From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality fsbigop .
Require Import reals ereal signed topology normedtype sequences esum numfun.
From HB Require Import structures.
# Measure Theory
NB: See for an introduction to HB concepts and commands.
This files provides a formalization of the basics of measure theory. This
includes the formalization of mathematical structures and of measures, as
well as standard theorems such as the Measure Extension theorem that
builds a measure given a function defined over a semiring of sets, the
intermediate outer measure being
$\inf_F\{ \sum_{k=0}^\infty \mu(F_k) | X \subseteq \bigcup_k F_k\}.$
- R. Affeldt, C. Cohen. Measure construction by extension in dependent
type theory with application to integration. JAR 2023
- Daniel Li. Intégration et applications. 2016
- Achim Klenke. Probability Theory. 2014
## Mathematical structures
semiRingOfSetsType d == the type of semirings of sets
The carrier is a set of sets A_i such that
"measurable A_i" holds.
"measurable A" is printed as "d.-measurable A"
where d is a "display parameter" whose purpose
is to distinguish different "measurable"
predicates in the same context.
The HB class is SemiRingOfSets.
ringOfSetsType d == the type of rings of sets
The HB class is RingOfSets.
algebraOfSetsType d == the type of algebras of sets
The HB class is AlgebraOfsets.
measurableType == the type of sigma-algebras
The HB class is Measurable.
## Instances of mathematical structures
discrete_measurable_unit == the measurableType corresponding to
[set: set unit]
discrete_measurable_bool == the measurableType corresponding to
[set: set bool]
discrete_measurable_nat == the measurableType corresponding to
[set: set nat]
setring G == the set of sets G contains the empty set, is
closed by union, and difference
<<r G >> := smallest setring G
<<r G >> is equipped with a structure of ring
of sets.
G.-ring.-measurable A == A belongs for the ring of sets <<r G >>
sigma_algebra D G == the set of sets G forms a sigma algebra on D
<<s D, G >> == sigma-algebra generated by G on D
:= smallest (sigma_algebra D) G
<<s G >> := <<s setT, G >>
<<s G >> is equipped with a structure of
G.-sigma.-measurable A == A is measurable for the sigma-algebra <<s G >>
salgebraType G == the measurableType corresponding to <<s G >>
This is an HB alias.
mu .-cara.-measurable == sigma-algebra of Caratheodory measurable sets
## Structures for functions on classes of sets
A few details about mixins/factories to highlight implementations
{content set T -> \bar R} == type of contents
T is expected to be a semiring of sets and R a
The HB class is Content.
{measure set T -> \bar R} == type of (non-negative) measures
T is expected to be a semiring of sets and R a
The HB class is Measure.
Content_SubSigmaAdditive_isMeasure ==
mixin that extends a content to a measure with the
proof that it is semi_sigma_additive
Content_isMeasure == factory that extends a content to a measure with
the proof that it is sub_sigma_additive
isMeasure == factory corresponding to the "textbook
definition" of measures
sfinite_measure == predicate for s-finite measure functions
{sfinite_measure set T -> \bar R} == type of s-finite measures
The HB class is SFiniteMeasure.
sfinite_measure_seq mu == the sequence of finite measures of the
s-finite measure mu
Measure_isSFinite_subdef == mixin for s-finite measures
Measure_isSFinite == factory for s-finite measures
{sigma_finite_content set T -> \bar R} == contents that are also sigma
The HB class is SigmaFiniteContent.
{sigma_finite_measure set T -> \bar R} == measures that are also sigma
The HB class is SigmaFiniteMeasure.
sigma_finite A f == the measure function f is sigma-finite on the
A : set T with T a semiring of sets
fin_num_fun == predicate for finite function over measurable
FinNumFun.type == type of functions over semiring of sets
returning a fin_num
The HB class is FinNumFun.
{finite_measure set T -> \bar R} == finite measures
The HB class is FiniteMeasure.
SigmaFinite_isFinite == mixin for finite measures
Measure_isFinite == factory for finite measures
subprobability T R == subprobability measure over the measurableType
T with values in \bar R with R : realType
The HB class is SubProbability.
probability T R == probability measure over the measurableType T
with values in \bar with R : realType
probability == type of probability measures
The HB class is Probability.
Measure_isProbability == factor for probability measures
mnormalize mu == normalization of a measure to a probability
{outer_measure set T -> \bar R} == type of an outer measure over sets
of elements of type T : Type where R is
expected to be a numFieldType
The HB class is OuterMeasure.
## Instances of measures
pushforward mf m == pushforward/image measure of m by f, where mf is a
proof that f is measurable
m has type set T -> \bar R.
\d_a == Dirac measure
msum mu n == the measure corresponding to the sum of the measures
mu_0, ..., mu_{n-1}
@mzero T R == the zero measure
measure_add m1 m2 == the measure corresponding to the sum of the
measures m1 and m2
mscale r m == the measure of corresponding to fun A => r * m A
where r has type {nonneg R}
mseries mu n == the measure corresponding to the sum of the
measures mu_n, mu_{n+1}, ...
mrestr mu mD == restriction of the measure mu to a set D; mD is a
proof that D is measurable
counting T R == counting measure
setI_closed G == the set of sets G is closed under finite
setU_closed G == the set of sets G is closed under finite union
setC_closed G == the set of sets G is closed under complement
setD_closed G == the set of sets G is closed under difference
ndseq_closed G == the set of sets G is closed under non-decreasing
countable union
trivIset_closed G == the set of sets G is closed under pairwise-disjoint
countable union
## Hierarchy of s-finite, sigma-finite, finite measures
sfinite_measure == predicate for s-finite measure
Measure_isSFinite_subdef == mixin for s-finite measures
SFiniteMeasure == structure of s-finite measures
{sfinite_measure set T -> \bar R} == type of s-finite measures
Measure_isSFinite == factory for s-finite measures
sfinite_measure_seq mu == the sequence of finite measures of
the s-finite measure mu
sigma_finite A f == the measure function f is
sigma-finite on the set A:set T
with T : semiRingOfSetsType
isSigmaFinite == mixin corresponding to
sigma finiteness
{sigma_finite_content set T -> \bar R} == contents that are also sigma
{sigma_finite_measure set T -> \bar R} == measures that are also sigma
fin_num_fun == predicate for finite function over measurable sets
SigmaFinite_isFinite == mixin for finite measures
FiniteMeasure == structure of finite measures
Measure_isFinite == factory for finite measures
mfrestr mD muDoo == finite measure corresponding to the restriction of
the measure mu over D with mu D < +oo,
mD : measurable D, muDoo : mu D < +oo
FiniteMeasure_isSubProbability == mixin corresponding to subprobability
SubProbability == structure of subprobability
subprobability T R == subprobability measure over the
measurableType T with value
in R : realType
Measure_isSubProbability == factory for subprobability measures
isProbability == mixin corresponding to probability measures
Probability == structure of probability measures
probability T R == probability measure over the
measurableType T with value in R : realType
Measure_isProbability == factor for probability measures
monotone_class D G == G is a monotone class of subsets of D
<<m D, G >> == monotone class generated by G on D
<<m G >> := <<m setT, G >>
dynkin G == G is a set of sets that form a Dynkin
(or a lambda) system
<<d G >> == Dynkin system generated by G, i.e.,
smallest dynkin G
measurable_fun D f == the function f with domain D is measurable
preimage_class D f G == class of the preimages by f of sets in G
image_class D f G == class of the sets with a preimage by f in G
mu.-negligible A == A is mu negligible
measure_is_complete mu == the measure mu is complete
{ae mu, forall x, P x} == P holds almost everywhere for the measure mu,
declared as an instance of the type of filters
ae_eq D f g == f is equal to g almost everywhere
## Measure extension theorem
From a premeasure to an outer measure (Measure Extension Theorem part 1):
measurable_cover X == the set of sequences F such that
- forall k, F k is measurable
- X `<=` \bigcup_k (F k)
mu^* == extension of the measure mu over a semiring of
sets (it is an outer measure)
From an outer measure to a measure (Measure Extension Theorem part 2):
mu.-caratheodory == the set of Caratheodory measurable sets for the
outer measure mu, i.e., sets A such that
forall B, mu A = mu (A `&` B) + mu (A `&` ~` B)
caratheodory_type mu := T, where mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}
It is a canonical mesurableType copy of T.
The restriction of the outer measure mu to the
sigma algebra of Caratheodory measurable sets is a
Remark: sets that are negligible for
this measure are Caratheodory measurable.
Measure Extension Theorem:
measure_extension mu == extension of the content mu over a semiring of
sets to a measure over the generated
sigma algebra (requires a proof of
## Product of measurable spaces
preimage_classes f1 f2 == sigma-algebra generated by the union of
the preimages by f1 and the preimages by
f2 with f1 : T -> T1 and f : T -> T2, T1
and T2 being measurableType's
(d1, d2).-prod.-measurable A == A is measurable for the sigma-algebra
generated from T1 x T2, with T1 and T2
measurableType's with resp. display d1
and d2
## Others
m1 `<< m2 == m1 is absolutely continuous w.r.t. m2 or m2 dominates m1
ess_sup f == essential supremum of the function f : T -> R where T is a
measurableType and R is a realType
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Reserved Notation "'s<|' D , G '|>'" (
at level 40, G, D at next level).
Reserved Notation "'s<<' A '>>'".
Reserved Notation "'d<<' D '>>'".
Reserved Notation "mu .-negligible" (at level 2, format "mu .-negligible").
Reserved Notation "{ 'ae' m , P }" (at level 0, format "{ 'ae' m , P }").
Reserved Notation "mu .-measurable" (at level 2, format "mu .-measurable").
Reserved Notation "'\d_' a" (at level 8, a at level 2, format "'\d_' a").
Reserved Notation "G .-sigma" (at level 1, format "G .-sigma").
Reserved Notation "G .-sigma.-measurable"
at level 2, format "G .-sigma.-measurable").
Reserved Notation "d .-ring" (at level 1, format "d .-ring").
Reserved Notation "d .-ring.-measurable"
at level 2, format "d .-ring.-measurable").
Reserved Notation "mu .-cara" (at level 1, format "mu .-cara").
Reserved Notation "mu .-cara.-measurable"
at level 2, format "mu .-cara.-measurable").
Reserved Notation "mu .-caratheodory"
at level 2, format "mu .-caratheodory").
Reserved Notation "'<<m' D , G '>>'"
at level 2, format "'<<m' D , G '>>'").
Reserved Notation "'<<m' G '>>'"
at level 2, format "'<<m' G '>>'").
Reserved Notation "'<<d' G '>>'"
at level 2, format "'<<d' G '>>'").
Reserved Notation "'<<s' D , G '>>'"
at level 2, format "'<<s' D , G '>>'").
Reserved Notation "'<<s' G '>>'"
at level 2, format "'<<s' G '>>'").
Reserved Notation "'<<r' G '>>'"
at level 2, format "'<<r' G '>>'").
Reserved Notation "{ 'content' fUV }" (at level 0, format "{ 'content' fUV }").
Reserved Notation "[ 'content' 'of' f 'as' g ]"
at level 0, format "[ 'content' 'of' f 'as' g ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'content' 'of' f ]"
at level 0, format "[ 'content' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "{ 'measure' fUV }"
at level 0, format "{ 'measure' fUV }").
Reserved Notation "[ 'measure' 'of' f 'as' g ]"
at level 0, format "[ 'measure' 'of' f 'as' g ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'measure' 'of' f ]"
at level 0, format "[ 'measure' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "{ 'outer_measure' fUV }"
at level 0, format "{ 'outer_measure' fUV }").
Reserved Notation "[ 'outer_measure' 'of' f 'as' g ]"
at level 0, format "[ 'outer_measure' 'of' f 'as' g ]").
Reserved Notation "[ 'outer_measure' 'of' f ]"
at level 0, format "[ 'outer_measure' 'of' f ]").
Reserved Notation "p .-prod" (at level 1, format "p .-prod").
Reserved Notation "p .-prod.-measurable"
at level 2, format "p .-prod.-measurable").
Reserved Notation "m1 `<< m2" (
at level 51).
Inductive measure_display := default_measure_display.
Declare Scope measure_display_scope.
Delimit Scope measure_display_scope with mdisp.
Bind Scope measure_display_scope with measure_display.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Section classes.
Context {T} (
C : set (
set T)
-> Prop) (
D : set T) (
G : set (
set T)).
Definition setC_closed := forall A, G A -> G (
~` A).
Definition setI_closed := forall A B, G A -> G B -> G (
A `&` B).
Definition setU_closed := forall A B, G A -> G B -> G (
A `|` B).
Definition setD_closed := forall A B, B `<=` A -> G A -> G B -> G (
A `\` B).
Definition setDI_closed := forall A B, G A -> G B -> G (
A `\` B).
Definition fin_bigcap_closed :=
forall I (
D : set I)
A_, finite_set D -> (
forall i, D i -> G (
A_ i))
G (
i in D) (
A_ i)).
Definition finN0_bigcap_closed :=
forall I (
D : set I)
A_, finite_set D -> D !=set0 ->
forall i, D i -> G (
A_ i))
G (
i in D) (
A_ i)).
Definition fin_bigcup_closed :=
forall I (
D : set I)
A_, finite_set D -> (
forall i, D i -> G (
A_ i))
G (
i in D) (
A_ i)).
Definition semi_setD_closed := forall A B, G A -> G B -> exists D,
[/\ finite_set D, D `<=` G, A `\` B = \bigcup_(
X in D)
X & trivIset D id].
Definition ndseq_closed :=
forall F, nondecreasing_seq F -> (
forall i, G (
F i))
-> G (
\bigcup_i (
F i)).
Definition trivIset_closed :=
forall F : (
set T)
^nat, trivIset setT F -> (
forall n, G (
F n))
G (
\bigcup_k F k).
Definition fin_trivIset_closed :=
forall I (
D : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
, finite_set D -> trivIset D F ->
forall i, D i -> G (
F i))
-> G (
k in D)
F k).
Definition setring := [/\ G set0, setU_closed & setDI_closed].
Definition sigma_algebra :=
[/\ G set0, (
forall A, G A -> G (
D `\` A))
forall A : (
set T)
^nat, (
forall n, G (
A n))
-> G (
\bigcup_k A k))
Definition dynkin := [/\ G setT, setC_closed & trivIset_closed].
Definition monotone_class :=
[/\ forall A, G A -> A `<=` D, G D, setD_closed & ndseq_closed].
End classes.
Notation "'<<m' D , G '>>'" := (
smallest (
monotone_class D)
Notation "'<<m' G '>>'" := (
<<m setT, G>>)
: classical_set_scope.
Notation "'<<d' G '>>'" := (
smallest dynkin G)
: classical_set_scope.
