Library Combi.LRrule.implem: A Coq implementation of the Littlewood-Richarson rule
A Coq implementation of the Littlewood-Richarson rule
- LRcoeff inner eval outer == the LR coefficient
- LRyamtab_list inner eval outer == the list of LR tableaux of shape outer/inner and evaluation eval
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg.
From mathcomp Require Import mpoly.
Require Import tools combclass partition Yamanouchi ordtype tableau.
Require Import skewtab Schur_mpoly freeSchur therule.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Open Scope N.
Lemma sorted_is_part p :
is_part p -> sorted geq p.
Lemma is_part_pad0 n p :
is_part p -> sorted geq (pad 0 n p).
Lemma head_row_skew_yam innev shape l r :
is_part innev -> sorted <=%O (l :: r) ->
is_skew_yam innev shape (l :: r) ->
l <= head (size innev) r.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg.
From mathcomp Require Import mpoly.
Require Import tools combclass partition Yamanouchi ordtype tableau.
Require Import skewtab Schur_mpoly freeSchur therule.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Open Scope N.
Lemma sorted_is_part p :
is_part p -> sorted geq p.
Lemma is_part_pad0 n p :
is_part p -> sorted geq (pad 0 n p).
Lemma head_row_skew_yam innev shape l r :
is_part innev -> sorted <=%O (l :: r) ->
is_skew_yam innev shape (l :: r) ->
l <= head (size innev) r.
Section OutEval.
#[local] Fixpoint add m n := if m is m'.+1 then add m' n.+1 else n.
Lemma addE : add =2 addn.
Let tsumn := foldl add 0.
Lemma tsumnE : tsumn =1 sumn.
Variable outev : seq nat.
#[local] Fixpoint add m n := if m is m'.+1 then add m' n.+1 else n.
Lemma addE : add =2 addn.
Let tsumn := foldl add 0.
Lemma tsumnE : tsumn =1 sumn.
Variable outev : seq nat.
Possible choice of a new letter:
The new letter l must satisty the following conditions:
- mini < l < maxi
- l is an addable corner of innev
- adding l to innev still is inside outev
Definition one_letter_choices innev mini maxi :=
(fun i => is_add_corner innev i && (nth 0 innev i < nth 0 outev i))
(iota mini ((minn (size innev) maxi).+1 - mini) ).
(fun i => is_add_corner innev i && (nth 0 innev i < nth 0 outev i))
(iota mini ((minn (size innev) maxi).+1 - mini) ).
The possible new rows which dominates the given row
Returns a seqence of pairs (r, ev) where
- r is the new row
- ev is the new evaluation
Fixpoint yamtab_rows innev row :=
if row is r0 :: tlr then
flatten [seq
[seq (i :: res.1, incr_nth res.2 i) |
i <- one_letter_choices res.2 r0.+1 (head (size innev) res.1)
] |
res <- yamtab_rows innev tlr ]
else [:: ([::], innev) ].
if row is r0 :: tlr then
flatten [seq
[seq (i :: res.1, incr_nth res.2 i) |
i <- one_letter_choices res.2 r0.+1 (head (size innev) res.1)
] |
res <- yamtab_rows innev tlr ]
else [:: ([::], innev) ].
The possible new rows which are at the bottom of the shape
- maxi is the maximum letter (typically the head of sol below)
- sh is the shape of the expected rows
- sol is the already known end of the row
- r is the new row
- ev is the new evaluation
Fixpoint yamtab_shift innev maxi sh sol :=
if sh is s.+1 then
flatten [seq
[seq (i :: res.1, incr_nth res.2 i) |
i <- one_letter_choices res.2 0 (head maxi res.1)
] |
res <- yamtab_shift innev maxi s sol ]
else [:: (sol, innev) ].
if sh is s.+1 then
flatten [seq
[seq (i :: res.1, incr_nth res.2 i) |
i <- one_letter_choices res.2 0 (head maxi res.1)
] |
res <- yamtab_shift innev maxi s sol ]
else [:: (sol, innev) ].
