Library mathcomp.analysis.normedtype

(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C.              *)
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssrnat eqtype choice.
From mathcomp Require Import seq fintype bigop order ssralg ssrint ssrnum.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap matrix interval zmodp vector fieldext.
From mathcomp Require Import falgebra.
Require Import boolp ereal reals cardinality.
Require Import classical_sets posnum nngnum topology prodnormedzmodule.

This file extends the topological hierarchy with norm-related notions.
Note that balls in topology.v are not necessarily open, here they are.

Normed Topological Abelian groups:

pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R == interface type for a normed topological Abelian group equipped with a norm PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Mixin nb == builds the mixin for a normed topological Abelian group from the compatibility between the norm and balls; the carrier type must have a normed Zmodule over a numDomainType.

Normed modules :

normedModType K == interface type for a normed module structure over the numDomainType K. NormedModMixin normZ == builds the mixin for a normed module from the property of the linearity of the norm; the carrier type must have a pseudoMetricNormedZmodType structure NormedModType K T m == packs the mixin m to build a normedModType K; T must have canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K and pseudoMetricType structures. [normedModType K of T for cT] == T-clone of the normedModType K structure cT. [normedModType K of T] == clone of a canonical normedModType K structure on T. `|x| == the norm of x (notation from ssrnum). ball_norm == balls defined by the norm. nbhs_norm == neighborhoods defined by the norm. closed_ball == closure of a ball. f @` [ a , b ], f @` ] a , b [ == notations for images of intervals, intended for continuous, monotonous functions, defined in ring_scope and classical_set_scope respectively as: f @` [ a , b ] := ` [minr (f a) (f b), maxr (f a) (f b) ]%O f @` ] a , b [ := ` ]minr (f a) (f b), maxr (f a) (f b) [%O f @` [ a , b ] := ` [minr (f a) (f b), maxr (f a) (f b) ]%classic f @` ] a , b [ := ` ]minr (f a) (f b), maxr (f a) (f b) [%classic

Domination notations:

dominated_by h k f F == `|f| <= k * `|h|, near F bounded_near f F == f is bounded near F [bounded f x | x in A] == f is bounded on A, ie F := globally A [locally [bounded f x | x in A] == f is locally bounded on A bounded_set == set of bounded sets. := [set A | [bounded x | x in A] ] bounded_fun == set of functions bounded on their whole domain. := [set f | [bounded f x | x in setT] ] lipschitz_on f F == f is lipschitz near F [lipschitz f x | x in A] == f is lipschitz on A [locally [lipschitz f x | x in A] == f is locally lipschitz on A k.-lipschitz_on f F == f is k.-lipschitz near F k.-lipschitz_A f == f is k.-lipschitz on A [locally k.-lipschitz_A f] == f is locally k.-lipschitz on A
is_interval E == the set E is an interval Rhull E == the real interval hull of a set shift x y == y + x center c := shift (- c)

Complete normed modules :

completeNormedModType K == interface type for a complete normed module structure over a realFieldType K. [completeNormedModType K of T] == clone of a canonical complete normed module structure over K on T.

Filters :

at_left x, at_right x == filters on real numbers for predicates s.t. nbhs holds on the left/right of x --> We used these definitions to prove the intermediate value theorem and the Heine-Borel theorem, which states that the compact sets of R^n are the closed and bounded sets.

Reserved Notation "f @`[ a , b ]" (at level 20, b at level 9,
  format "f @`[ a , b ]").
Reserved Notation "f @`] a , b [" (at level 20, b at level 9,
  format "f @`] a , b [").

Set Implicit Arguments.

Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldTopology.Exports.

Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Definition pointed_of_zmodule (R : zmodType) : pointedType := PointedType R 0.

Definition filtered_of_normedZmod (K : numDomainType) (R : normedZmodType K)
  : filteredType R := Filtered.Pack (Filtered.Class
    (@Pointed.class (pointed_of_zmodule R))
    (nbhs_ball_ (ball_ (fun x`|x|)))).

Section pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain.
Variables (K : numDomainType) (R : normedZmodType K).
Lemma ball_norm_center (x : R) (e : K) : 0 < e ball_ normr x e x.
Lemma ball_norm_symmetric (x y : R) (e : K) :
  ball_ normr x e y ball_ normr y e x.
Lemma ball_norm_triangle (x y z : R) (e1 e2 : K) :
  ball_ normr x e1 y ball_ normr y e2 z ball_ normr x (e1 + e2) z.
Definition pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain
  : PseudoMetric.mixin_of K (@entourage_ K R R (ball_ (fun x`|x|)))
  := PseudoMetricMixin ball_norm_center ball_norm_symmetric ball_norm_triangle erefl.

Lemma nbhs_ball_normE :
  @nbhs_ball_ K R R (ball_ normr) = nbhs_ (entourage_ (ball_ normr)).
End pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain.

Lemma nbhsN (R : numFieldType) (x : R) :
  nbhs (- x) = [set [set - y | y in A] | A in nbhs x].

Lemma openN (R : numFieldType) (A : set R) :
  open A open [set - x | x in A].

Lemma closedN (R : numFieldType) (A : set R) :
  closed A closed [set - x | x in A].

Module PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.
Section ClassDef.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Record mixin_of (T : normedZmodType R) (ent : set (set (T × T)))
    (m : PseudoMetric.mixin_of R ent) := Mixin {
  _ : PseudoMetric.ball m = ball_ (fun x`| x |) }.

Record class_of (T : Type) := Class {
  base : Num.NormedZmodule.class_of R T;
  pointed_mixin : Pointed.point_of T ;
  nbhs_mixin : Filtered.nbhs_of T T ;
  topological_mixin : @Topological.mixin_of T nbhs_mixin ;
  uniform_mixin : @Uniform.mixin_of T nbhs_mixin ;
  pseudoMetric_mixin :
    @PseudoMetric.mixin_of R T (Uniform.entourage uniform_mixin) ;
  mixin : @mixin_of (Num.NormedZmodule.Pack _ base) _ pseudoMetric_mixin
Definition base2 T c := @PseudoMetric.Class _ _
    (@Uniform.Class _
      (@Topological.Class _
         (Pointed.Class (@base T c) (pointed_mixin c))
         (nbhs_mixin c))
        (topological_mixin c))
      (uniform_mixin c))
    (pseudoMetric_mixin c).
TODO: base3?

Structure type (phR : phant R) :=
  Pack { sort; _ : class_of sort }.

Variables (phR : phant R) (T : Type) (cT : type phR).

Definition class := let: Pack _ c := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack phR T c.
Let xT := let: Pack T _ := cT in T.
Notation xclass := (class : class_of xT).
Definition pack (b0 : Num.NormedZmodule.class_of R T) lm0 um0
  (m0 : @mixin_of (@Num.NormedZmodule.Pack R (Phant R) T b0) lm0 um0) :=
  fun bT (b : Num.NormedZmodule.class_of R T)
      & phant_id (@Num.NormedZmodule.class R (Phant R) bT) b
  fun uT (u : PseudoMetric.class_of R T) & phant_id (@PseudoMetric.class R uT) u
  fun (m : @mixin_of (Num.NormedZmodule.Pack _ b) _ u) & phant_id m m0
  @Pack phR T (@Class T b u u u u u m).

Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT xclass.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT xclass.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT xclass.
Definition normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack R phR cT xclass.
Definition pointedType := @Pointed.Pack cT xclass.
Definition filteredType := @Filtered.Pack cT cT xclass.
Definition topologicalType := @Topological.Pack cT xclass.
Definition uniformType := @Uniform.Pack cT xclass.
Definition pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack R cT xclass.
Definition pointed_zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack pointedType xclass.
Definition filtered_zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack filteredType xclass.
Definition topological_zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack topologicalType xclass.
Definition uniform_zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack uniformType xclass.
Definition pseudoMetric_zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack pseudoMetricType xclass.
Definition pointed_normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack R phR pointedType xclass.
Definition filtered_normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack R phR filteredType xclass.
Definition topological_normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack R phR topologicalType xclass.
Definition uniform_normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack R phR uniformType xclass.
Definition pseudoMetric_normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack R phR pseudoMetricType xclass.

End ClassDef.

Definition numDomain_normedDomainType (R : numDomainType) : type (Phant R) := Pack (Phant R) (@Class R _ (NumDomain.normed_mixin (NumDomain.class R))).

Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> Num.NormedZmodule.class_of.
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> PseudoMetric.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> Num.NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Coercion pointedType : type >-> Pointed.type.
Canonical pointedType.
Coercion filteredType : type >-> Filtered.type.
Canonical filteredType.
Coercion topologicalType : type >-> Topological.type.
Canonical topologicalType.
Coercion uniformType : type >-> Uniform.type.
Canonical uniformType.
Coercion pseudoMetricType : type >-> PseudoMetric.type.
Canonical pseudoMetricType.
Canonical pointed_zmodType.
Canonical filtered_zmodType.
Canonical topological_zmodType.
Canonical uniform_zmodType.
Canonical pseudoMetric_zmodType.
Canonical pointed_normedZmodType.
Canonical filtered_normedZmodType.
Canonical topological_normedZmodType.
Canonical uniform_normedZmodType.
Canonical pseudoMetric_normedZmodType.
Notation pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R := (type (Phant R)).
Notation PseudoMetricNormedZmodType R T m :=
  (@pack _ (Phant R) T _ _ _ m _ _ idfun _ _ idfun _ idfun).
Notation "[ 'pseudoMetricNormedZmodType' R 'of' T 'for' cT ]" :=
  (@clone _ (Phant R) T cT _ idfun)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'pseudoMetricNormedZmodType' R 'of' T 'for' cT ]") :
Notation "[ 'pseudoMetricNormedZmodType' R 'of' T ]" :=
  (@clone _ (Phant R) T _ _ idfun)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'pseudoMetricNormedZmodType' R 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.

End PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.
Export PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Exports.

Section pseudoMetricnormedzmodule_lemmas.
Context {K : numDomainType} {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}.

Lemma ball_normE : ball_norm = ball.

End pseudoMetricnormedzmodule_lemmas.


Section Nbhs'.
Context {R : numDomainType} {T : pseudoMetricType R}.

Lemma ex_ball_sig (x : T) (P : set T) :
  ¬ ( eps : {posnum R}, ¬ (ball x eps%:num `<=` ~` P))
    {d : {posnum R} | ball x d%:num `<=` ~` P}.

Lemma nbhsC (x : T) (P : set T) :
  ¬ ( eps : {posnum R}, ¬ (ball x eps%:num `<=` ~` P))
  nbhs x (~` P).

Lemma nbhsC_ball (x : T) (P : set T) :
  nbhs x (~` P) {d : {posnum R} | ball x d%:num `<=` ~` P}.

Lemma nbhs_ex (x : T) (P : T Prop) : nbhs x P
  {d : {posnum R} | y, ball x d%:num y P y}.