Notation "'<<s' D , G '>>'" := (
smallest (
sigma_algebra D)
Notation "'<<s' G '>>'" := (
<<s setT, G>>)
: classical_set_scope.
Notation "'<<r' G '>>'" := (
smallest setring G)
: classical_set_scope.
Lemma fin_bigcup_closedP T (
G : set (
set T))
G set0 /\ setU_closed G)
<-> fin_bigcup_closed G.
split=> [[G0 GU] I D A DF GA|GU]; last first.
have G0 : G set0 by have := GU void set0 point; rewrite bigcup0//; apply.
by split=> // A B GA GB; rewrite -bigcup2inE; apply: GU => // -[|[|[]]].
elim/Pchoice: I => I in D DF A GA *; rewrite -bigsetU_fset_set// big_seq.
by elim/big_ind: _ => // i; rewrite in_fset_set// inE => /GA.
Lemma finN0_bigcap_closedP T (
G : set (
set T))
setI_closed G <-> finN0_bigcap_closed G.
split=> [GI I D A DF [i Di] GA|GI A B GA GB]; last first.
by rewrite -bigcap2inE; apply: GI => // [|[|[|[]]]]; first by exists 0%N.
elim/Pchoice: I => I in D DF i Di A GA *.
have finDDi : finite_set (
D `\ i)
by exact: finite_setD.
rewrite (
bigcap_setD1 i)
// -bigsetI_fset_set// big_seq.
elim/big_rec: _ => // [|j B]; first by rewrite setIT; apply: GA.
rewrite in_fset_set// inE => -[Dj /eqP nij] GAB.
by rewrite setICA; apply: GI => //; apply: GA.
Lemma sedDI_closedP T (
G : set (
set T))
setDI_closed G <-> (
setI_closed G /\ setD_closed G).
split=> [GDI|[GI GD]].
by split=> A B => [|AB] => GA GB; rewrite -?setDD//; do ?apply: (
move=> A B GA GB; suff <- : A `\` (
A `&` B)
= A `\` B.
by apply: GD => //; apply: GI.
by rewrite setDE setCI setIUr -setDE setDv set0U.
Lemma sigma_algebra_bigcap T (
I : choiceType) (
D : set T)
F : I -> set (
set T)) (
J : set I)
forall n, J n -> sigma_algebra D (
F n))
sigma_algebra D (
i in J)
F i).
move=> mG; split=> [i Ji|A AJ i Ji|H GH i Ji]; first by have [] := mG i.
- by have [_ mGiC _] := mG i Ji; exact/mGiC/AJ.
- by have [_ _ mGiU] := mG i Ji; apply: mGiU => j; exact: GH.
Lemma sigma_algebraP T U (
C : set (
set T))
forall X, C X -> X `<=` U)
sigma_algebra U C <->
[/\ C U, setD_closed C, ndseq_closed C & setI_closed C].
move=> C_subU; split => [[C0 CD CU]|[DT DC DU DI]]; split.
- by rewrite -(
setD0 U)
; apply: CD.
- move=> A B BA CA CB; rewrite (
_ : A `\` B = U `\` ((
U `\` A)
`|` B)).
by apply CD; rewrite -bigcup2E; apply: CU => -[|[|[|]]] //=; exact: CD.
rewrite setDUr setDD [in RHS]setDE setIACA setIid -setDE setIidr//.
by rewrite setDE; apply: subIset; left; apply: C_subU.
- by move=> F ndF DF; exact: CU.
- move=> A B DA DB; rewrite (
_ : A `&` B = U `\` ((
U `\` A)
`|` (
U `\` B))).
by apply CD; rewrite -bigcup2E; apply: CU => -[|[|[|]]] //; exact: CD.
rewrite setDUr !setDD setIACA setIid (
@setIidr _ U)
by apply: subIset; left; exact: C_subU.
- by rewrite -(
setDv U)
; exact: DC.
- by move=> A CA; apply: DC => //; exact: C_subU.
- move=> F DF.
rewrite [X in C X](
_ : _ = \bigcup_i \big[setU/set0]_(
j < i.
F j).
apply: DU; first by move=> *; exact/subsetPset/subset_bigsetU.
elim=> [|n ih]; first by rewrite big_ord_recr /= big_ord0 set0U; exact: DF.
have CU : setU_closed C.
move=> A B DA DB; rewrite (
_ : A `|` B = U `\` ((
U `\` A)
`&` (
U `\` B))).
apply DC => //; last by apply: DI; apply: DC => //; exact: C_subU.
by apply: subIset; left; apply: subIset; left.
by rewrite setDIr// !setDD (
setIidr (
C_subU _ DA)) (
setIidr (
C_subU _ _)).
by rewrite big_ord_recr; exact: CU.
rewrite predeqE => x; split => [[n _ Fnx]|[n _]].
by exists n => //; rewrite big_ord_recr /=; right.
by rewrite -bigcup_mkord => -[m /=]; rewrite ltnS => _ Fmx; exists m.
Section generated_sigma_algebra.
Context {T : Type} (
D : set T) (
G : set (
set T)).
Implicit Types (
M : set (
set T)).
Lemma smallest_sigma_algebra : sigma_algebra D <<s D, G >>.
split=> [|A GA|A GA] P [[P0 PD PU]] GP //.
by apply: (PD); apply: GA.
by apply: (PU) => n; apply: GA.
Hint Resolve smallest_sigma_algebra : core.
Lemma sub_sigma_algebra2 M : M `<=` G -> <<s D, M >> `<=` <<s D, G >>.
Lemma sigma_algebra_id : sigma_algebra D G -> <<s D, G >> = G.
by move=> /smallest_id->. Qed.
Lemma sub_sigma_algebra : G `<=` <<s D, G >>
Lemma sigma_algebra0 : <<s D, G >> set0.
Lemma sigma_algebraCD : forall A, <<s D, G >> A -> <<s D, G >> (
D `\` A).
Lemma sigma_algebra_bigcup (
A : (
set T)
forall i, <<s D, G >> (
A i))
-> <<s D, G >> (
\bigcup_i (
A i)).
End generated_sigma_algebra.
#[global] Hint Resolve smallest_sigma_algebra : core.
Section generated_setring.
Context {T : Type} (
G : set (
set T)).
Implicit Types (
M : set (
set T)).
Lemma smallest_setring : setring <<r G >>.
split=> [|A B GA GB|A B GA GB] P [[P0 PU PDI]] GP //.
by apply: (PU); [apply: GA|apply: GB].
by apply: (PDI); [apply: GA|apply: GB].
Hint Resolve smallest_setring : core.
Lemma sub_setring2 M : M `<=` G -> <<r M >> `<=` <<r G >>.
Lemma setring_id : setring G -> <<r G >> = G.
by move=> /smallest_id->. Qed.
Lemma sub_setring : G `<=` <<r G >>
Lemma setring0 : <<r G >> set0.
Lemma setringDI : setDI_closed <<r G>>.
Lemma setringU : setU_closed <<r G>>.
Lemma setring_fin_bigcup : fin_bigcup_closed <<r G>>.
End generated_setring.
#[global] Hint Resolve smallest_setring setring0 : core.
Lemma monotone_class_g_salgebra T (
G : set (
set T)) (
D : set T)
forall X, <<s D, G >> X -> X `<=` D)
-> G D ->
monotone_class D (
<<s D, G >>).
Section smallest_monotone_classE.
Variables (
T : Type) (
G : set (
set T)) (
setIG : setI_closed G).
Variables (
D : set T) (
GD : G D).
Variables (
H : set (
set T)) (
monoH : monotone_class D H) (
GH : G `<=` H).
Lemma smallest_monotone_classE : (
forall X, <<s D, G >> X -> X `<=` D)
forall E, monotone_class D E -> G `<=` E -> H `<=` E)
H = <<s D, G >>.
move=> sDGD smallestH; rewrite eqEsubset; split.
apply: (
smallestH _ _ (
@sub_sigma_algebra _ D G)).
exact: monotone_class_g_salgebra.
suff: setI_closed H.
move=> IH; apply: smallest_sub => //.
by apply/sigma_algebraP; by case: monoH.
pose H_ A := [set X | H X /\ H (
X `&` A)
have setDH_ A : setD_closed (
H_ A).
move=> X Y XY [HX HXA] [HY HYA]; case: monoH => h _ setDH _; split.
exact: setDH.
rewrite (
_ : _ `&` _ = (
X `&` A)
`\` (
Y `&` A))
; last first.
rewrite predeqE => x; split=> [[[? ?] ?]|]; first by split => // -[].
by move=> [[? ?] YAx]; split => //; split => //; apply: contra_not YAx.
by apply: setDH => //; exact: setSI.
have ndH_ A : ndseq_closed (
H_ A).
move=> F ndF H_AF; split.
by case: monoH => h _ _; apply => // => n; have [] := H_AF n.
rewrite setI_bigcupl; case: monoH => h _ _; apply => //.
by move=> m n mn; apply/subsetPset; apply: setSI; apply/subsetPset/ndF.
by move=> n; have [] := H_AF n.
have GGH_ X : G X -> G `<=` H_ X.
by move=> *; split; [exact: GH | apply: GH; exact: setIG].
have GHH_ X : G X -> H `<=` H_ X.
move=> CX; apply: smallestH; [split => //; last exact: GGH_|exact: GGH_].
by move=> ? [? ?]; case: monoH => + _ _ _; exact.
have HGH_ X : H X -> G `<=` H_ X.
by move=> *; split; [exact: GH|rewrite setIC; apply GHH_].
have HHH_ X : H X -> H `<=` H_ X.
move=> HX; apply: (
smallestH _ _ (
HGH_ _ HX))
; split=> //.
- by move=> ? [? ?]; case: monoH => + _ _ _; exact.
- exact: HGH_.
by move=> *; apply HHH_.
End smallest_monotone_classE.
Section monotone_class_subset.
Variables (
T : Type) (
G : set (
set T)) (
setIG : setI_closed G).
Variables (
D : set T) (
GD : G D).
Variables (
H : set (
set T)) (
monoH : monotone_class D H) (
GH : G `<=` H).
Lemma monotone_class_subset : (
forall X, (
<<s D, G >>)
X -> X `<=` D)
<<s D, G >> `<=` H.
move=> sDGD; set M := <<m D, G >>.
rewrite -(
@smallest_monotone_classE _ _ setIG _ _ M)
- exact: smallest_sub.
- split => [A MA | E [monoE] | A B BA MA MB E [[EsubD ED setDE ndE] GE] |].
+ by case: monoH => + _ _ _; apply; exact: MA.
+ exact.
+ by apply setDE => //; [exact: MA|exact: MB].
+ by move=> F ndF MF E [[EsubD ED setDE ndE] CE]; apply ndE=> // n; exact: MF.
- exact: sub_smallest.
- by move=> ? ? ?; exact: smallest_sub.
End monotone_class_subset.
Section dynkin.
Variable T : Type.
Implicit Types G D : set (
set T).
Lemma dynkinT G : dynkin G -> G setT
by case. Qed.
Lemma dynkinC G : dynkin G -> setC_closed G
by case. Qed.
Lemma dynkinU G : dynkin G -> (
forall F : (
set T)
^nat, trivIset setT F ->
forall n, G (
F n))
-> G (
\bigcup_k F k))
by case. Qed.
End dynkin.
Section dynkin_lemmas.
Variable T : Type.
Implicit Types D G : set (
set T).
Lemma dynkin_monotone G : dynkin G <-> monotone_class setT G.
split => [[GT setCG trG]|[_ GT setDG ndG]]; split => //.
- move=> A B BA GA GB; rewrite setDE -(
setCK (
_ `&` _))
setCI; apply: (
rewrite setCK -bigcup2E; apply trG.
+ by rewrite -trivIset_bigcup2 setIC; apply subsets_disjoint.
+ by move=> [|[//|n]]; [exact: setCG|rewrite /bigcup2 -setCT; apply: setCG].
- move=> F ndF GF; rewrite eq_bigcup_seqD; apply: (
exact: trivIset_seqD.
move=> [/=|n]; first exact: GF.
rewrite /seqD setDE -(
setCK (
_ `&` _))
setCI; apply: (
rewrite setCK -bigcup2E; apply: trG.
+ rewrite -trivIset_bigcup2 setIC; apply subsets_disjoint.
+ move=> [|[|]]; rewrite /bigcup2 /=; [exact/setCG/GF|exact/GF|].
by move=> _; rewrite -setCT; apply: setCG.
- by move=> A B; rewrite -setTD; apply: setDG.
- move=> F tF GF; pose A i := \big[setU/set0]_(
k < i.
F k.
rewrite (
_ : bigcup _ _ = \bigcup_i A i)
; last first.
rewrite predeqE => t; split => [[n _ Fn]|[n _]].
by exists n => //; rewrite /A -bigcup_mkord; exists n=> //=; rewrite ltnS.
by rewrite /A -bigcup_mkord => -[m /=]; rewrite ltnS => mn Fmt; exists m.
apply: ndG; first by move=> a b ab; exact/subsetPset/subset_bigsetU.
elim=> /= => [|n ih].
by rewrite /A big_ord_recr /= big_ord0 set0U; exact: GF.
rewrite /A /= big_ord_recr /= -/(
A n).
rewrite (
_ : _ `|` _ = ~` (
~` A n `\` F n.
; last first.
by rewrite setDE setCI !setCK.
rewrite -setTD; apply: (
=> //; apply: (
=> //; last first.
by rewrite -setTD; apply: setDG.
apply/disjoints_subset; rewrite setIC.
by apply: (
@trivIset_bigsetUI _ predT)
=> //; rewrite /predT /= trueE.
Lemma dynkin_g_dynkin G : dynkin (
<<d G >>).
split=> [D /= [] []//| | ].
- by move=> Y sGY D /= [dD GD]; exact/(
dynkinC dD)
sGY D).
- by move=> F tF gGF D /= [dD GD]; apply dD => // k; exact: gGF.
Lemma sigma_algebra_dynkin G : sigma_algebra setT G -> dynkin G.
case=> ? DC DU; split => [| |? ? ?]; last exact: DU.
- by rewrite -setC0 -setTD; exact: DC.
- by move=> A GA; rewrite -setTD; apply: DC.
Lemma dynkin_setI_bigsetI G (
F : (
set T)
: dynkin G -> setI_closed G ->
forall n, G (
F n))
-> forall n, G (
i < n)
F i).
Lemma dynkin_setI_sigma_algebra G : dynkin G -> setI_closed G ->
sigma_algebra setT G.
Lemma setI_closed_gdynkin_salgebra G : setI_closed G -> <<d G >> = <<s G >>.
End dynkin_lemmas.
