Library Combi.LRrule.Schensted: The Robinson-Schensted correspondence

The Robinson-Schensted correspondence

This file is a formalization of Schensted's algorithm and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence. In the latter, it is easier to first store record the insertion as a Yamanouchi word, that is the reverted sequence of the index of the rows where the elements were inserted. In a second step, we translate the Yamanouchi word in a standard tableau.
Note: There is some duplication is this file, essentially for pedagogical purpose. And also because it was my first serious Coq/Mathcomp development ;-)
Here are the contents:
Insertion in a row:
  • inspred r l i == l bump the i letter of r
  • bump r l == l bump when inserted in r
  • mininspred r l == the position of the letter bumped by l
  • inspos r l == the position of the letter bumped by l defined recursively
  • insmin r l == the insertion of l in r defined using mininspred
  • insrow r l == the insertion of l in r defined resursively
  • ins r l == the insertion of l in r defined using inspos
Schensted algorithm:
  • Sch w == Schented algorithm applied to w
  • subseqrow s w == s is a nondeceasing subsequence of w
  • subseqrow_n s w n == s is a nondeceasing subsequence of w of size n
The two main results are
  • Corollary size_ndec_Sch : subseqrow s w -> (size s) <= size (Sch w).
  • Corollary exist_size_Sch w : exists s : seq T, subseqrow_n s w (size (Sch w)).
Robinson-Schensted bumping:
  • bumped r l == the letter bumped by l when inserted in r, l itself if there is no bumping
  • bumprow r l == bump l in r of type (option T) * (seq T)
  • instab t l == insert the letter l in the tableau t
  • RS w == the insertion tableau (P-symbol) of w. It is a tableau as stated in Theorem is_tableau_RS.
Inverting the Robinson-Schensted map:
  • invbump b s == b has been bumped by s that is head b s < b
  • invbumprow b s == the inverse bumping of b in the row s. The result is a pair (r, l) such that bumprow r l give back (some b, s). This is lemma bumprowinvK.
  • invins b s == the r in (r, l) := invbumprow b s
  • invbumped b s the l in (r, l) := invbumprow b s.
  • instabnrow t l == a pair (s, n) where s is the result of the insertion of l in t and n is the index of the row where the insertion stopped. As stated in Lemma instabnrowE s = instab t l.
  • invinstabnrow s n == the inverse insertion, that the pair (t, l) such that instabnrow t l = (s, n). This is Theorem invinstabnrowK. See also Theorem instabnrowinvK.
  • RSmap w == the Robinson-Schensted map where the recording tableau is returned as a Yamanouchi word.
  • is_RSpair (P, Q) == P is a tableau, Q is a Yammanouchi word and the shape of P is equal to the evaluation of Q.
The main result is of course Theorem RSmap_spec w : is_RSpair (RSmap w).
  • RSmapinv tab yam == the Robinson-Schensted inverse map of the pair (tab, yam)
  • RSmapinv2 p == the uncurrying of RSmapinv.
The bijectivity of RSmap and RSmapinv2 are stated in
  • Theorem RSmapK stated as RSmapinv2 (RSmap w) = w.
  • and Theorem RSmapinv2K as RSmap (RSmapinv2 pair) = pair.
Moreover RS preserve the content:
  • Theorem perm_RS w : perm_eq w (to_word (RS w)).
A sigma type for Robinson-Schensted pairs:
  • rspair T == a sigma type for RS pair with tableau in type T.
  • RSbij w == the rspair T associated to w : seq T
  • RSbijinv p == the seq T associated to p : rspair T
On has Lemma bijRS : bijective RSbij.
Robinson-Schensted classes:
  • RSclass t == the list of word w having t as RS tableau. This is stated in Lemma RSclassE which says w \in RSclass tab = (RS w == tab).
Robinson-Schensted with standard recording tableau:
  • is_RStabpair (P, Q) == P and Q are two tableau of the same shape, and Q is standard.
  • rstabpair T == a sigma type for is_RStabpair.
  • RStabmap w == the RS map applied to w is is a RS pair as stated in Theorem RStabmap_spec.
  • RStab w == the RS map applied to w as a rstabpair T.
  • RStabinv pair == the word w associated to a rstabpair
Again, one has Lemma bijRStab : bijective RStab.
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import perm fingroup.
Require Import tools partition Yamanouchi ordtype subseq tableau std stdtab.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Scope N.

