Library Combi.SymGroup.presentSn: The Coxeter Presentation of the Symmetric Group

The Coxeter Presentation of the Symmetric Group

The main goal is to show that elementary transpositions generate the symmetric groups as a Coxeter group. We follow the proofs from Alain Lascoux "The Symmetric Group", unfinished notes. It is not the shortest nor the simplest, but it is fully explicit and algorithmic. In particular, it goes through two algorithms to
  • compute the size-lexicographically minimal reduced word of a permutation
  • straighten a word to the previous reduced word.
Here are the notion defined is this file:
Elementary tranpositions
  • 's_i == the i-th elementary transposition. It is of type 'S_n.+1 where n is inferred from the context. i is an integer smaller than n (otherwise eltr i is the identity)
Inversion sets
  • invset s == the set of inversion of s
  • Delta == the set of pair (i, j) such that 0 <= i < j < n.+1; n is infered from the context
  • is_invset IS == IS is the inversion set of a permutation, that is subdiagonal transitive and co-transitive
  • length s == the number of inversion of s we show latter that this is the Coxeter length of s
  • rsymrel IS == the reflexive and antisymmetric closure of the binary relation associated to the inversion set IS
  • perm_of_invset IS == the permutation whose inversion set is IS
Notion of code
  • c \is a code == c is a list such that c_i <= i.
  • wordcd c == for a code c the list 0, 1-c1..1, 2-c2..2, ..
  • is_code_of_size c n == the predicate c is a code of size n
  • enum_codesz n == a list enumerating all the code of size n
  • codesz n == sigma type for codes of size n, canonically a finType
Inverse Lehmer code
  • cocode s == the recursively defined Lehmer code of s^-1
  • canword s == the canonical reduced word for s as a seq 'I_n
  • prods_codesz c == the product eltr i associated to the code c that is for i <- wordcd c. Lemma prods_codesz_bij shows that it is a bijection from codesz n.+1 to 'S_n.+1.
Reduced words
  • w \is reduced == w is a word of size length 's_[w].
Braid relations
  • braid_aba == the braid rewriting rule a a.+1 a == a.+1 a a.+1
  • braidC == the braid rewriting rule a b == b a if |b - a| > 1
  • braidrule == the union of the two previous rules
  • braidcongr == the braid monoid congruence generated by braidrule
  • braidclass s == the braid monoid class of s
  • a =Br b == a and b are equivalent under the braid congruence
  • reduce u v == u reduces to v using the rule [:: i i] -> [::]
  • braidred u v == either u =Br v or reduce u v
The algorithms
  • inscode c i == the insertion the letter i in the code c. If c is the code for the permutation s then it is the code for the permutation s * 's_i
  • path_catl p w == append w to all the sequences of p that is [seq v ++ w | v <- p]
  • straighten w == the straigtened reduced word equivalent to w
The presentation
  • relat_Sn n g == if g : nat -> gT for a finGroupType gt. A proposition which asserts that the relation of the symmetric group holds for the g i denoted 'g_i. Namely
    • forall i, i < n -> 'g_i^+2 = 1
    • forall i, i.+1 < n -> 'g_i * 'g_i.+1 * 'g_i = 'g_i.+1 * 'g_i * 'g_i.+1
    • forall i j, i.+1 < j < n -> 'g_i * 'g_j = 'g_j * 'g_i
The main result is thus Theorem presentation_Sn_eltr:
relat_Sn -> exists f : {morphism 'SG_n.+1 >-> gT}, forall i, i < n -> f 's_i = 'g_i.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import fingroup perm morphism presentation.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg poly ssrint.

Require Import permcomp tools permuted combclass congr.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section SRel.

Variable T : finType.
Implicit Type (S A B : {set T * T}).
Definition srel S := [rel x y : T | (x, y) \in S].

Lemma srelE S1 S2 : srel S1 =2 srel S2 -> S1 = S2.

Definition tclosure A : {set T * T} :=
  [set p | (p.1 != p.2) && (connect (srel A) p.1 p.2)].

Lemma tclosure_sub A B :
  A \subset B -> transitive (srel B) -> tclosure A \subset B.

End SRel.

Notation "''SG_' n" := [set: 'S_n]
  (at level 8, n at level 2, format "''SG_' n").