End Nbhs'.

Lemma ler_addgt0Pr (R : numFieldType) (x y : R) :
   reflect ( e, e > 0 x y + e) (x y).

Lemma ler_addgt0Pl (R : numFieldType) (x y : R) :
  reflect ( e, e > 0 x e + y) (x y).

Lemma in_segment_addgt0Pr (R : numFieldType) (x y z : R) :
  reflect ( e, e > 0 y \in `[x - e, z + e]) (y \in `[x, z]).

Lemma in_segment_addgt0Pl (R : numFieldType) (x y z : R) :
  reflect ( e, e > 0 y \in `[(- e + x), (e + z)]) (y \in `[x, z]).

Lemma coord_continuous {K : numFieldType} m n i j :
  continuous (fun M : 'M[K]_(m, n)M i j).

Global Instance Proper_dnbhs_numFieldType (R : numFieldType) (x : R) :
  ProperFilter x^'.

Global Instance Proper_dnbhs_realType (R : realType) (x : R) :
  ProperFilter x^'.

Some Topology on extended real numbers

Definition pinfty_nbhs (R : numFieldType) : set (set R) :=
  fun P M, M \is Num.real x, M < x P x.
Arguments pinfty_nbhs R : clear implicits.
Definition ninfty_nbhs (R : numFieldType) : set (set R) :=
  fun P M, M \is Num.real x, x < M P x.
Arguments ninfty_nbhs R : clear implicits.

Notation "+oo" := (pinfty_nbhs _) : ring_scope.
Notation "-oo" := (ninfty_nbhs _) : ring_scope.

Section infty_nbhs_instances.
Context {R : numFieldType}.
Let R_topologicalType := [topologicalType of R].
Implicit Types r : R.

Global Instance proper_pinfty_nbhs : ProperFilter (pinfty_nbhs R).

Global Instance proper_ninfty_nbhs : ProperFilter (ninfty_nbhs R).

Lemma near_pinfty_div2 (A : set R) :
  (\ k \near +oo, A k) (\ k \near +oo, A (k / 2)).

Lemma nbhs_pinfty_gt r : r \is Num.real \ x \near +oo, r < x.

Lemma nbhs_pinfty_ge r : r \is Num.real \ x \near +oo, r x.

Lemma nbhs_pinfty_gt_pos r : 0 < r \ x \near +oo, r < x.

Lemma nbhs_pinfty_ge_pos r : 0 < r \ x \near +oo, r x.

Lemma nbhs_ninfty_lt r : r \is Num.real \ x \near -oo, r > x.

Lemma nbhs_ninfty_le r : r \is Num.real \ x \near -oo, r x.

Lemma nbhs_ninfty_lt_pos r : 0 < r \ x \near -oo, r > x.

Lemma nbhs_ninfty_le_pos r : 0 < r \ x \near -oo, r x.

End infty_nbhs_instances.

Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0 < _)) ⇒ match goal with
  H : ?x \is_near (nbhs +oo) |- _
    solve[near: x; 0 ⇒ _/posnumP[x] //] end : core.

Modules with a norm

Module NormedModule.

Record mixin_of (K : numDomainType)
  (V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K) (scale : K V V) := Mixin {
  _ : (l : K) (x : V), `| scale l x | = `| l | × `| x |;

Section ClassDef.

Variable K : numDomainType.

Record class_of (T : Type) := Class {
  base : PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.class_of K T ;
  lmodmixin : GRing.Lmodule.mixin_of K (GRing.Zmodule.Pack base) ;
  mixin : @mixin_of K (PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Pack (Phant K) base)
                      (GRing.Lmodule.scale lmodmixin)

Structure type (phK : phant K) :=
  Pack { sort; _ : class_of sort }.

Variables (phK : phant K) (T : Type) (cT : type phK).

Definition class := let: Pack _ c := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack phK T c.
Let xT := let: Pack T _ := cT in T.
Notation xclass := (class : class_of xT).

Definition pack b0 l0
                (m0 : @mixin_of K (@PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Pack K (Phant K) T b0)
                                (GRing.Lmodule.scale l0)) :=
  fun bT b & phant_id (@PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.class K (Phant K) bT) b
  fun l & phant_id l0 l
  fun m & phant_id m0 mPack phK (@Class T b l m).

Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT xclass.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT xclass.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT xclass.
Definition normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack K phK cT xclass.
Definition lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK cT xclass.
Definition pointedType := @Pointed.Pack cT xclass.
Definition filteredType := @Filtered.Pack cT cT xclass.
Definition topologicalType := @Topological.Pack cT xclass.
Definition uniformType := @Uniform.Pack cT xclass.
Definition pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack K cT xclass.
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmodType := @PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Pack K phK cT xclass.
Definition pointed_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK pointedType xclass.
Definition filtered_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK filteredType xclass.
Definition topological_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK topologicalType xclass.
Definition uniform_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK uniformType xclass.
Definition pseudoMetric_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK pseudoMetricType xclass.
Definition normedZmod_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK normedZmodType xclass.
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK pseudoMetricNormedZmodType xclass.
End ClassDef.

Module Exports.

Coercion base : class_of >-> PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.class_of.
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> GRing.Lmodule.class_of.
Coercion mixin : class_of >-> mixin_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> Num.NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Coercion lmodType : type >-> GRing.Lmodule.type.
Canonical lmodType.
Coercion pointedType : type >-> Pointed.type.
Canonical pointedType.
Coercion filteredType : type >-> Filtered.type.
Canonical filteredType.
Coercion topologicalType : type >-> Topological.type.
Canonical topologicalType.
Coercion uniformType : type >-> Uniform.type.
Canonical uniformType.
Coercion pseudoMetricType : type >-> PseudoMetric.type.
Canonical pseudoMetricType.
Coercion pseudoMetricNormedZmodType : type >-> PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.type.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical pointed_lmodType.
Canonical filtered_lmodType.
Canonical topological_lmodType.
Canonical uniform_lmodType.
Canonical pseudoMetric_lmodType.
Canonical normedZmod_lmodType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_lmodType.
Notation normedModType K := (type (Phant K)).
Notation NormedModType K T m := (@pack _ (Phant K) T _ _ m _ _ idfun _ idfun _ idfun).
Notation NormedModMixin := Mixin.
Notation "[ 'normedModType' K 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone _ (Phant K) T cT _ idfun)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'normedModType' K 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'normedModType' K 'of' T ]" := (@clone _ (Phant K) T _ _ id)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'normedModType' K 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.

End NormedModule.

Export NormedModule.Exports.

Module regular_topology.

Section regular_topology.
End regular_topology.

Module Exports.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical normedModType.
End Exports.

End regular_topology.
Export regular_topology.Exports.

Module numFieldNormedType.

Section realType.
Variable (R : realType).
End realType.

Section rcfType.
Variable (R : rcfType).
End rcfType.

Section archiFieldType.
Variable (R : archiFieldType).
End archiFieldType.

Section realFieldType.
Variable (R : realFieldType).
Definition lmod_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_lmodType].
Definition lmod_distrLatticeType := [distrLatticeType of realField_lmodType].
Definition lmod_orderType := [orderType of realField_lmodType].
Definition lmod_realDomainType := [realDomainType of realField_lmodType].
Definition lalg_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_distrLatticeType := [distrLatticeType of realField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_orderType := [orderType of realField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_realDomainType := [realDomainType of realField_lalgType].
Definition alg_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_algType].
Definition alg_distrLatticeType := [distrLatticeType of realField_algType].
Definition alg_orderType := [orderType of realField_algType].
Definition alg_realDomainType := [realDomainType of realField_algType].
Definition comAlg_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_distrLatticeType :=
  [distrLatticeType of realField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_orderType := [orderType of realField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_realDomainType := [realDomainType of realField_comAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_distrLatticeType :=
  [distrLatticeType of realField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_orderType := [orderType of realField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_realDomainType := [realDomainType of realField_unitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_distrLatticeType :=
  [distrLatticeType of realField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_orderType := [orderType of realField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_realDomainType :=
  [realDomainType of realField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition vect_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_vectType].
Definition vect_distrLatticeType := [distrLatticeType of realField_vectType].
Definition vect_orderType := [orderType of realField_vectType].
Definition vect_realDomainType := [realDomainType of realField_vectType].
Definition Falg_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_distrLatticeType := [distrLatticeType of realField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_orderType := [orderType of realField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_realDomainType := [realDomainType of realField_FalgType].
Definition fieldExt_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_distrLatticeType :=
  [distrLatticeType of realField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_orderType := [orderType of realField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_realDomainType :=
  [realDomainType of realField_fieldExtType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_latticeType :=
  [latticeType of realField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_distrLatticeType :=
  [distrLatticeType of realField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_orderType :=
  [orderType of realField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_realDomainType :=
  [realDomainType of realField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition normedMod_latticeType := [latticeType of realField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_distrLatticeType :=
  [distrLatticeType of realField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_orderType := [orderType of realField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_realDomainType :=
  [realDomainType of realField_normedModType].
End realFieldType.

Section numClosedFieldType.
Variable (R : numClosedFieldType).
Definition lmod_decFieldType := [decFieldType of numClosedField_lmodType].
Definition lmod_closedFieldType := [closedFieldType of numClosedField_lmodType].
Definition lalg_decFieldType := [decFieldType of numClosedField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_closedFieldType := [closedFieldType of numClosedField_lalgType].
Definition alg_decFieldType := [decFieldType of numClosedField_algType].
Definition alg_closedFieldType := [closedFieldType of numClosedField_algType].
Definition comAlg_decFieldType := [decFieldType of numClosedField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_closedFieldType :=
  [closedFieldType of numClosedField_comAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_decFieldType := [decFieldType of numClosedField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_closedFieldType :=
  [closedFieldType of numClosedField_unitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_decFieldType :=
  [decFieldType of numClosedField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_closedFieldType :=
  [closedFieldType of numClosedField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition vect_decFieldType := [decFieldType of numClosedField_vectType].
Definition vect_closedFieldType := [closedFieldType of numClosedField_vectType].
Definition Falg_decFieldType := [decFieldType of numClosedField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_closedFieldType := [closedFieldType of numClosedField_FalgType].
Definition fieldExt_decFieldType :=
  [decFieldType of numClosedField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_closedFieldType :=
  [closedFieldType of numClosedField_fieldExtType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_decFieldType :=
  [decFieldType of numClosedField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_closedFieldType :=
  [closedFieldType of numClosedField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition normedMod_decFieldType :=
  [decFieldType of numClosedField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_closedFieldType :=
  [closedFieldType of numClosedField_normedModType].
End numClosedFieldType.