Import Order.Theory.

Section NonEmpty.

Variables (disp : unit) (T : inhOrderType disp).

Schensted's algorithm

Row insertion

Section Insert.

Variable Row : seq T.
Hypothesis HRow : is_row Row.
Variable l : T.

Definition inspred i := (l < nth l Row i)%O.
Definition bump := (l < (last l Row))%O.

Lemma notbump : ~~bump = (l >= (last l Row))%O.

Lemma transf : bump -> (l < (nth l Row (size Row).-1))%O.

Lemma inspred_any_bump i : inspred i -> bump.

Definition mininspred : nat :=
  if ltP l (last l Row) is Order.LtlNotGe Hlast
  then ex_minn (ex_intro inspred (size Row).-1 (transf Hlast))
  else size Row.
Definition insmin := set_nth l Row mininspred l.

Lemma bump_mininspredE (Hbump : bump) :
  mininspred = ex_minn (ex_intro inspred (size Row).-1 (transf Hbump)).

Lemma nbump_mininspredE : ~~bump -> mininspred = size Row.

Fixpoint insrow r l : seq T :=
  if r is l0 :: r then
    if (l < l0)%O then l :: r
    else l0 :: (insrow r l)
  else [:: l].

Fixpoint inspos r (l : T) : nat :=
  if r is l0 :: r' then
    if (l < l0)%O then 0
    else (inspos r' l).+1
  else 0.

Notation pos := (inspos Row l).
Definition ins := set_nth l Row pos l.

Lemma inspos_leq_size : pos <= size Row.

Lemma inspos_lt_size_ins : pos < size ins.

Lemma nth_inspos_ins : nth l ins pos = l.

Lemma nbump_insposE : ~~bump -> mininspred = pos.

Lemma inspred_inspos : bump -> inspred pos.

Lemma inspred_mininspred : bump -> inspred mininspred.

Lemma nth_lt_inspos i : i < pos -> (nth l Row i <= l)%O.

Lemma inspredN_lt_inspos i : i < pos -> ~~ (inspred i).

Lemma bump_insposE : bump -> mininspred = pos.

Lemma insposE : mininspred = pos.

Lemma inspos_leq_exP i : inspred i -> pos <= i.

Lemma insE : insmin = ins.

Lemma insrowE : insmin = insrow Row l.

Lemma bump_inspos_lt_size : bump -> pos < size Row.

Lemma nbump_inspos_eq_size : ~~bump -> pos = size Row.

Lemma lt_inspos_nth i : i < size Row -> (nth l Row i <= l)%O -> i < pos.

Lemma insrow_head_lt : (head l (insrow Row l) <= l)%O.

Lemma ins_head_lt : (head l ins <= l)%O.

Lemma is_row_ins : is_row ins.

Lemma bump_size_ins : bump -> size ins = size Row.

Lemma nbump_size_ins : ~~bump -> size ins = (size Row).+1.

Lemma nbump_ins_rconsE : ~~bump -> ins = rcons Row l.

Lemma size_ins_inf : (size Row) <= size ins.

Lemma size_ins_sup : size ins <= (size Row).+1.

Lemma ins_leq i : i < size Row -> (nth l ins i <= nth l Row i)%O.

Lemma ins_non_nil : ins != [::].

Lemma size_ins_non_0 : 0 < size ins.

End Insert.

Lemma bump_nil l : bump [::] l = false.

Lemma bump_tail l0 r l : bump (l0 :: r) l -> (l0 <= l -> bump r l)%O.

The algorithm

Section Schensted.

Implicit Type l : T.
Implicit Type r w s : seq T.