HB.mixin Record isSemiRingOfSets (
d : measure_display)
T := {
ptclass : Pointed.class_of T;
measurable : set (
set T)
measurable0 : measurable set0 ;
measurableI : setI_closed measurable;
semi_measurableD : semi_setD_closed measurable;
HB.structure Definition SemiRingOfSets d := {T of isSemiRingOfSets d T}.
Arguments measurable {d}%measure_display_scope {s} _%classical_set_scope.
Canonical semiRingOfSets_eqType d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
:= EqType T ptclass.
Canonical semiRingOfSets_choiceType d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
ChoiceType T ptclass.
Canonical semiRingOfSets_ptType d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
PointedType T ptclass.
Lemma measurable_curry (
T1 T2 : Type)
d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
G : T1 * T2 -> set T) (
x : T1 * T2)
measurable (
G x)
<-> measurable (
curry G x.
1 x.
by case: x. Qed.
Notation "d .-measurable" := (
@measurable d%mdisp)
: classical_set_scope.
Notation "'measurable" :=
@measurable default_measure_display)
: classical_set_scope.
HB.mixin Record SemiRingOfSets_isRingOfSets d T of isSemiRingOfSets d T := {
measurableU : setU_closed (
@measurable d [the semiRingOfSetsType d of T])
HB.structure Definition RingOfSets d :=
{T of SemiRingOfSets_isRingOfSets d T & SemiRingOfSets d T}.
Canonical ringOfSets_eqType d (
T : ringOfSetsType d)
:= EqType T ptclass.
Canonical ringOfSets_choiceType d (
T : ringOfSetsType d)
:= ChoiceType T ptclass.
Canonical ringOfSets_ptType d (
T : ringOfSetsType d)
:= PointedType T ptclass.
HB.mixin Record RingOfSets_isAlgebraOfSets d T of RingOfSets d T := {
measurableT : measurable [set: T]
HB.structure Definition AlgebraOfSets d :=
{T of RingOfSets_isAlgebraOfSets d T & RingOfSets d T}.
Canonical algebraOfSets_eqType d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d)
:= EqType T ptclass.
Canonical algebraOfSets_choiceType d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d)
ChoiceType T ptclass.
Canonical algebraOfSets_ptType d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d)
PointedType T ptclass.
HB.mixin Record AlgebraOfSets_isMeasurable d T of AlgebraOfSets d T := {
bigcupT_measurable : forall F : (
set T)
^nat, (
forall i, measurable (
F i))
measurable (
\bigcup_i (
F i))
HB.structure Definition Measurable d :=
{T of AlgebraOfSets_isMeasurable d T & AlgebraOfSets d T}.
Canonical measurable_eqType d (
T : measurableType d)
:= EqType T ptclass.
Canonical measurable_choiceType d (
T : measurableType d)
:= ChoiceType T ptclass.
Canonical measurable_ptType d (
T : measurableType d)
:= PointedType T ptclass.
HB.factory Record isRingOfSets (
d : measure_display)
T := {
ptclass : Pointed.class_of T;
measurable : set (
set T)
measurable0 : measurable set0 ;
measurableU : setU_closed measurable;
measurableD : setDI_closed measurable;
}. Context d T of isRingOfSets d T.
Implicit Types (
A B C D : set T).
Lemma mI : setI_closed measurable.
by move=> A B mA mB; rewrite -setDD; do ?apply: measurableD. Qed.
Lemma mD : semi_setD_closed measurable.
move=> A B Am Bm; exists [set A `\` B]; split; rewrite ?bigcup_set1//.
by move=> C ->; apply: measurableD.
by move=> X Y -> ->.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Build d T ptclass measurable measurable0 mI mD.
HB.instance Definition _ := SemiRingOfSets_isRingOfSets.Build d T measurableU.
HB.factory Record isAlgebraOfSets (
d : measure_display)
T := {
ptclass : Pointed.class_of T;
measurable : set (
set T)
measurable0 : measurable set0 ;
measurableU : setU_closed measurable;
measurableC : setC_closed measurable
}. Context d T of isAlgebraOfSets d T.
Lemma mD : setDI_closed measurable.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Build d T ptclass measurable measurable0 measurableU mD.
Lemma measurableT : measurable [set: T].
HB.instance Definition _ := RingOfSets_isAlgebraOfSets.Build d T measurableT.
HB.factory Record isMeasurable (
d : measure_display)
T := {
ptclass : Pointed.class_of T;
measurable : set (
set T)
measurable0 : measurable set0 ;
measurableC : forall A, measurable A -> measurable (
~` A)
measurable_bigcup : forall F : (
set T)
^nat, (
forall i, measurable (
F i))
measurable (
\bigcup_i (
F i))
}. Context d T of isMeasurable d T.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Lemma mU : setU_closed measurable.
Lemma mC : setC_closed measurable
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Build d T ptclass measurable measurable0 mU mC.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Build d T measurable_bigcup.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable set0)
=> solve [apply: measurable0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable setT)
=> solve [apply: measurableT] : core.
Section ringofsets_lemmas.
Context d (
T : ringOfSetsType d).
Implicit Types A B : set T.
Lemma bigsetU_measurable I r (
P : pred I) (
F : I -> set T)
forall i, P i -> measurable (
F i))
measurable (
i <- r | P i)
F i).
by move=> mF; elim/big_ind : _ => //; exact: measurableU. Qed.
Lemma fin_bigcup_measurable I (
D : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
finite_set D ->
forall i, D i -> measurable (
F i))
measurable (
i in D)
F i).
Lemma measurableD : setDI_closed (
@measurable d T).
End ringofsets_lemmas.
Section algebraofsets_lemmas.
Context d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d).
Implicit Types A B : set T.
Lemma measurableC A : measurable A -> measurable (
~` A).
Lemma bigsetI_measurable I r (
P : pred I) (
F : I -> set T)
forall i, P i -> measurable (
F i))
measurable (
i <- r | P i)
F i).
Lemma fin_bigcap_measurable I (
D : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
finite_set D ->
forall i, D i -> measurable (
F i))
measurable (
i in D)
F i).
End algebraofsets_lemmas.
Section measurable_lemmas.
Context d (
T : measurableType d).
Implicit Types (
A B : set T) (
F : (
set T)
^nat) (
P : set nat).
Lemma sigma_algebra_measurable : sigma_algebra setT (
@measurable d T).
Lemma bigcup_measurable F P :
forall k, P k -> measurable (
F k))
-> measurable (
i in P)
F i).
Lemma bigcap_measurable F P :
forall k, P k -> measurable (
F k))
-> measurable (
i in P)
F i).
Lemma bigcapT_measurable F : (
forall i, measurable (
F i))
measurable (
\bigcap_i (
F i)).
End measurable_lemmas.
Lemma bigcupT_measurable_rat d (
T : measurableType d) (
F : rat -> set T)
forall i, measurable (
F i))
-> measurable (
\bigcup_i F i).
Section discrete_measurable_unit.
Definition discrete_measurable_unit : set (
set unit)
:= [set: set unit].
Let discrete_measurable0 : discrete_measurable_unit set0
by []. Qed.
Let discrete_measurableC X :
discrete_measurable_unit X -> discrete_measurable_unit (
~` X).
by []. Qed.
Let discrete_measurableU (
F : (
set unit)
forall i, discrete_measurable_unit (
F i))
discrete_measurable_unit (
\bigcup_i F i).
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isMeasurable.
Build default_measure_display unit
Pointed.class _)
discrete_measurable_unit discrete_measurable0
discrete_measurableC discrete_measurableU.
End discrete_measurable_unit.
Section discrete_measurable_bool.
Definition discrete_measurable_bool : set (
set bool)
:= [set: set bool].
Let discrete_measurable0 : discrete_measurable_bool set0
by []. Qed.
Let discrete_measurableC X :
discrete_measurable_bool X -> discrete_measurable_bool (
~` X).
by []. Qed.
Let discrete_measurableU (
F : (
set bool)
forall i, discrete_measurable_bool (
F i))
discrete_measurable_bool (
\bigcup_i F i).
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isMeasurable.
Build default_measure_display bool
Pointed.class _)
discrete_measurable_bool discrete_measurable0
discrete_measurableC discrete_measurableU.
End discrete_measurable_bool.
Section discrete_measurable_nat.
Definition discrete_measurable_nat : set (
set nat)
:= [set: set nat].
Let discrete_measurable_nat0 : discrete_measurable_nat set0
by []. Qed.
Let discrete_measurable_natC X :
discrete_measurable_nat X -> discrete_measurable_nat (
~` X).
by []. Qed.
Let discrete_measurable_natU (
F : (
set nat)
forall i, discrete_measurable_nat (
F i))
discrete_measurable_nat (
\bigcup_i F i).
by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isMeasurable.
Build default_measure_display nat
Pointed.class _)
discrete_measurable_nat discrete_measurable_nat0
discrete_measurable_natC discrete_measurable_natU.
End discrete_measurable_nat.
Definition sigma_display {T} : set (
set T)
-> measure_display.
exact. Qed.
Definition salgebraType {T} (
G : set (
set T))
:= T.
Section g_salgebra_instance.
Variables (
T : pointedType) (
G : set (
set T)).
Lemma sigma_algebraC (
A : set T)
: <<s G >> A -> <<s G >> (
~` A).
Canonical salgebraType_eqType := EqType (
salgebraType G) (
Equality.class T).
Canonical salgebraType_choiceType := ChoiceType (
salgebraType G) (
Choice.class T).
Canonical salgebraType_ptType := PointedType (
salgebraType G) (
Pointed.class T).
HB.instance Definition _ := @isMeasurable.
Build (
sigma_display G)
salgebraType G) (
Pointed.class T)
<<s G >> (
@sigma_algebra0 _ setT G) (
@sigma_algebra_bigcup _ setT G).
End g_salgebra_instance.
Notation "G .-sigma" := (
sigma_display G)
: measure_display_scope.
Notation "G .-sigma.-measurable" :=
measurable : set (
set (
salgebraType G)))
: classical_set_scope.
Lemma measurable_g_measurableTypeE (
T : pointedType) (
G : set (
set T))
sigma_algebra setT G -> G.
-measurable = G.
Definition measurable_fun d d' (
T : measurableType d) (
U : measurableType d')
D : set T) (
f : T -> U)
measurable D -> forall Y, measurable Y -> measurable (
D `&` f @^-1` Y).
Section measurable_fun.
Context d1 d2 d3 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2)
T3 : measurableType d3).
Implicit Type D E : set T1.
Lemma measurable_id D : measurable_fun D id.
Lemma measurable_comp F (
f : T2 -> T3)
E (
g : T1 -> T2)
measurable F -> g @` E `<=` F ->
measurable_fun F f -> measurable_fun E g -> measurable_fun E (
f \o g).
move=> mF FgE mf mg /= mE A mA.
rewrite comp_preimage.
rewrite (
_ : _ `&` _ = E `&` g @^-1` (
F `&` f @^-1` A))
; last first.
apply/seteqP; split=> [|? [?] []//].
by move=> x/= [Ex Afgx]; split => //; split => //; exact: FgE.
by apply/mg => //; exact: mf.
Lemma measurableT_comp (
f : T2 -> T3)
E (
g : T1 -> T2)
measurable_fun setT f -> measurable_fun E g -> measurable_fun E (
f \o g).
Lemma eq_measurable_fun D (
f g : T1 -> T2)
{in D, f =1 g} -> measurable_fun D f -> measurable_fun D g.
by move=> fg mf mD A mA; rewrite [X in measurable X](
_ : _ = D `&` f @^-1` A)
[exact: mf|exact/esym/eq_preimage].
Lemma measurable_cst D (
r : T2)
: measurable_fun D (
cst r : T1 -> _).
Lemma measurable_fun_bigcup (
E : (
set T1)
^nat) (
f : T1 -> T2)
forall i, measurable (
E i))
measurable_fun (
\bigcup_i E i)
f <-> (
forall i, measurable_fun (
E i)
Lemma measurable_funU D E (
f : T1 -> T2)
: measurable D -> measurable E ->
measurable_fun (
D `|` E)
f <-> measurable_fun D f /\ measurable_fun E f.
move=> mD mE; rewrite -bigcup2E; apply: (
iff_trans (
measurable_fun_bigcup _ _)).
by move=> [//|[//|//=]].
split=> [mf|[Df Dg] [//|[//|/= _ _ Y mY]]]; last by rewrite set0I.
by split; [exact: (
mf 0%N)
|exact: (
mf 1%N)
Lemma measurable_funS E D (
f : T1 -> T2)
measurable E -> D `<=` E -> measurable_fun E f ->
measurable_fun D f.
Lemma measurable_funTS D (
f : T1 -> T2)
measurable_fun setT f -> measurable_fun D f.
Lemma measurable_restrict D E (
f : T1 -> T2)
measurable D -> measurable E -> D `<=` E ->
measurable_fun D f <-> measurable_fun E (
f \_ D).
Lemma measurable_fun_if (
g h : T1 -> T2)
D (
mD : measurable D)
f : T1 -> bool) (
mf : measurable_fun D f)
measurable_fun (
D `&` (
f @^-1` [set true]))
g ->
measurable_fun (
D `&` (
f @^-1` [set false]))
h ->
measurable_fun D (
fun t => if f t then g t else h t).
move=> mx my /= _ B mB; rewrite (
_ : _ @^-1` B =
f @^-1` [set true])
`&` (
g @^-1` B))
f @^-1` [set false])
`&` (
h @^-1` B))).
rewrite setIUr; apply: measurableU.
- by rewrite setIA; apply: mx => //; exact: mf.
- by rewrite setIA; apply: my => //; exact: mf.
apply/seteqP; split=> [t /=| t /= [] [] ->//].
by case: ifPn => ft; [left|right].
Lemma measurable_fun_ifT (
g h : T1 -> T2) (
f : T1 -> bool)
mf : measurable_fun setT f)
measurable_fun setT g -> measurable_fun setT h ->
measurable_fun setT (
fun t => if f t then g t else h t).
Lemma measurable_fun_bool D (
f : T1 -> bool)
b :
measurable (
f @^-1` [set b])
-> measurable_fun D f.
End measurable_fun.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable_fun _ (
fun=> _))
solve [apply: measurable_cst] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable_fun _ (
cst _))
solve [apply: measurable_cst] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable_fun _ id)
solve [apply: measurable_id] : core.
Arguments eq_measurable_fun {d1 d2 T1 T2 D} f {g}.
Arguments measurable_fun_bool {d1 T1 D f} b.
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.2", note="renamed `eq_measurable_fun`")
Notation measurable_fun_ext := eq_measurable_fun (
only parsing).
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurable_id`")
Notation measurable_fun_id := measurable_id (
only parsing).