Recursive step of the enumeration functions
Compute the list of skew tableaux
- of evaluation outev-innev
- whose row reading is a innev-skew Yamanouchi word
- of shape outer/inner
- which are legitimate skew tableaux if lied over row0 shifted by sh0
Fixpoint LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 :=
if outer is out0 :: out then
let inn0 := head 0 inner in let inn := behead inner in
let call_rec row := LRyamtab_list_rec row.2 inn out inn0 row.1 in
let rowres := yamtab_rows innev (take (out0 - sh0) row0) in
let rows :=
flatten [seq yamtab_shift res.2 (head (size innev) res.1)
((minn sh0 out0) - inn0) res.1
| res <- rowres ] in
flatten [seq [seq row.1 :: tab | tab <- call_rec row ] | row <- rows ]
else [:: [::]].
if outer is out0 :: out then
let inn0 := head 0 inner in let inn := behead inner in
let call_rec row := LRyamtab_list_rec row.2 inn out inn0 row.1 in
let rowres := yamtab_rows innev (take (out0 - sh0) row0) in
let rows :=
flatten [seq yamtab_shift res.2 (head (size innev) res.1)
((minn sh0 out0) - inn0) res.1
| res <- rowres ] in
flatten [seq [seq row.1 :: tab | tab <- call_rec row ] | row <- rows ]
else [:: [::]].
Recursive step of the counting functions
Compute the number of skew tableaux
- of evaluation outev-innev
- whose row reading is a innev-skew Yamanouchi word
- of shape outer/inner
- which are legitimate skew tableaux if lied over row0 shifted by sh0
Fixpoint LRyamtab_count_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 :=
if outer is out0 :: out then
let inn0 := head 0 inner in let inn := behead inner in
let call_rec row := LRyamtab_count_rec row.2 inn out inn0 row.1 in
let rowres := yamtab_rows innev (take (out0 - sh0) row0) in
tsumn [seq tsumn [seq call_rec row |
row <- yamtab_shift res.2 (head (size innev) res.1)
((minn sh0 out0) - inn0) res.1 ]
| res <- rowres ]
else 1.
Lemma size_LRyamtab_listE innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
size (LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0) =
LRyamtab_count_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0.
if outer is out0 :: out then
let inn0 := head 0 inner in let inn := behead inner in
let call_rec row := LRyamtab_count_rec row.2 inn out inn0 row.1 in
let rowres := yamtab_rows innev (take (out0 - sh0) row0) in
tsumn [seq tsumn [seq call_rec row |
row <- yamtab_shift res.2 (head (size innev) res.1)
((minn sh0 out0) - inn0) res.1 ]
| res <- rowres ]
else 1.
Lemma size_LRyamtab_listE innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
size (LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0) =
LRyamtab_count_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0.
Basic lemmas
Lemma yamtab_shift_drop innev maxi sh y :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
drop sh res = y.
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
drop sh res = y.
Lemma one_letter_choicesP innev mini maxi :
forall i, i \in one_letter_choices innev mini maxi ->
is_skew_yam innev (incr_nth innev i) [:: i].
Lemma yamtab_rowsP innev row :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape res.
Lemma yamtab_shiftP innev maxi sh row shrow :
is_skew_yam innev shrow row ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift shrow maxi sh row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape res.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_recP innev inner outer sh0 row0 y :
is_yam_of_eval innev y ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
is_yam (to_word res ++ y).
forall i, i \in one_letter_choices innev mini maxi ->
is_skew_yam innev (incr_nth innev i) [:: i].
Lemma yamtab_rowsP innev row :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape res.
Lemma yamtab_shiftP innev maxi sh row shrow :
is_skew_yam innev shrow row ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift shrow maxi sh row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape res.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_recP innev inner outer sh0 row0 y :
is_yam_of_eval innev y ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
is_yam (to_word res ++ y).
Lemma one_letter_included innev mini maxi :
included innev outev ->
forall i, i \in one_letter_choices innev mini maxi ->
included (incr_nth innev i) outev.
Lemma yamtab_rows_included innev row :
included innev outev ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
included shape outev.
Lemma yamtab_shift_included innev maxi sh y :
included innev outev ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
included shape outev.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_included innev inner outer sh0 row0 y :
included innev outev ->
is_yam_of_eval innev y ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
included (evalseq (to_word res ++ y)) outev.
included innev outev ->
forall i, i \in one_letter_choices innev mini maxi ->
included (incr_nth innev i) outev.
