Library mathcomp.algebra.ssrnum
(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria.
Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrAC div fintype path bigop order finset fingroup.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg poly.
Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrAC div fintype path bigop order finset fingroup.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg poly.
This file defines some classes to manipulate number structures, i.e
structures with an order and a norm. To use this file, insert
"Import Num.Theory." before your scripts. You can also "Import Num.Def."
to enjoy shorter notations (e.g., minr instead of Num.min, lerif instead
of Num.leif, etc.).
The ordering symbols and notations (<, <=, >, >=, _ <= _ ?= iff _,
_ < _ ?<= if _, >=<, and ><) and lattice operations (meet and join)
defined in order.v are redefined for the ring_display in the ring_scope
(%R). 0-ary ordering symbols for the ring_display have the suffix "%R",
e.g., <%R. All the other ordering notations are the same as order.v.
Over these structures, we have the following operations
`|x| == norm of x. x == sign of x: equal to 0 iff x = 0, to 1 iff x > 0, and
to -1 in all other cases (including x < 0).
x \is a Num.pos <=> x is positive (:= x > 0).
x \is a Num.neg <=> x is negative (:= x < 0).
x \is a Num.nneg <=> x is positive or 0 (:= x >= 0).
x \is a Num.real <=> x is real (:= x >= 0 or x < 0).
Num.bound x == in archimedean fields, and upper bound for x, i.e.,
and n such that `|x| < n%:R.
Num.sqrt x == in a real-closed field, a positive square root of x if
x >= 0, or 0 otherwise.
For numeric algebraically closed fields we provide the generic definitions
'i == the imaginary number (:= sqrtC (-1)).
'Re z == the real component of z.
'Im z == the imaginary component of z.
z^* == the complex conjugate of z (:= conjC z).
sqrtC z == a nonnegative square root of z, i.e., 0 <= sqrt x if 0 <= x.
n.-root z == more generally, for n > 0, an nth root of z, chosen with a
minimal non-negative argument for n > 1 (i.e., with a
maximal real part subject to a nonnegative imaginary part).
Note that n.-root (-1) is a primitive 2nth root of unity,
an thus not equal to -1 for n odd > 1 (this will be shown in
file cyclotomic.v).
NumDomain (Integral domain with an order and a norm)
numDomainType == interface for a num integral domain. NumDomainType T m == packs the num mixin into a numDomainType. The carrier T must have an integral domain and a partial order structures. [numDomainType of T for S] == T-clone of the numDomainType structure S. [numDomainType of T] == clone of a canonical numDomainType structure on T.NormedZmodule (Zmodule with a norm)
normedZmodType R == interface for a normed Zmodule structure indexed by numDomainType R. NormedZmodType R T m == pack the normed Zmodule mixin into a normedZmodType. The carrier T must have an integral domain structure. [normedZmodType R of T for S] == T-clone of the normedZmodType R structure S. [normedZmodType R of T] == clone of a canonical normedZmodType R structure on T.NumField (Field with an order and a norm)
numFieldType == interface for a num field. [numFieldType of T] == clone of a canonical numFieldType structure on T.NumClosedField (Partially ordered Closed Field with conjugation)
numClosedFieldType == interface for a closed field with conj. NumClosedFieldType T r == packs the real closed axiom r into a numClosedFieldType. The carrier T must have a closed field type structure. [numClosedFieldType of T] == clone of a canonical numClosedFieldType structure on T. [numClosedFieldType of T for S] == T-clone of the numClosedFieldType structure S.RealDomain (Num domain where all elements are positive or negative)
realDomainType == interface for a real integral domain. [realDomainType of T] == clone of a canonical realDomainType structure on T.RealField (Num Field where all elements are positive or negative)
realFieldType == interface for a real field. [realFieldType of T] == clone of a canonical realFieldType structure on T.ArchiField (A Real Field with the archimedean axiom)
archiFieldType == interface for an archimedean field. ArchiFieldType T r == packs the archimedean axiom r into an archiFieldType. The carrier T must have a real field type structure. [archiFieldType of T for S] == T-clone of the archiFieldType structure S. [archiFieldType of T] == clone of a canonical archiFieldType structure on T.RealClosedField (Real Field with the real closed axiom)
rcfType == interface for a real closed field. RcfType T r == packs the real closed axiom r into a rcfType. The carrier T must have a real field type structure. [rcfType of T] == clone of a canonical realClosedFieldType structure on T. [rcfType of T for S] == T-clone of the realClosedFieldType structure S.- list of prefixes : p : positive n : negative sp : strictly positive sn : strictly negative i : interior = in [0, 1] or ]0, 1[ e : exterior = in [1, +oo[ or ]1; +oo[ w : non strict (weak) monotony
Set Implicit Arguments.
Reserved Notation "n .-root" (at level 2, format "n .-root").
Reserved Notation "'i" (at level 0).
Reserved Notation "'Re z" (at level 10, z at level 8).
Reserved Notation "'Im z" (at level 10, z at level 8).
Local Open Scope order_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory.
Fact ring_display : unit.
Module Num.
HB.structure Definition POrderedZmodule :=
{ R of Order.isPOrdered ring_display R & GRing.Zmodule R }.
#[short(type="normedZmodType"), infer(R)]
HB.structure Definition NormedZmodule (R : porderZmodType) :=
{ M of Zmodule_isNormed R M & GRing.Zmodule M }.
Arguments norm {R M} x : rename.
Module NormedZmoduleExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with NormedZmodule.sort.
Notation " [ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T 'for' cT ]" :=
(@clone _ (Phant R) T cT _ idfun)
(at level 0, format " [ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T 'for' cT ]") :
Notation " [ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T ]" := (@clone _ (Phant R) T _ id)
(at level 0, format " [ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End NormedZmoduleExports.
HB.structure Definition NumDomain := { R of
GRing.IntegralDomain R &
POrderedZmodule R &
NormedZmodule (POrderedZmodule.clone R _) R &
isNumRing R
Arguments addr_gt0 {_} [x y] : rename.
Arguments ger_leVge {_} [x y] : rename.
HB.structure Definition NumDomain := { R of
GRing.IntegralDomain R &
POrderedZmodule R &
NormedZmodule (POrderedZmodule.clone R _) R &
isNumRing R
Arguments addr_gt0 {_} [x y] : rename.
Arguments ger_leVge {_} [x y] : rename.
TODO: make isNumDomain depend on intermediate structures
TODO: make isNumDomain.sort canonically a NumDomain
Module NumDomainExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with NumDomain.sort.
Notation "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (NumDomain.clone T%type cT)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T ]" := (NumDomain.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End NumDomainExports.
Module Import Def.
Notation normr := norm.
Notation ler := (@Order.le ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'ler' R" := (@Order.le ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation ltr := ( ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'ltr' R" := ( ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation ger := ( ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'ger' R" := ( ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation gtr := ( ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'gtr' R" := ( ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation lerif := (@Order.leif ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'lerif' R" := (@Order.leif ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation lterif := (@Order.lteif ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'lteif' R" := (@Order.lteif ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation comparabler := (@Order.comparable ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'comparabler' R" := (@Order.comparable ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation maxr := (@Order.max ring_display _).
Notation "@ 'maxr' R" := (@Order.max ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation minr := (@Order.min ring_display _).
Notation "@ 'minr' R" := (@Order.min ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Section Def.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types (x : R).
Definition sgr x : R := if x == 0 then 0 else if x < 0 then -1 else 1.
Definition Rpos_pred := fun x : R ⇒ 0 < x.
Definition Rpos : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x | Rpos_pred x].
Definition Rneg_pred := fun x : R ⇒ x < 0.
Definition Rneg : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x : R | Rneg_pred x].
Definition Rnneg_pred := fun x : R ⇒ 0 ≤ x.
Definition Rnneg : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x : R | Rnneg_pred x].
Definition Rreal_pred := fun x : R ⇒ (0 ≤ x) || (x ≤ 0).
Definition Rreal : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x : R | Rreal_pred x].
End Def. End Def.
Arguments Rpos_pred _ _ /.
Arguments Rneg_pred _ _ /.
Arguments Rnneg_pred _ _ /.
Arguments Rreal_pred _ _ /.
Shorter qualified names, when Num.Def is not imported.
Notation le := ler (only parsing).
Notation lt := ltr (only parsing).
Notation ge := ger (only parsing).
Notation gt := gtr (only parsing).
Notation leif := lerif (only parsing).
Notation lteif := lterif (only parsing).
Notation comparable := comparabler (only parsing).
Notation sg := sgr.