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurable_cst`")
Notation measurable_fun_cst := measurable_cst (
only parsing).
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurable_comp`")
Notation measurable_fun_comp := measurable_comp (
only parsing).
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurableT_comp`")
Notation measurable_funT_comp := measurableT_comp (
only parsing).
Section measurability.
Definition preimage_class (
aT rT : Type) (
D : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
G : set (
set rT))
: set (
set aT)
[set D `&` f @^-1` B | B in G].
Lemma preimage_class_measurable_fun d (
aT : pointedType) (
rT : measurableType d)
D : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
measurable_fun (
D : set (
salgebraType (
preimage_class D f measurable)))
Lemma sigma_algebra_preimage_class (
aT rT : Type) (
G : set (
set rT))
D : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
sigma_algebra setT G -> sigma_algebra D (
preimage_class D f G).
case=> h0 hC hU; split; first by exists set0 => //; rewrite preimage_set0 setI0.
- move=> A; rewrite /preimage_class /= => -[B mB <-{A}].
exists (
~` B)
; first by rewrite -setTD; exact: hC.
rewrite predeqE => x; split=> [[Dx Bfx]|[Dx]]; first by split => // -[] _ /Bfx.
by move=> /not_andP[].
- move=> F; rewrite /preimage_class /= => mF.
have {}mF n : exists x, G x /\ D `&` f @^-1` x = F n.
by have := mF n => -[B mB <-]; exists B.
have [F' mF'] := @choice _ _ (
fun x y => G y /\ D `&` f @^-1` y = F x)
exists (
\bigcup_k (
F' k))
; first by apply: hU => n; exact: (
mF' n).
rewrite preimage_bigcup setI_bigcupr; apply: eq_bigcupr => i _.
exact: (
mF' i).
Definition image_class (
aT rT : Type) (
D : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
G : set (
set aT))
: set (
set rT)
[set B : set rT | G (
D `&` f @^-1` B)
Lemma sigma_algebra_image_class (
aT rT : Type) (
D : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
G : set (
set aT))
sigma_algebra D G -> sigma_algebra setT (
image_class D f G).
move=> [G0 GC GU]; split; rewrite /image_class.
- by rewrite /= preimage_set0 setI0.
- move=> A /= GfAD; rewrite setTD -preimage_setC -setDE.
rewrite (
_ : _ `\` _ = D `\` (
D `&` f @^-1` A))
; first exact: GC.
rewrite predeqE => x; split=> [[Dx fAx]|[Dx fADx]].
by split => // -[] _ /fAx.
by split => //; exact: contra_not fADx.
- by move=> F /= mF; rewrite preimage_bigcup setI_bigcupr; exact: GU.
Lemma sigma_algebra_preimage_classE aT (
rT : pointedType) (
D : set aT)
f : aT -> rT) (
G' : set (
set rT))
<<s D, preimage_class D f G' >> =
preimage_class D f (
Lemma measurability d d' (
aT : measurableType d) (
rT : measurableType d')
D : set aT) (
f : aT -> rT)
G' : set (
set rT))
@measurable _ rT = <<s G' >> -> preimage_class D f G' `<=` @measurable _ aT ->
measurable_fun D f.
End measurability.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Section additivity.
Context d (
R : numFieldType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : set T -> \bar R).
Definition semi_additive2 := forall A B, measurable A -> measurable B ->
measurable (
A `|` B)
A `&` B = set0 -> mu (
A `|` B)
= mu A + mu B.
Definition semi_additive := forall F n,
forall k : nat, measurable (
F k))
-> trivIset setT F ->
measurable (
k < n)
F k)
mu (
i < n)
F i)
= \sum_(
i < n)
mu (
F i).
Definition semi_sigma_additive :=
forall F, (
forall i : nat, measurable (
F i))
-> trivIset setT F ->
measurable (
\bigcup_n F n)
fun n => \sum_(
0 <= i < n)
mu (
F i))
--> mu (
\bigcup_n F n).
Definition additive2 := forall A B, measurable A -> measurable B ->
A `&` B = set0 -> mu (
A `|` B)
= mu A + mu B.
Definition additive :=
forall F, (
forall i : nat, measurable (
F i))
-> trivIset setT F ->
forall n, mu (
i < n)
F i)
= \sum_(
i < n)
mu (
F i).
Definition sigma_additive :=
forall F, (
forall i : nat, measurable (
F i))
-> trivIset setT F ->
fun n => \sum_(
0 <= i < n)
mu (
F i))
--> mu (
\bigcup_n F n).
Definition sub_additive := forall (
A : set T) (
F : nat -> set T)
forall k, `I_n k -> measurable (
F k))
-> measurable A ->
A `<=` \big[setU/set0]_(
k < n)
F k ->
mu A <= \sum_(
k < n)
mu (
F k).
Definition sigma_sub_additive := forall (
A : set T) (
F : nat -> set T)
forall n, measurable (
F n))
-> measurable A ->
A `<=` \bigcup_n F n ->
mu A <= \sum_(
n <oo)
mu (
F n).
Lemma semi_additiveW : mu set0 = 0 -> semi_additive -> semi_additive2.
End additivity.
Section ring_additivity.
Context d (
R : numFieldType) (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
mu : set T -> \bar R).
Lemma semi_additiveE : semi_additive mu = additive mu.
Lemma semi_additive2E : semi_additive2 mu = additive2 mu.
rewrite propeqE; split=> [amu A B ? ? ?|amu A B ? ? _ ?]; last by rewrite amu.
by rewrite amu //; exact: measurableU.
Lemma additive2P : mu set0 = 0 -> semi_additive mu <-> additive2 mu.
End ring_additivity.
Lemma semi_sigma_additive_is_additive d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
R : realFieldType) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
mu set0 = 0 -> semi_sigma_additive mu -> semi_additive mu.
move=> mu0 samu A n Am Atriv UAm.
have := samu (
fun i => if (
i < n)
%N then A i else set0).
rewrite (
bigcup_splitn n)
bigcup0 ?setU0; last first.
by move=> i _; rewrite -ltn_subRL subnn.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ltn_ord.
move=> /(
_ _ _ UAm)
@cvg_lim _)
<-//; last 2 first.
- by move=> i; case: ifP.
- move=> i j _ _; do 2![case: ifP] => ? ?; do ?by rewrite (
setI0, set0I)
=> -[].
by move=> /Atriv; apply.
apply: lim_near_cst => //=; near=> i.
have /subnKC<- : (
n <= i)
%N by near: i; exists n.
transitivity (
j < n + (
i - n))
mu (
if (
j < n)
%N then A j else set0)).
by rewrite big_mkord.
rewrite big_split_ord/=; under eq_bigr do rewrite ltn_ord.
by rewrite [X in _ + X]big1 ?adde0// => ?; rewrite -ltn_subRL subnn.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Lemma semi_sigma_additiveE
R : numFieldType)
d (
T : measurableType d) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
semi_sigma_additive mu = sigma_additive mu.
rewrite propeqE; split=> [amu A mA tA|amu A mA tA mbigcupA]; last exact: amu.
by apply: amu => //; exact: bigcupT_measurable.
Lemma sigma_additive_is_additive
R : realFieldType)
d (
T : measurableType d) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
mu set0 = 0 -> sigma_additive mu -> additive mu.
HB.mixin Record isContent d
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : numFieldType) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= {
measure_ge0 : forall x, 0 <= mu x ;
measure_semi_additive : semi_additive mu }.
HB.structure Definition Content d
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : numFieldType)
:= {
mu & isContent d T R mu }.
Notation content := Content.type.
Notation "{ 'content' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" :=
content T R) (
at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'content' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }")
: ring_scope.
Arguments measure_ge0 {d T R} _.
Section content_signed.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : numFieldType).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma content_snum_subproof S : Signed.spec 0 ?=0 >=0 (
mu S).
Canonical content_snum S := (
content_snum_subproof S).
End content_signed.
Section content_on_semiring_of_sets.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : numFieldType)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R}).
Lemma measure0 : mu set0 = 0.
Hint Resolve measure0 : core.
Hint Resolve measure_ge0 : core.
Hint Resolve measure_semi_additive : core.
Lemma measure_semi_additive_ord (
n : nat) (
F : 'I_n -> set T)
forall (
k : 'I_n)
, measurable (
F k))
trivIset setT F ->
measurable (
k < n)
F k)
mu (
i < n)
F i)
= \sum_(
i < n)
mu (
F i).
Lemma measure_semi_additive_ord_I (
F : nat -> set T) (
n : nat)
forall k, (
k < n)
%N -> measurable (
F k))
trivIset `I_n F ->
measurable (
k < n)
F k)
mu (
i < n)
F i)
= \sum_(
i < n)
mu (
F i).
Lemma content_fin_bigcup (
I : choiceType) (
D : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
finite_set D ->
trivIset D F ->
forall i, D i -> measurable (
F i))
measurable (
i in D)
F i)
mu (
i in D)
F i)
= \sum_(
i \in D)
mu (
F i).
Lemma measure_semi_additive2 : semi_additive2 mu.
exact/semi_additiveW. Qed.
Hint Resolve measure_semi_additive2 : core.
End content_on_semiring_of_sets.
Arguments measure0 {d T R} _.
#[global] Hint Extern 0
is_true (
0 <= (
_ : {content set _ -> \bar _})
solve [apply: measure_ge0] : core.
Hint Resolve measure0 measure_semi_additive2 measure_semi_additive : core.
Section content_on_ring_of_sets.
Context d (
R : realFieldType)(
T : ringOfSetsType d)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R}).
Lemma measureU : additive2 mu.
by rewrite -semi_additive2E. Qed.
Lemma measure_bigsetU : additive mu.
by rewrite -semi_additiveE. Qed.
Lemma measure_fin_bigcup (
I : choiceType) (
D : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
finite_set D ->
trivIset D F ->
forall i, D i -> measurable (
F i))
mu (
i in D)
F i)
= \sum_(
i \in D)
mu (
F i).
Lemma measure_bigsetU_ord_cond n (
P : {pred 'I_n}) (
F : 'I_n -> set T)
forall i : 'I_n, P i -> measurable (
F i))
-> trivIset P F ->
mu (
i < n | P i)
F i)
= (
i < n | P i)
mu (
F i))
Lemma measure_bigsetU_ord n (
P : {pred 'I_n}) (
F : 'I_n -> set T)
forall i : 'I_n, measurable (
F i))
-> trivIset setT F ->
mu (
i < n | P i)
F i)
= (
i < n | P i)
mu (
F i))
Lemma measure_fbigsetU (
I : choiceType) (
A : {fset I}) (
F : I -> set T)
forall i, i \in A -> measurable (
F i))
-> trivIset [set` A] F ->
mu (
i <- A)
F i)
= (
i <- A)
mu (
F i))
End content_on_ring_of_sets.
Hint Resolve measureU measure_bigsetU : core.
HB.mixin Record Content_isMeasure d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
R : numFieldType) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
of Content d mu := {
measure_semi_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mu }.
HB.structure Definition Measure d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
R : numFieldType)
{mu of Content_isMeasure d T R mu & Content d mu}.
Notation "{ 'measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" := (
measure T%type R)
at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }")
: ring_scope.
Section measure_signed.
Context d (
R : numFieldType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma measure_snum_subproof S : Signed.spec 0 ?=0 >=0 (
mu S).
Canonical measure_snum S := (
measure_snum_subproof S).
End measure_signed.
HB.factory Record isMeasure d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= {
measure0 : mu set0 = 0 ;
measure_ge0 : forall x, 0 <= mu x ;
measure_semi_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mu }. Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
of isMeasure _ T R mu.
Let semi_additive_mu : semi_additive mu.
HB.instance Definition _ := isContent.Build d T R mu
measure_ge0 semi_additive_mu.
HB.instance Definition _ := Content_isMeasure.Build d T R mu
Lemma eq_measure d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realFieldType)
m1 m2 : {measure set T -> \bar R})
m1 = m2 :> (
set T -> \bar R))
-> m1 = m2.
move: m1 m2 => [m1 [[m10 m1ge0 [m1sa]]]] [m2 [[+ + [+]]]] /= m1m2.
rewrite -{}m1m2 => m10' m1ge0' m1sa'; f_equal.
by rewrite (
_ : m10' = m10)
// (
_ : m1ge0' = m1ge0)
// (
_ : m1sa' = m1sa).
Section measure_lemmas.
Context d (
R : realFieldType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma measure_semi_bigcup A : (
forall i : nat, measurable (
A i))
trivIset setT A -> measurable (
\bigcup_n A n)
mu (
\bigcup_n A n)
= \sum_(
i <oo)
mu (
A i).
by move=> Am Atriv /measure_semi_sigma_additive/cvg_lim<-//. Qed.
End measure_lemmas.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ set0 = 0)
=> solve [apply: measure0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
is_true (
0 <= _))
=> solve [apply: measure_ge0] : core.
Section measure_lemmas.
Context d (
R : realFieldType) (
T : measurableType d).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma measure_sigma_additive : sigma_additive mu.
Lemma measure_bigcup (
D : set nat)
F : (
forall i, D i -> measurable (
F i))
trivIset D F -> mu (
n in D)
F n)
= \sum_(
i <oo | i \in D)
mu (
F i).
End measure_lemmas.
Arguments measure_bigcup {d R T} _ _.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
sigma_additive _)
solve [apply: measure_sigma_additive] : core.
Definition pushforward d1 d2 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2)
R : realFieldType) (
m : set T1 -> \bar R) (
f : T1 -> T2)
of measurable_fun setT f := fun A => m (
f @^-1` A).
Arguments pushforward {d1 d2 T1 T2 R} m {f}.
Section pushforward_measure.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d d' (
T1 : measurableType d) (
T2 : measurableType d')
R : realFieldType).
Variables (
m : {measure set T1 -> \bar R}) (
f : T1 -> T2).
Hypothesis mf : measurable_fun setT f.
Let pushforward0 : pushforward m mf set0 = 0.
Let pushforward_ge0 A : 0 <= pushforward m mf A.
Let pushforward_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive (
pushforward m mf).
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _
pushforward m mf)
pushforward0 pushforward_ge0 pushforward_sigma_additive.
End pushforward_measure.
Section dirac_measure.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
a : T) (
R : realFieldType).
Definition dirac (
A : set T)
: \bar R := (
\1_A a)
Let dirac0 : dirac set0 = 0
by rewrite /dirac indic0. Qed.
Let dirac_ge0 B : 0 <= dirac B
by rewrite /dirac indicE. Qed.
Let dirac_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive dirac.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _
dirac dirac0 dirac_ge0 dirac_sigma_additive.
End dirac_measure.
Arguments dirac {d T} _ {R}.
Notation "\d_ a" := (
dirac a)
: ring_scope.
