From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
Require Import ereal reals signed topology normedtype prodnormedzmodule.
# Bachmann-Landau notations: $f=o(e)$, $f=O(e)$
This library is very asymmetric, in multiple respects:
- most rewrite rules can only be rewritten from left to right.
e.g., an equation 'o_F f = 'O_G g can be used only from LEFT TO RIGHT
- conversely most small 'o_F f in your goal are very specific,
only 'a_F f is mutable
Most notations are either parse only or print only.
Indeed all the 'O_F notations contain a function which is NOT displayed.
This might be confusing as sometimes you might get 'O_F g = 'O_F g
and not be able to solve by reflexivity.
- In order to have a look at the hidden function, rewrite showo.
- Do not use showo during a normal proof.
- All theorems should be stated so that when an impossible reflexivity
is encountered, it is of the form 'O_F g = 'O_F g so that you
know you should use eqOE in order to generalize your 'O_F g
to an arbitrary 'O_F g
In this file, F is a filter and V W X Y Z are normed spaces over K.
To prove that f is a bigO of g near F, you should go back to filter
reasoning only as a last resort. To do so, use the view eqOP. Similarly,
you can use eqaddOP to prove that f is equal to g plus a bigO of e near F
using filter reasoning.
## Parsable notations
[bigO of f] == recovers the canonical structure of big-o of f
expands to itself
f =O_F h == f is a bigO of h near F,
this is the preferred way for statements.
expands to the equation (f = 'O_F h)
rewrite from LEFT to RIGHT only
f = g +O_F h == f is equal to g plus a bigO near F,
this is the preferred way for statements.
expands to the equation (f = g + 'O_F h)
rewrite from LEFT to RIGHT only
/!\ When you have to prove
(f =O_F h) or (f = g +O_F h).
you must (apply: eqOE) as soon as possible in a proof
in order to turn it into 'a_O_F f with a shelved content
/!\ under rare circumstances, a hint may do that for you
[O_F h of f] == returns a function with a bigO canonical structure
provably equal to f if f is indeed a bigO of h
provably equal to 0 otherwise
expands to ('O_F h)
'O_F == pattern to match a bigO with a specific F
'O == pattern to match a bigO with a generic F
f x =O_(x \near F) e x == alternative way of stating f =O_F e (provably
equal using the lemma eqOEx
WARNING: The piece of syntax "=O_(" is only valid in the syntax
"=O_(x \near F)", not in the syntax "=O_(x : U)".
## Printing only notations:
{O_F f} == the type of functions that are a bigO of f near F
'a_O_F f == an existential bigO, must come from (apply: eqOE)
'O_F f == a generic bigO, with a function you should not rely on,
but there is no way you can use eqOE on it.
The former works exactly same by with littleo instead of bigO.
## Asymptotic equivalence
f ~_ F g == function f is asymptotically equivalent to
function g for filter F, i.e., f = g +o_ F g
f ~~_ F g == f == g +o_ F g (i.e., as a boolean relation)
Asymptotic equivalence is proved to be an equivalence relation.
## Big-Omega and big-Theta notations on the model of bigO and littleo
{Omega_F f} == the type of functions that are a big Omega of f
near F
[bigOmega of f] == recovers the canonical structure of big-Omega of f
[Omega_F e of f] == returns a function with a bigOmega canonical
structure provably equal to f if f is indeed a
bigOmega of e or e otherwise
f \is 'Omega_F(e) == f : T -> V is a bigOmega of e : T -> W near F
f =Omega_F h == f : T -> V is a bigOmega of h : T -> V near F
Lemmas: relation with big-O, transitivity, product of functions, etc.
Similar notations available for big-Theta.
Lemmas: relations with big-O and big-Omega, reflexivity, symmetry,
transitivity, product of functions, etc.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Declare Scope R_scope.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.
Reserved Notation "{o_ F f }" (at level 0, F at level 0, format "{o_ F f }").
Reserved Notation "[littleo 'of' f 'for' fT ]" (
at level 0, f at level 0,
format "[littleo 'of' f 'for' fT ]").
Reserved Notation "[littleo 'of' f ]" (
at level 0, f at level 0,
format "[littleo 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "'o_ x" (
at level 200, x at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "'o" (
at level 200, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[o_ x e 'of' f ]" (
at level 0, x, e at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[o '_' x e 'of' f ]"
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "[o '_' x e 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "''o_' x e "
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "''o_' x e ").
Reserved Notation "''a_o_' x e "
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "''a_o_' x e ").
Reserved Notation "''o' '_' x"
at level 0, x at level 0, format "''o' '_' x").
Reserved Notation "f = g '+o_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
g at next level, F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f = g '+o_' F h").
Reserved Notation "f '=o_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f '=o_' F h").
Reserved Notation "f == g '+o_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
g at next level, F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f == g '+o_' F h").
Reserved Notation "f '==o_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f '==o_' F h").
Reserved Notation "[o_( x \near F ) ex 'of' fx ]"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[o '_(' x \near F ')' ex 'of' fx ]"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0,
format "[o '_(' x \near F ')' ex 'of' fx ]").
Reserved Notation "''o_(' x \near F ')' ex"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, format "''o_(' x \near F ')' ex").
Reserved Notation "''a_o_(' x \near F ')' ex"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, format "''a_o_(' x \near F ')' ex").
Reserved Notation "''o' '_(' x \near F ')' ex"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, format "''o' '_(' x \near F ')' ex").
Reserved Notation "fx = gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
gx at next level, F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx = gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "fx '=o_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx '=o_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "fx == gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
gx at next level, F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx == gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "fx '==o_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx '==o_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "{O_ F f }" (at level 0, F at level 0, format "{O_ F f }").
Reserved Notation "[bigO 'of' f 'for' fT ]" (
at level 0, f at level 0,
format "[bigO 'of' f 'for' fT ]").
Reserved Notation "[bigO 'of' f ]" (
at level 0, f at level 0,
format "[bigO 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "'O_ x" (
at level 200, x at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "'O" (
at level 200, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[O_ x e 'of' f ]" (
at level 0, x, e at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[O '_' x e 'of' f ]"
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "[O '_' x e 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "''O_' x e "
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "''O_' x e ").
Reserved Notation "''a_O_' x e "
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "''a_O_' x e ").
Reserved Notation "''O' '_' x"
at level 0, x at level 0, format "''O' '_' x").
Reserved Notation "f = g '+O_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
g at next level, F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f = g '+O_' F h").
Reserved Notation "f '=O_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f '=O_' F h").
Reserved Notation "f == g '+O_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
g at next level, F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f == g '+O_' F h").
Reserved Notation "f '==O_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f '==O_' F h").