Reserved Notation "''s_' i"
      (at level 8, i at level 2, format "''s_' i").
Reserved Notation "''s_' [ w ] "
      (at level 8, w at level 100, format "''s_' [ w ]").

#[local] Reserved Notation "''II_' n" (at level 8, n at level 2).
#[local] Reserved Notation "a =Br b" (at level 70).
#[local] Reserved Notation "''I[' a '..' b ']'" (at level 0, a, b at level 2).

Lemma ieqi1F i : (i == i.+1) = false.
Lemma ieqi2F i : (i == i.+2) = false.
Lemma i1eqiF i : (i.+1 == i) = false.
Lemma i2eqiF i : (i.+2 == i) = false.

Lemma inordi n i : i < n -> (@inord n i = i :> nat).

Lemma inordi1 n i : i < n -> (@inord n i.+1 = i.+1 :> nat).

Lemma inord1i n i : i.+1 < n -> (@inord n i = i :> nat).

Lemma inordi_neq_i1 n i : i < n -> (@inord n i != @inord n i.+1).

Definition trivSimpl := (eq_refl, eqSS, ieqi1F, ieqi2F, i1eqiF, i2eqiF).

Codes for permutations

Section Codes.

Definition code := [qualify a c : seq nat |
  all (fun i => nth 0 c i <= i) (iota 0 (size c)) ].

Definition wordcd (c : seq nat) : seq nat :=
  flatten [seq rev (iota (i - nth 0 c i) (nth 0 c i)) | i <- iota 0 (size c)].

Lemma size_wordcd c : size (wordcd c) = sumn c.

Lemma is_codeP c :
  reflect (forall i, i < size c -> nth 0 c i <= i) (c \is a code).

Lemma is_code_rcons c i : i <= size c -> c \is a code -> rcons c i \is a code.

Lemma is_code_rconsK c i : rcons c i \is a code -> c \is a code.

Lemma code_ltn_size c : c \is a code -> all (gtn (size c)) c.

Lemma wordcd_ltn c :
  c \is a code -> all (gtn (size c).-1) (wordcd c).

Lemma insub_wordcdK n c :
  c \is a code -> size c <= n.+1 ->
  [seq (i : nat) | i : 'I_n <- pmap insub (wordcd c)] = wordcd c.

Definition is_code_of_size n c := (c \is a code) && (size c == n).

Fixpoint enum_codesz n :=
  if n is n'.+1 then
    flatten [seq [seq rcons c i | c <- enum_codesz n'] | i <- iota 0 n]
  else [:: [::]].

Lemma enum_codeszP n : all (is_code_of_size n) (enum_codesz n).

Lemma enum_codesz_countE n c :
  is_code_of_size n c -> count_mem c (enum_codesz n) = 1.

Fintype for codes for permutations of size n

Section FinType.

Variable n : nat.

Structure codesz : Set :=
  CodeSZ {cdval :> seq nat; _ : (cdval \is a code) && (size cdval == n)}.

Implicit Type (c : codesz).

Lemma codeszP c : val c \is a code.

Lemma size_codesz c : size c = n.

Lemma enum_codeszE : map val (enum {:codesz}) = enum_codesz n.

End FinType.

Lemma card_codesz n : #|{:codesz n}| = n`!.

End Codes.
#[export] Hint Resolve codeszP : core.

Import GroupScope.

Elementary transpositions

Section Transp.

Variable T : finType.
Implicit Types (x y z t : T).

Lemma tperm_braid x y z :
  x != y -> y != z ->
  tperm x y * tperm y z * tperm x y = tperm y z * tperm x y * tperm y z.

Lemma tpermC x y a b :
  x != a -> y != a -> x != b -> y != b ->
  tperm x y * tperm a b = tperm a b * tperm x y.

End Transp.

Section MaxPerm.

Context {n : nat}.
Definition maxperm : 'S_n := perm (@rev_ord_inj n).

Lemma maxpermK : involutive maxperm.
Lemma maxpermV : maxperm^-1 = maxperm.

End MaxPerm.

#[local] Notation "''II_' n" := ('I_n * 'I_n)%type.

Inversion set of a permutation

Section InvSet.

Context {n : nat}.

Implicit Type (p : 'II_n) (IS S : {set 'II_n}).
Implicit Type s t : 'S_n.

