Library Combi.Combi.partition: Integer Partitions

Shapes and Integer Partitions

Partitions (and more generally shapes) are stored by terms of type seq nat. We define the following predicates and operations on seq nat:
  • in_shape sh (r, c) == the box with coordinate (r, c) belongs to the shape sh, that is: c < sh[r].
  • in_skew inn out (r, c) == the box with coordinate (r, c) belongs to the out but not inn
  • box_in sh == a sigma type for boxes in sh : { b | in_shape sh b } it is canonically a subFinType.
  • box_skew inn out == a sigma type for boxes in the skew shape out / inn
  • enum_box_in sh == a full duplicate free list of the boxes in sh.
  • enum_box_skew inn out == a full duplicate free list of the boxes in the skew shape out / inn
Integer Partitions:
  • is_part sh == sh is a partition
  • rem_trail0 sh == remove the trailing zeroes of a shape
  • is_add_corner sh i == i is the row of an addable corner of sh
  • is_rem_corner sh i == i is the row of a removable corner of sh
  • incr_nth sh i == the shape obtained by adding a box at the end of the i-th row. This gives a partition if i is an addable corner of sh (Lemma is_part_incr_nth)
  • decr_nth sh i == the shape obtained by removing a box at the end of the i-th row. This gives a partition if i is an removable corner of sh (Lemma is_part_decr_nth)
  • rem_corners sh == the list of the rows of the removable corners of sh.
  • incr_first_n sh n == adding 1 to the n'th first part of sh, always gives a partitions
  • conj_part sh == the conjugate of a partition
  • included s t == the Ferrer's diagram of s is included in the Ferrer's diagram of t. This is an order.
  • s / t = diff_shape s t == the difference of the shape s and t
  • outer_shape s t == add t to the shape s
Enumeration of integer partitions:
  • is_part_of_n sm sh == sh in a partition of n
  • is_part_of_ns sm sz sh == sh in a partitionfo n of size sz
  • is_part_of_nsk sm sz mx sh == sh in a partition of n of size sz in parts at most mx
  • enum_partn sm == the lists of all partitions of n
  • enum_partns sm sz == the lists of all partitions of n of size sz
  • enum_partnsk sm sz mx == the lists of all partitions of n of size sz in parts at most mx
  • intpartn_nb sm == the number of partitions of n
  • intpartns_nb sm sz == the number of partitions of n of size sz
  • intpartnsk_nb sm sz mx == the number of partitions of n of size sz in parts at most mx
Sigma types for integer partitions:
  • intpart == a type for seq nat which are partitions; canonically a subCountType of seq nat
  • conj_intpart == the conjugate of a intpart as a intpart
  • empty_intpart == the empty intpart
  • 'P_n == a type for seq nat which are partitions of n; canonically a finType
  • cast_intpartn m n eq_mn == the cast from 'P_m to 'P_n
  • rowpartn n == the one row partition of sum n as a 'P_n
  • colpartn n == the one column partition of sum n as a 'P_n
  • conj_intpartn == the conjugate of a 'P_n as a 'P_n
  • hookpartm n k == then hook shape partition of sum n.+1 as a 'P_n.+1 whose arm length is k (not counting the corner), that is (k+1, 1, ..., 1).
  • decr_nth_intpart p i == the shape obtained by removing a box at the end of the i-th row if the result is a partition else p
Operations on partitions:
  • union_intpart l k == the partition of type intpart obtained by gathering the parts of l and k
  • l +|+ k = union_intpartn l k == the partition of type 'P_(m + n) obtained by gathering the parts of l : 'P_m and k : 'P_n
Comparison of partitions:
  • 'YL == a type convertible to intpart which is canonically a lattice partially ordered by included.
  • partdom s t == s is dominated by t, that is the partial sum of s are smaller that the partial sum of t.
  • 'PDom_d == a type convertible to 'P_d which is canonically a finite lattice partially ordered by partdom.
  • 'PLexi_d == a type convertible to 'P_n which is canonically finite and totally ordered by the lexicographic order.
Relation with set partitions:
  • setpart_shape P == the shape of a set partition, i.e. the sorted list of the cardinal of the parts
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import div ssralg ssrint ssrnum binomial.
Require Import tools combclass sorted ordtype.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Import LeqGeqOrder.
Import Order.TTheory.

Open Scope nat_scope.
Declare Scope Combi_scope.
Delimit Scope Combi_scope with Combi.
Open Scope Combi_scope.

Reserved Notation "''P_' n"
         (at level 8, n at level 2, format "''P_' n").
Reserved Notation "''PDom_' n"
         (at level 8, n at level 2, format "''PDom_' n").
Reserved Notation "''PLexi_' n"
         (at level 8, n at level 2, format "''PLexi_' n").


Definition in_shape sh b := b.2 < nth 0 sh b.1.
Definition in_skew inn out b := nth 0 inn b.1 <= b.2 < nth 0 out b.1.

Lemma in_skewE inn out b :
  in_skew inn out b = ~~ in_shape inn b && in_shape out b.
Lemma in_skew_out inn out b : in_skew inn out b -> in_shape out b.
Lemma in_skew_in inn out b : in_skew inn out b -> ~~ in_shape inn b.

Lemma in_shape_nil : in_shape [::] =1 pred0.
Lemma in_skew_nil : in_skew [::] =2 in_shape.

Lemma in_shape_size sh r c : in_shape sh (r, c) -> r < size sh.

Integer Partitions

Definitions and basic properties

Section Defs.

Implicit Types (s sh : seq nat) (i j r c : nat).

Fixpoint is_part sh :=
  if sh is sh0 :: sh'
  then (sh0 >= head 1 sh') && (is_part sh')
  else true.

Partitions don't have 0 parts
Lemma part_head0F sh : head 1 sh == 0 -> is_part sh = false.

Lemma part_head_non0 sh : is_part sh -> head 1 sh != 0.

Lemma notin0_part sh : is_part sh -> 0 \notin sh.

Lemma in_part_non0 sh i : is_part sh -> i \in sh -> i != 0.

Lemma nth_part_non0 sh i : is_part sh -> i < size sh -> nth 0 sh i != 0.

Lemma leq_head_sumn sh : head 0 sh <= sumn sh.

Lemma part_leq_head sh i : is_part sh -> i \in sh -> i <= head 0 sh.

