Module mathcomp.analysis.convex
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum finmap.From mathcomp Require Import matrix interval zmodp vector fieldext falgebra.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets set_interval.
From mathcomp Require Import functions cardinality ereal reals signed.
From mathcomp Require Import topology prodnormedzmodule normedtype derive.
From mathcomp Require Import realfun itv.
From HB Require Import structures.
# Convexity
This file provides a small account of convexity using convex spaces, to be
completed with material from infotheo.
isConvexSpace R T == interface for convex spaces
ConvexSpace R == structure of convex space
a <| t |> b == convexity operator
E : lmodType R with R : realDomainType and R : realDomainType are shown to
be convex spaces with the following aliases:
convex_lmodType E == E : lmodType T as a convex spaces
convex_realDomainType R == R : realDomainType as a convex space
Reserved Notation "x <| p |> y" (format "x <| p |> y", at level 49).
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldTopology.Exports.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.
Declare Scope convex_scope.
Local Open Scope convex_scope.
HB.mixin Record isConvexSpace (R : realDomainType) T := {
conv : {i01 R} -> T -> T -> T ;
conv0 : forall a b, conv 0%:i01 a b = a ;
convmm : forall (p : {i01 R}) a, conv p a a = a ;
convC : forall (p : {i01 R}) a b, conv p a b = conv (1 - p%:inum)%:i01 b a;
convA : forall (p q r : {i01 R}) (a b c : T),
p%:inum * (`1-(q%:inum)) = (`1-(p%:inum * q%:inum)) * r%:inum ->
conv p a (conv q b c) = conv (p%:inum * q%:inum)%:i01 (conv r a b) c
HB.structure Definition ConvexSpace (R : realDomainType) :=
{T of isConvexSpace R T & Choice T}.
Notation "a <| p |> b" := (conv p a b) : convex_scope.
Section convex_space_lemmas.
Context R (A : convType R).
Implicit Types a b : A.
Lemma conv1 a b : a <| 1%:i01 |> b = b.
End convex_space_lemmas.
Local Open Scope convex_scope.
Definition convex_lmodType {R : realDomainType} (E : lmodType R) : Type := E.
Section lmodType_convex_space.
Context {R : realDomainType} {E' : lmodType R}.
Implicit Type p q r : {i01 R}.
Let E := convex_lmodType E'.
Let avg p (a b : E) := `1-(p%:inum) *: a + p%:inum *: b.
Let avg0 a b : avg 0%:i01 a b = a.
Let avgI p x : avg p x x = x.
Let avgC p x y : avg p x y = avg (1 - (p%:inum))%:i01 y x.
Let avgA p q r (a b c : E) :
p%:inum * (`1-(q%:inum)) = (`1-(p%:inum * q%:inum)) * r%:inum ->
avg p a (avg q b c) = avg (p%:inum * q%:inum)%:i01 (avg r a b) c.
HB.instance Definition _ := Choice.on E.
HB.instance Definition _ :=
isConvexSpace.Build R E avg0 avgI avgC avgA.
End lmodType_convex_space.
Definition convex_realDomainType (R : realDomainType) : Type := R^o.
Section realDomainType_convex_space.
Context {R : realDomainType}.
Implicit Types p q : {i01 R}.
Let E := @convex_realDomainType R.
Let avg p (a b : convex_lmodType R^o) := a <| p |> b.
Let avg0 a b : avg 0%:i01 a b = a.
Let avgI p x : avg p x x = x.
Let avgC p x y : avg p x y = avg (1 - (p%:inum))%:i01 y x.
Let avgA p q r (a b c : R) :
p%:inum * (`1-(q%:inum)) = (`1-(p%:inum * q%:inum)) * r%:inum ->
avg p a (avg q b c) = avg (p%:inum * q%:inum)%:i01 (avg r a b) c.
HB.instance Definition _ := @isConvexSpace.Build R R^o
_ avg0 avgI avgC avgA.
End realDomainType_convex_space.
Section conv_realDomainType.
Context {R : realDomainType}.
Lemma conv_gt0 (a b : R^o) (t : {i01 R}) : 0 < a -> 0 < b -> 0 < a <| t |> b.
Lemma convRE (a b : R^o) (t : {i01 R}) : a <| t |> b = `1-(t%:inum) * a + t%:inum * b.
by []. Qed.
End conv_realDomainType.
Definition convex_function (R : realType) (D : set R) (f : R -> R^o) :=
forall (t : {i01 R}), {in D &, forall (x y : R^o), (f (x <| t |> y) <= f x <| t |> f y)%R}.
Section twice_derivable_convex.
Context {R : realType}.
Variables (f : R -> R^o) (a b : R^o).
Let Df := 'D_1 f.
Let DDf := 'D_1 Df.
Hypothesis DDf_ge0 : forall x, a < x < b -> 0 <= DDf x.
Hypothesis cvg_left : (f @ b^'-) --> f b.
Hypothesis cvg_right : (f @ a^'+) --> f a.