Section numFieldType.
Variable (R : numFieldType).
Definition lmod_porderType := [porderType of numField_lmodType].
Definition lmod_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_lmodType].
Definition lalg_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_filteredType := [filteredType R of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_topologicalType := [topologicalType of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_pseudoMetricType := [pseudoMetricType R of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_normedZmodType := [normedZmodType R of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_normedModType := [normedModType R of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_porderType := [porderType of numField_lalgType].
Definition lalg_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_lalgType].
Definition alg_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_algType].
Definition alg_filteredType := [filteredType R of numField_algType].
Definition alg_topologicalType := [topologicalType of numField_algType].
Definition alg_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_algType].
Definition alg_pseudoMetricType := [pseudoMetricType R of numField_algType].
Definition alg_normedZmodType := [normedZmodType R of numField_algType].
Definition alg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_algType].
Definition alg_normedModType := [normedModType R of numField_algType].
Definition alg_porderType := [porderType of numField_algType].
Definition alg_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_algType].
Definition comAlg_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_filteredType := [filteredType R of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_topologicalType := [topologicalType of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_pseudoMetricType :=
  [pseudoMetricType R of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_normedZmodType := [normedZmodType R of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_normedModType := [normedModType R of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_porderType := [porderType of numField_comAlgType].
Definition comAlg_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_comAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_filteredType := [filteredType R of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_topologicalType := [topologicalType of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_pseudoMetricType :=
  [pseudoMetricType R of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_normedZmodType := [normedZmodType R of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_normedModType := [normedModType R of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_porderType := [porderType of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition unitAlg_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_unitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_filteredType :=
  [filteredType R of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_topologicalType :=
  [topologicalType of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_pseudoMetricType :=
  [pseudoMetricType R of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_normedZmodType :=
  [normedZmodType R of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_normedModType :=
  [normedModType R of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_porderType := [porderType of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition comUnitAlg_numDomainType :=
  [numDomainType of numField_comUnitAlgType].
Definition vect_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_filteredType := [filteredType R of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_topologicalType := [topologicalType of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_pseudoMetricType := [pseudoMetricType R of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_normedZmodType := [normedZmodType R of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_normedModType := [normedModType R of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_porderType := [porderType of numField_vectType].
Definition vect_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_vectType].
Definition Falg_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_filteredType := [filteredType R of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_topologicalType := [topologicalType of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_pseudoMetricType := [pseudoMetricType R of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_normedZmodType := [normedZmodType R of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_normedModType := [normedModType R of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_porderType := [porderType of numField_FalgType].
Definition Falg_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_FalgType].
Definition fieldExt_pointedType := [pointedType of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_filteredType := [filteredType R of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_topologicalType :=
  [topologicalType of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_uniformType := [uniformType of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_pseudoMetricType :=
  [pseudoMetricType R of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_normedZmodType :=
  [normedZmodType R of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_normedModType := [normedModType R of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_porderType := [porderType of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition fieldExt_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_fieldExtType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_ringType :=
  [ringType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_comRingType :=
  [comRingType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_unitRingType :=
  [unitRingType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_comUnitRingType :=
  [comUnitRingType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_idomainType :=
  [idomainType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_fieldType :=
  [fieldType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_porderType :=
  [porderType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmod_numDomainType :=
  [numDomainType of numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType].
Definition normedMod_ringType := [ringType of numField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_comRingType := [comRingType of numField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_unitRingType := [unitRingType of numField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_comUnitRingType :=
  [comUnitRingType of numField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_idomainType := [idomainType of numField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_fieldType := [fieldType of numField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_porderType := [porderType of numField_normedModType].
Definition normedMod_numDomainType := [numDomainType of numField_normedModType].
End numFieldType.

Module Exports.
Export topology.numFieldTopology.Exports.
Canonical realField_lmodType.
Canonical realField_lalgType.
Canonical realField_algType.
Canonical realField_comAlgType.
Canonical realField_unitAlgType.
Canonical realField_comUnitAlgType.
Canonical realField_vectType.
Canonical realField_FalgType.
Canonical realField_fieldExtType.
Canonical realField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical realField_normedModType.
Canonical lmod_latticeType.
Canonical lmod_distrLatticeType.
Canonical lmod_orderType.
Canonical lmod_realDomainType.
Canonical lalg_latticeType.
Canonical lalg_distrLatticeType.
Canonical lalg_orderType.
Canonical lalg_realDomainType.
Canonical alg_latticeType.
Canonical alg_distrLatticeType.
Canonical alg_orderType.
Canonical alg_realDomainType.
Canonical comAlg_latticeType.
Canonical comAlg_distrLatticeType.
Canonical comAlg_orderType.
Canonical comAlg_realDomainType.
Canonical unitAlg_latticeType.
Canonical unitAlg_distrLatticeType.
Canonical unitAlg_orderType.
Canonical unitAlg_realDomainType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_latticeType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_distrLatticeType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_orderType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_realDomainType.
Canonical vect_latticeType.
Canonical vect_distrLatticeType.
Canonical vect_orderType.
Canonical vect_realDomainType.
Canonical Falg_latticeType.
Canonical Falg_distrLatticeType.
Canonical Falg_orderType.
Canonical Falg_realDomainType.
Canonical fieldExt_latticeType.
Canonical fieldExt_distrLatticeType.
Canonical fieldExt_orderType.
Canonical fieldExt_realDomainType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_latticeType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_distrLatticeType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_orderType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_realDomainType.
Canonical normedMod_latticeType.
Canonical normedMod_distrLatticeType.
Canonical normedMod_orderType.
Canonical normedMod_realDomainType.
Coercion realField_lmodType : realFieldType >-> lmodType.
Coercion realField_lalgType : realFieldType >-> lalgType.
Coercion realField_algType : realFieldType >-> algType.
Coercion realField_comAlgType : realFieldType >-> comAlgType.
Coercion realField_unitAlgType : realFieldType >-> unitAlgType.
Coercion realField_comUnitAlgType : realFieldType >-> comUnitAlgType.
Coercion realField_vectType : realFieldType >-> vectType.
Coercion realField_FalgType : realFieldType >-> FalgType.
Coercion realField_fieldExtType : realFieldType >-> fieldExtType.
Coercion realField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :
  Num.RealField.type >-> PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.type.
Coercion realField_normedModType : Num.RealField.type >-> NormedModule.type.
Canonical numClosedField_lmodType.
Canonical numClosedField_lalgType.
Canonical numClosedField_algType.
Canonical numClosedField_comAlgType.
Canonical numClosedField_unitAlgType.
Canonical numClosedField_comUnitAlgType.
Canonical numClosedField_vectType.
Canonical numClosedField_FalgType.
Canonical numClosedField_fieldExtType.
Canonical numClosedField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical numClosedField_normedModType.
Canonical lmod_decFieldType.
Canonical lmod_closedFieldType.
Canonical lalg_decFieldType.
Canonical lalg_closedFieldType.
Canonical alg_decFieldType.
Canonical alg_closedFieldType.
Canonical comAlg_decFieldType.
Canonical comAlg_closedFieldType.
Canonical unitAlg_decFieldType.
Canonical unitAlg_closedFieldType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_decFieldType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_closedFieldType.
Canonical vect_decFieldType.
Canonical vect_closedFieldType.
Canonical Falg_decFieldType.
Canonical Falg_closedFieldType.
Canonical fieldExt_decFieldType.
Canonical fieldExt_closedFieldType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_decFieldType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_closedFieldType.
Canonical normedMod_decFieldType.
Canonical normedMod_closedFieldType.
Coercion numClosedField_lmodType : numClosedFieldType >-> lmodType.
Coercion numClosedField_lalgType : numClosedFieldType >-> lalgType.
Coercion numClosedField_algType : numClosedFieldType >-> algType.
Coercion numClosedField_comAlgType : numClosedFieldType >-> comAlgType.
Coercion numClosedField_unitAlgType : numClosedFieldType >-> unitAlgType.
Coercion numClosedField_comUnitAlgType : numClosedFieldType >-> comUnitAlgType.
Coercion numClosedField_vectType : numClosedFieldType >-> vectType.
Coercion numClosedField_FalgType : numClosedFieldType >-> FalgType.
Coercion numClosedField_fieldExtType : numClosedFieldType >-> fieldExtType.
Coercion numClosedField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :
  numClosedFieldType >-> pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Coercion numClosedField_normedModType : numClosedFieldType >-> normedModType.
Canonical numField_lmodType.
Canonical numField_lalgType.
Canonical numField_algType.
Canonical numField_comAlgType.
Canonical numField_unitAlgType.
Canonical numField_comUnitAlgType.
Canonical numField_vectType.
Canonical numField_FalgType.
Canonical numField_fieldExtType.
Canonical numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical numField_normedModType.
Canonical lmod_porderType.
Canonical lmod_numDomainType.
Canonical lalg_pointedType.
Canonical lalg_filteredType.
Canonical lalg_topologicalType.
Canonical lalg_uniformType.
Canonical lalg_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical lalg_normedZmodType.
Canonical lalg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical lalg_normedModType.
Canonical lalg_porderType.
Canonical lalg_numDomainType.
Canonical alg_pointedType.
Canonical alg_filteredType.
Canonical alg_topologicalType.
Canonical alg_uniformType.
Canonical alg_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical alg_normedZmodType.
Canonical alg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical alg_normedModType.
Canonical alg_porderType.
Canonical alg_numDomainType.
Canonical comAlg_pointedType.
Canonical comAlg_filteredType.
Canonical comAlg_topologicalType.
Canonical comAlg_uniformType.
Canonical comAlg_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical comAlg_normedZmodType.
Canonical comAlg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical comAlg_normedModType.
Canonical comAlg_porderType.
Canonical comAlg_numDomainType.
Canonical unitAlg_pointedType.
Canonical unitAlg_filteredType.
Canonical unitAlg_topologicalType.
Canonical unitAlg_uniformType.
Canonical unitAlg_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical unitAlg_normedZmodType.
Canonical unitAlg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical unitAlg_normedModType.
Canonical unitAlg_porderType.
Canonical unitAlg_numDomainType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_pointedType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_filteredType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_topologicalType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_uniformType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_normedZmodType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_normedModType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_porderType.
Canonical comUnitAlg_numDomainType.
Canonical vect_pointedType.
Canonical vect_filteredType.
Canonical vect_topologicalType.
Canonical vect_uniformType.
Canonical vect_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical vect_normedZmodType.
Canonical vect_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical vect_normedModType.
Canonical vect_porderType.
Canonical vect_numDomainType.
Canonical Falg_pointedType.
Canonical Falg_filteredType.
Canonical Falg_topologicalType.
Canonical Falg_uniformType.
Canonical Falg_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical Falg_normedZmodType.
Canonical Falg_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical Falg_normedModType.
Canonical Falg_porderType.
Canonical Falg_numDomainType.
Canonical fieldExt_pointedType.
Canonical fieldExt_filteredType.
Canonical fieldExt_topologicalType.
Canonical fieldExt_uniformType.
Canonical fieldExt_pseudoMetricType.
Canonical fieldExt_normedZmodType.
Canonical fieldExt_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical fieldExt_normedModType.
Canonical fieldExt_porderType.
Canonical fieldExt_numDomainType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_ringType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_comRingType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_unitRingType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_comUnitRingType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_idomainType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_fieldType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_porderType.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmod_numDomainType.
Canonical normedMod_ringType.
Canonical normedMod_comRingType.
Canonical normedMod_unitRingType.
Canonical normedMod_comUnitRingType.
Canonical normedMod_idomainType.
Canonical normedMod_fieldType.
Canonical normedMod_porderType.
Canonical normedMod_numDomainType.
Coercion numField_lmodType : numFieldType >-> lmodType.
Coercion numField_lalgType : numFieldType >-> lalgType.
Coercion numField_algType : numFieldType >-> algType.
Coercion numField_comAlgType : numFieldType >-> comAlgType.
Coercion numField_unitAlgType : numFieldType >-> unitAlgType.
Coercion numField_comUnitAlgType : numFieldType >-> comUnitAlgType.
Coercion numField_vectType : numFieldType >-> vectType.
Coercion numField_FalgType : numFieldType >-> FalgType.
Coercion numField_fieldExtType : numFieldType >-> fieldExtType.
Coercion numField_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :
  numFieldType >-> pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Coercion numField_normedModType : numFieldType >-> normedModType.
End Exports.

