Library Combi.Combi.stdtab: Standard Tableaux

Standard Tableaux

We define the following notions:
  • append_nth t b i == t with b appended to its i-th row
  • is_stdtab t == t is a *standard tableau* that is a tableau whose row reading is a standard word
  • last_big t b == the index of the first row of t which ends with b
  • remn t == remove the largest entry ie n from a standard tableau of size n
  • conj_tab t == the conjugate standard tableau of t (this is indeed a tableau when t is itself a standard tableau.
Bijection between Yamanouchi words and standard tableau
  • stdtab_of_yam y == the standard tableau associated to y
  • yam_of_stdtab t == the Yamanouchi words associated to t
Sigma type for standard tableaux:
  • is_stdtab_of_shape sh == a predicate for standard tableau of shape sh.
  • stdtabsh sh == a sigma type for is_stdtab_of_shape sh where sh is an integer partition (of type intpart). This is canonically a finType.
  • is_stdtab_of_n n == a predicate for standard tableau of size n
  • stdtabn n == a sigma type for is_stdtab_of_n n. This is canonically a finType.
  • shape_deg t == if t is of type stdtabn n, the shape of t in the sigma type 'P_n
  • hyper_stdtabsh sh == the hyperstandard tableau of shape sh : intpart, that is the tableau obtained by filling the rows with consecutive numbers, from bottom to top (in French conventions)
  • conj_stdtabn t == the conjugate of t : stdtabn n in type stdtabn n
  • conj_stdtabsh t == the conjugate of t : stdtabsh sh in type stdtabsh (conj_intpart sh)
Among the main results are the fact that stdtab_of_yam and yam_of_stdtab are two converse bijections. That is:
  • Lemma stdtab_of_yamP y : is_yam y -> is_stdtab (stdtab_of_yam y).
  • Theorem stdtab_of_yamK y : is_yam y -> yam_of_stdtab (stdtab_of_yam y) = y.
  • Lemma yam_of_stdtabP t : is_stdtab t -> is_yam (yam_of_stdtab t).
  • Theorem yam_of_stdtabK t : is_stdtab t -> stdtab_of_yam (yam_of_stdtab t) = t.
Moreover, these bijections preserve the shape and therefore the size:
  • Lemma shape_stdtab_of_yam y : shape (stdtab_of_yam y) = evalseq y.
  • Lemma shape_yam_of_stdtab t : is_stdtab t -> evalseq (yam_of_stdtab t) = shape t.
  • Lemma size_stdtab_of_yam y : size_tab (stdtab_of_yam y) = size y.
  • Lemma size_yam_of_stdtab t : is_stdtab t -> size (yam_of_stdtab t) = size_tab t.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import perm fingroup.
Require Import tools combclass partition Yamanouchi ordtype std tableau.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Import Order.Theory.

Appending on the n-th row

Section AppendNth.

Variables (disp :unit) (T : inhOrderType disp).
Implicit Type b : T.
Implicit Type t : seq (seq T).

Definition append_nth t b i := set_nth [::] t i (rcons (nth [::] t i) b).

Lemma perm_append_nth t x pos :
  perm_eq (to_word (append_nth t x pos)) (x :: to_word t).

Lemma shape_append_nth t b i : shape (append_nth t b i) = incr_nth (shape t) i.

Lemma size_append_nth t b i : size_tab (append_nth t b i) = (size_tab t).+1.

Lemma get_tab_append_nth (t : seq (seq T)) l i r c :
  get_tab (append_nth t l i) (r, c) =
  if (r == i) && (c == nth 0 (shape t) i) then l else get_tab t (r, c).

Finding the largest entry

Fixpoint last_big t b :=
  if t is t0 :: t' then
    if last b t0 == b then 0
    else (last_big t' b).+1
  else 0.

Lemma allLeq_to_word_hd r t b : allLeq (to_word (r :: t)) b -> allLeq r b.
Lemma allLeq_to_word_tl r t b : allLeq (to_word (r :: t)) b -> allLeq (to_word t) b.

Lemma last_bigP t b i :
  is_tableau t -> allLeq (to_word t) b ->
  reflect (last b (nth [::] t i) = b /\
           forall j, j < i -> (last b (nth [::] t j) < b)%O)
          (i == last_big t b).

Lemma last_big_append_nth t b lb :
  (forall j : nat, j < lb -> (last b (nth [::] t j) < b)%O) ->
  last_big (append_nth t b lb) b = lb.

End AppendNth.

Bijection standard tableau <-> Yamanouchi words

Section Bijection.

Implicit Type y : seq nat.
Implicit Types t : seq (seq nat).

Definition is_stdtab t := is_tableau t && is_std (to_word t).

Lemma stdtabP t : is_stdtab t -> is_tableau t.

Fixpoint stdtab_of_yam y :=
  if y is y0 :: y' then
    append_nth (stdtab_of_yam y') (size y') y0
  else [::].

Lemma shape_stdtab_of_yam y : shape (stdtab_of_yam y) = evalseq y.

Lemma size_stdtab_of_yam y : size_tab (stdtab_of_yam y) = size y.