Notation max := maxr.
Notation min := minr.
Notation pos := Rpos.
Notation neg := Rneg.
Notation nneg := Rnneg.
Notation real := Rreal.
Notation lt := ltr (only parsing).
Notation ge := ger (only parsing).
Notation gt := gtr (only parsing).
Notation leif := lerif (only parsing).
Notation lteif := lterif (only parsing).
Notation comparable := comparabler (only parsing).
Notation sg := sgr.
Notation max := maxr.
Notation min := minr.
Notation pos := Rpos.
Notation neg := Rneg.
Notation nneg := Rnneg.
Notation real := Rreal.
(Exported) symbolic syntax.
Module Import Syntax.
Import Def.
Notation "`| x |" := (norm x) : ring_scope.
Notation "<=%R" := le : fun_scope.
Notation ">=%R" := ge : fun_scope.
Notation "<%R" := lt : fun_scope.
Notation ">%R" := gt : fun_scope.
Notation "<?=%R" := leif : fun_scope.
Notation "<?<=%R" := lteif : fun_scope.
Notation ">=<%R" := comparable : fun_scope.
Notation "><%R" := (fun x y ⇒ ~~ (comparable x y)) : fun_scope.
Notation "<= y" := (ge y) : ring_scope.
Notation "<= y :> T" := (≤ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation ">= y" := (le y) : ring_scope.
Notation ">= y :> T" := (≥ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "< y" := (gt y) : ring_scope.
Notation "< y :> T" := (< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "> y" := (lt y) : ring_scope.
Notation "> y :> T" := (> (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (le x y) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y :> T" := ((x : T) ≤ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y ≤ x) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >= y :> T" := ((x : T) ≥ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y :> T" := ((x : T) < (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x > y :> T" := ((x : T) > (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y <= z" := ((x ≤ y) && (y ≤ z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := ((x < y) && (y ≤ z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := ((x ≤ y) && (y < z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := ((x < y) && (y < z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' C" := (lerif x y C) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' C :> R" := ((x : R) ≤ (y : R) ?= iff C)
(only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y ?<= 'if' C" := (lterif x y C) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y ?<= 'if' C :> R" := ((x : R) < (y : R) ?<= if C)
(only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation ">=< y" := [pred x | comparable x y] : ring_scope.
Notation ">=< y :> T" := (>=< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >=< y" := (comparable x y) : ring_scope.
Notation ">< y" := [pred x | ~~ comparable x y] : ring_scope.
Notation ">< y :> T" := (>< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >< y" := (~~ (comparable x y)) : ring_scope.
Export Order.POCoercions.
End Syntax.
Section ExtensionAxioms.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Definition real_axiom : Prop := ∀ x : R, x \is real.
Definition archimedean_axiom : Prop := ∀ x : R, ∃ ub, `|x| < ub%:R.
Definition real_closed_axiom : Prop :=
∀ (p : {poly R}) (a b : R),
a ≤ b → p.[a] ≤ 0 ≤ p.[b] → exists2 x, a ≤ x ≤ b & root p x.
End ExtensionAxioms.
Import Def.
Notation "`| x |" := (norm x) : ring_scope.
Notation "<=%R" := le : fun_scope.
Notation ">=%R" := ge : fun_scope.
Notation "<%R" := lt : fun_scope.
Notation ">%R" := gt : fun_scope.
Notation "<?=%R" := leif : fun_scope.
Notation "<?<=%R" := lteif : fun_scope.
Notation ">=<%R" := comparable : fun_scope.
Notation "><%R" := (fun x y ⇒ ~~ (comparable x y)) : fun_scope.
Notation "<= y" := (ge y) : ring_scope.
Notation "<= y :> T" := (≤ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation ">= y" := (le y) : ring_scope.
Notation ">= y :> T" := (≥ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "< y" := (gt y) : ring_scope.
Notation "< y :> T" := (< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "> y" := (lt y) : ring_scope.
Notation "> y :> T" := (> (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (le x y) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y :> T" := ((x : T) ≤ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y ≤ x) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >= y :> T" := ((x : T) ≥ (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y :> T" := ((x : T) < (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x > y :> T" := ((x : T) > (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y <= z" := ((x ≤ y) && (y ≤ z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := ((x < y) && (y ≤ z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := ((x ≤ y) && (y < z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := ((x < y) && (y < z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' C" := (lerif x y C) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' C :> R" := ((x : R) ≤ (y : R) ?= iff C)
(only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y ?<= 'if' C" := (lterif x y C) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y ?<= 'if' C :> R" := ((x : R) < (y : R) ?<= if C)
(only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation ">=< y" := [pred x | comparable x y] : ring_scope.
Notation ">=< y :> T" := (>=< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >=< y" := (comparable x y) : ring_scope.
Notation ">< y" := [pred x | ~~ comparable x y] : ring_scope.
Notation ">< y :> T" := (>< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >< y" := (~~ (comparable x y)) : ring_scope.
Export Order.POCoercions.
End Syntax.
Section ExtensionAxioms.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Definition real_axiom : Prop := ∀ x : R, x \is real.
Definition archimedean_axiom : Prop := ∀ x : R, ∃ ub, `|x| < ub%:R.
Definition real_closed_axiom : Prop :=
∀ (p : {poly R}) (a b : R),
a ≤ b → p.[a] ≤ 0 ≤ p.[b] → exists2 x, a ≤ x ≤ b & root p x.
End ExtensionAxioms.
The rest of the numbers interface hierarchy.
# [short(type="numFieldType") ]
HB.structure Definition NumField := { R of GRing.isField R & NumDomain R }.
HB.structure Definition NumField := { R of GRing.UnitRing_isField R &
GRing.IntegralDomain R &
POrderedZmodule R &
NormedZmodule (POrderedZmodule.clone R _) R &
isNumRing R }.
Module NumFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with NumField.sort.
Notation numFieldType := NumField.type.
Notation "[ 'numFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (NumField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End NumFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition ClosedField :=
{ R of NumField_isImaginary R & GRing.ClosedField R & NumField R }.
Module ClosedFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with ClosedField.sort.
Notation "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (ClosedField.clone T%type cT)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") :
Notation "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (ClosedField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End ClosedFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition RealDomain :=
{ R of Order.Total ring_display R & NumDomain R }.
Module RealDomainExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with RealDomain.sort.
Notation "[ 'realDomainType' 'of' T ]" := (RealDomain.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'realDomainType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End RealDomainExports.
HB.structure Definition RealField :=
{ R of Order.Total ring_display R & NumField R }.
Module RealFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with RealField.sort.
Notation "[ 'realFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (RealField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'realFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End RealFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition ArchimedeanField :=
{ R of RealField_isArchimedean R & RealField R }.
Module ArchimedeanFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with ArchimedeanField.sort.
Notation "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (ArchimedeanField.clone T%type cT)
(at level 0, format "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (ArchimedeanField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End ArchimedeanFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition RealClosedField :=
{ R of RealField_isClosed R & RealField R }.
Module RealClosedFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with RealClosedField.sort.
Notation "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (RealClosedField.clone T%type cT)
(at level 0, format "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T ]" := (RealClosedField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End RealClosedFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition NumField := { R of GRing.UnitRing_isField R &
GRing.IntegralDomain R &
POrderedZmodule R &
NormedZmodule (POrderedZmodule.clone R _) R &
isNumRing R }.
Module NumFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with NumField.sort.
Notation numFieldType := NumField.type.
Notation "[ 'numFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (NumField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End NumFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition ClosedField :=
{ R of NumField_isImaginary R & GRing.ClosedField R & NumField R }.
Module ClosedFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with ClosedField.sort.
Notation "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (ClosedField.clone T%type cT)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") :
Notation "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (ClosedField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End ClosedFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition RealDomain :=
{ R of Order.Total ring_display R & NumDomain R }.
Module RealDomainExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with RealDomain.sort.
Notation "[ 'realDomainType' 'of' T ]" := (RealDomain.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'realDomainType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End RealDomainExports.
HB.structure Definition RealField :=
{ R of Order.Total ring_display R & NumField R }.
Module RealFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with RealField.sort.
Notation "[ 'realFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (RealField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'realFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End RealFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition ArchimedeanField :=
{ R of RealField_isArchimedean R & RealField R }.
Module ArchimedeanFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with ArchimedeanField.sort.
Notation "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (ArchimedeanField.clone T%type cT)
(at level 0, format "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (ArchimedeanField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End ArchimedeanFieldExports.
HB.structure Definition RealClosedField :=
{ R of RealField_isClosed R & RealField R }.
