Library Combi.Combi.bintree: Binary Trees
- Binary Trees
- Inductive type for binary trees
- Tamari's lattice
- Correspondence between rotation on binary trees and Tamari vectors
Library Combi.Combi.composition: Integer Composition
Library Combi.Combi.Dyckword: Dyck Words
- Dyck Words
- Braces and Dyck words
- Standard factorization of Dyck words
- Dyck and balanced words
- Catalan numbers
Library Combi.Combi.fibered_set: Bijection beetween fibered sets
Library Combi.Combi.partition: Integer Partitions
- Shapes and Integer Partitions
- Shapes
- Integer Partitions
- Inclusion of Partitions and Skew Partitions
- Sigma Types for Partitions
- Counting functions
- A finite type finType for coordinate of boxes inside a shape
- The union of two integer partitions
- Young lattice on partition
- Dominance order on partition
- Shape of set partitions and integer partitions
Library Combi.Combi.permuted: Listing the Permutations of a tuple or seq
Library Combi.Combi.multinomial: Multinomial Coefficients
Library Combi.Combi.setpartition: Set Partitions
Library Combi.Combi.skewpart: Skew Partitions
Library Combi.Combi.skewtab: Skew Tableaux
Library Combi.Combi.std: Standard Words, i.e. Permutation as Words
- Standard words
- Standard words and permutations
- Standard words as a finType
- Standardisation of a word over a totally ordered alphabet
- Inverse of a standard word
- inverse of the standardized of w
Library Combi.Combi.stdtab: Standard Tableaux
- Standard Tableaux
- Bijection standard tableau <-> Yamanouchi words
- Sigma type for standard tableaux
- Conjugate of a standard tableau
Library Combi.Combi.subseq: Subsequence of a sequence as a fintype
- Subsequence of a sequence as a fintype
- Subsequence of a sequence as a fintype
- Relating sub sequences of iota and being sorted
Library Combi.Combi.tableau: Young Tableaux
Library Combi.Combi.vectNK: Integer Vector of Given Sums and Sizes
Library Combi.Combi.Yamanouchi: Yamanouchi Words
- Yamanouchi words.
- Evaluation of a sequence of integer (mostly Yamanouchi word)
- Yamanouchi words:
- Enumeration of Yamanouchi words
- Sigma types for Yamanouchi words
Library Combi.Erdos_Szekeres.Erdos_Szekeres: The Erdös-Szekeres theorem
Library Combi.LRrule.extract: Extracting the implementation to OCaml
Library Combi.LRrule.freeSchur: Free Schur functions
- Free Schur functions
- Commutative image of an homogeneous langage
- Free Schur function : lifting Schur function is the free algebra
- The free Littlewood-Richardson rule
Library Combi.LRrule.Greene: Greene monotone subsequence numbers
Library Combi.LRrule.Greene_inv: Greene subsequence theorem
- Greene subsequence theorem
- Swaping two letters in a word and its k-supports
- Greene numbers are invariant by each plactic rules
- Main theorem
Library Combi.LRrule.implem: A Coq implementation of the Littlewood-Richarson rule
- A Coq implementation of the Littlewood-Richarson rule
- Recursive enumeration and counting function
- The main functions
- The specification of the enumeration function
- Back to the rule
Library Combi.LRrule.plactic: The plactic monoid
Library Combi.LRrule.Schensted: The Robinson-Schensted correspondence
- The Robinson-Schensted correspondence
- Schensted's algorithm
- Robinson-Schensted bumping
- Robinson-Schensted correspondence
- The Robinson-Schensted map with standard recording tableau
Library Combi.LRrule.shuffle: Shuffle and shifted shuffle
- Shuffle, shifted shuffle and plactic classes
- Shifted shuffle and inverse standardized
- Littlewood-Richardson-Schützenberger triple
Library Combi.LRrule.stdplact: Plactic congruences and standardization
Library Combi.LRrule.therule: The Littlewood-Richardson rule
- The Littlewood-Richardson rule
- Gluing a standard tableaux with a skew tableau
- Littlewood-Richardson Yamanouchi tableaux
- The statement of the Littlewood-Richardson rule
- Pieri's rules
Library Combi.LRrule.Yam_plact: Plactic classes and Yamanouchi words
- Plactic classes and Yamanouchi words
- The Yamanouchi tableau
- Yamanouchi words, standardization and plactic classes
Library Combi.SSRcomplements.ordcast: Cast between ordinals
Library Combi.SSRcomplements.sorted: [path] and [sorted] complements
Library Combi.SSRcomplements.permcomp: Complement on permutations
Library Missing SSReflect sequence and set lemmas
Library Combi.HookFormula.Frobenius_ident