End numFieldNormedType.
Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.

Section NormedModule_numDomainType.
Variables (R : numDomainType) (V : normedModType R).

Lemma normmZ l (x : V) : `| l *: x | = `| l | × `| x |.

End NormedModule_numDomainType.

Section PseudoNormedZmod_numDomainType.
Variables (R : numDomainType) (V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R).

if we do not give the V argument to nbhs, the universally quantified set that appears inside the notation for cvg_to has type set (let '{| PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.sort := T |} := V in T) instead of set V, which causes an inference problem in derive.v
Lemma nbhs_le_nbhs_norm (x : V) : @nbhs V _ x `=>` nbhs_norm x.

Lemma nbhs_norm_le_nbhs x : nbhs_norm x `=>` nbhs x.

Lemma nbhs_nbhs_norm : nbhs_norm = nbhs.

Lemma nbhs_normP x P : nbhs x P nbhs_norm x P.

Lemma filter_from_norm_nbhs x :
  @filter_from R _ [set x : R | 0 < x] (ball_norm x) = nbhs x.

Lemma nbhs_normE (x : V) (P : set V) :
  nbhs_norm x P = \near x, P x.

Lemma filter_from_normE (x : V) (P : set V) :
  @filter_from R _ [set x : R | 0 < x] (ball_norm x) P = \near x, P x.

Lemma near_nbhs_norm (x : V) (P : set V) :
  (\ x \near nbhs_norm x, P x) = \near x, P x.

Lemma nbhs_norm_ball_norm x (e : {posnum R}) :
  nbhs_norm x (ball_norm x e%:num).

Lemma nbhs_ball_norm (x : V) (eps : {posnum R}) : nbhs x (ball_norm x eps%:num).

Lemma ball_norm_dec x y (e : R) : {ball_norm x e y} + {¬ ball_norm x e y}.

Lemma ball_norm_sym x y (e : R) : ball_norm x e y ball_norm y e x.

Lemma ball_norm_le x (e1 e2 : R) :
  e1 e2 ball_norm x e1 `<=` ball_norm x e2.

Let nbhs_simpl := (nbhs_simpl,@nbhs_nbhs_norm,@filter_from_norm_nbhs).

Lemma cvg_distP {F : set (set V)} {FF : Filter F} (y : V) :
  F --> y eps, 0 < eps \ y' \near F, `|y - y'| < eps.

Lemma cvg_dist {F : set (set V)} {FF : Filter F} (y : V) :
  F --> y eps, eps > 0 \ y' \near F, `|y - y'| < eps.

Lemma nbhs_norm_ball x (eps : {posnum R}) : nbhs_norm x (ball x eps%:num).

End PseudoNormedZmod_numDomainType.
Hint Resolve normr_ge0 : core.
Arguments cvg_dist {_ _ F FF}.

Lemma cvg_gt_ge T (F : set (set T)) (R : realFieldType) {PF : ProperFilter F}
    (u : T R) a b :
  u @ F --> b (a < b)%R \ n \near F, (a u n)%R.

Lemma cvg_lt_le T (F : set (set T)) (R : realFieldType) {PF : ProperFilter F}
    (u : T R) c b :
  u @ F --> b (b < c)%R \ n \near F, (u n c)%R.

Lemma pinfty_ex_gt {R : numFieldType} (m : R) (A : set R) : m \is Num.real
  (\ k \near +oo, A k) exists2 M, m < M & A M.

Lemma pinfty_ex_gt0 {R : numFieldType} (A : set R) :
  (\ k \near +oo, A k) exists2 M, M > 0 & A M.

Definition self_sub (K : numDomainType) (V W : normedModType K)
  (f : V W) (x : V × V) : W := f x.1 - f x.2.
Arguments self_sub {K V W} f x /.

Definition fun1 {T : Type} {K : numFieldType} : T K := fun 1.
Arguments fun1 {T K} x /.

Definition dominated_by {T : Type} {K : numDomainType} {V W : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
  (h : T V) (k : K) (f : T W) (F : set (set T)) :=
  F [set x | `|f x| k × `|h x|].

Definition strictly_dominated_by {T : Type} {K : numDomainType} {V W : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
  (h : T V) (k : K) (f : T W) (F : set (set T)) :=
  F [set x | `|f x| < k × `|h x|].

Lemma sub_dominatedl (T : Type) (K : numFieldType) (V W : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K)
   (h : T V) (k : K) (F G : set (set T)) : F `=>` G
  (@dominated_by T K V W h k)^~ G `<=` (dominated_by h k)^~ F.

Lemma sub_dominatedr (T : Type) (K : numFieldType) (V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K)
    (h : T V) (k : K) (f g : T V) (F : set (set T)) (FF : Filter F) :
   (\ x \near F, `|f x| `|g x|)
   dominated_by h k g F dominated_by h k f F.

Lemma dominated_by1 {T : Type} {K : numFieldType} {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K} :
  @dominated_by T K _ V fun1 = fun k f FF [set x | `|f x| k].

Lemma strictly_dominated_by1 {T : Type} {K : numFieldType}
    {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K} :
  @strictly_dominated_by T K _ V fun1 = fun k f FF [set x | `|f x| < k].

Lemma ex_dom_bound {T : Type} {K : numFieldType} {V W : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
    (h : T V) (f : T W) (F : set (set T)) {PF : ProperFilter F}:
  (\ M \near +oo, dominated_by h M f F)
   M, dominated_by h M f F.

Lemma ex_strict_dom_bound {T : Type} {K : numFieldType}
    {V W : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
    (h : T V) (f : T W) (F : set (set T)) {PF : ProperFilter F} :
  (\ x \near F, h x != 0)
  (\ M \near +oo, dominated_by h M f F)
    M, strictly_dominated_by h M f F.

Definition bounded_near {T : Type} {K : numFieldType}
    {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
  (f : T V) (F : set (set T)) :=
  \ M \near +oo, F [set x | `|f x| M].

Lemma boundedE {T : Type} {K : numFieldType} {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K} :
  @bounded_near T K V = fun f F\ M \near +oo, dominated_by fun1 M f F.

Lemma sub_boundedr (T : Type) (K : numFieldType) (V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K)
     (F G : set (set T)) : F `=>` G
  (@bounded_near T K V)^~ G `<=` bounded_near^~ F.

Lemma sub_boundedl (T : Type) (K : numFieldType) (V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K)
     (f g : T V) (F : set (set T)) (FF : Filter F) :
 (\ x \near F, `|f x| `|g x|) bounded_near g F bounded_near f F.

Lemma ex_bound {T : Type} {K : numFieldType} {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
  (f : T V) (F : set (set T)) {PF : ProperFilter F}:
  bounded_near f F M, F [set x | `|f x| M].

Lemma ex_strict_bound {T : Type} {K : numFieldType} {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
  (f : T V) (F : set (set T)) {PF : ProperFilter F}:
  bounded_near f F M, F [set x | `|f x| < M].

Lemma ex_strict_bound_gt0 {T : Type} {K : numFieldType} {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}
  (f : T V) (F : set (set T)) {PF : Filter F}:
  bounded_near f F exists2 M, M > 0 & F [set x | `|f x| < M].

Notation "[ 'bounded' E | x 'in' A ]" := (bounded_near (fun xE) (globally A))
  (at level 0, x ident, format "[ 'bounded' E | x 'in' A ]").
Notation bounded_set := [set A | [bounded x | x in A]].
Notation bounded_fun := [set f | [bounded f x | x in setT]].

Lemma bounded_fun_has_ubound (T : Type) (R : realFieldType) (a : T R) :
  bounded_fun a has_ubound [set of a].

Lemma bounded_funN (T : Type) (R : realFieldType) (a : T R) :
  bounded_fun a bounded_fun (- a).

Lemma bounded_fun_has_lbound (T : Type) (R : realFieldType) (a : T R) :
  bounded_fun a has_lbound [set of a].

Lemma bounded_funD (T : Type) (R : realFieldType) (a b : T R) :
  bounded_fun a bounded_fun b bounded_fun (a \+ b).

Lemma bounded_locally (T : topologicalType)
    (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (A : set T) (f : T V) :
  [bounded f x | x in A] [locally [bounded f x | x in A]].

Notation "k .-lipschitz_on f" := (dominated_by (self_sub id) k (self_sub f))
  (at level 2, format "k .-lipschitz_on f") : type_scope.

Definition sub_klipschitz (K : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType K) (k : K)
           (f : V W) (F G : set (set (V × V))) :
  F `=>` G k.-lipschitz_on f G k.-lipschitz_on f F.

Definition lipschitz_on (K : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType K)
           (f : V W) (F : set (set (V × V))) :=
  \ M \near +oo, M.-lipschitz_on f F.

Definition sub_lipschitz (K : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType K)
           (f : V W) (F G : set (set (V × V))) :
  F `=>` G lipschitz_on f G lipschitz_on f F.

Lemma klipschitzW (K : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType K) (k : K)
      (f : V W) (F : set (set (V × V))) {PF : ProperFilter F} :
  k.-lipschitz_on f F lipschitz_on f F.

Notation "k .-lipschitz_ A f" :=
  (k.-lipschitz_on f (globally (A `*` A)))
  (at level 2, A at level 0, format "k .-lipschitz_ A f").
Notation "k .-lipschitz f" := (k.-lipschitz_setT f)
  (at level 2, format "k .-lipschitz f") : type_scope.
Notation "[ 'lipschitz' E | x 'in' A ]" :=
  (lipschitz_on (fun xE) (globally (A `*` A)))
  (at level 0, x ident, format "[ 'lipschitz' E | x 'in' A ]").
Notation lipschitz f := [lipschitz f x | x in setT].