Lemma yamtab_rows_included innev row :
included innev outev ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
included shape outev.
Lemma yamtab_shift_included innev maxi sh y :
included innev outev ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
included shape outev.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_included innev inner outer sh0 row0 y :
included innev outev ->
is_yam_of_eval innev y ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
included (evalseq (to_word res ++ y)) outev.
Lemma yamtab_rows_size innev row :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
size res = size row.
Lemma yamtab_shift_size innev maxi sh y :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift maxi innev sh y ->
size res = sh + size y.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_pad0 innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 =
LRyamtab_list_rec innev (pad 0 (size outer) inner) outer sh0 row0.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_size innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
size res = size outer.
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
size res = size row.
Lemma yamtab_shift_size innev maxi sh y :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift maxi innev sh y ->
size res = sh + size y.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_pad0 innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 =
LRyamtab_list_rec innev (pad 0 (size outer) inner) outer sh0 row0.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_size innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
size res = size outer.
inner is padded with 0
Lemma LRyamtab_list_shape0 innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
sorted geq (sh0 :: inner) -> is_part (sh0 + size row0 :: outer) ->
included inner outer -> size inner = size outer ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
shape res = outer / inner.
sorted geq (sh0 :: inner) -> is_part (sh0 + size row0 :: outer) ->
included inner outer -> size inner = size outer ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
shape res = outer / inner.
Lemma yamtab_rows_dominate innev row :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
dominate res row.
Lemma yamtab_shift_dominate innev maxi sh row y :
dominate y row ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
skew_dominate sh res row.
Lemma yamtab_rows_is_row innev row :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
is_row res.
Lemma yamtab_shift_is_row innev maxi sh y :
is_row y ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
is_row res.
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
dominate res row.
Lemma yamtab_shift_dominate innev maxi sh row y :
dominate y row ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
skew_dominate sh res row.
Lemma yamtab_rows_is_row innev row :
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_rows innev row ->
is_row res.
Lemma yamtab_shift_is_row innev maxi sh y :
is_row y ->
forall res shape, (res, shape) \in yamtab_shift innev maxi sh y ->
is_row res.
inner is padded with 0
Lemma LRyamtab_list_skew_tableau0 innev inner outer sh0 row0 :
sorted geq (sh0 :: inner) -> is_part (sh0 + size row0 :: outer) ->
included inner outer -> size inner = size outer ->
is_row row0 ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
is_skew_tableau (sh0 :: inner) (row0 :: res).
sorted geq (sh0 :: inner) -> is_part (sh0 + size row0 :: outer) ->
included inner outer -> size inner = size outer ->
is_row row0 ->
forall res, res \in LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner outer sh0 row0 ->
is_skew_tableau (sh0 :: inner) (row0 :: res).
Lemma choose_one_countE shr innev shape mini maxi row l :
is_part innev ->
is_skew_yam innev shr row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape (l :: row) ->
included shape outev ->
mini <= l <= maxi ->
is_row (l :: row) ->
(count_mem l) (one_letter_choices shr mini maxi) = 1.
Lemma yamtab_rows_countE innev shape row base :
is_part innev ->
size row = size base ->
dominate row base ->
is_row row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape row ->
included shape outev ->
count (preim (fst (B:=seq nat)) (pred1 row))
(yamtab_rows innev base) = 1.
Lemma yamtab_shift_countE inn0 innev shape sh row sol :
is_part inn0 ->
is_row (row ++ sol) ->
size row = sh ->
is_skew_yam inn0 innev sol ->
is_skew_yam innev shape row ->
included shape outev ->
count (preim (fst (B:=seq nat)) (pred1 (row ++ sol)))
(yamtab_shift innev (head (size inn0) sol) sh sol) = 1.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_countE innev inner sh0 row0 yamtab :
is_part innev ->
sorted geq (sh0 :: inner) ->
is_part (sh0 + size row0 :: (outer_shape inner (shape yamtab))) ->
size inner = size yamtab ->
is_skew_tableau (sh0 :: inner) (row0 :: yamtab) ->
is_skew_yam innev outev (to_word yamtab) ->
count_mem yamtab
(LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner (outer_shape inner (shape yamtab)) sh0 row0) = 1.