Definition Delta : {set 'II_n} := [set p : 'II_n | (p.1 < p.2)].
Definition invset s : {set 'II_n} :=
  [set p : 'II_n | (p.1 < p.2) && (s p.1 > s p.2) ].
Definition rsymrel IS :=
  [rel i j : 'I_n |
   [|| (i == j), (j, i) \in IS | (i < j) && ((i, j) \notin IS)]].
Definition length s := #|invset s|.

Variant is_invset IS : Prop :=
  IsInvset of IS \subset Delta
  & transitive (srel IS)
  & transitive (srel (Delta :\: IS)).

Lemma mem_Delta i j : (i, j) \in Delta = (i < j).
Lemma DeltaP i j : (i, j) \in Delta -> (i < j).

Lemma card_Delta : #|Delta| = 'C(n, 2).

Lemma is_invset_Delta IS : is_invset IS -> IS \subset Delta.

Lemma transitive_DeltaI1 IS :
  (transitive (srel (Delta :\: IS))) <->
  (forall i j k : 'I_n,
      i < j < k -> (i, k) \in IS -> ((i, j) \in IS \/ (j, k) \in IS)).

Lemma invset_Delta s : invset s \subset Delta.

Lemma invset_permV s :
  invset s^-1 = [set (s (p.2), s (p.1)) | p in invset s].

Lemma invsetP s : is_invset (invset s).

Lemma invset_maxperm : invset (@maxperm n) = Delta.

Lemma invset_maxpermMr s : invset (s * maxperm) = Delta :\: invset s.
Lemma invset_maxpermMl s :
  invset (maxperm * s) =
  Delta :\: [set (maxperm p.2, maxperm p.1) | p in invset s].

Lemma rsymrel_refl IS : reflexive (rsymrel IS).
Lemma rsymrel_anti IS :
  IS \subset Delta -> antisymmetric (rsymrel IS).
Lemma rsymrel_trans IS : is_invset IS -> transitive (rsymrel IS).
Lemma rsymrel_total (IS : {set 'II_n}) :
  IS \subset Delta -> total (rsymrel IS).

Lemma rsym_invset_refl s : reflexive (rsymrel (invset s)).
Lemma rsym_invset_anti s : antisymmetric (rsymrel (invset s)).
Lemma rsym_invset_trans s : transitive (rsymrel (invset s)).
Lemma rsym_invset_total s : total (rsymrel (invset s)).

Lemma perm_of_relP (r : rel 'I_n) :
  injective (fun i : 'I_n => nth i (sort r (enum 'I_n)) i).
Definition perm_of_invset IS :=
  (perm (@perm_of_relP (rsymrel IS)))^-1.

Lemma rsym_invsetP s :
  sorted (rsymrel (invset s)) [seq s^-1 i | i : 'I_n].

Lemma invsetK : cancel invset perm_of_invset.

Theorem invset_inj : injective invset.

Theorem perm_of_invsetK (IS : {set 'II_n}) :
  is_invset IS -> invset (perm_of_invset IS) = IS.

Lemma length1 : length 1 = 0.

Lemma lengthV s : length s^-1 = length s.

Lemma length_max s : length s <= 'C(n, 2).

Lemma length_maxperm : length (@maxperm n) = 'C(n, 2).
Lemma length_maxpermE s : length s = 'C(n, 2) -> s = (@maxperm n).

Lemma length_maxpermMr s : length (s * maxperm) = 'C(n, 2) - length s.
Lemma length_maxpermMl s : length (maxperm * s) = 'C(n, 2) - length s.

End InvSet.

Section ElemTransp.

Variable n0 : nat.
Notation n := n0.+1.

Definition eltr i : 'S_n0.+1 := tperm (inord i) (inord i.+1).

Notation "''s_' i" := (eltr i).
Notation "''s_' [ w ]" := (\prod_(i <- w) 's_i).

Implicit Type s t : 'S_n.

Lemma eltrV i : 's_i^-1 = 's_i.
Lemma eltrK i : involutive 's_i.
Lemma eltr2 i : 's_i * 's_i = 1.

Lemma eltr_braid i :
  i.+1 < n0 -> 's_i * 's_i.+1 * 's_i = 's_i.+1 * 's_i * 's_i.+1.

Lemma eltr_comm i j :
  i.+1 < j < n0 -> 's_i * 's_j = 's_j * 's_i.