Three equivalent definitions
Lemma is_partP sh :
    (last 1 sh != 0 /\ forall i, (nth 0 sh i) >= nth 0 sh i.+1)
    (is_part sh).

Lemma is_part_ijP sh :
    (last 1 sh != 0 /\ forall i j, i <= j -> (nth 0 sh i) >= nth 0 sh j)
    (is_part sh).

Lemma is_part_sortedE sh : (is_part sh) = (sorted geq sh) && (0 \notin sh).

Boxes in a partitions

Lemma in_part_le sh r c j k :
  is_part sh -> in_shape sh (r, c) -> j <= r -> k <= c -> in_shape sh (j, k).

Lemma in_part_is_part sh :
  (forall r c j k, j <= r -> k <= c ->
                   in_shape sh (r, c) -> in_shape sh (j, k)) ->
  last 1 sh != 0 -> is_part sh.

Equality of partitions
Lemma part_eqP p q :
  is_part p -> is_part q -> reflect (forall i, nth 0 p i = nth 0 q i) (p == q).

Partitions and sumn
Lemma part0 sh : is_part sh -> sumn sh = 0 -> sh = [::].

Lemma size_part sh : is_part sh -> size sh <= sumn sh.

Lemma part_sumn_rectangle sh :
  is_part sh -> sumn sh <= (head 0 sh) * (size sh).

Removing trailing zeroes
Fixpoint rem_trail0 s :=
  if s is s0 :: s' then
    if (rem_trail0 s') is t1 :: t' then s0 :: t1 :: t'
    else if s0 == 0 then [::] else [:: s0]
  else [::].

Lemma size_rem_trail0 s : size (rem_trail0 s) <= size s.

Lemma nth_rem_trail0 s i : nth 0 (rem_trail0 s) i = nth 0 s i.

Lemma sumn_rem_trail0 s : sumn (rem_trail0 s) = sumn s.

Lemma is_part_rem_trail0 s : sorted geq s -> is_part (rem_trail0 s).

Corners, adding and removing corners

Definition is_rem_corner sh i := nth 0 sh i > nth 0 sh i.+1.
Definition is_add_corner sh i := (i == 0) || (nth 0 sh i < nth 0 sh i.-1).

Lemma last_incr_nth_non0 sh i : last 1 sh != 0 -> last 1 (incr_nth sh i) != 0.

Lemma is_part_incr_nth_size sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_part (incr_nth sh i) -> i <= size sh.

Lemma is_part_incr_nth sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_add_corner sh i -> is_part (incr_nth sh i).

Lemma del_rem_corner sh i :
  last 1 sh != 0 -> is_part (incr_nth sh i) ->
  is_rem_corner (incr_nth sh i) i = is_part sh.

Lemma rem_corner_incr_nth sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_add_corner sh i -> is_rem_corner (incr_nth sh i) i.

Lemma is_rem_cornerP sh i : is_part sh ->
  (i < size sh) && (~~ in_shape sh (i.+1, (nth 0 sh i).-1)) =
  (is_rem_corner sh i).

Fixpoint decr_nth v i {struct i} :=
  if v is n :: v' then
    if i is i'.+1 then n :: decr_nth v' i'
    else if n is n'.+1 then
           if n' is _.+1 then
             n' :: v'
           else [::]
         else [::]
  else [::].

Lemma incr_nthK sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_part (incr_nth sh i) -> decr_nth (incr_nth sh i) i = sh.

Lemma decr_nthK sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner sh i -> incr_nth (decr_nth sh i) i = sh.

Lemma sumn_incr_nth s i : sumn (incr_nth s i) = (sumn s).+1.

Lemma nth_decr_nth sh i :
  nth 0 (decr_nth sh i) i = (nth 0 sh i).-1.

Lemma nth_decr_nth_neq sh i j :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner sh i -> i != j ->
  nth 0 (decr_nth sh i) j = nth 0 sh j.

Lemma sumn_decr_nth sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner sh i -> (sumn (decr_nth sh i)) = (sumn sh).-1.

Lemma is_part_decr_nth sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner sh i -> is_part (decr_nth sh i).

Lemma add_corner_decr_nth sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner sh i -> is_add_corner (decr_nth sh i) i.

Definition rem_corners sh := filter (is_rem_corner sh) (iota 0 (size sh)).

Lemma rem_corners_uniq sh : uniq (rem_corners sh).

Conjugate of a partition

Fixpoint incr_first_n sh n :=
  if sh is s0 :: s then
    if n is n'.+1 then s0.+1 :: incr_first_n s n'
    else sh
  else nseq n 1.
Fixpoint conj_part sh :=
  if sh is s0 :: sh then incr_first_n (conj_part sh) s0
  else [::].

Lemma is_part_nseq1 n : is_part (nseq n 1).

Lemma nth_incr_first_n sh n i :
  nth 0 (incr_first_n sh n) i = if i < n then (nth 0 sh i).+1 else nth 0 sh i.

Lemma incr_first_n_nthC sh i j :
  incr_first_n (incr_nth sh i) j = incr_nth (incr_first_n sh j) i.

Lemma is_part_incr_first_n sh n :
  is_part sh -> is_part (incr_first_n sh n).

Lemma is_part_conj sh : is_part sh -> is_part (conj_part sh).

Lemma conj_nseq n : 0 < n -> conj_part (nseq n 1) = [:: n].

Lemma size_incr_first_n sh n :
  size sh <= n -> size (incr_first_n sh n) = n.

Lemma size_conj_part sh : is_part sh -> size (conj_part sh) = head 0 sh.

Lemma sumn_incr_first_n sh n : sumn (incr_first_n sh n) = sumn sh + n.

Lemma sumn_conj_part sh : sumn (conj_part sh) = sumn sh.

Lemma conj_part_ind sh l :
  sh != [::] -> is_part sh -> l >= size sh ->
  conj_part (incr_first_n sh l) = l :: conj_part sh.

Lemma conj_partK sh : is_part sh -> conj_part (conj_part sh) = sh.

Lemma conj_part_incr_nth sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_add_corner sh i ->
  conj_part (incr_nth sh i) = incr_nth (conj_part sh) (nth 0 sh i).