Reserved Notation "[O_( x \near F ) ex 'of' fx ]"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[O '_(' x \near F ')' ex 'of' fx ]"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0,
format "[O '_(' x \near F ')' ex 'of' fx ]").
Reserved Notation "''O_(' x \near F ')' ex"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, format "''O_(' x \near F ')' ex").
Reserved Notation "''a_O_(' x \near F ')' ex"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, format "''a_O_(' x \near F ')' ex").
Reserved Notation "''O' '_(' x \near F ')' ex"
at level 0, x, ex at level 0, format "''O' '_(' x \near F ')' ex").
Reserved Notation "fx = gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
gx at next level, F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx = gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "fx '=O_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx '=O_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "fx == gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
gx at next level, F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx == gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "fx '==O_(' x \near F ')' hx"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, hx at next level,
format "fx '==O_(' x \near F ')' hx").
Reserved Notation "f '~_' F g"
at level 70, F at level 0, g at next level, format "f '~_' F g").
Reserved Notation "f '~~_' F g"
at level 70, F at level 0, g at next level, format "f '~~_' F g").
Reserved Notation "{Omega_ F f }"
at level 0, F at level 0, format "{Omega_ F f }").
Reserved Notation "[bigOmega 'of' f 'for' fT ]"
at level 0, f at level 0, format "[bigOmega 'of' f 'for' fT ]").
Reserved Notation "[bigOmega 'of' f ]"
at level 0, f at level 0, format "[bigOmega 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[Omega_ x e 'of' f ]"
at level 0, x, e at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[Omega '_' x e 'of' f ]"
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "[Omega '_' x e 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "'Omega_ F g"
at level 0, F at level 0, format "''Omega_' F g").
Reserved Notation "f '=Omega_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f '=Omega_' F h").
Reserved Notation "{Theta_ F g }"
at level 0, F at level 0, format "{Theta_ F g }").
Reserved Notation "[bigTheta 'of' f 'for' fT ]"
at level 0, f at level 0, format "[bigTheta 'of' f 'for' fT ]").
Reserved Notation "[bigTheta 'of' f ]"
at level 0, f at level 0, format "[bigTheta 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "[Theta_ x e 'of' f ]"
at level 0, x, e at level 0, only parsing).
Reserved Notation "[Theta '_' x e 'of' f ]"
at level 0, x, e at level 0, format "[Theta '_' x e 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "'Theta_ F g"
at level 0, F at level 0, format "''Theta_' F g").
Reserved Notation "f '=Theta_' F h"
at level 70, no associativity,
F at level 0, h at next level,
format "f '=Theta_' F h").
Delimit Scope R_scope with coqR.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Definition the_tag : unit := tt.
Definition gen_tag : unit := tt.
Definition a_tag : unit := tt.
Lemma showo : (
gen_tag = tt)
* (
the_tag = tt)
* (
a_tag = tt)
by []. Qed.
Section Domination.
Context {K : numDomainType} {T : Type} {V W : normedModType K}.
Let littleo_def (
F : set (
set T)) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
forall eps, 0 < eps -> \forall x \near F, `|f x| <= eps * `|g x|.
Structure littleo_type (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
:= Littleo {
littleo_fun :> T -> V;
_ : `[< littleo_def F littleo_fun g >]
Notation "{o_ F f }" := (
littleo_type F f).
Canonical littleo_subtype (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
[subType for (
@littleo_fun F g)
Lemma littleo_class (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {o_F g})
`[< littleo_def F f g >].
by case: f => ?. Qed.
Hint Resolve littleo_class : core.
Definition littleo_clone (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : T -> V) (
fT : {o_F g})
of phant_id (
littleo_class fT)
c := @Littleo F g f c.
Notation "[littleo 'of' f 'for' fT ]" := (
@littleo_clone _ _ f fT _ idfun).
Notation "[littleo 'of' f ]" := (
@littleo_clone _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Lemma littleo0_subproof F (
g : T -> W)
Filter F -> littleo_def F (
0 : T -> V)
Canonical littleo0 (
F : filter_on T)
g :=
Littleo (
asboolT (
@littleo0_subproof F g _)).
Definition the_littleo (
_ : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h := littleo_fun (
insubd (
littleo0 F h)
Notation PhantomF := (
Phantom (
set (
set T))).
Arguments the_littleo : simpl never, clear implicits.
Notation mklittleo tag x := (
the_littleo tag _ (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[o_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mklittleo gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[o '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_littleo _ _ (
PhantomF x)
f e).
Notation "''o_' x e " := (
the_littleo the_tag _ (
PhantomF x)
_ e).
Notation "''a_o_' x e " := (
the_littleo a_tag _ (
PhantomF x)
_ e).
Notation "''o' '_' x" := (
the_littleo gen_tag _ (
PhantomF x)
Notation "f = g '+o_' F h" :=
f%function = g%function + mklittleo the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '=o_' F h" := (
f%function = (
mklittleo the_tag F f h)).
Notation "f == g '+o_' F h" :=
f%function == g%function + mklittleo the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '==o_' F h" := (
f%function == (
mklittleo the_tag F f h)).
Notation "[o_( x \near F ) ex 'of' f ]" :=
mklittleo gen_tag F (
fun x => f) (
fun x => ex)
Notation "[o '_(' x \near F ')' ex 'of' f ]" :=
the_littleo _ _ (
PhantomF F) (
fun x => f) (
fun x => ex)
Notation "''o_(' x \near F ')' ex" :=
the_littleo the_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => ex)
Notation "''a_o_(' x \near F ')' ex" :=
the_littleo a_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => ex)
Notation "''o' '_(' x \near F ')' ex" :=
the_littleo gen_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => ex)
Notation "fx = gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = gx + mklittleo the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '=o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = (
mklittleo the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx == gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == gx + mklittleo the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '==o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == (
mklittleo the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
Lemma littleoP (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {o_F g})
: littleo_def F f g.
exact/asboolP. Qed.
Hint Extern 0 (
littleo_def _ _ _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
nbhs _ _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near1 _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near2 _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
Lemma littleoE (
tag : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h :
littleo_def F f h -> the_littleo tag F phF f h = f.
by move=> /asboolP?; rewrite /the_littleo /insubd insubT. Qed.
Canonical the_littleo_littleo (
tag : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h := [littleo of the_littleo tag F phF f h].
Variant littleo_spec (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
: (
T -> V)
-> Type :=
LittleoSpec f of littleo_def F f g : littleo_spec F g f.
Lemma littleo (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {o_F g})
: littleo_spec F g f.
by constructor; apply/(@littleoP F). Qed.
Lemma opp_littleo_subproof (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df : {o_F e})
littleo_def F (
- (
df : _ -> _))
by move=> _/posnumP[eps]; near do rewrite normrN; apply: littleoP.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Canonical opp_littleo (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df : {o_F e})
Littleo (
asboolT (
opp_littleo_subproof df)).