Section dirac_lemmas_realFieldType.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Lemma diracE a (
A : set T)
: \d_a A = (
a \in A)
%:R%:E :> \bar R.
by rewrite /dirac indicE. Qed.
Lemma dirac0 (
a : T)
: \d_a set0 = 0 :> \bar R.
Lemma diracT (
a : T)
: \d_a setT = 1 :> \bar R.
End dirac_lemmas_realFieldType.
Section dirac_lemmas.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Lemma finite_card_sum (
A : set T)
: finite_set A ->
i in A)
1 = (
#|` fset_set A|%:R)
%:E :> \bar R.
Lemma finite_card_dirac (
A : set T)
: finite_set A ->
i in A)
\d_ i A = (
#|` fset_set A|%:R)
%:E :> \bar R.
Lemma infinite_card_dirac (
A : set T)
: infinite_set A ->
i in A)
\d_ i A = +oo :> \bar R.
End dirac_lemmas.
Section measure_sum.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Variables (
m : {measure set T -> \bar R}^nat) (
n : nat).
Definition msum (
A : set T)
: \bar R := \sum_(
k < n)
m k A.
Let msum0 : msum set0 = 0
by rewrite /msum big1. Qed.
Let msum_ge0 B : 0 <= msum B
Let msum_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive msum.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ msum
msum0 msum_ge0 msum_sigma_additive.
End measure_sum.
Arguments msum {d T R}.
Section measure_zero.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Definition mzero (
A : set T)
: \bar R := 0.
Let mzero0 : mzero set0 = 0
by []. Qed.
Let mzero_ge0 B : 0 <= mzero B
by []. Qed.
Let mzero_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mzero.
move=> F mF tF mUF; rewrite [X in X --> _](
_ : _ = cst 0)
; first exact: cvg_cst.
by apply/funext => n; rewrite big1.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ mzero
mzero0 mzero_ge0 mzero_sigma_additive.
End measure_zero.
Arguments mzero {d T R}.
Lemma msum_mzero d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
m_ : {measure set T -> \bar R}^nat)
msum m_ 0 = mzero.
by apply/funext => A/=; rewrite /msum big_ord0. Qed.
Section measure_add.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Variables (
m1 m2 : {measure set T -> \bar R}).
Definition measure_add := msum (
fun n => if n is 0%N then m1 else m2)
Lemma measure_addE A : measure_add A = m1 A + m2 A.
by rewrite /measure_add/= /msum 2!big_ord_recl/= big_ord0 adde0. Qed.
End measure_add.
Section measure_scale.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Variables (
r : {nonneg R}) (
m : {measure set T -> \bar R}).
Definition mscale (
A : set T)
: \bar R := r%:num%:E * m A.
Let mscale0 : mscale set0 = 0
Let mscale_ge0 B : 0 <= mscale B.
Let mscale_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mscale.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ mscale
mscale0 mscale_ge0 mscale_sigma_additive.
End measure_scale.
Arguments mscale {d T R}.
Section measure_series.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Variables (
m : {measure set T -> \bar R}^nat) (
n : nat).
Definition mseries (
A : set T)
: \bar R := \sum_(
n <= k <oo)
m k A.
Let mseries0 : mseries set0 = 0.
Let mseries_ge0 B : 0 <= mseries B.
Let mseries_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mseries.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ mseries
mseries0 mseries_ge0 mseries_sigma_additive.
End measure_series.
Arguments mseries {d T R}.
Definition mrestr d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realFieldType) (
D : set T)
f : set T -> \bar R) (
mD : measurable D)
:= fun X => f (
X `&` D).
Section measure_restr.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Variables (
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
D : set T) (
mD : measurable D).
Local Notation restr := (
mrestr mu mD).
Let restr0 : restr set0 = 0%E
Let restr_ge0 (
A : set _)
: (
0 <= restr A)
Let restr_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive restr.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ restr
restr0 restr_ge0 restr_sigma_additive.
End measure_restr.
Definition counting (
T : choiceType) (
R : realType) (
X : set T)
: \bar R :=
if `[< finite_set X >] then (
#|` fset_set X |)
%:R%:E else +oo.
Arguments counting {T R}.
Section measure_count.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Variables (
D : set T) (
mD : measurable D).
Local Notation counting := (
@counting [choiceType of T] R).
Let counting0 : counting set0 = 0.
Let counting_ge0 (
A : set T)
: 0 <= counting A.
by rewrite /counting; case: ifPn; rewrite ?lee_fin// lee_pinfty. Qed.
Let counting_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive counting.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ counting
counting0 counting_ge0 counting_sigma_additive.
End measure_count.
Lemma big_trivIset (
I : choiceType)
D T (
R : Type) (
idx : R)
op : Monoid.com_law idx) (
A : I -> set T) (
F : set T -> R)
finite_set D -> trivIset D A -> F set0 = idx ->
i <- fset_set D)
F (
A i)
X <- (
A @` fset_set D)
F X.
Section covering.
Context {T : Type}.
Implicit Type (
C : forall I, set (
set I)).
Implicit Type (
P : forall I, set I -> set (
I -> set T)).
Definition covered_by C P :=
[set X : set T | exists I D A, [/\ C I D, P I D A & X = \bigcup_(
i in D)
A i]].
Lemma covered_bySr C P P' : (
forall I D A, P I D A -> P' I D A)
covered_by C P `<=` covered_by C P'.
by move=> PP' X [I [D [A [CX PX ->]]]]; exists I, D, A; split=> //; apply: PP'.
Lemma covered_byP C P I D A : C I D -> P I D A ->
covered_by C P (
i in D)
A i).
by move=> CID PIDA; exists I, D, A. Qed.
Lemma covered_by_finite P :
forall I (
D : set I)
A, (
forall i, D i -> A i = set0)
-> P I D A)
forall (
I : pointedType)
D A, finite_set D -> P I D A ->
P nat `I_#|` fset_set D| (
A \o nth point (
fset_set D)))
covered_by (
P =
[set X : set T | exists n A, [/\ P nat `I_n A & X = \bigcup_(
i < n)
A i]].
Lemma covered_by_countable P :
forall I (
D : set I)
A, (
forall i, D i -> A i = set0)
-> P I D A)
forall (
I : choiceType) (
D : set I) (
A : I -> set T) (
f : nat -> I)
set_surj [set: nat] D f ->
P I D A -> P nat [set: nat] (
A \o f))
covered_by (
P =
[set X : set T | exists A, [/\ P nat [set: nat] A & X = \bigcup_i A i]].
move=> P0 Pc; apply/predeqP=> X; rewrite /covered_by /cover/=; split; last first.
by move=> [A [Am ->]]; exists nat, [set: nat], A; split.
case; elim/Ppointed=> I [D [A [Dcnt Am ->]]].
exists (
fun=> set0)
; split; first exact: P0.
by rewrite emptyE bigcup_set0 bigcup0.
have /pfcard_geP[->|[f]] := Dcnt.
exists (
fun=> set0)
; split; first exact: P0.
by rewrite !bigcup_set0 bigcup0.
pose g := [splitsurjfun of split f].
exists (
A \o g)
; split=> /=; first exact: Pc Am.
apply/predeqP=> x; split=> [[i Di Aix]|[n _ Afnx]].
by exists (
g^-1%FUN i)
=> //=; rewrite invK// inE.
by exists (
g n)
=> //; apply: funS.
End covering.
Module SetRing.
Definition type (
T : Type)
:= T.
Definition display : measure_display -> measure_display
by []. Qed.
Section SetRing.
Context d {T : semiRingOfSetsType d}.
Notation rT := (
type T).
Canonical ring_eqType := EqType rT ptclass.
Canonical ring_choiceType := ChoiceType rT ptclass.
Canonical ring_ptType := PointedType rT ptclass.
HB.instance Definition _ := isRingOfSets.Build (
display d)
rT ptclass
@setring0 T measurable) (
@setringU T measurable) (
@setringDI T measurable).
Local Notation "d .-ring" := (display d) (at level 1, format "d .-ring").
Local Notation "d .-ring.-measurable" :=
-measurable : set (
set (
type _))).
Local Definition measurable_fin_trivIset : set (
set T)
[set A | exists B : set (
set T)
[/\ A = \bigcup_(
X in B)
X, forall X : set T, B X -> measurable X,
finite_set B & trivIset B id]].
Lemma ring_measurableE : d.
-measurable = measurable_fin_trivIset.
Lemma measurable_subring : (
-measurable : set (
set T))
`<=` d.
by rewrite /measurable => X Xmeas /= M /= [_]; apply. Qed.
Lemma ring_finite_set (
A : set rT)
: measurable A -> exists B : set (
set T)
[/\ finite_set B,
forall X, B X -> X !=set0)
trivIset B id,
forall X : set T, X \in B -> measurable X)
A = \bigcup_(
X in B)
Definition decomp (
A : set rT)
: set (
set T)
if A == set0 then [set set0] else
if pselect (
measurable A)
is left mA then projT1 (
cid (
ring_finite_set mA))
else [set A].
Lemma decomp_finite_set (
A : set rT)
: finite_set (
decomp A).
rewrite /decomp; case: ifPn => // A0; case: pselect => // X.
by case: cid => /= ? [].
Lemma decomp_triv (
A : set rT)
: trivIset (
decomp A)
rewrite /decomp; case: ifP => _; first by move=> i j/= -> ->.
case: pselect => // Am; first by case: cid => //= ? [].
by move=> i j /= -> ->.
Hint Resolve decomp_triv : core.
Lemma all_decomp_neq0 (
A : set rT)
A !=set0 -> (
forall X, decomp A X -> X !=set0).
move=> /set0P AN0; rewrite /decomp/= (
negPf AN0).
case: pselect => //= Am; first by case: cid => //= ? [].
by move=> X ->; exact/set0P.
Lemma decomp_neq0 (
A : set rT)
X : A !=set0 -> X \in decomp A -> X !=set0.
by move=> /all_decomp_neq0/(_ X) /[!inE]. Qed.
Lemma decomp_measurable (
A : set rT) (
X : set T)
measurable A -> X \in decomp A -> measurable X.
rewrite /decomp; case: ifP => _; first by rewrite inE => _ ->.
by case: pselect => // Am _; case: cid => //= ? [_ _ _ + _]; apply.
Lemma cover_decomp (
A : set rT)
: \bigcup_(
X in decomp A)
X = A.
Lemma decomp_sub (
A : set rT) (
X : set T)
: X \in decomp A -> X `<=` A.
rewrite /decomp; case: ifP => _; first by rewrite inE/= => ->//.
case: pselect => //= Am; last by rewrite inE => ->.
by case: cid => //= D [_ _ _ _ ->] /[!inE] XD; apply: bigcup_sup.
Lemma decomp_set0 : decomp set0 = [set set0].
by rewrite /decomp eqxx. Qed.
Lemma decompN0 (
A : set rT)
: decomp A != set0.
rewrite /decomp; case: ifPn => [_|AN0]; first by apply/set0P; exists set0.
case: pselect=> //= Am; last by apply/set0P; exists A.
case: cid=> //= D [_ _ _ _ Aeq]; apply: contra_neq AN0; rewrite Aeq => ->.
by rewrite bigcup_set0.
Definition measure (
R : numDomainType) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
A : set rT)
: \bar R := \sum_(
X \in decomp A)
mu X.
Section content.
Context {R : realFieldType} (
mu : {content set T -> \bar R}).
Local Notation Rmu := (
measure mu).
Arguments big_trivIset {I D T R idx op} A F.
Lemma Rmu_fin_bigcup (
I : choiceType) (
D : set I) (
F : I -> set T)
finite_set D -> trivIset D F -> (
forall i, i \in D -> measurable (
F i))
Rmu (
i in D)
F i)
= \sum_(
i \in D)
mu (
F i).
Lemma RmuE (
A : set T)
: measurable A -> Rmu A = mu A.
Let Rmu0 : Rmu set0 = 0.
Lemma Rmu_ge0 A : Rmu A >= 0.
Lemma Rmu_additive : semi_additive Rmu.
additive2P Rmu0)
=> // A B /ring_finite_set[/= {}A [? _ Atriv Am ->]].
move=> /ring_finite_set[/= {}B [? _ Btriv Bm ->]].
rewrite -subset0 => coverAB0.
have AUBfin : finite_set (
A `|` B)
by rewrite finite_setU.
have AUBtriv : trivIset (
A `|` B)
move=> X Y [] ABX [] ABY; do ?by [exact: Atriv|exact: Btriv].
by move=> [u [Xu Yu]]; case: (
coverAB0 u)
; split; [exists X|exists Y].
by move=> [u [Xu Yu]]; case: (
coverAB0 u)
; split; [exists Y|exists X].
rewrite -bigcup_setU !Rmu_fin_bigcup//=.
- rewrite fsbigU//= => [X /= [XA XB]]; have [->//|/set0P[x Xx]] := eqVneq X set0.
by case: (
coverAB0 x)
; split; exists X.
- by move=> X /set_mem [|] /mem_set ?; [exact: Am|exact: Bm].
HB.instance Definition _ := isContent.Build _ _ _ Rmu Rmu_ge0 Rmu_additive.
End content.
End SetRing.
Module Exports.
Canonical ring_eqType.
Canonical ring_choiceType.
Canonical ring_ptType.
HB.reexport SetRing.
End Exports.
End SetRing.
Export SetRing.Exports.
Notation "d .-ring" := (
SetRing.display d)
at level 1, format "d .-ring")
: measure_display_scope.
Notation "d .-ring.-measurable" :=
-measurable : set (
set (
SetRing.type _)))
: classical_set_scope.
Lemma le_measure d (
R : realFieldType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R})
{in measurable &, {homo mu : A B / A `<=` B >-> (
A <= B)
Lemma measure_le0 d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R}) (
A : set T)
mu A <= 0)
%E = (
mu A == 0)
Section more_content_semiring_lemmas.
Context d (
R : realFieldType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma content_sub_additive : sub_additive mu.
Lemma content_sub_fsum (
I : choiceType)
D (
A : set T) (
A_ : I -> set T)
finite_set D ->
forall i, D i -> measurable (
A_ i))
measurable A ->
A `<=` \bigcup_(
i in D)
A_ i -> mu A <= \sum_(
i \in D)
mu (
A_ i).
End more_content_semiring_lemmas.
Section content_ring_lemmas.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : ringOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma content_ring_sup_sigma_additive (
A : nat -> set T)
forall i, measurable (
A i))
-> measurable (
\bigcup_i A i)
trivIset [set: nat] A -> \sum_(
i <oo)
mu (
A i)
<= mu (
\bigcup_i A i).
Lemma content_ring_sigma_additive : sigma_sub_additive mu -> semi_sigma_additive mu.