Lemma in_conj_part_impl sh : is_part sh ->
  forall r c, in_shape sh (r, c) -> in_shape (conj_part sh) (c, r).

Lemma in_conj_part sh : is_part sh ->
  forall r c, in_shape sh (r, c) = in_shape (conj_part sh) (c, r).

Lemma conj_ltnE sh :
  is_part sh -> forall i j, nth 0 sh i > j = (nth 0 (conj_part sh) j > i).

Lemma conj_leqE sh :
  is_part sh -> forall i j, (nth 0 sh i <= j) = (nth 0 (conj_part sh) j <= i).

Lemma nth_conjE sh r c :
  is_part sh -> c != 0 ->
  (nth 0 (conj_part sh) r == c) = (nth 0 sh c <= r < nth 0 sh c.-1).

Lemma rem_corner_incr_first_n sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner (incr_first_n sh i.+1) i.

Lemma rem_corner_incr_first_nE sh n i :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner sh i -> is_rem_corner (incr_first_n sh n) i.

Lemma is_add_corner_conj_part sh r :
  is_part sh -> is_add_corner sh r -> is_add_corner (conj_part sh) (nth 0 sh r).

Lemma rem_corner_conj_part sh i :
  is_part sh -> is_rem_corner sh i ->
  is_rem_corner (conj_part sh) (nth 0 sh i).-1.

Partial sum of partitions

Lemma sumn_take_leq s k1 k2 :
  k1 <= k2 -> sumn (take k1 s) <= sumn (take k2 s).

Lemma sum_conj sh k : \sum_(l <- sh) minn l k = sumn (take k (conj_part sh)).

Lemma sumn_take_inj s t :
  is_part s -> is_part t ->
  (forall k, sumn (take k s) = sumn (take k t)) -> s = t.

Inclusion of Partitions and Skew Partitions

Fixpoint included inner outer :=
  if inner is inn0 :: inn then
    if outer is out0 :: out then
      (inn0 <= out0) && (included inn out)
    else false
  else true.

Lemma includedP inner outer :
  reflect (size inner <= size outer /\ forall i, nth 0 inner i <= nth 0 outer i)
          (included inner outer).

Lemma part_includedP inner outer :
  is_part inner ->
  reflect (forall i, nth 0 inner i <= nth 0 outer i) (included inner outer).

Lemma included_behead p1 p2 :
  included p1 p2 -> included (behead p1) (behead p2).

Lemma included_refl sh : included sh sh.

Lemma included_trans : transitive included.

Lemma included_incr_nth sh i : included sh (incr_nth sh i).

Lemma included_decr_nth u i : included (decr_nth u i) u.

Lemma included_incr_nth_inner inner outer i :
  nth 0 inner i < nth 0 outer i ->
  included inner outer -> included (incr_nth inner i) outer.

Lemma size_included inner outer :
  included inner outer -> size inner <= size outer.

Lemma sumn_included inner outer :
  included inner outer -> sumn inner <= sumn outer.

Lemma included_sumnE inner outer :
  is_part outer ->
  included inner outer ->
  sumn inner = sumn outer ->
  inner = outer.

Lemma included_anti sh1 sh2 :
  is_part sh1 -> is_part sh2 ->
  included sh1 sh2 -> included sh2 sh1 ->
  sh1 = sh2.

Lemma included_conj_part inner outer :
  is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
  included inner outer -> included (conj_part inner) (conj_part outer).

Lemma included_conj_partE inner outer :
  is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
  included inner outer = included (conj_part inner) (conj_part outer).

Fixpoint diff_shape inner outer :=
  if inner is inn0 :: inn then
    if outer is out0 :: out then
      out0 - inn0 :: diff_shape inn out
    else [::]
  else outer.

Notation "outer / inner" := (diff_shape inner outer) : Combi_scope.

Definition pad (T : Type) (x : T) sz := [fun s => s ++ nseq (sz - size s) x].

Lemma nth_pad (T : Type) n (p : T) (s : seq T) i :
  nth p (pad p n s) i = nth p s i.

Lemma head_pad (T : Type) n (p : T) (s : seq T) :
  head p (pad p n s) = head p s.

Definition outer_shape inner size_seq :=
  [seq p.1 + p.2 | p <- zip (pad 0 (size (size_seq)) inner) size_seq].

Lemma diff_shape_eq s : s / s = nseq (size s) 0.

Lemma sumn_diff_shape_eq s : sumn (s / s) = 0.

Lemma size_diff_shape inner outer : size (outer / inner) = size outer.

Lemma nth_diff_shape inn out i :
  nth 0 (out / inn) i = nth 0 out i - nth 0 inn i.

Lemma sumn_diff_shape inner outer :
  included inner outer -> sumn (outer / inner) = sumn outer - sumn inner.

Lemma diff_shape_pad0 inner outer :
  outer / ((pad 0 (size outer)) inner) = outer / inner.

Lemma diff_shapeK inner outer :
  included inner outer -> outer_shape inner (outer / inner) = outer.

Lemma outer_shapeK inner diff :
  size inner <= size diff -> (outer_shape inner diff) / inner = diff.

Lemma outer_shape_pad0 inner sz :
  outer_shape (pad 0 (size sz) inner) sz = outer_shape inner sz.

Lemma included_pad0 inner outer :
  included inner outer = included (pad 0 (size outer) inner) outer.

End Defs.
Notation "outer / inner" := (diff_shape inner outer) : Combi_scope.

Sigma Types for Partitions

Structure intpart : Set := IntPart {pval :> seq nat; _ : is_part pval}.

Lemma intpartP (p : intpart) : is_part p.

Lemma intpart_sorted (p : intpart) : sorted geq p.

#[export] Hint Resolve intpartP intpart_sorted : core.

Lemma intpart_eqP (p q : intpart) :
  reflect (forall i, nth 0 p i = nth 0 q i) (p == q).

Canonical conj_intpart p := IntPart (is_part_conj (intpartP p)).

Lemma conj_intpartK : involutive conj_intpart.

Lemma intpart_sumn_take_inj (s t : intpart) :
  (forall k, sumn (take k s) = sumn (take k t)) -> s = t.

Canonical empty_intpart := IntPart (pval := [::]) is_true_true.

Lemma empty_intpartP (p : intpart) : sumn p = 0 -> p = empty_intpart.

