Module mathcomp.analysis.topology_theory.one_point_compactification
From HB Require Import structures.From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra all_classical.
From mathcomp Require Import topology_structure uniform_structure.
From mathcomp Require Import pseudometric_structure compact weak_topology.
# One-Point Compactifications
Builds the one-point compactification of a topological space `X`. The main
results are that the compactification is indeed compact, and that `X`
embeds into its one-point compactification.
one_point_compactification X == the one-point compactification of `X`
as an alias of `option X`
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Definition one_point_compactification (X : Type) : Type := option X.
Section one_point_compactification.
Context {X : topologicalType}.
Local Notation opc := (one_point_compactification X).
HB.instance Definition _ := Choice.on opc.
HB.instance Definition _ := Pointed.on opc.
Definition one_point_nbhs (x : opc) : set_system opc :=
if x is Some x' then Some @ nbhs x' else
filter_from (compact `&` closed) (fun U => (Some @` ~`U) `|` [set None]).
Let one_point_filter (x : opc) : ProperFilter (one_point_nbhs x).
case: x => [x|]; first exact: fmap_proper_filter.
apply: filter_from_proper; last by move=> ? _; exists None; right.
apply: filter_from_filter.
by exists set0; split; [exact: compact0 | exact: closed0].
move=> P Q [cptP cloP] [cptQ cloQ]; exists (P `|` Q).
- by split; [exact: compactU | exact: closedU].
- case=> [x [|//]|[] //= _]; [|by split; right..].
by move=> [a /not_orP[Pa Qa]] [<-{x}]; split => //; left; exists a.
apply: filter_from_proper; last by move=> ? _; exists None; right.
apply: filter_from_filter.
by exists set0; split; [exact: compact0 | exact: closed0].
move=> P Q [cptP cloP] [cptQ cloQ]; exists (P `|` Q).
- by split; [exact: compactU | exact: closedU].
- case=> [x [|//]|[] //= _]; [|by split; right..].
by move=> [a /not_orP[Pa Qa]] [<-{x}]; split => //; left; exists a.
Let one_point_singleton (x : opc) U : one_point_nbhs x U -> U x.
Let one_point_nbhs_nbhs (p : opc) (A : set opc) :
one_point_nbhs p A -> one_point_nbhs p (one_point_nbhs^~ A).
case: p => [r /=|].
rewrite nbhs_simpl nbhsE => -[U [oU Ur] USA/=].
by exists U => //= z /=; rewrite nbhs_simpl nbhsE => Uz; exists U.
case=> C [cptC cloC] nCA /=; exists C => // -[|_]; last by exists C.
move=> x [|//] [y] /[swap] -[-> /=] nCx; rewrite nbhs_simpl nbhsE/=.
exists (~` C); first by split => //; exact: closed_openC.
by move=> z /= nCz; apply: nCA; left.
rewrite nbhs_simpl nbhsE => -[U [oU Ur] USA/=].
by exists U => //= z /=; rewrite nbhs_simpl nbhsE => Uz; exists U.
case=> C [cptC cloC] nCA /=; exists C => // -[|_]; last by exists C.
move=> x [|//] [y] /[swap] -[-> /=] nCx; rewrite nbhs_simpl nbhsE/=.
exists (~` C); first by split => //; exact: closed_openC.
by move=> z /= nCz; apply: nCA; left.
HB.instance Definition _ := hasNbhs.Build opc one_point_nbhs.
HB.instance Definition _ := @Nbhs_isNbhsTopological.Build opc
one_point_filter one_point_singleton one_point_nbhs_nbhs.
Lemma one_point_compactification_compact : compact [set: opc].
apply/compact_near_coveringP => ? F /= P FF FT.
have [[U i] [[W [cptW cW] /= WU nFi UiP]]] := FT None I.
have P'F x : W x -> \near x & F, P F (Some x).
move=> Wx; suff: \forall y \near Some @ x & f \near id @ F, P f y.
by rewrite near_map2.
exact: FT (Some x) I.
move/compact_near_coveringP/(_ _ F _ FF P'F) : cptW => cWP.
near=> j => z _; case: z => [z|].
- have [?|Wz] := pselect (W z); first exact: (near cWP).
by apply: (UiP (_, _)); split => /=;
[apply: WU; left; exists z|exact: (near nFi)].
- by apply: (UiP (_, _)); split => /=; [apply: WU; right|exact: (near nFi)].
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
have [[U i] [[W [cptW cW] /= WU nFi UiP]]] := FT None I.
have P'F x : W x -> \near x & F, P F (Some x).
move=> Wx; suff: \forall y \near Some @ x & f \near id @ F, P f y.
by rewrite near_map2.
exact: FT (Some x) I.
move/compact_near_coveringP/(_ _ F _ FF P'F) : cptW => cWP.
near=> j => z _; case: z => [z|].
- have [?|Wz] := pselect (W z); first exact: (near cWP).
by apply: (UiP (_, _)); split => /=;
[apply: WU; left; exists z|exact: (near nFi)].
- by apply: (UiP (_, _)); split => /=; [apply: WU; right|exact: (near nFi)].
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
Lemma one_point_compactification_some_nbhs (x : X) (U : set X) :
nbhs x U -> @nbhs _ opc (Some x) (Some @` U).
Lemma one_point_compactification_some_continuous : continuous (Some : X -> opc).
by move=> x U. Qed.
Lemma one_point_compactification_open_some (U : set X) :
open U -> @open opc (Some @` U).
Lemma one_point_compactification_weak_topology :
@nbhs _ (@weak_topology X opc Some) = @nbhs _ X.
rewrite predeq2E => x U; split; rewrite /(@nbhs _ (weak_topology _))/=.
case=> _ [[/= W] oW <- /= WSs] /filterS; apply.
rewrite nbhsE => -[V [oV Vx VU]]; exists V; split => //.
exists (Some @` V); first exact: one_point_compactification_open_some.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split=> [y [z Vz [<-//]]|]; exact: preimage_image.
case=> _ [[/= W] oW <- /= WSs] /filterS; apply.
rewrite nbhsE => -[V [oV Vx VU]]; exists V; split => //.
exists (Some @` V); first exact: one_point_compactification_open_some.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split=> [y [z Vz [<-//]]|]; exact: preimage_image.
End one_point_compactification.