Module RealClosedFieldExports.
Bind Scope ring_scope with RealClosedField.sort.
Notation "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (RealClosedField.clone T%type cT)
(at level 0, format "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T ]" := (RealClosedField.clone T%type _)
(at level 0, format "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End RealClosedFieldExports.
The elementary theory needed to support the definition of the derived
operations for the extensions described above.
Basic consequences (just enough to get predicate closure properties).
Lemma ger0_def x : (0 ≤ x) = (`|x| == x).
Lemma subr_ge0 x y : (0 ≤ x - y) = (y ≤ x).
Lemma oppr_ge0 x : (0 ≤ - x) = (x ≤ 0).
Lemma ler01 : 0 ≤ 1 :> R.
Lemma ltr01 : 0 < 1 :> R.
Lemma le0r x : (0 ≤ x) = (x == 0) || (0 < x).
Lemma addr_ge0 x y : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → 0 ≤ x + y.
Lemma pmulr_rgt0 x y : 0 < x → (0 < x × y) = (0 < y).
Closure properties of the real predicates.
Lemma posrE x : (x \is pos) = (0 < x).
Lemma nnegrE x : (x \is nneg) = (0 ≤ x).
Lemma realE x : (x \is real) = (0 ≤ x) || (x ≤ 0).
Fact pos_divr_closed : divr_closed (@pos R).
HB.instance Definition _ := GRing.isDivClosed.Build R Rpos_pred
Fact nneg_divr_closed : divr_closed (@nneg R).
HB.instance Definition _ := GRing.isDivClosed.Build R Rnneg_pred
Fact nneg_addr_closed : addr_closed (@nneg R).
HB.instance Definition _ := GRing.isAddClosed.Build R Rnneg_pred
Fact real_oppr_closed : oppr_closed (@real R).
HB.instance Definition _ := GRing.isOppClosed.Build R Rreal_pred
Fact real_addr_closed : addr_closed (@real R).
HB.instance Definition _ := GRing.isAddClosed.Build R Rreal_pred
Fact real_divr_closed : divr_closed (@real R).
HB.instance Definition _ := GRing.isDivClosed.Build R Rreal_pred
End NumDomain.
Lemma num_real (R : realDomainType) (x : R) : x \is real.
Section RealClosed.
Variable R : rcfType.
Lemma poly_ivt : real_closed_axiom R.
Fact sqrtr_subproof (x : R) :
exists2 y, 0 ≤ y & (if 0 ≤ x then y ^+ 2 == x else y == 0) : bool.
End RealClosed.
Module Exports. End Exports.
End Internals.
Module PredInstances.
Export Internals.Exports.
End PredInstances.
Module Import ExtraDef.
Definition archi_bound {R} x := sval (sigW (@archi_bound_subproof R x)).
Definition sqrtr {R} x := s2val (sig2W (@sqrtr_subproof R x)).
End ExtraDef.
Notation bound := archi_bound.
Notation sqrt := sqrtr.
Module Import Theory.
Section NumIntegralDomainTheory.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Implicit Types (V : normedZmodType R) (x y z t : R).
Lemmas from the signature (reexported).
Definition ler_norm_add V (x y : V) : `|x + y| ≤ `|x| + `|y| :=
ler_norm_add x y.
Definition addr_gt0 x y : 0 < x → 0 < y → 0 < x + y := @addr_gt0 R x y.
Definition normr0_eq0 V (x : V) : `|x| = 0 → x = 0 :=
@normr0_eq0 R V x.
Definition ger_leVge x y : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → (x ≤ y) || (y ≤ x) :=
@ger_leVge R x y.
Definition normrM : {morph norm : x y / (x : R) × y} := @normrM R.
Definition ler_def x y : (x ≤ y) = (`|y - x| == y - x) := ler_def x y.
Definition normrMn V (x : V) n : `|x *+ n| = `|x| *+ n := normrMn x n.
Definition normrN V (x : V) : `|- x| = `|x| := normrN x.
Predicate definitions.
Lemma posrE x : (x \is pos) = (0 < x).
Lemma negrE x : (x \is neg) = (x < 0).
Lemma nnegrE x : (x \is nneg) = (0 ≤ x).
Lemma realE x : (x \is real) = (0 ≤ x) || (x ≤ 0).
General properties of <= and <
Lemma lt0r x : (0 < x) = (x != 0) && (0 ≤ x).
Lemma le0r x : (0 ≤ x) = (x == 0) || (0 < x).
Lemma lt0r_neq0 (x : R) : 0 < x → x != 0.
Lemma ltr0_neq0 (x : R) : x < 0 → x != 0.
Lemma pmulr_rgt0 x y : 0 < x → (0 < x × y) = (0 < y).
Lemma pmulr_rge0 x y : 0 < x → (0 ≤ x × y) = (0 ≤ y).
Integer comparisons and characteristic 0.
Lemma ler01 : 0 ≤ 1 :> R.
Lemma ltr01 : 0 < 1 :> R.
Lemma ler0n n : 0 ≤ n%:R :> R.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true (@Order.le ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ler01) : core.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true ( ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ltr01) : core.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true (@Order.le ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ler0n) : core.
Lemma ltr0Sn n : 0 < n.+1%:R :> R.
Lemma ltr0n n : (0 < n%:R :> R) = (0 < n)%N.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true ( ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ltr0Sn) : core.
Lemma pnatr_eq0 n : (n%:R == 0 :> R) = (n == 0)%N.
Lemma char_num : [char R] =i pred0.
Lemma ltr01 : 0 < 1 :> R.
Lemma ler0n n : 0 ≤ n%:R :> R.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true (@Order.le ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ler01) : core.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true ( ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ltr01) : core.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true (@Order.le ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ler0n) : core.
Lemma ltr0Sn n : 0 < n.+1%:R :> R.
Lemma ltr0n n : (0 < n%:R :> R) = (0 < n)%N.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true ( ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ltr0Sn) : core.
Lemma pnatr_eq0 n : (n%:R == 0 :> R) = (n == 0)%N.
Lemma char_num : [char R] =i pred0.
Properties of the norm.
Lemma ger0_def x : (0 ≤ x) = (`|x| == x).
Lemma normr_idP {x} : reflect (`|x| = x) (0 ≤ x).
Lemma ger0_norm x : 0 ≤ x → `|x| = x.
Lemma normr1 : `|1 : R| = 1.
Lemma normr_nat n : `|n%:R : R| = n%:R.
Lemma normr_prod I r (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
`|\prod_(i <- r | P i) F i| = \prod_(i <- r | P i) `|F i|.
Lemma normrX n x : `|x ^+ n| = `|x| ^+ n.
Lemma normr_unit : {homo (@norm _ (* R *) R) : x / x \is a GRing.unit}.
Lemma normrV : {in GRing.unit, {morph (@norm _ (* R *) R) : x / x ^-1}}.
Lemma normrN1 : `|-1 : R| = 1.
Lemma big_real x0 op I (P : pred I) F (s : seq I) :
{in real &, ∀ x y, op x y \is real} → x0 \is real →
{in P, ∀ i, F i \is real} → \big[op/x0]_(i <- s | P i) F i \is real.
Lemma sum_real I (P : pred I) (F : I → R) (s : seq I) :
{in P, ∀ i, F i \is real} → \sum_(i <- s | P i) F i \is real.
Lemma prod_real I (P : pred I) (F : I → R) (s : seq I) :
{in P, ∀ i, F i \is real} → \prod_(i <- s | P i) F i \is real.
Section NormedZmoduleTheory.
Variable V : normedZmodType R.
Implicit Types (v w : V).
Lemma normr0 : `|0 : V| = 0.
Lemma normr0P v : reflect (`|v| = 0) (v == 0).
Definition normr_eq0 v := sameP (`|v| =P 0) (normr0P v).
Lemma distrC v w : `|v - w| = `|w - v|.
Lemma normr_id v : `| `|v| | = `|v|.
Lemma normr_ge0 v : 0 ≤ `|v|.
Lemma normr_le0 v : `|v| ≤ 0 = (v == 0).
Lemma normr_lt0 v : `|v| < 0 = false.
Lemma normr_gt0 v : `|v| > 0 = (v != 0).
Definition normrE := (normr_id, normr0, normr1, normrN1, normr_ge0, normr_eq0,
normr_lt0, normr_le0, normr_gt0, normrN).
End NormedZmoduleTheory.
Lemma ler0_def x : (x ≤ 0) = (`|x| == - x).
Lemma ler0_norm x : x ≤ 0 → `|x| = - x.