Fixpoint Sch_rev w := if w is l0 :: w' then ins (Sch_rev w') l0 else [::].
Definition Sch w := Sch_rev (rev w).

Lemma Sch_rcons l w : Sch (rcons w l) = ins (Sch w) l.

Lemma is_row_Sch w : is_row (Sch w).

Lemma Sch_size w : size (Sch w) <= size w.

Schensted's algorithem specifications

Definition subseqrow s w := subseq s w && is_row s.
Definition subseqrow_n s w n := [&& subseq s w , (size s == n) & is_row s].

Theorem Sch_exists w i :
  i < size (Sch w) ->
  exists s : seq T, (last inh s == nth inh (Sch w) i) && subseqrow_n s w i.+1.

Theorem Sch_leq_last w s si:
  subseqrow (rcons s si) w ->
  size s < size (Sch w) /\ (nth inh (Sch w) (size s) <= si)%O.

Corollary size_ndec_Sch w s : subseqrow s w -> (size s) <= size (Sch w).

Corollary exist_size_Sch w : exists s : seq T, subseqrow_n s w (size (Sch w)).

End Schensted.

Theorem Sch_max_size (w : seq T) :
  size (Sch w) = \max_(s : subseqs w | is_row s) size s.

Robinson-Schensted bumping

bumping a letter

Section Bump.

Variable Row : seq T.
Hypothesis HRow : is_row Row.
Variable l : T.

Definition bumped := nth l Row (inspos Row l).
Notation ins := (ins Row l).
Notation inspos := (inspos Row l).
Notation insRow := (insrow Row l).
Notation bump := (bump Row l).

Lemma lt_bumped : bump -> (l < bumped)%O.

Fixpoint bumprow r l : (option T) * (seq T) :=
  if r is l0 :: r then
    if (l < l0)%O then (Some l0, l :: r)
    else let: (lr, rr) := bumprow r l in (lr, l0 :: rr)
  else (None, [:: l]).

Notation bumpRow := (bumprow Row l).

Lemma ins_bumprowE : insRow = bumpRow.2.

Lemma bump_bumprowE : bump -> bumpRow = (Some bumped, ins).

Lemma nbump_bumprowE : ~~bump -> bumpRow = (None, ins).

Lemma head_ins_lt_bumped i : bump -> (head i ins < bumped)%O.

Lemma bumprow_size :
  let: (lr, tr) := bumpRow in
  (size Row).+1 == (size tr) + if lr is Some _ then 1 else 0.

Lemma bumprow_count p :
  let: (lr, tr) := bumpRow in
  count p Row + (p l) == count p tr + if lr is Some ll then (p ll) else 0.

End Bump.

Lemma bumprow_rcons r l : is_row (rcons r l) -> bumprow r l = (None, rcons r l).

Section Dominate.

Implicit Type l : T.
Implicit Type r u v : seq T.

Lemma dominate_inspos r1 r0 l :
  is_row r0 -> is_row r1 -> dominate r1 r0 ->
  bump r0 l -> inspos r0 l >= inspos r1 (bumped r0 l).

Lemma bump_dominate r1 r0 l :
  is_row r0 -> is_row r1 -> bump r0 l ->
  dominate r1 r0 -> dominate (ins r1 (bumped r0 l)) (ins r0 l).

Lemma dominateK_inspos r1 r0 l0 :
  is_row r0 -> is_row r1 -> dominate (ins r1 (bumped r0 l0)) (ins r0 l0) ->
  bump r0 l0 -> inspos r0 l0 >= inspos r1 (bumped r0 l0).

Lemma bump_dominateK r1 r0 l0 :
  is_row r0 -> is_row r1 -> bump r0 l0 ->
  dominate (ins r1 (bumped r0 l0)) (ins r0 l0) -> dominate r1 r0.

End Dominate.

The insertion tableau

Section Tableaux.

Implicit Type l : T.
Implicit Type r w : seq T.
Implicit Type t : seq (seq T).