Lemma std_of_yam y : is_std (to_word (stdtab_of_yam y)).

The following proof is an experiment to see if proof using get_tab are easier than proof by induction on the structure of tableaux
Lemma is_tab_append_nth_size_alternative_proof r T n :
   all (gtn n) (to_word T) ->
   is_part (incr_nth (shape T) r) ->
   is_tableau T -> is_tableau (append_nth T n r).

Lemma is_tab_append_nth_size r T n :
   all (gtn n) (to_word T) ->
   is_part (incr_nth (shape T) r) ->
   is_tableau T -> is_tableau (append_nth T n r).

Lemma stdtab_of_yamP y : is_yam y -> is_stdtab (stdtab_of_yam y).

Section StdTabInd.

Fixpoint remn_rec t n :=
  if t is t0 :: t' then
    match t0 with
      | [::] => [::]
      | l0 :: t0' => if last l0 t0' == n then
                       if t0' == [::] then [::]
                       else (belast l0 t0') :: t'
                     else t0 :: remn_rec t' n
  else [::] .
Definition remn t := remn_rec t (size_tab t).-1.

Lemma remnP t :
  is_stdtab t -> t != [::] ->
  is_tableau (remn t) /\
  append_nth (remn t) (size_tab t).-1 (last_big t (size_tab t).-1) = t.

Lemma is_stdtab_remn t : is_stdtab t -> is_stdtab (remn t).

Lemma append_nth_remn t :
  is_stdtab t -> t != [::] ->
  append_nth (remn t) (size_tab t).-1 (last_big t (size_tab t).-1) = t.

Lemma size_tab_remn t :
  is_stdtab t -> t != [::] -> size_tab (remn t) = (size_tab t).-1.

End StdTabInd.

Fixpoint yam_of_stdtab_rec n t :=
  if n is n'.+1 then
    (last_big t n') :: yam_of_stdtab_rec n' (remn t)
  else [::].
Definition yam_of_stdtab t := yam_of_stdtab_rec (size_tab t) t.

Lemma size_yam_of_stdtab_rec n t : size (yam_of_stdtab_rec n t) = n.

Theorem yam_of_stdtabK t : is_stdtab t -> stdtab_of_yam (yam_of_stdtab t) = t.

Lemma find_append_nth (l : nat) t r :
  l \notin (to_word t) ->
  find (fun x : seq nat => l \in x) (append_nth t l r) = r.

Lemma size_notin_stdtab_of_yam y : (size y) \notin (to_word (stdtab_of_yam y)).

Lemma incr_nth_injl u v i :
  0 \notin u -> 0 \notin v -> incr_nth u i = incr_nth v i -> u = v.

Lemma shape0 d (T : orderType d) (u : seq (seq T)) :
  [::] \notin u -> 0 \notin (shape u).

Lemma append_nth_injl d (T : inhOrderType d) (u v : seq (seq T)) (l : T) p :
  [::] \notin u -> [::] \notin v ->
  append_nth u l p = append_nth v l p -> u = v.

Lemma stdtab_of_yam_nil y : is_yam y -> [::] \notin (stdtab_of_yam y).

Lemma stdtab_of_yam_inj x y :
  is_yam x -> is_yam y -> stdtab_of_yam x = stdtab_of_yam y -> x = y.

Lemma shape_yam_of_stdtab t :
  is_stdtab t -> evalseq (yam_of_stdtab t) = shape t.

Lemma size_yam_of_stdtab t :
  is_stdtab t -> size (yam_of_stdtab t) = size_tab t.

Lemma part_yam_of_stdtab t :
  is_stdtab t -> is_part (evalseq (yam_of_stdtab t)).

Lemma yam_of_stdtabP t : is_stdtab t -> is_yam (yam_of_stdtab t).

Theorem stdtab_of_yamK y : is_yam y -> yam_of_stdtab (stdtab_of_yam y) = y.

End Bijection.

Lemma eq_inv_is_row (d1 d2 : unit) (T1 : inhOrderType d1) (T2 : inhOrderType d2)
      (u1 : seq T1) (u2 : seq T2) :
  eq_inv u1 u2 -> is_row u1 -> is_row u2.

Lemma is_row_stdE (d : unit) (T : inhOrderType d) (w : seq T) :
  is_row (std w) = is_row w.

Sigma type for standard tableaux

Section StdtabOfShape.

Definition is_stdtab_of_shape sh := [pred t | (is_stdtab t) && (shape t == sh) ].
Definition enum_stdtabsh sh : seq (seq (seq nat)) :=
  map stdtab_of_yam (enum_yameval sh).

Variable sh : intpart.

Structure stdtabsh : Set :=
  StdtabSh {
      stdtabshval :> seq (seq nat);
      _ : is_stdtab_of_shape sh stdtabshval

Let stdtabsh_enum : seq stdtabsh := pmap insub (enum_stdtabsh sh).

Fact finite_stdtabsh : Finite.axiom stdtabsh_enum.

Lemma stdtabshP (t : stdtabsh) : is_stdtab t.

Lemma shape_stdtabsh (t : stdtabsh) : shape t = sh.

Lemma enum_stdtabshE : map val (enum {:stdtabsh}) = enum_stdtabsh sh.

