Module mathcomp.classical.set_interval
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum interval.From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import functions.
# Sets and Intervals
This files contains lemmas about sets and intervals.
neitv i == the interval i is non-empty
when the support type is a numFieldType, this
is equivalent to (i.1 < i.2)%O (lemma neitvE)
set_itv_infty_set0 == multirule to simplify empty intervals
line_path a b t := (1 - t) * a + t * b, convexity operator over a
ndline_path == line_path a b with the constraint that a < b
factor a b x := (x - a) / (b - a)
set_itvE == multirule to turn intervals into inequalities
disjoint_itv i j == intervals i and j are disjoint
itv_is_ray i == i is either `]x,+oo[ or `]-oo,x[
itv_is_bd_open i == i is `]x,y[
itv_open_ends i == i has open endpoints, E.G. is one of the two above
is_open_itv A == the set A can be written as an open interval
open_itv_cover A == the set A can be covered by open intervals
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
definitions and lemmas to make a bridge between MathComp intervals and
classical sets
Section set_itv_porderType.Variables (d : Order.disp_t) (T : porderType d).
Implicit Types (i j : interval T) (x y : T) (a : itv_bound T).
Definition neitv i := [set` i] != set0.
Lemma neitv_lt_bnd i : neitv i -> (i.1 < i.2)%O.
Lemma set_itvP i j : [set` i] = [set` j] :> set _ <-> i =i j.
split => [ij x|ij]; first by have /(congr1 (@^~ x))/=/is_true_inj := ij.
by rewrite predeqE => r /=; rewrite ij.
by rewrite predeqE => r /=; rewrite ij.
Lemma subset_itvP i j : {subset i <= j} <-> [set` i] `<=` [set` j].
by []. Qed.
Lemma in1_subset_itv (P : T -> Prop) i j :
[set` j] `<=` [set` i] -> {in i, forall x, P x} -> {in j, forall x, P x}.
Lemma subset_itvW x y z u b0 b1 :
(x <= y)%O -> (z <= u)%O ->
`]y, z[ `<=` [set` Interval (BSide b0 x) (BSide b1 u)].
move=> xy zu; apply: (@subset_trans _ `]x, u[%classic).
move=> x0/=; rewrite 2!in_itv/= => /andP[].
by move=> /(le_lt_trans xy) ->/= /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move: b0 b1 => [] [] /=; [exact: subset_itv_oo_co|exact: subset_itv_oo_cc|
exact: subset_refl|exact: subset_itv_oo_oc].
move=> x0/=; rewrite 2!in_itv/= => /andP[].
by move=> /(le_lt_trans xy) ->/= /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move: b0 b1 => [] [] /=; [exact: subset_itv_oo_co|exact: subset_itv_oo_cc|
exact: subset_refl|exact: subset_itv_oo_oc].
Lemma subset_itvl (a b c : itv_bound T) : (b <= c)%O ->
[set` Interval a b] `<=` [set` Interval a c].
case: c => [[|] c bc x/=|[//|_] x/=].
- rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[->/=].
case: b bc => [[|]/=|[|]//] b bc.
by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
- rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[->/=].
case: b bc => [[|]/=|[|]//] b bc.
by move=> /ltW /le_trans; apply.
by move=> /le_trans; apply.
- by move: x; rewrite le_ninfty => /eqP ->.
- by rewrite !in_itv/=; case: a => [[|]/=|[|]//] a /andP[->].
- rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[->/=].
case: b bc => [[|]/=|[|]//] b bc.
by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
- rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[->/=].
case: b bc => [[|]/=|[|]//] b bc.
by move=> /ltW /le_trans; apply.
by move=> /le_trans; apply.
- by move: x; rewrite le_ninfty => /eqP ->.
- by rewrite !in_itv/=; case: a => [[|]/=|[|]//] a /andP[->].
Lemma subset_itvr (a b c : itv_bound T) : (c <= a)%O ->
[set` Interval a b] `<=` [set` Interval c b].
move=> ac x/=; rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[ax ->]; rewrite andbT.
move: c a ax ac => [[|] c [[|]/= a ax|[|]//=]|[//|]]; rewrite ?bnd_simp.
- by move=> /le_trans; exact.
- by move=> /le_trans; apply; exact/ltW.
- by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
- by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
- by move=> [[|]|[|]//].
move: c a ax ac => [[|] c [[|]/= a ax|[|]//=]|[//|]]; rewrite ?bnd_simp.
- by move=> /le_trans; exact.
- by move=> /le_trans; apply; exact/ltW.
- by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
- by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
- by move=> [[|]|[|]//].