End OutEval.
is_part innev ->
is_skew_yam innev shr row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape (l :: row) ->
included shape outev ->
mini <= l <= maxi ->
is_row (l :: row) ->
(count_mem l) (one_letter_choices shr mini maxi) = 1.
Lemma yamtab_rows_countE innev shape row base :
is_part innev ->
size row = size base ->
dominate row base ->
is_row row ->
is_skew_yam innev shape row ->
included shape outev ->
count (preim (fst (B:=seq nat)) (pred1 row))
(yamtab_rows innev base) = 1.
Lemma yamtab_shift_countE inn0 innev shape sh row sol :
is_part inn0 ->
is_row (row ++ sol) ->
size row = sh ->
is_skew_yam inn0 innev sol ->
is_skew_yam innev shape row ->
included shape outev ->
count (preim (fst (B:=seq nat)) (pred1 (row ++ sol)))
(yamtab_shift innev (head (size inn0) sol) sh sol) = 1.
Lemma LRyamtab_list_countE innev inner sh0 row0 yamtab :
is_part innev ->
sorted geq (sh0 :: inner) ->
is_part (sh0 + size row0 :: (outer_shape inner (shape yamtab))) ->
size inner = size yamtab ->
is_skew_tableau (sh0 :: inner) (row0 :: yamtab) ->
is_skew_yam innev outev (to_word yamtab) ->
count_mem yamtab
(LRyamtab_list_rec innev inner (outer_shape inner (shape yamtab)) sh0 row0) = 1.
End OutEval.
Definition LRyamtab_list inner eval outer :=
LRyamtab_list_rec eval [::] inner outer (head 1 outer) [::].
Definition LRcoeff inner eval outer :=
LRyamtab_count_rec eval [::] inner outer (head 1 outer) [::].
Lemma LRcoeffP inner eval outer :
size (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) = LRcoeff inner eval outer.
Lemma LRyamtab_yam inner eval outer tab:
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> is_yam (to_word tab).
Lemma LRyamtab_included inner eval outer tab:
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> included (evalseq (to_word tab)) eval.
Lemma LRyamtab_shape inner eval outer tab :
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> shape tab = outer / inner.
Lemma LRyamtab_skew_tableau inner eval outer tab :
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> is_skew_tableau inner tab.
Lemma LRyamtab_eval inner eval outer tab:
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
is_part eval -> sumn eval = sumn (outer / inner) ->
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> evalseq (to_word tab) = eval.
Lemma count_mem_LRyamtab_list inner eval outer yamtab :
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
is_skew_tableau inner yamtab -> shape yamtab = outer / inner ->
is_yam_of_eval eval (to_word yamtab) ->
count_mem yamtab (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) = 1.
LRyamtab_list_rec eval [::] inner outer (head 1 outer) [::].
Definition LRcoeff inner eval outer :=
LRyamtab_count_rec eval [::] inner outer (head 1 outer) [::].
Lemma LRcoeffP inner eval outer :
size (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) = LRcoeff inner eval outer.
Lemma LRyamtab_yam inner eval outer tab:
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> is_yam (to_word tab).
Lemma LRyamtab_included inner eval outer tab:
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> included (evalseq (to_word tab)) eval.
Lemma LRyamtab_shape inner eval outer tab :
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> shape tab = outer / inner.
Lemma LRyamtab_skew_tableau inner eval outer tab :
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> is_skew_tableau inner tab.
Lemma LRyamtab_eval inner eval outer tab:
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
is_part eval -> sumn eval = sumn (outer / inner) ->
tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> evalseq (to_word tab) = eval.
Lemma count_mem_LRyamtab_list inner eval outer yamtab :
is_part inner -> is_part outer -> included inner outer ->
is_skew_tableau inner yamtab -> shape yamtab = outer / inner ->
is_yam_of_eval eval (to_word yamtab) ->
count_mem yamtab (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) = 1.
Section PackedSpec.
Variable inner eval outer : seq nat.