Lemma klipschitz_locally (R : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType R)
   (k : R) (f : V W) (A : set V) :
  k.-lipschitz_A f [locally k.-lipschitz_A f].

Lemma lipschitz_locally (R : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType R)
    (A : set V) (f : V W) :
  [lipschitz f x | x in A] [locally [lipschitz f x | x in A]].

Lemma lipschitz_id (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R) : 1.-lipschitz (@id V).
Arguments lipschitz_id {R V}.

Section PseudoNormedZMod_numFieldType.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R).

Lemma norm_hausdorff : hausdorff_space V.
Hint Extern 0 (hausdorff_space _) ⇒ solve[apply: norm_hausdorff] : core.

TODO: check if the following lemma are indeed useless i.e. where the generic lemma is applied, check that norm_hausdorff is not used in a hard way

Lemma norm_closeE (x y : V): close x y = (x = y).
Lemma norm_close_eq (x y : V) : close x y x = y.

Lemma norm_cvg_unique {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} : is_subset1 [set x : V | F --> x].

Lemma norm_cvg_eq (x y : V) : x --> y x = y.
Lemma norm_lim_id (x : V) : lim x = x.

Lemma norm_cvg_lim {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (l : V) : F --> l lim F = l.

Lemma norm_lim_near_cst U {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (l : V) (f : U V) :
   (\ x \near F, f x = l) lim (f @ F) = l.

Lemma norm_lim_cst U {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (k : V) :
   lim ((fun _ : Uk) @ F) = k.

Lemma norm_cvgi_unique {U : Type} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U set V) :
  {near F, is_fun f} is_subset1 [set x : V | f `@ F --> x].

Lemma norm_cvgi_map_lim {U} {F} {FF : ProperFilter F} (f : U V Prop) (l : V) :
  F (fun x : Uis_subset1 (f x))
  f `@ F --> l lim (f `@ F) = l.

Lemma distm_lt_split (z x y : V) (e : R) :
  `|x - z| < e / 2 `|z - y| < e / 2 `|x - y| < e.

Lemma distm_lt_splitr (z x y : V) (e : R) :
  `|z - x| < e / 2 `|z - y| < e / 2 `|x - y| < e.

Lemma distm_lt_splitl (z x y : V) (e : R) :
  `|x - z| < e / 2 `|y - z| < e / 2 `|x - y| < e.

Lemma normm_leW (x : V) (e : R) : e > 0 `|x| e / 2 `|x| < e.

Lemma normm_lt_split (x y : V) (e : R) :
  `|x| < e / 2 `|y| < e / 2 `|x + y| < e.

Lemma cvg_distW {F : set (set V)} {FF : Filter F} (y : V) :
  ( eps, 0 < eps \ y' \near F, `|y - y'| eps)
  F --> y.

End PseudoNormedZMod_numFieldType.

Section NormedModule_numFieldType.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R).

Lemma cvg_bounded_real {F : set (set V)} {FF : Filter F} (y : V) :
  F --> y
  \ M \near +oo, \ y' \near F, `|y'| < M.

Lemma cvg_bounded {F : set (set V)} {FF : Filter F} (y : V) :
  F --> y bounded_near id F.

Lemma normrZV (x : V) : x != 0 `| `| x |^-1 *: x | = 1.

End NormedModule_numFieldType.
Arguments cvg_bounded {_ _ F FF}.
Hint Extern 0 (hausdorff_space _) ⇒ solve[apply: norm_hausdorff] : core.

Module Export NbhsNorm.
Definition nbhs_simpl := (nbhs_simpl,@nbhs_nbhs_norm,@filter_from_norm_nbhs).
End NbhsNorm.

TODO: generalize to R : numFieldType
Section hausdorff.

Lemma Rhausdorff (R : realFieldType) : hausdorff_space R.

Lemma pseudoMetricNormedZModType_hausdorff (R : realFieldType)
    (V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R) :
  hausdorff_space V.

End hausdorff.

Module Export NearNorm.
Definition near_simpl := (@near_simpl, @nbhs_normE, @filter_from_normE,
Ltac near_simpl := rewrite ?near_simpl.
End NearNorm.

Lemma continuous_cvg_dist {R : numFieldType}
  (V W : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R) (f : V W) x l :
  continuous f x --> l e : {posnum R}, `|f l - f x| < e%:num.

Module Bigminr.
Section bigminr.
Variable (R : realDomainType).

Lemma bigminr_maxr I r (P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  \big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) F i = - \big[maxr/- x]_(i <- r | P i) - F i.

Lemma bigminr_mkcond I r (P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  \big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) F i =
     \big[minr/x]_(i <- r) (if P i then F i else x).

Lemma bigminr_split I r (P : pred I) (F1 F2 : I R) x :
  \big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) (minr (F1 i) (F2 i)) =
  minr (\big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) F1 i) (\big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) F2 i).

Lemma bigminr_idl I r (P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  \big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) F i = minr x (\big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) F i).

Lemma bigminrID I r (a P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  \big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i) F i =
  minr (\big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i && a i) F i)
    (\big[minr/x]_(i <- r | P i && ~~ a i) F i).

Lemma bigminr_seq1 I (i : I) (F : I R) x :
  \big[minr/x]_(j <- [:: i]) F j = minr (F i) x.

Lemma bigminr_pred1_eq (I : finType) (i : I) (F : I R) x :
  \big[minr/x]_(j | j == i) F j = minr (F i) x.

Lemma bigminr_pred1 (I : finType) i (P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  P =1 pred1 i \big[minr/x]_(j | P j) F j = minr (F i) x.

Lemma bigminrD1 (I : finType) j (P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  P j \big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i
    = minr (F j) (\big[minr/x]_(i | P i && (i != j)) F i).

Lemma bigminr_ler_cond (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I R) x i0 :
  P i0 \big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i F i0.

Lemma bigminr_ler (I : finType) (F : I R) (i0 : I) x :
  \big[minr/x]_i F i F i0.

Lemma bigminr_gerP (I : finType) (P : pred I) m (F : I R) x :
  reflect (m x i, P i m F i)
    (m \big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i).

Lemma bigminr_inf (I : finType) i0 (P : pred I) m (F : I R) x :
  P i0 F i0 m \big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i m.

Lemma bigminr_gtrP (I : finType) (P : pred I) m (F : I R) x :
  reflect (m < x i, P i m < F i)
    (m < \big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i).

Lemma bigminr_lerP (I : finType) (P : pred I) m (F : I R) x :
  reflect (x m exists2 i, P i & F i m)
  (\big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i m).

Lemma bigminr_ltrP (I : finType) (P : pred I) m (F : I R) x :
  reflect (x < m exists2 i, P i & F i < m)
  (\big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i < m).

Lemma bigminr_eq_arg (I : finType) i0 (P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  P i0 ( i, P i F i x)
  \big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i = F [arg min_(i < i0 | P i) F i]%O.

Lemma eq_bigminr (I : finType) i0 (P : pred I) (F : I R) x :
  P i0 ( i, P i F i x)
  {i0 | i0 \in I & \big[minr/x]_(i | P i) F i = F i0}.

End bigminr.
Module Exports.
Arguments bigminr_mkcond {R I r}.
Arguments bigminrID {R I r}.
Arguments bigminr_pred1 {R I} i {P F}.
Arguments bigminrD1 {R I} j {P F}.
Arguments bigminr_ler_cond {R I P F}.
Arguments bigminr_ler {R I F}.
Arguments bigminr_inf {R I} i0 {P m F}.
Arguments bigminr_eq_arg {R I} i0 {P F}.
Arguments eq_bigminr {R I} i0 {P F}.
End Exports.
End Bigminr.
Export Bigminr.Exports.


Section mx_norm.
Variables (K : numDomainType) (m n : nat).
Implicit Types x y : 'M[K]_(m, n).

Definition mx_norm x : K := (\big[maxr/0%:nng]_i `|x i.1 i.2|%:nng)%:nngnum.

Lemma mx_normE x : mx_norm x = (\big[maxr/0%:nng]_i `|x i.1 i.2|%:nng)%:nngnum.

Lemma ler_mx_norm_add x y : mx_norm (x + y) mx_norm x + mx_norm y.

Lemma mx_norm_eq0 x : mx_norm x = 0 x = 0.

Lemma mx_norm0 : mx_norm 0 = 0.

Lemma mx_norm_neq0 x : mx_norm x != 0 i, mx_norm x = `|x i.1 i.2|.

Lemma mx_norm_natmul x k : mx_norm (x *+ k) = (mx_norm x) *+ k.

Lemma mx_normN x : mx_norm (- x) = mx_norm x.

End mx_norm.

Lemma mx_normrE (K : realDomainType) (m n : nat) (x : 'M[K]_(m, n)) :
  mx_norm x = \big[maxr/0]_ij `|x ij.1 ij.2|.

Definition matrix_normedZmodMixin (K : numDomainType) (m n : nat) :=
  @Num.NormedMixin _ _ _ (@mx_norm K m.+1 n.+1) (@ler_mx_norm_add _ _ _)
    (@mx_norm_eq0 _ _ _) (@mx_norm_natmul _ _ _) (@mx_normN _ _ _).

Canonical matrix_normedZmodType (K : numDomainType) (m n : nat) :=
  NormedZmodType K 'M[K]_(m.+1, n.+1) (matrix_normedZmodMixin K m n).

Section matrix_NormedModule.
Variables (K : numFieldType) (m n : nat).

Lemma mx_norm_ball :
  @ball _ [pseudoMetricType K of 'M[K]_(m.+1, n.+1)] = ball_ (fun x`| x |).

Definition matrix_PseudoMetricNormedZmodMixin :=
  PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Mixin mx_norm_ball.
Canonical matrix_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  PseudoMetricNormedZmodType K 'M[K]_(m.+1, n.+1) matrix_PseudoMetricNormedZmodMixin.

Lemma mx_normZ (l : K) (x : 'M[K]_(m.+1, n.+1)) : `| l *: x | = `| l | × `| x |.

Definition matrix_NormedModMixin := NormedModMixin mx_normZ.
Canonical matrix_normedModType :=
  NormedModType K 'M[K]_(m.+1, n.+1) matrix_NormedModMixin.

End matrix_NormedModule.


Section prod_PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.
Context {K : numDomainType} {U V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K}.

Lemma ball_prod_normE : ball = ball_ (fun x`| x : U × V |).

Lemma prod_norm_ball : @ball _ [pseudoMetricType K of U × V] = ball_ (fun x`|x|).

Definition prod_pseudoMetricNormedZmodMixin :=
  PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Mixin prod_norm_ball.
Canonical prod_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  PseudoMetricNormedZmodType K (U × V) prod_pseudoMetricNormedZmodMixin.

End prod_PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.

Section prod_NormedModule.
Context {K : numDomainType} {U V : normedModType K}.

Lemma prod_norm_scale (l : K) (x : U × V) : `| l *: x | = `|l| × `| x |.

