Library Combi.SymGroup.weak_order: The weak order on the Symmetric Group
The weak order on the Symmetric Group
- s <=R t == s is smaller than t for the right weak order.
- s <R t == s is strictly smaller than t for the right weak order.
- s \/R t == the meet of s and t for the right weak order.
- s /\R t == the join of s and t for the right weak order.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import fingroup perm morphism presentation.
Require Import permcomp tools permuted combclass congr presentSn ordtype.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Import GroupScope.
Import Order.Theory.
#[local] Open Scope Combi_scope.
Reserved Notation "s '<=R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Reserved Notation "s '<R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Reserved Notation "s '/\R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Reserved Notation "s '\/R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Fact perm_display : unit.
Module WeakOrder.
Section Def.
Context {n0 : nat}.
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n).
Definition leperm s t :=
[exists u, (t == s * u) && (length t == length s + length u)].
#[local] Notation "s '<=R' t" := (leperm s t).
Fact lepermP s t :
reflect (exists2 u, t = s * u & length t = length s + length u)
(s <=R t).
Fact leperm_length s t : s <=R t -> length s <= length t.
Fact leperm_lengthE s t : s <=R t -> length s = length t -> s = t.
Fact leperm_refl s : s <=R s.
Fact leperm_trans : transitive leperm.
Fact leperm_anti : antisymmetric leperm.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Finite.on 'S_n.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.Le_isPOrder.Build perm_display 'S_n
leperm_refl leperm_anti leperm_trans.
End Def.
Module Exports.
Notation "x <=R y" := (@Order.le perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Notation "x <R y" := ( perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Notation "x /\R y" := ( perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Notation "x \/R y" := (@Order.join perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Section WeakOrder.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n).
Definition lepermP s t :
(exists2 u : 'S_n, t = s * u & length t = length s + length u)
(s <=R t)
:= lepermP s t.
Definition leperm_length : forall s t, s <=R t -> length s <= length t
:= leperm_length.
Definition leperm_lengthE : forall s t, s <=R t -> length s = length t -> s = t
:= leperm_lengthE.
End WeakOrder.
End Exports.
End WeakOrder.
Section LEPermTheory.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n).
Lemma ltperm_length s t : s <R t -> length s < length t.
Lemma leperm1p s : (1%g : 'S_n) <=R s.
Lemma leperm_maxpermMl s t : (maxperm * t <=R maxperm * s) = (s <=R t).
Lemma leperm_maxperm s : s <=R maxperm.
Lemma leperm_factorP s t :
reflect (exists2 w : seq 'I_n0, w \is reduced &
exists2 l : nat, t = 's_[w] & s = 's_[take l w])
(s <=R t).
Lemma leperm_succ s t :
s <R t -> exists2 i : 'I_n0, (s <R s * 's_i) & (s * 's_i <=R t).
Lemma covers_permP s t :
reflect (exists2 i : 'I_n0, s <R s * 's_i & t = s * 's_i) (covers s t).
Theorem leperm_invset s t : (s <=R t) = (invset s \subset invset t).
Corollary ltperm_invset s t : (s <R t) = (invset s \proper invset t).
End LEPermTheory.
Section TClosureInvset.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n) (A B : {set 'I_n * 'I_n}).
Lemma tclosure_Delta A : A \subset Delta -> tclosure A \subset Delta.
Lemma tclosureP A : A \subset Delta -> transitive (srel (tclosure A)).
Lemma is_invset_tclosureU A B :
is_invset A -> is_invset B -> is_invset (tclosure (A :|: B)).
End TClosureInvset.
Module PermLattice.
Section PermLattice.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n) (A B : {set 'I_n * 'I_n}).
Definition supperm s t : 'S_n :=
perm_of_invset (tclosure (invset s :|: invset t)).
Definition infperm s t : 'S_n :=
maxperm * (supperm (maxperm * s) (maxperm * t)).
Lemma invset_supperm s t :
invset (supperm s t) = tclosure (invset s :|: invset t).
Lemma suppermC s t : supperm s t = supperm t s.
Lemma suppermPr s t : s <=R (supperm s t).
Lemma suppermPl s t : t <=R (supperm s t).
Fact suppermP s t w : s <=R w -> t <=R w -> (supperm s t) <=R w.
Fact supperm_is_join x y z : (supperm x y <=R z) = (x <=R z) && (y <=R z).
Fact infperm_is_meet x y z : (x <=R infperm y z) = (x <=R y) && (x <=R z).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.POrder_MeetJoin_isLattice.Build perm_display ('S_n)
infperm_is_meet supperm_is_join.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasBottom.Build perm_display ('S_n) (@leperm1p n0).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasTop.Build perm_display ('S_n) (@leperm_maxperm n0).
End PermLattice.
Module Exports.
Section PermLattice.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n) (A B : {set 'I_n * 'I_n}).
Lemma bottom_perm : Order.bottom = (1 : 'S_n).
Lemma top_perm : = @maxperm n.
Lemma invset_join s t : invset (s \/R t) = tclosure (invset s :|: invset t).
Lemma perm_join_meetE s t :
s /\R t = maxperm * (maxperm * s \/R maxperm * t).
End PermLattice.
