Library Combi.LRrule.plactic: The plactic monoid

The plactic monoid

  • plact1 == rewriting rule acb -> cab if a <= b < c
  • plact1i == rewriting rule cab -> acb if a <= b < c
  • plact2 == rewriting rule bac -> bca if a < b <= c
  • plact2i == rewriting rule bca -> bac if a < b <= c
  • plactrule == the union of the four preceding rewriting rules
  • plactcongr == the plactic congruence
  • a =Pl b == a and b are plactic equivalent
Reverse and dual alphabet:
  • revdual s == rev s : seq Dual considered on the dual alphabet
  • from_revdual ds == rev ds where ds : seq Dual
The two main result in this section are plact_dualE and plact_from_dualE which assert that plactic equivalence is conserved by revdual and from_revdual.
Plactic equivalence and Robinson-Schensted:
Main results:
  • Theorem congr_RS w : w =Pl (to_word (RS w)).
  • Corollary Sch_plact u v : RS u == RS v -> u =Pl v.
Restriction to interval:
Thanks to bisimulation we show (Theorem rembig_RS) that the last big letter goes on the border of the tableau by Robinson-Schensted. As a consequence filtering large or small letters preserve plactic congruence. These are Lemmas plactic_filter_geqX, plactic_filter_gtnX, plactic_filter_leqX and plactic_filter_ltnX
Plactic congruence and increasing maps:
We finally shows that plactic congruence is preserved by increasing maps: Lemma plact_map_in_incr.

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import perm.
Require Import tools partition ordtype tableau stdtab Schensted congr.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Scope bool.

Import Order.Theory.

Definition of the Plactic monoid

Section Defs.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.

Implicit Type a b c : Alph.
Implicit Type u v w : word.

Definition plact1 :=
  fun s => match s return seq word with
             | [:: a; c; b] => if (a <= b < c)%O then [:: [:: c; a; b]] else [::]
             | _ => [::]

Definition plact1i :=
  fun s => match s return seq word with
             | [:: c; a; b] => if (a <= b < c)%O then [:: [:: a; c; b]] else [::]
             | _ => [::]

Definition plact2 :=
  fun s => match s return seq word with
             | [:: b; a; c] => if (a < b <= c)%O then [:: [:: b; c; a]] else [::]
             | _ => [::]

Definition plact2i :=
  fun s => match s return seq word with
             | [:: b; c; a] => if (a < b <= c)%O then [:: [:: b; a; c]] else [::]
             | _ => [::]

Lemma plact1P u v :
  reflect (exists a b c,
             [/\ (a <= b < c)%O, u = [:: a; c; b] & v = [:: c; a; b] ] )
          (v \in plact1 u).

Lemma plact1iP u v :
  reflect (exists a b c,
             [/\ (a <= b < c)%O, v = [:: a; c; b] & u = [:: c; a; b] ] )
          (v \in plact1i u).

Lemma plact2P u v :
  reflect (exists a b c,
             [/\ (a < b <= c)%O, u = [:: b; a; c] & v = [:: b; c; a] ] )
          (v \in plact2 u).

Lemma plact2iP u v :
  reflect (exists a b c,
             [/\ (a < b <= c)%O, v = [:: b; a; c] & u = [:: b; c; a] ] )
          (v \in plact2i u).

Lemma plact1I u v : u \in plact1 v <-> v \in plact1i u.

Lemma plact2I u v : u \in plact2 v <-> v \in plact2i u.

Definition plactrule := [fun s => plact1 s ++ plact1i s ++ plact2 s ++ plact2i s].

Lemma plactruleP u v :
  reflect ([\/ v \in plact1 u, v \in plact1i u, v \in plact2 u | v \in plact2i u ])
          (v \in plactrule u).

Lemma plactrule_sym u v : v \in (plactrule u) -> u \in (plactrule v).

Lemma plact1_homog : forall u : word, all (perm_eq u) (plact1 u).

Lemma plact1i_homog : forall u : word, all (perm_eq u) (plact1i u).

Lemma plact2_homog : forall u : word, all (perm_eq u) (plact2 u).

Lemma plact2i_homog : forall u : word, all (perm_eq u) (plact2i u).

Lemma plactrule_homog : forall u : word, all (perm_eq u) (plactrule u).

Definition plactcongr := gencongr_multhom plactrule_homog.

Lemma plact_equiv : equivalence_rel plactcongr.

Lemma plact_refl : reflexive plactcongr.