Definition prod_NormedModMixin := NormedModMixin prod_norm_scale.
Canonical prod_normedModType :=
  NormedModType K (U × V) prod_NormedModMixin.

End prod_NormedModule.

Section example_of_sharing.
Variables (K : numDomainType).

Example matrix_triangke m n (M N : 'M[K]_(m.+1, n.+1)) :
  `|M + N| `|M| + `|N|.

Example pair_triangle (x y : K × K) : `|x + y| `|x| + `|y|.

End example_of_sharing.

Section prod_NormedModule_lemmas.

Context {T : Type} {K : numDomainType} {U V : normedModType K}.

Lemma cvg_dist2P {F : set (set U)} {G : set (set V)}
  {FF : Filter F} {FG : Filter G} (y : U) (z : V):
  (F, G) --> (y, z)
   eps, 0 < eps
   \ y' \near F & z' \near G, `| (y, z) - (y', z') | < eps.

Lemma cvg_dist2 {F : set (set U)} {G : set (set V)}
  {FF : Filter F} {FG : Filter G} (y : U) (z : V):
  (F, G) --> (y, z)
   eps, 0 < eps
   \ y' \near F & z' \near G, `|(y, z) - (y', z')| < eps.

End prod_NormedModule_lemmas.
Arguments cvg_dist2 {_ _ _ F G FF FG}.

Normed vector spaces have some continuous functions that are in fact continuous on pseudoMetricNormedZmodType

Lemma add_continuous {K : numFieldType} {V : pseudoMetricNormedZmodType K} :
  continuous (fun z : V × Vz.1 + z.2).

Global Instance filter_nbhs (K' : numFieldType) (k : K') :
  Filter (nbhs k).

Section NVS_continuity_normedModType.
Context {K : numFieldType} {V : normedModType K}.

Lemma natmul_continuous n : continuous (fun x : Vx *+ n).

Lemma scale_continuous : continuous (fun z : K × Vz.1 *: z.2).

Arguments scale_continuous _ _ : clear implicits.

Lemma scaler_continuous k : continuous (fun x : Vk *: x).

Lemma scalel_continuous (x : V) : continuous (fun k : Kk *: x).

TODO: generalize to pseudometricnormedzmod
Lemma opp_continuous : continuous (@GRing.opp V).

Continuity of norm

Lemma norm_continuous : continuous (normr : V K).

End NVS_continuity_normedModType.

Lemma nearN {R : numFieldType} (a : R) (P : R Prop) :
  (\ x \near (- a), P x) (\ x \near a, P (- x)).

Section mule_continuous.
Variable (R : realFieldType).

Lemma mule_continuous (r : R) : continuous (mule r%:E).

End mule_continuous.

Lemma cvg_dist0 {U} {K : numFieldType} {V : normedModType K}
  {F : set (set U)} {FF : Filter F} (f : U V) :
  (fun x`|f x|) @ F --> (0 : K)
   f @ F --> (0 : V).

Section NVS_continuity_mul.

Context {K : numFieldType}.

Lemma mul_continuous : continuous (fun z : K × Kz.1 × z.2).

Lemma inv_continuous (x : K) : x != 0 {for x, continuous GRing.inv}.

End NVS_continuity_mul.

Section cvg_composition.

Context {K : numFieldType} {V : normedModType K} {T : topologicalType}.
Context (F : set (set T)) {FF : Filter F}.
Implicit Types (f g : T V) (s : T K) (k : K) (x : T) (a b : V).

Lemma cvgN f a : f @ F --> a (- f) @ F --> - a.

Lemma is_cvgN f : cvg (f @ F) cvg (- f @ F).

Lemma is_cvgNE f : cvg ((- f) @ F) = cvg (f @ F).

Lemma cvgMn f n a : f @ F --> a ((@GRing.natmul _)^~n \o f) @ F --> a *+ n.

Lemma is_cvgMn f n : cvg (f @ F) cvg (((@GRing.natmul _)^~n \o f) @ F).

Lemma cvgD f g a b : f @ F --> a g @ F --> b (f + g) @ F --> a + b.

Lemma is_cvgD f g : cvg (f @ F) cvg (g @ F) cvg (f + g @ F).

Lemma cvgB f g a b : f @ F --> a g @ F --> b (f - g) @ F --> a - b.

Lemma is_cvgB f g : cvg (f @ F) cvg (g @ F) cvg (f - g @ F).

Lemma is_cvgDlE f g : cvg (g @ F) cvg ((f + g) @ F) = cvg (f @ F).

Lemma is_cvgDrE f g : cvg (f @ F) cvg ((f + g) @ F) = cvg (g @ F).

Lemma cvg_sub0 f g a : (f - g) @ F --> (0 : V) g @ F --> a f @ F --> a.

Lemma cvg_zero f a : (f - cst a) @ F --> (0 : V) f @ F --> a.

Lemma cvgZ s f k a : s @ F --> k f @ F --> a
                     s x *: f x @[x --> F] --> k *: a.

Lemma is_cvgZ s f : cvg (s @ F)
  cvg (f @ F) cvg ((fun xs x *: f x) @ F).

Lemma cvgZl s k a : s @ F --> k s x *: a @[x --> F] --> k *: a.

Lemma is_cvgZl s a : cvg (s @ F) cvg ((fun xs x *: a) @ F).

Lemma cvgZr k f a : f @ F --> a k \*: f @ F --> k *: a.

Lemma is_cvgZr k f : cvg (f @ F) cvg (k *: f @ F).

Lemma is_cvgZrE k f : k != 0 cvg (k *: f @ F) = cvg (f @ F).

Lemma cvg_norm f a : f @ F --> a `|f x| @[x --> F] --> (`|a| : K).

Lemma is_cvg_norm f : cvg (f @ F) cvg ((Num.norm \o f : T K) @ F).

End cvg_composition.

Section cvg_composition_ereal.
Context (R : realFieldType) {T : topologicalType}.
Context (F : set (set T)) {FF : Filter F}.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Implicit Types (f : T \bar R) (g : T R) (x y : \bar R) (r : R).

Lemma ereal_cvgN f x : f @ F --> x (-%E \o f @ F) --> - x.

Lemma ereal_is_cvgN f : cvg (f @ F) cvg ((-%E \o f) @ F).

Lemma ereal_cvgrM f x y : y \is a fin_num
  f @ F --> x (fun ny × f n) @ F --> y × x.

Lemma ereal_is_cvgrM f y : y \is a fin_num
  cvg (f @ F) cvg ((fun ny × f n) @ F).

Lemma ereal_cvgMr f x y : y \is a fin_num
  f @ F --> x (fun nf n × y) @ F --> x × y.

Lemma ereal_is_cvgMr f y : y \is a fin_num
  cvg (f @ F) cvg ((fun nf n × y) @ F).

End cvg_composition_ereal.

Section cvg_composition_field.

Context {K : numFieldType} {T : topologicalType}.
Context (F : set (set T)) {FF : Filter F}.
Implicit Types (f g : T K) (a b : K).

Lemma cvgM f g a b : f @ F --> a g @ F --> b (f × g) @ F --> a × b.

Lemma cvgMl f a b : f @ F --> a (f x × b) @[x --> F] --> a × b.

Lemma cvgMr g a b : g @ F --> b (a × g x) @[x --> F] --> a × b.

Lemma is_cvgM f g : cvg (f @ F) cvg (g @ F) cvg (f × g @ F).

Lemma is_cvgMr g a (f := fun a) : cvg (g @ F) cvg (f × g @ F).

Lemma is_cvgMrE g a (f := fun a) : a != 0 cvg (f × g @ F) = cvg (g @ F).

Lemma is_cvgMl f a (g := fun a) : cvg (f @ F) cvg (f × g @ F).

Lemma is_cvgMlE f a (g := fun a) : a != 0 cvg (f × g @ F) = cvg (f @ F).

Lemma cvgV f a : a != 0 f @ F --> a (f x)^-1 @[x --> F] --> a^-1.

Lemma is_cvgV f : lim (f @ F) != 0 cvg (f @ F) cvg ((fun x(f x)^-1) @ F).

End cvg_composition_field.

Section limit_composition_normedmod.

Context {K : numFieldType} {V : normedModType K} {T : topologicalType}.
Context (F : set (set T)) {FF : ProperFilter F}.
Implicit Types (f g : T V) (s : T K) (k : K) (x : T) (a : V).

Lemma limN f : cvg (f @ F) lim (- f @ F) = - lim (f @ F).

Lemma limD f g : cvg (f @ F) cvg (g @ F)
   lim (f + g @ F) = lim (f @ F) + lim (g @ F).

Lemma limB f g : cvg (f @ F) cvg (g @ F)
   lim (f - g @ F) = lim (f @ F) - lim (g @ F).

Lemma limZ s f : cvg (s @ F) cvg (f @ F)
   lim ((fun xs x *: f x) @ F) = lim (s @ F) *: lim (f @ F).

Lemma limZl s a : cvg (s @ F)
   lim ((fun xs x *: a) @ F) = lim (s @ F) *: a.

Lemma limZr k f : cvg (f @ F) lim (k *: f @ F) = k *: lim (f @ F).

Lemma lim_norm f : cvg (f @ F) lim ((fun x`|f x| : K) @ F) = `|lim (f @ F)|.

End limit_composition_normedmod.

Section limit_composition_field.

Context {K : numFieldType} {T : topologicalType}.
Context (F : set (set T)) {FF : ProperFilter F}.
Implicit Types (f g : T K).

Lemma limM f g : cvg (f @ F) cvg (g @ F)
   lim (f × g @ F) = lim (f @ F) × lim (g @ F).

Lemma limV f : cvg (f @ F) lim (f @ F) != 0 lim ((fun x(f x)^-1) @ F) = (lim (f @ F))^-1.

End limit_composition_field.

Section local_continuity.

Context {K : numFieldType} {V : normedModType K} {T : topologicalType}.
Implicit Types (f g : T V) (s t : T K) (x : T) (k : K) (a : V).

Lemma continuousN (f : T V) x :
  {for x, continuous f} {for x, continuous (fun x- f x)}.

Lemma continuousD f g x :
  {for x, continuous f} {for x, continuous g}
  {for x, continuous (f + g)}.

Lemma continuousB f g x :
  {for x, continuous f} {for x, continuous g}
  {for x, continuous (f - g)}.

Lemma continuousZ s f x :
  {for x, continuous s} {for x, continuous f}
  {for x, continuous (fun xs x *: f x)}.

Lemma continuousZr f k x :
  {for x, continuous f} {for x, continuous (k \*: f)}.

Lemma continuousZl s a x :
  {for x, continuous s} {for x, continuous (fun zs z *: a)}.

Lemma continuousM s t x :
  {for x, continuous s} {for x, continuous t}
  {for x, continuous (s × t)}.

Lemma continuousV s x : s x != 0
  {for x, continuous s} {for x, continuous (fun x(s x)^-1)}.

End local_continuity.

