Library Combi.Combi.composition: Integer Composition

Integer Compositions.

Integer Composition are stored as seq nat. We define the following:
  • is_comp s == s is a composition, ie. s doesn't contains any 0
  • is_comp_of_n sm s == s is a composition of sum sm
  • intcomp == a sigma type for is_comp
  • intcompn sm == a sigma type for the predicate is_comp_of_n sm. this is canonically a subFinType
  • rowcomp n == the trivial composition
  • rowcompn n == the trivial composition as a intcompn n
  • colcomp n == the composition [:: 1; 1; ...]
  • colcompn n == the composition [:: 1; 1; ...] as a intcompn n
  • rev_intcompn c == the reverse composition inside intcompn n.
Bijection with subsets: Consistently, with permutation starting at 0, descents are starting at zero and therefore of type 'I_n.-1. In the following we assume.
  • partsums s == sorted sequence of partial sums (excluding the trivial and full sum)
  • descset c == the descent set of c : intcompn n
  • from_descset d == the composition (of type c : intcompn n) whose descent set is d : {set 'I_n.-1}.
Compositions and partitions:
  • partn_of_compn n c == the partition in 'P_n obtained by sorting c : intcompn n
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import tools combclass sorted partition subseq ordtype.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Definition bottom := f' \bot%O.
Lemma isobottom x : (bottom <= x)%O.

Definition top := f' \top%O.
Lemma isotop x : (x <= top)%O.

Definitions and basic properties

Section Defs.

Implicit Type s : seq nat.

Definition is_comp s := 0 \notin s.

Lemma is_compP s : reflect (forall i, i \in s -> i != 0) (is_comp s).

Lemma is_comp1 i : is_comp [:: i] = (i != 0).

Lemma is_comp_cons i s : is_comp (i :: s) = (i != 0) && (is_comp s).

Lemma is_comp_rcons s sn : is_comp (rcons s sn) = (sn != 0) && (is_comp s).

Lemma is_comp_cat s1 s2 : is_comp (s1 ++ s2) = (is_comp s1) && (is_comp s2).

Lemma part_is_comp s : is_part s -> is_comp s.

Compositions and sumn
Lemma comp0 s : is_comp s -> sumn s = 0 -> s = [::].

Lemma size_comp s : is_comp s -> size s <= sumn s.

End Defs.

Sigma Types for Compositions

Structure intcomp : Type := IntComp {cval :> seq nat; _ : is_comp cval}.

Lemma intcompP (p : intcomp) : is_comp p.

#[export] Hint Resolve intcompP : core.

Fixpoint enum_compn_rec aux n : (seq (seq nat)) :=
  if aux is aux'.+1 then
    if n == 0 then [:: [::]]
      flatten [seq [seq i :: p | p <- enum_compn_rec aux' (n - i) ] |
               i <- iota 1 n]
  else [:: [::]].
Definition enum_compn n := enum_compn_rec n n.

Definition is_comp_of_n sm := [pred s | (sumn s == sm) & is_comp s].

Lemma enum_compn_rec_any aux1 aux2 n :
  n <= aux1 -> n <= aux2 -> enum_compn_rec aux1 n = enum_compn_rec aux2 n.

Lemma enum_compn_any aux n :
  n <= aux -> enum_compn_rec aux n = enum_compn n.

Lemma enum_compnE n :
  n != 0 ->
  enum_compn n = flatten [seq [seq i :: p | p <- enum_compn (n - i) ] |
                          i <- iota 1 n].

Lemma enum_compn_allP n : all (is_comp_of_n n) (enum_compn n).

Lemma enum_compn_countE n :
  forall s, is_comp_of_n n s -> count_mem s (enum_compn n) = 1.

Lemma enum_compnP n s : (is_comp_of_n n s) = (s \in enum_compn n).

Section CompOfn.

Variable n : nat.

Structure intcompn : Set :=
  IntCompN {cnval :> seq nat; _ : is_comp_of_n n cnval}.

Implicit Type (c : intcompn) (d : {set 'I_n.-1}).

Lemma intcompnP c : is_comp c.

Hint Resolve intcompnP : core.

Definition intcomp_of_intcompn c := IntComp (intcompnP c).
Coercion intcomp_of_intcompn : intcompn >-> intcomp.

Lemma intcompn_sumn c : sumn c = n.

Lemma enum_intcompnE : map val (enum {:intcompn}) = enum_compn n.

Lemma card_intcompn : #|{:intcompn}| = 2 ^ n.-1.

Lemma rev_intcompn_spec c : is_comp_of_n n (rev c).
Definition rev_intcompn c := IntCompN (rev_intcompn_spec c).
Lemma rev_intcompnK : involutive rev_intcompn.

Bijection with subsets

Definition partsums s := [seq sumn (take i s) | i <- iota 1 (size s).-1].
Definition descset c : {set 'I_n.-1} :=
  [set i in pmap insub [seq i.-1 | i <- partsums c]].

Lemma size_partsums s : size (partsums s) = (size s).-1.

Lemma partsums_cat s1 s2 :
  s1 != [::] -> s2 != [::] ->
  partsums (s1 ++ s2) =
  partsums s1 ++ sumn s1 :: [seq sumn s1 + i | i <- partsums s2].

Lemma partsums_cons i s :
  s != [::] -> partsums (i :: s) = i :: [seq i + j | j <- partsums s].

Lemma all_partsums c : all (fun i => 0 < i < n) (partsums c).

Lemma from_descset_spec d :
  is_comp_of_n n (if n is 0 then [::]
                  else pairmap (fun a b => b - a) 0
                               (rcons [seq (val i).+1 | i in d] n)).
Definition from_descset d := IntCompN (from_descset_spec d).