Definition gtr0_norm x (hx : 0 < x) := ger0_norm (ltW hx).
Definition ltr0_norm x (hx : x < 0) := ler0_norm (ltW hx).
Comparision to 0 of a difference
Lemma subr_ge0 x y : (0 ≤ y - x) = (x ≤ y).
Lemma subr_gt0 x y : (0 < y - x) = (x < y).
Lemma subr_le0 x y : (y - x ≤ 0) = (y ≤ x).
(* FIXME: rewrite pattern *)
Lemma subr_lt0 x y : (y - x < 0) = (y < x).
(* FIXME: rewrite pattern *)
Definition subr_lte0 := (subr_le0, subr_lt0).
Definition subr_gte0 := (subr_ge0, subr_gt0).
Definition subr_cp0 := (subr_lte0, subr_gte0).
Comparability in a numDomain
Lemma comparable0r x : (0 >=< x)%R = (x \is Num.real).
Lemma comparabler0 x : (x >=< 0)%R = (x \is Num.real).
Lemma subr_comparable0 x y : (x - y >=< 0)%R = (x >=< y)%R.
Lemma comparablerE x y : (x >=< y)%R = (x - y \is Num.real).
Lemma comparabler_trans : transitive (comparable : rel R).
Ordered ring properties.
Definition lter01 := (ler01, ltr01).
Lemma addr_ge0 x y : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → 0 ≤ x + y.
End NumIntegralDomainTheory.
Arguments ler01 {R}.
Arguments ltr01 {R}.
Arguments normr_idP {R x}.
Arguments normr0P {R V v}.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (@Order.le ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ler01) : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true ( ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ltr01) : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (@Order.le ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ler0n) : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true ( ring_display _ _ _)) ⇒
(apply: ltr0Sn) : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0 ≤ norm _)) ⇒ apply: normr_ge0 : core.
Lemma normr_nneg (R : numDomainType) (x : R) : `|x| \is Num.nneg.
#[global] Hint Resolve normr_nneg : core.
Section NumDomainOperationTheory.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Implicit Types x y z t : R.
Comparision and opposite.
Lemma ler_opp2 : {mono -%R : x y /~ x ≤ y :> R}.
Hint Resolve ler_opp2 : core.
Lemma ltr_opp2 : {mono -%R : x y /~ x < y :> R}.
Hint Resolve ltr_opp2 : core.
Definition lter_opp2 := (ler_opp2, ltr_opp2).
Lemma ler_oppr x y : (x ≤ - y) = (y ≤ - x).
Lemma ltr_oppr x y : (x < - y) = (y < - x).
Definition lter_oppr := (ler_oppr, ltr_oppr).
Lemma ler_oppl x y : (- x ≤ y) = (- y ≤ x).
Lemma ltr_oppl x y : (- x < y) = (- y < x).
Definition lter_oppl := (ler_oppl, ltr_oppl).
Lemma oppr_ge0 x : (0 ≤ - x) = (x ≤ 0).
Lemma oppr_gt0 x : (0 < - x) = (x < 0).
Definition oppr_gte0 := (oppr_ge0, oppr_gt0).
Lemma oppr_le0 x : (- x ≤ 0) = (0 ≤ x).
Lemma oppr_lt0 x : (- x < 0) = (0 < x).
Lemma gtr_opp x : 0 < x → - x < x.
Definition oppr_lte0 := (oppr_le0, oppr_lt0).
Definition oppr_cp0 := (oppr_gte0, oppr_lte0).
Definition lter_oppE := (oppr_cp0, lter_opp2).
Lemma ge0_cp x : 0 ≤ x → (- x ≤ 0) × (- x ≤ x).
Lemma gt0_cp x : 0 < x →
(0 ≤ x) × (- x ≤ 0) × (- x ≤ x) × (- x < 0) × (- x < x).
Lemma le0_cp x : x ≤ 0 → (0 ≤ - x) × (x ≤ - x).
Lemma lt0_cp x :
x < 0 → (x ≤ 0) × (0 ≤ - x) × (x ≤ - x) × (0 < - x) × (x < - x).
Properties of the real subset.
Lemma ger0_real x : 0 ≤ x → x \is real.
Lemma ler0_real x : x ≤ 0 → x \is real.
Lemma gtr0_real x : 0 < x → x \is real.
Lemma ltr0_real x : x < 0 → x \is real.
Lemma real0 : 0 \is @real R.
Hint Resolve real0 : core.
Lemma real1 : 1 \is @real R.
Hint Resolve real1 : core.
Lemma realn n : n%:R \is @real R.
Lemma ler_leVge x y : x ≤ 0 → y ≤ 0 → (x ≤ y) || (y ≤ x).
Lemma real_leVge x y : x \is real → y \is real → (x ≤ y) || (y ≤ x).
Lemma real_comparable x y : x \is real → y \is real → x >=< y.
Lemma realB : {in real &, ∀ x y, x - y \is real}.
Lemma realN : {mono (@GRing.opp R) : x / x \is real}.
Lemma realBC x y : (x - y \is real) = (y - x \is real).
Lemma realD : {in real &, ∀ x y, x + y \is real}.
dichotomy and trichotomy
Variant ler_xor_gt (x y : R) : R → R → R → R → R → R →
bool → bool → Set :=
| LerNotGt of x ≤ y : ler_xor_gt x y x x y y (y - x) (y - x) true false
| GtrNotLe of y < x : ler_xor_gt x y y y x x (x - y) (x - y) false true.
Variant ltr_xor_ge (x y : R) : R → R → R → R → R → R →
bool → bool → Set :=
| LtrNotGe of x < y : ltr_xor_ge x y x x y y (y - x) (y - x) false true
| GerNotLt of y ≤ x : ltr_xor_ge x y y y x x (x - y) (x - y) true false.
Variant comparer x y : R → R → R → R → R → R →
bool → bool → bool → bool → bool → bool → Set :=
| ComparerLt of x < y : comparer x y x x y y (y - x) (y - x)
false false false true false true
| ComparerGt of x > y : comparer x y y y x x (x - y) (x - y)
false false true false true false
| ComparerEq of x = y : comparer x y x x x x 0 0
true true true true false false.
Lemma real_leP x y : x \is real → y \is real →
ler_xor_gt x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y)
`|x - y| `|y - x| (x ≤ y) (y < x).
Lemma real_ltP x y : x \is real → y \is real →
ltr_xor_ge x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y)
`|x - y| `|y - x| (y ≤ x) (x < y).
Lemma real_ltNge : {in real &, ∀ x y, (x < y) = ~~ (y ≤ x)}.
Lemma real_leNgt : {in real &, ∀ x y, (x ≤ y) = ~~ (y < x)}.
Lemma real_ltgtP x y : x \is real → y \is real →
comparer x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y) `|x - y| `|y - x|
(y == x) (x == y) (x ≥ y) (x ≤ y) (x > y) (x < y).
Variant ger0_xor_lt0 (x : R) : R → R → R → R → R →
bool → bool → Set :=
| Ger0NotLt0 of 0 ≤ x : ger0_xor_lt0 x 0 0 x x x false true
| Ltr0NotGe0 of x < 0 : ger0_xor_lt0 x x x 0 0 (- x) true false.
Variant ler0_xor_gt0 (x : R) : R → R → R → R → R →
bool → bool → Set :=
| Ler0NotLe0 of x ≤ 0 : ler0_xor_gt0 x x x 0 0 (- x) false true
| Gtr0NotGt0 of 0 < x : ler0_xor_gt0 x 0 0 x x x true false.
Variant comparer0 x : R → R → R → R → R →
bool → bool → bool → bool → bool → bool → Set :=
| ComparerGt0 of 0 < x : comparer0 x 0 0 x x x false false false true false true
| ComparerLt0 of x < 0 : comparer0 x x x 0 0 (- x) false false true false true false
| ComparerEq0 of x = 0 : comparer0 x 0 0 0 0 0 true true true true false false.
Lemma real_ge0P x : x \is real → ger0_xor_lt0 x
(min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (x < 0) (0 ≤ x).
Lemma real_le0P x : x \is real → ler0_xor_gt0 x
(min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (0 < x) (x ≤ 0).
Lemma real_ltgt0P x : x \is real →
comparer0 x (min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (0 == x) (x == 0) (x ≤ 0) (0 ≤ x) (x < 0) (x > 0).
Lemma max_real : {in real &, ∀ x y, max x y \is real}.
Lemma min_real : {in real &, ∀ x y, min x y \is real}.