Fixpoint instab t l : seq (seq T) :=
  if t is t0 :: t' then
    let: (lr, rr) := bumprow t0 l in
    if lr is Some ll then rr :: (instab t' ll) else rr :: t'
  else [:: [:: l]].

Lemma head_instab (t0 : seq T) t l :
  is_row t0 -> head [::] (instab (t0 :: t) l) = ins t0 l.

Theorem is_tableau_instab t l : is_tableau t -> is_tableau (instab t l).

Lemma instab_non_nil t l : instab t l != [::].

Fixpoint RS_rev w : seq (seq T) :=
  if w is w0 :: wr then instab (RS_rev wr) w0 else [::].
Definition RS w := RS_rev (rev w).

Theorem is_tableau_RS w : is_tableau (RS w).

End Tableaux.

Inverting a bump

Section InverseBump.

Implicit Type a b l : T.
Implicit Type r s w : seq T.
Implicit Type t : seq (seq T).

Definition invbump b s := ((head b s) < b)%O.

Fixpoint invbumprow b s : (seq T) * T :=
  if s is l0 :: s then
    if (b <= head b s)%O
    then (b :: s, l0)
    else let: (rr, lr) := invbumprow b s in (l0 :: rr, lr)
  else ([::], b).

Definition invins b s := (invbumprow b s).1.
Definition invbumped b s := (invbumprow b s).2.

Lemma head_lt_invins b s i :
  s != [::] -> invbump b s -> (head i s <= head i (invins b s))%O.

Lemma is_row_invins b s : is_row s -> is_row (invins b s).

Lemma head_leq_invbumped b s :
  s != [::] -> is_row s -> (head inh s <= (invbumped b s))%O.

Lemma invbumprowK r a :
  is_row r -> bump r a ->
  (invbumprow (bumped r a) (ins r a)) = (r, a).

Lemma bumprowinvK b s :
  s != [::] -> is_row s -> invbump b s ->
  (bumprow (invins b s) (invbumped b s)) = (Some b, s).

The Robinson-Schensted insertion with recording

Fixpoint instabnrow t l : seq (seq T) * nat :=
  if t is t0 :: t then
    let: (lr, rr) := bumprow t0 l
    in if lr is Some ll then
         let: (tres, nres) := instabnrow t ll
         in (rr :: tres, nres.+1)
       else (rr :: t, 0)
  else ([:: [:: l]], 0).

Lemma instabnrowE t l : (instabnrow t l).1 = instab t l.

Lemma shape_instabnrow t l :
  is_tableau t ->
  let: (tr, nrow) := instabnrow t l in shape tr = incr_nth (shape t) nrow.

End InverseBump.

Section Inverse.

Implicit Type a b l : T.
Implicit Type r s w : seq T.
Implicit Type t u : seq (seq T).

Lemma is_rem_corner_instabnrow t l : is_tableau t ->
    let: (res, nrow) := instabnrow t l in is_rem_corner (shape res) nrow.

Invertion a Robinson-Schensted step

Fixpoint invinstabnrow t nrow : seq (seq T) * T :=
  if t is t0 :: t
  then if nrow is nrow.+1
       then let: (tr, lr) := invinstabnrow t nrow in
            let: (t0r, l0r) := invbumprow lr t0 in
            (t0r :: tr, l0r)
       else if t0 is l0 :: t0
            then if t0 == [::]
                 then (t, l0)
                 else ((belast l0 t0) :: t, last l0 t0)
            else ([::], inh)
  else ([::], inh).

Theorem invinstabnrowK t l :
  is_tableau t -> invinstabnrow (instab t l) (instabnrow t l).2 = (t, l).

Lemma invbump_geq_head t tin l nrow :
  t != [::] -> is_tableau t -> invinstabnrow t nrow = (tin, l) ->
  (l >= head l (head [::] t))%O.

Lemma invbump_dom r0 t tin l nrow :
  t != [::] -> is_tableau t -> invinstabnrow t nrow = (tin, l) ->
  r0 != [::] -> dominate (head [::] t) r0 -> invbump l r0.