#[local] Lemma eltrL_ord (i : 'I_n) : 's_i i = inord i.+1.
#[local] Lemma eltrR_ord (i : 'I_n) : 's_i (inord i.+1) = i.
#[local] Lemma eltrD_ord (i j : 'I_n) : i != j -> inord i.+1 != j -> 's_i j = j.

Definition eltrL := (eltrL_ord, tpermL).
Definition eltrR := (eltrR_ord, tpermR).
Definition eltrD := (eltrD_ord, tpermD).

Lemma prods_iota_mi (m : 'I_n) i :
  i <= m -> 's_[iota (m - i) i] (inord (m - i)) = m.

Lemma prods_iota_ltmi i (m u : 'I_n) :
  u < m - i -> 's_[(iota (m - i) i)] u = u.

Lemma cycleij_j (i j : 'I_n) :
  i <= j -> 's_[index_iota i j] i = j.

Lemma cycleij_lt (i j k : 'I_n) :
  i <= j -> k < i -> 's_[index_iota i j] k = k.

Lemma cycleij_gt (i j : nat) (k : 'I_n) :
  j < k -> 's_[index_iota i j] k = k.

Lemma cycleij_inS i (j k : 'I_n) :
  i <= k < j -> 's_[index_iota i j] (inord k.+1) = k.

Lemma cycleij_in i (j k : 'I_n) :
  i < k <= j -> 's_[index_iota i j] k = (inord k.-1).

Lemma prodsK w : 's_[w] * 's_[rev w] = 1.

Lemma prodsV w : 's_[rev w] = 's_[w]^-1.

Lemma odd_eltr i : (i < n0)%N -> odd_perm 's_i.

End ElemTransp.

Section PermOfInvSetEltr.

Variable n0 : nat.
Local Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type s t : 'S_n.

Notation "''s_' i" := (eltr _ i).
Notation "''s_' [ w ]" := (\prod_(i <- w) 's_i).

Lemma eltr_exchange i (a b : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> a < b -> 's_i a < 's_i b = (i != a) || (i.+1 != b).

Lemma invset_eltrL s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> s i < s (inord i.+1) ->
  invset ('s_i * s) =
  (i, inord i.+1) |: [set ('s_i p.1, 's_i p.2) | p in invset s].

Lemma invset_eltrR s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> s^-1 i < s^-1 (inord i.+1) ->
  invset (s * 's_i) = (s^-1 i, s^-1 (inord i.+1)) |: invset s.

End PermOfInvSetEltr.
Arguments Delta {n}.

Section Length.

Variable n0 : nat.
Notation n := n0.+1.

Notation "''s_' i" := (eltr n0 i).
Notation "''s_' [ w ]" := (\prod_(i <- w) 's_i).

Implicit Type s t u : 'S_n.

Length of a permutation

the length was defined with invset

Lemma length_add1L s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> s i < s (inord i.+1) -> length ('s_i * s) = (length s).+1.

Lemma length_sub1L s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> s i > s (inord i.+1) -> length s = (length ('s_i * s)).+1.

Lemma length_descL s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> (s i < s (inord i.+1)) = (length ('s_i * s) > length s).

Lemma length_add1R s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> s^-1 i < s^-1 (inord i.+1) -> length (s * 's_i) = (length s).+1.

Lemma length_sub1R s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> s^-1 i > s^-1 (inord i.+1) -> length s = (length (s * 's_i)).+1.

Lemma length_descR s (i : 'I_n) :
  i < n0 -> (s^-1 i < s^-1 (inord i.+1)) = (length (s * 's_i) > length s).

Lemma length_eltr (i : 'I_n0) : length 's_i = 1%N.

Lemma length_prods (w : seq 'I_n0) : length 's_[w] <= size w.

The canonical reduced word of a permutation

Fixpoint cocode_rec m c (s : 'S_n) : seq nat :=
  if m is m'.+1 then
    let mo := inord m' in
    cocode_rec m' (mo - s mo :: c) (s * 's_[iota (s mo) (mo - s mo)])
  else c.
Definition cocode s := cocode_rec n [::] s.
Definition canword s : seq 'I_n0 := pmap insub (wordcd (cocode s)).

Properties of the dual code

Lemma cocode_rec_cat m c s : cocode_rec m c s = (cocode_rec m [::] s ++ c).