Fixpoint enum_partnsk sm sz mx : (seq (seq nat)) :=
  if sz is sz.+1 then
    flatten [seq [seq i :: p | p <- enum_partnsk (sm - i) sz i] |
             i <- iota 1 (minn sm mx)]
  else if sm is sm.+1 then [::] else [:: [::]].

Definition enum_partns sm sz := enum_partnsk sm sz sm.
Definition enum_partn sm := flatten [seq enum_partns sm sz | sz <- iota 0 sm.+1 ].

Definition is_part_of_n sm :=
  [pred p | (sumn p == sm) & is_part p ].
Definition is_part_of_ns sm sz :=
  [pred p | (size p == sz) & is_part_of_n sm p].
Definition is_part_of_nsk sm sz mx :=
  [pred p | (head 1 p <= mx) & is_part_of_ns sm sz p].

Lemma enum_partnsk_allP sm sz mx :
  mx >= 1 -> all (is_part_of_nsk sm sz mx) (enum_partnsk sm sz mx).

Lemma enum_partnsk_countE sm sz mx :
  mx >= 1 ->
  forall p, is_part_of_nsk sm sz mx p ->
            count_mem p (enum_partnsk sm sz mx) = 1.

Lemma enum_partnskE sm sz mx :
  mx >= 1 ->
  forall p, count_mem p (enum_partnsk sm sz mx) = is_part_of_nsk sm sz mx p.

Lemma enum_partns_allP sm sz : all (is_part_of_ns sm sz) (enum_partns sm sz).

Lemma enum_partns_countE sm sz p :
  is_part_of_ns sm sz p -> count_mem p (enum_partns sm sz) = 1.

Lemma enum_partnsE sm sz p :
  count_mem p (enum_partns sm sz) = is_part_of_ns sm sz p.

Lemma enum_partn_allP sm : all (is_part_of_n sm) (enum_partn sm).

Lemma enum_partn_countE sm p :
  is_part_of_n sm p -> count_mem p (enum_partn sm) = 1.

Lemma enum_partnP n p : (is_part_of_n n p) = (p \in enum_partn n).

Section PartOfn.

Variable n : nat.

Structure intpartn : Set :=
  IntPartN {pnval :> seq nat; _ : is_part_of_n n pnval}.

#[local] Notation "''P'" := intpartn.

Implicit Type (p : 'P).
Lemma intpartnP p : is_part p.

Lemma intpartn_sorted p : sorted geq p.

Hint Resolve intpartnP intpartn_sorted : core.

Definition intpart_of_intpartn p := IntPart (intpartnP p).
Coercion intpart_of_intpartn : intpartn >-> intpart.

Lemma sumn_intpartn p : sumn p = n.

Lemma intpartn_leq_head p i : i \in pnval p -> i <= head 0 p.

Lemma intpartn_leq p i : i \in pnval p -> i <= n.

Lemma enum_intpartnE : map val (enum {:'P}) = enum_partn n.

Fact conj_intpartnP p : is_part_of_n n (conj_part p).
Canonical conj_intpartn p := IntPartN (conj_intpartnP p).

Lemma conj_intpartnK : involutive conj_intpartn.

End PartOfn.

Notation "''P_' n" := (intpartn n).

Lemma val_intpartn0 (sh : 'P_0) : sh = [::] :> seq nat.

Lemma val_intpartn1 (sh : 'P_1) : sh = [:: 1] :> seq nat.

Lemma val_intpartn2 (sh : 'P_2) :
  sh = [:: 2] :> seq nat \/ sh = [:: 1; 1] :> seq nat.

Lemma val_intpartn3 (sh : 'P_3) :
  [\/ sh = [:: 3] :> seq nat,
      sh = [:: 2; 1] :> seq nat |
      sh = [:: 1; 1; 1] :> seq nat].

Definition cast_intpartn m n (eq_mn : m = n) p :=
  let: erefl in _ = n := eq_mn return 'P_n in p.

Lemma cast_intpartnE m n (eq_mn : m = n) p :
  val (cast_intpartn eq_mn p) = val p.

Lemma cast_intpartn_id n eq_n (s : 'P_n) : cast_intpartn eq_n s = s.

Lemma cast_intpartnK m n eq_m_n :
  cancel (@cast_intpartn m n eq_m_n) (cast_intpartn (esym eq_m_n)).

Lemma cast_intpartnKV m n eq_m_n :
  cancel (cast_intpartn (esym eq_m_n)) (@cast_intpartn m n eq_m_n).

Lemma cast_intpartn_inj m n eq_m_n : injective (@cast_intpartn m n eq_m_n).

Lemma cast_intpartn_bij m n eq_m_n : bijective (@cast_intpartn m n eq_m_n).

Lemma cast_conj_inpart m n eq_m_n (s : 'P_m) :
  (@cast_intpartn m n eq_m_n) (conj_intpartn s) =
  conj_intpartn (@cast_intpartn m n eq_m_n s).

Fact rowpartn_subproof d : is_part_of_n d (if d is 0 then [::] else [:: d]).
Definition rowpartn d : 'P_d := locked (IntPartN (rowpartn_subproof d)).

Fact colpartn_subproof d : is_part_of_n d (nseq d 1%N).
Definition colpartn d : 'P_d := locked (IntPartN (colpartn_subproof d)).

Lemma rowpartnE d : rowpartn d = (if d is 0 then [::] else [:: d]) :> seq nat.
Lemma colpartnE d : colpartn d = nseq d 1%N :> seq nat.

Lemma rowpartn0E : rowpartn 0 = [::] :> seq nat.
Lemma rowpartnSE d : rowpartn d.+1 = [:: d.+1] :> seq nat.

Lemma size_colpartn d : size (colpartn d) = d.
Lemma size_rowpartn d : size (rowpartn d) = (d != 0).

Lemma part_nseq1P x0 sh :
  is_part sh -> head x0 sh <= 1 -> sh = nseq (sumn sh) 1.
Lemma colpartnP x0 d (la : 'P_d) : head x0 la <= 1 -> la = colpartn d.

Lemma conj_rowpartn d : conj_intpartn (rowpartn d) = colpartn d.
Lemma conj_colpartn d : conj_intpartn (colpartn d) = rowpartn d.