Lemma oppo (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
e : - [o_F e of f] =o_F e.
by rewrite [RHS]littleoE. Qed.
Lemma oppox (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
e x :
- [o_F e of f] x = [o_F e of - [o_F e of f]] x.
by move: x; rewrite -/(
- _ =1 _)
{1}oppo. Qed.
Lemma eqadd_some_oP (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
h :
f = g + [o_F e of h] -> littleo_def F (
f - g)
Lemma eqaddoP (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f = g +o_ F e)
<-> (
littleo_def F (
f - g)
by split=> [/eqadd_some_oP|fg_o_e]; rewrite ?littleoE // addrC addrNK.
Lemma eqoP (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
f =o_ F e)
<-> (
littleo_def F f e).
by rewrite -[f]subr0 -eqaddoP -[f \- 0]/(
f - 0)
subr0 add0r. Qed.
Lemma eq_some_oP (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
h :
f = [o_F e of h] -> littleo_def F f e.
by have := @eqadd_some_oP F f 0 e h; rewrite add0r subr0. Qed.
Lemma eqaddoE (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
f = g + mklittleo a_tag F h e -> f = g +o_ F e.
by move=> /eqadd_some_oP /eqaddoP. Qed.
Lemma eqoE (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
f = mklittleo a_tag F h e -> f =o_F e.
by move=> /eq_some_oP /eqoP. Qed.
Lemma eqoEx (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
forall x, f x = mklittleo a_tag F h e x)
forall x, f x =o_(
x \near F)
e x).
by have := @eqoE F f h e; rewrite !funeqE. Qed.
Lemma eqaddoEx (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
forall x, f x = g x + mklittleo a_tag F h e x)
forall x, f x = g x +o_(
x \near F) (
e x)).
by have := @eqaddoE F f g h e; rewrite !funeqE. Qed.
Lemma littleo_eqo (
F : filter_on T) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {o_F g})
f : _ -> _)
=o_F g.
by apply/eqoP. Qed.
End Domination.
Section Domination_numFieldType.
Context {K : numFieldType} {T : Type} {V W : normedModType K}.
Let bigO_def (
F : set (
set T)) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
\forall k \near +oo, \forall x \near F, `|f x| <= k * `|g x|.
Let bigO_ex_def (
F : set (
set T)) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
exists2 k, k > 0 & \forall x \near F, `|f x| <= k * `|g x|.
Lemma bigO_exP (
F : set (
set T)) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
Filter F -> bigO_ex_def F f g <-> bigO_def F f g.
Structure bigO_type (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
:= BigO {
bigO_fun :> T -> V;
_ : `[< bigO_def F bigO_fun g >]
Notation "{O_ F f }" := (
bigO_type F f).
Canonical bigO_subtype (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
[subType for (
@bigO_fun F g)
Lemma bigO_class (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {O_F g})
`[< bigO_def F f g >].
by case: f => ?. Qed.
Hint Resolve bigO_class : core.
Definition bigO_clone (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : T -> V) (
fT : {O_F g})
of phant_id (
bigO_class fT)
c := @BigO F g f c.
Notation "[bigO 'of' f 'for' fT ]" := (
@bigO_clone _ _ f fT _ idfun).
Notation "[bigO 'of' f ]" := (
@bigO_clone _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Lemma bigO0_subproof F (
g : T -> W)
: Filter F -> bigO_def F (
0 : T -> V)
by move=> FF; near do [apply: filterE => x;
rewrite normr0 pmulr_rge0 ?normr_ge0//]; exists 0.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Canonical bigO0 (
F : filter_on T)
g := BigO (
asboolT (
@bigO0_subproof F g _)).
Definition the_bigO (
u : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h := bigO_fun (
insubd (
bigO0 F h)
Arguments the_bigO : simpl never, clear implicits.
Notation PhantomF := (
Phantom (
set (
set T))).
Notation mkbigO tag x := (
the_bigO tag _ (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[O_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mkbigO gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[O '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_bigO _ _ (
PhantomF x)
f e).
Notation "''O_' x e " := (
the_bigO the_tag _ (
PhantomF x)
_ e).
Notation "''a_O_' x e " := (
the_bigO a_tag _ (
PhantomF x)
_ e).
Notation "''O' '_' x" := (
the_bigO gen_tag _ (
PhantomF x)
Notation "[O_( x \near F ) e 'of' f ]" :=
mkbigO gen_tag F (
fun x => f) (
fun x => e)
Notation "[O '_(' x \near F ')' e 'of' f ]" :=
the_bigO _ _ (
PhantomF F) (
fun x => f) (
fun x => e)
Notation "''O_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_bigO the_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "''a_O_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_bigO a_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "''O' '_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_bigO gen_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "f = g '+O_' F h" :=
f%function = g%function + mkbigO the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '=O_' F h" := (
f%function = mkbigO the_tag F f h).
Notation "f == g '+O_' F h" :=
f%function == g%function + mkbigO the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '==O_' F h" := (
f%function == mkbigO the_tag F f h).
Notation "fx = gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = gx + mkbigO the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '=O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = (
mkbigO the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx == gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == gx + mkbigO the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '==O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == (
mkbigO the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
Lemma bigOP (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {O_F g})
: bigO_def F f g.
exact/asboolP. Qed.
Hint Extern 0 (
bigO_def _ _ _)
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
nbhs _ _)
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near1 _)
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near2 _)
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
Lemma bigOE (
tag : unit) (
F : filter_on T) (
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h :
bigO_def F f h -> the_bigO tag F phF f h = f.
by move=> /asboolP?; rewrite /the_bigO /insubd insubT. Qed.
Canonical the_bigO_bigO (
tag : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h := [bigO of the_bigO tag F phF f h].
Variant bigO_spec (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
: (
T -> V)
-> Prop :=
BigOSpec f (
k : {posnum K})
of (
\forall x \near F, `|f x| <= k%:num * `|g x|)
bigO_spec F g f.
Lemma bigO (
F : filter_on T) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {O_F g})
: bigO_spec F g f.
by have /bigO_exP [_/posnumP[k] kP] := bigOP f; exists k. Qed.
Lemma opp_bigO_subproof (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df : {O_F e})
bigO_def F (
- (
df : _ -> _))
Canonical Opp_bigO (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df : {O_F e})
BigO (
asboolT (
opp_bigO_subproof df)).
Lemma oppO (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
e : - [O_F e of f] =O_F e.
by rewrite [RHS]bigOE. Qed.
Lemma oppOx (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
e x :
- [O_F e of f] x = [O_F e of - [O_F e of f]] x.
by move: x; rewrite -/(
- _ =1 _)
{1}oppO. Qed.