Lemma plact_sym : symmetric plactcongr.

Lemma plact_ltrans : left_transitive plactcongr.

Lemma plact_trans : transitive plactcongr.

Lemma plact_is_congr : congruence_rel plactcongr.

Definition plact_cons := congr_cons plact_is_congr.
Definition plact_rcons := congr_rcons plact_is_congr.
Definition plact_catl := congr_catl plact_is_congr.
Definition plact_catr := congr_catr plact_is_congr.
Definition plact_cat := congr_cat plact_is_congr plact_equiv.

Lemma plact_homog u v : plactcongr u v -> perm_eq u v.

Lemma size_plact u v : plactcongr u v -> size u = size v.

End Defs.

Notation "a =Pl b" := (plactcongr a b) (at level 70).
#[export] Hint Resolve plact_refl : core.

Section RowsAndCols.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.
Implicit Type u v w : word.

Lemma plact_row u v : is_row u -> u =Pl v -> u = v.

Lemma sorted_center u v w :
  sorted >%O (u ++ v ++ w) -> sorted >%O v.

Lemma plact_col u v : sorted >%O u -> u =Pl v -> u = v.

End RowsAndCols.

Plactic equivalence and reversal

Section Rev.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.
Implicit Type u v w : word.

Lemma plact_uniq_rev u v : uniq u -> u =Pl v -> rev u =Pl rev v.

Lemma plact_uniq_revE u v : uniq u -> (u =Pl v) = (rev u =Pl rev v).

End Rev.

Plactic equivalence and order duality

Section DualRule.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.
Implicit Type u v w : word.

Definition revdual := [fun s : seq Alph => rev s : seq Alph^d].
Definition from_revdual := [fun s : seq Alph^d => (rev s) : seq Alph].

Lemma revdualK : cancel revdual from_revdual.

Lemma from_revdualK : cancel from_revdual revdual.

Lemma size_revdual u : size u = size (revdual u).

Lemma plact2dual u v :
  u \in plact2 v = (revdual u \in @plact1 _ Alph^d (revdual v)).

Lemma plact1dual u v :
  u \in plact1 v = (revdual u \in @plact2 _ Alph^d (revdual v)).

Lemma plact1idual u v : u \in plact1i v = (revdual u \in plact2i (revdual v)).

Lemma plact2idual u v : u \in plact2i v = (revdual u \in plact1i (revdual v)).

End DualRule.

Arguments revdual {disp Alph}.
Arguments from_revdual {disp Alph}.

Section PlactDual.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.
Implicit Type u v w : word.

Theorem plact_revdual u v : u =Pl v -> revdual u =Pl revdual v.

Theorem plact_from_revdual (u v : seq Alph^d) :
  u =Pl v -> from_revdual u =Pl from_revdual v.

Theorem plact_dualE u v : u =Pl v <-> revdual u =Pl revdual v.

Theorem plact_from_dualE (u v : seq Alph^d) :
  u =Pl v <-> from_revdual u =Pl from_revdual v.

End PlactDual.

Plactic monoid and Robinson-Schensted map

Section RSToPlactic.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.

Implicit Type a b c : Alph.
Implicit Type u v w r : word.

Lemma rcons_rcons w a b : rcons (rcons w a) b = w ++ [:: a; b].

Lemma congr_row_1 r b l :
  is_row (rcons r l) -> (l < b)%O -> rcons (rcons r b) l =Pl b :: rcons r l.

Lemma congr_row_2 a r l :
  is_row (a :: r) -> (l < a)%O -> a :: rcons r l =Pl a :: l :: r.

Lemma set_nth_LxR L c R l pos :
  (size L) = pos -> set_nth l (L ++ c :: R) pos l = L ++ l :: R.

Lemma congr_bump r l :
  r != [::] -> is_row r -> bump r l -> r ++ [:: l] =Pl [:: bumped r l] ++ ins r l.

Theorem congr_RS w : w =Pl (to_word (RS w)).

Corollary Sch_plact u v : RS u == RS v -> u =Pl v .

End RSToPlactic.

Removing the last big letter and plactic congruence

Section RemoveBig.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.

Implicit Type a b c : Alph.
Implicit Type u v w r : word.

Lemma rembig_plact1 u v : u \in (plact1 v) -> rembig u = rembig v.

Lemma rembig_plact1i u v : u \in (plact1i v) -> rembig u = rembig v.

Lemma rembig_plact2 u v : u \in (plact2 v) -> rembig u = rembig v.