Hook shaped partitions

Definition hookpart d k :=
  if d is d'.+1 then minn d'.+1 k.+1 :: nseq (d' - k) 1%N else [::].
Fact hookpartn_subproof d k : is_part_of_n d (hookpart d k).
Definition hookpartn d k : 'P_d :=
  locked (IntPartN (hookpartn_subproof d k)).

Lemma hookpartnE d k :
  k < d -> (hookpartn d k) = k.+1 :: nseq (d.-1 - k) 1%N :> seq nat.

Lemma size_hookpartn d k : k < d -> size (hookpartn d k) = d - k.

Lemma behead_hookpartn d k : behead (hookpartn d k) = nseq (d.-1 - k) 1%N.

Lemma hookpartn_col d : hookpartn d 0 = colpartn d.
Lemma hookpartn_row d : hookpartn d d.-1 = rowpartn d.
Lemma conj_hookpartn d k :
  k < d -> conj_intpartn (hookpartn d k) = hookpartn d (d.-1 - k).

Lemma sorted_geq_count_leq2E (s : seq nat) :
  sorted geq s -> (count (leq 2) s <= 1) = (nth 0 s 1 <= 1).

Lemma sorted_geq_nth0E (s : seq nat) :
  sorted geq s -> nth 0 s 0 = \max_(i <- s) i.

Lemma intpartn_count_leq2E d (la : 'P_d) :
  (count (leq 2) la <= 1) = (nth 0 la 1 <= 1).
Lemma intpartn_nth0 d (la : 'P_d) :
  nth 0 la 0 = \max_(i <- la) i.

Lemma hookpartnPE x0 x1 d (la : 'P_d) :
  nth x0 la 1 <= 1 -> la = hookpartn d (nth x1 la 0).-1.

Lemma hookpartnP d (la : 'P_d.+1) :
  reflect (exists k, k < d.+1 /\ la = hookpartn d.+1 k) (nth 0 la 1 <= 1).

Lemma intpartn0 : all_equal_to (rowpartn 0).

Lemma intpartn1 : all_equal_to (rowpartn 1).

Lemma intpartn2 (sh : 'P_2) : sh = rowpartn 2 \/ sh = colpartn 2.

Lemma intpartn3 (sh : 'P_3) :
  [\/ sh = rowpartn 3, sh = hookpartn 3 1 | sh = colpartn 3].

Removing a corner from a partition

Lemma is_part_decr_nth_part (p : intpart) i :
  is_part (if is_rem_corner p i then decr_nth p i else p).

Definition decr_nth_intpart (p : intpart) i : intpart :=
  IntPart (is_part_decr_nth_part p i).

Lemma decr_nth_intpartE (p : intpart) i :
  is_rem_corner p i -> decr_nth_intpart p i = decr_nth p i :> seq nat.

Lemma intpart_rem_corner_ind (F : intpart -> Type) :
  F empty_intpart ->
  (forall p : intpart,
      (forall i, is_rem_corner p i -> F (decr_nth_intpart p i)) -> F p) ->
  forall p : intpart, F p.

Lemma part_rem_corner_ind (F : seq nat -> Type) :
  F [::] ->
  (forall p, is_part p ->
             (forall i, is_rem_corner p i -> F (decr_nth p i)) -> F p) ->
  forall p, is_part p -> F p.

Lexicographic order on partitions of a fixed sum

Counting functions

Fixpoint intpartnsk_nb sm sz mx : nat :=
  if sz is sz.+1 then
    iteri (minn sm mx) (fun i n => n + intpartnsk_nb (sm - i.+1) sz i.+1) 0
  else if sm is sm.+1 then 0 else 1.
Definition intpartns_nb sm sz := intpartnsk_nb sm sz sm.
Definition intpartn_nb sm :=
  iteri (sm.+1) (fun sz n => n + intpartns_nb sm sz) 0.

Lemma size_enum_partnsk sm sz mx :
  size (enum_partnsk sm sz mx) = (intpartnsk_nb sm sz mx).

Lemma size_enum_partns sm sz : size (enum_partns sm sz) = (intpartns_nb sm sz).

Lemma size_enum_partn sm : size (enum_partn sm) = intpartn_nb sm.

Lemma card_intpartn sm : #|{:'P_sm}| = intpartn_nb sm.

#[export] Hint Resolve intpartP intpart_sorted intpartnP intpartn_sorted : core.

A finite type finType for coordinate of boxes inside a shape

Section BoxInSkew.

Variable inner outer : seq nat.

Structure box_skew : Set :=
  BoxSkew {box_skewval :> nat * nat; _ : in_skew inner outer box_skewval}.

Lemma box_skewP (rc : box_skew) : in_skew inner outer rc.

Definition enum_box_skew :=
  [seq (r, c) | r <- iota 0 (size outer),
                c <- iota (nth 0 inner r) (nth 0 outer r - nth 0 inner r)].

Lemma enum_box_skew_uniq : uniq enum_box_skew.

Lemma mem_enum_box_skew : enum_box_skew =i in_skew inner outer.

Lemma enum_box_skewE : map val (enum {: box_skew}) = enum_box_skew.

Lemma card_box_skew : #|{: box_skew}| = sumn (outer / inner).

Rewriting bigops running along the boxes of a shape

Lemma big_box_skew R (idx : R) (op : Monoid.com_law idx) (f : nat * nat -> R):
  \big[op/idx]_(b : box_skew) f b = \big[op/idx]_(b <- enum_box_skew) f b.

Lemma big_box_skew2 R (idx : R) (op : Monoid.com_law idx) (f : nat -> nat -> R):
  \big[op/idx]_(b : box_skew) f b.1 b.2 =
  \big[op/idx]_(b <- enum_box_skew) f b.1 b.2.

Lemma big_enum_box_skew
      (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : idx) (f : nat -> nat -> R):
  \big[op/idx]_(b <- enum_box_skew) f b.1 b.2 =
  \big[op/idx]_(0 <= r < size outer)
   \big[op/idx]_(nth 0 inner r <= c < nth 0 outer r) f r c.

End BoxInSkew.
#[export] Hint Resolve box_skewP : core.

Notation box_in := (box_skew [::]).
Notation enum_box_in := (enum_box_skew [::]).

Lemma BoxIn_subproof sh rc : in_shape sh rc -> in_skew [::] sh rc.
Definition BoxIn sh rc (rc_sh : in_shape sh rc) : box_in sh :=
  BoxSkew (BoxIn_subproof rc_sh).