Lemma wordcdE c :
  's_[wordcd c] =
  \prod_(i <- iota 0 (size c)) 's_[rev (iota (i - nth 0 c i) (nth 0 c i))].

Lemma size_cocode_rec m s c : size (cocode_rec m c s) = m + size c.

Lemma size_cocode s : size (cocode s) = n.

Partial codes

Section PartCode.

Let is_partcode m c :=
  forall i, i < size c -> nth 0 c i <= i + m.
Let word_of_partcocode m c : seq nat :=
  flatten [seq rev (iota (m + i - nth 0 c i) (nth 0 c i)) |
           i <- iota 0 (size c)].

Lemma perm_on_cocode_recP m c s0 s :
  m <= n ->
  is_partcode m c ->
  s0 = s * 's_[word_of_partcocode m c] ->
  perm_on [set k : 'I_n | k < m] s ->
  let cf := cocode_rec m c s in cf \is a code /\ s0 = 's_[wordcd cf].

End PartCode.

Lemma perm_on_prods c m :
  c \is a code -> m <= size c -> m <= n ->
  perm_on [set k : 'I_n | k < m]
          (\prod_(i <- iota 0 m) 's_[(rev (iota (i - nth 0 c i) (nth 0 c i)))]).

Lemma perm_on_prods_length_ord s i (m : 'I_n) :
  i <= m -> perm_on [set k : 'I_n | k < m] s ->
  length (s * 's_[rev (iota (m - i) i)]) = length s + i.

Lemma perm_on_prods_length s i m :
  m < n -> i <= m -> perm_on [set k : 'I_n | k < m] s ->
  length (s * 's_[(rev (iota (m - i) i))]) = length s + i.

Lemma length_permcd c :
  c \is a code -> size c <= n -> length 's_[wordcd c] = sumn c.

Lemma cocode2P s :
  let c := cocode s in c \is a code /\ s = 's_[wordcd c].

Lemma cocodeP s : cocode s \is a code.

Lemma cocodeE s : s = 's_[wordcd (cocode s)].

Properties of canword s

We show that canword s meets it specification : The canonical reduced word of s is indeed a word whose length is the size of s, that is a reduced word (defined later).

Lemma canwordE s :
  [seq (i : nat) | i : 'I_n0 <- canword s] = wordcd (cocode s).

Theorem canwordP s : 's_[canword s] = s.

As a consequence 'SG_n is generated by the elementary transpositions
Corollary eltr_genSn : 'SG_n = <<[set 's_(i : 'I_n0) | i in 'I_n0]>>%G.

The corresponding induction theorem
Theorem eltr_ind (P : 'S_n -> Type) :
  P 1 -> (forall s i, i < n0 -> P s -> P ('s_i * s)) ->
  forall s, P s.

Corollary morph_eltr (gT : finGroupType)
          (f g : {morphism 'SG_n >-> gT}) :
  (forall i : 'I_n0, f 's_i = g 's_i) -> f =1 g.

A simple application
Lemma odd_size_permE ts :
  all (gtn n0) ts -> odd (size ts) = odd_perm 's_[ts].

Various properties of the length

Lemma sumn_cocode s : sumn (cocode s) = length s.
Theorem size_canword s : size (canword s) = length s.

Corollary length_eq0 s : length s = 0 -> s = 1.

Corollary length_eq1 s : length s = 1%N -> exists i : 'I_n0, s = 's_i.

Corollary lengthM s t : length (s * t) <= length s + length t.

Corollary lengthME s t :
  length s + length t <= length (s * t) -> length (s * t) = length s + length t.

Corollary lengthKR s t u :
  length (s * t * u) = length s + length t + length u ->
  length (t * u) = length t + length u.

Corollary lengthKL s t u :
  length (s * t * u) = length s + length t + length u ->
  length (s * t) = length s + length t.

Definition prods_codesz (c : codesz n) : 'S_n := 's_[wordcd c].

Lemma prods_codesz_bij : bijective prods_codesz.

Lemma prods_wordcd_inj c1 c2 :
  c1 \is a code -> c2 \is a code -> size c1 = n -> size c2 = n ->
  's_[wordcd c1] = 's_[wordcd c2] -> c1 = c2.

End Length.
#[export] Hint Resolve cocodeP : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve codeszP : core.

Let's do some real combinatorics !!!

The generating polynomial for permutations counted by their length.