Theorem instabnrowinvK t nrow :
  is_tableau t -> t != [::] -> is_rem_corner (shape t) nrow ->
  let: (tin, l) := invinstabnrow t nrow in (instabnrow tin l) = (t, nrow).

Robinson-Schensted correspondence

The Robinson-Schensted map

Fixpoint RSmap_rev w : (seq (seq T)) * (seq nat) :=
  if w is w0 :: wtl
  then let: (t, rows) := RSmap_rev wtl in
       let: (tr, nrow) := instabnrow t w0 in
       (tr, nrow :: rows)
  else ([::], [::]).
Definition RSmap w := RSmap_rev (rev w).

Lemma RSmapE w : (RSmap w).1 = RS w.

Lemma size_RSmap2 w : size ((RSmap w).2) = size w.

Lemma is_tableau_RSmap1 w : is_tableau (RSmap w).1.

Lemma shape_RSmap_eq w : shape (RSmap w).1 = evalseq (RSmap w).2.

Lemma is_yam_RSmap2 w : is_yam (RSmap w).2.

Definition is_RSpair pair :=
  let: (P, Q) := pair in
  [&& is_tableau (T:=T) P, is_yam Q & (shape P == evalseq Q)].

Theorem RSmap_spec w : is_RSpair (RSmap w).

The inverse Robinson-Schensted inverse map

Fixpoint RSmapinv tab yam :=
  if yam is nrow :: yam'
  then let: (tr, lr) := invinstabnrow tab nrow in
       rcons (RSmapinv tr yam') lr
  else [::].
Definition RSmapinv2 pair := RSmapinv (pair.1) (pair.2).

Theorem RSmapK w : RSmapinv2 (RSmap w) = w.

Lemma behead_incr_nth (s : seq nat) nrow :
  behead (incr_nth s nrow.+1) = incr_nth (behead s) nrow.

Lemma size_invins b s : size (invins b s) = (size s).

Lemma yam_tail_non_nil (l : nat) (s : seq nat) :
  is_yam (l.+1 :: s) -> s != [::].

Lemma shape_instabnrowinv1 t nrow yam :
  is_yam (nrow :: yam) -> shape t == evalseq (nrow :: yam) ->
  shape (invinstabnrow t nrow).1 == evalseq yam.

Lemma head_tableau_non_nil h t : is_tableau (h :: t) -> h != [::].

Lemma is_tableau_instabnrowinv1 (s : seq (seq T)) nrow :
  is_tableau s -> is_rem_corner (shape s) nrow ->
  is_tableau (invinstabnrow s nrow).1.

Theorem RSmapinv2K pair : is_RSpair pair -> RSmap (RSmapinv2 pair) = pair.

End Inverse.

Statistics preserved by the Robinson-Schensted map

Section Statistics.

Implicit Type t : seq (seq T).

Lemma size_instab t l : is_tableau t -> size_tab (instab t l) = (size_tab t).+1.

Theorem size_RS w : size_tab (RS w) = size w.

Lemma count_instab t l p :
  is_tableau t -> count p (to_word (instab t l)) = (p l) + count p (to_word t).

Theorem count_RS w p : count p w = count p (to_word (RS w)).

Theorem perm_RS w : perm_eq w (to_word (RS w)).

End Statistics.

Sigma types and bijections

Section Bijection.

Notation Pair := (seq (seq T) * seq nat : Type).

Structure rspair : predArgType :=
  RSpair { pyampair :> Pair; _ : is_RSpair pyampair }.

Lemma pyampair_inj : injective pyampair.

Definition RSbij w := RSpair (RSmap_spec w).
Definition RSbijinv (ps : rspair) := RSmapinv2 ps.

Lemma bijRS : bijective RSbij.

End Bijection.

Robinson-Schensted classes

Section Classes.

Definition RSclass :=
  [fun tab => [seq RSmapinv2 (tab, y) | y <- enum_yameval (shape tab)] ].