End content_ring_lemmas.
Section ring_sigma_sub_additive_content.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R}).
Local Notation Rmu := (
SetRing.measure mu).
Import SetRing.
Lemma ring_sigma_sub_additive : sigma_sub_additive mu -> sigma_sub_additive Rmu.
Lemma ring_semi_sigma_additive : sigma_sub_additive mu -> semi_sigma_additive Rmu.
Lemma semiring_sigma_additive : sigma_sub_additive mu -> semi_sigma_additive mu.
End ring_sigma_sub_additive_content.
HB.factory Record Content_SubSigmaAdditive_isMeasure d
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
of Content d mu := {
measure_sigma_sub_additive : sigma_sub_additive mu }. Context d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
of Content_SubSigmaAdditive_isMeasure d R T mu.
HB.instance Definition _ := Content_isMeasure.Build d T R mu
semiring_sigma_additive (
Section more_premeasure_ring_lemmas.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Import SetRing.
Lemma measure_sigma_sub_additive : sigma_sub_additive mu.
End more_premeasure_ring_lemmas.
Lemma measure_sigma_sub_additive_tail d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
A : set T) (
F : nat -> set T)
N :
forall n, measurable (
F n))
-> measurable A ->
A `<=` \bigcup_(
n in ~` `I_N)
F n ->
mu A <= \sum_(
N <= n <oo)
mu (
F n))
Section ring_sigma_content.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}).
Local Notation Rmu := (
SetRing.measure mu).
Import SetRing.
Let ring_sigma_content : semi_sigma_additive Rmu.
exact/ring_semi_sigma_additive/measure_sigma_sub_additive. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := Content_isMeasure.Build _ _ _ Rmu
End ring_sigma_content.
Definition fin_num_fun d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : numDomainType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= forall U, measurable U -> mu U \is a fin_num.
Lemma fin_num_fun_lty d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
: fin_num_fun mu -> mu setT < +oo.
by move=> h; rewrite ltey_eq h. Qed.
Lemma lty_fin_num_fun d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d)
R : realFieldType) (
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
mu setT < +oo -> fin_num_fun mu.
Definition sfinite_measure d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
exists2 s : {measure set T -> \bar R}^nat,
forall n, fin_num_fun (
s n)
forall U, measurable U -> mu U = mseries s 0 U.
Definition sigma_finite d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : numDomainType)
A : set T) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
exists2 F : (
set T)
^nat, A = \bigcup_(
i : nat)
F i &
forall i, measurable (
F i)
/\ mu (
F i)
< +oo.
Lemma fin_num_fun_sigma_finite d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d)
R : realFieldType) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
: mu set0 < +oo ->
fin_num_fun mu -> sigma_finite setT mu.
Lemma sfinite_measure_sigma_finite d (
T : measurableType d)
R : realType) (
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
sigma_finite setT mu -> sfinite_measure mu.
HB.mixin Record Measure_isSFinite_subdef d (
T : measurableType d)
R : realType) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= {
sfinite_measure_subdef : sfinite_measure mu }.
HB.structure Definition SFiniteMeasure
d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
{mu of @Measure _ T R mu & Measure_isSFinite_subdef _ T R mu }.
Arguments sfinite_measure_subdef {d T R} _.
Notation "{ 'sfinite_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" :=
SFiniteMeasure.type T R) (
at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'sfinite_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }")
: ring_scope.
HB.mixin Record isSigmaFinite d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : numFieldType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= { sigma_finiteT : sigma_finite setT mu }.
HB.structure Definition SigmaFiniteContent d T R :=
{ mu of isSigmaFinite d T R mu & @Content d T R mu }.
Arguments sigma_finiteT {d T R} s.
#[global] Hint Resolve sigma_finiteT : core.
Notation "{ 'sigma_finite_content' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" :=
sigma_finite_content T R) (
at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'sigma_finite_content' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }")
: ring_scope.
HB.structure Definition SigmaFiniteMeasure d T R :=
{ mu of @SFiniteMeasure d T R mu & isSigmaFinite d T R mu }.
Notation "{ 'sigma_finite_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" :=
sigma_finite_measure T R) (
at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'sigma_finite_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }")
: ring_scope.
HB.factory Record Measure_isSigmaFinite d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
of isMeasure _ _ _ mu :=
{ sigma_finiteT : sigma_finite setT mu }. Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
mu of @Measure_isSigmaFinite d T R mu.
Lemma sfinite : sfinite_measure mu.
HB.instance Definition _ := @Measure_isSFinite_subdef.
Build _ _ _ mu sfinite.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isSigmaFinite.
Build _ _ _ mu sigma_finiteT.
Lemma sigma_finite_mzero d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
sigma_finite setT (
@mzero d T R).
HB.instance Definition _ d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
Build d T R mzero (
@sigma_finite_mzero d T R).
Lemma sfinite_mzero d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
sfinite_measure (
@mzero d T R).
HB.instance Definition _ d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
Build d T R mzero (
@sfinite_mzero d T R).
HB.mixin Record SigmaFinite_isFinite d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
R : numDomainType) (
k : set T -> \bar R)
{ fin_num_measure : fin_num_fun k }.
HB.structure Definition FinNumFun d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
R : numFieldType)
:= { k of SigmaFinite_isFinite _ T R k }.
HB.structure Definition FiniteMeasure d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
{ k of @SigmaFiniteMeasure _ _ _ k & SigmaFinite_isFinite _ T R k }.
Arguments fin_num_measure {d T R} _.
Notation "{ 'finite_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" :=
FiniteMeasure.type T R) (
at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'finite_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }")
: ring_scope.
HB.factory Record Measure_isFinite d (
T : measurableType d)
R : realType) (
k : set T -> \bar R)
of isMeasure _ _ _ k := { fin_num_measure : fin_num_fun k }. Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
of Measure_isFinite d T R k.
Let sfinite : sfinite_measure k.
HB.instance Definition _ := @Measure_isSFinite_subdef.
Build d T R k sfinite.
Let sigma_finite : sigma_finite setT k.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isSigmaFinite.
Build d T R k sigma_finite.
Let finite : fin_num_fun k
HB.instance Definition _ := @SigmaFinite_isFinite.
Build d T R k finite.
HB.factory Record Measure_isSFinite d (
T : measurableType d)
R : realType) (
k : set T -> \bar R)
of isMeasure _ _ _ k := {
sfinite_measure_subdef : exists s : {finite_measure set T -> \bar R}^nat,
forall U, measurable U -> k U = mseries s 0 U }. Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
k of Measure_isSFinite d T R k.
Let sfinite : sfinite_measure k.
HB.instance Definition _ := @Measure_isSFinite_subdef.
Build d T R k sfinite.
Section sfinite_measure.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
mu : {sfinite_measure set T -> \bar R}).
Let s : (
set T -> \bar R)
^nat :=
let: exist2 x _ _ := cid2 (
sfinite_measure_subdef mu)
in x.
Let s0 n : s n set0 = 0.
by rewrite /s; case: cid2. Qed.
Let s_ge0 n x : 0 <= s n x.
by rewrite /s; case: cid2. Qed.
Let s_semi_sigma_additive n : semi_sigma_additive (
s n).
HB.instance Definition _ n := @isMeasure.
Build _ _ _ (
s n) (
s0 n) (
s_ge0 n)
@s_semi_sigma_additive n).
Let s_fin n : fin_num_fun (
s n).
by rewrite /s; case: cid2 => F finF muE; exact: finF. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ n := @Measure_isFinite.
Build d T R (
s n) (
s_fin n).
Definition sfinite_measure_seq : {finite_measure set T -> \bar R}^nat :=
fun n => [the {finite_measure set T -> \bar R} of s n].
Lemma sfinite_measure_seqP U : measurable U ->
mu U = mseries sfinite_measure_seq O U.
by move=> mU; rewrite /mseries /= /s; case: cid2 => // x xfin ->.
End sfinite_measure.
Definition mfrestr d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realFieldType) (
D : set T)
f : set T -> \bar R) (
mD : measurable D)
of f D < +oo :=
mrestr f mD.
Section measure_frestr.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Variables (
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
D : set T) (
mD : measurable D).
Hypothesis moo : mu D < +oo.
Local Notation restr := (
mfrestr mD moo).
HB.instance Definition _ := Measure.on restr.
Let restr_fin : fin_num_fun restr.
HB.instance Definition _ := Measure_isFinite.Build _ _ _ restr
End measure_frestr.
HB.mixin Record FiniteMeasure_isSubProbability d (
T : measurableType d)
R : realType) (
P : set T -> \bar R)
{ sprobability_setT : P setT <= 1%E }.
HB.structure Definition SubProbability d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
:= {mu of @FiniteMeasure d T R mu & FiniteMeasure_isSubProbability d T R mu }.
HB.factory Record Measure_isSubProbability d (
T : measurableType d)
R : realType) (
P : set T -> \bar R)
of isMeasure _ _ _ P :=
{ sprobability_setT : P setT <= 1%E }. Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
P of Measure_isSubProbability d T R P.
Let finite : @Measure_isFinite d T R P.
HB.instance Definition _ := finite.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Build _ _ _ P sprobability_setT.
HB.mixin Record isProbability d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
P : set T -> \bar R)
:= { probability_setT : P setT = 1%E }.
HB.structure Definition Probability d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
{P of @SubProbability d T R P & isProbability d T R P }.
Section probability_lemmas.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType) (
P : probability T R).
Lemma probability_le1 (
A : set T)
: measurable A -> P A <= 1.
move=> mA; rewrite -(
@probability_setT _ _ _ P).
by apply: le_measure => //; rewrite ?in_setE.
Lemma probability_setC (
A : set T)
: measurable A -> P (
~` A)
= 1 - P A.
End probability_lemmas.
HB.factory Record Measure_isProbability d (
T : measurableType d)
R : realType) (
P : set T -> \bar R)
of isMeasure _ _ _ P :=
{ probability_setT : P setT = 1%E }. Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType)
P of Measure_isProbability d T R P.
Let subprobability : @Measure_isSubProbability d T R P.
HB.instance Definition _ := subprobability.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isProbability.
Build _ _ _ P probability_setT.
Section mnormalize.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Variables (
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
P : probability T R).
Definition mnormalize :=
let evidence := mu [set: T] in
if (
evidence == 0)
|| (
evidence == +oo)
then fun U => P U
else fun U => mu U * (
fine evidence)
Let mnormalize0 : mnormalize set0 = 0.
Let mnormalize_ge0 U : 0 <= mnormalize U.
by rewrite /mnormalize; case: ifPn => //; case: ifPn. Qed.
Let mnormalize_sigma_additive : semi_sigma_additive mnormalize.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ mnormalize
mnormalize0 mnormalize_ge0 mnormalize_sigma_additive.
Let mnormalize1 : mnormalize [set: T] = 1.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Measure_isProbability.Build _ _ _ mnormalize mnormalize1.
End mnormalize.
Section pdirac.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
HB.instance Definition _ x :=
Measure_isProbability.Build _ _ _ (
@dirac _ T x R) (
diracT R x).
End pdirac.
Lemma sigma_finite_counting (
R : realType)
sigma_finite [set: nat] (
@counting _ R).
exists (
fun n => `I_n.
; first by apply/seteqP; split=> //x _; exists x => /=.
by move=> k; split => //; rewrite /counting/= asboolT// ltry.
HB.instance Definition _ R :=
Build _ _ _ (
@counting _ R) (
sigma_finite_counting R).
Section content_semiRingOfSetsType.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Variables (
mu : {content set T -> \bar R}) (
A B : set T).
Hypotheses (
mA : measurable A) (
mB : measurable B).
Lemma measureIl : mu (
A `&` B)
<= mu A.
Lemma measureIr : mu (
A `&` B)
<= mu B.
Lemma subset_measure0 : A `<=` B -> mu B = 0 -> mu A = 0.
by move=> ? B0; apply/eqP; rewrite -measure_le0 -B0 le_measure ?inE. Qed.
End content_semiRingOfSetsType.
Section content_ringOfSetsType.
Context d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
Implicit Types A B : set T.
Lemma measureDI A B : measurable A -> measurable B ->
mu A = mu (
A `\` B)
+ mu (
A `&` B).
Lemma measureD A B : measurable A -> measurable B ->
mu A < +oo -> mu (
A `\` B)
= mu A - mu (
A `&` B).
Lemma measureU2 A B : measurable A -> measurable B ->
mu (
A `|` B)
<= mu A + mu B.
End content_ringOfSetsType.
Section measureU.
Context d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma measureUfinr A B : measurable A -> measurable B -> mu B < +oo ->
mu (
A `|` B)
= mu A + mu B - mu (
A `&` B).
Lemma measureUfinl A B : measurable A -> measurable B -> mu A < +oo ->
mu (
A `|` B)
= mu A + mu B - mu (
A `&` B).
Lemma null_set_setU A B : measurable A -> measurable B ->
mu A = 0 -> mu B = 0 -> mu (
A `|` B)
= 0.
Lemma measureU0 A B : measurable A -> measurable B -> mu B = 0 ->
mu (
A `|` B)
= mu A.
End measureU.
Lemma eq_measureU d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType) (
A B : set T)
mu mu' : {measure set T -> \bar R})
measurable A -> measurable B ->
mu A = mu' A -> mu B = mu' B -> mu (
A `&` B)
= mu' (
A `&` B)
mu (
A `|` B)
= mu' (
A `|` B).
Section measure_continuity.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Lemma nondecreasing_cvg_mu d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
F : (
set T)
forall i, measurable (
F i))
-> measurable (
\bigcup_n F n)
nondecreasing_seq F ->
mu \o F --> mu (
\bigcup_n F n).
Lemma nonincreasing_cvg_mu d (
T : algebraOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
F : (
set T)
mu (
F 0%N)
< +oo ->
forall i, measurable (
F i))
-> measurable (
\bigcap_n F n)
nonincreasing_seq F -> mu \o F --> mu (
\bigcap_n F n).
End measure_continuity.
Section boole_inequality.
Context d (
R : realFieldType) (
T : ringOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
Theorem Boole_inequality (
A : (
set T)
n :
forall i, `I_n i -> measurable (
A i))
mu (
i < n)
A i)
<= \sum_(
i < n)
mu (
A i).
End boole_inequality.
Notation le_mu_bigsetU := Boole_inequality.
Section sigma_finite_lemma.
Context d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType) (
A : set T)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R}).
Lemma sigma_finiteP : sigma_finite A mu ->
exists2 F, A = \bigcup_i F i &
nondecreasing_seq F /\ forall i, measurable (
F i)
/\ mu (
F i)
< +oo.
move=> [S AS moo]; exists (
fun n => \big[setU/set0]_(
i < n.