Fact hyper_stdtabsh_subproof :
  is_stdtab_of_shape sh (stdtab_of_yam (locked (hyper_yameval sh))).
Definition hyper_stdtabsh := StdtabSh hyper_stdtabsh_subproof.

End StdtabOfShape.
#[export] Hint Resolve stdtabshP : core.

Section StdtabCombClass.

Variable n : nat.

Definition is_stdtab_of_n := [pred t | (is_stdtab t) && (size_tab t == n) ].

Structure stdtabn : Set :=
  StdtabN {stdtabnval :> seq (seq nat); _ : is_stdtab_of_n stdtabnval}.

Definition enum_stdtabn : seq (seq (seq nat)) :=
  map (stdtab_of_yam \o val) (enum ({:yamn n})).
Let stdtabn_enum : seq stdtabn := pmap insub enum_stdtabn.

Fact finite_stdtabn : Finite.axiom stdtabn_enum.

Lemma stdtabnP (s : stdtabn) : is_stdtab s.

Lemma size_tab_stdtabn (s : stdtabn) : size_tab s = n.

Lemma sumn_shape_stdtabnE (Q : stdtabn) : (sumn (shape Q)) = n.

Lemma is_part_shape_deg (Q : stdtabn) : is_part_of_n n (shape Q).
Definition shape_deg (Q : stdtabn) := IntPartN (is_part_shape_deg Q).

End StdtabCombClass.

Section StdtabnOfStdtabsh.

Variables (n : nat) (sh : intpartn n).

Fact stdtabn_of_sh_subproof (t : stdtabsh sh) : is_stdtab_of_n n t.
Definition stdtabn_of_sh t := StdtabN (stdtabn_of_sh_subproof t).

Lemma shape_deg_stdtabn_of_sh t :
  shape_deg (stdtabn_of_sh t) = sh.

End StdtabnOfStdtabsh.

Conjugate of a standard tableau

Section ConjTab.

Variables (disp: unit) (T : inhOrderType disp).

Definition conj_tab (t : seq (seq T)) : seq (seq T) :=
  let c := conj_part (shape t) in
  mkseq (fun i => mkseq (fun j => get_tab t (j, i)) (nth 0 c i)) (size c).

Lemma size_conj_tab t : size (conj_tab t) = size (conj_part (shape t)).

Lemma shape_conj_tab t : shape (conj_tab t) = conj_part (shape t).

Lemma get_conj_tab t :
  is_part (shape t) ->
  forall i j, get_tab (conj_tab t) (i, j) = get_tab t (j, i).

Lemma eq_from_shape_get_tab (t u : seq (seq T)) :
  shape t = shape u -> get_tab t =1 get_tab u -> t = u.

Lemma conj_tab_shapeK t : is_part (shape t) -> conj_tab (conj_tab t) = t.

Lemma conj_tabK t : is_tableau t -> conj_tab (conj_tab t) = t.

Lemma append_nth_conj_tab (t : seq (seq T)) l i :
  is_part (shape t) ->
  is_add_corner (shape t) i ->
  conj_tab (append_nth t l i) = append_nth (conj_tab t) l (nth 0 (shape t) i).

End ConjTab.

Example conj_tab_expl1 :
  conj_tab [:: [:: 0; 1; 4]; [:: 2; 3]] ==
           [:: [:: 0; 2]; [:: 1; 3]; [:: 4]].
Example conj_tab_expl2 :
  conj_tab [:: [:: 0; 1; 3; 4]; [:: 2; 5]; [:: 6]] ==
           [:: [:: 0; 2; 6]; [:: 1; 5]; [:: 3]; [:: 4]].

Lemma stdtab_get_tabNE t :
  is_stdtab t ->
  forall rc1 rc2,
    in_shape (shape t) rc1 ->
    in_shape (shape t) rc2 ->
    rc1 != rc2 -> get_tab t rc1 != get_tab t rc2.

Lemma is_stdtab_conj t : is_stdtab t -> is_stdtab (conj_tab t).

Lemma conj_stdtabnP n (t : stdtabn n):
  is_stdtab_of_n n (conj_tab t).
Canonical conj_stdtabn n (t : stdtabn n) := StdtabN (conj_stdtabnP t).

Lemma conj_stdtabshP (sh : intpart) (t : stdtabsh sh) :
  is_stdtab_of_shape (conj_part sh) (conj_tab t).
Canonical conj_stdtabsh {sh : intpart} (t : stdtabsh sh) :=
  StdtabSh (conj_stdtabshP t).

Definition stdtabshcast m n (eq_mn : m = n) t :=
  let: erefl in _ = n := eq_mn return stdtabsh n in t.

Lemma val_stdtabshcast m n (eq_mn : m = n) t :
  val (stdtabshcast eq_mn t) = val t.

Lemma conj_stdtabsh_bij sh : bijective (@conj_stdtabsh sh).

Lemma card_stdtabsh_conj_part (sh : intpart) :
  #|{:stdtabsh (conj_part sh)}| = #|{:stdtabsh sh}|.

#[export] Hint Resolve stdtabnP stdtabshP : core.