Library Combi.Combi.tableau: Young Tableaux

Young Tableaux over an ordtype

We define the notion of (semistandard) Young tableau over an ordType denoted T.
  • is_row r == r is sorted
  • dominate u v == u dominate v, that is v is longer than u and the i-th letter of u is strictly larger than the i-th letter of v. this is an order relation on seq T.
  • is_tableau t == t of type (seq (seq T)) is a tableau that is a sequence of non empty rows which is sorted for the dominate order.
  • get_tab t (r, c) == the element of t of coordinate (r, c), or inhabitant T if (r, c) is not is the tableau
  • to_word t == the row reading of the tableau t
  • size_tab t == the size (number of boxes) of t
  • filter_gtnX_tab n t == the sub-tableau of t formed by the element smaller than n.
  • tabsh_reading sh w == w is the row reading of a tableau of shape sh
In the following tableaux are considered on 'I_n.+1 for a given n.
  • is_tab_of_shape sh t == t is a tableau of shape sh.
  • tabsh sh == a sigma-type for the predicate is_tab_of_shape sh where sh is a partition of d (type 'P_d). This is canonically a subFinType.
  • tabrowconst pf == if pf is a proof that size sh <= n.+1 then construct the tableau (of type tabsh sh) whose i-th row contains only i's as elements of 'I_n.+1.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import tools partition ordtype sorted.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Scope N.

Import Order.Theory.

Specialization of sorted Lemmas

Section Rows.

Variables (disp : unit) (T : inhOrderType disp).

Implicit Type l : T.
Implicit Type r : seq T.

Notation is_row := (sorted <=%O).

Definition is_row1P Z r := sortedP Z (e := <=%O) (s := r).
Definition is_rowP Z r := sorted2P Z (@le_trans _ T) (@le_refl _ T) r.
Definition is_row_cons := sorted_cons (@le_refl _ T).
Definition is_row_consK := sorted_consK (T := T) (R := <=%O).
Definition is_row_rcons := sorted_rcons (T := T) (R := <=%O).
Definition is_row_rconsK := sorted_rconsK (T := T) (R := <=%O).
Definition is_row_last := sorted_last (@le_refl _ T).
Definition is_row_take := take_sorted (T := T) (leT := <=%O).
Definition is_row_drop := drop_sorted (T := T) (leT := <=%O).
Definition is_row_cat2 := cat_sorted2 (T := T) (leT := <=%O).
Definition head_leq_last_row :=
  head_leq_last_sorted (@le_trans _ T) (@le_refl _ T).
Lemma row_lt_by_pos Z r p q:
  is_row r -> p < size r -> q < size r ->
  (nth Z r p < nth Z r q)%O -> p < q.

End Rows.

Notation is_row := (sorted <=%O).

Dominance order for rows

Section Dominate.

Context {disp : unit} {T : inhOrderType disp}.

Implicit Type l : T.
Implicit Type r u v : seq T.
Implicit Type t : seq (seq T).

Lemma in_shape_tab_size t i j :
  in_shape (shape t) (i, j) -> i < size t.
Lemma in_shape_tab i j t :
  in_shape (shape t) (i, j) -> j < size (nth [::] t i).

Lemma is_row_set_nth l r pos :
  is_row r -> (l < nth l r pos)%O ->
  (forall n : nat, (l < nth l r n)%O -> pos <= n) ->
  is_row (set_nth l r pos l).

Fixpoint dominate_rec u v :=
  if u is u0 :: u' then
    if v is v0 :: v' then (u0 > v0)%O && (dominate_rec u' v')
    else false
  else true.

Definition dominate u v :=
  (size u <= size v) &&
   (all (fun i => nth inh u i > nth inh v i)%O (iota 0 (size u))).

Lemma dominate_recE : dominate =2 dominate_rec.

Lemma dominateP u v :
  reflect (size u <= size v /\
           forall i, i < size u -> (nth inh u i > nth inh v i)%O)
          (dominate u v).

Lemma dominate_trans : transitive dominate.

Definition dominate_rev_trans := rev_trans dominate_trans.

Lemma dominate_rcons v u l : dominate u v -> dominate u (rcons v l).