Lemma box_inP sh (rc : box_in sh) : in_shape sh rc.

Lemma big_enum_box_in sh
      (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : idx) (f : nat -> nat -> R):
  \big[op/idx]_(b <- enum_box_in sh ) f b.1 b.2 =
  \big[op/idx]_(0 <= r < size sh)
   \big[op/idx]_(0 <= c < nth 0 sh r) f r c.

Lemma card_box_in sh : #|{: box_in sh}| = sumn sh.

Lemma enum_box_in_uniq sh : uniq (enum_box_in sh).

Lemma mem_enum_box_in sh : enum_box_in sh =i in_shape sh.

Adding a box to a shape

Lemma box_in_incr_nth sh i :
  perm_eq ((i, nth 0 sh i) :: enum_box_in sh) (enum_box_in (incr_nth sh i)).

The union of two integer partitions

Lemma merge_is_part l k :
  is_part l -> is_part k -> is_part (merge geq l k).

Lemma merge_sortedE l k :
  is_part l -> is_part k -> merge geq l k = sort geq (l ++ k).

Lemma sumn_union_part l k : sumn (merge geq l k) = sumn l + sumn k.

Fact union_intpart_subproof (l : intpart) (k : intpart) :
  is_part (merge geq l k).
Definition union_intpart (l : intpart) (k : intpart) :=
  IntPart (union_intpart_subproof l k).

Lemma union_intpartE l k : val (union_intpart l k) = sort geq (l ++ k).

Lemma perm_union_intpart l k : perm_eq (union_intpart l k) (l ++ k).

Lemma union_intpartC l k : union_intpart l k = union_intpart k l.

Lemma union_intpartA l k j :
  union_intpart l (union_intpart k j) = union_intpart (union_intpart k l) j.

Section UnionPart.

Variables (m n : nat) (l : 'P_m) (k : 'P_n).

Lemma union_intpartn_subproof : is_part_of_n (m + n) (merge geq l k).
Definition union_intpartn := IntPartN union_intpartn_subproof.

Lemma union_intpartnE : val union_intpartn = sort geq (l ++ k).

Lemma perm_union_intpartn : perm_eq union_intpartn (l ++ k).

End UnionPart.

Notation "a +|+ b" := (union_intpartn a b) (at level 50) : Combi_scope.
Bind Scope Combi_scope with intpartn.

Section IntpartnCons.

Import LeqGeqOrder.

Variables (d l0 : nat) (la : seq nat).
Hypotheses (Hla : is_part_of_n d la)
           (Hlla : is_part_of_n (l0 + d)%N (l0 :: la)).

Lemma intpartn_cons : IntPartN Hlla = rowpartn l0 +|+ IntPartN Hla.

End IntpartnCons.

Young lattice on partition

Module YoungLattice.
Section YoungLattice.

Definition intpartYoung := intpart.
#[local] Notation "'YL" := intpartYoung.
Implicit Type (p q sh : 'YL).

Definition le_Young p q := included p q.
Fact le_Young_refl : reflexive le_Young.
Fact le_Young_trans : transitive le_Young.
Fact le_Young_anti : antisymmetric le_Young.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Countable.copy 'YL intpart.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Inhabited.copy 'YL intpart.

Fact Young_display : unit.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
    Young_display 'YL le_Young_refl le_Young_anti le_Young_trans.

Lemma le_YoungE sh1 sh2 : (sh1 <= sh2)%O = (included sh1 sh2).
Lemma le_YoungP sh1 sh2 :
  reflect (forall i, nth 0 sh1 i <= nth 0 sh2 i) (sh1 <= sh2)%O.

Lemma le_Young_sumn: {homo (fun x : 'YL => sumn x) : x y / (x <= y)%O }.
Lemma lt_Young_sumn: {homo (fun x : 'YL => sumn x) : x y / (x < y)%O }.

Definition meet_Young_fun sh1 sh2 := [seq minn a.1 a.2 | a <- zip sh1 sh2].
Lemma size_meet_Young sh1 sh2 :
  size (meet_Young_fun sh1 sh2) = minn (size sh1) (size sh2).
Lemma nth_meet_Young sh1 sh2 i :
  nth 0 (meet_Young_fun sh1 sh2) i = minn (nth 0 sh1 i) (nth 0 sh2 i).

Fact meet_Young_subproof sh1 sh2 : is_part (meet_Young_fun sh1 sh2).
Definition meet_Young sh1 sh2 : 'YL := IntPart (meet_Young_subproof sh1 sh2).

Lemma meet_YoungC : commutative meet_Young.

Lemma meet_Young_le sh1 sh2 : (meet_Young sh1 sh2 <= sh1)%O.

Fact meet_YoungP sh sh1 sh2 :
  (sh <= meet_Young sh1 sh2)%O = (sh <= sh1)%O && (sh <= sh2)%O.

Definition join_Young_fun sh1 sh2 :=
  [seq maxn a.1 a.2 | a <- zip (pad 0 (maxn (size sh1) (size sh2)) sh1)
                               (pad 0 (maxn (size sh1) (size sh2)) sh2)].

Lemma size_join_Young sh1 sh2 :
  size (join_Young_fun sh1 sh2) = maxn (size sh1) (size sh2).

Lemma nth_join_Young sh1 sh2 i :
  nth 0 (join_Young_fun sh1 sh2) i = maxn (nth 0 sh1 i) (nth 0 sh2 i).

Fact join_Young_subproof sh1 sh2 : is_part (join_Young_fun sh1 sh2).
Definition join_Young sh1 sh2 : 'YL := IntPart (join_Young_subproof sh1 sh2).

Lemma join_Young_le sh1 sh2 : (sh1 <= join_Young sh1 sh2)%O.

Lemma join_YoungC : commutative join_Young.

Fact join_YoungP sh1 sh2 sh :
  (join_Young sh1 sh2 <= sh)%O = (sh1 <= sh)%O && (sh2 <= sh)%O.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
    Young_display 'YL meet_YoungP join_YoungP.

Fact emptypart_bottom sh : (empty_intpart <= sh :> 'YL)%O.

Lemma bottom_YoungE : 0%O = empty_intpart :> 'YL.