Lemma subset_itvScc (a b : itv_bound T) (c e : T) :
(BLeft c <= a)%O -> (b <= BRight e)%O ->
[set` Interval a b] `<=` [set` `[c, e]].
move=> ca be z/=; rewrite !in_itv/==> /andP[az zb].
case: a ca az => [[|]/=|[|]//] a; rewrite bnd_simp => ca az.
- rewrite (le_trans ca az)/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /ltW/le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_trans; exact.
- rewrite (le_trans ca (ltW az))/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /ltW/le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_trans; exact.
case: a ca az => [[|]/=|[|]//] a; rewrite bnd_simp => ca az.
- rewrite (le_trans ca az)/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /ltW/le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_trans; exact.
- rewrite (le_trans ca (ltW az))/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /ltW/le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_trans; exact.
Lemma subset_itvSoo (a b : itv_bound T) (c e : T) :
(BLeft c < a)%O -> (b < BRight e)%O ->
[set` Interval a b] `<=` [set` `]c, e[].
move=> ca be z/=; rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[az zb].
case: a ca az => [[|]/=|[|]//] a; rewrite bnd_simp => ca az.
rewrite (lt_le_trans ca az)/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
rewrite (le_lt_trans ca az)/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
case: a ca az => [[|]/=|[|]//] a; rewrite bnd_simp => ca az.
rewrite (lt_le_trans ca az)/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
rewrite (le_lt_trans ca az)/=.
move: b be zb => [[|]/= b|[|]//]; rewrite bnd_simp => be.
by move=> /lt_le_trans; exact.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; exact.
Lemma interval_set1 x : `[x, x]%classic = [set x] :> set T.
Lemma set_itvoo x y : `]x, y[%classic = [set z | (x < z < y)%O].
by []. Qed.
Lemma set_itvco x y : `[x, y[%classic = [set z | (x <= z < y)%O].
by []. Qed.
Lemma set_itvcc x y : `[x, y]%classic = [set z | (x <= z <= y)%O].
by []. Qed.
Lemma set_itvoc x y : `]x, y]%classic = [set z | (x < z <= y)%O].
by []. Qed.
Lemma set_itv1 x : `[x, x]%classic = [set x].
Lemma set_itvoo0 x : `]x, x[%classic = set0.
Lemma set_itvoc0 x : `]x, x]%classic = set0.
Lemma set_itvco0 x : `[x, x[%classic = set0.
Lemma set_itv_infty_infty : `]-oo, +oo[%classic = @setT T.
Lemma set_itv_o_infty x : `]x, +oo[%classic = [set z | (x < z)%O].
Lemma set_itv_c_infty x : `[x, +oo[%classic = [set z | (x <= z)%O].
Lemma set_itv_infty_o x : `]-oo, x[%classic = [set z | (z < x)%O].
Lemma set_itv_infty_c x : `]-oo, x]%classic = [set z | (z <= x)%O].
Lemma set_itv_pinfty_bnd a : [set` Interval +oo%O a] = set0.
Lemma set_itv_bnd_ninfty a : [set` Interval a -oo%O] = set0.
Definition set_itv_infty_set0 := (set_itv_bnd_ninfty, set_itv_pinfty_bnd).
Definition set_itvE := (set_itv1, set_itvoo0, set_itvoc0, set_itvco0, set_itvoo,
set_itvcc, set_itvoc, set_itvco, set_itv_infty_infty, set_itv_o_infty,
set_itv_c_infty, set_itv_infty_o, set_itv_infty_c, set_itv_infty_set0).
Lemma set_itvxx a : [set` Interval a a] = set0.
Lemma setUitv1 a x : (a <= BLeft x)%O ->
[set` Interval a (BLeft x)] `|` [set x] = [set` Interval a (BRight x)].
Lemma setU1itv a x : (BRight x <= a)%O ->
x |` [set` Interval (BRight x) a] = [set` Interval (BLeft x) a].
Lemma setDitv1r a x :
[set` Interval a (BRight x)] `\ x = [set` Interval a (BLeft x)].
Lemma setDitv1l a x :
[set` Interval (BLeft x) a] `\ x = [set` Interval (BRight x) a].
End set_itv_porderType.
Arguments neitv {d T} _.
#[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 1.4.0", note="renamed to subset_itvScc")]
Notation subset_itvS := subset_itvScc (only parsing).
Section set_itv_orderType.
Variables (d : Order.disp_t) (T : orderType d).
Implicit Types a b x y : itv_bound T.
Lemma itv_bndbnd_setU a x y : (a <= x)%O -> (x <= y)%O ->
([set` Interval a y] = [set` Interval a x] `|` [set` Interval x y])%classic.
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-{x} ay|]; first by rewrite set_itvxx set0U.
move=> /[swap].