Lemma rembig_plact2i u v : u \in (plact2i v) -> rembig u = rembig v.

Lemma rembig_plact u v : u \in (plactrule _ v) -> rembig u = rembig v.

Theorem rembig_plactcongr u v : u =Pl v -> (rembig u) =Pl (rembig v).

Lemma inspos_rcons l r b : (l < b)%O -> inspos r l = inspos (rcons r b) l.

Lemma bump_bumprow_rconsE l r b :
  is_row (rcons r b) -> (l < b)%O -> bump r l ->
  let: (lres, rres) := bumprow r l in
  bumprow (rcons r b) l = (lres, rcons rres b).

Lemma nbump_bumprow_rconsE l r b :
  is_row (rcons r b) -> (l < b)%O -> ~~bump r l ->
  let: (lres, rres) := bumprow r l in bumprow (rcons r b) l = (Some b, rres).

Lemma allLeq_is_row_rcons w b :
  allLeq w b -> forall row, row \in RS w -> is_row (rcons row b).

Lemma last_ins_lt r l b : (l < b -> last b r < b -> last b (ins r l) < b)%O.

Lemma bumped_lt r b l : is_row r -> (l < b -> last b r < b -> bumped r l < b)%O.

Lemma bisimul_instab t l b lb :
  is_tableau t -> (l < b)%O ->
  (forall row, row \in t -> is_row (rcons row b)) ->
  (forall j : nat, j < lb -> (last b (nth [::] t j) < b)%O) ->
  let tres := (append_nth t b lb) in
  instab tres l = append_nth (instab t l) b (last_big (instab tres l) b).

Theorem rembig_RS_last_big a v :
  RS (a :: v) = append_nth (RS (rembig (a :: v)))
                           (maxL a v)
                           (last_big (RS (a :: v)) (maxL a v)).

Theorem rembig_RS a v :
  {i | RS (a :: v) = append_nth (RS (rembig (a :: v))) (maxL a v) i}.

End RemoveBig.

Section RestrIntervSmall.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.

Implicit Type a b c : Alph.
Implicit Type u v w r : word.

Lemma plact1_ge L u v1 w v2 :
   v2 \in plact1 v1 ->
   [seq x <- u ++ v1 ++ w | (L >= x)%O] =Pl [seq x <- u ++ v2 ++ w | (L >= x)%O].

Lemma plact2_ge L u v1 w v2 :
   v2 \in plact2 v1 ->
   [seq x <- u ++ v1 ++ w | (L >= x)%O] =Pl [seq x <- u ++ v2 ++ w | (L >= x)%O].

Lemma plactic_filter_ge L u v :
  u =Pl v -> [seq x <- u | (L >= x)%O] =Pl [seq x <- v | (L >= x)%O].

Lemma plactic_filter_gt L u v :
  u =Pl v -> [seq x <- u | (L > x)%O] =Pl [seq x <- v | (L > x)%O].

End RestrIntervSmall.

Section RestrIntervBig.

Variables (disp : unit) (Alph : inhOrderType disp).
Let word := seq Alph.

Implicit Type a b c : Alph.
Implicit Type u v w r : word.

Variable L : Alph.
Notation leL := (@Order.le _ Alph L).
Notation geL := ( _ Alph^d L).
Notation ltL := ( _ Alph L).
Notation gtL := ( _ Alph^d L).

Lemma leL_geLdualE u :
  filter leL u = from_revdual (filter geL (revdual u)).

Lemma ltL_gtLdualE u :
  filter ltL u = from_revdual (filter gtL (revdual u)).

Lemma plactic_filter_le u v : u =Pl v -> filter leL u =Pl filter leL v.

Lemma plactic_filter_lt u v : u =Pl v -> filter ltL u =Pl filter ltL v.

End RestrIntervBig.

Plactic congruence and increasing maps

Section IncrMap.

Variables (disp1 disp2 : unit)
          (T1 : inhOrderType disp1)
          (T2 : inhOrderType disp2).
Variable F : T1 -> T2.
Variable u v : seq T1.

Hypothesis Hincr : {in u &, {homo F : x y / (x < y)%O}}.

Lemma subset_abc l a b c r :
  {subset l ++ [:: a; b; c] ++ r <= u} -> [/\ a \in u, b \in u & c \in u].

Lemma plact_map_in_incr : u =Pl v -> (map F u) =Pl (map F v).

End IncrMap.