Fact Young_meetUl : @left_distributive 'YL 'YL Order.join.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  Order.Lattice_Meet_isDistrLattice.Build Young_display 'YL Young_meetUl.

End YoungLattice.

Module Exports.

Implicit Type (p q : intpartYoung).

Notation intpartYoung := intpartYoung.
Definition le_YoungE := le_YoungE.
Definition le_YoungP := le_YoungP.
Definition le_Young_sumn := le_Young_sumn.
Definition lt_Young_sumn := lt_Young_sumn.

Lemma meet_YoungE p q :
  (p `&` q)%O = [seq minn a.1 a.2 | a <- zip p q] :> seq nat.
Lemma nth_meet_Young p q i :
  nth 0 (p `&` q)%O i = minn (nth 0 p i) (nth 0 q i).
Lemma size_meet_Young p q : size (p `&` q)%O = minn (size p) (size q).

Lemma join_YoungE p q :
  (p `|` q)%O =
    [seq maxn a.1 a.2 | a <- zip (pad 0 (maxn (size p) (size q)) p)
                                 (pad 0 (maxn (size p) (size q)) q)] :> seq nat.
Lemma nth_join_Young p q i :
  nth 0 (p `|` q)%O i = maxn (nth 0 p i) (nth 0 q i).
Lemma size_join_Young p q : size (p `|` q)%O = maxn (size p) (size q).

Definition bottom_YoungE := bottom_YoungE.

End Exports.
End YoungLattice.

Dominance order on partition

Definition partdomsh n1 n2 (s1 s2 : seq nat) :=
    (fun i => n1 + sumn (take i s1) <= n2 + sumn (take i s2))
    (iota 0 (size s1).+1).
Definition partdom := partdomsh 0 0.

Lemma partdomshP {n1 n2 s1 s2} :
  reflect (forall i, n1 + sumn (take i s1) <= n2 + sumn (take i s2))
          (partdomsh n1 n2 s1 s2).

Lemma partdomP s1 s2 :
  reflect (forall i, sumn (take i s1) <= sumn (take i s2)) (partdom s1 s2).

Lemma partdomsh_add y n1 n2 s1 s2 :
  partdomsh (y + n1) (y + n2) s1 s2 = partdomsh n1 n2 s1 s2.

Lemma partdom_nil s : partdom [::] s.

Lemma partdom_refl : reflexive partdom.

#[export] Hint Resolve partdom_nil partdom_refl : core.

Lemma partdom_trans : transitive partdom.

Lemma partdom_anti s1 s2 :
  is_part s1 -> is_part s2 -> partdom s1 s2 -> partdom s2 s1 -> s1 = s2.

Lemma partdomsh_cons2 y1 y2 s t n1 n2 :
  partdomsh n1 n2 (y1 :: s) (y2 :: t) =
  (n1 <= n2) && (partdomsh (n1 + y1) (n2 + y2) s t).

Lemma partdomsh_cons2E y s t n1 n2 :
  partdomsh n1 n2 (y :: s) (y :: t) = partdomsh n1 n2 s t.

Lemma partdom_consK x s1 s2 : partdom (x :: s1) (x :: s2) -> partdom s1 s2.

Lemma sumn_take_merge t x i :
  is_part t ->
  sumn (take i.+1 (merge geq [:: x] t)) =
  maxn (sumn (take i.+1 t)) (x + sumn (take i t)).

Lemma merge_cons x s t :
  is_part (x :: s) -> is_part t ->
  merge geq (x :: s) t = merge geq [:: x] (merge geq s t).

Lemma partdomsh_merge1 n1 n2 x t1 t2 :
  is_part t1 -> is_part t2 ->
  partdomsh n1 n2 t1 t2 ->
  partdomsh n1 n2 (merge geq [:: x] t1) (merge geq [:: x] t2).

Lemma partdomsh_merge n1 n2 s t1 t2 :
  is_part s -> is_part t1 -> is_part t2 ->
  partdomsh n1 n2 t1 t2 ->
  partdomsh n1 n2 (merge geq s t1) (merge geq s t2).

Lemma partdom_union_intpartl (s t1 t2 : intpart) :
  partdom t1 t2 -> partdom (union_intpart s t1) (union_intpart s t2).

Lemma partdom_union_intpartr (s t1 t2 : intpart) :
  partdom t1 t2 -> partdom (union_intpart t1 s) (union_intpart t2 s).

Lemma partdom_union_intpart (s1 s2 t1 t2 : intpart) :
  partdom s1 s2 -> partdom t1 t2 ->
  partdom (union_intpart s1 t1) (union_intpart s2 t2).

Module IntPartNDom.
Section IntPartNDom.

Variable d : nat.
Definition intpartndom := 'P_d.
#[local] Notation "'PDom" := intpartndom.
Implicit Type (sh : 'PDom).

#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Finite.copy 'PDom 'P_d.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Inhabited.copy 'PDom 'P_d.

Fact partdom_antisym : antisymmetric (fun x y : 'P_d => partdom x y).

Lemma partdom_display : unit.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  Order.Le_isPOrder.Build partdom_display 'PDom
    partdom_refl partdom_antisym partdom_trans.

Lemma leEpartdom : @Order.le partdom_display 'PDom = partdom.

#[local] Notation "sh '^#'" := (conj_intpartn sh : 'PDom)
                              (at level 10, format "sh '^#'").

Lemma sum_diff sh i :
  \sum_(l <- sh) (l - i) =
    \sum_(l <- take (nth 0 (conj_part sh) i) sh) (l - i).

Lemma partdom_conj_intpartn sh1 sh2 : (sh2^# <= sh1^#)%O = (sh1 <= sh2)%O.

Lemma take_intpartn_over sh i : d <= i -> take i sh = sh.

Implicit Type t : d.+1.-tuple nat.

Definition parttuple sh := [tuple sumn (take i sh) | i < d.+1].
Definition from_parttuple t :=
  rem_trail0 [seq nth 0 t i.+1 - nth 0 t i | i <- iota 0 d].
Definition is_parttuple t :=
  [&& tnth t ord0 == 0, tnth t ord_max == d, sorted leq t &
      all (fun i => (nth 0 t i).*2 >= nth 0 t i.-1 + nth 0 t i.+1)
          (iota 1 d.-1)].