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[-> ay|]; first by rewrite set_itvxx setU0.
move: y => [yb y/=|[|]]; last 2 first.
by case: x => [|[|]].
move=> _ ax; apply/seteqP; split => [z|z] /=.
rewrite !in_itv/= !andbT => -> /=; apply/orP.
by move: x => [[|] x/=|[|]//] in ax *; rewrite leNgt ?(orbN,orNb).
rewrite !in_itv/= !andbT => -[/andP[]|]//.
move: x => [[|] x/=|[|]//] in ax *; move: a => [[|] a/=|[|]//] in ax * => //.
- by apply/le_trans; exact/ltW.
- exact/lt_le_trans.
- by move=> /(le_lt_trans ax) /ltW.
- exact/lt_trans.
move=> xy ax; apply/seteqP; split => [z|z] /=.
rewrite !in_itv /= => /andP[].
move: a ax => [b t /=|[]//= oox _].
move=> tx -> zxy /=; rewrite zxy andbT/=; apply/orP.
by case: x xy tx => [[|] x/=|[|]//] xy tx; rewrite leNgt ?(orbN,orNb).
move=> ->; rewrite andbT; apply/orP.
by move: x => [[|] x/=|[|]//] in oox xy *; rewrite leNgt ?(orbN,orNb).
rewrite !in_itv/=.
move: a ax => [b t /= tx| [/= oox|/= oox]].
- move=> [/andP[-> zx]|].
move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy tx zx *.
case: yb => /= in xy *.
by rewrite (lt_trans zx _).
by rewrite (ltW (lt_le_trans zx _)).
rewrite bnd_simp in xy.
case: yb => /=.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans zx _).
by rewrite (ltW (le_lt_trans zx _)).
move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy tx *; rewrite bnd_simp in xy tx.
+ move=> /andP[xz ->]; rewrite andbT.
case: b => /=.
by rewrite (le_trans _ xz)// ltW.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans tx).
move=> /andP[xz ->]; rewrite andbT.
case: b tx => /= tx; rewrite bnd_simp in tx.
by rewrite ltW// (le_lt_trans _ xz).
by rewrite (lt_trans tx).
- move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy oox *; move=> [|].
+ case: yb => /= in xy *.
by move=> /lt_trans; exact.
rewrite bnd_simp in xy.
by move=> /lt_le_trans => /(_ _ xy)/ltW.
+ by move=> /andP[].
+ case: yb => /= in xy *.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; apply.
by move=> /le_trans; apply; exact/ltW.
+ by move=> /andP[].
- by move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy oox *.
move=> /[swap].
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[-> ay|]; first by rewrite set_itvxx setU0.
move: y => [yb y/=|[|]]; last 2 first.
by case: x => [|[|]].
move=> _ ax; apply/seteqP; split => [z|z] /=.
rewrite !in_itv/= !andbT => -> /=; apply/orP.
by move: x => [[|] x/=|[|]//] in ax *; rewrite leNgt ?(orbN,orNb).
rewrite !in_itv/= !andbT => -[/andP[]|]//.
move: x => [[|] x/=|[|]//] in ax *; move: a => [[|] a/=|[|]//] in ax * => //.
- by apply/le_trans; exact/ltW.
- exact/lt_le_trans.
- by move=> /(le_lt_trans ax) /ltW.
- exact/lt_trans.
move=> xy ax; apply/seteqP; split => [z|z] /=.
rewrite !in_itv /= => /andP[].
move: a ax => [b t /=|[]//= oox _].
move=> tx -> zxy /=; rewrite zxy andbT/=; apply/orP.
by case: x xy tx => [[|] x/=|[|]//] xy tx; rewrite leNgt ?(orbN,orNb).
move=> ->; rewrite andbT; apply/orP.
by move: x => [[|] x/=|[|]//] in oox xy *; rewrite leNgt ?(orbN,orNb).
rewrite !in_itv/=.
move: a ax => [b t /= tx| [/= oox|/= oox]].
- move=> [/andP[-> zx]|].
move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy tx zx *.
case: yb => /= in xy *.
by rewrite (lt_trans zx _).
by rewrite (ltW (lt_le_trans zx _)).
rewrite bnd_simp in xy.
case: yb => /=.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans zx _).
by rewrite (ltW (le_lt_trans zx _)).
move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy tx *; rewrite bnd_simp in xy tx.
+ move=> /andP[xz ->]; rewrite andbT.
case: b => /=.
by rewrite (le_trans _ xz)// ltW.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans tx).
move=> /andP[xz ->]; rewrite andbT.
case: b tx => /= tx; rewrite bnd_simp in tx.
by rewrite ltW// (le_lt_trans _ xz).
by rewrite (lt_trans tx).
- move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy oox *; move=> [|].
+ case: yb => /= in xy *.
by move=> /lt_trans; exact.
rewrite bnd_simp in xy.
by move=> /lt_le_trans => /(_ _ xy)/ltW.