Lemma bigmax_real I x0 (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (f : I → R):
x0 \is real → {in P, ∀ i : I, f i \is real} →
\big[max/x0]_(i <- r | P i) f i \is real.
Lemma bigmin_real I x0 (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (f : I → R):
x0 \is real → {in P, ∀ i : I, f i \is real} →
\big[min/x0]_(i <- r | P i) f i \is real.
Lemma real_neqr_lt : {in real &, ∀ x y, (x != y) = (x < y) || (y < x)}.
Lemma ler_sub_real x y : x ≤ y → y - x \is real.
Lemma ger_sub_real x y : x ≤ y → x - y \is real.
Lemma ler_real y x : x ≤ y → (x \is real) = (y \is real).
Lemma ger_real x y : y ≤ x → (x \is real) = (y \is real).
Lemma ger1_real x : 1 ≤ x → x \is real.
Lemma ler1_real x : x ≤ 1 → x \is real.
Lemma Nreal_leF x y : y \is real → x \notin real → (x ≤ y) = false.
Lemma Nreal_geF x y : y \is real → x \notin real → (y ≤ x) = false.
Lemma Nreal_ltF x y : y \is real → x \notin real → (x < y) = false.
Lemma Nreal_gtF x y : y \is real → x \notin real → (y < x) = false.
real wlog
Lemma real_wlog_ler P :
(∀ a b, P b a → P a b) → (∀ a b, a ≤ b → P a b) →
∀ a b : R, a \is real → b \is real → P a b.
Lemma real_wlog_ltr P :
(∀ a, P a a) → (∀ a b, (P b a → P a b)) →
(∀ a b, a < b → P a b) →
∀ a b : R, a \is real → b \is real → P a b.
Monotony of addition
Lemma ler_add2l x : {mono +%R x : y z / y ≤ z}.
Lemma ler_add2r x : {mono +%R^~ x : y z / y ≤ z}.
Lemma ltr_add2l x : {mono +%R x : y z / y < z}.
Lemma ltr_add2r x : {mono +%R^~ x : y z / y < z}.
Definition ler_add2 := (ler_add2l, ler_add2r).
Definition ltr_add2 := (ltr_add2l, ltr_add2r).
Definition lter_add2 := (ler_add2, ltr_add2).
Lemma ler_add2r x : {mono +%R^~ x : y z / y ≤ z}.
Lemma ltr_add2l x : {mono +%R x : y z / y < z}.
Lemma ltr_add2r x : {mono +%R^~ x : y z / y < z}.
Definition ler_add2 := (ler_add2l, ler_add2r).
Definition ltr_add2 := (ltr_add2l, ltr_add2r).
Definition lter_add2 := (ler_add2, ltr_add2).
Addition, subtraction and transitivity
Lemma ler_add x y z t : x ≤ y → z ≤ t → x + z ≤ y + t.
Lemma ler_lt_add x y z t : x ≤ y → z < t → x + z < y + t.
Lemma ltr_le_add x y z t : x < y → z ≤ t → x + z < y + t.
Lemma ltr_add x y z t : x < y → z < t → x + z < y + t.
Lemma ler_sub x y z t : x ≤ y → t ≤ z → x - z ≤ y - t.
Lemma ler_lt_sub x y z t : x ≤ y → t < z → x - z < y - t.
Lemma ltr_le_sub x y z t : x < y → t ≤ z → x - z < y - t.
Lemma ltr_sub x y z t : x < y → t < z → x - z < y - t.
Lemma ler_subl_addr x y z : (x - y ≤ z) = (x ≤ z + y).
Lemma ltr_subl_addr x y z : (x - y < z) = (x < z + y).
Lemma ler_subr_addr x y z : (x ≤ y - z) = (x + z ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_subr_addr x y z : (x < y - z) = (x + z < y).
Definition ler_sub_addr := (ler_subl_addr, ler_subr_addr).
Definition ltr_sub_addr := (ltr_subl_addr, ltr_subr_addr).
Definition lter_sub_addr := (ler_sub_addr, ltr_sub_addr).
Lemma ler_subl_addl x y z : (x - y ≤ z) = (x ≤ y + z).
Lemma ltr_subl_addl x y z : (x - y < z) = (x < y + z).
Lemma ler_subr_addl x y z : (x ≤ y - z) = (z + x ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_subr_addl x y z : (x < y - z) = (z + x < y).
Definition ler_sub_addl := (ler_subl_addl, ler_subr_addl).
Definition ltr_sub_addl := (ltr_subl_addl, ltr_subr_addl).
Definition lter_sub_addl := (ler_sub_addl, ltr_sub_addl).
Lemma ler_addl x y : (x ≤ x + y) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_addl x y : (x < x + y) = (0 < y).
Lemma ler_addr x y : (x ≤ y + x) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_addr x y : (x < y + x) = (0 < y).
Lemma ger_addl x y : (x + y ≤ x) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma gtr_addl x y : (x + y < x) = (y < 0).
Lemma ger_addr x y : (y + x ≤ x) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma gtr_addr x y : (y + x < x) = (y < 0).
Definition cpr_add := (ler_addl, ler_addr, ger_addl, ger_addl,
ltr_addl, ltr_addr, gtr_addl, gtr_addl).
Lemma ler_lt_add x y z t : x ≤ y → z < t → x + z < y + t.
Lemma ltr_le_add x y z t : x < y → z ≤ t → x + z < y + t.
Lemma ltr_add x y z t : x < y → z < t → x + z < y + t.
Lemma ler_sub x y z t : x ≤ y → t ≤ z → x - z ≤ y - t.
Lemma ler_lt_sub x y z t : x ≤ y → t < z → x - z < y - t.
Lemma ltr_le_sub x y z t : x < y → t ≤ z → x - z < y - t.
Lemma ltr_sub x y z t : x < y → t < z → x - z < y - t.
Lemma ler_subl_addr x y z : (x - y ≤ z) = (x ≤ z + y).
Lemma ltr_subl_addr x y z : (x - y < z) = (x < z + y).
Lemma ler_subr_addr x y z : (x ≤ y - z) = (x + z ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_subr_addr x y z : (x < y - z) = (x + z < y).
Definition ler_sub_addr := (ler_subl_addr, ler_subr_addr).
Definition ltr_sub_addr := (ltr_subl_addr, ltr_subr_addr).
Definition lter_sub_addr := (ler_sub_addr, ltr_sub_addr).
Lemma ler_subl_addl x y z : (x - y ≤ z) = (x ≤ y + z).
Lemma ltr_subl_addl x y z : (x - y < z) = (x < y + z).
Lemma ler_subr_addl x y z : (x ≤ y - z) = (z + x ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_subr_addl x y z : (x < y - z) = (z + x < y).
Definition ler_sub_addl := (ler_subl_addl, ler_subr_addl).
Definition ltr_sub_addl := (ltr_subl_addl, ltr_subr_addl).
Definition lter_sub_addl := (ler_sub_addl, ltr_sub_addl).
Lemma ler_addl x y : (x ≤ x + y) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_addl x y : (x < x + y) = (0 < y).
Lemma ler_addr x y : (x ≤ y + x) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma ltr_addr x y : (x < y + x) = (0 < y).
Lemma ger_addl x y : (x + y ≤ x) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma gtr_addl x y : (x + y < x) = (y < 0).
Lemma ger_addr x y : (y + x ≤ x) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma gtr_addr x y : (y + x < x) = (y < 0).
Definition cpr_add := (ler_addl, ler_addr, ger_addl, ger_addl,
ltr_addl, ltr_addr, gtr_addl, gtr_addl).
Addition with left member knwon to be positive/negative
Lemma ler_paddl y x z : 0 ≤ x → y ≤ z → y ≤ x + z.
Lemma ltr_paddl y x z : 0 ≤ x → y < z → y < x + z.
Lemma ltr_spaddl y x z : 0 < x → y ≤ z → y < x + z.
Lemma ltr_spsaddl y x z : 0 < x → y < z → y < x + z.
Lemma ler_naddl y x z : x ≤ 0 → y ≤ z → x + y ≤ z.
Lemma ltr_naddl y x z : x ≤ 0 → y < z → x + y < z.
Lemma ltr_snaddl y x z : x < 0 → y ≤ z → x + y < z.
Lemma ltr_snsaddl y x z : x < 0 → y < z → x + y < z.
Lemma ltr_paddl y x z : 0 ≤ x → y < z → y < x + z.
Lemma ltr_spaddl y x z : 0 < x → y ≤ z → y < x + z.
Lemma ltr_spsaddl y x z : 0 < x → y < z → y < x + z.