Complete Normed Modules

Module CompleteNormedModule.

Section ClassDef.

Variable K : numFieldType.

Record class_of (T : Type) := Class {
  base : NormedModule.class_of K T ;
  mixin : Complete.axiom (PseudoMetric.Pack base)
Definition base2 T (cT : class_of T) : CompletePseudoMetric.class_of K T :=
  @CompletePseudoMetric.Class _ _ (@base T cT) (@mixin T cT).

Structure type (phK : phant K) := Pack { sort; _ : class_of sort }.

Variables (phK : phant K) (cT : type phK) (T : Type).

Definition class := let: Pack _ c := cT return class_of cT in c.

Definition pack :=
  fun bT (b : NormedModule.class_of K T) & phant_id (@NormedModule.class K phK bT) b
  fun mT m & phant_id (@Complete.class mT) (@Complete.Class T b m) ⇒
    Pack phK (@Class T b m).
Let xT := let: Pack T _ := cT in T.
Notation xclass := (class : class_of xT).

Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT xclass.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT xclass.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT xclass.
Definition normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack K phK cT xclass.
Definition lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK cT xclass.
Definition pointedType := @Pointed.Pack cT xclass.
Definition filteredType := @Filtered.Pack cT cT xclass.
Definition topologicalType := @Topological.Pack cT xclass.
Definition uniformType := @Uniform.Pack cT xclass.
Definition pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack K cT xclass.
Definition pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  @PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Pack K phK cT xclass.
Definition normedModType := @NormedModule.Pack K phK cT xclass.
Definition completeType := @Complete.Pack cT xclass.
Definition completePseudoMetricType := @CompletePseudoMetric.Pack K cT xclass.
Definition complete_zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack completeType xclass.
Definition complete_lmodType := @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK completeType xclass.
Definition complete_normedZmodType := @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack K phK completeType xclass.
Definition complete_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
  @PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Pack K phK completeType xclass.
Definition complete_normedModType := @NormedModule.Pack K phK completeType xclass.
Definition completePseudoMetric_lmodType : GRing.Lmodule.type phK :=
  @GRing.Lmodule.Pack K phK (CompletePseudoMetric.sort completePseudoMetricType)
Definition completePseudoMetric_zmodType : GRing.Zmodule.type :=
  @GRing.Zmodule.Pack (CompletePseudoMetric.sort completePseudoMetricType)
Definition completePseudoMetric_normedModType : NormedModule.type phK :=
  @NormedModule.Pack K phK (CompletePseudoMetric.sort completePseudoMetricType)
Definition completePseudoMetric_normedZmodType : Num.NormedZmodule.type phK :=
  @Num.NormedZmodule.Pack K phK
  (CompletePseudoMetric.sort completePseudoMetricType) xclass.
Definition completePseudoMetric_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :
  PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.type phK :=
  @PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Pack K phK
  (CompletePseudoMetric.sort completePseudoMetricType) xclass.
End ClassDef.

Module Exports.

Coercion base : class_of >-> NormedModule.class_of.
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> CompletePseudoMetric.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion pseudoMetricNormedZmodType : type >-> PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.type.
Canonical pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> Num.NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Coercion lmodType : type >-> GRing.Lmodule.type.
Canonical lmodType.
Coercion pointedType : type >-> Pointed.type.
Canonical pointedType.
Coercion filteredType : type >-> Filtered.type.
Canonical filteredType.
Coercion topologicalType : type >-> Topological.type.
Canonical topologicalType.
Coercion uniformType : type >-> Uniform.type.
Canonical uniformType.
Coercion pseudoMetricType : type >-> PseudoMetric.type.
Canonical pseudoMetricType.
Coercion normedModType : type >-> NormedModule.type.
Canonical normedModType.
Coercion completeType : type >-> Complete.type.
Canonical completeType.
Coercion completePseudoMetricType : type >-> CompletePseudoMetric.type.
Canonical completePseudoMetricType.
Canonical complete_zmodType.
Canonical complete_lmodType.
Canonical complete_normedZmodType.
Canonical complete_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Canonical complete_normedModType.
Canonical completePseudoMetric_lmodType.
Canonical completePseudoMetric_zmodType.
Canonical completePseudoMetric_normedModType.
Canonical completePseudoMetric_normedZmodType.
Canonical completePseudoMetric_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType.
Notation completeNormedModType K := (type (Phant K)).
Notation "[ 'completeNormedModType' K 'of' T ]" := (@pack _ (Phant K) T _ _ idfun _ _ idfun)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'completeNormedModType' K 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.

End CompleteNormedModule.

Export CompleteNormedModule.Exports.

Extended Types

The topology on real numbers

Arguments cvg_distW {_ _ F FF}.

Lemma R_complete (R : realType) (F : set (set R)) : ProperFilter F cauchy F cvg F.

Canonical R_regular_completeType (R : realType) :=
  CompleteType R^o (@R_complete R).
Canonical R_regular_CompleteNormedModule (R : realType) :=
  [completeNormedModType R of R^o].

Canonical R_completeType (R : realType) :=
  [completeType of R for [completeType of R^o]].
Canonical R_CompleteNormedModule (R : realType) :=
  [completeNormedModType R of R].

Section at_left_right.
Variable R : numFieldType.

Definition at_left (x : R) := within (fun uu < x) (nbhs x).
Definition at_right (x : R) := within (fun u : Rx < u) (nbhs x).

Global Instance at_right_proper_filter (x : R) : ProperFilter (at_right x).

Global Instance at_left_proper_filter (x : R) : ProperFilter (at_left x).
End at_left_right.

Typeclasses Opaque at_left at_right.

TODO: backport to mathcomp in progress
Lemma itvxx d (T : porderType d) (x : T) : `[x, x] =i pred1 x.

Lemma itvxxP d (T : porderType d) (x y : T) : reflect (y = x) (y \in `[x, x]).

Lemma subset_itv_oo_cc d (T : porderType d) (a b : T) : {subset `]a, b[ `[a, b]}.
/TODO: backport to mathcomp in progress

Lemma at_right_in_segment (R : realFieldType) (x : R) (P : set R) :
  (\ e \near at_right (0 : R), {in `[x - e, x + e], x, P x})
   (\near x, P x).

Section cvg_seq_bounded.
Context {K : numFieldType}.

Lemma cvg_seq_bounded {V : normedModType K} (a : nat V) :
  cvg a bounded_fun a.

End cvg_seq_bounded.

Lemma closure_sup (R : realType) (A : set R) :
  A !=set0 has_ubound A closure A (sup A).

Lemma near_infty_natSinv_lt (R : archiFieldType) (e : {posnum R}) :
  \ n \near \oo, n.+1%:R^-1 < e%:num.

Lemma limit_pointP (T : archiFieldType) (A : set T) (x : T) :
  limit_point A x a_ : nat T,
    [/\ a_ @` setT `<=` A, n, a_ n != x & a_ --> x].

Section open_closed_sets.
Variable R : realFieldType .

Some open sets of [R]

Lemma open_lt (y : R) : open [set x : R| x < y].
Hint Resolve open_lt : core.

Lemma open_gt (y : R) : open [set x : R | x > y].
Hint Resolve open_gt : core.

Lemma open_neq (y : R) : open [set x : R | x != y].

Some closed sets of [R]

Lemma closed_le (y : R) : closed [set x : R | x y].

Lemma closed_ge (y : R) : closed [set x : R | y x].

Lemma closed_eq (y : R) : closed [set x : R | x = y].

Definition bound_side d (T : porderType d) (c : bool) (x : itv_bound T) :=
  if x is BSide c' _ then c == c' else false.

Lemma interval_open a b : ~~ bound_side true a ~~ bound_side false b
  open [set x : R^o | x \in Interval a b].

Lemma interval_closed a b : ~~ bound_side false a ~~ bound_side true b
  closed [set x : R^o | x \in Interval a b].

End open_closed_sets.

Hint Extern 0 (open _) ⇒ now apply: open_gt : core.
Hint Extern 0 (open _) ⇒ now apply: open_lt : core.
Hint Extern 0 (open _) ⇒ now apply: open_neq : core.
Hint Extern 0 (closed _) ⇒ now apply: closed_ge : core.
Hint Extern 0 (closed _) ⇒ now apply: closed_le : core.
Hint Extern 0 (closed _) ⇒ now apply: closed_eq : core.

Section closure_left_right_open.
Variable R : archiFieldType.
Implicit Types z : R.

Lemma closure_gt z : closure ([set x | z < x] : set R) = [set x | z x].

Lemma closure_lt z : closure ([set x : R | x < z]) = [set x | x z].

End closure_left_right_open.

Section interval.
Variable R : numDomainType.

Definition is_interval (E : set R) :=
   x y, E x E y z, x z y E z.

Lemma is_intervalPlt (E : set R) :
  is_interval E x y, E x E y z, x < z < y E z.

Lemma interval_is_interval (i : interval R) : is_interval [set` i].

End interval.

Lemma right_bounded_interior (R : realType) (X : set R) :
  has_ubound X X `<=` [set r | r < sup X].

Lemma left_bounded_interior (R : realType) (X : set R) :
  has_lbound X X `<=` [set r | inf X < r].

Section interval_realType.
Variable R : realType.

Lemma interval_unbounded_setT (X : set R) : is_interval X
  ¬ has_lbound X ¬ has_ubound X X = setT.

Lemma interval_left_unbounded_interior (X : set R) : is_interval X
  ¬ has_lbound X has_ubound X X = [set r | r < sup X].

Lemma interval_right_unbounded_interior (X : set R) : is_interval X
  has_lbound X ¬ has_ubound X X = [set r | inf X < r].

Lemma interval_bounded_interior (X : set R) : is_interval X
  has_lbound X has_ubound X X = [set r | inf X < r < sup X].

Definition Rhull (X : set R) : interval R := Interval
  (if `[< has_lbound X >] then BSide `[< X (inf X) >] (inf X)
                          else BInfty _ true)
  (if `[< has_ubound X >] then BSide (~~ `[< X (sup X) >]) (sup X)
                          else BInfty _ false).

Lemma Rhull0 : Rhull set0 = `]0, 0[ :> interval R.

Lemma sub_Rhull (X : set R) : X `<=` [set x | x \in Rhull X].

Lemma is_intervalP (X : set R) : is_interval X X = [set x | x \in Rhull X].

Lemma connected_intervalP (E : set R) : connected E is_interval E.
End interval_realType.

Section segment.
Variable R : realType.

properties of segments in [R]

Lemma segment_connected (a b : R) : connected `[a, b].

Lemma segment_compact (a b : R) : compact `[a, b].

End segment.

Lemma ler0_addgt0P (R : numFieldType) (x : R) :
  reflect ( e, e > 0 x e) (x 0).

Lemma IVT (R : realType) (f : R R) (a b v : R) :
  a b {in `[a, b], continuous f}
  minr (f a) (f b) v maxr (f a) (f b)
  exists2 c, c \in `[a, b] & f c = v.