Lemma add_bigO_subproof (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df dg : {O_F e})
bigO_def F (
df \+ dg)
Canonical add_bigO (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df dg : {O_F e})
@BigO _ _ (
_ + _) (
asboolT (
add_bigO_subproof df dg)).
Canonical addfun_bigO (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df dg : {O_F e})
BigO (
asboolT (
add_bigO_subproof df dg)).
Lemma addO (
F : filter_on T) (
f g: T -> V)
e :
[O_F e of f] + [O_F e of g] =O_F e.
by rewrite [RHS]bigOE. Qed.
Lemma addOx (
F : filter_on T) (
f g: T -> V)
e x :
[O_F e of f] x + [O_F e of g] x =
[O_F e of [O_F e of f] + [O_F e of g]] x.
by move: x; rewrite -/(
_ + _ =1 _)
{1}addO. Qed.
Lemma eqadd_some_OP (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
h :
f = g + [O_F e of h] -> bigO_def F (
f - g)
Lemma eqaddOP (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f = g +O_ F e)
<-> (
bigO_def F (
f - g)
by split=> [/eqadd_some_OP|fg_O_e]; rewrite ?bigOE // addrC addrNK. Qed.
Lemma eqOP (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
f =O_ F e)
<-> (
bigO_def F f e).
by rewrite -[f]subr0 -eqaddOP -[f \- 0]/(
f - 0)
subr0 add0r. Qed.
Lemma eqO_exP (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
f =O_ F e)
<-> (
bigO_ex_def F f e).
Lemma eq_some_OP (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
h :
f = [O_F e of h] -> bigO_def F f e.
by have := @eqadd_some_OP F f 0 e h; rewrite add0r subr0. Qed.
Lemma bigO_eqO (
F : filter_on T) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {O_F g})
f : _ -> _)
=O_F g.
by apply/eqOP; apply: bigOP. Qed.
Lemma eqO_bigO (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
f =O_ F e -> bigO_def F f e.
Lemma eqaddOE (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
f = g + mkbigO a_tag F h e -> f = g +O_ F e.
by move=> /eqadd_some_OP /eqaddOP. Qed.
Lemma eqOE (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
f = mkbigO a_tag F h e -> f =O_F e.
by move=> /eq_some_OP /eqOP. Qed.
Lemma eqOEx (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
forall x, f x = mkbigO a_tag F h e x)
forall x, f x =O_(
x \near F)
e x).
by have := @eqOE F f h e; rewrite !funeqE. Qed.
Lemma eqaddOEx (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V)
h (
e : T -> W)
forall x, f x = g x + mkbigO a_tag F h e x)
forall x, f x = g x +O_(
x \near F) (
e x)).
by have := @eqaddOE F f g h e; rewrite !funeqE. Qed.
Notation mklittleo tag x := (
the_littleo tag (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[o_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mklittleo gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[o '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_littleo _ _ (
PhantomF x)
f e).
Lemma eqoO (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
[o_F e of f] =O_F e.
by apply/eqOP; exists 0; split => // k kgt0; apply: littleoP. Qed.
Hint Resolve eqoO : core.
Notation "{o_ F f }" := (
littleo_type F f).
Lemma littleo_eqO (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : {o_F e})
f : _ -> _)
=O_F e.
Canonical littleo_is_bigO (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W) (
f : {o_F e})
BigO (
asboolT (
eqO_bigO (
littleo_eqO f))).
Canonical the_littleo_bigO (
tag : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h := [bigO of the_littleo tag phF f h].
End Domination_numFieldType.
Notation "{o_ F f }" := (
@littleo_type _ _ _ _ F f).
Notation "{O_ F f }" := (
@bigO_type _ _ _ _ F f).
Notation "[littleo 'of' f 'for' fT ]" :=
@littleo_clone _ _ _ _ _ _ f fT _ idfun).
Notation "[littleo 'of' f ]" := (
@littleo_clone _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Notation "[bigO 'of' f 'for' fT ]" := (
@bigO_clone _ _ _ _ _ _ f fT _ idfun).
Notation "[bigO 'of' f ]" := (
@bigO_clone _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Arguments the_littleo {_ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _ : simpl never.
Arguments the_bigO {_ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _ : simpl never.
Local Notation PhantomF x := (
Phantom _ [filter of x]).
Notation mklittleo tag x := (
the_littleo tag _ (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[o_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mklittleo gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[o_( x \near F ) e 'of' f ]" :=
mklittleo gen_tag F (
fun x => f) (
fun x => e)
Notation "'o_ x" := (
the_littleo _ _ (
PhantomF x)
Notation "'o" := (
the_littleo _ _ _ _).
Notation "[o '_(' x \near F ')' e 'of' f ]" :=
the_littleo _ _ (
PhantomF F) (
fun x => f) (
fun x => e)
Notation "[o '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_littleo _ _ (
Phantom _ x)
f e).
Notation "''o_' x e " := (
the_littleo the_tag _ (
Phantom _ x)
_ e).
Notation "''a_o_' x e " := (
the_littleo a_tag _ (
Phantom _ x)
_ e).
Notation "''o' '_' x" := (
the_littleo gen_tag _ (
Phantom _ x)
Notation "''o_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_littleo the_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "''a_o_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_littleo a_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "''o' '_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_littleo gen_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation mkbigO tag x := (
the_bigO tag _ (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[O_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mkbigO gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[O_( x \near F ) e 'of' f ]" :=
mkbigO gen_tag F (
fun x => f) (
fun x => e)
Notation "'O_ x" := (
the_bigO _ _ (
PhantomF x)
Notation "'O" := (
the_bigO _ _ _ _).
Notation "[O '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_bigO _ _ (
Phantom _ x)
f e).
Notation "[O '_(' x \near F ')' e 'of' f ]" :=
the_bigO _ _ (
PhantomF F) (
fun x => f) (
fun x => e)
Notation "''O_' x e " := (
the_bigO the_tag _ (
Phantom _ x)
_ e).
Notation "''a_O_' x e " := (
the_bigO a_tag _ (
Phantom _ x)
_ e).
Notation "''O' '_' x" := (
the_bigO gen_tag _ (
Phantom _ x)
Notation "''O_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_bigO the_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "''a_O_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_bigO a_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "''O' '_(' x \near F ')' e" :=
the_bigO gen_tag _ (
PhantomF F)
_ (
fun x => e)
Notation "f = g '+o_' F h" :=
f%function = g%function + mklittleo the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '=o_' F h" := (
f%function = (
mklittleo the_tag F f h)).
Notation "f == g '+o_' F h" :=
f%function == g%function + mklittleo the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '==o_' F h" := (
f%function == (
mklittleo the_tag F f h)).