Record inputSpec :=
InputSpec {
inner_part : is_part inner;
outer_part : is_part outer;
incl : included inner outer;
eval_part : is_part eval;
sumn_eq : sumn eval = sumn (outer / inner)
Record outputSpec (tab : seq (seq nat)) :=
OutputSpec {
skew : is_skew_tableau inner tab;
shaps_eq : shape tab = outer / inner;
yam_to_word : is_yam (to_word tab);
eval_eq : evalseq (to_word tab) = eval
Lemma outputSpecP tab :
inputSpec -> tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> outputSpec tab.
Lemma outputSpec_count_mem tab :
inputSpec -> outputSpec tab -> count_mem tab (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) = 1.
End PackedSpec.
Variable inner eval outer : seq nat.
Record inputSpec :=
InputSpec {
inner_part : is_part inner;
outer_part : is_part outer;
incl : included inner outer;
eval_part : is_part eval;
sumn_eq : sumn eval = sumn (outer / inner)
Record outputSpec (tab : seq (seq nat)) :=
OutputSpec {
skew : is_skew_tableau inner tab;
shaps_eq : shape tab = outer / inner;
yam_to_word : is_yam (to_word tab);
eval_eq : evalseq (to_word tab) = eval
Lemma outputSpecP tab :
inputSpec -> tab \in (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) -> outputSpec tab.
Lemma outputSpec_count_mem tab :
inputSpec -> outputSpec tab -> count_mem tab (LRyamtab_list inner eval outer) = 1.
End PackedSpec.
Section Spec.
Variables d1 d2 : nat.
Variables (P1 : 'P_d1) (P2 : 'P_d2).
Variable P : 'P_(d1 + d2).
Hypothesis Hincl : included P1 P.
Lemma LRyamtabP tab :
tab \in (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P) -> is_yam_of_eval P2 (to_word tab).
Lemma LRyamtab_all :
all (is_yam_of_eval P2) (map to_word (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P)).
Definition LRyam_list :=
subType_seq (yameval P2) (map to_word (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P)).
Lemma LRyamtab_spec_recip yam :
yam \in LRyam_set P1 P2 P ->
count_mem (val yam) (map to_word (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P)) = 1.
Lemma LRyam_spec_recip yam :
yam \in LRyam_set P1 P2 P -> count_mem yam LRyam_list = 1.
Theorem LRcoeffE : LRyam_coeff P1 P2 P = LRcoeff P1 P2 P.
End Spec.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg.
Variables d1 d2 : nat.
Variables (P1 : 'P_d1) (P2 : 'P_d2).
Variable P : 'P_(d1 + d2).
Hypothesis Hincl : included P1 P.
Lemma LRyamtabP tab :
tab \in (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P) -> is_yam_of_eval P2 (to_word tab).
Lemma LRyamtab_all :
all (is_yam_of_eval P2) (map to_word (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P)).
Definition LRyam_list :=
subType_seq (yameval P2) (map to_word (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P)).
Lemma LRyamtab_spec_recip yam :
yam \in LRyam_set P1 P2 P ->
count_mem (val yam) (map to_word (LRyamtab_list P1 P2 P)) = 1.
Lemma LRyam_spec_recip yam :
yam \in LRyam_set P1 P2 P -> count_mem yam LRyam_list = 1.
Theorem LRcoeffE : LRyam_coeff P1 P2 P = LRcoeff P1 P2 P.
End Spec.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg.
Section LR.
Variables d1 d2 : nat.
Variables (P1 : 'P_d1) (P2 : 'P_d2).
#[local] Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory.
Variable (n0 : nat) (R : comRingType).
#[local] Notation n := (n0.+1).
Notation Schur p := (Schur n0 R p).
Theorem LRtab_coeffP :
Schur P1 * Schur P2 =
\sum_(P : 'P_(d1 + d2) | included P1 P) Schur P *+ LRcoeff P1 P2 P.
End LR.
Variables d1 d2 : nat.
Variables (P1 : 'P_d1) (P2 : 'P_d2).
#[local] Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory.
Variable (n0 : nat) (R : comRingType).
#[local] Notation n := (n0.+1).
Notation Schur p := (Schur n0 R p).
Theorem LRtab_coeffP :
Schur P1 * Schur P2 =
\sum_(P : 'P_(d1 + d2) | included P1 P) Schur P *+ LRcoeff P1 P2 P.
End LR.