Local properties in [R]

Lemma compact_bounded (K : realType) (V : normedModType K) (A : set V) :
  compact A bounded_set A.

Lemma rV_compact (T : topologicalType) n (A : 'I_n.+1 set T) :
  ( i, compact (A i))
  compact [ set v : 'rV[T]_n.+1 | i, A i (v ord0 i)].

Lemma bounded_closed_compact (R : realType) n (A : set 'rV[R]_n.+1) :
  bounded_set A closed A compact A.

Section open_closed_sets_ereal.
Variable R : realFieldType (* TODO: generalize to numFieldType? *).
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Implicit Types x y : \bar R.
Implicit Types r : R.

Lemma open_ereal_lt y : open [set r : R | r%:E < y].

Lemma open_ereal_gt y : open [set r : R | y < r%:E].

Lemma open_ereal_lt' x y : x < y ereal_nbhs x (fun uu < y).

Lemma open_ereal_gt' x y : y < x ereal_nbhs x (fun uy < u).

Let open_ereal_lt_real r : open (fun xx < r%:E).

Lemma open_ereal_lt_ereal x : open [set y | y < x].

Let open_ereal_gt_real r : open (fun xr%:E < x).

Lemma open_ereal_gt_ereal x : open [set y | x < y].

Lemma closed_ereal_le_ereal y : closed [set x | y x].

Lemma closed_ereal_ge_ereal y : closed [set x | y x].

End open_closed_sets_ereal.

Section ereal_is_hausdorff.
Variable R : realFieldType.
Implicit Types r : R.

Lemma nbhs_image_ERFin (x : R) (X : set R) :
  nbhs x X nbhs x%:E ((fun rr%:E) @` X).

Lemma nbhs_open_ereal_lt r (f : R R) : r < f r
  nbhs r%:E [set y | y < (f r)%:E]%E.

Lemma nbhs_open_ereal_gt r (f : R R) : f r < r
  nbhs r%:E [set y | (f r)%:E < y]%E.

Lemma nbhs_open_ereal_pinfty r : (nbhs +oo [set y | r%:E < y])%E.

Lemma nbhs_open_ereal_ninfty r : (nbhs -oo [set y | y < r%:E])%E.

Lemma ereal_hausdorff : hausdorff_space (ereal_topologicalType R).

End ereal_is_hausdorff.

Hint Extern 0 (hausdorff_space _) ⇒ solve[apply: ereal_hausdorff] : core.

Section limit_composition_ereal.

Context {R : realFieldType} {T : topologicalType}.
Context (F : set (set T)) {FF : ProperFilter F}.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Implicit Types (f : T \bar R) (g : T R) (x : \bar R) (r : R).

Lemma ereal_limrM f y : y \is a fin_num cvg (f @ F)
  lim ((fun ny × f n) @ F) = y × lim (f @ F).

Lemma ereal_limMr f y : y \is a fin_num cvg (f @ F)
  lim ((fun nf n × y) @ F) = lim (f @ F) × y.

Lemma ereal_limN f : cvg (f @ F) lim ((-%E \o f) @ F) = - lim (f @ F).

End limit_composition_ereal.

Some limits on real functions

Section Shift.

Context {R : zmodType} {T : Type}.

Definition shift (x y : R) := y + x.
Notation center c := (shift (- c)).
Arguments shift x / y.

Lemma comp_shiftK (x : R) (f : R T) : (f \o shift x) \o center x = f.

Lemma comp_centerK (x : R) (f : R T) : (f \o center x) \o shift x = f.

Lemma shift0 : shift 0 = id.

Lemma center0 : center 0 = id.

End Shift.
Arguments shift {R} x / y.
Notation center c := (shift (- c)).

Lemma near_shift {K : numDomainType} {R : normedModType K}
   (y x : R) (P : set R) :
   (\near x, P x) = (\ z \near y, (P \o shift (x - y)) z).

Lemma cvg_comp_shift {T : Type} {K : numDomainType} {R : normedModType K}
  (x y : R) (f : R T) :
  (f \o shift x) @ y = f @ (y + x).

Section continuous.
Variables (K : numFieldType) (U V : normedModType K).

Lemma continuous_shift (f : U V) u :
  {for u, continuous f} = {for 0, continuous (f \o shift u)}.

Lemma continuous_withinNshiftx (f : U V) u :
  f \o shift u @ 0^' --> f u {for u, continuous f}.

End continuous.

Section Closed_Ball.

Lemma ball_open (R : numDomainType) (V : normedModType R) (x : V) (r : R) :
  0 < r open (ball x r).

Definition closed_ball_ (R : numDomainType) (V : zmodType) (norm : V R)
  (x : V) (e : R) := [set y | norm (x - y) e].

Lemma closed_closed_ball_ (R : realFieldType) (V : normedModType R)
  (x : V) (e : R) : closed (closed_ball_ normr x e).

Definition closed_ball (R : numDomainType) (V : pseudoMetricType R)
  (x : V) (e : R) := closure (ball x e).

Lemma closed_ballxx (R: numDomainType) (V : pseudoMetricType R) (x : V)
  (e : R) : 0 < e closed_ball x e x.

Lemma closed_ballE (R : realFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (x : V)
  (r : R) : 0 < r closed_ball x r = closed_ball_ normr x r.

Lemma closed_ball_closed (R : realFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (x : V)
  (r : R) : 0 < r closed (closed_ball x r).

Lemma closed_ball_subset (R : realFieldType) (M : normedModType R) (x : M)
  (r0 r1 : R) : 0 < r0 r0 < r1 closed_ball x r0 `<=` ball x r1.

Lemma nbhs_closedballP (R : realFieldType) (M : normedModType R) (B : set M)
  (x : M) : nbhs x B (r : {posnum R}), closed_ball x r%:num `<=` B.

Lemma subset_closed_ball (R : realFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (x : V)
  (r : R) : 0 < r ball x r `<=` closed_ball x r.

TBA topology.v once ball_normE is there

Lemma nbhs0_lt (K : numFieldType) (V : normedModType K) e :
  0 < e \ x \near nbhs (0 : V), `|x| < e.

Lemma dnbhs0_lt (K : numFieldType) (V : normedModType K) e :
  0 < e \ x \near dnbhs (0 : V), `|x| < e.

Lemma nbhs0_le (K : numFieldType) (V : normedModType K) e :
  0 < e \ x \near nbhs (0 : V), `|x| e.

Lemma dnbhs0_le (K : numFieldType) (V : normedModType K) e :
  0 < e \ x \near dnbhs (0 : V), `|x| e.

Lemma interior_closed_ballE (R : realType) (V : normedModType R) (x : V)
  (r : R) : 0 < r (closed_ball x r)^° = ball x r.

Lemma open_nbhs_closed_ball (R : realType) (V : normedModType R) (x : V)
  (r : R) : 0 < r open_nbhs x (closed_ball x r)^°.

End Closed_Ball.

multi-rule bound_in_itv already exists in interval.v, but we advocate that it should actually have the following statement. This does not expose the order between interval bounds.
Lemma bound_itvE (R : numDomainType) (a b : R) :
  ((a \in `[a, b]) = (a b)) ×
  ((b \in `[a, b]) = (a b)) ×
  ((a \in `[a, b[) = (a < b)) ×
  ((b \in `]a, b]) = (a < b)) ×
  (a \in `[a, +oo[) ×
  (a \in `]-oo, a]).

Lemma near_in_itv {R : realFieldType} (a b : R) :
  {in `]a, b[, y, \ z \near y, z \in `]a, b[}.

Notation "f @`[ a , b ]" :=
  (`[minr (f a) (f b), maxr (f a) (f b)]) : ring_scope.
Notation "f @`[ a , b ]" :=
  (`[minr (f a) (f b), maxr (f a) (f b)]%classic) : classical_set_scope.
Notation "f @`] a , b [" :=
  (`](minr (f a) (f b)), (maxr (f a) (f b))[) : ring_scope.
Notation "f @`] a , b [" :=
  (`](minr (f a) (f b)), (maxr (f a) (f b))[%classic) : classical_set_scope.

Section image_interval.
Variable R : realDomainType.
Implicit Types (a b : R) (f : R R).

Lemma mono_mem_image_segment a b f : monotonous `[a, b] f
  {homo f : x / x \in `[a, b] >-> x \in f @`[a, b]}.

Lemma mono_mem_image_itvoo a b f : monotonous `[a, b] f
  {homo f : x / x \in `]a, b[ >-> x \in f @`]a, b[}.

Lemma mono_surj_image_segment a b f : a b
    monotonous `[a, b] f surjective `[a, b] (f @`[a, b]) f
  f @` `[a, b] = f @`[a, b]%classic.

Lemma inc_segment_image a b f : f a f b f @`[a, b] = `[f a, f b].

Lemma dec_segment_image a b f : f b f a f @`[a, b] = `[f b, f a].

Lemma inc_surj_image_segment a b f : a b
    {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y / x y}}
    surjective `[a, b] `[f a, f b] f
  f @` `[a, b] = `[f a, f b]%classic.

Lemma dec_surj_image_segment a b f : a b
    {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y /~ x y}}
    surjective `[a, b] `[f b, f a] f
  f @` `[a, b] = `[f b, f a]%classic.

Lemma inc_surj_image_segmentP a b f : a b
    {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y / x y}}
    surjective `[a, b] `[f a, f b] f
   y, reflect (exists2 x, x \in `[a, b] & f x = y) (y \in `[f a, f b]).

Lemma dec_surj_image_segmentP a b f : a b
    {in `[a, b] &, {mono f : x y /~ x y}}
    surjective `[a, b] `[f b, f a] f
   y, reflect (exists2 x, x \in `[a, b] & f x = y) (y \in `[f b, f a]).

Lemma mono_surj_image_segmentP a b f : a b
    monotonous `[a, b] f surjective `[a, b] (f @`[a, b]) f
   y, reflect (exists2 x, x \in `[a, b] & f x = y) (y \in f @`[a, b]).

End image_interval.

Section LinearContinuousBounded.

Variables (R : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType R).

Lemma linear_boundedP (f : {linear V W}) : bounded_near f (nbhs (0 : V))
  \ r \near +oo, x, `|f x| r × `|x|.

Lemma linear_continuous0 (f : {linear V W}) :
  {for 0, continuous f} bounded_near f (nbhs (0 : V)).

Lemma linear_bounded0 (f : {linear V W}) :
  bounded_near f (nbhs (0 : V)) {for 0, continuous f}.

Lemma continuousfor0_continuous (f : {linear V W}) :
  {for 0, continuous f} continuous f.

Lemma linear_bounded_continuous (f : {linear V W}) :
  bounded_near f (nbhs (0 : V)) continuous f.

Lemma bounded_funP (f : {linear V W}) :
  ( r, M, x, `|x| r `|f x| M)
  bounded_near f (nbhs (0 : V)).

End LinearContinuousBounded.