Section Combi.

Import GRing.Theory.
Open Scope ring_scope.

Corollary genfun_length n :
  \sum_(s : 'S_n) 'X^(length s) =
  \prod_(0 <= i < n) \sum_(0 <= j < i.+1) 'X^j : {poly int}.

End Combi.

Reduced words

Section Reduced.

Variable n : nat.
Implicit Type u v w : seq 'I_n.

Notation "''s_' i" := (eltr n i).
Notation "''s_' [ w ]" := (\prod_(i <- w) 's_i).

Definition reduced_word := [qualify w : seq 'I_n | length 's_[w] == size w ].
Notation reduced := reduced_word.

Lemma reducedP w : reflect (length 's_[w] = size w) (w \is reduced).

Lemma reduced_nil : [::] \is reduced.

Hint Resolve reduced_nil : core.

Lemma reduced_iiF i : [:: i; i] \is reduced = false.

Lemma reduced_rev w : w \is reduced -> rev w \is reduced.

Lemma reduced_revE w : (w \is reduced) = (rev w \is reduced).

Lemma reduced_sprod_code c :
  c \is a code -> size c <= n.+1 -> pmap insub (wordcd c) \is reduced.

canword s is reduced

Theorem canword_reduced s : canword s \is reduced.

Lemma reduced_catr u v : u ++ v \is reduced -> v \is reduced.

Lemma reduced_catl u v : u ++ v \is reduced -> u \is reduced.

Lemma reduced_consK i u : i :: u \is reduced -> u \is reduced.

Lemma reduced_rconsK u i : rcons u i \is reduced -> u \is reduced.

Lemma reducedM (s t : 'S_(n.+1)) :
  length (s * t) = length s + length t -> canword s ++ canword t \is reduced.

Lemma canword1 : canword (1 : 'S_n.+1) = [::].

Braid monoid relations

Definition braid_aba :=
  fun s : seq 'I_n => match s with
             | [:: a; b; c] => if (a == c) && ((a.+1 == b) || (b.+1 == a))
                               then [:: [:: b; a; b]] else [::]
             | _ => [::]

Definition braidC :=
  fun s : seq 'I_n => match s with
             | [:: a; b] => if (a.+1 < b) || (b.+1 < a)
                            then [:: [:: b; a]] else [::]
             | _ => [::]

Definition braidrule := [fun s => braid_aba s ++ braidC s].

Lemma braid_abaP (u v : seq 'I_n) :
  reflect (exists a b : 'I_n,
              [/\ ((a.+1 == b) || (b.+1 == a)),
               u = [:: a; b; a] & v = [:: b; a; b] ] )
          (v \in braid_aba u).

Lemma braidCP (u v : seq 'I_n) :
  reflect (exists a b : 'I_n,
             [/\ ((a.+1 < b) || (b.+1 < a)), u = [:: a; b] & v = [:: b; a] ] )
          (v \in braidC u).

Lemma braidrule_sym (u v : seq 'I_n) :
  v \in (braidrule u) -> u \in (braidrule v).

Lemma braidrule_homog (u : seq 'I_n) :
  all [pred v | size v == size u] (braidrule u).

Definition braidcongr := gencongr_hom braidrule_homog.
Definition braidclass := genclass_hom braidrule_homog.

#[local] Notation "a =Br b" := (braidcongr a b).

Lemma braid_equiv : equivalence_rel braidcongr.

Lemma braid_refl : reflexive braidcongr.

Lemma braidww w : braidcongr w w.

Lemma braid_sym : symmetric braidcongr.

Lemma braid_ltrans : left_transitive braidcongr.

Lemma braid_trans : transitive braidcongr.

Lemma braid_is_congr : congruence_rel braidcongr.

Definition braid_cons := congr_cons braid_is_congr.
Definition braid_rcons := congr_rcons braid_is_congr.
Definition braid_catl := congr_catl braid_is_congr.
Definition braid_catr := congr_catr braid_is_congr.
Definition braid_cat := congr_cat braid_is_congr braid_equiv.

Lemma size_braid u v : u =Br v -> size u = size v.

Lemma braid_rev u v : u =Br v -> rev u =Br rev v.

Lemma class_braid1 (i : 'I_n) u : u =Br [:: i] -> u = [:: i].

Theorem braid_prods v w : v =Br w -> 's_[v] = 's_[w].