+ by move=> /andP[].
+ case: yb => /= in xy *.
by move=> /le_lt_trans; apply.
by move=> /le_trans; apply; exact/ltW.
+ by move=> /andP[].
- by move: x => [[|] x|[|]//]/= in xy oox *.
Lemma set_itv_splitU a b (c : T) : c \in Interval a b ->
[set` Interval a b] `\ c =
[set` Interval a (BLeft c)] `|` [set` Interval (BRight c) b].
move=> cab; apply/seteqP; split => [x /= [xab /eqP]|x[|]]/=.
- rewrite neq_lt => /orP[xc|cx]; [left|right].
+ move: cab xab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[ax xb].
by rewrite ax/= bnd_simp.
+ move: cab xab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[ax xb].
by rewrite xb andbT bnd_simp.
- move: cab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[ax].
rewrite bnd_simp => xc.
rewrite ax/= (le_trans _ cb) ?bnd_simp ?(ltW xc)//; split => //.
by apply/eqP; rewrite lt_eqF.
- move: cab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[+ xb].
rewrite bnd_simp => cx.
rewrite xb/= andbT (le_trans ac)/= ?bnd_simp ?(ltW cx)//; split => //.
by apply/eqP; rewrite gt_eqF.
- rewrite neq_lt => /orP[xc|cx]; [left|right].
+ move: cab xab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[ax xb].
by rewrite ax/= bnd_simp.
+ move: cab xab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[ax xb].
by rewrite xb andbT bnd_simp.
- move: cab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[ax].
rewrite bnd_simp => xc.
rewrite ax/= (le_trans _ cb) ?bnd_simp ?(ltW xc)//; split => //.
by apply/eqP; rewrite lt_eqF.
- move: cab; rewrite !itv_boundlr => /andP[ac cb] /andP[+ xb].
rewrite bnd_simp => cx.
rewrite xb/= andbT (le_trans ac)/= ?bnd_simp ?(ltW cx)//; split => //.
by apply/eqP; rewrite gt_eqF.
End set_itv_orderType.
Lemma set_itv_ge disp [T : porderType disp] [b1 b2 : itv_bound T] :
~~ (b1 < b2)%O -> [set` Interval b1 b2] = set0.
Section set_itv_latticeType.
Variables (d : Order.disp_t) (T : latticeType d).
Implicit Types (i j : interval T) (x y : T) (a : itv_bound T).
Lemma set_itvI i j : [set` (i `&` j)%O] = [set` i] `&` [set` j].
End set_itv_latticeType.
Section set_itv_numFieldType.
Variable R : numFieldType.
Implicit Types i : interval R.
Lemma neitvE i : neitv i = (i.1 < i.2)%O.
apply/idP/idP; first exact: neitv_lt_bnd.
by move=> /mem_miditv ii; apply/set0P; exists (miditv i).
by move=> /mem_miditv ii; apply/set0P; exists (miditv i).
Lemma neitvP i : reflect (i.1 < i.2)%O (neitv i).
End set_itv_numFieldType.
Lemma setitv0 (R : realDomainType) : [set` (\bot%O : interval R)] = set0.
Section interval_has_bound.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Lemma has_lbound_itv (x : R) b (a : itv_bound R) :
has_lbound [set` Interval (BSide b x) a].
Lemma has_ubound_itv (x : R) b (a : itv_bound R) :
has_ubound [set` Interval a (BSide b x)].
End interval_has_bound.
Section subr_image.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Implicit Types E : set R.
Implicit Types x : R.
Lemma setNK : involutive (fun E => -%R @` E).
Lemma lb_ubN E x : lbound E x <-> ubound (-%R @` E) (- x).
Lemma ub_lbN E x : ubound E x <-> lbound (-%R @` E) (- x).
Lemma memNE E x : E x = (-%R @` E) (- x).
Lemma nonemptyN E : nonempty (-%R @` E) <-> nonempty E.
Lemma opp_set_eq0 E : (-%R @` E) = set0 <-> E = set0.
Lemma has_lb_ubN E : has_lbound E <-> has_ubound (-%R @` E).
End subr_image.
Section interval_hasNbound.
Variable R : realDomainType.
Implicit Types E : set R.
Implicit Types x : R.
Lemma has_ubPn {E} : ~ has_ubound E <-> (forall x, exists2 y, E y & x < y).
Lemma has_lbPn E : ~ has_lbound E <-> (forall x, exists2 y, E y & y < x).