Lemma ler_naddl y x z : x ≤ 0 → y ≤ z → x + y ≤ z.
Lemma ltr_naddl y x z : x ≤ 0 → y < z → x + y < z.
Lemma ltr_snaddl y x z : x < 0 → y ≤ z → x + y < z.
Lemma ltr_snsaddl y x z : x < 0 → y < z → x + y < z.
Addition with right member we know positive/negative
Lemma ler_paddr y x z : 0 ≤ x → y ≤ z → y ≤ z + x.
Lemma ltr_paddr y x z : 0 ≤ x → y < z → y < z + x.
Lemma ltr_spaddr y x z : 0 < x → y ≤ z → y < z + x.
Lemma ltr_spsaddr y x z : 0 < x → y < z → y < z + x.
Lemma ler_naddr y x z : x ≤ 0 → y ≤ z → y + x ≤ z.
Lemma ltr_naddr y x z : x ≤ 0 → y < z → y + x < z.
Lemma ltr_snaddr y x z : x < 0 → y ≤ z → y + x < z.
Lemma ltr_snsaddr y x z : x < 0 → y < z → y + x < z.
Lemma ltr_paddr y x z : 0 ≤ x → y < z → y < z + x.
Lemma ltr_spaddr y x z : 0 < x → y ≤ z → y < z + x.
Lemma ltr_spsaddr y x z : 0 < x → y < z → y < z + x.
Lemma ler_naddr y x z : x ≤ 0 → y ≤ z → y + x ≤ z.
Lemma ltr_naddr y x z : x ≤ 0 → y < z → y + x < z.
Lemma ltr_snaddr y x z : x < 0 → y ≤ z → y + x < z.
Lemma ltr_snsaddr y x z : x < 0 → y < z → y + x < z.
x and y have the same sign and their sum is null
Lemma paddr_eq0 (x y : R) :
0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
Lemma naddr_eq0 (x y : R) :
x ≤ 0 → y ≤ 0 → (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
Lemma addr_ss_eq0 (x y : R) :
(0 ≤ x) && (0 ≤ y) || (x ≤ 0) && (y ≤ 0) →
(x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
Lemma naddr_eq0 (x y : R) :
x ≤ 0 → y ≤ 0 → (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
Lemma addr_ss_eq0 (x y : R) :
(0 ≤ x) && (0 ≤ y) || (x ≤ 0) && (y ≤ 0) →
(x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
big sum and ler
Lemma sumr_ge0 I (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → (0 ≤ F i)) → 0 ≤ \sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i).
Lemma ler_sum I (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F G : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → F i ≤ G i) →
\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i ≤ \sum_(i <- r | P i) G i.
Lemma ler_sum_nat (m n : nat) (F G : nat → R) :
(∀ i, (m ≤ i < n)%N → F i ≤ G i) →
\sum_(m ≤ i < n) F i ≤ \sum_(m ≤ i < n) G i.
Lemma psumr_eq0 (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) →
(\sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i) == 0) = (all (fun i ⇒ (P i) ==> (F i == 0)) r).
(∀ i, P i → (0 ≤ F i)) → 0 ≤ \sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i).
Lemma ler_sum I (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F G : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → F i ≤ G i) →
\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i ≤ \sum_(i <- r | P i) G i.
Lemma ler_sum_nat (m n : nat) (F G : nat → R) :
(∀ i, (m ≤ i < n)%N → F i ≤ G i) →
\sum_(m ≤ i < n) F i ≤ \sum_(m ≤ i < n) G i.
Lemma psumr_eq0 (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) →
(\sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i) == 0) = (all (fun i ⇒ (P i) ==> (F i == 0)) r).
:TODO: Cyril : See which form to keep
Lemma psumr_eq0P (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) → \sum_(i | P i) F i = 0 →
(∀ i, P i → F i = 0).
Lemma psumr_neq0 (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) →
(\sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i) != 0) = (has (fun i ⇒ P i && (0 < F i)) r).
Lemma psumr_neq0P (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) → \sum_(i | P i) F i ≠ 0 →
(∃ i, P i && (0 < F i)).
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) → \sum_(i | P i) F i = 0 →
(∀ i, P i → F i = 0).
Lemma psumr_neq0 (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) →
(\sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i) != 0) = (has (fun i ⇒ P i && (0 < F i)) r).
Lemma psumr_neq0P (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ F i) → \sum_(i | P i) F i ≠ 0 →
(∃ i, P i && (0 < F i)).
mulr and ler/ltr
Lemma ler_pmul2l x : 0 < x → {mono *%R x : x y / x ≤ y}.
Lemma ltr_pmul2l x : 0 < x → {mono *%R x : x y / x < y}.
Definition lter_pmul2l := (ler_pmul2l, ltr_pmul2l).
Lemma ler_pmul2r x : 0 < x → {mono *%R^~ x : x y / x ≤ y}.
Lemma ltr_pmul2r x : 0 < x → {mono *%R^~ x : x y / x < y}.
Definition lter_pmul2r := (ler_pmul2r, ltr_pmul2r).
Lemma ler_nmul2l x : x < 0 → {mono *%R x : x y /~ x ≤ y}.
Lemma ltr_nmul2l x : x < 0 → {mono *%R x : x y /~ x < y}.
Definition lter_nmul2l := (ler_nmul2l, ltr_nmul2l).
Lemma ler_nmul2r x : x < 0 → {mono *%R^~ x : x y /~ x ≤ y}.
Lemma ltr_nmul2r x : x < 0 → {mono *%R^~ x : x y /~ x < y}.
Definition lter_nmul2r := (ler_nmul2r, ltr_nmul2r).
Lemma ler_wpmul2l x : 0 ≤ x → {homo *%R x : y z / y ≤ z}.
Lemma ler_wpmul2r x : 0 ≤ x → {homo *%R^~ x : y z / y ≤ z}.
Lemma ler_wnmul2l x : x ≤ 0 → {homo *%R x : y z /~ y ≤ z}.
Lemma ler_wnmul2r x : x ≤ 0 → {homo *%R^~ x : y z /~ y ≤ z}.
Binary forms, for backchaining.
Lemma ler_pmul x1 y1 x2 y2 :
0 ≤ x1 → 0 ≤ x2 → x1 ≤ y1 → x2 ≤ y2 → x1 × x2 ≤ y1 × y2.
Lemma ltr_pmul x1 y1 x2 y2 :
0 ≤ x1 → 0 ≤ x2 → x1 < y1 → x2 < y2 → x1 × x2 < y1 × y2.
complement for x *+ n and <= or <
Lemma ler_pmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N → {mono (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x ≤ y}.
Lemma ltr_pmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N → {mono (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x < y}.
Lemma pmulrnI n : (0 < n)%N → injective ((@GRing.natmul R)^~ n).
Lemma eqr_pmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N → {mono (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x == y}.
Lemma pmulrn_lgt0 x n : (0 < n)%N → (0 < x *+ n) = (0 < x).
Lemma pmulrn_llt0 x n : (0 < n)%N → (x *+ n < 0) = (x < 0).
Lemma pmulrn_lge0 x n : (0 < n)%N → (0 ≤ x *+ n) = (0 ≤ x).
Lemma pmulrn_lle0 x n : (0 < n)%N → (x *+ n ≤ 0) = (x ≤ 0).
Lemma ltr_wmuln2r x y n : x < y → (x *+ n < y *+ n) = (0 < n)%N.
Lemma ltr_wpmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N → {homo (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x < y}.
Lemma ler_wmuln2r n : {homo (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x ≤ y}.
Lemma mulrn_wge0 x n : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ x *+ n.
Lemma mulrn_wle0 x n : x ≤ 0 → x *+ n ≤ 0.
Lemma ler_muln2r n x y : (x *+ n ≤ y *+ n) = ((n == 0%N) || (x ≤ y)).
Lemma ltr_muln2r n x y : (x *+ n < y *+ n) = ((0 < n)%N && (x < y)).
Lemma eqr_muln2r n x y : (x *+ n == y *+ n) = (n == 0)%N || (x == y).
More characteristic zero properties.
Lemma mulrn_eq0 x n : (x *+ n == 0) = ((n == 0)%N || (x == 0)).
Lemma eqNr x : (- x == x) = (x == 0).
Lemma mulrIn x : x != 0 → injective (GRing.natmul x).
Lemma ler_wpmuln2l x :
0 ≤ x → {homo (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (m ≤ n)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ler_wnmuln2l x :
x ≤ 0 → {homo (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (n ≤ m)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma mulrn_wgt0 x n : 0 < x → 0 < x *+ n = (0 < n)%N.