Lemma RSclassP tab :
  is_tableau tab -> all (fun w => RS w == tab) (RSclass tab).

Lemma RSclass_countE w : count_mem w (RSclass (RS w)) = 1.

Lemma mem_RSclass w : w \in (RSclass (RS w)).

Lemma RSclassE tab w :
  is_tableau tab -> w \in RSclass tab = (RS w == tab).

End Classes.

End NonEmpty.

The Robinson-Schensted map with standard recording tableau

Lemma RSperm n (p : 'S_n) : is_stdtab (RS (wordperm p)).

Lemma RSstdE (p : seq nat) : is_stdtab (RS p) = is_std p.

Section QTableau.
Variables (disp : unit) (T : inhOrderType disp).

Notation TabPair := (seq (seq T) * seq (seq nat) : Type).

Definition is_RStabpair (pair : TabPair) :=
  let: (P, Q) := pair in [&& is_tableau P, is_stdtab Q & (shape P == shape Q)].

Structure rstabpair : predArgType :=
  RSTabPair { pqpair :> TabPair; _ : is_RStabpair pqpair }.

Lemma pqpair_inj : injective pqpair.

Definition RStabmap (w : seq T) :=
  let (p, q) := (RSmap w) in (p, stdtab_of_yam q).

Lemma RStabmapE (w : seq T) : (RStabmap w).1 = RS w.

Theorem RStabmap_spec w : is_RStabpair (RStabmap w).

Lemma shape_RStabmapE (w : seq T) : shape (RStabmap w).1 = shape (RStabmap w).2.

Lemma is_stdtab_RStabmap2 (w : seq T) : is_stdtab (RStabmap w).2.

Definition RStab w := RSTabPair (RStabmap_spec w).
Definition RStabinv (pair : rstabpair) :=
  let: (P, Q) := pqpair pair in RSmapinv2 (P, yam_of_stdtab Q).

Lemma RStabK : cancel RStab RStabinv.
Lemma RStabinvK : cancel RStabinv RStab.
Lemma bijRStab : bijective RStab.

End QTableau.

Section Tests.

Goal (insrow [:: 1; 1; 2; 3; 5] 2) = [:: 1; 1; 2; 2; 5].

Goal (insrow [:: 1; 1; 2; 3; 5] 2) = [:: 1; 1; 2; 2; 5].

Goal (ins [:: 1; 1; 2; 3; 5] 2) = [:: 1; 1; 2; 2; 5].

Goal (Sch [:: 2; 5; 1; 6; 4; 3]) = [:: 1; 3; 6].

Goal (RS [:: 2; 5; 1; 6; 4; 3]) = [:: [:: 1; 3; 6]; [:: 2; 4]; [:: 5]].

Goal (to_word (RS [:: 2; 5; 1; 6; 4; 3])) = [:: 5; 2; 4; 1; 3; 6].

Goal is_tableau (RS [:: 2; 5; 1; 6; 4; 3]).

Goal (invbumprow 3 [:: 1; 1; 2; 2; 5]) = ([:: 1; 1; 2; 3; 5], 2).

Goal (invbumprow 3 [:: 1; 1; 2; 2; 3]) = ([:: 1; 1; 2; 3; 3], 2).

Goal instabnrow [:: [:: 1; 3; 6]; [:: 2; 4]; [:: 5]] 3 =
               ([:: [:: 1; 3; 3]; [:: 2; 4; 6]; [:: 5]], 1).

Goal invinstabnrow [:: [:: 1; 3; 3]; [:: 2; 4; 6]; [:: 5]] 1 =
                  ([:: [:: 1; 3; 6]; [:: 2; 4]; [:: 5]], 3).

Goal is_part [:: 0] = false.

Goal evalseq [::] = [::].

Goal evalseq [:: 0; 1; 2; 0; 1; 3] = [:: 2; 2; 1; 1].

Goal (RSmapinv2 (RSmap [:: 4; 1; 2; 1; 3; 2])) = [:: 4; 1; 2; 1; 3; 2].

End Tests.