Lemma hasNlbound_itv (a : itv_bound R) : a != -oo%O ->
~ has_lbound [set` Interval -oo%O a].
move: a => [b r|[|]] _ //.
suff: ~ has_lbound `]-oo, r[%classic.
by case: b => //; apply/contra_not/subset_has_lbound => x /ltW.
apply/has_lbPn => x; exists (minr (r - 1) (x - 1)).
by rewrite !set_itvE/= gt_min ltrBlDr ltrDl ltr01.
by rewrite gt_min orbC ltrBlDr ltrDl ltr01.
case=> r /(_ (r - 1)) /=; rewrite in_itv /= => /(_ erefl).
by apply/negP; rewrite -ltNge ltrBlDr ltrDl.
suff: ~ has_lbound `]-oo, r[%classic.
by case: b => //; apply/contra_not/subset_has_lbound => x /ltW.
apply/has_lbPn => x; exists (minr (r - 1) (x - 1)).
by rewrite !set_itvE/= gt_min ltrBlDr ltrDl ltr01.
by rewrite gt_min orbC ltrBlDr ltrDl ltr01.
case=> r /(_ (r - 1)) /=; rewrite in_itv /= => /(_ erefl).
by apply/negP; rewrite -ltNge ltrBlDr ltrDl.
Lemma hasNubound_itv (a : itv_bound R) : a != +oo%O ->
~ has_ubound [set` Interval a +oo%O].
move: a => [b r|[|]] _ //.
suff: ~ has_ubound `]r, +oo[%classic.
case: b => //; apply/contra_not/subset_has_ubound => x.
by rewrite !set_itvE => /ltW.
apply/has_ubPn => x; rewrite !set_itvE; exists (maxr (r + 1) (x + 1));
by rewrite ?in_itv /= ?andbT lt_max ltrDl ltr01 // orbT.
case=> r /(_ (r + 1)) /=; rewrite in_itv /= => /(_ erefl).
by apply/negP; rewrite -ltNge ltrDl.
suff: ~ has_ubound `]r, +oo[%classic.
case: b => //; apply/contra_not/subset_has_ubound => x.
by rewrite !set_itvE => /ltW.
apply/has_ubPn => x; rewrite !set_itvE; exists (maxr (r + 1) (x + 1));
by rewrite ?in_itv /= ?andbT lt_max ltrDl ltr01 // orbT.
case=> r /(_ (r + 1)) /=; rewrite in_itv /= => /(_ erefl).
by apply/negP; rewrite -ltNge ltrDl.
End interval_hasNbound.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (has_lbound _) => solve[apply: has_lbound_itv] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (has_ubound _) => solve[apply: has_ubound_itv] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (~ has_lbound _) => solve[by apply: hasNlbound_itv] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (~ has_ubound _) => solve[by apply: hasNubound_itv] : core.
Lemma opp_itv_bndy (R : numDomainType) (x : R) b :
-%R @` [set` Interval (BSide b x) +oo%O] =
[set` Interval -oo%O (BSide (negb b) (- x))].
Notation opp_itv_bnd_infty := opp_itv_bndy (only parsing).
Lemma opp_itvNy_bnd (R : numDomainType) (x : R) b :
-%R @` [set` Interval -oo%O (BSide b x)] =
[set` Interval (BSide (negb b) (- x)) +oo%O].
Notation opp_itv_infty_bnd := opp_itvNy_bnd (only parsing).
Lemma opp_itv_bnd_bnd (R : numDomainType) a b (x y : R) :
-%R @` [set` Interval (BSide a x) (BSide b y)] =
[set` Interval (BSide (~~ b) (- y)) (BSide (~~ a) (- x))].
Lemma opp_itvoo (R : numDomainType) (x y : R) :
-%R @` `]x, y[%classic = `](- y), (- x)[%classic.
lemmas between itv and set-theoretic operations
Section set_itv_porderType.Variables (d : Order.disp_t) (T : orderType d).
Implicit Types (a : itv_bound T) (x y : T) (i j : interval T) (b : bool).
Lemma setCitvl a : ~` [set` Interval -oo%O a] = [set` Interval a +oo%O].
Lemma setCitvr a : ~` [set` Interval a +oo%O] = [set` Interval -oo%O a].
Lemma set_itv_splitI i : [set` i] = [set` Interval i.1 +oo%O] `&` [set` Interval -oo%O i.2].
Lemma setCitv i :
~` [set` i] = [set` Interval -oo%O i.1] `|` [set` Interval i.2 +oo%O].
Lemma set_itv_splitD i :
[set` i] = [set` Interval i.1 +oo%O] `\` [set` Interval i.2 +oo%O].
End set_itv_porderType.
Section line_path_factor_numDomainType.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Implicit Types (a b t r : R) (A : set R).
Lemma mem_1B_itvcc t : (1 - t \in `[0, 1]) = (t \in `[0, 1]).
Definition line_path a b t : R := (1 - t) * a + t * b.
Lemma line_path_id : line_path 0 1 = id.