Lemma mulrn_wlt0 x n : x < 0 → x *+ n < 0 = (0 < n)%N.
Lemma ler_pmuln2l x :
0 < x → {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (m ≤ n)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ltr_pmuln2l x :
0 < x → {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (m < n)%N >-> m < n}.
Lemma ler_nmuln2l x :
x < 0 → {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (n ≤ m)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ltr_nmuln2l x :
x < 0 → {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (n < m)%N >-> m < n}.
Lemma ler_nat m n : (m%:R ≤ n%:R :> R) = (m ≤ n)%N.
Lemma ltr_nat m n : (m%:R < n%:R :> R) = (m < n)%N.
Lemma eqr_nat m n : (m%:R == n%:R :> R) = (m == n)%N.
Lemma pnatr_eq1 n : (n%:R == 1 :> R) = (n == 1)%N.
Lemma lern0 n : (n%:R ≤ 0 :> R) = (n == 0%N).
Lemma ltrn0 n : (n%:R < 0 :> R) = false.
Lemma ler1n n : 1 ≤ n%:R :> R = (1 ≤ n)%N.
Lemma ltr1n n : 1 < n%:R :> R = (1 < n)%N.
Lemma lern1 n : n%:R ≤ 1 :> R = (n ≤ 1)%N.
Lemma ltrn1 n : n%:R < 1 :> R = (n < 1)%N.
Lemma ltrN10 : -1 < 0 :> R.
Lemma lerN10 : -1 ≤ 0 :> R.
Lemma ltr10 : 1 < 0 :> R = false.
Lemma ler10 : 1 ≤ 0 :> R = false.
Lemma ltr0N1 : 0 < -1 :> R = false.
Lemma ler0N1 : 0 ≤ -1 :> R = false.
Lemma pmulrn_rgt0 x n : 0 < x → 0 < x *+ n = (0 < n)%N.
Lemma pmulrn_rlt0 x n : 0 < x → x *+ n < 0 = false.
Lemma pmulrn_rge0 x n : 0 < x → 0 ≤ x *+ n.
Lemma pmulrn_rle0 x n : 0 < x → x *+ n ≤ 0 = (n == 0)%N.
Lemma nmulrn_rgt0 x n : x < 0 → 0 < x *+ n = false.
Lemma nmulrn_rge0 x n : x < 0 → 0 ≤ x *+ n = (n == 0)%N.
Lemma nmulrn_rle0 x n : x < 0 → x *+ n ≤ 0.
(x * y) compared to 0
Remark : pmulr_rgt0 and pmulr_rge0 are defined above
x positive and y right
Lemma pmulr_rlt0 x y : 0 < x → (x × y < 0) = (y < 0).
Lemma pmulr_rle0 x y : 0 < x → (x × y ≤ 0) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma pmulr_rle0 x y : 0 < x → (x × y ≤ 0) = (y ≤ 0).
x positive and y left
Lemma pmulr_lgt0 x y : 0 < x → (0 < y × x) = (0 < y).
Lemma pmulr_lge0 x y : 0 < x → (0 ≤ y × x) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma pmulr_llt0 x y : 0 < x → (y × x < 0) = (y < 0).
Lemma pmulr_lle0 x y : 0 < x → (y × x ≤ 0) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma pmulr_lge0 x y : 0 < x → (0 ≤ y × x) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma pmulr_llt0 x y : 0 < x → (y × x < 0) = (y < 0).
Lemma pmulr_lle0 x y : 0 < x → (y × x ≤ 0) = (y ≤ 0).
x negative and y right
Lemma nmulr_rgt0 x y : x < 0 → (0 < x × y) = (y < 0).
Lemma nmulr_rge0 x y : x < 0 → (0 ≤ x × y) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma nmulr_rlt0 x y : x < 0 → (x × y < 0) = (0 < y).
Lemma nmulr_rle0 x y : x < 0 → (x × y ≤ 0) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma nmulr_rge0 x y : x < 0 → (0 ≤ x × y) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma nmulr_rlt0 x y : x < 0 → (x × y < 0) = (0 < y).
Lemma nmulr_rle0 x y : x < 0 → (x × y ≤ 0) = (0 ≤ y).
x negative and y left
Lemma nmulr_lgt0 x y : x < 0 → (0 < y × x) = (y < 0).
Lemma nmulr_lge0 x y : x < 0 → (0 ≤ y × x) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma nmulr_llt0 x y : x < 0 → (y × x < 0) = (0 < y).
Lemma nmulr_lle0 x y : x < 0 → (y × x ≤ 0) = (0 ≤ y).
Lemma nmulr_lge0 x y : x < 0 → (0 ≤ y × x) = (y ≤ 0).
Lemma nmulr_llt0 x y : x < 0 → (y × x < 0) = (0 < y).
Lemma nmulr_lle0 x y : x < 0 → (y × x ≤ 0) = (0 ≤ y).
weak and symmetric lemmas
Lemma mulr_ge0 x y : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → 0 ≤ x × y.
Lemma mulr_le0 x y : x ≤ 0 → y ≤ 0 → 0 ≤ x × y.
Lemma mulr_ge0_le0 x y : 0 ≤ x → y ≤ 0 → x × y ≤ 0.
Lemma mulr_le0_ge0 x y : x ≤ 0 → 0 ≤ y → x × y ≤ 0.
Lemma mulr_le0 x y : x ≤ 0 → y ≤ 0 → 0 ≤ x × y.
Lemma mulr_ge0_le0 x y : 0 ≤ x → y ≤ 0 → x × y ≤ 0.
Lemma mulr_le0_ge0 x y : x ≤ 0 → 0 ≤ y → x × y ≤ 0.
mulr_gt0 with only one case
and reverse direction
Iterated products
Lemma prodr_ge0 I r (P : pred I) (E : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ E i) → 0 ≤ \prod_(i <- r | P i) E i.
Lemma prodr_gt0 I r (P : pred I) (E : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 < E i) → 0 < \prod_(i <- r | P i) E i.
Lemma ler_prod I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I → R) :
(∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ E1 i ≤ E2 i) →
\prod_(i <- r | P i) E1 i ≤ \prod_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
Lemma ltr_prod I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I → R) :
has P r → (∀ i, P i → 0 ≤ E1 i < E2 i) →
\prod_(i <- r | P i) E1 i < \prod_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
Lemma ltr_prod_nat (E1 E2 : nat → R) (n m : nat) :
(m < n)%N → (∀ i, (m ≤ i < n)%N → 0 ≤ E1 i < E2 i) →
\prod_(m ≤ i < n) E1 i < \prod_(m ≤ i < n) E2 i.
real of mul
Lemma realMr x y : x != 0 → x \is real → (x × y \is real) = (y \is real).
Lemma realrM x y : y != 0 → y \is real → (x × y \is real) = (x \is real).
Lemma realM : {in real &, ∀ x y, x × y \is real}.
Lemma realrMn x n : (n != 0)%N → (x *+ n \is real) = (x \is real).
ler/ltr and multiplication between a positive/negative
Lemma ger_pmull x y : 0 < y → (x × y ≤ y) = (x ≤ 1).
Lemma gtr_pmull x y : 0 < y → (x × y < y) = (x < 1).
Lemma ger_pmulr x y : 0 < y → (y × x ≤ y) = (x ≤ 1).
Lemma gtr_pmulr x y : 0 < y → (y × x < y) = (x < 1).
Lemma ler_pmull x y : 0 < y → (y ≤ x × y) = (1 ≤ x).
Lemma ltr_pmull x y : 0 < y → (y < x × y) = (1 < x).
Lemma ler_pmulr x y : 0 < y → (y ≤ y × x) = (1 ≤ x).
Lemma ltr_pmulr x y : 0 < y → (y < y × x) = (1 < x).
Lemma ger_nmull x y : y < 0 → (x × y ≤ y) = (1 ≤ x).
Lemma gtr_nmull x y : y < 0 → (x × y < y) = (1 < x).
Lemma ger_nmulr x y : y < 0 → (y × x ≤ y) = (1 ≤ x).
Lemma gtr_nmulr x y : y < 0 → (y × x < y) = (1 < x).
Lemma ler_nmull x y : y < 0 → (y ≤ x × y) = (x ≤ 1).
Lemma ltr_nmull x y : y < 0 → (y < x × y) = (x < 1).
Lemma ler_nmulr x y : y < 0 → (y ≤ y × x) = (x ≤ 1).