Library Combi.HookFormula.hook: A proof of the Hook-Lenght formula
- A proof of the Hook-Lenght formula
- Recursion for the number of Yamanouchi words and standard tableaux
- Boxes, Hooks and corners
- The probabilistic algorithm
- The proof
Library Combi.Basic.combclass: Fintypes for Combinatorics
- Fintypes for Combinatorics
- Building subtype from a sequence
- Finite subtype obtained as a finite the dijoint union of finite subtypes
Library Combi.Basic.congr: Rewriting rule and congruencies of words
- Equivalence and congruence closure of a rewriting rule on words
- Multi-homogeneous congruence rules
- Homogeneous congruence rules on a finite type
Library Combi.Basic.ordtype: Ordered Types
- Ordered type
- Induction on partially ordered types
- Covering relation
- Inhabited types
- sequences over an ordered types
Library Combi.Basic.unitriginv: Uni-triangular Matrices
Library Combi.SymGroup.cycles: The Cycle Decomposition of a Permutation
- The Cycle Decomposition of a Permutation
- Decomposition of a permutation by restriction to disjoint stable subsets
Library Combi.SymGroup.cycletype: The Cycle Type of a Permutation
- Cycle type and conjugacy classes in the symmetric groups
- Cycle maps
- Cycle type and conjugacy classes
- Cycle indicator
Library Combi.SymGroup.Frobenius_char: Frobenius characteristic
- Frobenius / Schur character theory for the symmetric groups.
- Definition and basic properties
- Combinatorics of characters of the symmetric groups
- Littlewood-Richardson rule for irreducible characters
Library Combi.SymGroup.permcent: The Centralizer of a Permutation
Library Combi.SymGroup.presentSn: The Coxeter Presentation of the Symmetric Group
- The Coxeter Presentation of the Symmetric Group
- Codes for permutations
- Elementary transpositions
- Inversion set of a permutation
- Length of a permutation
- The canonical reduced word of a permutation
- Let's do some real combinatorics !!!
- Reduced words
- Braid monoid relations
- The presentation of the symmetric groups
Library Combi.SymGroup.reprSn: Basic representations of the Symmetric Groups
- Basic representation of the Symmetric Groups
- Representation of dimension 1 and natural representation
- Representations of the symmetric Group for n = 0 and 1
- Representations of dimension 1 the symmetric Group for n > 1
- Representations of the symmetric Group for n=2
Library Combi.SymGroup.towerSn: The Tower of the Symmetric Groups
- The Tower of the Symmetric Groups
- External product of class functions
- Injection morphism of the tower of the symmetric groups
- Restriction formula
- Induction formula
Library Combi.SymGroup.weak_order: The weak order on the Symmetric Group
Library Combi.MPoly.antisym: Antisymmetric polynomials and Vandermonde product
- Antisymmetric polynomials
- Symmetric and Antisymmetric multivariate polynomials
- Alternating polynomials
Library Combi.MPoly.Cauchy: Cauchy formula for symmetric polynomials
Library Combi.MPoly.homogsym: Homogenous Symmetric Polynomials
- The Space of Homogeneous Symmetric Polynomials
- The classical bases of homogeneous symmetric polynomials
- The scalar product
Library Combi.MPoly.sympoly: Symmetric Polynomials
- The Ring of Symmetric Polynomials
- Multiplicative bases.
- Littlewood-Richardson and Pieri rules
- Change of scalars
- Bases change formulas
- Bases change between homogeneous and elementary
- Newton formulas
- Basis change from Schur to monomial
- Basis change from complete and elementary to Schur
- Basis change from complete to power sums
- Symmetric polynomials expressed as polynomial in the elementary
- Fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials
- Change of the number of variables
Library Combi.MPoly.Schur_mpoly: Schur symmetric polynomials
Library Combi.MPoly.Schur_altdef: Alternants definition of Schur polynomials
- Definition of Schur polynomials as quotient of alternant and Kostka numbers
- Piery's rule for alternating polynomials
- Jacobi's definition of schur function
- Kostka numbers
- Restricting and extending tableaux
- Recursive computation of Kostka numbers
- Straightening of alternant polynomials
Library Combi.MPoly.MurnaghanNakayama: Murnaghan-Nakayama rule
Library ALEA.Ccpo
- Ccpo.v: Specification and properties of a cpo
Library ALEA.Misc
Library ALEA.Qmeasure: Finite probabilities
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