Lemma line_pathEl a b t : line_path a b t = t * (b - a) + a.
Lemma line_pathEr a b t : line_path a b t = (1 - t) * (a - b) + b.
Lemma line_path10 t : line_path 1 0 t = 1 - t.
Lemma line_path0 a b : line_path a b 0 = a.
Lemma line_path1 a b : line_path a b 1 = b.
Lemma line_path_sym a b t : line_path a b t = line_path b a (1 - t).
Lemma line_path_flat a : line_path a a = cst a.
Lemma leW_line_path a b : a <= b -> {homo line_path a b : x y / x <= y}.
Definition factor a b x := (x - a) / (b - a).
Lemma leW_factor a b : a <= b -> {homo factor a b : x y / x <= y}.
Lemma factor_flat a : factor a a = cst 0.
Lemma factorl a b : factor a b a = 0.
Definition ndline_path a b of a < b := line_path a b.
Lemma ndline_pathE a b (ab : a < b) : ndline_path ab = line_path a b.
by []. Qed.
End line_path_factor_numDomainType.
Section line_path_factor_numFieldType.
Variable R : numFieldType.
Implicit Types (a b t r : R) (A : set R).
Lemma factorr a b : a != b -> factor a b b = 1.
Lemma factorK a b : a != b -> cancel (factor a b) (line_path a b).
Lemma line_pathK a b : a != b -> cancel (line_path a b) (factor a b).
Lemma line_path_inj a b : a != b -> injective (line_path a b).
Lemma factor_inj a b : a != b -> injective (factor a b).
Lemma line_path_bij a b : a != b -> bijective (line_path a b).
Lemma factor_bij a b : a != b -> bijective (factor a b).
Lemma le_line_path a b : a < b -> {mono line_path a b : x y / x <= y}.
move=> ltab; have leab := ltW ltab.
apply: homo_mono (line_pathK _) (leW_factor _) (leW_line_path _) => //.
by rewrite lt_eqF.
apply: homo_mono (line_pathK _) (leW_factor _) (leW_line_path _) => //.
by rewrite lt_eqF.
Lemma le_factor a b : a < b -> {mono factor a b : x y / x <= y}.
move=> ltab; have leab := ltW ltab.
apply: homo_mono (factorK _) (leW_line_path _) (leW_factor _) => //.
by rewrite lt_eqF.
apply: homo_mono (factorK _) (leW_line_path _) (leW_factor _) => //.
by rewrite lt_eqF.
Lemma lt_line_path a b : a < b -> {mono line_path a b : x y / x < y}.
Lemma lt_factor a b : a < b -> {mono factor a b : x y / x < y}.
Let ltNeq a b : a < b -> a != b
HB.instance Definition _ a b (ab : a < b) :=
@Can2.Build _ _ setT setT (ndline_path ab) (factor a b)
(fun _ _ => I) (fun _ _ => I)
(in1W (line_pathK (ltNeq ab))) (in1W (factorK (ltNeq ab))).
Lemma line_path_itv_bij ba bb a b : a < b ->
set_bij [set` Interval (BSide ba 0) (BSide bb 1)]
[set` Interval (BSide ba a) (BSide bb b)] (line_path a b).
move=> ltab; rewrite -ndline_pathE.
apply: bij_subr => //=; rewrite setTI ?ndline_pathE.
apply/predeqP => t /=; rewrite !in_itv/= {1}line_pathEl line_pathEr.
rewrite -lteifBlDr subrr -lteif_pdivrMr ?subr_gt0// mul0r.
rewrite -lteifBrDr subrr -lteif_ndivrMr ?subr_lt0// mul0r.
by rewrite lteifBrDl addr0.
apply: bij_subr => //=; rewrite setTI ?ndline_pathE.
apply/predeqP => t /=; rewrite !in_itv/= {1}line_pathEl line_pathEr.
rewrite -lteifBlDr subrr -lteif_pdivrMr ?subr_gt0// mul0r.
rewrite -lteifBrDr subrr -lteif_ndivrMr ?subr_lt0// mul0r.
by rewrite lteifBrDl addr0.
Lemma factor_itv_bij ba bb a b : a < b ->
set_bij [set` Interval (BSide ba a) (BSide bb b)]
[set` Interval (BSide ba 0) (BSide bb 1)] (factor a b).
move=> ltab; have -> : factor a b = (ndline_path ltab)^-1%FUN by [].
by apply/splitbij_sub_sym => //; apply: line_path_itv_bij.
by apply/splitbij_sub_sym => //; apply: line_path_itv_bij.
Lemma mem_line_path_itv ba bb a b : a < b ->
set_fun [set` Interval (BSide ba 0) (BSide bb 1)]
[set` Interval (BSide ba a) (BSide bb b)] (line_path a b).