Notation "fx = gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = gx + mklittleo the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '=o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = (
mklittleo the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx == gx '+o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == gx + mklittleo the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '==o_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == (
mklittleo the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "f = g '+O_' F h" :=
f%function = g%function + mkbigO the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '=O_' F h" := (
f%function = mkbigO the_tag F f h).
Notation "f == g '+O_' F h" :=
f%function == g%function + mkbigO the_tag F (
f \- g)
Notation "f '==O_' F h" := (
f%function == mkbigO the_tag F f h).
Notation "fx = gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = gx + mkbigO the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '=O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx = (
mkbigO the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx == gx '+O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == gx + mkbigO the_tag F
fun x => fx)
\- (
fun x => gx%R)) (
fun x => hx)
Notation "fx '==O_(' x \near F ')' hx" :=
fx == (
mkbigO the_tag F (
fun x => fx) (
fun x => hx)
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ = the_littleo the_tag _ _ _ _)
apply: eqoE; reflexivity : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ = the_bigO the_tag _ _ _ _)
apply: eqOE; reflexivity : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ = the_bigO the_tag _ _ _ _)
apply: eqoO; reflexivity : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ = _ + the_littleo the_tag _ _ _ _)
apply: eqaddoE; reflexivity : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ = _ + the_bigO the_tag _ _ _ _)
apply: eqaddOE; reflexivity : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
\forall k \near +oo, \forall x \near _,
is_true (
`|_ x| <= k * `|_ x|))
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
nbhs _ _)
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near1 _)
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near2 _)
=> solve[apply: bigOP] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
forall e, is_true (
0 < e)
-> \forall x \near _,
is_true (
`|_ x| <= e * `|_ x|))
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
nbhs _ _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near1 _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near2 _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve littleo_class : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve bigO_class : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve littleo_eqO : core.
Arguments bigO {_ _ _ _}.
Section Domination_numFieldType.
Context {K : numFieldType} {T : Type} {V W : normedModType K}.
Let littleo_def (
F : set (
set T)) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
forall eps, 0 < eps -> \forall x \near F, `|f x| <= eps * `|g x|.
Lemma add_littleo_subproof (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df dg : {o_F e})
littleo_def F (
df \+ dg)
Canonical add_littleo (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df dg : {o_F e})
@Littleo _ _ _ _ _ _ (
_ + _) (
asboolT (
add_littleo_subproof df dg)).
Canonical addfun_littleo (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df dg : {o_F e})
@Littleo _ _ _ _ _ _ (
_ \+ _) (
asboolT (
add_littleo_subproof df dg)).
Lemma addo (
F : filter_on T) (
f g: T -> V) (
e : _ -> W)
[o_F e of f] + [o_F e of g] =o_F e.
by rewrite [RHS]littleoE. Qed.
Lemma addox (
F : filter_on T) (
f g: T -> V) (
e : _ -> W)
x :
[o_F e of f] x + [o_F e of g] x =
[o_F e of [o_F e of f] + [o_F e of g]] x.
by move: x; rewrite -/(
_ + _ =1 _)
{1}addo. Qed.
Hint Extern 0 (
littleo_def _ _ _)
=> solve[apply: littleoP] : core.
Lemma scale_littleo_subproof (
F : filter_on T)
e (
df : {o_F e})
a :
littleo_def F (
a *: (
df : _ -> _))
Canonical scale_littleo (
F : filter_on T)
e a (
df : {o_F e})
Littleo (
asboolT (
scale_littleo_subproof df a)).
Lemma scaleo (
F : filter_on T)
a (
f : T -> V) (
e : _ -> W)
a *: [o_F e of f] = [o_F e of a *: [o_F e of f]].
by rewrite [RHS]littleoE. Qed.
Lemma scaleox (
F : filter_on T)
a (
f : T -> V) (
e : _ -> W)
x :
a *: (
[o_F e of f] x)
= [o_F e of a *: [o_F e of f]] x.
by move: x; rewrite -/(
_ *: _ =1 _)
{1}scaleo. Qed.
End Domination_numFieldType.
Lemma scaleolx (
K : numFieldType) (
V W : normedModType K)
{T : Type}
F : filter_on T) (
a : W) (
k : T -> K^o) (
e : T -> V) (
x : T)
[o_F e of k] x)
*: a = [o_F e of (
fun y => [o_F e of k] y *: a)
] x.
Section Limit.
Context {K : numFieldType} {T : Type} {V W X : normedModType K}.
Lemma eqolimP (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V) (
l : V)
f @ F --> l <-> f = cst l +o_F (
cst (
1 : K^o)).
Lemma eqolim (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V) (
l : V)
e :
f = cst l + [o_F (
cst (
1 : K^o))
of e] -> f @ F --> l.
by move=> /eqaddoE /eqolimP. Qed.
Lemma eqolim0P (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
f @ F --> (
0 : V)
<-> f =o_F (
cst (
1 : K^o)).
Lemma eqolim0 (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
f =o_F (
cst (
1 : K^o))
-> f @ F --> (
0 : V).
by move=> /eqoE /eqolim0P. Qed.
Lemma littleo_bigO_eqo {F : filter_on T}
g : T -> W) (
f : T -> V) (
h : T -> X)
f =O_F g -> [o_F f of h] =o_F g.
Arguments littleo_bigO_eqo {F}.
Lemma bigO_littleo_eqo {F : filter_on T} (
g : T -> W) (
f : T -> V) (
h : T -> X)
f =o_F g -> [O_F f of h] =o_F g.
move->; apply/eqoP => _/posnumP[e]; have [k c] := bigO.
apply: filter_app; near=> x => /le_trans; apply.
by rewrite -ler_pdivl_mull // mulrA; near: x; apply: littleoP.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Arguments bigO_littleo_eqo {F}.
Lemma add2o (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f =o_F e -> g =o_F e -> f + g =o_F e.
by move=> -> ->; rewrite addo. Qed.
Lemma addfo (
F : filter_on T) (
h f : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f =o_F e -> f + [o_F e of h] =o_F e.
by move->; rewrite addo. Qed.
Lemma oppfo (
F : filter_on T) (
h f : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f =o_F e -> - f =o_F e.
by move->; rewrite oppo. Qed.
Lemma add2O (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f =O_F e -> g =O_F e -> f + g =O_F e.
by move=> -> ->; rewrite addO. Qed.
Lemma addfO (
F : filter_on T) (
h f : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f =O_F e -> f + [O_F e of h] =O_F e.
by move->; rewrite addO. Qed.
Lemma oppfO (
F : filter_on T) (
h f : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f =O_F e -> - f =O_F e.
by move->; rewrite oppO. Qed.
Lemma idO (
F : filter_on T) (
e : T -> W)
: e =O_F e.
by apply/eqO_exP; exists 1 => //; apply: filterE=> x; rewrite mul1r. Qed.