Corollary braid_reduced (v w : seq 'I_n) :
  v =Br w -> v \is reduced -> w \is reduced.

reducing words for permutation

Fixpoint reduces (u v : seq 'I_n) :=
  match u with
    | [::] | [:: _] => false
    | [:: a, b & l] =>
      ((a == b) && (l == v))
        || if v is v0 :: v' then (a == v0) && reduces (b :: l) v'
           else false

Lemma reducesP (u v : seq 'I_n) :
    (exists x i y, u = x ++ [:: i; i] ++ y /\ v = x ++ y)
    (reduces u v).

Lemma reduces_catl u v w : reduces u v -> reduces (u ++ w) (v ++ w).

Lemma prods_reducesE u v : reduces u v -> 's_[u] = 's_[v].

Definition braid_reduces (u v : seq 'I_n) := (u =Br v) || (reduces u v).

Lemma braidred_catl (u v w : seq 'I_n) :
  braid_reduces u v -> braid_reduces (u ++ w) (v ++ w).

Lemma braidredE u v : braid_reduces u v -> 's_[u] = 's_[v].

End Reduced.
Arguments reducedP {n w}.

Notation reduced := (reduced_word _).
Notation braidred := (@braid_reduces _).

#[export] Hint Resolve braidww : core.

The cocode insertion algorithm

Section CanWord.

Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
#[local] Notation "''s_' i" := (eltr n i) : group_scope.
#[local] Notation "''s_' [ w ]" := (\prod_(i <- w) 's_i).
#[local] Notation "a =Br b" := (braidcongr a b).

Fixpoint inscode (c : seq nat) (i : 'I_n) :=
  if c is c0 :: c' then
    let m := size c' in
    if i > m - c0 then c0 :: inscode c' (inord i.-1)
    else if i == m - c0 :> nat then c0.-1 :: c'
    else if i.+1 == m - c0 :> nat then c0.+1 :: c'
    else c0 :: inscode c' i
  else [::].

Lemma size_inscode c i : size (inscode c i) = size c.

Lemma head_revcode c0 c : rev (c0 :: c) \is a code -> c0 <= size c.

Lemma inord_predS (i : 'I_n) a b :
  a < i -> i < b -> (inord (n' := n0) i.-1).+1 < b.

Lemma inscodeP c (i : 'I_n) :
  rev c \is a code -> i.+1 < size c -> rev (inscode c i) \is a code.

Let wcord c : seq 'I_n := map inord (wordcd (rev c)).

Lemma wcordE c :
  rev c \is a code -> size c <= n.+1 -> wcord c = pmap insub (wordcd (rev c)).

Lemma reduced_wcord c :
  rev c \is a code -> size c <= n.+1 -> wcord c \is reduced.

Lemma wcord_cons c i :
  wcord (i :: c) = wcord c ++ map inord (rev (iota (size c - i) i)).

Lemma ltn_braidC (s : seq 'I_n) (i : 'I_n) :
  (forall u, u \in s -> u.+1 < i) -> [:: i] ++ s =Br s ++ [:: i].

Lemma gtn_braidC (s : seq 'I_n) (i : 'I_n) :
  (forall u, u \in s -> i.+1 < u) -> [:: i] ++ s =Br s ++ [:: i].

Lemma iota_cut_i (l b : nat) (i : 'I_n) :
  l <= b -> b - l < i -> i < b -> iota (b - l) l =
  (iota (b - l) (i.-1 - (b - l))) ++ [:: i.-1; i : nat] ++ (iota i.+1 (b - i.+1)).

#[local] Notation "''I[' a '..' b ']'" :=
  [seq inord i | i <- rev (iota (b - a) a)].

Lemma braid_pred_lineC (i : 'I_n) (sz c : nat) :
  sz <= n -> i < sz -> c <= sz -> sz - c < i ->
  ([:: inord i.-1] ++ 'I[c .. sz]) =Br ('I[c .. sz] ++ [:: i]).

Lemma braid_ltn_lineC (i : 'I_n) (sz c : nat) :
  sz <= n -> i.+1 < sz - c -> c <= sz ->
  [:: i] ++ 'I[c .. sz] =Br 'I[c .. sz] ++ [:: i].

Implicit Type (u v w : seq 'I_n).