Lemma dominate_take v u n : dominate u (take n v) -> dominate u v.

Lemma dominate_cut u v w:
  size u <= size v -> dominate u (v ++ w) -> dominate u v.

Lemma dominate_head u v :
  u != [::] -> dominate u v -> (head inh v < head inh u)%O.

Lemma dominate_tl a u b v :
  dominate (a :: u) (b :: v) -> dominate u v.

End Dominate.
Arguments dominate_trans {disp T}.
Arguments dominate_rev_trans {disp T}.

Tableaux : definition and basic properties

Section Tableau.

Variables (disp : unit) (T : inhOrderType disp).

Implicit Type l : T.
Implicit Type r w : seq T.
Implicit Type t : seq (seq T).

Fixpoint is_tableau t :=
  if t is t0 :: t'
  then [&& (t0 != [::]), is_row t0, dominate (head [::] t') t0 & is_tableau t']
  else true.

Definition get_tab t (rc : nat * nat) := nth inh (nth [::] t rc.1) rc.2.

Definition to_word t := flatten (rev t).

Lemma is_tableauP t :
    [/\ forall i, i < size t -> (nth [::] t i) != [::],
        forall i, is_row (nth [::] t i) &
        forall i j, i < j -> dominate (nth [::] t j) (nth [::] t i)]
    (is_tableau t).

Lemma get_tab_default t rc :
  ~~ in_shape (shape t) rc -> get_tab t rc = inh.

Lemma to_word_cons r t : to_word (r :: t) = to_word t ++ r.
Lemma to_word_rcons r t : to_word (rcons t r) = r ++ to_word t.

Lemma mem_to_word t rc :
  in_shape (shape t) rc -> get_tab t rc \in (to_word t).

Lemma to_wordK t : rev (reshape (rev (shape t)) (to_word t)) = t.

Lemma tableau_is_row r t : is_tableau (r :: t) -> is_row r.

Lemma is_tableau_rconsK t (tn : seq T) :
  is_tableau (rcons t tn) -> is_tableau t.

Lemma is_tableau_catl t1 t2 :
  is_tableau (t1 ++ t2) -> is_tableau t1.

Lemma is_tableau_catr t1 t2 :
  is_tableau (t1 ++ t2) -> is_tableau t2.

Lemma is_part_sht t : is_tableau t -> is_part (shape t).

Lemma tab_eqP p q :
  is_tableau p -> is_tableau q ->
  reflect (forall i, nth [::] p i = nth [::] q i) (p == q).

Lemma is_tableau_sorted_dominate t :
  is_tableau t =
  [&& is_part (shape t),
   all (sorted <=%O) t &
   sorted (fun (r s : seq T) => dominate s r) t].

Lemma is_tableau_getP t :
    [/\ is_part (shape t),
     (forall (r c : nat), in_shape (shape t) (r, c.+1) ->
                          (get_tab t (r, c) <= get_tab t (r, c.+1))%O) &
     (forall (r c : nat), in_shape (shape t) (r.+1, c) ->
                          (get_tab t (r, c) < get_tab t (r.+1, c))%O)]
    (is_tableau t).

Cuting rows and tableaux

Lemma row_dominate (u v : seq T) :
  is_row (u ++ v) -> dominate u v -> u = [::].

Lemma filter_gt_row r n :
  is_row r -> filter (>%O n) r = take (count (>%O n) r) r.

Lemma filter_le_row n r :
  is_row r -> filter (<=%O n) r = drop (count (>%O n) r) r.

Lemma count_gt_dominate r1 r0 n :
  dominate r1 r0 -> (count (>%O n) r1) <= (count (>%O n) r0).

Lemma filter_gt_dominate r1 r0 n :
  is_row r0 -> is_row r1 -> dominate r1 r0 ->
  dominate (filter (>%O n) r1) (filter (>%O n) r0).

Definition filter_gt_tab n :=
  [fun t : (seq (seq T)) => filter (fun r => r != [::])
                                   [seq [seq x <- i | (n > x)%O] | i <- t]].