Lemma littleo_littleo (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W) (
h : T -> X)
f =o_F g -> [o_F f of h] =o_F g.
End Limit.
Arguments littleo_bigO_eqo {K T V W X F}.
Arguments bigO_littleo_eqo {K T V W X F}.
Section Limit_realFieldType.
Context {K : realFieldType}
{T : Type} {V W X : normedModType K}.
Lemma bigO_bigO_eqO {F : filter_on T} (
g : T -> W) (
f : T -> V) (
h : T -> X)
f =O_F g -> (
[O_F f of h] : _ -> _)
=O_F g.
move->; apply/eqOP; have [k c1 kOg] := bigO _ g.
have [k' c2 k'Ok] := bigO _ k.
near=> c; move: k'Ok kOg; apply: filter_app2; near=> x => lek'c2k.
rewrite -(
@ler_pmul2l _ c2%:num)
// mulrA => /(
le_trans lek'c2k)
by apply; rewrite ler_pmul//; near: c; exact: nbhs_pinfty_ge.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Arguments bigO_bigO_eqO {F}.
End Limit_realFieldType.
Arguments littleo_bigO_eqo {K T V W X F}.
Arguments bigO_littleo_eqo {K T V W X F}.
Arguments bigO_bigO_eqO {K T V W X F}.
Section littleo_bigO_transitivity.
Context {K : numFieldType} {T : Type} {V W Z : normedModType K}.
Lemma eqaddo_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f g h : T -> V)
fg gh (
e : T -> W)
f = g + [o_ F e of fg] -> g = h + [o_F e of gh] -> f = h +o_F e.
by move=> -> ->; rewrite -addrA addo. Qed.
End littleo_bigO_transitivity.
Section littleo_bigO_transitivity.
Context {K : numFieldType} {T : Type} {V W Z : normedModType K}.
Lemma eqaddO_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f g h : T -> V)
fg gh (
e : T -> W)
f = g + [O_ F e of fg] -> g = h + [O_F e of gh] -> f = h +O_F e.
by move=> -> ->; rewrite -addrA addO. Qed.
Lemma eqaddoO_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f g h : T -> V)
fg gh (
e : T -> W)
f = g + [o_ F e of fg] -> g = h + [O_F e of gh] -> f = h +O_F e.
Lemma eqaddOo_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f g h : T -> V)
fg gh (
e : T -> W)
f = g + [O_ F e of fg] -> g = h + [o_F e of gh] -> f = h +O_F e.
by move=> -> ->; rewrite -addrA addfO. Qed.
Lemma eqo_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
f' (
g : T -> W)
g' (
h : T -> Z)
f = [o_F g of f'] -> g = [o_F h of g'] -> f =o_F h.
Lemma eqOo_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
f' (
g : T -> W)
g' (
h : T -> Z)
f = [O_F g of f'] -> g = [o_F h of g'] -> f =o_F h.
Lemma eqoO_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
f' (
g : T -> W)
g' (
h : T -> Z)
f = [o_F g of f'] -> g = [O_F h of g'] -> f =o_F h.
End littleo_bigO_transitivity.
Section littleo_bigO_transitivity_realFieldType.
Context {K : realFieldType} {T : Type}
{V W Z : normedModType K}.
Lemma eqO_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
f' (
g : T -> W)
g' (
h : T -> Z)
f = [O_F g of f'] -> g = [O_F h of g'] -> f =O_F h.
End littleo_bigO_transitivity_realFieldType.
Section rule_of_products_rcfType.
Variables (
R : rcfType) (
pT : pointedType).
Lemma mulo (
F : filter_on pT) (
h1 h2 f g : pT -> R^o)
[o_F h1 of f] * [o_F h2 of g] =o_F (
h1 * h2).
Lemma mulO (
F : filter_on pT) (
h1 h2 f g : pT -> R^o)
[O_F h1 of f] * [O_F h2 of g] =O_F (
h1 * h2).
End rule_of_products_rcfType.
Section rule_of_products_numClosedFieldType.
Variables (
R : numClosedFieldType) (
pT : pointedType).
Lemma mulo_numClosedFieldType (
F : filter_on pT) (
h1 h2 f g : pT -> R^o)
[o_F h1 of f] * [o_F h2 of g] =o_F (
h1 * h2).
Lemma mulO_numClosedFieldType (
F : filter_on pT) (
h1 h2 f g : pT -> R^o)
[O_F h1 of f] * [O_F h2 of g] =O_F (
h1 * h2).
End rule_of_products_numClosedFieldType.
Section Linear3.
Context (
R : realFieldType) (
U : normedModType R) (
V : normedModType R)
s : R -> V -> V) (
s_law : s).
Hypothesis (
normm_s : forall k x, `|s k x| = `|k| * `|x|).
Local Notation "'+oo'" := (
@pinfty_nbhs R).
Lemma linear_for_continuous (
f : {linear U -> V | GRing.Scale.op s_law})
f : _ -> _)
=O_ (
0 : U) (
cst (
1 : R^o))
-> continuous f.
End Linear3.
Arguments linear_for_continuous {R U V s s_law normm_s} f _.
Lemma linear_continuous (
R : realFieldType) (
U : normedModType R)
V : normedModType R) (
f : {linear U -> V})
f : _ -> _)
=O_ (
0 : U) (
cst (
1 : R^o))
-> continuous f.
Lemma linear_for_mul_continuous (
R : realFieldType) (
U : normedModType R)
f : {linear U -> R | (
mul [ringType of R^o])
f : _ -> _)
=O_ (
0 : U) (
cst (
1 : R^o))
-> continuous f.
Notation "f '~_' F g" := (
f = g +o_ F g).
Notation "f '~~_' F g" := (
f == g +o_ F g).
Section asymptotic_equivalence.
Context {K : realFieldType} {T : Type} {V W : normedModType K}.
Implicit Types F : filter_on T.
Lemma equivOLR F (
f g : T -> V)
: f ~_F g -> f =O_F g.
Lemma equiv_refl F (
f : T -> V)
: f ~_F f.
by apply/eqaddoP; rewrite subrr. Qed.
Lemma equivoRL (
W' : normedModType K)
F (
f g : T -> V) (
h : T -> W')
f ~_F g -> [o_F g of h] =o_F f.
move=> ->; apply/eqoP; move=> _/posnumP[eps]; near=> x.
rewrite -ler_pdivr_mull // -[X in g + X]opprK oppo.
rewrite (
le_trans _ (
ler_dist_dist _ _))
rewrite [leRHS]ger0_norm ?ler_subr_addr ?add0r; last first.
by rewrite -[leRHS]mul1r; near: x; apply: littleoP.
rewrite [leRHS]splitr [_ / 2]mulrC.
by rewrite ler_add ?ler_pdivr_mull ?mulrA //; near: x; apply: littleoP.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Lemma equiv_sym F (
f g : T -> V)
: f ~_F g -> g ~_F f.