Lemma path_braidred_catl p u w :
  path braidred u p -> path braidred (u ++ w) [seq v ++ w | v <- p].

Lemma braidred_inscode_path c (i : 'I_n) :
  rev c \is a code -> size c <= n.+1 -> i.+1 < size c ->
  { p | path braidred ((wcord c) ++ [:: i]) p /\
        last ((wcord c) ++ [:: i]) p = wcord (inscode c i) }.

Straigthening a word

Fixpoint straighten_rev w :=
  if w is w0 :: w then inscode (straighten_rev w) w0 else (nseq n.+1 0).
Definition straighten w := straighten_rev (rev w).

Lemma size_straighten w : size (straighten w) = n.+1.

Lemma is_code_straighten w : rev (straighten w) \is a code.

Lemma straighten_path_npos w :
  { p | path braidred w p /\ last w p = wcord (straighten w) }.

Theorem prods_straighten w : 's_[wcord (straighten w)] = 's_[w].

Corollary cocode_straightenE w : rev (straighten w) = cocode 's_[w].

Corollary canword_straightenE w : wcord (straighten w) = canword 's_[w].

Corollary canword_path_npos w :
  { p | path braidred w p /\ last w p = canword 's_[w] }.

End CanWord.

Notation "''s_' i" := (eltr _ i) : group_scope.
Notation "''s_[' w ']'" := (\prod_(i <- w) 's_i) : group_scope.

#[local] Notation "a =Br b" := (braidcongr a b) : bool_scope.

Section BraidRed.

Variable n : nat.
Implicit Types (u v w : seq 'I_n).

Theorem braidred_to_canword w :
  { p | path braidred w p /\ last w p = canword 's_[w] }.

Lemma braidred_size_decr w p : path braidred w p -> size w >= size (last w p).

Theorem braid_to_canword w : w \is reduced -> w =Br canword 's_[w].

Theorem reduceP u : u \isn't reduced -> exists v w, u =Br v /\ reduces v w.

Matsumoto Theorem
Corollary reduced_braid v w :
  v \is reduced -> w \is reduced -> ('s_[v] == 's_[w] :> 'S_n.+1) = (v =Br w).

Lemma canword_eltr (i : 'I_n) : canword 's_i = [:: i].

End BraidRed.

The presentation of the symmetric groups

Section PresentationSn.

Variable n : nat.
Variable gT : finGroupType.
Variable eltrG : nat -> gT.

#[local] Notation "''g_' i" :=
  (eltrG i) (at level 8, i at level 2, format "''g_' i").

Variant relat_Sn : Prop :=
  RelatSn of
    (forall i, i < n -> 'g_i^+2 = 1) &
    (forall i, i.+1 < n -> 'g_i * 'g_i.+1 * 'g_i = 'g_i.+1 * 'g_i * 'g_i.+1) &
    (forall i j, i.+1 < j < n -> 'g_i * 'g_j = 'g_j * 'g_i)
  : relat_Sn.

Theorem presentation_Sn_eltr :
  relat_Sn ->
  exists f : {morphism 'SG_n.+1 >-> gT}, forall i, i < n -> f 's_i = 'g_i.

End PresentationSn.

Lemma joingU1 (gt : finGroupType) (a : gt) (S : {set gt}) :
  <[a]> <*> <<S>> = << a |: S >>.

Lemma presentation_S2 :
  'SG_2 \isog Grp ( s0 : s0^+2 ).

Lemma presentation_S3 :
  'SG_3 \isog Grp ( s0 : s1 : (s0^+2 = s1^+2 = 1, s0*s1*s0 = s1*s0*s1) ).

Lemma presentation_S4 :
  'SG_4 \isog Grp (
          s0 : s1 : s2 :
            (s0^+2, s1^+2, s2^+2,
             s0*s1*s0 = s1*s0*s1, s1*s2*s1 = s2*s1*s2,
             s0*s2 = s2*s0
        ) ).

Lemma presentation_S5 :
  'SG_5 \isog Grp (
          s0 : s1 : s2 : s3 :
            (s0^+2, s1^+2, s2^+2, s3^+2,
             s0*s1*s0 = s1*s0*s1, s1*s2*s1 = s2*s1*s2, s2*s3*s2 = s3*s2*s3,
             s0*s2 = s2*s0, s0*s3 = s3*s0, s1*s3 = s3*s1
        ) ).