S i).
rewrite AS predeqE => t; split => [[i _ Sit]|[i _]].
by exists i => //; rewrite big_ord_recr /=; right.
by rewrite -bigcup_mkord => -[j /= ji Sjt]; exists j.
split=> [|i].
- apply/nondecreasing_seqP => i; rewrite [in leRHS]big_ord_recr /=.
by apply/subsetPset; left.
- split; first by apply: bigsetU_measurable => j _; exact: (
moo j).
rewrite (
@le_lt_trans _ _ (
j < i.
mu (
S j)))
by apply: Boole_inequality => j _; exact: (
moo j).
by apply/lte_sum_pinfty => j _; exact: (
moo j).
End sigma_finite_lemma.
Section generalized_boole_inequality.
Context d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realType).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Theorem generalized_Boole_inequality (
A : (
set T)
forall i, measurable (
A i))
-> measurable (
\bigcup_n A n)
mu (
\bigcup_n A n)
<= \sum_(
i <oo)
mu (
A i).
End generalized_boole_inequality.
Notation le_mu_bigcup := generalized_Boole_inequality.
Section negligible.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Definition negligible (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
N :=
exists A, [/\ measurable A, mu A = 0 & N `<=` A].
Local Notation "mu .-negligible" := (
negligible mu).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma negligibleP A : measurable A -> mu.
-negligible A <-> mu A = 0.
move=> mA; split => [[B [mB mB0 AB]]|mA0]; last by exists A; split.
by apply/eqP; rewrite -measure_le0 -mB0 le_measure ?inE.
Lemma negligible_set0 : mu.
-negligible set0.
exact/negligibleP. Qed.
Lemma measure_negligible (
A : set T)
measurable A -> mu.
-negligible A -> mu A = 0%E.
by move=> mA /negligibleP ->. Qed.
Lemma negligibleS A B : B `<=` A -> mu.
-negligible A -> mu.
-negligible B.
by move=> BA [N [mN N0 AN]]; exists N; split => //; exact: subset_trans AN.
Lemma negligibleI A B :
-negligible A -> mu.
-negligible B -> mu.
-negligible (
A `&` B).
End negligible.
Notation "mu .-negligible" := (
negligible mu)
: type_scope.
Definition measure_is_complete d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
-negligible `<=` measurable.
Section negligible_ringOfSetsType.
Context d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma negligibleU A B :
-negligible A -> mu.
-negligible B -> mu.
-negligible (
A `|` B).
Lemma negligible_bigsetU (
F : (
set T)
s (
P : pred nat)
forall k, P k -> mu.
-negligible (
F k))
-negligible (
k <- s | P k)
F k).
End negligible_ringOfSetsType.
Lemma negligible_bigcup d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
F : (
set T)
forall k, mu.
-negligible (
F k))
-> mu.
-negligible (
\bigcup_k F k).
Section ae.
Definition almost_everywhere d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : set T -> \bar R) (
P : T -> Prop)
:= mu.
-negligible (
~` [set x | P x]).
Let almost_everywhereT d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R})
: almost_everywhere mu setT.
Let almost_everywhereS d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
A B : A `<=` B ->
almost_everywhere mu A -> almost_everywhere mu B.
Let almost_everywhereI d (
T : ringOfSetsType d) (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
A B :
almost_everywhere mu A -> almost_everywhere mu B ->
almost_everywhere mu (
A `&` B).
Instance ae_filter_ringOfSetsType d {T : ringOfSetsType d} (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
: Filter (
almost_everywhere mu).
Instance ae_properfilter_algebraOfSetsType d {T : algebraOfSetsType d}
R : realFieldType) (
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
mu [set: T] > 0 -> ProperFilter (
almost_everywhere mu).
End ae.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
Filter (
almost_everywhere _))
apply: ae_filter_ringOfSetsType)
: typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
ProperFilter (
almost_everywhere _))
apply: ae_properfilter_algebraOfSetsType)
: typeclass_instances.
Definition almost_everywhere_notation d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
R : realFieldType) (
mu : set T -> \bar R) (
P : T -> Prop)
& (
phantom Prop (
forall x, P x))
:= almost_everywhere mu P.
Notation "{ 'ae' m , P }" :=
almost_everywhere_notation m (
inPhantom P))
: type_scope.
Lemma aeW {d} {T : semiRingOfSetsType d} {R : realFieldType}
mu : {measure set _ -> \bar R}) (
P : T -> Prop)
forall x, P x)
-> {ae mu, forall x, P x}.
Section ae_eq.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Variables (
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (
D : set T).
Implicit Types f g h i : T -> \bar R.
Definition ae_eq f g := {ae mu, forall x, D x -> f x = g x}.
Lemma ae_eq0 f g : measurable D -> mu D = 0 -> ae_eq f g.
by move=> mD D0; exists D; split => // t/= /not_implyP[]. Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_comp (
j : \bar R -> \bar R)
f g :
ae_eq f g -> ae_eq (
j \o f) (
j \o g).
by apply: filterS => x /[apply] /= ->. Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_funeposneg f g : ae_eq f g <-> ae_eq f^\+ g^\+ /\ ae_eq f^\- g^\-.
split=> [fg|[]].
by rewrite /funepos /funeneg; split; apply: filterS fg => x /[apply] ->.
apply: filterS2 => x + + Dx => /(
_ Dx)
fg /(
_ Dx)
by rewrite (
funeposneg f) (
funeposneg g)
fg gf.
Lemma ae_eq_refl f : ae_eq f f
exact/aeW. Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_sym f g : ae_eq f g -> ae_eq g f.
by apply: filterS => x + Dx => /(
_ Dx). Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_trans f g h : ae_eq f g -> ae_eq g h -> ae_eq f h.
by apply: filterS2 => x + + Dx => /(
_ Dx)
->; exact. Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_sub f g h i : ae_eq f g -> ae_eq h i -> ae_eq (
f \- h) (
g \- i).
by apply: filterS2 => x + + Dx => /(
_ Dx)
-> /(
_ Dx)
->. Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_mul2r f g h : ae_eq f g -> ae_eq (
f \* h) (
g \* h).
by apply: filterS => x /[apply] ->. Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_mul2l f g h : ae_eq f g -> ae_eq (
h \* f) (
h \* g).
by apply: filterS => x /[apply] ->. Qed.
Lemma ae_eq_mul1l f g : ae_eq f (
cst 1)
-> ae_eq g (
g \* f).
Lemma ae_eq_abse f g : ae_eq f g -> ae_eq (
abse \o f) (
abse \o g).
by apply: filterS => x /[apply] /= ->. Qed.
End ae_eq.
Section ae_eq_lemmas.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Implicit Types mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma ae_eq_subset mu A B f g : B `<=` A -> ae_eq mu A f g -> ae_eq mu B f g.
move=> BA [N [mN N0 fg]]; exists N; split => //.
by apply: subset_trans fg; apply: subsetC => z /= /[swap] /BA ? ->.
End ae_eq_lemmas.
Definition sigma_subadditive {T} {R : numFieldType}
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= forall (
F : (
set T)
mu (
\bigcup_n (
F n))
<= \sum_(
i <oo)
mu (
F i).
HB.mixin Record isOuterMeasure
R : numFieldType) (
T : Type) (
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= {
outer_measure0 : mu set0 = 0 ;
outer_measure_ge0 : forall x, 0 <= mu x ;
le_outer_measure : {homo mu : A B / A `<=` B >-> A <= B} ;
outer_measure_sigma_subadditive : sigma_subadditive mu }.
HB.structure Definition OuterMeasure (
R : numFieldType) (
T : Type)
{mu & isOuterMeasure R T mu}.
Notation "{ 'outer_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }" := (
outer_measure R T)
at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'outer_measure' 'set' T '->' '\bar' R }")
: ring_scope.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
_ set0 = 0)
=> solve [apply: outer_measure0] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
sigma_subadditive _)
solve [apply: outer_measure_sigma_subadditive] : core.
Arguments outer_measure0 {R T} _.
Arguments outer_measure_ge0 {R T} _.
Arguments le_outer_measure {R T} _.
Arguments outer_measure_sigma_subadditive {R T} _.
Lemma outer_measure_sigma_subadditive_tail (
T : Type) (
R : realType)
mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R})
N (
F : (
set T)
mu (
n in ~` `I_N) (
F n))
<= \sum_(
N <= i <oo)
mu (
F i))
Section outer_measureU.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realType).
Variable mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Lemma outer_measure_subadditive (
F : nat -> set T)
n :
mu (
i < n)
F i)
<= \sum_(
i < n)
mu (
F i).
Lemma outer_measureU2 A B : mu (
A `|` B)
<= mu A + mu B.
End outer_measureU.
Lemma le_outer_measureIC (
R : realFieldType)
mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}) (
A X : set T)
mu X <= mu (
X `&` A)
+ mu (
X `&` ~` A).
Definition caratheodory_measurable (
R : realType) (
T : Type)
mu : set T -> \bar R) (
A : set T)
:= forall X,
mu X = mu (
X `&` A)
+ mu (
X `&` ~` A).
Local Notation "mu .-caratheodory" :=
caratheodory_measurable mu)
: classical_set_scope.
Lemma le_caratheodory_measurable (
R : realType)
mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}) (
A : set T)
forall X, mu (
X `&` A)
+ mu (
X `&` ~` A)
<= mu X)
-caratheodory A.
Section caratheodory_theorem_sigma_algebra.
Variables (
R : realType) (
T : Type) (
mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}).
Lemma outer_measure_bigcup_lim (
A : (
set T)
X :
mu (
X `&` \bigcup_k A k)
<= \sum_(
k <oo)
mu (
X `&` A k).
Let M := mu.
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_set0 : M set0.
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_setC A : M A -> M (
~` A).
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_setU_le (
X A B : set T)
-caratheodory A -> mu.
-caratheodory B ->
mu (
X `&` (
A `|` B))
+ mu (
X `&` ~` (
A `|` B))
<= mu X.
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_setU A B : M A -> M B -> M (
A `|` B).
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_bigsetU (
A : (
set T)
forall n, M (
A n))
-> forall n, M (
i < n)
A i).
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_setI A B : M A -> M B -> M (
A `&` B).
move=> mA mB; rewrite -(
setCK A)
setCK B)
by apply/caratheodory_measurable_setC/caratheodory_measurable_setU;
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_setD A B : M A -> M B -> M (
A `\` B).
Section additive_ext_lemmas.
Variable A B : set T.
Hypothesis (
mA : M A) (
mB : M B).
Let caratheodory_decomp X :
mu X = mu (
X `&` A `&` B)
+ mu (
X `&` A `&` ~` B)
mu (
X `&` ~` A `&` B)
+ mu (
X `&` ~` A `&` ~` B).
Let caratheorody_decompIU X : mu (
X `&` (
A `|` B))
mu (
X `&` A `&` B)
+ mu (
X `&` ~` A `&` B)
+ mu (
X `&` A `&` ~` B).
Lemma disjoint_caratheodoryIU X : [disjoint A & B] ->
mu (
X `&` (
A `|` B))
= mu (
X `&` A)
+ mu (
X `&` B).
End additive_ext_lemmas.
Lemma caratheodory_additive (
A : (
set T)
: (
forall n, M (
A n))
trivIset setT A -> forall n X,
mu (
X `&` \big[setU/set0]_(
i < n)
A i)
= \sum_(
i < n)
mu (
X `&` A i).
Lemma caratheodory_lime_le (
A : (
set T)
: (
forall n, M (
A n))
trivIset setT A -> forall X,
k <oo)
mu (
X `&` A k)
+ mu (
X `&` ~` \bigcup_k A k)
<= mu X.
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.0",
note="renamed `caratheodory_lime_le`")
Notation caratheodory_lim_lee := caratheodory_lime_le (
only parsing).
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_trivIset_bigcup (
A : (
set T)
forall n, M (
A n))
-> trivIset setT A -> M (
\bigcup_k (
A k)).
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_bigcup (
A : (
set T)
: (
forall n, M (
A n))
M (
\bigcup_k (
A k)).
move=> MA; rewrite -eq_bigcup_seqD_bigsetU.
apply/caratheodory_measurable_trivIset_bigcup; last first.
by apply: trivIset_seqD => m n mn; exact/subsetPset/subset_bigsetU.
by case=> [|n /=]; [| apply/caratheodory_measurable_setD => //];
End caratheodory_theorem_sigma_algebra.
Definition caratheodory_type (
R : realType) (
T : Type)
mu : set T -> \bar R)
:= T.
Definition caratheodory_display R T : (
set T -> \bar R)
-> measure_display.
exact. Qed.
Section caratheodory_sigma_algebra.
Variables (
R : realType) (
T : pointedType) (
mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}).
HB.instance Definition _ := @isMeasurable.
Build (
caratheodory_display mu)
caratheodory_type mu) (
Pointed.class T)
caratheodory_measurable_set0 mu)
@caratheodory_measurable_setC _ _ mu)
@caratheodory_measurable_bigcup _ _ mu).
End caratheodory_sigma_algebra.
Notation "mu .-cara" := (
caratheodory_display mu)
: measure_display_scope.
Notation "mu .-cara.-measurable" :=
measurable : set (
set (
caratheodory_type mu)))
: classical_set_scope.
Section caratheodory_measure.
Variables (
R : realType) (
T : pointedType).
Variable mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}.
Let U := caratheodory_type mu.
Lemma caratheodory_measure0 : mu (
set0 : set U)
= 0.
Lemma caratheodory_measure_ge0 (
A : set U)
: 0 <= mu A.
Lemma caratheodory_measure_sigma_additive :
semi_sigma_additive (
mu : set U -> _).
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _
mu : set (
caratheodory_type mu)
-> _)
caratheodory_measure0 caratheodory_measure_ge0
Lemma measure_is_complete_caratheodory :
measure_is_complete (
mu : set (
caratheodory_type mu)
-> _).
End caratheodory_measure.
Lemma epsilon_trick (
R : realType) (
A : (
\bar R)
P : pred nat)
: (
forall n, 0 <= A n)
-> (
0 <= e)
%R ->
i <oo | P i) (
A i + (
e / (
2 ^ i.
i <oo | P i)
A i + e%:E.
Lemma epsilon_trick0 (
R : realType) (
eps : R) (
P : pred nat)
0 <= eps)
%R -> \sum_(
i <oo | P i) (
eps / (
2 ^ i.
%:E <= eps%:E.
move=> epspos; have := epsilon_trick P (
fun=> lexx 0)
rewrite (
@eq_eseriesr _ (
fun n => 0 + _) (
fun n => (
by move/le_trans; apply; rewrite eseries0 ?add0e; [exact: lexx | move=> ? ?].
by move=> ? ?; rewrite add0e.