Lemma mem_line_path_itvcc a b : a <= b -> set_fun `[0, 1] `[a, b] (line_path a b).
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|]; first by rewrite set_itv1 line_path_flat.
by move=> lt_ab; case: (line_path_itv_bij true false lt_ab).
by move=> lt_ab; case: (line_path_itv_bij true false lt_ab).
Lemma range_line_path ba bb a b : a < b ->
line_path a b @` [set` Interval (BSide ba 0) (BSide bb 1)] =
[set` Interval (BSide ba a) (BSide bb b)].
Lemma range_factor ba bb a b : a < b ->
factor a b @` [set` Interval (BSide ba a) (BSide bb b)] =
[set` Interval (BSide ba 0) (BSide bb 1)].
Lemma onem_factor a b x : a != b -> `1-(factor a b x) = factor b a x.
End line_path_factor_numFieldType.
Lemma mem_factor_itv (R : realFieldType) ba bb (a b : R) :
set_fun [set` Interval (BSide ba a) (BSide bb b)]
[set` Interval (BSide ba 0) (BSide bb 1)] (factor a b).
Lemma neitv_bnd1 (R : numFieldType) (s : seq (interval R)) :
all neitv s -> forall i, i \in s -> i.1 != +oo%O.
move=> /allP sne [a b] si /=; apply/negP => /eqP boo; move: si.
by rewrite boo => /sne /negP; apply; rewrite set_itv_infty_set0.
by rewrite boo => /sne /negP; apply; rewrite set_itv_infty_set0.
Lemma neitv_bnd2 (R : numFieldType) (s : seq (interval R)) :
all neitv s -> forall i, i \in s -> i.2 != -oo%O.
move=> /allP sne [a b] si /=; apply/negP => /eqP boo; move: si.
by rewrite boo => /sne /negP; apply; rewrite set_itv_infty_set0.
by rewrite boo => /sne /negP; apply; rewrite set_itv_infty_set0.
Lemma trivIset_set_itv_nth (R : numDomainType) def (s : seq (interval R))
(D : set nat) : [set` def] = set0 ->
trivIset D (fun i => [set` nth def s i]) <->
trivIset D (fun i => nth set0 [seq [set` j] | j <- s] i).
move=> def0; split=> /trivIsetP ss; apply/trivIsetP => i j Di Dj ij.
- have [si|si] := ltP i (size s); last first.
by rewrite (nth_default set0) ?size_map// set0I.
have [sj|sj] := ltP j (size s); last first.
by rewrite setIC (nth_default set0) ?size_map// set0I.
by rewrite (nth_map def) // (nth_map def) // ss.
- have [?|h] := ltP i (size s); last by rewrite (nth_default def h) def0 set0I.
have [?|h] := ltP j (size s); last by rewrite (nth_default def h) def0 setI0.
by have := ss _ _ Di Dj ij; rewrite (nth_map def) // (nth_map def).
- have [si|si] := ltP i (size s); last first.
by rewrite (nth_default set0) ?size_map// set0I.
have [sj|sj] := ltP j (size s); last first.
by rewrite setIC (nth_default set0) ?size_map// set0I.
by rewrite (nth_map def) // (nth_map def) // ss.
- have [?|h] := ltP i (size s); last by rewrite (nth_default def h) def0 set0I.
have [?|h] := ltP j (size s); last by rewrite (nth_default def h) def0 setI0.
by have := ss _ _ Di Dj ij; rewrite (nth_map def) // (nth_map def).
Section disjoint_itv.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Definition disjoint_itv : rel (interval R) :=
fun a b => [disjoint [set` a] & [set` b]].
Lemma disjoint_itvxx (i : interval R) : neitv i -> ~~ disjoint_itv i i.
Lemma lt_disjoint (i j : interval R) :
(forall x y, x \in i -> y \in j -> x < y) -> disjoint_itv i j.
End disjoint_itv.
Lemma disjoint_neitv {R : realFieldType} (i j : interval R) :
disjoint_itv i j <-> ~~ neitv (itv_meet i j).
case: i j => [a b] [c d]; rewrite /disjoint_itv/disj_set /= -set_itvI.
by split => [/negPn//|?]; apply/negPn.
by split => [/negPn//|?]; apply/negPn.
Section open_endpoints.
Context {d} {T : porderType d}.
Definition is_open_itv (A : set T) := exists ab, A = `]ab.1, ab.2[%classic.
Definition open_itv_cover (A : set T) := [set F : nat -> set T |
(forall i, is_open_itv (F i)) /\ A `<=` \bigcup_k (F k)].
