ltrP f_surj fafb.
have leab : a <= b by rewrite (itvP xab).
have fafb : f b <= f a by rewrite fge // ?bound_itvE.
by apply: segment_dec_surj_continuous => //; case: ltrP f_surj fafb.

Lemma segment_can_le_continuous a b f g : a <= b ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f} ->
  {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {within `[(f a), (f b)], continuous g}.
move=> aLb ctf; rewrite continuous_subspace_in => fK x /set_mem /= xab.
have faLfb : f a <= f b by rewrite (itvP xab).
apply: segment_inc_surj_continuous; first exact: segment_can_le.
rewrite !fK ?bound_itvE//=; apply: (@can_surj _ _ f); first by rewrite mem_setE.
exact/image_subP/mem_inc_segment/segment_continuous_inj_le/(can_in_inj fK).

Lemma segment_can_ge_continuous a b f g : a <= b ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f} ->
  {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {within `[(f b), (f a)], continuous g}.
move=> aLb ctf; rewrite continuous_subspace_in => fK x /set_mem /= xab.
have fbLfa : f b <= f a by rewrite (itvP xab).
apply: segment_dec_surj_continuous; first exact: segment_can_ge.
rewrite !fK ?bound_itvE//=; apply: (@can_surj _ _ f); first by rewrite mem_setE.
exact/image_subP/mem_dec_segment/segment_continuous_inj_ge/(can_in_inj fK).

Lemma segment_can_continuous a b f g : a <= b ->
  {within `[a, b], continuous f} ->
  {in `[a, b], cancel f g} ->
  {within f @`[a, b], continuous g}.
move=> aLb crf fK x; case: lerP => // _;
  by [apply: segment_can_ge_continuous|apply: segment_can_le_continuous].

Lemma near_can_continuousAcan_sym f g ( x : R) :
    {near x, cancel f g} -> {near x, continuous f} ->
  {near f x, continuous g} /\ {near f x, cancel g f}.
move=> fK fct; near (0 : R)^'+ => e; have e_gt0 : 0 < e by [].
have xBeLxDe : x - e <= x + e by rewrite ler_add2l gt0_cp.
have fcte : {in `[x - e, x + e], continuous f}.
  by near: e; apply/at_right_in_segment.
have fwcte : {within `[x - e, x + e], continuous f}.
  apply: continuous_in_subspaceT => y yI.
  by apply: fcte; move/set_mem: yI.
have fKe : {in `[x - e, x + e], cancel f g}
  by near: e; apply/at_right_in_segment.
have nearfx : \forall y \near f x, y \in f @`](x - e), (x + e)[.
  apply: near_in_itv; apply: mono_mem_image_itvoo; last first.
    by rewrite in_itv/= -ltr_distlC subrr normr0.
  apply: itv_continuous_inj_mono => //.
  by apply: (@can_in_inj _ _ _ _ g); near: e; apply/at_right_in_segment.
have fxI : f x \in f @`]x - e, x + e[ by exact: (nbhs_singleton nearfx).
split; near=> y; first last.
  rewrite (@segment_continuous_can_sym (x - e) (x + e))//.
  by apply: subset_itv_oo_cc; near: y.
near: y; apply: (filter_app _ _ nearfx); near_simpl; near=> y => yfe.
have : {within f @`]x - e, (x + e)[, continuous g}.
  apply: continuous_subspaceW; last exact: (segment_can_continuous _ fwcte _).
  exact: subset_itv_oo_cc.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace; first by apply; exact: mem_set.
exact: interval_open.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma near_can_continuous f g ( x : R) :
  {near x, cancel f g} -> {near x, continuous f} -> {near f x, continuous g}.
by move=> fK fct; have [] := near_can_continuousAcan_sym fK fct. Qed.

Lemma near_continuous_can_sym f g ( x : R) :
  {near x, continuous f} -> {near x, cancel f g} -> {near f x, cancel g f}.
by move=> fct fK; have [] := near_can_continuousAcan_sym fK fct. Qed.

End real_inverse_functions.

Section real_inverse_function_instances .

Variable R : realType.

Lemma exprn_continuous n : continuous (@GRing.exp R ^~ n).
move=> x; elim: n=> [|n /(continuousM cvg_id) ih]; first exact: cst_continuous.
by rewrite exprS; under eq_fun do rewrite exprS; exact: ih.

Lemma sqr_continuous : continuous (@exprz R ^~ 2).
exact: (@exprn_continuous 2%N). Qed.

Lemma sqrt_continuous : continuous (@Num.sqrt R).
move=> x; case: (ltrgtP x 0) => [xlt0 | xgt0 | ->].
- apply: (near_cst_continuous 0).
  by near do rewrite ltr0_sqrtr//; apply: (cvgr_lt x).
  pose I b : set R := [set` `]0 ^+ 2, b ^+ 2[].
  suff main b : 0 <= b -> {in I b, continuous (@Num.sqrt R)}.
    near +oo_R => M; apply: (main M); rewrite // /I !inE/= in_itv/= expr0n xgt0.
    by rewrite -ltr_sqrt ?exprn_gt0// sqrtr_sqr gtr0_norm/=.
  move=> b0; rewrite -continuous_open_subspace; last exact: interval_open.
  apply: continuous_subspaceW; first exact: subset_itv_oo_cc.
  apply: (@segment_can_le_continuous _ _ _ (@GRing.exp _^~ _)) => //.
    by apply: continuous_subspaceT; exact: exprn_continuous.
  by move=> y y0b; rewrite sqrtr_sqr ger0_norm// (itvP y0b).
- rewrite sqrtr0; apply/cvgr0Pnorm_lt => _ /posnumP[e]; near=> y.
  have [ylt0|yge0] := ltrP y 0; first by rewrite ltr0_sqrtr ?normr0.
  rewrite ger0_norm ?sqrtr_ge0//; have: `|y| < e%:num ^+ 2 by [].
  by rewrite -ltr_sqrt// ger0_norm// sqrtr_sqr ger0_norm.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

End real_inverse_function_instances.