Lemma equivoLR (
W' : normedModType K)
F (
f g : T -> V) (
h : T -> W')
f ~_F g -> [o_F f of h] =o_F g.
by move/equiv_sym/equivoRL. Qed.
Lemma equivORL F (
f g : T -> V)
: f ~_F g -> g =O_F f.
by move/equiv_sym/equivOLR. Qed.
Lemma eqoaddo (
W' : normedModType K)
F (
f g : T -> V) (
h : T -> W')
[o_F f + [o_F f of g] of h] =o_F f.
Lemma equiv_trans F (
f g h : T -> V)
: f ~_F g -> g ~_F h -> f ~_F h.
Lemma equivalence_rel_equiv F :
equivalence_rel [rel f g : T -> V | f ~~_F g].
move=> f g h; split; first by apply/eqP/equiv_refl.
by move=> /eqP fg /=; apply/eqP/eqP; apply/equiv_trans => //; apply/equiv_sym.
End asymptotic_equivalence.
Section big_omega.
Context {K : realFieldType} {T : Type} {V : normedModType K}.
Implicit Types W : normedModType K.
Let bigOmega_def W (
F : set (
set T)) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
exists2 k, k > 0 & \forall x \near F, `|f x| >= k * `|g x|.
Structure bigOmega_type {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
:= BigOmega {
bigOmega_fun :> T -> V;
_ : `[< bigOmega_def F bigOmega_fun g >]
Notation "{Omega_ F g }" := (
@bigOmega_type _ F g).
Canonical bigOmega_subtype {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
[subType for (
@bigOmega_fun W F g)
Lemma bigOmega_class {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {Omega_F g})
`[< bigOmega_def F f g >].
by case: f => ?. Qed.
Hint Resolve bigOmega_class : core.
Definition bigOmega_clone {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
fT : {Omega_F g})
c of phant_id (
bigOmega_class fT)
c := @BigOmega W F g f c.
Notation "[bigOmega 'of' f 'for' fT ]" := (
@bigOmega_clone _ _ _ f fT _ idfun).
Notation "[bigOmega 'of' f ]" := (
@bigOmega_clone _ _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Lemma bigOmega_refl_subproof F (
g : T -> V)
: Filter F -> bigOmega_def F g g.
by move=> FF; exists 1 => //; near=> x; rewrite mul1r.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Definition bigOmega_refl (
F : filter_on T)
g :=
BigOmega (
asboolT (
@bigOmega_refl_subproof F g _)).
Definition the_bigOmega (
u : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f g :=
bigOmega_fun (
insubd (
bigOmega_refl F g)
Arguments the_bigOmega : simpl never, clear implicits.
Notation mkbigOmega tag x := (
the_bigOmega tag _ (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[Omega_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mkbigOmega gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[Omega '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_bigOmega _ _ (
PhantomF x)
f e).
Definition is_bigOmega {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
[qualify f : T -> V | `[< bigOmega_def F f g >] ].
Fact is_bigOmega_key {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
: pred_key (
is_bigOmega F g).
by []. Qed.
Canonical is_bigOmega_keyed {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
KeyedQualifier (
is_bigOmega_key F g).
Notation "'Omega_ F g" := (
is_bigOmega F g).
Lemma bigOmegaP {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {Omega_F g})
bigOmega_def F f g.
exact/asboolP. Qed.
Hint Extern 0 (
bigOmega_def _ _ _)
=> solve[apply: bigOmegaP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
nbhs _ _)
=> solve[apply: bigOmegaP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near1 _)
=> solve[apply: bigOmegaP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near2 _)
=> solve[apply: bigOmegaP] : core.
Notation "f '=Omega_' F h" := (
f%function = mkbigOmega the_tag F f h).
Canonical the_bigOmega_bigOmega (
tag : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h := [bigOmega of the_bigOmega tag F phF f h].
Variant bigOmega_spec {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
: (
T -> V)
-> Prop :=
BigOmegaSpec f (
k : {posnum K})
\forall x \near F, `|f x| >= k%:num * `|g x|)
bigOmega_spec F g f.
Lemma bigOmega {W} (
F : filter_on T) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {Omega_F g})
bigOmega_spec F g f.
by have [_/posnumP[k]] := bigOmegaP f; exists k. Qed.
Lemma eqOmegaO {W} (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V) (
e : T -> W)
f \is 'Omega_F(
= (
e =O_F f)
:> Prop.
rewrite propeqE; split => [| /eqO_exP[x x0 Hx] ];
[rewrite qualifE => /asboolP[x x0 Hx]; apply/eqO_exP |
rewrite qualifE; apply/asboolP];
exists x^-1; rewrite ?invr_gt0 //; near=> y.
by rewrite ler_pdivl_mull //; near: y.
by rewrite ler_pdivr_mull //; near: y.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Lemma eqOmegaE (
F : filter_on T) (
f e : T -> V)
f =Omega_F(
= (
f \is 'Omega_F(
Lemma eqOmega_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f g h : T -> V)
f =Omega_F(
-> g =Omega_F(
-> f =Omega_F(
rewrite !eqOmegaE !eqOmegaO => fg gh; exact: (
eqO_trans gh fg). Qed.
End big_omega.
Notation "{Omega_ F f }" := (
@bigOmega_type _ _ _ _ F f).
Notation "[bigOmega 'of' f ]" := (
@bigOmega_clone _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Notation mkbigOmega tag x := (
the_bigOmega tag (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[Omega_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mkbigOmega gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[Omega '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_bigOmega _ _ (
PhantomF x)
f e).
Notation "'Omega_ F g" := (
is_bigOmega F g).
Notation "f '=Omega_' F h" := (
f%function = mkbigOmega the_tag F f h).
Arguments bigOmega {_ _ _ _}.
Section big_omega_in_R.
Variable pT : pointedType.
Lemma addOmega (
R : realFieldType) (
F : filter_on pT) (
f g h : _ -> R^o)
f_nonneg : forall x, 0 <= f x) (
g_nonneg : forall x, 0 <= g x)
f =Omega_F h -> f + g =Omega_F h.
rewrite 2!eqOmegaE !eqOmegaO => /eqOP hOf; apply/eqOP.
apply: filter_app hOf; near=> k; apply: filter_app; near=> x => /le_trans.
by apply; rewrite ler_pmul2l // !ger0_norm // ?addr_ge0 // ler_addl.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Lemma mulOmega (
R : realFieldType) (
F : filter_on pT) (
h1 h2 f g : pT -> R^o)
[Omega_F h1 of f] * [Omega_F h2 of g] =Omega_F (
h1 * h2).
End big_omega_in_R.
Section big_theta.