Lemma diff_nth_sumn_take s i m :
  m <= size s -> i.+1 < m ->
  nth 0 [seq sumn (take i0 s) | i0 <- iota 1 m] i.+1 -
  nth 0 [seq sumn (take i0 s) | i0 <- iota 1 m] i = nth 0 s i.+1.

Lemma sorted_ltn_partsums c : sorted ltn (partsums c).

Lemma val_descset c : [seq (val i).+1 | i in descset c] = partsums c.

Lemma card_descset c : #|descset c| = (size c).-1.

Lemma descsetK : cancel descset from_descset.

Lemma descset_inj : injective descset.

Lemma descset_bij : bijective descset.

Lemma from_descsetK : cancel from_descset descset.

End CompOfn.

Lemma intcompn0 (sh : intcompn 0) : sh = [::] :> seq nat.

Lemma intcompn1 (sh : intcompn 1) : sh = [:: 1] :> seq nat.

Lemma intcompn2 (sh : intcompn 2) :
  sh = [:: 2] :> seq nat \/ sh = [:: 1; 1] :> seq nat.

Definition intcompn_cast m n (eq_mn : m = n) p :=
  let: erefl in _ = n := eq_mn return intcompn n in p.

Lemma intcompn_castE m n (eq_mn : m = n) p :
  val (intcompn_cast eq_mn p) = val p.

Definition rowcomp d := if d is _.+1 then [:: d] else [::].
Fact rowcompnP d : is_comp_of_n d (rowcomp d).
Canonical rowcompn d : intcompn d := IntCompN (rowcompnP d).

Definition colcomp d := nseq d 1%N.
Fact colcompnP d : is_comp_of_n d (colcomp d).
Canonical colcompn d : intcompn d := IntCompN (colcompnP d).

Section DescSet.

Variable (n : nat).
Implicit Types (c : intcompn n) (d : {set 'I_n.-1}).

Lemma mem_partsum_non0 u0 u i : i \in partsums (u0 :: u) -> u != [::].

Lemma mem_partsum_gt x v0 v1 v :
  v0 < x -> x \in partsums (v0 :: v1 :: v) -> x \in partsums (v0 + v1 :: v).

Lemma subdescset_partsumP c1 c2 :
  reflect {subset partsums c1 <= partsums c2} (descset c1 \subset descset c2).

Lemma subseq_partsumE c1 c2 :
  (subseq (partsums c1) (partsums c2)) = (descset c1 \subset descset c2).

Lemma subdescsetP c1 c2 :
  reflect (exists2 c : seq (seq nat), c1 = map sumn c :> seq nat &
                                      c2 = flatten c :> seq nat)
          (descset c1 \subset descset c2).

End DescSet.

Module RefinementOrder.
Section RefinementOrder.
Import Order.DefaultSetSubsetOrder.

Variable (n : nat).
Definition type := intcompn n.
#[local] Notation "'CRef" := type.
Implicit Types (c : 'CRef) (d : {set 'I_n.-1}).
#[local] Notation SetIn := ({set ('I_n.-1 : finType)}).

#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := SubType.copy 'CRef (intcompn n).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Finite.copy 'CRef (intcompn n).
Fact compnref_display : unit.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ : Order.isPOrder compnref_display 'CRef :=
  Order.CanIsPartial compnref_display (@descsetK n).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  isInhabitedType.Build 'CRef (rowcompn n).

Lemma leEcompnref c1 c2 :
  (c1 <= c2)%O = (descset c1 \subset descset c2).

Lemma descset_mono :
  {mono (@descset n) : A B / (A <= B :> 'CRef)%O >-> (A <= B :> SetIn)%O}.

#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  Order.IsoLattice.Build compnref_display 'CRef
    (@descsetK n) (@from_descsetK n) descset_mono.

Lemma descset_meet c1 c2 :
  descset (c1 `&` c2)%O = descset c1 :&: descset c2.
Lemma descset_join c1 c2 :
  descset (c1 `|` c2)%O = descset c1 :|: descset c2.

#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  Order.IsoDistrLattice.Build compnref_display 'CRef
    (@descsetK n) (@from_descsetK n) descset_mono.

Lemma descset_rowcompn : descset (rowcompn n) = set0.
Lemma descset_colcompn : descset (colcompn n) = setT.

#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  IsoBottom.Build compnref_display 'CRef
                 (@descsetK n) (@from_descsetK n) descset_mono.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
  IsoTop.Build compnref_display 'CRef
                 (@descsetK n) (@from_descsetK n) descset_mono.

Lemma topEcompnref : 1%O = colcompn n :> 'CRef.

Lemma botEcompnref : 0%O = rowcompn n :> 'CRef.

Lemma compnref_rev c1 c2 :
  (rev_intcompn c1 <= rev_intcompn c2 :> 'CRef)%O = (c1 <= c2)%O.

End RefinementOrder.

Module Exports.

Notation intcompnref := type.
Definition leEcompnref := leEcompnref.
Definition descset_mono := descset_mono.
Definition descset_meet := descset_meet.
Definition descset_join := descset_join.
Definition topEcompnref := topEcompnref.
Definition botEcompnref := botEcompnref.
Definition compnref_rev := compnref_rev.

End Exports.
End RefinementOrder.

#[export] Hint Resolve intcompP intcompnP : core.

Lemma part_of_comp_subproof n (c : intcompn n) :
  is_part_of_n n (sort geq c).
Canonical partn_of_compn n (c : intcompn n) :=
  IntPartN (part_of_comp_subproof c).