Let L x := f a + factor a b x * (f b - f a).
Let LE x : a < b -> L x = factor b a x * f a + factor a b x * f b.
Let convexf_ptP : a < b -> (forall x, a <= x <= b -> 0 <= L x - f x) ->
forall t, f (a <| t |> b) <= f a <| t |> f b.
Hypothesis HDf : {in `]a, b[, forall x, derivable f x 1}.
Hypothesis HDDf : {in `]a, b[, forall x, derivable Df x 1}.
Let cDf : {within `]a, b[, continuous Df}.
Lemma second_derivative_convex (t : {i01 R}) : a <= b ->
f (a <| t |> b) <= f a <| t |> f b.
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|/[dup] ab]; first by rewrite !convmm.
move/convexf_ptP; apply => x /andP[].
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|ax].
by rewrite /L factorl mul0r addr0 subrr.
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->|xb].
by rewrite /L factorr ?lt_eqF// mul1r addrAC addrA subrK subrr.
have [c2 Ic2 Hc2] : exists2 c2, x < c2 < b & (f b - f x) / (b - x) = 'D_1 f c2.
have xbf : {in `]x, b[, forall z, derivable f z 1} :=
in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (ltW ax) (lexx b)) HDf.
have derivef z : z \in `]x, b[ -> is_derive z 1 f ('D_1 f z).
by move=> zxb; apply/derivableP/xbf; exact: zxb.
have [|z zxb fbfx] := MVT xb derivef.
apply/(derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 xbf _ cvg_left))/cvg_at_right_filter.
have := derivable_within_continuous HDf.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= ax.
by exists z => //; rewrite fbfx -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have [c1 Ic1 Hc1] : exists2 c1, a < c1 < x & (f x - f a) / (x - a) = 'D_1 f c1.
have axf : {in `]a, x[, forall z, derivable f z 1} :=
in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (lexx a) (ltW xb)) HDf.
have derivef z : z \in `]a, x[ -> is_derive z 1 f ('D_1 f z).
by move=> zax; apply /derivableP/axf.
have [|z zax fxfa] := MVT ax derivef.
apply/(derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 axf cvg_right _))/cvg_at_left_filter.
have := derivable_within_continuous HDf.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= ax.
by exists z => //; rewrite fxfa -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have c1c2 : c1 < c2.
by move: Ic2 Ic1 => /andP[+ _] => /[swap] /andP[_] /lt_trans; apply.
have [d Id h] :
exists2 d, c1 < d < c2 & ('D_1 f c2 - 'D_1 f c1) / (c2 - c1) = DDf d.
have h : {in `]c1, c2[, forall z, derivable Df z 1}.
apply: (in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (ltW (andP Ic1).1) (lexx _))).
apply: (in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (lexx _) (ltW (andP Ic2).2))).
exact: HDDf.
have derivef z : z \in `]c1, c2[ -> is_derive z 1 Df ('D_1 Df z).
by move=> zc1c2; apply/derivableP/h.
have [|z zc1c2 {}h] := MVT c1c2 derivef.
apply: (derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 h _ _)).
+ apply: cvg_at_right_filter.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= (andP Ic1).1 (lt_trans _ (andP Ic2).2).
+ apply: cvg_at_left_filter.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= (andP Ic2).2 (lt_trans (andP Ic1).1).
by exists z => //; rewrite h -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have LfE : L x - f x =
((x - a) * (b - x)) / (b - a) * ((f b - f x) / (b - x)) -
((b - x) * factor a b x) * ((f x - f a) / (x - a)).
rewrite !mulrA -(mulrC (b - x)) -(mulrC (b - x)^-1) !mulrA.
rewrite mulVf ?mul1r ?subr_eq0 ?gt_eqF//.
rewrite -(mulrC (x - a)) -(mulrC (x - a)^-1) !mulrA.
rewrite mulVf ?mul1r ?subr_eq0 ?gt_eqF//.
rewrite -/(factor a b x).
rewrite -(opprB a b) -(opprB x b) invrN mulrNN -/(factor b a x).
rewrite -(@onem_factor _ a) ?lt_eqF//.
rewrite /onem mulrBl mul1r opprB addrA -mulrDr addrA subrK.
by rewrite /L -addrA addrC opprB -addrA (addrC (f a)).
have {Hc1 Hc2} -> : L x - f x = (b - x) * (x - a) * (c2 - c1) / (b - a) *
(('D_1 f c2 - 'D_1 f c1) / (c2 - c1)).
rewrite LfE Hc2 Hc1.
rewrite -(mulrC (b - x)) mulrA -mulrBr.
rewrite (mulrC ('D_1 f c2 - _)) ![in RHS]mulrA; congr *%R.
rewrite -2!mulrA; congr *%R.
by rewrite mulrCA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
rewrite {}h mulr_ge0//; last first.
rewrite DDf_ge0//; apply/andP; split.
by rewrite (lt_trans (andP Ic1).1)//; case/andP : Id.
by rewrite (lt_trans (andP Id).2)//; case/andP : Ic2.
rewrite mulr_ge0// ?invr_ge0 ?subr_ge0 ?(ltW ab)//.
rewrite mulr_ge0// ?subr_ge0 ?(ltW c1c2)//.
by rewrite mulr_ge0// subr_ge0 ltW.
move/convexf_ptP; apply => x /andP[].