Definition itv_is_ray (i : interval T) : Prop :=
match i with
| Interval -oo%O (BLeft _) => True
| Interval (BRight _) +oo%O => True
| Interval -oo%O +oo%O => True
| _ => False
Definition itv_is_bd_open (i : interval T) : Prop :=
match i with
| Interval (BRight _) (BLeft _) => True
| _ => False
Definition itv_open_ends (i : interval T) : Prop :=
itv_is_ray i \/ itv_is_bd_open i.
Lemma itv_open_ends_rside l b (t : T) :
itv_open_ends (Interval l (BSide b t)) -> b = true.
by case: b; move: l => [[]?|[]] // [] //. Qed.
Lemma itv_open_ends_rinfty l b :
itv_open_ends (Interval l (BInfty T b)) -> b = false.
by case: b => //; move: l => [[]?|[]] // []. Qed.
Lemma itv_open_ends_lside l b (t : T) :
itv_open_ends (Interval (BSide b t) l) -> b = false.
by case: b; move: l => [[]?|[]] // []. Qed.
Lemma itv_open_ends_linfty l b :
itv_open_ends (Interval (BInfty T b) l) -> b = true.
by case: b => //; move: l => [[]?|[]] // []. Qed.
Lemma is_open_itv_itv_is_bd_openP (i : interval T) :
itv_is_bd_open i -> is_open_itv [set` i].
End open_endpoints.
Lemma itv_open_endsI {d} {T : orderType d} (i j : interval T) :
itv_open_ends i -> itv_open_ends j -> itv_open_ends (i `&` j)%O.
move: i => [][[]a|[]] [[]b|[]] []//= _; move: j => [][[]x|[]] [[]y|[]] []//= _;
by rewrite /itv_open_ends/= ?orbF ?andbT -?negb_or ?le_total//=;
try ((by left)||(by right)).
by rewrite /itv_open_ends/= ?orbF ?andbT -?negb_or ?le_total//=;
try ((by left)||(by right)).
Lemma itv_setU {d} {T : orderType d} (i j : interval T) :
[set` i] `&` [set` j] !=set0 -> [set` (i `|` j)%O] = [set` i] `|` [set` j].
case=> p [ip jp]; have pij : p \in (i `|` j)%O by exact/(le_trans ip)/leUl.
move: i j ip jp pij => [x y] [a b] /andP[xp py] /andP[ap pb] pab.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => /= r /=; first last.
by move=> -[ra|rb]; [exact/(le_trans ra)/leUl|exact/(le_trans rb)/leUr].
rewrite (@itv_splitUeq _ T p (x `&` a)%O)// => /orP[].
- move=> /andP[xar rp]; have /orP[ax|xa] := le_total a x.
+ right; apply/andP; split; first by rewrite (le_trans _ xar)// leIidr.
by rewrite (le_trans rp)// (le_trans _ pb)// bnd_simp.
+ left; apply/andP; split; first by rewrite (le_trans _ xar)// leIidl.
by rewrite (le_trans rp)// (le_trans _ py)//= bnd_simp.
- move=> /predU1P[->|/andP[pr ryb]]; first by left; apply/andP.
have /orP[bly|ylb] := le_total b y.
+ left; apply/andP; split; last by rewrite (le_trans ryb)// leUidr.
by rewrite (le_trans _ pr)// (le_trans xp)//= bnd_simp.
+ right; apply/andP; split; last by rewrite (le_trans ryb)// leUidl.
by rewrite (le_trans ap)// (le_trans _ pr)//= bnd_simp.
move: i j ip jp pij => [x y] [a b] /andP[xp py] /andP[ap pb] pab.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => /= r /=; first last.
by move=> -[ra|rb]; [exact/(le_trans ra)/leUl|exact/(le_trans rb)/leUr].
rewrite (@itv_splitUeq _ T p (x `&` a)%O)// => /orP[].
- move=> /andP[xar rp]; have /orP[ax|xa] := le_total a x.
+ right; apply/andP; split; first by rewrite (le_trans _ xar)// leIidr.
by rewrite (le_trans rp)// (le_trans _ pb)// bnd_simp.
+ left; apply/andP; split; first by rewrite (le_trans _ xar)// leIidl.
by rewrite (le_trans rp)// (le_trans _ py)//= bnd_simp.
- move=> /predU1P[->|/andP[pr ryb]]; first by left; apply/andP.
have /orP[bly|ylb] := le_total b y.
+ left; apply/andP; split; last by rewrite (le_trans ryb)// leUidr.
by rewrite (le_trans _ pr)// (le_trans xp)//= bnd_simp.
+ right; apply/andP; split; last by rewrite (le_trans ryb)// leUidl.
by rewrite (le_trans ap)// (le_trans _ pr)//= bnd_simp.
Lemma itv_setI {d} {T : orderType d} (i j : interval T) :
[set` (i `&` j)%O] = [set` i] `&` [set` j].