Lemma is_parttupleP t :
    [/\ tnth t ord0 = 0, tnth t ord_max = d, sorted leq t &
      forall i, 0 < i < d -> (nth 0 t i).*2 >= nth 0 t i.-1 + nth 0 t i.+1]
    (is_parttuple t).

Lemma nth_parttuple i sh :
  i < d.+1 -> nth 0 (parttuple sh) i = sumn (take i sh).

Lemma parttupleP sh : is_parttuple (parttuple sh).

Lemma sum_diff_tuple t :
  sorted leq t ->
  forall i, i < d.+1 ->
    \sum_(0 <= j < i) (nth 0 t j.+1 - nth 0 t j) = nth 0 t i - nth 0 t 0.

Lemma from_parttupleP t : is_parttuple t -> is_part_of_n d (from_parttuple t).
Definition part_fromtuple t (H : is_parttuple t) :=
  IntPartN (from_parttupleP H).

Lemma sumn_take_part_fromtuple t (H : is_parttuple t) i :
  i < d.+1 -> sumn (take i (part_fromtuple H)) = nth 0 t i.
Lemma from_parttupleK t (H : is_parttuple t) :
  parttuple (part_fromtuple H) = t.

Lemma parttupleK sh : from_parttuple (parttuple sh) = sh.
Lemma parttuplePK sh : part_fromtuple (parttupleP sh) = sh.

Definition parttuple_minn sh1 sh2 :=
  [tuple minn (tnth (parttuple sh1) i) (tnth (parttuple sh2) i) | i < d.+1].

Lemma parttuple_minnC sh1 sh2 :
  parttuple_minn sh1 sh2 = parttuple_minn sh2 sh1.

Lemma nth_parttuple_minn i sh1 sh2 :
  i < d.+1 -> nth 0 (parttuple_minn sh1 sh2) i =
              minn (sumn (take i sh1)) (sumn (take i sh2)).

Lemma double_minn m n : (minn m n).*2 = minn m.*2 n.*2.

Lemma parttuple_minnP sh1 sh2 : is_parttuple (parttuple_minn sh1 sh2).
Definition meet_intpartn sh1 sh2 : 'PDom :=
  IntPartN (from_parttupleP (parttuple_minnP sh1 sh2)).
Definition join_intpartn sh1 sh2 := (meet_intpartn (sh1^#) (sh2^#))^#.

Lemma meet_intpartnC sh1 sh2 : meet_intpartn sh1 sh2 = meet_intpartn sh2 sh1.

Lemma le_meet_intpartn sh1 sh2 : (meet_intpartn sh1 sh2 <= sh1)%O.

Fact meet_intpartnP sh sh1 sh2 :
  (sh <= meet_intpartn sh1 sh2)%O = (sh <= sh1)%O && (sh <= sh2)%O.
Fact join_intpartnP sh1 sh2 sh :
  (join_intpartn sh1 sh2 <= sh)%O = (sh1 <= sh)%O && (sh2 <= sh)%O.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  Order.POrder_MeetJoin_isLattice.Build partdom_display
    'PDom meet_intpartnP join_intpartnP.

Lemma sumn_take_pardom_meet i sh1 sh2 :
  sumn (take i (sh1 `&` sh2)%O) = minn (sumn (take i sh1)) (sumn (take i sh2)).

Lemma join_intpartnE sh1 sh2 : (sh1 `|` sh2)%O = (sh1^# `&` sh2^#)%O^#.

End IntPartNDom.
Section IntPartNTopBottom.

Variable d : nat.
#[local] Notation "'PDom" := (intpartndom d).
Implicit Type (sh : 'PDom).

Lemma partdom_rowpartn sh : (sh <= rowpartn d)%O.

Lemma partdom_colpartn sh : (colpartn d <= sh :> 'PDom)%O.

#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  Order.hasBottom.Build partdom_display 'PDom partdom_colpartn.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  Order.hasTop.Build partdom_display 'PDom partdom_rowpartn.

Lemma botEintpartndom : 0%O = colpartn d :> 'PDom.
Lemma topEintpartndom : 1%O = rowpartn d :> 'PDom.

End IntPartNTopBottom.

Module Exports.

Notation "''PDom_' n" := (intpartndom n).

Definition leEpartdom := leEpartdom.
Definition partdom_conj_intpartn := partdom_conj_intpartn.
Definition sumn_take_pardom_meet := sumn_take_pardom_meet.
Definition join_intpartnE := join_intpartnE.
Definition botEintpartndom := botEintpartndom.
Definition topEintpartndom := topEintpartndom.

End Exports.
End IntPartNDom.

Lemma le_intpartndomlexi d :
  {homo (id : 'PDom_d -> 'PLexi_d) : x y / (x <= y)%O}.
Lemma lt_intpartndomlexi d :
  {homo (id : 'PDom_d -> 'PLexi_d) : x y / (x < y)%O}.

Shape of set partitions and integer partitions

Section SetPartitionShape.

Variable T : finType.
Implicit Types (A B X : {set T}) (P Q : {set {set T}}).

Lemma count_set_of_card (p : pred nat) P :
  count p [seq #{x} | x in P] = #|P :&: [set x | p #{x}]|.

Definition setpart_shape P := sort geq [seq #{X} | X in P].

Lemma setpart_shapeP P D :
  partition P D -> is_part_of_n #|D| (setpart_shape P).

Lemma ex_subset_card B k :
  k <= #{B} -> exists2 A : {set T}, A \subset B & #{A} == k.

Lemma ex_setpart_shape (s : seq nat) (A : {set T}) :
  sumn s = #|A| -> 0 \notin s ->
  exists P : seq {set T},
    [/\ uniq P, partition [set X in P] A & [seq #{X} | X <- P] = s].

Lemma ex_set_setpart_shape A (sh : 'P_#|A|) :
  exists2 P, partition P A & setpart_shape P = sh.

Lemma setpart_shape_union P Q :
  [disjoint P & Q] ->
  setpart_shape (P :|: Q) = sort geq (setpart_shape P ++ setpart_shape Q).

End SetPartitionShape.

Lemma setpart_shape_imset
      (T1 T2 : finType) (f : T1 -> T2) (A : {set {set T1}}) :
  injective f ->
  setpart_shape [set f @: x | x : {set T1} in A] = setpart_shape A.