Lemma ltr_nmulr x y : y < 0 → (y < y × x) = (x < 1).
ler/ltr and multiplication between a positive/negative
and a exterior (1 <= _) or interior (0 <= _ <= 1)
Lemma ler_pemull x y : 0 ≤ y → 1 ≤ x → y ≤ x × y.
Lemma ler_nemull x y : y ≤ 0 → 1 ≤ x → x × y ≤ y.
Lemma ler_pemulr x y : 0 ≤ y → 1 ≤ x → y ≤ y × x.
Lemma ler_nemulr x y : y ≤ 0 → 1 ≤ x → y × x ≤ y.
Lemma ler_pimull x y : 0 ≤ y → x ≤ 1 → x × y ≤ y.
Lemma ler_nimull x y : y ≤ 0 → x ≤ 1 → y ≤ x × y.
Lemma ler_pimulr x y : 0 ≤ y → x ≤ 1 → y × x ≤ y.
Lemma ler_nimulr x y : y ≤ 0 → x ≤ 1 → y ≤ y × x.
Lemma mulr_ile1 x y : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → x ≤ 1 → y ≤ 1 → x × y ≤ 1.
Lemma mulr_ilt1 x y : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → x < 1 → y < 1 → x × y < 1.
Definition mulr_ilte1 := (mulr_ile1, mulr_ilt1).
Lemma mulr_ege1 x y : 1 ≤ x → 1 ≤ y → 1 ≤ x × y.
Lemma mulr_egt1 x y : 1 < x → 1 < y → 1 < x × y.
Definition mulr_egte1 := (mulr_ege1, mulr_egt1).
Definition mulr_cp1 := (mulr_ilte1, mulr_egte1).
ler and ^-1
Lemma invr_gt0 x : (0 < x^-1) = (0 < x).
Lemma invr_ge0 x : (0 ≤ x^-1) = (0 ≤ x).
Lemma invr_lt0 x : (x^-1 < 0) = (x < 0).
Lemma invr_le0 x : (x^-1 ≤ 0) = (x ≤ 0).
Definition invr_gte0 := (invr_ge0, invr_gt0).
Definition invr_lte0 := (invr_le0, invr_lt0).
Lemma divr_ge0 x y : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → 0 ≤ x / y.
Lemma divr_gt0 x y : 0 < x → 0 < y → 0 < x / y.
Lemma realV : {mono (@GRing.inv R) : x / x \is real}.
ler and exprn
Lemma exprn_ge0 n x : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ x ^+ n.
Lemma realX n : {in real, ∀ x, x ^+ n \is real}.
Lemma exprn_gt0 n x : 0 < x → 0 < x ^+ n.
Definition exprn_gte0 := (exprn_ge0, exprn_gt0).
Lemma exprn_ile1 n x : 0 ≤ x → x ≤ 1 → x ^+ n ≤ 1.
Lemma exprn_ilt1 n x : 0 ≤ x → x < 1 → x ^+ n < 1 = (n != 0%N).
Definition exprn_ilte1 := (exprn_ile1, exprn_ilt1).
Lemma exprn_ege1 n x : 1 ≤ x → 1 ≤ x ^+ n.
Lemma exprn_egt1 n x : 1 < x → 1 < x ^+ n = (n != 0%N).
Definition exprn_egte1 := (exprn_ege1, exprn_egt1).
Definition exprn_cp1 := (exprn_ilte1, exprn_egte1).
Lemma ler_iexpr x n : (0 < n)%N → 0 ≤ x → x ≤ 1 → x ^+ n ≤ x.
Lemma ltr_iexpr x n : 0 < x → x < 1 → (x ^+ n < x) = (1 < n)%N.
Definition lter_iexpr := (ler_iexpr, ltr_iexpr).
Lemma ler_eexpr x n : (0 < n)%N → 1 ≤ x → x ≤ x ^+ n.
Lemma ltr_eexpr x n : 1 < x → (x < x ^+ n) = (1 < n)%N.
Definition lter_eexpr := (ler_eexpr, ltr_eexpr).
Definition lter_expr := (lter_iexpr, lter_eexpr).
Lemma ler_wiexpn2l x :
0 ≤ x → x ≤ 1 → {homo (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n ≤ m)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ler_weexpn2l x :
1 ≤ x → {homo (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m ≤ n)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ieexprn_weq1 x n : 0 ≤ x → (x ^+ n == 1) = ((n == 0%N) || (x == 1)).
Lemma ieexprIn x : 0 < x → x != 1 → injective (GRing.exp x).
Lemma ler_iexpn2l x :
0 < x → x < 1 → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n ≤ m)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ltr_iexpn2l x :
0 < x → x < 1 → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n < m)%N >-> m < n}.
Definition lter_iexpn2l := (ler_iexpn2l, ltr_iexpn2l).
Lemma ler_eexpn2l x :
1 < x → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m ≤ n)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ltr_eexpn2l x :
1 < x → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m < n)%N >-> m < n}.
Definition lter_eexpn2l := (ler_eexpn2l, ltr_eexpn2l).
Lemma ltr_expn2r n x y : 0 ≤ x → x < y → x ^+ n < y ^+ n = (n != 0%N).
Lemma ler_expn2r n : {in nneg & , {homo ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x ≤ y}}.
Definition lter_expn2r := (ler_expn2r, ltr_expn2r).
Lemma ltr_wpexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N → {in nneg & , {homo ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x < y}}.
Lemma ler_pexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N → {in nneg & , {mono ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x ≤ y}}.
Lemma ltr_pexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N → {in nneg & , {mono (
Lemma realX n : {in real, ∀ x, x ^+ n \is real}.
Lemma exprn_gt0 n x : 0 < x → 0 < x ^+ n.
Definition exprn_gte0 := (exprn_ge0, exprn_gt0).
Lemma exprn_ile1 n x : 0 ≤ x → x ≤ 1 → x ^+ n ≤ 1.
Lemma exprn_ilt1 n x : 0 ≤ x → x < 1 → x ^+ n < 1 = (n != 0%N).
Definition exprn_ilte1 := (exprn_ile1, exprn_ilt1).
Lemma exprn_ege1 n x : 1 ≤ x → 1 ≤ x ^+ n.
Lemma exprn_egt1 n x : 1 < x → 1 < x ^+ n = (n != 0%N).
Definition exprn_egte1 := (exprn_ege1, exprn_egt1).
Definition exprn_cp1 := (exprn_ilte1, exprn_egte1).
Lemma ler_iexpr x n : (0 < n)%N → 0 ≤ x → x ≤ 1 → x ^+ n ≤ x.
Lemma ltr_iexpr x n : 0 < x → x < 1 → (x ^+ n < x) = (1 < n)%N.
Definition lter_iexpr := (ler_iexpr, ltr_iexpr).
Lemma ler_eexpr x n : (0 < n)%N → 1 ≤ x → x ≤ x ^+ n.
Lemma ltr_eexpr x n : 1 < x → (x < x ^+ n) = (1 < n)%N.
Definition lter_eexpr := (ler_eexpr, ltr_eexpr).
Definition lter_expr := (lter_iexpr, lter_eexpr).
Lemma ler_wiexpn2l x :
0 ≤ x → x ≤ 1 → {homo (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n ≤ m)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ler_weexpn2l x :
1 ≤ x → {homo (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m ≤ n)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ieexprn_weq1 x n : 0 ≤ x → (x ^+ n == 1) = ((n == 0%N) || (x == 1)).
Lemma ieexprIn x : 0 < x → x != 1 → injective (GRing.exp x).
Lemma ler_iexpn2l x :
0 < x → x < 1 → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n ≤ m)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ltr_iexpn2l x :
0 < x → x < 1 → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n < m)%N >-> m < n}.
Definition lter_iexpn2l := (ler_iexpn2l, ltr_iexpn2l).
Lemma ler_eexpn2l x :
1 < x → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m ≤ n)%N >-> m ≤ n}.
Lemma ltr_eexpn2l x :
1 < x → {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m < n)%N >-> m < n}.
Definition lter_eexpn2l := (ler_eexpn2l, ltr_eexpn2l).
Lemma ltr_expn2r n x y : 0 ≤ x → x < y → x ^+ n < y ^+ n = (n != 0%N).
Lemma ler_expn2r n : {in nneg & , {homo ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x ≤ y}}.
Definition lter_expn2r := (ler_expn2r, ltr_expn2r).
Lemma ltr_wpexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N → {in nneg & , {homo ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x < y}}.
Lemma ler_pexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N → {in nneg & , {mono ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x ≤ y}}.
Lemma ltr_pexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N → {in nneg & , {mono (