Section is_derive_inverse .
Variable R : realType.

Lemma is_derive1_caratheodory ( f : R -> R) ( x a : R) :
  is_derive x 1 f a <->
  exists g, [/\ forall z, f z - f x = g z * (z - x),
        {for x, continuous g} & g x = a].
split => [Hd|[g [fxE Cg gxE]]].
  exists (fun z => if z == x then a else (f(z) - f(x)) / (z - x)); split.
  - move=> z; case: eqP => [->|/eqP]; first by rewrite !subrr mulr0.
    by rewrite -subr_eq0 => /divfK->.
  - apply/continuous_withinNshiftx; rewrite eqxx /=.
    pose g1 h := (h^-1 *: ((f \o shift x) h%:A - f x)).
    have F1 : g1 @ 0^' --> a by case: Hd => H1 <-.
    apply: cvg_trans F1; apply: near_eq_cvg; rewrite /g1 !fctE.
    near=> i.
    rewrite ifN; first by rewrite addrK mulrC /= [_%:A]mulr1.
    rewrite -subr_eq0 addrK.
    by near: i; rewrite near_withinE /= near_simpl; near=> x1.
  by rewrite eqxx.
suff Hf : h^-1 *: ((f \o shift x) h%:A - f x) @[h --> 0^'] --> a.
  have F1 : 'D_1 f x = a by apply: cvg_lim.
  rewrite -F1 in Hf.
    by constructor.
  have F1 : (g \o shift x) y @[y --> 0^'] --> a.
  by rewrite -gxE; apply/continuous_withinNshiftx.
apply: cvg_trans F1; apply: near_eq_cvg.
near=> y.
rewrite /= fxE /= addrK [_%:A]mulr1.
suff yNZ : y != 0 by rewrite [RHS]mulrC mulfK.
by near: y; rewrite near_withinE /= near_simpl; near=> x1.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma is_derive_0_is_cst ( f : R -> R) x y :
  (forall x, is_derive x 1 f 0) -> f x = f y.
move=> Hd.
wlog xLy : x y / x <= y by move=> H; case: (leP x y) => [/H |/ltW /H].
rewrite -(subKr (f y) (f x)).
have [| _ _] := MVT_segment xLy; last by rewrite mul0r => ->; rewrite subr0.
apply/continuous_subspaceT=> r.

Global Instance is_derive1_comp ( f g : R -> R) ( x a b : R) :
  is_derive (g x) 1 f a -> is_derive x 1 g b ->
  is_derive x 1 (f \o g) (a * b).
move=> [fgxv <-{a}] [gv <-{b}]; apply: (@DeriveDef _ _ _ _ _ (f \o g)).
  apply/derivable1_diffP/differentiable_comp; first exact/derivable1_diffP.
  by move/derivable1_diffP in fgxv.
by rewrite -derive1E (derive1_comp gv fgxv) 2!derive1E.

Lemma is_deriveV ( f : R -> R) ( x t v : R) :
  f x != 0 -> is_derive x v f t ->
  is_derive x v (fun y => (f y)^-1) (- (f x) ^- 2 *: t).
move=> fxNZ Df.
constructor; first by apply: derivableV => //; case: Df.
by rewrite deriveV //; case: Df => _ ->.

Lemma is_derive_inverse ( f g : R -> R) l x :
  {near x, cancel f g} ->
  {near x, continuous f} ->
  is_derive x 1 f l -> l != 0 -> is_derive (f x) 1 g l^-1.
move=> fgK fC fD lNZ.
have /is_derive1_caratheodory [h [fE hC hxE]] := fD.
(* There should be something simpler *)
have gfxE : g (f x) = x by have [d Hd]:= nbhs_ex fgK; apply: Hd.
pose g1 y := if y == f x then (h (g y))^-1
             else (g y - g (f x)) / (y - f x).
exists g1; split; first 2 last.
- by rewrite /g1 eqxx gfxE hxE.
- move=> z; rewrite /g1; case: eqP => [->|/eqP]; first by rewrite !subrr mulr0.
  by rewrite -subr_eq0 => /divfK.
have F1 : (h (g x))^-1 @[x --> f x] --> g1 (f x).
  rewrite /g1 eqxx; apply: continuousV; first by rewrite /= gfxE hxE.
  apply: continuous_comp; last by rewrite gfxE.
  by apply: nbhs_singleton (near_can_continuous _ _).
apply: cvg_sub0 F1.
apply/cvgrPdist_lt => eps eps_gt0 /=; rewrite !near_simpl /=.
near=> y; rewrite sub0r normrN !fctE.
have fgyE : f (g y) = y by near: y; apply: near_continuous_can_sym.
rewrite /g1; case: eqP => [_|/eqP x1Dfx]; first by rewrite subrr normr0.
have -> : y - f x = h (g y) * (g y - x) by rewrite -fE fgyE.
rewrite gfxE invfM mulrC divfK ?subrr ?normr0 // subr_eq0.
by apply: contra x1Dfx => /eqP<-; apply/eqP.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

End is_derive_inverse.

#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_derive _ _ (fun _ => (_ _)^-1) _) =>
  (eapply is_deriveV; first by []) : typeclass_instances.