Lemma to_word_filter_nnil t : to_word (filter (fun r => r != [::]) t) = to_word t.

Lemma filter_to_word t p : filter p (to_word t) = to_word (map (filter p) t).

Lemma head_filter_gt_tab n t :
  is_tableau t ->
  head [::] (filter_gt_tab n t) = [seq x <- head [::] t | (x < n)%O].

Lemma is_tableau_filter_gt t n :
  is_tableau t -> is_tableau (filter_gt_tab n t).

The size of a tableau

Definition size_tab t := sumn (shape t).

Lemma tab0 t : is_tableau t -> size_tab t = 0 -> t = [::].

Lemma size_to_word t : size (to_word t) = size_tab t.

End Tableau.

Tableaux from their row reading

Section TableauReading.

Variables (disp : unit) (A : inhOrderType disp).

Definition tabsh_reading (sh : seq nat) (w : seq A) :=
  (size w == sumn sh) && (is_tableau (rev (reshape (rev sh) w))).

Lemma tabsh_readingP (sh : seq nat) (w : seq A) :
    (exists tab, [/\ is_tableau tab, shape tab = sh & to_word tab = w])
    (tabsh_reading sh w).

End TableauReading.

Sigma type for tableaux

Section FinType.

Context {disp : unit} {T : inhFinOrderType disp}.
Variables (d : nat) (sh : 'P_d).

Definition is_tab_of_shape (sh : seq nat) :=
  [pred t : seq (seq T) | (is_tableau t) && (shape t == sh) ].

Structure tabsh : predArgType :=
  TabSh {tabshval :> seq (seq T); _ : is_tab_of_shape sh tabshval}.

Implicit Type (t : tabsh).

Lemma tabshP t : is_tableau t.

Lemma shape_tabsh t : shape t = sh.

Lemma tabsh_to_wordK t : rev (reshape (rev sh) (to_word (val t))) = t.

Let tabsh_enum :
  seq tabsh := pmap insub
              [seq rev (reshape (rev sh) (val w)) | w in {:d.-tuple T}].

Lemma finite_tabsh : Finite.axiom tabsh_enum.

Lemma to_word_enum_tabsh :
    [seq to_word (tabshval t) | t : tabsh]
    [seq x <- [seq (i : seq _) | i : d.-tuple T] | tabsh_reading sh x].

End FinType.

Notation "'tabsh[' T ']' mu" :=
  (tabsh (T := T : inhFinOrderType _) mu) (at level 10).

#[export] Hint Resolve tabshP : core.

TODO : Generalise to any finite order using Order.enum_val when released
Section OrdTableau.

Variable n : nat.
Variables (d : nat) (sh : 'P_d).

Implicit Type (t : tabsh['I_n.+1] sh).

Lemma all_ltn_nth_tabsh t (i : nat) :
  all (fun x : 'I_n.+1 => (i <= x)%O) (nth [::] t i).

Lemma size_tabsh t : size t <= n.+1.

Hypothesis Hszs : size sh <= n.+1.
Lemma tabrowconst_subproof :
    sh (take (size sh) [tuple nseq (nth 0 sh (i : 'I_n.+1)) i | i < n.+1]).
Definition tabrowconst := TabSh (tabrowconst_subproof).

End OrdTableau.

Tableaux and increasing maps

Section IncrMap.

Context (disp1 disp2 : unit)
        (T1 : inhOrderType disp1)
        (T2 : inhOrderType disp2).
Variable F : T1 -> T2.

Lemma shape_map_tab (t : seq (seq T1)) :
  shape [seq map F r | r <- t] = shape t.

Lemma get_map_tab (t : seq (seq T1)) rc :
  in_shape (shape t) rc ->
  get_tab [seq [seq F i | i <- r0] | r0 <- t] rc = F (get_tab t rc).

Lemma to_word_map_tab (t : seq (seq T1)) :
  to_word [seq map F r | r <- t] = map F (to_word t).

Lemma incr_tab (t : seq (seq T1)) :
  {in (to_word t) &, {homo F : x y / (x < y)%O}} ->
  (is_tableau t) = (is_tableau [seq map F r | r <- t]).

End IncrMap.