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|ax].
by rewrite /L factorl mul0r addr0 subrr.
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->|xb].
by rewrite /L factorr ?lt_eqF// mul1r addrAC addrA subrK subrr.
have [c2 Ic2 Hc2] : exists2 c2, x < c2 < b & (f b - f x) / (b - x) = 'D_1 f c2.
have xbf : {in `]x, b[, forall z, derivable f z 1} :=
in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (ltW ax) (lexx b)) HDf.
have derivef z : z \in `]x, b[ -> is_derive z 1 f ('D_1 f z).
by move=> zxb; apply/derivableP/xbf; exact: zxb.
have [|z zxb fbfx] := MVT xb derivef.
apply/(derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 xbf _ cvg_left))/cvg_at_right_filter.
have := derivable_within_continuous HDf.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= ax.
by exists z => //; rewrite fbfx -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have [c1 Ic1 Hc1] : exists2 c1, a < c1 < x & (f x - f a) / (x - a) = 'D_1 f c1.
have axf : {in `]a, x[, forall z, derivable f z 1} :=
in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (lexx a) (ltW xb)) HDf.
have derivef z : z \in `]a, x[ -> is_derive z 1 f ('D_1 f z).
by move=> zax; apply /derivableP/axf.
have [|z zax fxfa] := MVT ax derivef.
apply/(derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 axf cvg_right _))/cvg_at_left_filter.
have := derivable_within_continuous HDf.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= ax.
by exists z => //; rewrite fxfa -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have c1c2 : c1 < c2.
by move: Ic2 Ic1 => /andP[+ _] => /[swap] /andP[_] /lt_trans; apply.
have [d Id h] :
exists2 d, c1 < d < c2 & ('D_1 f c2 - 'D_1 f c1) / (c2 - c1) = DDf d.
have h : {in `]c1, c2[, forall z, derivable Df z 1}.
apply: (in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (ltW (andP Ic1).1) (lexx _))).
apply: (in1_subset_itv (subset_itvW _ _ (lexx _) (ltW (andP Ic2).2))).
exact: HDDf.
have derivef z : z \in `]c1, c2[ -> is_derive z 1 Df ('D_1 Df z).
by move=> zc1c2; apply/derivableP/h.
have [|z zc1c2 {}h] := MVT c1c2 derivef.
apply: (derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 h _ _)).
+ apply: cvg_at_right_filter.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= (andP Ic1).1 (lt_trans _ (andP Ic2).2).
+ apply: cvg_at_left_filter.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= (andP Ic2).2 (lt_trans (andP Ic1).1).
by exists z => //; rewrite h -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have LfE : L x - f x =
((x - a) * (b - x)) / (b - a) * ((f b - f x) / (b - x)) -
((b - x) * factor a b x) * ((f x - f a) / (x - a)).
rewrite !mulrA -(mulrC (b - x)) -(mulrC (b - x)^-1) !mulrA.
rewrite mulVf ?mul1r ?subr_eq0 ?gt_eqF//.
rewrite -(mulrC (x - a)) -(mulrC (x - a)^-1) !mulrA.
rewrite mulVf ?mul1r ?subr_eq0 ?gt_eqF//.
rewrite -/(factor a b x).
rewrite -(opprB a b) -(opprB x b) invrN mulrNN -/(factor b a x).
rewrite -(@onem_factor _ a) ?lt_eqF//.
rewrite /onem mulrBl mul1r opprB addrA -mulrDr addrA subrK.
by rewrite /L -addrA addrC opprB -addrA (addrC (f a)).
have {Hc1 Hc2} -> : L x - f x = (b - x) * (x - a) * (c2 - c1) / (b - a) *
(('D_1 f c2 - 'D_1 f c1) / (c2 - c1)).
rewrite LfE Hc2 Hc1.
rewrite -(mulrC (b - x)) mulrA -mulrBr.
rewrite (mulrC ('D_1 f c2 - _)) ![in RHS]mulrA; congr *%R.
rewrite -2!mulrA; congr *%R.
by rewrite mulrCA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
rewrite {}h mulr_ge0//; last first.
rewrite DDf_ge0//; apply/andP; split.
by rewrite (lt_trans (andP Ic1).1)//; case/andP : Id.
by rewrite (lt_trans (andP Id).2)//; case/andP : Ic2.
rewrite mulr_ge0// ?invr_ge0 ?subr_ge0 ?(ltW ab)//.
rewrite mulr_ge0// ?subr_ge0 ?(ltW c1c2)//.
by rewrite mulr_ge0// subr_ge0 ltW.
End twice_derivable_convex.