Section measurable_cover.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d).
Implicit Types (
X : set T) (
F : (
set T)
Definition measurable_cover X := [set F : (
set T)
^nat |
forall i, measurable (
F i))
/\ X `<=` \bigcup_k (
F k)
Lemma cover_measurable X F : measurable_cover X F -> forall k, measurable (
F k).
by move=> + k; rewrite /measurable_cover => -[] /(_ k). Qed.
Lemma cover_subset X F : measurable_cover X F -> X `<=` \bigcup_k (
F k).
by case. Qed.
End measurable_cover.
Lemma measurable_uncurry (
T1 T2 : Type)
d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
G : T1 -> T2 -> set T) (
x : T1 * T2)
measurable (
G x.
1 x.
<-> measurable (
uncurry G x).
by case: x. Qed.
Section outer_measure_construction.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realType).
Variable mu : set T -> \bar R.
Hypothesis (
measure0 : mu set0 = 0) (
measure_ge0 : forall X, mu X >= 0).
Hint Resolve measure_ge0 measure0 : core.
Definition mu_ext (
X : set T)
: \bar R :=
ereal_inf [set \sum_(
k <oo)
mu (
A k)
| A in measurable_cover X].
Local Notation "mu^*" := mu_ext.
Lemma le_mu_ext : {homo mu^* : A B / A `<=` B >-> A <= B}.
move=> A B AB; apply/le_ereal_inf => x [B' [mB' BB']].
by move=> <-{x}; exists B' => //; split => //; apply: subset_trans AB BB'.
Lemma mu_ext_ge0 A : 0 <= mu^* A.
Lemma mu_ext0 : mu^* set0 = 0.
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split; last exact/mu_ext_ge0.
rewrite /mu_ext; apply: ereal_inf_lb; exists (
fun=> set0)
; first by split.
by apply: lim_near_cst => //; near=> n => /=; rewrite big1.
all: by end_near. Qed.
Lemma mu_ext_sigma_subadditive : sigma_subadditive mu^*.
End outer_measure_construction.
Declare Scope measure_scope.
Delimit Scope measure_scope with mu.
Notation "mu ^*" := (
mu_ext mu)
: measure_scope.
Local Open Scope measure_scope.
Section outer_measure_of_content.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d).
Variable mu : {content set T -> \bar R}.
HB.instance Definition _ := isOuterMeasure.Build
R T _ (
@mu_ext0 _ _ _ _ (
measure0 mu) (
measure_ge0 mu))
mu_ext_ge0 (
measure_ge0 mu))
le_mu_ext mu)
mu_ext_sigma_subadditive (
measure_ge0 mu)).
End outer_measure_of_content.
Section g_salgebra_measure_unique_trace.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : measurableType d).
Variables (
G : set (
set T)) (
D : set T) (
mD : measurable D).
Let H := [set X | G X /\ X `<=` D] .
Hypotheses (
Hm : H `<=` measurable) (
setIH : setI_closed H) (
HD : H D).
Variables m1 m2 : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Hypotheses (
m1m2 : forall A, H A -> m1 A = m2 A) (
m1oo : (
m1 D < +oo)
Lemma g_salgebra_measure_unique_trace :
forall X, (
<<s D, H >>)
X -> X `<=` D)
-> forall X, <<s D, H >> X ->
m1 X = m2 X.
End g_salgebra_measure_unique_trace.
Section g_salgebra_measure_unique.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : measurableType d).
Variable G : set (
set T).
Hypothesis Gm : G `<=` measurable.
Variable g : (
set T)
Hypotheses Gg : forall i, G (
g i).
Hypothesis g_cover : \bigcup_k (
g k)
= setT.
Variables m1 m2 : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma g_salgebra_measure_unique_cover :
forall n A, <<s G >> A -> m1 (
g n `&` A)
= m2 (
g n `&` A))
forall A, <<s G >> A -> m1 A = m2 A.
Hypothesis setIG : setI_closed G.
Hypothesis m1m2 : forall A, G A -> m1 A = m2 A.
Hypothesis m1goo : forall k, (
m1 (
g k)
< +oo)
Lemma g_salgebra_measure_unique : forall E, <<s G >> E -> m1 E = m2 E.
End g_salgebra_measure_unique.
Section measure_unique.
Context d (
R : realType) (
T : measurableType d).
Variables (
G : set (
set T)) (
g : (
set T)
Hypotheses (
mG : measurable = <<s G >>) (
setIG : setI_closed G).
Hypothesis Gg : forall i, G (
g i).
Hypothesis g_cover : \bigcup_k (
g k)
= setT.
Variables m1 m2 : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Hypothesis m1m2 : forall A, G A -> m1 A = m2 A.
Hypothesis m1goo : forall k, (
m1 (
g k)
< +oo)
Lemma measure_unique A : measurable A -> m1 A = m2 A.
move=> mA; apply: (
@g_salgebra_measure_unique _ _ _ G)
; rewrite -?mG//.
by rewrite mG; exact: sub_sigma_algebra.
End measure_unique.
Arguments measure_unique {d R T} G g.
Lemma measurable_mu_extE d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
X :
measurable X -> mu^* X = mu X.
Section Rmu_ext.
Import SetRing.
Lemma Rmu_ext d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : {content set T -> \bar R})
measure mu)
^* = mu^*.
End Rmu_ext.
Lemma measurable_Rmu_extE d (
R : realType) (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
X :
-measurable X -> mu^* X = SetRing.measure mu X.
Section measure_extension.
Context d (
T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (
R : realType).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Let Rmu := SetRing.measure mu.
Notation rT := (
SetRing.type T).
Lemma sub_caratheodory :
-measurable `<=` mu^*.
Let I := [the measurableType _ of salgebraType (
@measurable _ T)
Definition measure_extension : set I -> \bar R := mu^*.
Local Lemma measure_extension0 : measure_extension set0 = 0.
Local Lemma measure_extension_ge0 (
A : set I)
: 0 <= measure_extension A.
Local Lemma measure_extension_semi_sigma_additive :
semi_sigma_additive measure_extension.
HB.instance Definition _ := isMeasure.Build _ _ _ measure_extension
measure_extension0 measure_extension_ge0
Lemma measure_extension_sigma_finite : @sigma_finite _ T _ setT mu ->
@sigma_finite _ _ _ setT measure_extension.
move=> -[S setTS mS]; exists S => //; move=> i; split.
by have := (
mS i).
1; exact: sub_sigma_algebra.
by rewrite /measure_extension /= measurable_mu_extE //;
[exact: (
mS i).
2 | exact: (
mS i).
Lemma measure_extension_unique : sigma_finite [set: T] mu ->
forall mu' : {measure set I -> \bar R},
forall X, d.
-measurable X -> mu X = mu' X)
forall X, (
-measurable X ->
measure_extension X = mu' X)).
End measure_extension.
Lemma caratheodory_measurable_mu_ext d (
R : realType) (
T : measurableType d)
mu : {measure set T -> \bar R})
A :
-measurable A -> mu^*.
-measurable A.
Definition preimage_classes d1 d2
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2) (
T : Type)
f1 : T -> T1) (
f2 : T -> T2)
<<s preimage_class setT f1 measurable `|`
preimage_class setT f2 measurable >>.
Section product_lemma.
Context d1 d2 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2).
Variables (
T : pointedType) (
f1 : T -> T1) (
f2 : T -> T2).
Variables (
T3 : Type) (
g : T3 -> T).
Lemma preimage_classes_comp : preimage_classes (
f1 \o g) (
f2 \o g)
preimage_class setT g (
preimage_classes f1 f2).
rewrite {1}/preimage_classes -sigma_algebra_preimage_classE; congr (
<<s _ >>).
rewrite predeqE => C; split.
- move=> [[A mA <-{C}]|[A mA <-{C}]].
+ by exists (
f1 @^-1` A)
=> //; left; exists A => //; rewrite setTI.
+ by exists (
f2 @^-1` A)
=> //; right; exists A => //; rewrite setTI.
- move=> [A [[B mB <-{A} <-{C}]|[B mB <-{A} <-{C}]]].
+ by left; rewrite !setTI; exists B => //; rewrite setTI.
+ by right; rewrite !setTI; exists B => //; rewrite setTI.
End product_lemma.
Definition measure_prod_display :
measure_display * measure_display)
-> measure_display.
exact. Qed.
Section product_salgebra_instance.
Context d1 d2 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2).
Let f1 := @fst T1 T2.
Let f2 := @snd T1 T2.
Lemma prod_salgebra_set0 : preimage_classes f1 f2 (
set0 : set (
T1 * T2)).
Lemma prod_salgebra_setC A : preimage_classes f1 f2 A ->
preimage_classes f1 f2 (
~` A).
Lemma prod_salgebra_bigcup (
F : _^nat)
: (
forall i, preimage_classes f1 f2 (
F i))
preimage_classes f1 f2 (
\bigcup_i (
F i)).
HB.instance Definition prod_salgebra_mixin :=
Build (
measure_prod_display (
d1, d2))
T1 * T2)
%type (
Pointed.class _) (
preimage_classes f1 f2)
prod_salgebra_set0) (
prod_salgebra_setC) (
End product_salgebra_instance.
Notation "p .-prod" := (
measure_prod_display p)
: measure_display_scope.
Notation "p .-prod.-measurable" :=
-measurable : set (
set (
_ * _)))
Lemma measurableM d1 d2 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2)
A : set T1) (
B : set T2)
measurable A -> measurable B -> measurable (
A `*` B).
Section product_salgebra_measurableType.
Context d1 d2 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2).
Let M1 := @measurable _ T1.
Let M2 := @measurable _ T2.
Let M1xM2 := [set A `*` B | A in M1 & B in M2].
Lemma measurable_prod_measurableType :
d1, d2).
-measurable = <<s M1xM2 >>.
End product_salgebra_measurableType.
Section product_salgebra_g_measurableTypeR.
Context d1 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : pointedType) (
C2 : set (
set T2)).
Hypothesis setTC2 : setT `<=` C2.
Lemma measurable_prod_g_measurableTypeR :
@measurable _ [the measurableType _ of T1 * salgebraType C2 : Type]
= <<s [set A `*` B | A in measurable & B in C2] >>.
End product_salgebra_g_measurableTypeR.
Section product_salgebra_g_measurableType.
Variables (
T1 T2 : pointedType) (
C1 : set (
set T1)) (
C2 : set (
set T2)).
Hypotheses (
setTC1 : setT `<=` C1) (
setTC2 : setT `<=` C2).
Lemma measurable_prod_g_measurableType :
@measurable _ [the measurableType _ of salgebraType C1 * salgebraType C2 : Type]
= <<s [set A `*` B | A in C1 & B in C2] >>.
End product_salgebra_g_measurableType.
Section prod_measurable_fun.
Context d d1 d2 (
T : measurableType d) (
T1 : measurableType d1)
T2 : measurableType d2).
Lemma prod_measurable_funP (
h : T -> T1 * T2)
: measurable_fun setT h <->
measurable_fun setT (
fst \o h)
/\ measurable_fun setT (
snd \o h).
Lemma measurable_fun_prod (
f : T -> T1) (
g : T -> T2)
measurable_fun setT f -> measurable_fun setT g ->
measurable_fun setT (
fun x => (
f x, g x)).
by move=> mf mg; exact/prod_measurable_funP. Qed.
End prod_measurable_fun.
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurable_fun_prod`")
Notation measurable_fun_pair := measurable_fun_prod (
only parsing).
Section prod_measurable_proj.
Context d1 d2 (
T1 : measurableType d1) (
T2 : measurableType d2).
Lemma measurable_fst : measurable_fun [set: T1 * T2] fst.
#[local] Hint Resolve measurable_fst : core.
Lemma measurable_snd : measurable_fun [set: T1 * T2] snd.
#[local] Hint Resolve measurable_snd : core.
Lemma measurable_swap : measurable_fun [set: _] (
@swap T1 T2).
End prod_measurable_proj.
Arguments measurable_fst {d1 d2 T1 T2}.
Arguments measurable_snd {d1 d2 T1 T2}.
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurable_fst`")
Notation measurable_fun_fst := measurable_fst (
only parsing).
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurable_snd`")
Notation measurable_fun_snd := measurable_snd (
only parsing).
since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.3", note="renamed `measurable_swap`")
Notation measurable_fun_swap := measurable_swap (
only parsing).
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable_fun _ fst)
solve [apply: measurable_fst] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable_fun _ snd)
solve [apply: measurable_snd] : core.
Lemma measurable_fun_if_pair d d' (
X : measurableType d)
Y : measurableType d') (
x y : X -> Y)
measurable_fun setT x -> measurable_fun setT y ->
measurable_fun setT (
fun tb => if tb.
2 then x tb.
1 else y tb.
Section partial_measurable_fun.
Context d d1 d2 (
T : measurableType d) (
T1 : measurableType d1)
T2 : measurableType d2).
Variable f : T1 * T2 -> T.
Lemma measurable_pair1 (
x : T1)
: measurable_fun [set: T2] (
pair x).
Lemma measurable_pair2 (
y : T2)
: measurable_fun [set: T1] (
pair^~ y).
End partial_measurable_fun.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable_fun _ (
pair _))
solve [apply: measurable_pair1] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (
measurable_fun _ (
pair^~ _))
solve [apply: measurable_pair2] : core.
Section absolute_continuity.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Implicit Types m : set T -> \bar R.
Definition measure_dominates m1 m2 :=
forall A, measurable A -> m2 A = 0 -> m1 A = 0.
Local Notation "m1 `<< m2" := (
measure_dominates m1 m2).
Lemma measure_dominates_trans m1 m2 m3 : m1 `<< m2 -> m2 `<< m3 -> m1 `<< m3.
by move=> m12 m23 A mA /m23-/(_ mA) /m12; exact. Qed.
End absolute_continuity.
Notation "m1 `<< m2" := (
measure_dominates m1 m2).
Section absolute_continuity_lemmas.
Context d (
T : measurableType d) (
R : realType).
Implicit Types m : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Lemma measure_dominates_ae_eq m1 m2 f g E : measurable E ->
m2 `<< m1 -> ae_eq m1 E f g -> ae_eq m2 E f g.
by move=> mE m21 [A [mA A0 ?]]; exists A; split => //; exact: m21. Qed.
End absolute_continuity_lemmas.
Section essential_supremum.
Context d {T : measurableType d} {R : realType}.
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Implicit Types f : T -> R.
Definition ess_sup f :=
ereal_inf (
EFin @` [set r | mu (
f @^-1` `]r, +oo[)
= 0]).
Lemma ess_sup_ge0 f : 0 < mu [set: T] -> (
forall t, 0 <= f t)
%R ->
0 <= ess_sup f.
End essential_supremum.