Context {K : realFieldType} {T : Type} {V : normedModType K}.
Implicit Types W : normedModType K.
Let bigTheta_def W (
F : set (
set T)) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
exists2 k, (
1 > 0)
&& (
2 > 0)
\forall x \near F, k.
1 * `|g x| <= `|f x| /\ `|f x| <= k.
2 * `|g x|.
Structure bigTheta_type {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
:= BigTheta {
bigTheta_fun :> T -> V;
_ : `[< bigTheta_def F bigTheta_fun g >]
Notation "{Theta_ F g }" := (
@bigTheta_type _ F g).
Canonical bigTheta_subtype {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
[subType for (
@bigTheta_fun W F g)
Lemma bigTheta_class {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {Theta_F g})
`[< bigTheta_def F f g >].
by case: f => ?. Qed.
Hint Resolve bigTheta_class : core.
Definition bigTheta_clone {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : T -> V)
fT : {Theta_F g})
c of phant_id (
bigTheta_class fT)
c := @BigTheta W F g f c.
Notation "[bigTheta 'of' f 'for' fT ]" := (
@bigTheta_clone _ _ _ f fT _ idfun).
Notation "[bigTheta 'of' f ]" := (
@bigTheta_clone _ _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Lemma bigTheta_refl_subproof F (
g : T -> V)
: Filter F -> bigTheta_def F g g.
by move=> FF; exists 1 => /=; rewrite ?ltr01 //; near=> x; by rewrite mul1r.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Definition bigTheta_refl (
F : filter_on T)
g :=
BigTheta (
asboolT (
@bigTheta_refl_subproof F g _)).
Definition the_bigTheta (
u : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f g :=
bigTheta_fun (
insubd (
bigTheta_refl F g)
Arguments the_bigOmega : simpl never, clear implicits.
Notation mkbigTheta tag x := (
@the_bigTheta tag _ (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[Theta_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mkbigTheta gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[Theta '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_bigTheta _ _ (
PhantomF x)
f e).
Definition is_bigTheta {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
[qualify f : T -> V | `[< bigTheta_def F f g >] ].
Fact is_bigTheta_key {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
: pred_key (
is_bigTheta F g).
by []. Qed.
Canonical is_bigTheta_keyed {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
KeyedQualifier (
is_bigTheta_key F g).
Notation "'Theta_ F g" := (
@is_bigTheta _ F g).
Lemma bigThetaP {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {Theta_F g})
bigTheta_def F f g.
exact/asboolP. Qed.
Hint Extern 0 (
bigTheta_def _ _ _)
=> solve[apply: bigThetaP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
nbhs _ _)
=> solve[apply: bigThetaP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near1 _)
=> solve[apply: bigThetaP] : core.
Hint Extern 0 (
prop_near2 _)
=> solve[apply: bigThetaP] : core.
Canonical the_bigTheta_bigTheta (
tag : unit) (
F : filter_on T)
phF : phantom (
set (
set T))
f h := [bigTheta of @the_bigTheta tag F phF f h].
Variant bigTheta_spec {W} (
F : set (
set T)) (
g : T -> W)
: (
T -> V)
-> Prop :=
BigThetaSpec f (
k1 : {posnum K}) (
k2 : {posnum K})
\forall x \near F, k1%:num * `|g x| <= `|f x|)
\forall x \near F, `|f x| <= k2%:num * `|g x|)
bigTheta_spec F g f.
Lemma bigTheta {W} (
F : filter_on T) (
g : T -> W) (
f : {Theta_F g})
bigTheta_spec F g f.
have [[_ _] /andP[/posnumP[k] /posnumP[k']]] := bigThetaP f.
by move=> /near_andP[]; exists k k'.
Notation "f '=Theta_' F h" := (
f%function = mkbigTheta the_tag F f h).
Lemma bigThetaE {W} (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V) (
g : T -> W)
f \is 'Theta_F(
= (
f =O_F g /\ f \is 'Omega_F(
:> Prop.
rewrite propeqE; split.
- rewrite qualifE => /asboolP[[/= k1 k2] /andP[k10 k20]] /near_andP[Hx1 Hx2].
by split; [rewrite eqO_exP; exists k2|
rewrite qualifE; apply/asboolP; exists k1].
- case; rewrite eqO_exP qualifE => -[k1 k10 H1] /asboolP[k2 k20 H2].
rewrite qualifE; apply/asboolP; exists (
k2, k1)
=> /=; first by rewrite k20.
by apply/near_andP; split.
Lemma eqThetaE (
F : filter_on T) (
f e : T -> V)
f =Theta_F(
= (
f \is 'Theta_F(
Lemma eqThetaO (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V)
: [Theta_F g of f] =O_F g.
by have [T1 k1 k2 ? ?] := bigTheta; apply/eqO_exP; exists k2%:num. Qed.
Lemma idTheta (
F : filter_on T) (
f : T -> V)
: f =Theta_F f.
Lemma Theta_sym (
F : filter_on T) (
f g : T -> V)
f =Theta_F g)
= (
g =Theta_F f).
by rewrite !eqThetaE propeqE !bigThetaE !eqOmegaO; split => -[]. Qed.
Lemma eqTheta_trans (
F : filter_on T) (
f g h : T -> V)
f =Theta_F g -> g =Theta_F h -> f =Theta_F h.
rewrite !eqThetaE !bigThetaE -!eqOmegaE => -[fg gf] [gh hg]; split.
by rewrite fg (
bigO_bigO_eqO _ _ _ gh).
exact: (
eqOmega_trans gf hg).
End big_theta.
Notation "{Theta_ F g }" := (
@bigTheta_type _ F g).
Notation "[bigTheta 'of' f ]" := (
@bigTheta_clone _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ idfun).
Notation mkbigTheta tag x := (
the_bigTheta tag (
PhantomF x)).
Notation "[Theta_ x e 'of' f ]" := (
mkbigTheta gen_tag x f e).
Notation "[Theta '_' x e 'of' f ]" := (
the_bigTheta _ _ (
PhantomF x)
f e).
Notation "'Theta_ F g" := (
is_bigTheta F g).
Notation "f '=Theta_' F h" := (
f%function = mkbigTheta the_tag F f h).
Section big_theta_in_R.
Variables (
R : rcfType ) (
pT : pointedType).
Lemma addTheta (
F : filter_on pT) (
f g h : _ -> R^o)
f0 : forall x, 0 <= f x) (
g0 : forall x, 0 <= g x) (
h0 : forall x, 0 <= h x)
[Theta_F h of f] + [O_F h of g] =Theta_F h.
Lemma mulTheta (
F : filter_on pT) (
h1 h2 f g : pT -> R^o)
[Theta_F h1 of f] * [Theta_F h2 of g] =Theta_F h1 * h2.
End big_theta_in_R.