End Exports.
End PermLattice.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import fingroup perm morphism presentation.
Require Import permcomp tools permuted combclass congr presentSn ordtype.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Import GroupScope.
Import Order.Theory.
#[local] Open Scope Combi_scope.
Reserved Notation "s '<=R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Reserved Notation "s '<R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Reserved Notation "s '/\R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Reserved Notation "s '\/R' t" (at level 70, t at next level).
Fact perm_display : unit.
Module WeakOrder.
Section Def.
Context {n0 : nat}.
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n).
Definition leperm s t :=
[exists u, (t == s * u) && (length t == length s + length u)].
#[local] Notation "s '<=R' t" := (leperm s t).
Fact lepermP s t :
reflect (exists2 u, t = s * u & length t = length s + length u)
(s <=R t).
Fact leperm_length s t : s <=R t -> length s <= length t.
Fact leperm_lengthE s t : s <=R t -> length s = length t -> s = t.
Fact leperm_refl s : s <=R s.
Fact leperm_trans : transitive leperm.
Fact leperm_anti : antisymmetric leperm.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ := Finite.on 'S_n.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.Le_isPOrder.Build perm_display 'S_n
leperm_refl leperm_anti leperm_trans.
End Def.
Module Exports.
Notation "x <=R y" := (@Order.le perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Notation "x <R y" := ( perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Notation "x /\R y" := ( perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Notation "x \/R y" := (@Order.join perm_display _ (x : 'S__) y) : Combi_scope.
Section WeakOrder.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n).
Definition lepermP s t :
(exists2 u : 'S_n, t = s * u & length t = length s + length u)
(s <=R t)
:= lepermP s t.
Definition leperm_length : forall s t, s <=R t -> length s <= length t
:= leperm_length.
Definition leperm_lengthE : forall s t, s <=R t -> length s = length t -> s = t
:= leperm_lengthE.
End WeakOrder.
End Exports.
End WeakOrder.
Section LEPermTheory.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n).
Lemma ltperm_length s t : s <R t -> length s < length t.
Lemma leperm1p s : (1%g : 'S_n) <=R s.
Lemma leperm_maxpermMl s t : (maxperm * t <=R maxperm * s) = (s <=R t).
Lemma leperm_maxperm s : s <=R maxperm.
Lemma leperm_factorP s t :
reflect (exists2 w : seq 'I_n0, w \is reduced &
exists2 l : nat, t = 's_[w] & s = 's_[take l w])
(s <=R t).
Lemma leperm_succ s t :
s <R t -> exists2 i : 'I_n0, (s <R s * 's_i) & (s * 's_i <=R t).
Lemma covers_permP s t :
reflect (exists2 i : 'I_n0, s <R s * 's_i & t = s * 's_i) (covers s t).
Theorem leperm_invset s t : (s <=R t) = (invset s \subset invset t).
Corollary ltperm_invset s t : (s <R t) = (invset s \proper invset t).
End LEPermTheory.
Section TClosureInvset.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n) (A B : {set 'I_n * 'I_n}).
Lemma tclosure_Delta A : A \subset Delta -> tclosure A \subset Delta.
Lemma tclosureP A : A \subset Delta -> transitive (srel (tclosure A)).
Lemma is_invset_tclosureU A B :
is_invset A -> is_invset B -> is_invset (tclosure (A :|: B)).
End TClosureInvset.
Module PermLattice.
Section PermLattice.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n) (A B : {set 'I_n * 'I_n}).
Definition supperm s t : 'S_n :=
perm_of_invset (tclosure (invset s :|: invset t)).
Definition infperm s t : 'S_n :=
maxperm * (supperm (maxperm * s) (maxperm * t)).
Lemma invset_supperm s t :
invset (supperm s t) = tclosure (invset s :|: invset t).
Lemma suppermC s t : supperm s t = supperm t s.
Lemma suppermPr s t : s <=R (supperm s t).
Lemma suppermPl s t : t <=R (supperm s t).
Fact suppermP s t w : s <=R w -> t <=R w -> (supperm s t) <=R w.
Fact supperm_is_join x y z : (supperm x y <=R z) = (x <=R z) && (y <=R z).
Fact infperm_is_meet x y z : (x <=R infperm y z) = (x <=R y) && (x <=R z).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.POrder_MeetJoin_isLattice.Build perm_display ('S_n)
infperm_is_meet supperm_is_join.
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasBottom.Build perm_display ('S_n) (@leperm1p n0).
#[export] HB.instance Definition _ :=
Order.hasTop.Build perm_display ('S_n) (@leperm_maxperm n0).
End PermLattice.
Module Exports.
Section PermLattice.
Variable (n0 : nat).
#[local] Notation n := n0.+1.
Implicit Type (s t u v : 'S_n) (A B : {set 'I_n * 'I_n}).
Lemma bottom_perm : Order.bottom = (1 : 'S_n).
Lemma top_perm : = @maxperm n.
Lemma invset_join s t : invset (s \/R t) = tclosure (invset s :|: invset t).
Lemma perm_join_meetE s t :
s /\R t = maxperm * (maxperm * s \/R maxperm * t).
End PermLattice.
End Exports.
End PermLattice.